if il .it M ! i f' I 0 ; i ill! i THE ROANOKE NEWS TIU'KSOAY, JI NK ISMS. PITBLISIIKDKVKIIY TIH'HSHAY. JOHN W. SLED33. Editor and Proprietor. P. E. STAINB.WS. Associate Editor- Kittirct.it I'-st Diiii- .Sm I.O.M at Vithhm Malta, 11 TKS IK SIHSi UM-llilN IX A I1Y A Nt' K. Ouo Ycurihv Mail), Postage Paid (if. VI. Six Mouths'. 7.Y A Weekly lleiiiiicratic journal ilovntetl to the iniitcrinl. eiliieiilinti.tl, pnlilieiil and ttlricultiir:il interests ol Haliim unil sur rounding enmities. BaJTAdveitisini: rates 'ti rmhfil on application. reasonable and I r is thought ih it ill. r VUM-m ! Culm ahoilt the Is llViT. Mill be at) Hi time tlu war Sa m I'i'.v will In1 tu tiliJ lli.it lk I- h. i the I'aLe di-patelies. alily st,irtleil d d..i!v hv Thk yellow ,i mrnal. arc luvm; rihie tune in 'I'ttiii material on ;l hor which to u' t h t-ir lilitfk letter. Six hundred Kansas school teaeherr. who have been teaehiuij the youiii: idea how to sli jut, have vuluutecred tii shoot Spaniard. ! tn;lt We have sent ones-hip to Pewey is il it hasn't Judged back into Francisco lu adjust its compasses take ou a battle ut' hot soda. A' "Fh.iiTiNti Job" Wheei.kr only Wi'ihs one hundred and tifteeu pounds, hut his opponents in a tili t have uever flawed him with thelL'ht wei'ditf. Whkn Fit zhuh Lee was a cadet at West Point he was a linht little fellow aDd uiiuble. Hi! signed hi name F. Lee j and bciog hard to catch, boys christened i hiin "the flea." Now that Cervera is "bottled up,'' at Santiago de Cuba, it is in order for our populist friends to bottle up those Ayer resolutions, rejected by Uh) IVmoeratie eonveutioD at Haleiiih. Wevl Kit's remarks renarditif; hts in-1 vas.on of this country read very much j like those of the unpopular ..de ol ' ; college debat.ni: soeiety propoMtioD. Mej knows lie s all wroo-j, but tie jut tail !eeause he's od that ide. The costliest fliginthin country is in the show window of a New York jew elry house, and it is u very small flau', tiai, only 7 inches by -I. It is made uf diamonds, rubies and saphire presents a value ol $18.'Hiu. 1 re ! 1 The Washiufjn l.i"t say-: "Now ; that all phjeetioQ tu the return of the Confedirate flags Ikh been withdrawn! the Charleston News and Courier decline! to receive iliein." The Nw and Courier; is all right. The South uenls noei'dlinL'1 , nor hack pi'dallin1.' on the p ut ol tlte gov. rnment. We il d n duty as we see it down herewithnr with n it fl ig Riehiuond Time. Vol' ean't down men who hare fliod of Am riean sailor- A pee uf that and was L'iv n in a cable from Capt. Clark, of the b ittle.-hip imen grain goii, when he was informed by th I'.'p.iitnirnl of the probability that the Spanish fl-et intended trying to intercept aud destroy the Oregon He said; 'I'm riot afraid of the whole Spanish fVet." Kl Ui'l'EAN liation-i are havnii: their eyes opened on the sulj-et of Am -licin patriolism. Theblueaud theray much snouiaerio Mmuin-r. arm in.- n-n ;ii,u t, -c -Mry a u .u,t i.f hi i le: ,1 t the pour unet on a e iiunion level. Atuii rt-. u'.aeks, or I inu I State Tr the Hjoevlt's "lough rid.r" may be;0.,tl.s , rl T t., ,..,.. t li - espm found the l'e.Kral and the Confederate , ,h.. warwirh Spun .ri i n s ipply Soliiiers, ami ttie sons o! miiiiunaries ol . the east ride side by side with the cow boy of the western plains The sjlution In the myslery ii that we are a nation uf patriots, jnd lh at hive of eouirry is u iiiuint lu all see1 i .ii-. an I cla-st's, Sks rnti Forakir i in favor of r-'turn- ing to the Smith the Confederate flagu tun-d in b nth- by tin liy the union troops dtiriuj ihe v ir. In a statement fiom hiui iiii in th" Mi'o 1'ijeet he say: "I think us in s ipp ir in our e in i mate lor ( on 1 1 tiling at (liis I nue to gr,,,iS w'i' 1 iv t t Ii fre eo;tn of mIwt, it w oi!d h.' a return tin- C Jile l-i battle tt !: if our lireth.-rn in the South want them back, The reiurn of the fl is, in my judgment I a tiulti-rih.it d. p n 1 mueh upon the and loth - Con. .-.-i ti . i e .n m ic- pr-.priety atienilni lh- Mum. and wV.; That we I ti re i i 1 e i n u n I wilI. d ( it The nr. u ii'tati. i .i r i v ry dit- ""it stint the reit an 1 valiant ti.'ht m ide I' r.-iu now Ir on what ih.-y w- re when by II 'ti Wr.tnw .1. Ur.au in ih- lit Mr C ivel.iful pr .po" to return them. 1 Nali outl camti ufcn I ir lit -nie.v gf our lu il thai t h.ve not heard mueli parly an I the piiu -ipli;". of yur 011 plat (llM'll-lolt ol I lie llt'jefM, but I Uiot Cit tiinly have no n'je Li hiei, I think il Would be a l'" nil thing tu in vo tliein all htek liad matiageiiient ke. pi more p.-oph" iu poor eircuujslaueei I lull any other one cuumj To be successful . no nin-i h.k ahead aud pLu ahead -o that whin ravomuie opportunity presmts itsell he is ourselves to enact such laws ih will ve ready to take advantage ol' it. A little ( aecurity aud proieetum to th - properly forethouuhl will alxoaave mmh eipeniejand people of every town and community and valuable time. A prudent and care-' in the State. ful man will keep a bottle of Chamber-j We denounce the placing of negro on Iain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Item- cimmitteM to aupersi white sch jol and cdy in the house, the ski Men fellow will; we pled-e oun-eWe, if restored tu Lower. wait until necessity compel? it and then ruin his best howe gowj; fur a doctor and have a big doctors bill to pay, be mdw; one pays out 25 cents, the other is oat a huodrrd dollars and then wonders why his neighbor is getting richer while hiWjMiiio poorer. Fur ,y W. W t'l.tii'il WM(.t), S. N. Bh.wn, li-ofivi'r a h lUrrlwn, Kmit iril nniimiMii Riopi Platform and Resolutions Adopted, HARMONIOUS SESSION. -. CftPT. COOK PERmflMENTCHAIRWlftN DKMiu'KAi'V 111 t'M.Ks UN THK AU-HUI ANH lioKS K'Mtlll pi ('f'NijI Kit sl'HH H KS Klin M I'lU'MlNKNT 1 KM i i It Ms K;HM AI.I, UVKIt 1 11 K Sl'Al'K. !'M 11 K Shl'e IV 1 I was ealied In or nocr-iiie eotiventi n ivr in the cit of li.il.h 1 Cliiiiiin in Clement Manly last Thuis i ty at n i' 'ii, in tli AiM'l.'lll)' -It' MuMe. I'mvi r wa- uti' -red h liV. Mr Ku-ne IVuh.-I. I'ol. .1 S Cur. .f lurli..t. w.i. u.itm d by Cli.iinii.in M.uily ai Inn j rary cll.llllll.lt. The i-nnj uiiitcf iti 1-rnn.iiN nt ur.itu itiuti rivuiiiUKiidt'd Inr jn riitatn-nt ehairiiian Captain Cliarle M Conk, ol" Fraiik'nt). p rm.itii'nt si'er.'tary Jhu W. rii'Miipcii, ol W.ike, and fur ait:tnt seert'tari'.'s all the tiietnlnTS ol the iViuo eratie prfss. wh-i were prfs'tit. Chairman Manly road the pr p M-iiion of the liipuiit party a-kin fur ro-.tpi-r- atiou aeC'"riitiL; to the resulutintis pa.rd at the Ipulist e.inveiiiiiin. It wjh re- t'ernd to the L'cmmitti'e uu jil.itlurni and r-'Sijluti'in. While the eviuittntlee uti pl.itlunn and retiluttoti wa uiil .-lirniti: -pfivhes were m ide by leading IK iikht.iI I'r.'Ui various seetinus uf the Slate. It was nine u'elek at nilit when the committee mi platform and ren olulions rep.rt- d The rep .rt wan Mih mitted by H-m. T. .1. Jam- and ts a- f ,l IHK I'l.AItvttM. The LViii n-ratie ptrty ol North Can -lina in oni wntion a-ii in!led in It t! eL'h, N. C, on thi diy, May L'il:h, dj h.T.'by appmve, iulro and ratify the la-t lViu.n-r.it ie Niti.mal and State platform, and ph-de our ejru- st sur.port to the pntieiplis tlu-reiu ex pressed. U i, j,nilljmv (he UrM,,n p,rlv fol the pa.e uf the hu-U tariff 'bill, w,JU.h ,;LS illcr,a!,,(1 lh, lnlrj(1li of tlX. ation upon our e insutu-Ts and uiven the trusts and in m ipolUt urjater power- to r-'b the people. K-li.'Vin that under utir present meth ods uf F. d ul taxation that more than tliree jinit f our national revenues are paid by people uwning les than om 'piarter of the property of the eountiy I we ir't"-t airainsi iU"h ine.na!i?v an 1 inju-tteiv and in order to reiie dv, to some extent, tin-! Lr'.it wr-'tig, we favor an in e 1 1 1 t. ix. in 1 t" i v. r all e ni-iitutiun il in -1 1 1 U to -'Wain i'. . , ii -iin' .' lh. K i"hii.-iri ;)r!v f-T i ' ' d' !!( .if the T.-l!. r res iluti m l in our n iti m. il b nid'- p ivalile in .i- w-'li i-i z 1 an 1 d 'ti ;l ru it for 1. 1 rmiii. i ii'irt. .. iU.r- tli.-r ' oiijhlv l,iteiiin the io:e .Id -t nid iril upnti .i'ir p - .pie, and fir its avuw.-d , tility t i th" tree ,tnd mniuijv I on i-e of i!v. r, a' well a-i L-o-l, ,ii dj.. rati i ot' M to 1 hi; i fnii !. ' ii tender motley. W.' d'tioiuiee th' 11 'publiii:i pirty fur its d 'tenniu iti 'ii to hmi-' b !ti 1- at this lim ', and w' d u Mine-1 (!k II 'pu'i iie.m wtrtax bill which lately pa-vrd the iloti-e of K 'pre.-"iit dives an unj'W, un eipta! in i's burl -u. unae,'. s-.try and vex in . a-, in i w nun 1 tint tiie -il ver s-i.Mii.ira e tie e-u,i -d, iVit ,UI iu. erne tax b I 'ie i, an 1 th u lh- Srereta-ryofih-j I'r.'Mirv !. a ith irii 1 to i-ue It Miry ' of the rt.v, .,1(. (l, fK-,t tnid. r the ),n bid. wi.i:.. .lied.' war with ipa -i "upp nt t i Ii 'ii iral-le wa the ti ivernm -n; i i i I off vt a -pee ly au I o! l.o-lllltU-. "'s-nu c mel'iioii Wetav.ra mnoi n!'the silver furc s in the ' oniisiioual eleetioui, yU,l eoidially iuvit all vo!er, Without regard to i i-t i iitie il alii lati no, tj unite wuh thus giving prae-ica! loree aul eff.'e: to the i.M'utii -u laii hi of oir 1 iiioeraiie nal eh linn in, Uon, Jauie K J u s N.iti i Linn 1 Wo d'u ounce die nmiiIiI, extriva gauee, ine iinpeleiiey an 1 corr I'.'ioii of ill" present H 'p ibiican Stat j jd i tl D We d -n ounce all enact m -un We J n unee all enictm -nn of the last tw.i L-giUmrei b; whhh cities and towns in ihe Slate hare, b'ou Uraed over a to neu'M domination, unl wo pied j to enact suchlegwlatioo as will make this impossible, We Donouuoti all legirflation enacted by I lie Legislatures of H'J, uod 180" for carrying out the base and partisan designs of the Republic m party. We denounoe the placing of ignorant, ' , irr'sp nsihle nnd corrupt men in offij, We oppose the removal by erp orations of suits of cases from our i-tate to the fed eral courts, and f,ivor legislation to pr( -vent it. We favor fair an 1 j it elect i ii laws. We favor a government of the peoj le, by the people and lor the people i O'tio mv in expendiiiire, the abolition of un ueeessarv otluvv, decency iu a lininiira tion. e m.-ljut improvement of our eduea tiona! sytem, chaiity t" the unVrtunate. I aud rule by the white men of the state. We favor the exteniou ol the powers of the railroad commission, and elo.-e scrutiny into their affairs iu ordir to ascertain, establish and maintain such rates as shall be fair audjtW tJ the pee pie and to the transportation and ttaus mis.sion corporations. We condemn live passes We favor the flection of Coiled Slates sentators aud railroad eoUiinisuitjeis l-y the pc p!e. We favor the eiiaetuieut of sueh legi lation as will encourage capita! to m ike investment- within our state, and guar antee that the -aim- shall be ju-ly pre teeted We call alt- tit d 'ii ,i th,' wise, ec ui 'tmeal honest aud h -n iral-le a lniSMrah oi of the at! urs of our st-ite for "Jo yeats prior lo (he present rep iihliean admini-u at ion, and pr nuiv the p.-ople a return of wise, honest, economical and honorable admin istraiioii under democratic success. We eill utioti every beli. ver in honor, honesty and economy, up ni every advoe.n,; ,,! white ut-r iuae, ui'oii ev.-i advocate of eijual and just taxation, upon every ad voeate of the income tax and opponent of plundering tarifftax.iti m. upoti every ad I V il.. nt' tlw. M.l.irihr. .,1' .iiv. r in. I opponent of (he .-ingle gold stand. ird and the pieseut iMie ol bonds, as threatened by (be Kepublieati paity. upon every op poneiit of goyeitiuient by itijiituiion, and advocate of the juri-diclion of Slate coiiri over cases arising in the Stale against eorpoi'iti.-ns doing business there in. upon eveiy lover ol decency and good government and opponents uf the present pr vailing con litious, to unite with us in mr contest with the Republican party the great enemy of our principles, and aid u- iu redeeming the nation from the clutches uf greed and injustice, and the State from the .-eudal, and incompet t nee which now atlliei it. 'iuvertior Jarvis then pres-nted the re port ol the committee on tin; propisitioii of the Populist eoiuniittci1, which was read and is as follow.. The Committee on l'latfotiu and Resolutions, by direction of the conven tion, having had un l. r consul ration the pr.positi n f.r fiwm made by a eommit le of the I'opuli-t party, reeotntU'-n 1 tlial tin- e invention ad pt the following resolutions in respect thereto: R - lived, 1. That th" prop isition It fu-ion submitted by the Populist coin niittee, be, and the same t.- hereby, re -peetfuliy dicIllH-l. R'-oiwd. 'J. That the lMnocraiic S:ate l-ee itive C mimittce he, an 1 the saui" is h-i-ehy. ithtru.'tcd to cntiTtain n i further proposition for fuiou. I ii1' p a' I u ai an I r ilutmu' wen' a 1 pie hy ,i ri-ing vote, i j iverti T Jar vis was then e.illed for and he delivered nrniig sp c h 11 .n I'tiiUMs W. Ma-jn. of North ampton. was the n xt speaker, lie said he ca ne from N -rthampton as a repre- !enutive of tli IViii .en.'v ol that eouu- ty tu ox n 1 to o ir l'..i ulit tiiends (he 1 of e i- .ip'Ta i ui, b u the emventton had d c; le 1 a:unt this policy and a 1 i;'t"d ii- p!ai! inn, and upon that plat tor u h planted hiui-eif and w.i- ready to m ir.-h with the pitty an 1 d i all in his p jwer to win a victm y, Cip' Kii V II Kiicinii m id" uie of hi-J-hiriet-ri-tic sp-eehe. at lh- cm e! i-tou o! which i;u on i a lh - a-iii- i enee said, 'tiod bleM Uuek Kitcinu." t'aptaui R R I'ecMes, ,.f Northamp to:i, r p Hiding tu a call als i delivered a stimng an I pitn 'tie pe-eh, pledging to the I Vtn i r ttie e oi hi most earnest support in the great tight tor victory. Au mo;i ui '.t Juige Avery the several j i Ig-s h r. t Ton; iiomiuiit.l by iU- dis tiict e.nvetiti.u WTcratiti-d a- a whole by ae -laiuaiiou. A uew Stjte executive c uiimittee was elected Th m -inber-i ofihit e mmit tee tor the S 'c m 1 district are. 1'h'iuis W. M ison. of N irtiiampton; 1 Wm-stou,,.!" l -ru.-; N. H rry. ol Wayue, ml Dt. R II Slight, of KdiTeeombe. Th committee will elect a chairman to till the po-itiou of rctiiiu t'lninuan Manly. A DMoluti ti was passed aud unatii m uisly pis -l thanking II .:i Clement Manly, the retiring eh ur n tu of the lVw ocratie State K"cutivc C iiu uiit.--, and the members of the IVunHTitie Lxeni tive Committee I r iheir t-armM, aide aud uniiruig iff ti during (he eimp ugn of 1 mm;. The following resolution. MiL'gcsieil by lieneral RoberiK, and irilriducd by lVif K. K Rritton, w tj a l opted by a Resolved, That as Carolinian, prot,d at all ti-ues of the h mi jis, th ao:u ve ments and prri itt M - ili i of the sou ofnur betovel St it-, w prie'aim our admiration of the heroic conduct of K-j- sign Worth Bigley.uf the CuiteJ Slate Navy, which ca n d saorifi jo of his young and promising, life in kid country's cause, and we extend to his noble mother our sympjthy in the anguish she has been called upon to suffer in the death of her noble and heroic boy now the na tion's son. u Resolved, That we extend to Ad miral I) -wey the congratulations of this body upon his brilliant naval victory at Manila, aud our gratification it the prompt rec ignition and promotion ac corded him by Congress in appreciation of his ureal serfce to hisiouo'ry." -ted as to nartv policy when the delegat. s iir-t a-sembled m Uihigh but all returned to their bom- s cnthu-vd. unit id and dchr mined to make a straight tight. Ktioiigh cuihiisi.iMii was kiiidlvd iu the conven tion lo wc' p oV'. r tlie State and win a great victory. AmoV. rcc( nt t). iiuiiati.'tis Mm ti. the Senate the f !!. wing S if Vm. i- haC bei.ll lione.l'.d To be Major tletural uf Volunteers Matthew C. Hutlcr. South Carolina. To be Rrigadier-lieiicial ot Vo.untcers dames R. Waties, Texas, Nclsot) Cole, Missuiri, William C Hates, Alabama. To be Coiniiii.sary of Subsistence, with rank of captain Charles Kiletl Cabell. Virginia. Fx Senator limhr's nomination gives greal sjttistaetioti Me is well known In re and largely uflerest, cj jn (K. ;,,;( nuke Navigation and Wattr Power com piny and has coti-idi rable stock iu the oil mill. lie was en lotsed br the posi lion by many I nited States Setialoi ol all patth's and his nomination was con firmed without the reference to a com mince. Senator Hutkr servid during the civil war in (he C "iifedcr.ttw army, lion. W Ii. Uau... of Alabama, ap p'iniid a luigidier general, was also a Confi 1' rate i iliccr. He was Kt many y. ais a member of Congress from Ala bama, and has since been (ioVeriior nt his Slate Me is a one -armed man, as Senator Rutler is one legged. Ur. la Id's luilii-l i-rrateil araiai ilia I Hie lli-t Itlooit Me.heiue Kmnui. 1: will will cure the Worst ea.es uf liloi d and Skin l)is( aes. h will cure Kin uuiatim. making the Rlood pure and healthy, and causing the sinews anil mus cles to perform their work easily and without pain. It cures Kc.ema, Old Sons, Pimples, Blotches and all skin diseases. For sale by W, M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. A female warrVr in the Salvation Army who didu t like some uf the stat uary put up in the KxpoMiioti buildings at Omaha, was proceeding to criticise them with an axe when she was discev end. just iu time to save some valuable pieces. I' i ce Pills. Send your address, to II. K. Ruekh n Co , Chicago and get a tree sample box of lh. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly i tleelive in the cure uf Consti pation and Sick Headache, For Malaria and Liv.r troubles they have proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every delirious sub Maneeaiid to be puiely vegetable. They do n i weaken by iheir action, but by giv ing tone to the stomach and bowels great ly invigorate the cystem. Regulator si.o L'.V per box Sold by W. M. Cuheudrug gist. liri.I.Kr .rn.if eietli, wireless I'liy, war hallouns and carrier e litiiiiic lo he serviceable only I telesria. I J.ieiins : r il!u- I 1 , I tr.lted Ulld.lV stories. ' Till; ships Dewey sunk nl Miinilhi were ; csiiinaled lo be worth Sli.iliKl.nilii uud i Spain ..ail not lini-lied plying lor tlieui. Tin y arc How w rth less Mun i K.iu's asMiriiice that he com lied Dewey to "tnanieuver repeatedly'' tins to have ftiven Ccrv. ra a "oud ii . Heats The klimillk-. A. I'. Thomas, of MarvsvillcTcx. Mr lias leun l a more valuable discovery than has yet been made in the Klondike, fur years he suffered nut. .Id aoiiv I'rmu ceu-sumpti-.n accompanied by lieuiorraliacs an I was absolutely em. d by Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, he declares that oold is ol htllc valuabls in comparison to this uiar vei .us cure, w. iild have it even if it cost a hundred dollars a hoitle Asthma, llr..iic biles and all throat and luno affec tions are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for IWumpti m. Trial h ittlcs free at W. M Cohen Druj; Sioto. l!ei:ulalor mzo jll els. and ?1 (ill. tiuar anleed to cure or price refunded. An l-'.iiulishiiian has invented which he says will dschar-'e a pun 1111,11110 halls p r niiuute. There's a minute gun f ir you. Unci. Sim Says This Is America's Greatest Medicinal. Il will Sharpen Your Appetite. Purify and Vitanze Your Blood. Overcome That Tired Feeling. Get a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparllla and begin to take It TODAY, and realize the great good It is sure to do you. Hood's Sarsaparilla It Amertca'i Greatest Medicine. All druggim 1ST1 OTICE.-W By virtue of an order ol the Hiiperior eouri 01 nanux eouniy, 1 will Hell at pul he auction on Monday the 6b day of June mm, at the distillery nmr Hulilax, recently run by me, the lollowitiK lot of proppriy. roarmuiea, three wxon, a lot of hoie atio.it UK) conla of wowi, a lot of corn, rye and mult and other personal pmpeny. j nia toin nay iwin. J.T RKIOdH. ide dtllcreiices ot opinion exist mm Mnn lifn IiKdiMiiPo fniunnnv inn uiiu liiouitiiiii' vviii 'nil i LI IV IIIOUlll of Hartford, Conn. A-ft ,I.tlMI,ll 1 , li'' bliilitlr-. " Sniphw, " .1. H. Ii.il SUM. I.. In IW.M.'i, 7lill.INI li," 1 1 , i"'i '-' "i i I i l.ll Ais-lll. lC;il.-ii:ll. WfiWh LIFE WlJ. H. BURTON, si Lifo Insurance Pays.-:-: l hc ;l. t-.iin. lit-. nl lit.- iii.MH.iluv ill., pni.l. ,ll;i irs nl Hit' lli'.nl. I .if M riiiuri. uti 'I,.... in. ii H ii "..ui ."" . . .... l t 1.1 I... I...I1. .I....i..,l llw. I.illi I lv IVill. Illllt! 1.1 i-sitfililllv Ili'iie t'l 11' t"n iii'iix """!. " "... ' - : iiilnl, ! '' h . mil ..niiiiuli In. Iiiii.lt. pn.tiil.. I.ir Ins Iiiiiim-IhiIiI lnlf Ihmik I.mtv I...HM.I, i.ilioii nl I.im. iiiul ili toli'iiniii;.. hnn lo insure unil to lil.iif Ins l.ii.iilv In ymul Un- inissiliililv ot i- iii.i.ir v sulliniii; ninth m.iy iiris- in eienl nl liis mil i.ntl.v tli.illl l.'tv lr I'llii'iliiinusol l.i'llil'ill s.ivsut lili- illMirjuee: " 1 1 Is out' ol llli- must llinsluill iIiiiil's u,at I Uiinw nr. 11 is l ilting the loml t lint ntmlil ini"li one I'amil.v ami rwl iii" il ovir lit. nly tliou.incl i.miilits, so tli.il a uu re iliop tails upon catti msleail ol Hie inTmheltiiini; ton.-llt lallini: uinni It .teins ... lie a l-oikI illli-t i:it inn nl Wai mi: , anolli. r's liui.lt -lis. ami llnivlme let n -ry vnulii; nun flit, lint: l. Il.r. eterv lii nil nl a tanillv, nlii lllel lilllll nl low, -el Ins lit tiler so '.n a- In lIMlle llls lil'f. From inn slanilpnilil at ttl.ifll I He llwiir.ii.ee m.i.v lie tesleil, tlleleis mil Inns; tlial ollersa more pinlilable and aeeiilinilalive reliiru lin slnall sums til' money lliull u life insur.iiiee Jioliey. REV F.H.JONES. Slal.-uieiit the llle ol'liev". V. II. .ues. nl' Keidstllle. N. I'lll.ll'V SO. IM-ln AliK V l: it. 1 still 17.1 171 17 -J 17:1 I'UKVIIl M. 171! -LiviLKXi.s l'Ain in cash .rn.i: inrn vkai;.- 1-711 M. - - 1 , r lu 7 ,.M II .! C Mi l-l 1:: - l-i n - I.-, 11 i'i 1 ii I" "" 17 17 no Js.M I- 111 l'oiieies like the al.ote, lolly p.tiil up, ..ulieipale iu the ol' the insurtd'- lilt- tlni- pi odlli'llli: all .inllletl I lie, .inc. Total 'I en Premium, T0l.1l Dividends to Dale, Nit Cost, Hie . ash value oithe policy is Hint ovei ."i.onu lor .' yeais tree ol cot with a prtilit -$3 Read What Clh'U AN K.WTM KKMVI.K IS-Tiri tV. Mi ki iii;iitiiuo, N. C. hi-it. 'gu, i-4:i7( J. I. lUmvliall, (ien Agent, .V.tnii Lite Insiininee t'ompany, UuU'igh, N. (' lf;tr Sir.'nie .laitji l.ile lnsuraii',e (.'oiiiaiiy, of whiili you are the tieneral Aireiit tor North Carolina, h all that it j ciainif to lie, It- lmlnie.-. wi l.tr n 1 liave J In en aMe to cvaiiiuie them, are liheral 111 t'eiy iartieular tothe liolilein. Its iMtt'f an low as a sale Company fan put them. Tin Oinpanv ami it- niatunemt-nt in North (,'arolnia has been fair, hlier.il uml iteeommiHlatitig to me as bolilern nl iineol Un polieies 'ery truly yours. .lolmC. ScarltMruugli. Mr. .1. I. I'.oiisliitll, :.i!eigh. N. C liar Sir: Tor seeral t.us I have liatl a siu.ill emlowmeiit pohry in the .Vina liiMiranee Company, lit-tort; 1 tiH'k my jwliey I waseonvimt'il that it was mic tit' tlie nio" t reliable companies in the iimn try. A more intimate iiii(uaiutaiiee i-on-tirms this opinion, and my experience us a polity buhlcr leads me to think tint the thvitleiiils ol tins Company tirehber.il, and 1 urn pertertly sntistieit w ith its met hods and the treatment 1 nave neeiveii trom tlie ollieers. It jiies ine pb iLsine to eoiu- mend votir eoinpiiny.l'or I Miieerelv believe it sale and trust wnrttiv. Hesieetlully vourn, "W- C. Tvree Rnrlinntoii, N. C, Aug. lit, 1h7. To whom it may Coneern: fins is to sav that I earrv in-.ijrauee in the .Y.Um Life Insnranee Company to tht amount of thirty thoustud dollars, as lul low s: A policv usiml in .Julv, for fc.n.imti. mo tMi'ieicj tor t.,iHi tach issiieii m julv l'!l'.,, ami a polu y Oeiivereti to me this itav bv J. I'. Jioushall. deneral Agent tor the l.tna, tor which I have paid one premium ul more than i.iNMi. If 1 did not have the fullest eoulHeiiee in the ability of the .V'.tnu Company to tie M v comply with its eon tract and to pay the face ot these polieien at the end ot'tbeir jH-notis at death, l flinulil uol make the? larire lUveHtmetits with them. 1 w.u led to take the imhev delivered to ine tiwiay by the results of the two jvolieien ot live tliouitaml iloilars eaeh insued to me in l-M'-i. !;eipeelfully, Lawrt neeS. Holt, Set.tlaml Seek, S C , Hept. Hi. I" J. I Hoie-hall, K-si., Kaltiuli, N. C : hear Sir 1 have had two poheii-H in yiMir eomnaiiy (the .Ktna Lift! for oer -Mt yearn, and 1 think my in U reft t is perfeetly rtafe- 1 It-Kurd I lie eoii(uiiv un nil nl lb ANTED -TUrsTWoliTH Y and uetivti Kt-utlenien or ludien to travel tor responsible, eMahhsheti housr in North Carolina. Monthly ptij.tHl and txpelise. rosition steady . Ueler enee. Kneltwe self addrewd pitiimpetl en veloH The lomiuion t'ompaoy. Dept. Ii. Chicago. A. 1'. AIKlN-uS, I'mprieUtr. M.T. APKISSON, NlHiiMKer. AMKUICAN AND KUROl'EAN I'LANS. Htli aud Main Hlrrrti.HK 11 VINI. a. AMKRtt'AN 1'I.AN. tt fai to 1 1 IB l.l HUI'KAN .'LAN Il ls, dill I .wtr.U. insr 31 Aw Tlie Lexington, II I MorL'Mii (i. lUilk.lr.v, l'r nl. .1. ('. M'tliltT, ' ii-'0 'rt-Ki.li-itt . .1. I.. i:.mli.h, Si.nil.iiy. N I'. II. V. SI .l.ilm. A tuiiiy. i i i:miu:s k riiVTiiixii in 1,11 i: IMinWMKM' AMi AC- t iih.n riNsi ham r: I . .... w. l.l..... N li..., Wnevul.-ll...', an.l 111.' Initlu r ;lii.l IhIIit l a l Payment Life 1'oliey, issued on (' , on .III lie S!Hh. I Kill. III! AMOl NT .-.,IKl. l! mi:mi. t jn In tin s.t :il ir. ii l.'. 4:1 J.. 17 -' II :i," r- II I' AVMt.M. joo .lll ..'III III Jllli fill jn.-i 111 .'O .'111 Ii7 oiHi nil jih) uti IIU HH I lo J.-.n H .Ml 7ii .-.o Mo .v. 1-; ..ii :n -.7 ;.l n 7M .Ml 111 lu nr. 1 !l l!H l'.ll s!i-; l-i.l l!Hi prolils ilurini; the remainder ?L'.L'-i.'i nil l.lsi.dl !i,iii:i!M; :.im'0, thus fiirtii-lutie an ilisitialiee ol' otovel ,'Hmi to the itiMiicil. They Say.:: very best eoiupaniesiloiiig businesH in our Mate. V isliinu you nun h sucees, I am very truly, Noah lliggs, l.aleinh, X. C, Oft. 1, l-iC It. lioiish.tll, tieu. Agent, .Vltna Lite Insuianee Coinpan . Ualeigh, X. C. : Dear Sir. There is i.j Insurance Coin pany tor whieh 1 have higher regard than the .l.tna. 1 am sure it is as Mtumi. iu safe as busines'i institutions ever get to be The cost ol' it- policies is no greater than that of other companies, as I know from experience; but for my part, 1 would wil 1 1 1 1 11 1 v pav more tor an .Una poller, wen- it mt-essu v, ticeause ol mv etiulideneein it. It his Imm -n very t'ratilving to me to note the steady progress the .l.tua has made in North Carolina, iu these veais of financial hesitancy, under your aggressive milium tiattou. lour company is today better known than ever belore. With In'st wi-ht(, sincerely, J- Y. Itailey. Oxford Seminary, Ox foul, Oct. 1, HC Mr. .1. It. Ibishall, Oeneral Mar.nger, Kal- eigh, N C ; lour tetter iniUimig ol my expeneiiee with vour eonipanv, has been reeeived I carry three policies, one of which was taken twenty live vt -am ago- Mv dividend are more than forty pi r tvnt. 01 1 he ptemi urn. 1 have 1110M perfeet eot.tiileiiee in the Company- It lias long lieeu Kviioti moiif. w ith strength Its management in Noith Carolina during all these tears has been ol the most Hutibtat tory character, hut it ha never been more tutt 11 ae tor v than ut pn-a flit Vou have my heartiest wishes for your success. Yours truly, V V. Huhgood, Kaltigh, N.C.,Kept 15, l.-!7, J. I. )Um shall, tien. Agent, .V.tna Life Iu sunincf Company, l.'aleigh, N. C. Hear Sir. 1 have two (Kthcies in youi company, and urn well pitiwd with the saiue 1 have not 1 etd theeonwivative, econom ieal maiiag-tnetit of the .Ktna Life lustir anet' Company for 11 numlier of years, and am fully persuaded that it policy holder are M-curing result not sur)asKeil hy any ol its competitors I thoroughly leliee iu Life Insurance, and would advise any man who ran twmi til v do mo, to make an invtstuient of thin kitid, and I kuow of no company that would more cordially recommend than , your4. Wishing you gnat sueeewt, Your truly, S. H liroughton, We have in alnck several bits of kchmIi tieli...i(l..i ti. o.ttl. em merchants These ffootls must he ttohl atunce. In the neil ltd days we will put tiefiire the people bar giiusas we never did before Mens' paint 411, .Ml, tttlc. Overalls 36, 4(le. Drtss fionrla II, 4, (ki. Men's and buy's hats and caps i, ... .ot:. mtiuw Biuucs nil prtug roll era laj, 15, !c Curtain ptilw wood Hi. turesoic. limits lit lures 1st, yuc. White rloth.le- W lute Dress tiouds 111, 5, 6c Hay strike clucks H.iib. l'nt gomla C i-jc. Linen towels, 7c. Ilruttgeta t.7i a'J. ool n nmnnts rarnrt Inc. A largr line floor uialtinp.,.7. , U'. Hens' ami laHies' shoes Ml, 75 Hc. Bureaus (1.75, Ijrite roekiiiK chairs with arma Cain Iwttotu chain. Its.;. Men's aliirta, 15, 19c. I. ail i. st shirt waist lHc. lloya' shirt waist 15c: Many other thing in stock to close out. Come qnick for hartiains. SI'IKKH DAVIS. Weldon, N. C, Mar. !, 1HUN on nrtl f oil Dil) SALE. 'I'iiIc l'r. David's Liver Dr. David's Sarsapar ilia 1 It.iH. KKKRATKli ) -4 FOR CLEANSING AND PURIFYING THE BLOOD. , lvr SiTuluiii. ('line er, S.l.illis. Old Sures, Keiema. Sail Kiieuiu, KryslpeLn, stiild Hud. It.iils, I!! tc!:. s. Hives Krn.tin ami Skin Diseases, (his GREAT BLOOD CURE l, !-,", " lh..r..iulily trhJ and found lo Le urn tjitallt ti. After l.i.theii.i, Senile. l'i v,r, T Fever -ni l Fornmauia, lake lr. hy I In-F. trail .1 ;'.ii-.i,iiilla for 1 . I.iny . Weakness, Weak Merven, Malaria, ( 'aiarrh and lilit'iltiuitisli' It piv, lll.l 101' $:-Read! li. ,.,t V.u.o '.' ' ' . '. I " i.ilSn:s 1 iitu nl.ul to In-alile to report that my Utile win, lor wlinin l( jjr D.itnl's Sat-apaiilla t.is f.'ltin is tteli. He had I he worst eime of E(.'i:MA tt( sun ol he. ml nl .Unl eteiMlniiii I li.nl t n. d seenuil to tlo liim in. r.khI nt alf m$ inii-l s.iv ih.i' 1 In hi l he u-t nl Ur. Land's Sar-siparillu mth no faith in it at all, uj alii i nit inn " '". ' I' " ilats Hie -nr. lirnl. it nil over Ins lindy ami ler worse Aaa tiny ever were, aid lot ui.tr .Imiuilit I lull Lr Lavnl'a I urnnpiirillii was pn. i in; as wiullili -s a- l lie ol In i no tl ic i in s Itail done, 1, however, continued to yivp it hi , rtetiou- il in .ihool a week the npi..itatiee ol' Hie sores liepin to change, anil th liitle I. II. nt sullen. I less II, emu iimeil taliini the Sarsariiirilla. and imprnveil ri!u .tluiti;, ii nl 1 1 now, alter t.il. mu m nly si hollies, he is well air! the mire have all j,in, Verv i.M'eeitiilly, M lS. J.C. Klllli;i;., As this hllle Imt lit.il in my l.iiinly. I e.ni testify n. (he truth ol every word of the alinte. III h;nl Hie iitn-l e.t-e nl fiv 'tua I ever saw I .mi, vet Itul.s vniits. . it- , L. A. TIMIIKMiAKK ay-rrico '1 Tor Ettlo- 0 Bottles for ?5. EVEYWHSnE jm l-lxpre.-ed on teeeipt of Price, ?$Owens & Minor Drug Co.,-: RICHMOND. V. 123-125 Fayetteville st. Clin Sill: RALEIGH, 1ST. C. A OURGORSETS i DOBBIN & FERRALL. tu r 17 3ui, CHAELES CMPECIIOIBR, FBTEIISBUIvLa-, VA. Mr. W. V. Warren ret. resents the Iinu aud will visit Weldon and its vicinitj regularly. I have reiitej the .'tore roiiu bttweeoniy store nod the poslortiee fur a storie room, nrnl have just rccciveJ a car uf nice v No. I Timothy Hay,Seed Oats, Ship Stuff, Corn, Seed Irish Pota toes, all will be sold at lowest prices FOR CASH. Meal. New liue riuur Mittini, Pretty Oak Suits of Furniture, New liue Wash Goods fur ladie' waists and dre-swH. Ur gamlies, I'erealine lor linings, Kinhroidery , 40 yards lor .ii. 1 cany a Dice line of Notions lor ludiea. I have a lot of , will close out at cost. .My line of hardware is com'lete. l'ull liue Ctok stoves, host nukes. :t to 9-1. JOHN 0. n ESTABLISHED 1865. ' Woodside's wharf, Norfolk, Va. T .T'WTP.. Car load Ion or itn.de barrels. Shell lime for land. Most sential fcriilii 'i for ihe farmers' pocket and itspruv. ment of hi land. !PIi.A.STIBIR.--I'''l Plaster in bags ur bulk. JDH&AJL 1ST TILE All sijea, car load ol hw. Farms well drained wi'l give good yields and often pay its oust in one, year. SEfWEJri PIPE- All biiea for mads, culverts, wells, etc. TAEi Coal lar, lor netts and timber. 1' ioc tar id burk, uil aud piue barrelfi CEMENT. All kimU; car load or amallcr quaotitUp. GOOD SEEDS GOOD SOIL GOOD CULTIVATION tii then you may reasonably expect good eropa. Sometimca, by eiiri cultivation, you may get ulong pretty well on really poor noils, and ii times, on exiri soils, passable crops are made without proper cultivation, 1ft. but there is one thing to be remembered no matter what the toil or the cultivation, you will never succeed unlets the seeds are all right. "Fig" lX. do not grow from thistles," nor good cropi from -poor seeds. We sell nois ing but seeds. Wo sell no seeds which are. nut good. Will you let Is. help you to grow good crops? No matter bow snia I your opera tions may be, we want to furnish the seeds, snd you will be torpii.rd W m. find how easy it ia to buy our seeds by mail. Write for catalogue il i the best ever wiittcn for the Southern gardener. DEORCE TA.ITS SOIISIT. SEED GROWERS AND MERCHANTS. war i ly. Tills fur Sick Headache i Health and Strength, aud makes pure HR'll Hgfj Read! Read.it A l I KK, A., (Ktolier l.V sii teVW. II CO US KTS-w sAmerica's Leading Corsets. Are modeled and rut in such a uiantur that ihey j;ie j;rjcc anj Leaut)- to cviry fiu'urc. Mude with 4, 5 and ti hook elasfi, una in Mull, .Medium, lono and ciln luiiu' waists, all styles, iucluding the Bi- cycle and the new Shirt waist corscli, always iu slock ready for uiaiiini; Prices from 81 up Mail us your orders. C. ALLEY, mar 10 ly. ICIIII Fll HARNESS that I Enfield, N. C. DAMAGE.- ft NORFOLK. VL