ft J I fpsi wall al nf OIIISr W. SLEDG-E, I'lioi'iilKTOK. (), XXXIII. A. NEWSPAPEB F O !R, THE PEOPLE WKLDON, N. C. THURSDAY, JUNK y.i.JS.iS. TEEMS:-1''"1 I'Kli A NX I'M IN AiV A M'K. NO. S. t i KanosjOrgatf PERFECT TYPE8 1 what ii good iiihI rttiiH'tit shtiild be: The wonderful murine ".ualitie of tlx- Piamwi arc reciiKiii d by every vocal artist who tinstiiiliiinly recommends them, aTANl)AllUli(i.NS. Tl'NINti AND KKl'AIKISti. .. I'iano fur Kent Tenm to Suit. : Write tor illustat. d catalogue. CM AS M. HTIKIT, f !) X- Liberty ft., Ilaltimnre, ' Washington, ,Vl KleviMith ft., N. V. set i ly. Mil. From FACTORY to CONSUME.'!. 3) (t SI.39 ) Htttlun ttm-kt'f a till' Ittllfl'St Pl7C t-wr iiunte ; t iT a iWn. M4.AO. Vv Our it w 112 a ilitHltllll' I III'- f tnuAiuitiliii rie, croek uuli; !" " V M- '-..-HbJ Itai'vCjtii.im y V iVliite. Mit- (P, V rorn, IJeihMntf, fMe., i mr- f.ir !, nkliii. N)i.'tiiil Hiipplvmeiit-i t'l' 1 ' lQ Midi lire II I So ltd'. Write to III . V" 10 ) l rAI.I'Ki' rATA..n,'K in lit ' mnlii'il colon U oIho until 1 1' I- A Write fr it. IT yi wmli kimiiWi y Mcnil So. stnmo. Mtitf ii'ir M.iiniil.'S ;il ;( mullml f-T All HrM-1 w t'H dtl fri I III Ii Hii't iftiuhl "7 A inltl on 90 inr-liii44 hikI 01 it. $7.45 AS d n iiiinli'-to viti-ini-iw- YjV 0) e.i'rt'rtsuifi' ini'pnnt t- ynitr Aj rfA 5 Hiiltun. Write Tnr In'!' urn i- t J v f ft l"iif titi'l mimplrt. A ldnd 1,1 A V: l-ticily as U l.iw), ' r Ji : j ""i Ji Dept. 909. OALTIVOH MO. 9J iff iitu unui:tianv Belected and private Stock lye Whiskey, pf the Purest pistillation, and is Recommended Jo all who use Or Require a Stimulant of Reliable pality. i IUVKNTOltT MOKHIS&CO., Sole a.'ntn lor ihi! I'i-lill' r, ltichtiioiul, 'u. MU. W. 1). SMITH, ill W,Mn, N. 0. iheflole uislriliuiin ni-tit at tli;it point, fur the ulmw ilil ami Colilifatwl Whiskey. DAVENPORT MOHHIS tntr :tl tim. CO. -HY- Swift Creek i 1 t i r$Dairy and Stock Farm 1 One hundmt head ol irilt eiluehred n-tfi fored JiNpy t'ows, Heifern Aiut you on bull fXenileu hlooil ol the note l Moka I oih, St. Lambert, Com minute umlntlur HtniiuN fieifera f 2o tin to f'MI itO; HnlU l.'vim to .tO.UO MuleM kept only from toy 'hwI nwn. Kenmmber the btilt is half (lit herd in hoyantl brtn-ii up ivi.tmt Clun nwinc flwayH ou hnml. rite tor what you jrint. T. P. B R AS WELL, I je 24 ly Baltlehom. N. , Linnnn mm ninnnv k ii Id Jacob Grovers mlHul Ulllllllll UllUHlll. f- i o SPECIALIST unci AUTHORITY nu nil 1 II 111 who are iitr,irinir with v HLOOI) XUOUHLtC, would lie wi.se to call ou or riilrem hy muil. Consultation I'rue anil aiedieinefl Compouaileil to Bilit each panic. 41ar case. When writing to me pleaxe en lo.ie stamp for reply, j l'KOK JAS. HARVKY, Via (Jhureh Ht (New No.) j 17 ly. Norfolk, Va. kikunu. uviiun. W A I.TIk I. DANIIL I f u M D L L 1 N A DA ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wii.don, N. C. ffmotlralnttieeonrtlor HllniinilNnrthmp tftiitlintheilupremeftndKedflnil courtl. UoU "tlonamicle In alloilrtlnr North Ifernlln ragolioaoe at Uallaw, H. Copeniverr Hon. rJ l 1 I 111 (Mill. U LMJt lMiV ; J ' The Yoimi Recruit. "GET RIGHT AMONG THEM BILL" iMItklu Stun uf A llov Whu Ncwr SWd 1 he ' I (i'minivkvT' Iii'liif Kiillimt can (til a w.ir Miiry Wiiit limn mi)1 livinir mini. Ilrri ii u I'iitln'iii' dim in liii i.wii tt.iil: ' Inlc t liniin1 ri'i'niif in It i - v nil iii ni'l in iiM ti iitid li i- x iitj (iNI farmer t'ti ii I iM-ii" 1.1 Lfillint Cuiuiit'l ItiH 1 1. -1 y jd I ; Kill, tuy buy Itcru lu-4 Z 'l (In' w ir f vt-r. II itt Ihotlu r ntnl I Imv nii il la -t it out ill' him, hut if nu ii-i- IIi-fuvi'iiH lit II run nw.iv it" l "H t li t him n, I've iiiuiintul him on the t t rariiii: cult I lucl, ainl hcri1 In; ii Tiitt- him wiiliymi, hut I'vn th iiiurlt In f.iy. If hit t;vcr slniw.H the 'loiniiiii'ktT, kill liini riht th'ii anil tlnrc. It.tn't let liim t'-ttnt! Ii line Tin1 nltl laniicr riiisi-'l f:aini' 4hiik ri and I'oULlIlt thrill ('in Mi! hii'l 11 (; )tih'tl)it for Muiiii('kT r ii).( t-r-i hetMn-'i' lie iliiln't think th'-y wmlil li:h', ttml (hit win Inn hlnnl way uf ileH'Orihinj; n c.iw.irtl Il--hiiii'v iiini'il ami saw a I iir hitirnl f m fi tly lail of 17, Hamlin irlWrt1y iTcc, hi- lijH (Minjirtvcil, hut n viihl liu-fli-h-inj; I'm hi his Mi'cl hlue tyry. Tint hny dhvit Hill ii w.itil, b it partttl i.'iiiiTly fru u the nlil man anl went to Virginia (0 join iht; cavalry. I'llotiey watehi'l wit U iiitlu tin; rapi I iiii riveiii iit of ihc yninii; r-rruit, hm ha I furotdMi the iui l -itt until the il civa'ry liht a lir.imly Slaiiuu. Winn ." 1 1 Iron ffer ; L'huiinj; ami (outiieuharin with ihe tnlhiil e!ah Nht'l'lhi' l.iht hi'ule, Vu-tve Vmi)' Miihl-iily url-rcil him (o utttk-k u I'Vih rul liiiie tli.tt was lonniu on thu II .nk. 'ii.l riht Jiii ia lh. ui, Itilr, and hri'ak them up with cohl stoe'!' was the onler. 'Don't civc thetu tiiim to furtu.' Tln'wunls wero lurdly spoken when hiy cuiimianJ, 1 Money far in uilnuuT, was sweeping ilnwn upon tin? foe, hut hi'furt' ht; was within 1"0 iWt uf the oeiny )uttiethiii ' went hy him like a cyi'ltinc i breath. Ihe lu'irta boy was iiti'lin.U on tiploj in 1m tirlp!1, hate- lie tl'l, liin pilileu hair Pireainioj.', with alier hili in air, ati'l a lie passed, with th: Ijht of battle, in his face ami eves ashing defiant'1, he turned in his xuddle uiil (tlioutt'd, '(' )lonel, liete'.-t your d 'mi- neker!' 'A ui Jinent more, and he Mrm-k the TH in 'h line like u eaiinoti li it. his siher fliliiu-.' tin ever.1 haul until he wai liter ally hi -ked d wn hy ihe Marl led focmeD. When ihe tiht was over, Deioney looked for hi ui, and tli 're ho lay i i ihe. f ilm of ieath.his byili 1'ue; trilh'd with the lyiiiL1 ihoujht, 'Tli-y II tell pi I never how- d thed 'Uiiuiekei!' " AtUttia Con itu ition. Misroim i;or in;iti;ii rv "Here I am," n.iid the colonel, "eaer lilu for my eouutrv, and 1 ean't et a raiment to eouitiiaiid! ' Why n it enlist at priviite ihMi?" Ko'i!' erii-llli" elotiel, ''don't you know I vva h rn the elh r wa?" IS II IS OWN IIANMS. I sup) tone ymi r-wore eternal eonManej to Kred?" ''No, I t.ld him the length ol our enaetuetil depended liri ly on Min nelf." "In what wa?' "1 t-dd hiiu it he hustled around anl fought vinriu-l and short) tied the war I would w.iit fix hill) Hut I Couidn'l htand a loti; STujjole." ('level in 1 IMain D - iler. It is n it our fni.tir i lui ruin ih, hui our IVar and tar "i i i ui .ktnj ne. be(inin'T aO r f o m Whrn a voutm iiutn aik a father for hla rUuifhtt-r'it lunil in niatnairr. if the-father 1 a wle imi1, Iir think ol one 1hm(r equal- lv n oi..r'"' 'V y"irij: man'i murall, Mu-idl ami husiueKM Ktunline and intelli Kt-nt'e. A younff man wlio sutler from ill-ht-;iHli ln no nltt In mart v until his health i ri vlon d Tn do o in lo commit a crime aaaitiHt tht human rare. While all dit-aee may not he din-ttly inherited, the couitita tiotial Ifiidt tu y to aaiuirc tht-m ii inher iu-d. If a man is a consumptive, the chances art- that his children will have weak, undersized lung's, and a prediapoai tion to acquire the saute disease. The votitur man who suffers from hrnn- chilis, weak lungs, spilling of hlood or any nisi-ae ol tne air passages tvincn. 11 neg lected leads up to consumption, may take Iir Vierce's (.olden Medical Discovery with almost absolute assutance of recovery. It cures oS per cent, of all cases when taken in time. It soothes and heals the delicate and sensitive tissues of the air passages and ltititrs, checks the eouirh, facilitates expect oration, diives out all impurities and dia ease germs from the tainted hlood and hlttlds new and healthy tissuei. Mr John C. Horn, of 4.1J0 l.ilxTty A. . Pills tairgh, rs., writes Home thirty tiumlhs ago I said 10 my wife. I rtnn l want tn keep anything from vnu, I must tell von I am hi the lasi stage ol cousin iption ' In Ihs-einlH-r is,ift I coinineneeil taking Itr. I'iercr'a CraiWn Meilleal Oiacovery 1 could then only 'peak in whispers. I have taken thirteen bottlea. and can say with truth I am greatly ttenctiten People are surprised to hear tne aieak. I can IisIIimi. and my voice haa hot been as vond itt eiahl vcars. My atomach was never tn better condition. Formrrly I coula, not eat without aullering very much Imaaadiaaah aAcr, but sow I caa eat anything." Just For Lock. THINGS DONE FOR LUCK. Sunk Oil Sutorsiiiinns. Nn All uf Wbkb llaic I ntirJy iiattcircJ. W11 nre ciiidi'iit tuilay to ilirnw riot; at 11 newly tnujriei I'nupli' or nil ultl slum or two, ami ihr liriile tossea Iicr htuiiiet anion;: the cirls tn it tV.t iti In r who ia lucky enough l culoli il tliul sliu will be tliu next hiiu inirrieil, Imt whoat is really llie lliiiie; tu throw li-.cause tlieevil spiriln lialetliei'olor uf jellnw iiliuvu all tltini;, II' Hiiile (,'rniii liku rice ii u."ii, it utlraots iliciii, tun to become t'lucuciotis fliuulj lie colnreil yellow willi Itirtiicric or ttuiiie siniilurdyc. diesis anil the lliinos lliat lii'ino ill luck liale Iciidier, ai old sW aro proper, except in tliuse instnncen when it was mooctej that tin; (iuesla throw t lie carriage nix let llie couple drive 11 way in (lie lmo. Out a ehoe under your pillow is a radical cure fur uililtiiart', and crumps iu lied can be averted by plncine; a (clipper upside down at (ho luut ol llie couch. The use of trunk straps, slippcin, leather whips and the like on small boys uls'i prevents the approach of new spit its of mischief and drives off ill 1 old ones. It is well lot t lie bridegroom to hcw garlic, cloves and rs inary in liis waistcoat before the cere mony. No spirit (jets depraved enuuoh to stand that ccmhinutiun. The route at a weddino must be urranocd so that uverylbino is done as llie sun travels or in llie bands of u wateh 0,0 round. Anciently there used to be u sacred fire about which llie bride aud ".tuotii danced in this milliner. It is all riojit einiiili In find a four leaved clover, a horseshoe or the like, but mere picking iliein up is not lucky. It 111 11 -1 bean assured fact that llie limine.: is a tiling of pure chance. Then as flic olij-et is taken iu hand you must say: "I do not pick up Ibis horseshoe or four leaved ciovei, (as llie case may be), but I pick up (to id luck. M ly il never leave me!" Horse-hoes arc titful lor more things than one. A cruikid nail from one is a sine cure for li's, or, if placed in llie IP st uf a siliiuo lieu, will keep hi t from li.-ii.jj I'liolitetietl olf by thunder Made into a tin'' and wuruon die thiid tinoer of llie left hand it cures rhcuiiiii tism. But it cannot be insisted upon tuc strongly that all these things must bi found. You cannot buy luck. Mirrors aro good things to have if tliey reuiam whole. It is always wise lo h ive a little one s"t in a ring, broach or bracelet. 1 ou know, evil tilings ure unable to withstaud a Hght ol themselves If they catch the slightest glance of their ugly visagis, they flee for their very ex ?tcncc. This makes a barber shop 1 lucky place to have your hair cut in, but the barber must be particular to go to the top of a hill with all bis clippings and let them blow away, else something undesirable may find the hair and work you mischief. There ore some barbers in Chicago who are known to bo careless about climbing hills for this purpose Holding a minor in front of a man when he is sleeping will put a slop to any hail slorm il' pcrsi.lt d in, ami, by the way, the uuluckicst thing iu tin world is to steal from a blacksmith. Many a man has been knowu to be defeated on elec tion Jay because in his boyhood he. touk things from the smithy without permission, and it is also uul'orlunate to in ike any disposition of iho parings of your finger naila except to bury them. Tiicevil e)e is an ancient institution aod oue worthy of regard. TI10 animus behind the owner of the bad eye is always eovy. lie ices something he wants ami loo.s a-kmce at it, and after that the thing never lias auy luck. Then, when the evil eyed one aeea that, she cannot wish for it, aud her power is gone. In some places this is done by putting a lit t lo piece of black eourt plaster or aonic tlling similar on the face. Lampblack 03 the eyelids is famous, though pains a iould be taken not to uiake it look like long eyelashes. In Chicago the favorite eosiuetic for this pen p.wi is not what fie Hiiiish call 'blacks" These are generally worn, and it has be. a eruditely sur.uiscd that I'll, is one ieas .ii why the city and in inh ibit tuts h ive such gmd luck. No envious vi.iior has ever been nb!c to make llu ui , .o a,,ik linuujh the smoke nuisance Chicago Ttiuea llerald. Tin: ltoMitsinxi.'s way. "Pesc bombshells," said the colored inhabitant, "ain't got no manners. W'en dey cotues ler see you' dey don't stop tcr oonsidcr ef dey'sany room, but knocks dedo' dtiwn co takes possession. One come ter a house ooce wbar win a man had dc rheumatism, en tuck olf de leg whut dc rheum itisin wui in, en I kin sifely say d.tt in iu wux it trmtltl wid rheumatism no run'!" Fashion rules ihe largest empire aod collects her tax in gold and blood. Karlh has oo brighter bl.isi.ni ihio the little child smilliog through rags. An hour of careful thinking is worth more than teo of careless talking. REMEMBERED HIS MOTHER. IhcOliWuman'lhiiiiglinhe I'rctly Nulcs Wire I'kluR.s. An old woman in Scotland was living in the must abject poverty. Iler neigh hors thought it strange, knowing that she had a son io America reputed to he in comfortable circumstances, ( )nc day one of theui ventured lo ask her about the matter. "Doci your son never aend you money?" "No," reluctantly answered the mother, but, eager to defend hi 111 against the im plied charge uf forgclfulness and ingrati tude, she quickly added, "but ho writes me nice long letters and sands uio a pretty picture in almost every one'ol them." "Where aro these pictures?" incrit'J the visitor; "may I see them?" "Why certainly," was the answer. And the old woman went to a shelf and took down the old Bible, and there between the leaves lay the "pictures" that her son had been sending from America through all the yean. V hat wero they? Nothing more or less than bank notes, each for a consider able amount. During all this time ol need the woman had had under her hand sum of money sufficient to satisfy her every want, and she did out know it. She had looked at the pictures; she bad thought them pretty pictures; they had been to her reminders of her lar-nlT son, and evidence that he had not forgotten her, and that was all. (If what docs Ihc little story remind you? Are we not often, like this woman, finding "pictures" iu the Book where we should find wealth for the supply of our needs? (rod's promises arc hank bills, they are checks and drafts upon the bank on high. We look at them, read them admire them; we think of the love that prompted God to make them and give them to us; we imagine circumstances in which limy would be peculiarly aud ex c.'cdingly precious and helpful. Then wo shut the Bible and leave them there, ami go nut to face the poverty and desti tuti ui ol life We d nut use theui, spend llicin, buy with them, live upi n them, us we might aud ought. Gold Uule. WITTY SAYINGS. The cause that he are fighting for Hath growing great dimensions, But since it seems a bloodless war, We'll not be swamped on pensious! The Spauish comic newspapers con tinuelo picture us as pigs. Hut tint is because we are rooting them out of their possesions. Pilzhugh Ii."C speaks well of Blanto and lays he is a good Ulan in his way The fact, remains, however, that bc'i very much in our way just now, and we'll have to remove him. Leslic'a Weekly prints another taking picture of General Miles. But really the general should cease taking pictures and lake a few towns. As some ooi hath written: "The worli is iu tunc," And the melon is ripe, And thank heaven for Juue! An exchange, relerring to the war, says: "The devil is to pay now." Well, let him wait until peace is dc dared when we will make Spain inelud him in our in Iciuniiy. Here is the yell of the seniors of a western fema'o seminary. Whang) Bang! Zip! Boom! Vitel Hurrah! Ki-Yi! Grecu and White! Hullabaloo Baloo! Balate! Lasell! I.asell! Ninety-Kight!" Well, may God help us all! In commenting on the departure of the actor, Mr. E. 8. Willard, for Kurope, Boston paper says: "Quietly, and willi a alow, deliberate step, he walked up ih gangplbok." That's just what we expected of hiui If he hid not been deliberate in his step ping he might have fallen overboard, and there wis no Decision tor him to g up boisterously. Wo have still kuuwn Mr Willtrd for a iiuiet, careful man. We arc gill he did not disappoint us iu thin in stance Atlanta Constitution. I was seriously afflicted with a cou for several years, and last fall had a more severe eough than ever before, l bav used many rem dies without receiving much relief, and being recommended to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Con.-li Remedy, by a friend, w'uo knowing tuc to be a po ir widow, gave it to me. I triid it, and with the most gratifying result The first botile relieved me very much an I the second hoi lie has absolutely cured roe. I have not had as good health for twenty years. I give this certificate without solicitation, simply io appreciate of thcgiaiilude felt for the cure effected It -spect fully, Mts. Mary A Beard, Clarr- more, Ark. For aale by W. M Cohen Woldon.i N nrown, Htlttai, ur a.m. Harrison, nullum, unigglsta. The gift of silence is often more val uable than the gift of speech. She's Hers U OLD BLOCKADE RUNNER. amnus lufi Siill Hits Ihi' Wjuin rrint; WjutiikIiiik few people are aware of the lin-l lhat tore is siill in existence, with u I, rts mouth registry, a blockade runner of the late war. She is still a slaunch craft , and allhuugh she no longer fears the round shot from a blockading fl 'c(, slut skitiis about as lively as though she were seeking to oi- pe from some swift piiisuin eoivct. heex blockade runner is llie Ma)llowi-r, itptain G. T. Taylor, and she is ti-iw used ia the coastwise trade. Iu siiinmci ic carries watermelons to Baltimore or irscy potntu ami also to Washington. here at one lime she was held as a prir. of war, says the Norfolk Virginian. The Mayflower was built primarily for the perilous work she was put to, and to that end, she was made exceedingly la-t. Iler keel was laid iu Nassau, West Indies, and she was launched there in lSIIJ. The Confederates used In r us a blnek le runner in and out of Charleston harbor for a long while, and she was st swift that the I'uiled Stales cutters were unable lo capture her. At last, aid r making a magnificent dash for the high sea, she was caught in a dead calm. A nitcd States gunboat buio duwn itud nabbed her. Shu was taken to Wash iugton, confiscated by ihe Federal gov ernment and sold under the hammer. After the war she was used in the li-h ng business and finally taken to Noil'oik and again sold, and for 18 years she has icen known as oao of the fastest boats in Virginia waters. How long is she?" the Virginia man was asked upou llie occasion ol bi xi-il to the old craft, glancing IVoin bow to stem. "She's got a net tonnage of 1," III and gross tonnage of -,lL'7,"lhc skipper rt- plied. "Aud she's 111' feet over all," be wcnl tin, "and 17 feet uboain." Q lite large sails?" ihe reporter ic- m liked. Yes; ,")llll upl ire yald.s ol'cinva-, " ti e skipper replied, "anl ili.it big -.iiva. "I mvas saved h r from g io'' lo the bot tom suue .III years ago. She outran iu.iii) a Federal e ivcrt, and m ire than one CJIlilon ball has .skipped across her bows in the days when she was I.riuu- iicedlul ihiugs in ihe Cnufrdcr- aey, tint shes here )et. I ittsliuig Dispatch. LOST III) I'll oc 'i:m. The boy had enlisted in the army hiidwiipped away from h ime aud "j'in d the raiment," and the o!deoU!e woriit-d over it until the mother divided that the old nun mut ;o after him and lirim; him home. Alter weary j-mrneys the old man reaeh'!d the camp and i-.iw hii b y on dre.HH parade, and heard the baud play "Dixie," as of old, and he j't enthu.-ed. arid "hurrahed" louder than auy tine ele. and patted his hoy ou the shoulder, and telegraphed home: M ui in: The durn tiling look mi much like old times that I think I'll iini lur my Hell! Send me my oid tith1 an' canteen hy express, lloornah! All well." lliirkli'iiN rn ie a rBle. The Best Salve in the worlj fur t'uts. Hmises, iNfres, I'leers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sm s, Totter, chapped ll ind-i. Chiilihiins. Corns, aud all Skiu Krupiions, and po." itivcly cures Files or no pay rtipiinl. It is guaranteed to ive per feet MiitMVtion or money refunded. Price 2." eetil per hox For Sale hy W. M. Cohen. Tin; ti:st. Maid (breathlessly) Oh, mis-, bulb the gents you is ongigcd to his called, and they're in the parlor, and somehow or other they found it out, an I, oh, miss, Fui afraid ihere'll be trouble! Mil Klinie Ilorr r! Oh, dcai! What shall I do? MaiJ Otter nil -eiion) Ml I'u i'. I'll run an tell cm V 'U io ervin r eyea out ciuse y'r father lm lost all his money Then you can keip the on.' who nay. IV i ininuteajater the mud Murnetl lo say lhat both the geuls had gone L)t)donTi l Hits Oq' good American from two had Span iardc. Kxehange, Pe Louie. Wvy I ler. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent cure nt tetter, salt rheum ami eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without nn eainnl. It relieves the Itch iiiK and sinuvtina; almost instantly nnd its continued use effects a permanent cure, tt also cures iteii, narlier a Itch, seahl beatl. aore nipples, itehimr tiilea. chapped hands, chronic aore eyes and granulattHi luls. Dr. Catly'a Condition Powdera fur horses are the best tonic, blood purifier aud vermifuge. Price, Mcenta. Stildby Foraale liy W. M. r.ihcti. WeMon, .1. X. llrown, llalilllx, llr. A. K. Harrison, Rnllelil. llniKKtsta. Nothrnfr is so plcasine. or so hoitid as the music of your own Imp Aii Innocent Boy. A PROBLEM IN MUTE L0VEMAK1NG. MA UA I f ni luriuJ )n the .k I 'mi I Million, iti t Tie l;itliti''e n dial one tn r tii u! iti;.' d'urii mi llie ttlio i ijiiile an ex. I llie deal' tiiiid ., uj lil't Week lit w.n i vutid:ile i jr, win ii I became iul led ill il iJi-cii-h.iu li' lff" tWO lllllliH ''S.iy, I w in! youmduee," stid one i.f tin in, u-iiiu' hi" hiindias Vocal urjan-. ' I ohall he happy ln.h!i:?e you," slid (he oilier. 'Are you up .m tin- tiiek-d vv iim-tj?" inipiired the lir-t one. Tin; Peeond man iiii.desily adiniited lliat he knew Hotnetliinu i,f ih( pnihr st-)t, although he di-elaimed b'-itig an orach. ''Well." Plumed ih'' one who wanted advice, "you know, I am in luvu with .Mabel That pretty little blonde, ymi know. At hot I made up my mind lo propose- to her. Last night I made the attempt." "And r-he turned you duwn?" eagerly impiired hi" friend, his hand trembling so with excitcuu lit that he stuttered badly. "Tli.it is what I am comini; to," siid the lir-t. ' I don't know whether she did or hot. Viju see, I was riomcwliat embarrassed, and the words seemed to tick on ui) hands. And lliere nhe at, an demure as a dove. Finally, uiv I'm gers clove together, and t could not Kiy a word. Then .Mabel got up and turned the uas duWii." Well?'' ''Well, wlii,t is blithering nie is thic Hid "he d that lo eneuur.i'e me and reiievi! my ciiitiarrav-meiii, ur did slic do il mj we could not m:c to talk in the d.uk aijd !o tcp my prepoal?'' NO INTi:itlU lTI. The uewly electel Jibliee of the Peace ficcd the happy pair. In all hit led exporienee he hid ii"V.t laekl-d o U'IhTum! a pr ili'iiit. Nevi ri lii-!i - be d ti nniiied to proceed wiili the ct r- in .nv to the best of hi-, s miewhiil i at tied ability lie went en wuh the all iir by j-rky and annually inaudible der. e,-. Pret;iilly looktil viK'uou-tly aiuiitid him ami hoarsely impiitid: loes any man present know of any iuivhmeiit to tins unttiti: le saw thai u pbo ly understootl liiai. lie died anno l,l ies anv man know of any bar" Me wa- inleH'ilpteil by the bride room. "Thar's a bar nexr door," saitl the happy man, ' but, bet yer bottts, Mpiire, th.ir' won't be a drop (J' lickerin' till voii y hitched! Aud the c. rem -ny proceeded. mm: Mit.ii 1, ' There is one thing you don't have lo lo anjhow," growled Mr. Wi-KdunLs t'-rouh the lather thai eovend hi face as proceeded lo strop his r... ir. " Vou'u alwas ciunplainine: about your hard-hips. You .oiv;lit to be mighty thanklul you hiiveii'i 11 a a b 'ard to bother Voii " 1 dt.n't know abo-it that," replied Mrs, U hlnluiiks. "If 1 was a U.irdcd l.idy, 1 trlieve I could make a better liv ino f r this fi'iiily lb in vmi re 111 tkiiu." Chicago Tiibune. A TOl till l" 'Souicwherc in the south," says tVn. Hics.snian uUoay, "a bright colored hoy iippcand lid'ore the civil service uiiinission to he t-xsniincd lor the po sitioii ol letter carrier. 'How far is it IVoin the earth to the moon?' was the first ipi'.'sii in a-ked by those who were to dt'ieruuue the youti man's fiiness lor the lilaeo he sought. 'How fall tun it from the earl' to dc m ion?' echoed til's applicant. -My l.iwil, boss, il yms uwiuc lo put tne on d it route I don't a'.ilit de job.' With llul the j'ounr' null lalihed his hat all I lel'l as llieujh I 0 Were chased ' I'lllt OVI'.M. I'll'TV VI'.tllK .'trs i iiisiow s ,-sooiiiiii),' ."syrup lias hecn usi-il I'or over fitly years by millions nf mothers lor chiltlren. while tivihtncr. ith p -rlVvt Mia-... !; isooilic iho diii.i, sol'tens the uutiis, uliavs ull pain, cures wind colic, an. I Is the host remedy lor Ihairliiei. i will relieve the poor linle sullerer immedialely. Sold liy driloj.st.s ill t'tery pari ol the world. 2.1 cents a boule. Itc sure ami ask lor "Mrs. Wins- low's Sooihinc; Syrup," and take no oth er kind "Waal, eirls," said Vncle Si Low, who was visiting his nieces, "when you come down to llie farm in the sunnier you wake lots uv fun uv ns because we cat in ihc kitchen lint I don't see e! it makes nmeh difference whelhcr you eat in the kitchen or cook in the dining room. An Old Mr. Every day strengthens tie belief of emi nent phyaieian, that impure blind is the cause of tin. majority of our diseases, twenty-five years am) this theory was used as a hasia for the formula, ol' llrowns' Iron Itinera, The many trinarkalileeures elfecleil by this famous old houaeln.ld remedy are orSeient to prove that the theory is eorreel. Drown,' Iron flitters ia sold by all dsaJan. Some Slops To Matt FORGET SELF IN MAKING OTHERS HAPPY. I ; ,i n t h Ivjr liy ( k,wim in lliink r IjIL t.nH II, Sip lliiiikin' uf ihe hod), keep it dean and cpinlorhib!) and be. 'ounnly clothed, and llu ii I nr..;. I tln thing in the idea which you should i nd nvor to exprct"! throiigli it man m eie in the irri;i';' of t imi. Your h.nly -In.'lM be no UMe to i.u iban y.oir In.ti'e, 1 1 i iu-h which y..n sh iilld cmleavor lo express llie idea home. Slop limit itv! fault with the w-atlnr and spe;ikmg of cveiy elniuvo of ihe til tn oi-phere us if Hekinss wete coiilained lie hm. lieluse Iu take cold, Some people fpe;ik uf UT.aill l.l)s llll'l UltllOf- ph n s as "good lor pneumonia." Step desei tiling y.,nr uMisalions. Stop sa)itig you feel siek, feel tiret), feel weak, feel hot, feel fold, fee anything. Culti vate thought, not HiMisiiiun. Furget sell iu making others happy. liani-di fear by eeasiie.' to think or talk about it. SlMp sa)in' "I am ufraid" uf anything. Fear, distrust and doubt are depressing sensations. Cultivate Impe, faith and trust. They are the tonics ol the mind. K.aliz! that there is b'it otic Jife in tint universe, and lhat uiau cannot be separated from th.it Life. He not anxious if thu day pass by iu which you fail to eat breakfast, dinner or supper; but do not allow a day to pass without adding some thought to your mental store, which y .11 will be glad to incorporate into ymir morality. Never say y.iii are iu poor health. Time is Uo -pialilieatioli tn health. Voii iiiiulit as well speak of poor harmony. Establish an i ipiilibrium of mind, mid the bodily functions will take me of them-. Ives. Kxehaue. f Are Ion Wfakt Veftknrnn nianifentn itself in tho Iom of ambition mxl aehniL' li-mes. The Moot! ia wntery; tlo1 tisuei nrc wntiinr tin ilitr in b- iiiL'op.'rii it l.ir'lt hm. A I't'ttle of Hrnwnn' Iri.n Hitter's hit, en 111 time mil rculoiv yir wrenuth, iwiilie ytiiir nerveti, tiuikp ymir IiIoihI rich mi'l reil. llu ym mort ttml than nnnppiitvivp Bpceialeoiin.p ofineibcine. browns' lruu liittert it soltl by til iK-rUti. She (sewitii; a button on bis sbiri "John, were you very greatly llustertd when you proposed to me?" lie "Yes, To tell you the truth, t was so rattled that ni;ht 1 iiilu t know what 1 was doing." A yet he hasn't mceeeded iu getting her lo listen to uil explana tion. Unval makes the loud pure, htilesume and dclicloua. POWDER Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its jireat b-avenint stn'tnrth and health fulness. Assures the teod.ii;aiiist alum and all forms of aditltetiiltoti com mon to thecheiip brands. KoVAI. HAKINtt ItlWDKHtH)., NKW YOHK ' i ll i: oi.itt i v's n: oil t The old lady was reading the fust letter her son had wiitten sinco his en lisltuent in the at my. She rend aloud. 'I have been in two battles, and had one arm shot off. Was promoted five times for bravery, and rose from private to colonel iu two weeks' time, I will be a general by the time you pet my next letter.' " The old mat. took it a I in, and tht t pronounced this verdict, between puff from liia pipe. " 1 he l.ord sa, a I burs Mull have i heir portion in (he l ike that burns with fire nnd brimstone, bul 'cordin' to the date on lhat letter, John's in Tampa'" V. M. II AHMSTOX V i'O., WholoHHle and lieUil Ieler in c.vuii:ts, stovks, and Miittretises.eU. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABI.INTON A CO., No 90 N. Sycamore 8t , Peterahun;, Va inswiT. ANTE D TKUSTWODTHY and active t'enileiiien or httlies to travel for rosnousihle. efttnhlishetl house in North Carolina. Monthly tiiiS (Hi anil expenses. rosmon st aaly. Refer- enei. hnelrwe soll-aililrraacd sUmnert an velopa. The Dominion Company, Dept. 4 0 THE DREADED '1 . A. Sloetnn, M C , the Ureal Chemist nnd Scieiiint, Will Send Free, In (he AHIieh-l.Three totlle-ol N'. w ly Ih-eov.r.d It-medi-s lo t 'ure I oii-umpiioh a'-d a) liiin Troubles. Nul I m 1 1 u. eoiilil lie finer, nunc philail I bione or eai ry inore joy to the alllieti'il, tll.it) Hie (ill'er ! T. A. Slm-iuil, M. C, of i'e;ul sheet, N'. w Yotk City. t'onloieiit t!ut he li,i- li-tro rieil tin ahso- luti-eiiie lui entistimptiiin a iid jinltnouaiy eoinplainis, nt.iltn make ils ureat merits kiiowtl, hew ill send, free, three bottle- of meilieine, lo any reader of Ihe Ivounoko News wlio is siilieniiu' hotii chest, hnui ebial, tlimat and Iimi troubles ot col. hi 1 n pi imi. Already this "new seielililie cutirM of medicine" has permanently cured thou sands ol ;ippaielitlv hopeless eases. 'flic thiebu eotiiideis it his reliiiiousilnty -adutv which lie owes to huniani'y to ilon:ite bis infallible cure. 1 Ufered freely, is eiinii:li toeonimeud it, iitnl more so is the perfect eoiilidence o the ureal chemist making the proositioi. Me liiis proxetl tin- iltijnled consumption to be a curable disease beyond any doubt. Ther will be no inistaku in sendnij; the inittuke will he in overlooking the eiieions in vital hid. He has nt) lib- in his American am! Kuiopean laboratories testi nionials ot experience from those cured, in all parts ol the wot Id. Jioti't delay until it is too late, Ad tlre.sH T,A. Sloeiim, M. C, bi Pine street, New York, ami when writing th Doctor, please uivi express and postortiee addrens atil mention readitiy; this article in the uoanoke iSews. W. W. KAY, Dealer In Liquors, Wines, CROCERIES AND CICARS. Why 11 it cull ou V. W. Kay, as he is open both uihl and day. Keep the fol lowinLt hramls ol' well known whiskies: "(lil O-car I'epper," iliimp's II 1'. 1(. Ilye. Siauip Sirainlit." "(toiiloii Haltiinore Hye" uud other brands. I si ll 1 l im it & Co.'s pure Chocko- yotle wines. I keep the best ol' every thine, in my iue. DHsJ'olile attention to all at Kay's, west side It K. Shed. my 4 ly. IlKSHINSSKST KliKK. In writini' iive some limit as to price and state ae of deceased. I. tll(.lr silillk In the Mouth to select from. We have no branch yards, and iiiiew dome business under a similar linn nunc have no connection with us iu any ThVcOUPER IMRBIE WORKS. (Kslahllsheti 1HS. ) to Hill Hank si., Norfolk Va nov '2 ly. Grand Display -OF- SHUN'!. AND St'M MKT.- MILLINERY. FANCY t.oons and NOVKI.TIK8. lbitterick'srattorns. II. & (J. COUSETS, Misses .it .Mk1., Ladiets ?5c. to$I. "WuPricwwill be made to suit the times. Hats ami bonnets made and trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon. N. n KOANOKK ItAl'lDS, N. C. CofiTWTOiis aHd Builders. Furnishers of Bfliiflinij Materials, Manufacturers of Coffins & Caskets V-?:. ;.c 4--,-fsy,,iuVjlir--.1a DM -" and dealers in UNDERTAKER'S SUPPLIES. We sell them from 2 to .40. Our coffins and caskets will compare favora bly in workmanship and finish with those of any factory it the United Sutca and prices guaranteed to be the lowest. tA. All ardcra filled at abort tuiin. ap 8 in. I