5 op ill ul OSBHsali 1 mm? W4 ssswmi JOHN W. SLEDGE, I'Koimmktok. VOL XXXIII. .a. ustiewsp'-A-P'er o ir, the feofle. WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNK .'50. IS!)8. TEEMSHI'Sl1 I'KK ANM'.M IX AltVAXCE. NO. .9. )ianosQrgan( Tie Sip Came Down. Her JalM. His Own Phone. Uncle Sam's Jewel Box. Are You A Coward? THE DREADED PERFECT TYPES I' what n good iuslrtiment should he are POANOS The wonderful imging iiiulilics of these Pianos are recognized by every vocal artist who unstiiitingly recommends them. BTANDARDOHtlANS, Tl'NINI! AND liKI'AIKIMi. Pianos for Kent Terms to Suit. ' Write tor illustrated catalogue. Cll AS ,M. STIKI'F, " S. Liberty si., Haltiniore, Mil. Washington, Ml Klcvcntli st., N. V. ect !!1 ly. V mikm. SK'i'ial miptm'uienl Just 'h- (A V Mici iin also tree. Write to da v. Vw a I'Alil'K P CATAIj) Kll'K in Mho- A) V implied eolora Is nlno nmileil free. A Write for it. If you wmli samples, fm ' W rti'lul He. stump. Miittintr hhiiihI-! it J Mr (t mullet) lor Hi-. All urpel, hcwim! flrt Vw frft lilt moil til ii ml IrHulit s pnlil on gtf par iiue nuriotf r, s $7.45 ffl 1'iivs a inmie-io vnur-roew II If AH-Won! Cheviot Cult, m) eipretmajre prepaid your T-' Mitnm. Write fur lie' rata- I! (A luiic ami samplt'H. AtlivN . (eiuelly an U-lowK ) ( Dept. 909. BALTIMORE, MO. 9) Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest i Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable palitf. I n.WKxi'our mdkius & co., 5 Sole areata for llio Oislilltr, I UichiuoDil, Va. MR. V. D. SMITH, at WolJoti, X. C $ in thesule uUtributiu aent at that "J puiat, for tho aliuvc old ami Celebrated Whiskey. DAVENI'OHT MOUIIIS 1 CO. f mar 31 tim. Fori SjLe -BY- Swift Creek r$Dairy and Stock Farm One hundred beat! of nilt hrwl reuia terwl Jersey Cows, Meileraaml yountr hulls hlt'ouml blooa ol tlie notfl Stoke 1 otita, St. Lambert, Commiuwie nmlotht-r atraina. Heilera f 2 0.(10 to $U IX); Hulls Id.lHi to .t(MHt Mules kept only from my best rows. He member the bull in lull' the herd ho buy uud breed up I'oliud China swine always ou baud. Write tor what you want. T. P. BRAS W ELL, je 34 ly Kattloboro, N. C, U a SPECIALIST and AUTMOIilTV on all All who are su fieri ug with any HLOOI) TROUBLE, would be wise to call on or address by mail. Cuiisultation tree and tuediQiies comnouuded to suit eueh partic ular case. When writiug to me please en close stamp for reply. PROP. JAS. HARVEY, 425 Church St. (New No.) je 17 ly. Norfolk, Va, I M. MDLLBH, W4LTBB I, DANIBL LLIN DANIEL. ATTORNEYS AT LAWt WlLDON, N. C. tMctlctln thecourtaof HaltfaisndNnrthamp tHioaimada la tllasrUuf North Carol Id. rtAokoaoe at HaUtu, M, 0.,MaTrv Mod Jan 7 if ( From FACTORY to CONSUMER. ) Sbal SI.39 P a UuSMthlSr ltattti Hoi'kT a PriVMrW" 'Hrr'ti' 1M TmTtm tw 1 vt'r 'u",'t' ! er m f TTmrrn? " n.o. I Ml' ''A -'lfiU A tMHiiHiiunit Kiir-( Hi i"11"''. Iiaje- V fg 11 ; rufUlilUUi rte. Crockery. V r.H Ialv ranin.-li, J lift VI W l-'fiiiieiiituis. V 1 VJ KlOWS. Lamps, VW W mra ItxlHimr ntn im uiih n fnc I lie OAA i HllAl AtlCI niirome Diseases, Carrying; Burdens. WE AIL CARRY THEM SOMEWHERE bit NipI liudle Vnur ImuUcs. I In uikr I'l'iijlc's Shoulders. Some fit' u tuj; uloo with tliein bi rapped on our liouMer.s hu uur iVIluw cutiipaiiioiw nee llii-m and ti'tiark upun thi-tii. 0:hi'r id" us curry lli'-iu ho wi'II iiiL'.'iilcd in our own lmartf) ilm even our luM IVii'ii'lH, wli i, tuny tmrmixu tliat Wf, liki iVII iw iii'Hi.ils, tuuiL liave llh'in, ni'Vrri't an itnilit m to what tluiy un. i'lii'ti iIl.to wit1 sutue iVlhuv (ravel. t. wlm. ii ii I ike por old lUvie I)an), ui'i-t buckle thvir distroses ou other bhutil lers." It h became ut'suuh ones thai tlie u'jiuiuiiud was jiveo to "H;ir otii aDoth"'s burdens uud thus fulfil the law of Christ. " We are nut to eei -mure tlue wenktr ones, but inve them u anil tlmnk (Jud if Ho ban "jveii us Htrcnth to carry our own bunlotiH with out troubtin; other people with them, Suiueoiie p ';ikn of thiie wild till II to help other iu the h'irden hearing, I "who put life into one, and "jve couiii't to the faint hearted, and hupe out ol their own hearts, eoi)st;itnv, w the Klt-i-t " It is is utie uf the hweetest privih'es in our journey through life, to be able to tutn aideto pvn u lift to th'me weukei tlian ourselves, and by so doinj we may belong to the Kleet. A friend in fpeak "I' a youiiji irl, a few d.iys iuee, Maid, '-Ii is 4 joy j;ivei; fhe lyver c tines into the house but she brings t-tit.-shine and brihtne with h -r" and 'ie ke i-f the p iw t for ji'tud mil-Ii a yotin P'T-i.-n is in a eotiiiuunity. It is a p iwer that enri'dies, n it i.nly th w-i who ro.-eive, but tiie one who uive i'. ' II I wero youn aiiaiii, saui uii old lady, "1 would cultivate the characteristics that result iu oy Kivin." We may my temperament, environ ment, uud inheritance have much to du with this happy way of bearing burdens without drawing upon the strength and Hyuip:itliy of others. That is undoubtedly true to a degrt-c, but it is within (he pjwer of'yotiii people, with God's !ieli. to cultivate a cheer Cut iu inner und a way of luokiu at the bright side uf tliii)i which will make them j iy -fivers. We ull dread to ujme iu contact with those people who always have a grievance. Th'-re are burdens which are laid upon that are not id' our owu making, but tin re others that we flo() by the wayside a id piek up to I ad our-ielvcs down with little miseries that we miht much b itir have pissed by uuuuiieed. 1 1' one is alw i s look in.: fir t his s-ti of grievance, itwi l utely be it) sij-ht souiewliere. It is hardly tair that we sho-ild expect others to help us carry tho weight of sued unncessary luaye, but we have ull t with peuple who really seemed to enj iy exhitiUinj; these piekel-up weights u no value, und burdening cvtrybody le with thetii. A yotiti" ui( wrote on fly leaf of lur book ol'daily readings this ipiutuii'in: "Happy they who puss throULih life without causing suffering or irritaiiou to uny, hut are ulways tiurcit theraetous tnrljenees that soothe and comtoit and tiem tit their fellow-. " We are reminded ol the old story told in (he time ol Socrates. The people were all complaining id' their special troubles, eacli one beiug sure his burden was hind er to hear than his neighbors. After ft tiuieol unusual trotting and grumbling, each one was told to tie up alibis tr mbles to a bundle, and deposit them ou (he top of a hill. This they made haste to do, and then each one was Md to lake a stick, tuio over the bundles and pick ou the one which he woul 1 m st prefer. What wus the director's uintiz tuent I see each one ufii-r turning nv.r the pile pick out his own h'lodlu iiiMiu, sn timrctt diwu the hill wib i'. Susai Teull Perry. Th Olant Deipalr. fine of the must hor rible thitiK nthxit the nervous diMMSL-H to u hit h wiuitt-u air iretiiii iy uhjeet In the seiine of (iverwhelmiiiit iU-hdr i r which they brinr ttpnii the tmnd. A woman' tnetital condittuti Is ditctly and powerfully aff ctt-d by auv Riltueut o l He oeitcate. Hpeeiai .riraus ol her tel. fell ell uillieuity not only raeks her bMly with pal" and suf fering; but bin U ii her with ilienltil anauisll which worts can hardly desciibe. Thoussnds of women have had ft similar experience to that of Mrs. Kurath A. Williams, of West port, Oldhsm C.. Ky., in which the use of lr. Pierce's wimdeiful " Kftvortte PriKctiption." by imparting: health and tore until to the feminine onran ism, has not nnly rentored complete viijor ind capacity to the bodily powers but has aUo given renewed brightness and buoy ancy of pi i it " t suffered for over a year." ny Mm WltUnma, "with InrtiKentmn mtt ntnwii nntratlon. I wm unable in eat or iilrep I trint wvcrnl pliy. tcMum, tmt thrv only helped mv fur n uliort tone. A friend aUvuet me toUUr Or lterc-' Pnvorhe Freacrip' on. lr I'iercv Ciolden Mt-tlleal IhV cover y and Pflleti.' I commenced In kin a the medicmr taut May Took three bnttlcniii the 'Favorite Premripilon,' three of tlie ' GoMen Medical IHacovcrr." anil three vHl of the ' Pel leta,' and am now feeling better tlian I have for two yearn. Ifnvr a (food appetite, tilcep well, tad do not aunVr fntin Indiifeatlon or nervoiiw km. I tiave nAliied seven aud a half pounds Ince takhitf theae medtcinei. I have recom mended Dr. Piercc'i medicine to Wveral ladiea. one of whom is now ukiag it aud U bciug BMtlv bcnaAtad." up JOKE ON THE CHAPLAIN. line Military Minister Whu Wa I'umfolld tn Amut llui'stiitns Vcrtally. Army ehiplains occupied u peculiar position. Whiled!ieers, in u way, they were not hedged about with (hat divinity that doth hedge a imtti wearing shoulder Miaps, In enuseijUeiice the men in the ranks often lioiheied the chaplains a great deal by askinu' 1 bent uucMkinv which they dared not ji.-L the commis sioned oflijers. While Thomas was hiding b bind (he trenches in and abuiit Coritith liis men became very anxious lo ktiow when the divi.-ion would move out and take the iuitiative. They did hot dare iicstion their ufltBer.", but iliey did ply (heir chaplains with iUi'siious. The chaplain of an Illinois regiment had been annoyed by repeated questions us to when the regiment would move, und finally decided upon a plan to head ' II the questioners. Securing (he top of a hardtack box he printed the following and Muck it up iu front of his tent: ifitirit li'ii 'i uf it tf'ur'tr itiriiit'ititu U ii it it it -1 Z Til K CHAPLAIN IKK" M)T ?5 3 KNuW WHKS Till" tf 3 - KWilMKST WILL M'VK. He thought this would save linn further annoyance, und retired at night wiili the determination of having a good night's sleep. The next morning bo stepped from his tent and was astonished to uote that his Hgn had been altered It read us follows. iriiititiiil rif it u it ft ti ii'it ft ft ft ft ft it ft ft ft -3 TIIK I'll AI'I.1N IKKS N)' KNdW WltKS T11K KKIilMKNT WILLMnVK. NKITHKIt lnH-S IIKt'AKK ! D-N The sign cam-., down with a ru.-h, und the chaplain r sigQe l hitusell to auswr all questions touching the probable mov ing of th-1 regiment O.uahu World Herald. Crncifizion Of Christ. JESUS LIVED ABOUT FIVE HOURS Heath uii the Cross Was a Must Tcrrilli l orm of Torture. "Cruoiliii'iu wan a tt'rriblu ili'ath," writes the H'-v. Amry II. lirailfurd, 1'. I) , in The I. uii.' Home Journal. ''It was nuiTVeil lor oirunJiirs of a Mcrvilc elans anil never used lor a Houian eiliS'-'ii I lie hands unii Icet ol the vieltui were nailetl to the wood, aud a kind of Hide sunt was provided just enough to pie vent the weight of the body from tearing through the flwli. The exact snot where. -Jesus was erueilied cannot now be ideuii li 'd. Uolntha was probably some skull shaped hill outside the city wall.' Thith er a strange processioo wended its way the coudeiuned with their crosses ou their backs, the hard hearted rabble miking tun ol'them as they passed, The strength ol' Jesus Tailed belorc the de.-ti-uitiou was reached, aud aiiothcr was o impelled to carry the cross for liiui. The crueiliiiun, like all others, was cruel and barbarous in the extrcuc. The execu tioners were Roman soldiers, but a best uf Jews feasted their eyes on the hideous sight. ''Such agony was no protection agaiust the gibes ol the crowd. With but one ol' his disciples iu sight, and only two 01 ihree friendly women near one of them his mother Jesus passed the last hours of his earthly life. Those who suffered by crucilixiuu suiuctiuics lingered four days Jesus lived about live hours. While hanging ou the cross he spoki seven times, booo alter the cross wa raUed, looking over the coarse and bruta soldiery und the mistaken fanatics whi had houuded him to that hour, he ut teri-d a prayer, which has probably madi a deeper iiuiires.ioii on the world than any other single pr.iy r ever elfend l''aih.r, forgive them, for iliey know not what they ilo. ' huh 1. 1 euoN TiieeoiM'i u A lillle child Was one da pi . V illt! wil It a Very valuable vase, when be put hi: hand into it aud could not withdraw it ilis father, too tried his best tu gel il out but all iu vain, i hi v were talking ol breaking the vase, when the father said "Now, my sou, make one more try; pen your hand and hold your fingers out straight, as you see me doing, and then pull.1' To their astouisliuieut the little fellow said: "Oh, no, pa, I couldn't put my lingers like that for if I did I would drop my penny " He bad been holding on to a peony all the time! No wonder he could not withdraw Ins hand. How many of us are like him! lrop the copper, surrender, let go, and (lod will give you gold. "Did you hear old Longbow's latest story?" "Nope " "Says bo saw a hoop nuke with rubber tire." Cleveland Plain Dealer. CAPTURE OF A VETERAN. II Was nii'ciijb' 'Ihi't'umnunJcrlnl.liid uf Ik' nil Warrior's llcaJiuarlcrs. "Say, mister, have you seen a mean lookin' little euss with a blue suit an' brass buttons on liaugin' r.iouu' lu re this week?" said a tall woman to the elerk of a lewiston hotel. " Ihjn't know that I have. Iluwmeiin dues he look?" was the reply. "lie pretends to be a veteran," contin ued the wouian, regarding the elerk over her glasses, "an' ginrally about graud army lime he disappears from his wile's bed and board and goes off and licks the hull south. I wunt to sec him. I waut him to come home au' shovel snow." I'p the conidors caiuo the sound ol laughter. A patty of veterans were telling tales of war. A familiar voice smote upou the air. The woman's lips closed, tightly. I tell ye, comrades, I jes1 enjoyed that air lite at Chaucellorsvillc niore'n I did the hull darned muss frotu fus to tu las. Ye flee, (jioeral Jackson was off on our Icf a trampin' like the very devil to outflank the uuion lines. That air moinin' my cap'u he sez to me, ft, be: Jabe, you take a detachment of live men and an' sec what Stonewall's Join'! Kf you suspect ef you suspect,' su lie 'that there's any kind o' sneekiu' er beatin' arou' the bush goiu' on, you jes' y low an' kjhoot for the union lines.' Well,' an I" Just then a woman shoved through the throng and linked In r arm iu hi-. The words died from his lips. The in died out uf his eyes. A spasm issed uVit his countenance, that left it a sickly green, the color of the hide of cucumber. "Jabiz," said the woman, "be you re a'lyiu' agin'? What made you take that air boss and drive liitu here to this A. K. spree? Hev' you been a lrinkin'? liev' you been a forgettin' ol ur commandment not to lie? Uid you II those geutleuian that as fur as you g.it to war was to Augusta, and thet you t so feertd over there thet you was siek fur three weeks I i ii r ill Jackson' You little lyin' thing you! Hid you tell the grand army lueu that you was drafted I that Ihev couldn t uud vou ter six weeks where ye was a-liidin in the words? Come home, JabeZ the eaows and the pigs need yu." And the little mau in the blue coat looked up into the woman's face with a gray, misty, tearful look in his eyes. The glad light that had been in them was gone. Ins Utile tut ol glory was at an end. 1 'our old fellow after all. le-'wiston Journal. The finest of all arts is that of living couipanionably and happily with othei peop'e. Tin re are many persous of Ii endowtiments and signal virtues who do not pesst ss this alt. They do not lit couifuNably into the social or family structure. They auswer to Carlylc's de scription of himself as "lley ill to If wi" Again, you will find persous of no special attaiutucnts and without any pre-emiuenl virtues who are very pleasant to gel along with. They have sympathy, aud good feeling and tactlulness. It is pleas ant to have them around. They brighten up the circles they cuter, like a ray uf iiushiue. The husband who put on his wife's tombstone the epitaph, "She was so pleasant!" was seeking to pay a ttibiiie In this quality. We pay a disproportionate homage to the streuuous ami self assertive virtu-'S, and are apt to uverto k the high worth of plcasanlmss, of Ihe faculty of getting along well with people, and of making the course uf daily life tun smoothly and happily. From .HTtai'i points of liew (lie cross-grained saints may be very excellent people, hut iliey leave much to be desired by llose wlio, though itiey may ho tl that hie is a "thorny road" and the World "u vale ol tears," do In lieve in making the days uiinecess.il uy thnruy uinl teatlol. I was seriously afflicted with a coiii.li for scviral years, and last fall ha ) a innr severe cough than ever before. I hav. used many retm-diea without receiving much rebel, and being recommended to try a boitle of Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy, by a Iriend, w'io knowing me to be a poor widow, gave it to me. I tried it, and with the most gratifying results. The first bottle relieved mo very much and the second bottle has absolutely cured me. I have not b id as good health for twenty years. I give this certificate without solicitation, simply in appreciation of the gratitude felt lor the cure effected Respectfully, Mis. Mary A. Hcaid, Clare- more, Ark. Fur wile Ity W. M. Cohen Wclitmi, J. N nrown, II ilium, Ur. A. 8. Harrison, KulKM UriuwisU. During tho last century one hundred lakes in tlie Tyrol have subsided and die appeared, ft CLEVELAND MAN S BLUNDER. lie Atn'mminJeilv Kane i f the Wrnn Tarty. There i- a e-Tluiu Cleveland man who fondly imagine he has au exeell-iit tiieiu urv. lie never carries letters around in his pickets, and he is prelty good at leav ing orders at the grocer's. hjeanully be gets his wife to iiilc liim concerning the events of the day, and lie makes a good record when catechised. Homebody told him that wasthe way Thurlow Weed improved a bad mem try, and be iiuds it an excellent exercise. Not long ago lie 1 a telephone put iu his bouse and frequently uses it. A uut her strong point with him is his alleged memory for tele phone numbers. He has repeated them over so many times that the numbers which he is likely to use ho can spin olV in lively style. Hut bis overweening confidence in his ability in this direction brought him to griel, e was iuhisoiViee a lew days ago aud wauled to call up a particular friend. He knows that this friend always answers bis photic in per.-on; aud when he had rung up uud given the number he began to talk as soon a he was sure somebody was at the other end. "Hello, fieorge!" he said, "How are your How are thiugsf hay, George, let's take in the show tonight. We'll have a little supper first atid then go over, I 've got things Used so I cau gut away and nobody be any the wiser. 1 told Maggie we were busy ou a partial inven tory and that if I wasn't home at 7 o'clock blie would know that business detained me. Ha, ha! She believes anything her trusted oid hubby wants to tell her. Will you go, old boy? If you will, call fur me at 0 " He paused fur au auswer and bis breath. Het'ure lie cuuld cateh the latter he g asped aguiti. A shrill lemiuiue voice1 rang in his car. "Yes," said the shrill Voice, "I'll go." "Wh what's that?" he stammered. ''I say I'll go," said the shrill voice, "and I'll call fjr you at fi." With a spa-modie gesture the man with a in- ill iiv rang oil' ".Merciful Jupiter!" be groaned. "That wan my wife's voice! ' He rubbed his head distractedly. What did it mean? Then he understood it all. lie had la a nioineiiL ol criminal forget fulness rung up his own phone instead of hi- Irieud's. His marvelous memory had played hi in a M'lirvj trick. Cleveland 1'iaMi Dealer. Kim n l it iii rvvi: AH Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over tilty years by millions of mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrluea. It will relieve the poor little ullerer immediately. S"ld by druggists iu every part of the world. :!." cents a buttle. Ilesure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. m: ii vi v ni:eom. An old colored iuliabiiant of the rural districts, being asked if he were not anx ious about the Welfare of his son, who liiui enlisted iu the army, replied: "No, sub not me! ).-y ain't make powder en shot yit dat kiu kill dat bin! In his short time er life dat boy has outrun two lynchiu' c iiumittees, one shciiff, jumped out two co'thouse winders, en broke three rope dat wuz made speshully fer him! No, sub; it'll lake mo' dan war ter kill dat boy." At lanta Constitution. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent cure ot tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Cham- berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almoat instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure, it also cures itch, hunter a itch, seatd head, sore nimib-s. itchimr idles. chapped hands, chronic Koro eyes and grunuiiiTcu mis. Ir. CuuVt Condition Powtlors for horses are the best tonic, blood purlfior uud vermifuge. Price. 25 cents. Holdhy Kumak-hy W. M.C.iIm-ii, W.-lt'eii. J S llmwn 1U1II.1X. Pi. A. s. il.Lrii-.fii. KiiiU'M, Imm-i. ALWAYS KKillT. Jones 1 met Howard to day. lie was surprised to know we were married. S.iys you told him once you wouldn't marry the best man living Mrs. Jones Well, the fact is I did. Jones How did you come to change your mind? Mrs. Jones Well, the fact is 1 didu't. Harlem Life. Mr I'. Ketchatn uf l'ike Oily, Cab says: ''During my brother's late sickness from sciatic rheumatism, Chamberlain's Pain Halm was the only remedy that gave him any relief. Many others have testified to the prompt relief from pain which this liniment affords. Var wi'o liv W. M. Cohen Welilon .1. N. Ilmwn, Halifax, Dr. A.S. lt.rrl.on, linllelil, DniKKists Eight million eggs have been found in the rue of a single codfish. THEY SHOULD BESOLDTO PAY THE WAR DEBT. I'ri'Jnus Sinik's In 1 ho Iri'sury Vaull- In WashiW'in. At Wasbinglon, in thelund vault of the treasury, is a great store of diamonds aud oilier precious stones ihat belong to nobody. M ,st of lliein have been in the custody of the officials for about till year.', hut dome of the gems have been there mrieb. longer, and their history rests mainly on hazy tradition. There is a bottle four or live inches ling lilled with diamonds, there are var ious other loose stones, aiel there are many set in gold ornament. The value of the whole lot is variously estimated, the computations ranging from 83il,lMM) to Slwi.umi. Most of these gems were sent as a present to President Van Muren by the iniaiin of Muscat in K!'.l. This Asian potentate conceived the idea that he had received some service fruui this country, and this was bis way of acknowledging his obligutiou. President Van liurcn ciuld nit accept them, foi there is a a clau-e iu the constitution forbidding any person connected with the govern ment from accepting any present or decoration frotu any foreign power or ruler. Hill the oriental's present could not be returned. He would look upon that as an insult. So at last the jewels were turned over to the treasury to keep till seiueihing was done about them, and iiolhiiigevcr has been doue. In similar ways has the entire collec tion accumulated. Kings and princes are freipieutly not as familiar with 'the c n sliiuiioo of the l'uiteil States as they should be, and government cfliccrsul var ious grades have scut here gilts tliey have received and found it inconveuieut to return and impossible to keep. Iu the bond vault they must remain till cougrcss "takes action" on their situa lion. Chicago Inter Ocean. ONLY OKMilNAI,. We Mill depend on Trance fur wines, Itut none on earth cuinpetes With Code Samuel in tho line Of high-grade bottled fleets. Washington Star. not r.ic-si:i:io. "Who is the belle to nibl!" asked she As they stood on the ball room 11 mr. lie looked around tlie room to see And she speaks to him do more. Harlem Lite IMIOSSIItLl:. "I can't get it off my mind," said Mrs, Stickler. "Hut you can change your mind," titrgtsted her hub:m 1. pjtroit Free Press. IN K KINdnOM. "They say the way she controls such a large household is wonderful.'' "How many are there in it?" "Four children, five servants Ii usbntid." Lile. nd axti:i)ti:i). Auntie When 1 was your aue 1 ever told a lie, Tommy. Tommy When did you begin, Auntie Tit bits. ciikkus tiii:nami:u:ss. Here's to each bravo insurgent who Our loyal greeting claims We'll give 'em all three cheers, e though We can't pronounce their names, Washington Star. tiii;iii:atiii:n. Little John t after cating bis penny into the fund for the liainalaiu l-hmders) I wish 1 was a heathen. Sabbath School Teacher Oh, Johnny' Why do you wish such an awful tiling as that? Kittle John The heathen don't never hivctouive notbin' they are always guuu s.iiuc nun. harpers Hazir. A political job is one where yau have to do the greater part of your work before you gel it. 1'iieli. Fax "The diamond is the hardest knowu substance." '-De Witte "Vcs to get." Tit Hits. "Miss Autumn told mo her age was twenty-four." 1 always said that girl wasn't up to date." Life. "Why do (hey have suoh noisy music t the exhibition?" "To drown all cuuiuieut, I suppose. Fiiegende Hlattcr. "Julia still loves her husband madly." "How do yon know?" "She says ho can read poetry better than any other man alive." Chicago Hooord. A statistician has affirmed that the ma jority of people who attain old age have kept late hours. ACQUIRE BRAVERY. Ull SnlJk'ls li'lls Halt ImIIuMHII I "tUlli.i. "1 would like to let young m. it know,' said HU old soldier, ' that bravely, like a! most any other attribute, can he acquired I would like t.i let tin in kleov tin- be cause there are sunn1 p mt lelluws who are brought into the wmld with a timid na lute that causes them lunch Mill ling. While having an adluiralioii for brave lll' ll, they feel that lle y are cowards, and aeeu-tolliillg (hcllic!vcs tu this tn-lit f, liny never attempt to lijit against tlieii Weakness. Do yull know 1 really believe that most of the noted brave men uf the world have become brave simply by sys tematically overcoming cowardice. Did nut liniies, Napoleon s most dashing gen etal, say, 'The niiiti who says he never lelt fear is u poltroon and a liar?' Hut, while Latinos thus acknowledged to the sensation of fear, believer allowed himself to allow it, and that is the point. More- ever, by practice sueb things become ease. Now, if there is any young liiui who is a coward and wishes to become brave, let me say this to him: Make up your mind first of all that it is much preferable to suffer death than to be trampled upon or humiliated. I'ioiii what you have ex perienced you know the disgust, the suffering, acute and degrading, that results when you back down iu uti un manly fashion Siy this, tbeu I much prefer to die than to expetience such feel ings auaiti. Impress it upon your uiitid, aud then, us a test to your spirit, force yourself tu face those things that you have been avoiding from fright. If a mar. has been overawing you, bluffing you in plain terms lay for him deliberately bluff 1 1 i in back dofll.le, and if he wishes to light throw yourself upou him with a vim and punch bard. He cannot do more than kill you. and, as you have made up your mind that it is belter to die than to submit to humiliation, your death, as it were, is a thing already programmed. And if you whip him the sensation is very agreeable aud free you from any further feats of falling a victim to cowardidc." New Orleans Times Democrat. kuyal ntHkcii Hit limit pure, utluleAume anil delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure Celebrated for it great leavening st rent h and health ful iiess. Assure.- the tood against alum and all tonus ol adulteration com mon to the cheap h rands. BOYAL BAKINU t'OWDKH CO., NKW YOUK' -uoonurru: hoy. I Two little boys placing iu a field. A ferocious bull. Two liiile boys run, but sink exhausted just before fence is reached. ) "Johnny," says Willie, "you pray. "I can't pray," gisped Johnny, "but I know how to say grace. ()h.Lrd, make us duly thankful for what we are about to receive!" Life. IHiratvt of the Ultiod nml Nrrvrg. No one need sutler with iieiiralein, Tina disease is quickly and permanently cured hy UrownV Imn Hitters. Kvery dinease of the IiIimmI, nerves and sionnirli. chronic or otherwise, wieciimhs tn Itrowns' Imn Hitter. Known and used for nearlv a quarter of a century, it stands to-dHV fore most anioni our nuM valued remwln-g. Urowntlroti Hitters is Bold.by ull dcukn. A io:mimi:k. He I think war, when there is war should be vigorously piessed. She I I don't remind you of war, do I? Cleveland Kniiiirer. W. M. IIAItl.lSTON .V CO., TV!.. ,.l II. Uii Pe, CAKl'KTS, STOVI'.S, and Mattresses, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES, W. M, 1UBLIST0NA CO., No. 80 N. Rycwnore St., 10 2d It. PeterahnrK, V. W5G ANTE D TRUSTWORTHY WW and active gentlemen or Indies to - w travel lor responsible, established House in norm uiroiimv Monthly jKI'i.tio and expenses. 1'osition st-ady. Refer- itnu uak-uw. losiiuin siauy. I4eler- cnee. Knelose aelf-adrirMant i. .... &AKII.0 velope. The Dominion Company, Dept. R.Chicnuft T. A.SUmn. M ('.ih,- limit Chomi-d and Sfietni-t, Will Send Kroe, to the Allllfled, Three li.-lllesol NeW I)' I 'i-envel't d K-'llledie-. to ( 'lire (ViHiimpt ion and all l,mi.' Tr..iib1cs' Nothiim, eoiild he Hirer, more philun Ihrnpir ir e.mv nioie pi? to the allheted, than ihe oil. i ot T. A. SU mil. M. ('., of !-. iVurl stre. i, Vrt Vui k City. ('.ni.ti nMli;it he ha di-eoeied an uliso-hiteeni'i- loreuii'-niiiptiini mid pulmonary rntnpianiK and to rnakr it- meat merits known, he will inl, in-e, tlnee hotih-s of nudieiiD , to any reader ol the Koanoke News who is nil'Tinv; lioni chest, hron ehi;tl, throat :md lung troti hies or eon sumpi ion. Already this "new ReieiitihY courw! o( ineilieiiie" li:is pel iitainntly cured thou sands ol'appuienlly hopeless eases. The doctor coiiMih-r.s it Mm religionsdiity it dutv which he owes to humanity to ihinate his inliil 1 ihlc cure. tillered lively, is cimii-!i to eoliimelid it, and more so ih the peilect confidence ol thereat chemist making the projHisitiiui. Me lias proved the dreaded on-aunplioii to tic a eurahle disease heyond any doiiht. Thei! will lie no mistake in Mending -the mistake will he in overlooking the geiieioiisitiYitation. He ha on tile in his American and Kiimpean hihnr.ituries testi monials of experience from those cured, in all parts of the world. Iion't. delay until it is too late. Ad dress T.A. Slocuni, .M. C, !W 'me street, New York, and when writing the Doctor, please jive ex pre-' 4 and poioiliee address and mention reading this art He in tho lioannke News. W. W. KAY, Healer In Liquors, Vines, CROCERIES AND CICARS. Why not call on W. W. Kay, as ho is open botli niL'ht and day. Keep the fol lowing brands of well known whiskies: "I Hd Oscar l'eppor," li limp's ',. 1'. R. Hyc. Stamp Straight," "lloidon liallitnorc llye" and other brands. I sell ('..irrctt & Co.'s pure I'hocko yotte wines. I keep the best of every thing in my pno. 9fB,l ohte attention to all at Kays, west side IV. 11. Shed, my a ly. Monuments aid Tombstones. m;.su,nsslntfkli:. In writing give some limit as to puce and state age of deceased. Id l l (i( K In the nuth to select frotu. We have no brunch yard., and parties doing Imsiuess under a similar firm name haw no connection with us in any THE COUPER M1RBLE WORKS. ' I'.sl.ll.llslleit 1SK I l.Vi to lii:t It.uik st., Norfolk Va nov a I v. Grand Display OP Sl'HINll AND SI'.M M Kit MILLINERY. FANCY t;t(HS aud NOVELTIES. Hnttcriek'a Patterns. li. & G. CORSETS, Misses ut 511c, Ladies 7iic. to $1. MLl'rieeii will he made to suit the times. Hats and bonnets made anil trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon. N. n KOANOKK HAl'inS, N. C. CoJtmctohs Builders. Furnishers of 'BDiljini Materials,: Manufacturers of Coffins & Caskets and dealers in UNDERTAKER'S SUPPLIES. We soli them from 82 to $40. Our ooffins and caskets will compare favora bly in workmanship and finish with those of any factory in the United States and- , . . , , P"o guaranteed to be tho lowest. w wiscoll, jfe?? l" '"i li"'- nit mH' rlSJf ;.-sj -,;:-,,,,:,. v.. lft.AH erdera filled at saoft (utio.