I JOHIsT "W. SLEIDGKEl, I'Uopuiktok. I j VOL. XXXIII. J A. TEWSFAIPEI F OJEl THE f EOPLE WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 2. 189S. TEBMS:-li.5n I'KK annum in advancf. NO. 5. 'A THINK OF IT ! There isn't it weak point nny where aliont the They are a perl'eet emimple n( Piano liuildiutE, anil tlie priees are riirht. STANDAKDOWIANS, Tl NINtl AND KKI'AIHISU. rhinos lor Weill Terms to Suit. CHAM. M. NT I KIT, 9 N- Liberty st., Kiilliinorf, Washington, Ml Kleventh st., N. W. Mil. Norfolk, Va.. -III! Main street. Cluirlottn, i:t S- Trvon st. outai ly. isiiRI'KClAMST nml nil AUTIIOK1TY on C! Allwlioure HtiliVriiiK with any HLOOI) TliOritLK, would he wUe to tull on or arid reus hy mail. Consult Itinu tree mid inedieinuH uompuuiided UiKitit each purtie uliircaan. When writing to me please en close stamp lor reply. I'iiOK JAS IIAKVKV, 4 : Chureh St (New No. je 17 ly. Norfolk. Va 1 Jacob Grows Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable quality. DAVKNTOKT MORKIS k CO., Sole agenta for (he Distiller, KiehuionJ, Va. MR. W. D. SMITH, at Weldun, N. C. U the sole uUtributiai; agent at that point, for the above old ami Celebrated Whiskey. DAVENPORT MORfUS A CO), mar at Cm. Foq SjLe Swift Creek r$Dairy and Stock Farm One hundred head ol yilt edtfehrwl reis UriMlJeraey Oowh. Heilernaml vouuif nullt 4 blended blood of the nottxl iStnke Ht. Lambert. CoinmiWMie uml other strain. Heifers $ 20.00 to IM); Hulls 15.tN to $:fO.OO- Malea kept only from my test oows. lieiuemher the bull is half the herd ao b Ufa nd breed np I 'o lain I China swioe always on hand. Write for w hat you want. T. P. BRASWELL, Je 24 ly Batllelwro. N. C. J. L JUDKINS, Wholesale and Retail Iealer la Fine Staple and r ancy mi ivw m-FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crotkary, Glims Tin, ftiul wiioilea uml wil lownare. Alw rriit'a lltirw, Cnw, M(K ami Toullry KiMiil, ami iirove'M fii Taatolex Chill Toniu Alix.unli'i - Liver and Kidury Tunio Cur ptirilymg th !'" Thil tonc H wirrantcJur nionev rofumlvil. J. L. JUDKINS, No. 81 Wasliiugton Ave, Wohlon, N. C. dM 11 It. raOFEbSlOSAL CAKDS. JAM V M. MULL II, W<KB B, D.MIIL M 0 L L I N A D A N I I L. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WlLDOH, N. C. rMrtlctlnthMOurUof RallraiandNortham n 1 4nd In the Hupreme and Federal oourta. Uol a 'tlun. madln allDarUof North Carolina. BraaobolBce at Halifax, N. C.,upeu ovarj Mon. dar Jan 7 If jyt. T. T. KOSV DENTIST Weldon, N. C. MOOof ovr Emry 4 Pitrot'tatort, PIANOS Diseases Bpflwirififl "Dem BMisklls." HUD BUSINESS AT HOME. I ik. ht I'ilics tho Snrmss of ik liuvs an J (lives His War l:.ferii'ikc. "IViii pure inyt down to IWchinoml coinpliiintir of Mn' li-mrv n'muly," Hii J I'mo .1 it- )V4tTliy, 1 y ' d.f lj-iwd would ywi up.'ii di'V eyes an' l't 'em bet; Imw intu'li dry iot nnv whar dey iii n't ywyneler have nrtrr 'while, dey Would hi h heap tnore happier. ), y )' hk my y outii inurMer, which I went nut wid him in tint l'ut iHininn' ol'tle las' wah. Ihshiid cv'ythinn :i man wanter eat ham, an' ai, an' puke, un him', an' s ,rin; chicken (yuai yum ) un' piekle, an' weitibhles, an' all dem kin' nl' tiling, un' hesny to nie, 'Jot !' I s;iy, lSur.' 1 le siy, Jh I linnjrry.' ! say, Mlueeoin yer hungry, Mare Jimmy, wlien y.m mi it 'nulTd.ir to lee I a I'atii h')?' lie say, 'I don1 wan' untie nl' dem d 1 tiling!' Murse Jet ms, w.mi he I if I dorter seTumpshus, wjs unty upt to use p'twi rl'ul inMiiriewnlin' Ian itfiieK I say, 'Mar.se Jiiumie, I kuuWH what dt' mottrr wid you yer dun' wan' no willies Yer wants Iit m'C yer iu:i at din e-nd id' de table, tin' yer pa at dat eeiid, an' yer wi.ster wetliu' lite uver dar, aif you u-setiiu' rite over IhmIi, an' d n yer wants to o down ur mammy's cabin un' uit Hume of d-m good ule uslieake, uu' ehiltlin.s, un' Hive Maters, au' put- lieker dat's ', icily what yer want.' He siV, 'Joe.' I say, 'Sur.' He siy, Mi j to de deblde,' an' he weut t'a in' uff doMu de wuod lek he waudr kill ev'ry Yankee in the Nuwuiud Staten Au' dat's what de mutter wid dem hnyn in Kiehmiiml. "Why, Toe. Jo.-, I didn't know ytu was in i he civil war." ,-Ah, yaas fir wasiu de lust battle ut Manna.ssey. Dem Yankees eoine over dar uionsa'uuH ujipity an' 'un to dem bunshelU 'round dar penui.-e 'ous, an' Mare Jimmie he tolc uie tir it to de r'ar; au' jess den dey let off dat L-iii Tom rite to'urd us, an' t pick up my foot in my hau an' cmie 'way f'um d.ir Pokes lon deroad wanter know what rumiin' so fur. I tide V:n Mart Jimmie done font me home fur a ehan sliurt, f a he Vpee' v) noed one arl'ter he done iiks hisse'f up killing dem Yau ketK. I nuvyer ktpped out well I :it hr Charl'sville, uu'," iiaid the old man look ing ftirtively ttr-mnd, us if expeutiuif to hear "dem h nutshell" uiin, "I an t dune runtiin' tod yet " L'lt.itl 'tte.sville I'r-i- NYknIi.ij (to iIisiiruuiho4 imtlinr just arrival i Klira, ir. I'ull u.vmiiii 0f vour arrival. Only iht tttr lures of ttie itte tliicvnl rack ate coiiiaial'lf toUi apt'iiHH which many womrtt r Miller thn.uh the peculiar eV tH'S-es and diMiiiu't nf tiuii li mtt- ftininine Miuthiu. Notttina It1- than imtw ;n;ible tormenf would induce sen-it n r niimtt tt woineti tq mihinit to tlfe intoli rahle iiu-ihotls tf llu; averaire doctor in dcuiitiK with e.ie:tMh of thit nature. Tliat tin re is a hctlt r way man tm s detesi tide "ex.imtt .ttii-u-'' and l t ;il .ip ilicatioiiH ts a tunh Im h mihh ti.int n i;ivf vi-t to learn, althcnitfh thon-andrt an- alreadv rejoiciuB in the ktiolilue. They have toutKi in ir. ritTie s rtionie itv sorintioti the one tnilniliii(r n-ttu-dy which heals fttniuine wtakius-.es at their very noil t c Ti niiirvt-lous " Prescriptitm ' restore absolute lit-alt h to tlie internal ornatiiHiu; Uv weaKt-nuiR oihiiih ana ut rr rated conditions, dives i luxtu- f-trenath to the Hupportmif lijratiietitu, vitality to Un nerve centers, and complete wuumnly viKor to the entire count tuition. It is the perfect tot u tier niHi n (rulator ot women at every critical pernio in tiuir development; from the time when they tncrec into womanhood until the "change of life" It t the one mtdiiine which makes motherlioinl Kate ana hi must nee from pain. A latlv Ilvimr It 7 rar Avenue inici-K" ion , Mn. Kiiiilv H-iwr. write "I. in v -t If -ntletetl limn lime ffntn icimtle w nUnt " ittnl -icimil t tie rfoiii-j into n Wllm' Took 'oo.il NllW nf your ' Knv.irilr IT. ti liuit hm! it -avtt me fnhi ft ttre.it ileal of Mill, nut; 1 now etnov r feet In-allll nml win ever iit,tie tae wotmeiiui effiency ol ymir up tlicinv ' The brt poptiliir niedic tl book in the orld is IT K V Pieue' i.iop.u:e lllu Mrattd Common Sense Mt ilu-nl Jvi-er It will be ent free, pat., i tmnnd for 51 one-cent .tamp. n hn- ' mnht: fWl O ddiess the ttoelor.it Hi. If I.. N Y , or aend 31 stamp for doth )oui-d copy ( From FACTORY to CONSUMER. ) mati SL39 ( ) tniTSthttteiurt) !UIUi Koeker a1 lie larirtt Aico j vrr mailt' ; per a down. M4.II0. Uur new in; ptttre- titti.l.piie WJ coutaiiiii u fur- a nu me. niaiK-- V rittt. Crttekeiy. dk Iluliv i Hirliiirts, WS IteliiKCIiuoii (A him tts. tnn. v- rori, lltnlillnn, Pto., ymim for Uu- A Hkltltf. HpXH'lHl ll)1letmut Jut '- (A t AKI-KT ('A I A1."(.I K in lltlo- A ffrapiied colors Is alio nialltHt f'Pf. wy ul tv Mii ireo, w rue 10 um. Write for It. Jf you wiitli wunples. J send Be. Ktamp, Matitnic mimi-les nlsn A inallml f.ro. All rir.K a . A IV r ii... .,.ih u.,.1 Iv. lul.t w 0 paldoa urcUwaaua,rr. $7.45 (A ttuys mado-to -your-meas-Ir uro All-Wool Cheviot tult, 0) eipn-ssagp prepaid to your (A Itifrue and samples. Addn4 II T (uiactir as below), ) JULIUS HJNlSa & SON ! DtDt. BOB. BalllHORE, MD. m (9 Civil War Extras. THERE WERE FEW FAKE BULLETINS IU iluNi'ivs nf Ho ririnu on I ort Sum Kr Was Spread in a l iwly Western lwn I he Mjslcriiius Horseman Whu Carrie! The TiJinKs. "I ri'ini'inlu'r tin' inW4 ol" tin h 'in ninol'iht' civil war ax ii name to our town" aail a man who not yot a vt'ti'ran. "I wan ahout HI yi'irs uM I w.is ri'tutnin Iioiik1 in tin- iittcrnoon. I tow coining toward inc a lmri' riildcn, ti I ivi'ill it, in ully hy a man, As they I'liiiic tii'iti'iT I heard the man ohontitiu, The horse was blowing like a loriiinitive, I iMtieed that the man rode bareliaek. Kvcry limn he yelled he pinned liis heels into t ho sides ul'tlio liorwe. I do not remember the exult words of the rider, but they were about 'war beinnim:.' A he rde, people in the direct who s'tw liiui Mopped listened, and asked one number about it, many widows aluij tlr; way were hoiked and as E proceeded homeward the women who knew ill' called from the lookouto anked uk; what 'that inaii' hitid ab.iut the war. "When I reached home I found my niuthei's pirltir a sai'ij.- utVint'u'-i'.in. The neighbors bad ualled in to toil her what they knew and ask what she knew about the war. The oe-tr ins ab mt our house were Trulii cried. One o(" them took refuse in the cellar and came utit only after she had been threatened. Her fear was the 'ubuli.-hiuers.' The word 'Yankee' as an approbi un epithet bud uot ut that time cumc into use. "There were tw.) newspaper in the town iin J each one ' it out what wa.s nut mudi li lit! the cxras nf thU ueneralion. The news ol the tiring u Sumtei con MiMed of less than -HO words, was printed on a small slip of white newspaper und was set in the m tine wi'ilh us the columns of the papers winch istn d them. There Was un udverii-einent or other uews the nlipH J hte extras sulu lor J.) eeiils u piece, From that lime unlil the e!o? ol the war that Was (he Hurt of 'cxtri tint was lut'tl bv the paper4 in llu- town where I lied. l'A tiitiir time afterward 1 heard talk about th'' m m who rode the bore and wliii spread the m ws. He wns the nti of (he town miller. 1 never heard wbcie be it bis information, but ah soon us he henrd it lie mounted the horse that had been bitehel to the rack in front ol the mill and carried the newt of bis own aeoord. Thcio were four boys in that miller's fumi'y. They nilisttd early ft r the Coolt derate cause. Not one of them returned. The one who spread the news wa.s killed somewhere in liio 1 Vi!(3t!rui"s; at least, he was ku iwu to ) into one i f the eujajiementH of that eeries of atubhoin Ghts and never came out. 1 1 in body wan never identified. "I teeull that at the time of the fire on Sumter, many of our people were slill 'on the fence, an we Maid. The Linei In electors bad received few votes in the town. It wan a Breckinridge section. I remember that the tendency was in favor of (be 1 rest rvalion ol ilie I'uioD, but (be people Were afraid of Lincoln. At (hat time they believed lie bad been elected for no oilur puipi.se tl ati that ol'tfret in: the uicis aud stealing the horses.' And loithupptned that mo. rocs und liois were locked tip ufien at niht, i.ii;etbir. out in the same room, ol coue, but ut'u n in mlj linini; rooms in (he outhouses, I haveulteii thoiiut that, if the pvoplc bad und. rloi tl l.incolu in the beiiidtiinij if t'iti war as they came lo kuow lim later, man) u nati wiio went wih Un n.uth would li tc loti-l.t Lm the ( iii n. And it atu e ritci in ihai would the war luxe untied as tt'liii u II did? I n mi 111 bt r a In lini; at the ltoti-e of in) tut lor t lie evening iu wbieh (U military g- nius of (Jen. 8cott was div cussed. St.uie linini had betti with Scoit in Meiico. It wum the const nu of (hat g.illu iinr, und (his was ! fon th-' Hull Him I'ilII, I but Naptilcon niin titht und U it fx Id cv.it Mcmid. b .i an impusMuii (bit tiii.de 1 n it.y mind. I retiieiiiher hearing one tf I lit Se It euiliioi,i's dial Si-mO wmild md 1 In war in one fight. "I nl. all itevt r b rjet the news of ibe first Hull liuti 'ti-ht My p.. pie l.,n! arranged to lcae ibe town on a h r va:a;i.u. li-t il.i- k4i Lep. ii..Ul u borne. The second day's news gave tin in piKuuhiis, It told of (he routing ol the I'l.ton Army. And ih 0 1 saw twmetl. ng iu human nature wlu.-h I bad never Men b fore id which I knew uolbtii:', 1 Haw the fence cleared, (o t ike up ihe old metaphor. And every man and family cmne iff (o J in the Souibctu cause. read that Scoti wts ealhd a grannyvjind very oi.u uftr his name was forgotten. The tint Hu'l ltnu made rccruiitifor tlie outh, Scvti.il regimcuts enlisted in my town and county. Success of the Sou lb in (he tiist eiigiLemeut of any const tpiciice eurritd with it ibe doubters. And iu nearly eviry intunee of this life which I have i bstrved, have found that, uk stH.n as success is established, ll n' 1 o ? k lln ir heads became fulluwers, and yet you and I have known tome success toiuiu out f ii ures, paradoxical as that may aouud," The Dewey Baltic. SPANISH STORY OF MANILA ruling Wiihia I he lily ; lK-wcy Ap jiiiahJ. When the enemy's Ptpiadroti wua htcd, in p.-tfeel line of ballle, tliroiliib the clouds of the mity dawn on the moruin of May 1st, gloom and Mirprise were general among the people of Manila, At hist these ships had ut rained their boldiiens to the point of appearing on our uonst and defying our butteries, which showed tinre eouragn and valor than effect when they opened lire on tbesijuad ron. It needs something more than courage to make projectiles penetrate iu deed, it does. The inequality of our batteries compared villi the American sipiadron, which alarmed the inhabitants of Manila, at 5 o'clock in the morning, was enough to transform the tramniil character of our tropical temperament, While ladiesnod ebildrcD in carriages or on foot fled in fright to neck refuge in the outlying nuburbs and adjacent villages around the capital from the dangers multiplied by their imagina tions, every man, Jrom the must stately personage to the most bnmblc workman merchants, mechanics, Spaniards, na tives, soldiers, civilians all we repeat, s Might their st iti on aud put ou their arms, eon file, tit that never should the enemy land at Manila, unless be passed over their corpses, although, from the lirst moment, the strength oftbe enemy's armor and the power jf his guns demon strated that his ships were invulnerable to our energies nnd our annauients. The hostile Mpiadron would uevi r have en tered our bay bud not its safety been guaranteed by ils manifest supeiiority. The city walls, and church towers, the roofs ot the highest buildings, nnd all the high places convenient for observation, were occupied by those who were not retained by their military dutien within the walls, on the bridges or at the advan ced p. sis. The flighte.-d details of the enemy's ships were eagerly noted as they advanced toward Cavil u in a line parallel witli the branches of Manila, us though (hey had jut come out of 'asig river. There was no gap in the lii e but th- curious public hardly rciiliz id the dispari ty between their great guns and the pieeey. mounted 01 our fortification-. Sotne had glasses, aud others were with out them, but all seemed to devour wiib their eyes the strangers, who, while biuv re not called upon to khow (heir omnge, siueetue range 01 their guns anil the weakness of our batteries enabled them to preserve immunity while Joint! us as much harm us they pleased. All who appreciated the impunity will) which the hostile ships maneuvered, as if on a harmless parade, were full of sueh rage und desperation as belong to a brave man who can make no use of bis courage, ami to whom there remains no remedy except uu honorable death raiher than cowardly inactivity. A soldier ol the First Battalion of Caa lucres gazMl at the squadron sweeping over the water, out of reach of the lire of our batteries, looked out at (be ships and then turned toward heaven, saying. Ml the Holy M try would turn that sea iuto land, the Van keen would find out how we charge iu uouiilc tune, alio; a crouctung naive, staring at the ships, saiJ: "Just let l hem come uhore and give us a whack at ibcui," !iratio de .Manila, 4th. 1 was wriouilv ulllietod with a couub fursevtral years, und la-t fill hud a mon- st-vere eou-.'b thin ever before, 1 hate used many rem -ili-s without recti vin tnueli relief, and being reeommended lu try u bull Ic of Chaiubi rlaiu's Cough K uiuly, by a friend, w'.to knowing uic lobeapimr widow, gave it tome, i tritd it, and with (be most gratifying reul(s. The lirt bottle relieved me very much and the second bolile ha-absolutely eund lue. I bate not had as g tod health lor twenty y.-ats, 1 yivu this certili -ie without soli.iiaiio:i, simply in apprt-ciiiit ( of lite i:la;i'u le b !( lor the cure t tl. tf It spe.f-iHy, Mts M..ty A IUid,Cl..i-mut-e, Arii, ..r . II Ml.,. I.y VV V I r V Ils ..' W . !.(..,, ixiii. I'.nhel t, I N ll. Iiniiiio-l. ;iiiii I I i I ; it. ".Maro Tu n, you li tter not go in dt. yer war," "Why uut?" "Kale yo' eyi'sigli! aiu'l e go . I i z it wua in de la.' w ir, eu you e.iu'l dislge l.ik you done dcu." "You rascal! I never Judged." "Well," said i he old fellow, "may be yo'i t.idn I; but tf I don't disteuieinl er, M arse Tom, you did some mighty gud duekiu!" Mr. I'. Kcicham ol 1'ike Oily, Cj'.. sa); "Puriug my broiher'a late sickness from teiatie rheuuiaiism, I hamberluin's '.iin Baliu was ihe only remedy that gave him any relief Many jther. have testified lo the prompt reli f from pain which ibis liniment alford-, , for aa Ic W M Oohen Wel.loo J. N. Brown, I ilallfas, lr AH. ll.ni.u, Kuflelil, llrumists San Jones' Lecture. ALWAYS BRIGHT AND WITTY' A Mdli'y l I acts AnJ Tun wa His Sut .. ji'it A l lib I'i'Kimcnl Armory. "A Mnllry of l-'net-t am KurT wan (he Hul.j. i't ol' 11 lecture lut ni;;lil ut lliu ur uniry liy I in- Sam I'. Junes, ihe Well known evuii(;eli.t, of Cartersville, (in. By turns lie was solemn, mlhelin anil humorous, lie nioveil tlie vast audience wliieli lieanl liim to laughter and tears. Hev. .Mr. Jones was introduced liy llihop Charles H. (jalloway, id' Jakson, Mis. iSouii" of ihe hriiiht thinjn lie said were.' ' believe fun is the next best ihiiif! lo religion." "You can't 'et over a fad; when you meet a fact you have frot to pitch your tent and sit by it." 1 11c nay never was wnen jn'olessioiis were worth less than they are today." "I cannot be blamed for beinu' a Methodist; I t'ot it like I pit Jones, sonielblnj; like heredity. "I do despise douia aud botany, but I do love religion and fljwers. "It is not a creed that wc want, it is Chtist; it is not Methodism, it is manhood it is not I'rcsbytcriamsui, it is principle. "Iain not sorry for the American- Spanish war. We bad to fight, or in ten years we would bo lickinjj each other, The war with Spain is a safety valve. It will keep the boilers from bursting, I be lieve. "The aaddest phaseof American life i that the pure independent spirit ut man hood is d) in;; out in this country, (iod made only one man aud woman, and tbey are nearly as scarce now." When (lod makes it great man, be makes him as near like himself as possi ble." "We have preachers enough to take the world by storm in ten years if they were all men." "V011 may pin the whole alphabet id' degrees on a fellow, nnd if he has unt the stuff in him he will never succeed," (j ud pity the boy wh i has a whiskey drinking father ami a Methodist all in one." "I do not know a preacher who votes either ihe dtiuooratic or republican ticket who has any power with (Iod. I n.ay I e stepping on some id you Icllows I :c, hut your toes ought to emigrate," "If a bishop was lo appoint inc to n eharge where (here was not a silet, I would preanh only one sermon, aud (hat would be 'I'inally, farewell.' " "The church ta losing its power. Our political associations tire driving us from (iod." "We preachers don't speak with authority. If I was walking through Kdison's laboratory and he told mc not to touch a certain wire. I would not touch it. It would make uic un uugel in a minute. Preachers tell a man if he keept on anging be will go lo hell, and lie leaves (he church saving, Shucks, 1 be that before." "How I like an engine; something that can go. I do not love to roost; 1 love lo Nv." ( Baltimore Sun ) llin-ltlen's Irnlrn stahc. The Best Salve iu (be world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, ( leers, Salt Hheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, chapped Hands, Chilblain: Corus, and all Skin Kruptrnns, uuJ poi ilivi ly cures l'i'es or uo pay reipiird. It is guaranteed to give perlcet sati.lactioo or money refunded. Vriee -."i cent per boi For Sale by W. M. Cohen. iMiisoNKit iNTi:iJvii:vi:i. "What do you ihiuk of America?" "I'igdog!"' "How do you stand your ciptivily?" "I'igdog!" "How long will ihe Spiui-h American war last?" "l'igJ"'" 1 1 n you!" eielaimed I be cia.peraled interviewer to (he man behind aleel bars "d n y.tu! You d tteu t come, outsidi here and .ay that lo un ! " A Wonilrrfttl lllarovrri-. 'ftie iH.t fiiaiier of a rs'tiliiry rrcla u.auy aoii,l,.iru dwuveriea in Hitslirinr, leu nonr I lull linvi' a'Viiiii,lisliM morr f,,r Ioiiiiiiiiiiv limn lUl .1, rloic l,l tineliiil, r 'sly. Ilrimuii' Iron llitien.. i stsniH to 1'outnln ll.,. very eh mi Ml. of !.'. I lnullli, !Oet le'it'-.T nun, u..iiin ur einel enn laka ll without tlrTivtna; (e .rt.iitet iH-netlt. llrown.'lron IlitLm la anld Iit all dialm. 'tiuvern, r, the bicycle trade positively refuses to go lo die front." "What's the reason?" They claim that ihey wou'd be at one disabled hy (he hurd-(ack.M CASTOR I A For Infant) and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Mrs. A D.i you think Mary (iilpert is as old as she looks? Mrs. I) .My dear, she couldn't he. Ban th, ) l M Kind You Hi Hum Bought FisltiEi Men SLAUGHTER OF REDSKINS. 'Stai nti" I lira' I hi.usan J Injuns I'm Ihri'o Hajs. Charles (jales is an oid time Indiau liglller. He used lo reckon his dead Indians by ihe cord. He has fought more Indian battles than tiny other man on the earth or under il. He has just returned from a trip to the north, und aid : "The most interesting part of it was that I went b.iek to the i.laeo where Hill Hanks und nie stood "II three thou sand Indians lor llitee days one time back in the late sillies. There was sev ntcen of us tit first, but only three of us lived to tell the tale. The spot is some thirty live miles from Blaekfoot, Idaho, near win re the roads fork. The Indiaus iled into ns one afternoon nod made things lively, I tell you. We dragged the wagons together in a circle, killed all the burses and strung lliem uiound for breastworks and bade the painted (lends come on, und they came, Why it fairly rained Indians We kept shooting, and so did they, unlil night came on, when we discovered that Bill Hanks, myself and Jim Defoe were all there were left of us. We knew we could not hold out, so we drew lots to ace who would go for belli, and Itofoe won and crawled out. lie lold us when he got back that ho crawled nine miles through the darkness before he dared rise up," "Why did be crawl so far?" asked Dun Xickuui, who was a listener. " Because be didn't get through the Indians for nine miles," answered Gates, with dignity. "There were more Indians there at that time than was ever gathered ther at ouo time before or siuee. Well, sir, for three days me and Bill sat there in that circle aud mowed down Iudians When the soldiers did come we were mighty glad, I lell you. After the light was over they counted, and found me and Bill had killed exactly two thousand of the three thousand which first attacked us The soldiers killed the balance." "How could you tell which ones you killed aud which the soldiers killed?" a.ki'd Nickuin again. "Simple enough," said lialcs. "By the freshness of the corpses. When a irpso was over a day old we credited him lo our account. "But how did Vuu lell the freshness of corpse ?" "t Hi, that m UeaU easy, tit course, you have to kuow, and so longusthe Indian: arc not likely lo trouble us again, there'! no use in telling you now, for the infor mation would not do you any good. But man that is used to Lilting ludiai.B eau tell a corpse at any lime, anil just how long it lias been dead. Kven if that wasn't the ease, we had another nielhod, for we never shot an Indian ex eept right through the head. Didu't want to spoil the bide." 'What on earth would you do with au Indian's hide?" asked Nickum. "(ut cm in slice and make raur trips of 't-m; that's what we always did with Indian bides. We used to ship bales of Indian bides to Kurope every r. Thai's where I got my stall." That uiust have been as hard u tighl as you ever had, wasn't ii?" 'Yessir. All but one. Was in a harder light than that dowu in Arizona one lime. I. "si more men The In diaus came uu us by surprise aud killed ry darn one of us. Not a man escaped to tell Ibe tale. Aud then (Sales aged himself in a loot race with a street Skin Diseases, For -be siieedv and pcrmnneut cure ol tetter, salt rheum and txieuia, Cliiuu- berhun's hyu ane) Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing nml smarting almost instantly and ils continued Use. etTeets a lverm'nnent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore ninnies, itching ulW chapped hands, chronic ir ye and Kruniiiuicii mis. Ilr. Cady-n t-omlltlon Powder for horses ari thf best tonic, blond tuirl nd vermifuge, l'riif. li.lceuts. Hold by K ii -si, I.) VV M r.iln'ti. W..l.!.,n. J X Mr.. n llnltl.ix ttr A s llnrriv.n. Ktilli'l.t. linno-H ivnior vv ny ii ni t you waut your arliole on" Advice lo Housewives" signed, Hack Writer Because t want my wift to lako some of ihe advice herself. fiiHm i.K nn v yi.:iii Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over filly years by millions of mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tho child, j softens ihe gums, allitya all pain, cures wnm cone, aim la me nest remeuy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor liltli sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every pan ol the world. cents bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins, low's Soothing Syrup," and lako no oth er kind The Rejected One I havo a tneo? The Girl Hardly that; I promised to marry hiin. rival have Beanth. Blguttvn I m him hi nm iwis Bomm A Painful Duly. DUG HIS FATHER S GRAVE. iiniiiflksaJIndJi'nts lhjtlVII to a M s l.ul al iiciijshrg. "An incident which perhaps atbeted inc inure than anything 1 saw during the war," said Judge Xeale ol Kiltaliliing lo a reporter, "was alter the battle of llellysburg. 1 weut down there to see what was to lie seen, and on going over the fluid after the battle 1 came across two persons digging a gl.tve, evidi hi ly lor a body that lay near by. I watched the operations of the two witli interest. One was a middle aged in in, and the other was a mere boy. Bulb wore the blue uniform. "The work of the two in ihe twilight had a most peculiar clfect upon me. There beside the pile of yellow clay lay llu buily til a linion sildier. Au ugly hole in his forehead, emphasized hy the mark of the blood that had H iwed Irotu it, told too well how he had met his fate It wa.s an unpleasant sight, yet try as hard us I would I could not tear myself away from it. I begau to study the two workers aud noticed that the boy's face had a most sorrowful look. He tried to wotk bard, but llioru seemed to be a heavy load oppressing him. Every now und then he would glance ut ihe dead body beside him and then wipe away a tear. I then began to talk to the work ingmeti. I usked for whom the grave was intended, and the elderly tuau pointed to the hoy, then to the corpse, and whis pered to me, 'His father.' I could never tell you what an ell jet this bad upon me. "The idea of a son diggiug his father's grave! It seemed horrible to me some thing that I could not heir. 1 went over to ihe yoliog mail, and after throwing off' my coat took his pie't from hiin aud told him I would do his work. While we lug away tlie boy sat off at distance and wept most bitterly. lieu we had aced bis father iu his last restiug place nd had liuished uur work, he took mc the band, und as tears rolled down his cheeks expressed his thankfulness r (he service I bud done him. Never had I seen such gratitude. Thai incident made un impression upon me that I have never been able to efface. Pittsburg Dis patch. It oval make the fwd pure, wholesome and tlclictout. bAKI FOWDER Absolutely Puro n! nNO ivimirtt m t,r Ci'lelr;it'ii tor its ureal leavening si rt'imlli tint licall lit ul tniNS. Assures the tooil against alum am) all I -rms ulh itdtilteratiou cum' moii to the t-hea) h nun Is. HOY A l, UAKINU IDWIUCmiO., NKW YOKK "I'a, can 1 k to tho eircuv'' "No, my nun; it' you're a punl .buy. you won't want to p) to tho dri'in.'1 "Tlu'n I'd better p) while I'm bad enough to enjuy it.hadu't I?" V. M. II Mil ls t ON tV ( O,, Wholesale and Retail iValerain CAUIkKTSv STOVKS, and MattresseB.etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HAII1.ISTONAC0., No. l N. Hyramora St., I'UnhurK, Va inMlf. U t DDirn "i n i mirvuiij UKAI.EK IN- Heavy AND Fancy- Farm Implements. 224 POUND SACKS OK SALT FOR 11.10 PKKSACK mLCorrect prices and polite attention to all. ant 1 ly ANTE D TRUST WOKTHY and active gentlemen Dr Indie to travel for responsible, established house in North Carolina. Monthly $US ,00 and expenses. I'lnition st -ndy. Hefer- ence. Knclose sclt-aildressed stamped en velope. The Dominion Company, Dcpt, H. wnicagii pern i F nr. a! Groceries THE DREADED i t T. A. Sloeiiin, M.(',tlii! (in-at Chemist Jiml Scientist. Will S.-nd Frei to thii Afflicted, Three little u Yw ly Ihsi'iivered ItemeiJien to Cur" Cin.HiimHiuii and all Lim Troubles, Nt.lhiiif.', cuiilil In- r.iin-r, more ihil;tn-Ihrnnii- in l itiry miii't' jov to llieulllii'ted, than Ihe oiler oi T- A. slumm, M. ., of 1'earl Mreet. New Noik l.'ilv. Conl'Mienl tlii.i he ha iliseineieil an ulwn- litteciire lur eiiiisiimnttoii ami nuliooiiiii v iimpliiints, ami to make its izreat merits known, he will semi, five, three hotllen of meilieine. to iinv remh r of tin- Itoanoke News wlio is sullerin-r from ebest. hron- eliial, throat ami Itttig trouhles or eon- hiiiiii mn. Already this 'new m ientilir course ot medicine'' has permanently cured thou sands o 'apparently hopeless eases. 1 lie doctor considers it Ins reliiotisdtity it ilutv which li-.- owes to huinaniv -to tlomtle his ililallihteeure. Ottered freely, is enotmh toeouiinend it. ;md more so is the imrlect conlideuce nl the tftcat chemist nukinn the proposition. ne nas proven me (lieailed eonsumiitiori lo hi n tuialile disease lievoml hut dotiht. TIiit! will he no mistake in sendini? the mistake will he in overlooking Ihe Kcneioiis invitation. He has on file in his American and Ktiropean lahoratories testi monials of experience from those cored, in all parts of the world. Don t delav until it is ton lat Ad- ilress T.A. Slociim. M- C. S Tine street. New York, and when writing tlie Doctor, 'MMKeuive express and nostothce nddresH and mention reading this article iu the Jtoanoke News. W. W. KAY, Dealer In Liquors, Vines, CROCERIES AND CIGARS. Why not call on W. W. Kay, as he is open both night and day. Keep the fol lowing brands of well known whiskies: "Old Oscar Pepper," Hump's (i. I. H. liyc. Stamp Straight," "Gordon Baltimore Itye" and other brands. 1 sell (iarrett & Co.'s pure Cliocko- yotte wiues. 1 keep the best of every thing in my ine. MfcJ'nlitt! attention to all al Kay's, west side K. K. Shed, mj 2 ly. Monuments and Tomnstones. UK.SIGN8 SENT FKEK. In writing give some limit ns to price and state age of deceased. I,AKai-T HTOCK In i lit South to select Iron We have no branch )aru., and parties doing husiness umler a similar firm name have no connection with us in any way whatever. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. I Kstalil ished 1H IN. ) 159 to lta Bank st,, Norfolk Va oov 3 ly. Grand Display -OF- -SI'HIMl ANDSI'M MKH- MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS ami NOVELTIES. Bulteritk'8 Patterns. 11. & 0. CORSETS, Misses at 5ih, Ladies 7.V. to $1. ILl'riees will he made to unit the timed. Hats and hounets made and trimmed to ortler. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Waldos. N. O JllfV tV "ii" j! vv lliuvvilj iioanokk n a Pins, n. c. DofTMCTOis Builders. Furnishers of .$Boiliini Materials, ManufaclurorBof Coffins & Caskets and dealers in UNDERTAKER'S SUPPLIES. We sell them from $2 lo 140. Our ooffios and caskets will compart favora bly in workmanship and 6oisb with those of any factory in the United State ind) prioes guaranteed to be the lowest. a. All orders tiled at short oliw. wp II Km. mm 0 li II ; Fispii