port iff jOIIJST W. SLEDGE, iT.oi'iiirmii. VOL. XXXIII. A. KEWSPAPEB iFOIR, THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, TllUHSDAY, JULY 11, ISflS. 01 I'KK A NN I'M IN A 1 1 ANCK. NO. 11. 1 PERFECT TYPES rtf what u good instrument should be are Th. wnmlriiul Miminc. tii.iliins nt these t'ianofl alt' n-i hiii.i-I liy evi I v vocal .irlll who awstmiiinjly n n newis tluni. siTAWURHOIIiiASS. TI'NINii AMI i; Ki'. 1 1; i N ;. Pianos I'm Kent Terms to Suit. Wile lor l!llt'iti-il calal.ietle. I'll AS. M.KTIKPF. II N Liberty t,, llalliinure. Mil. Washington, iWl L'lcvonili st., N. W. octal ly. ,1 Fram FACTORY to CONSUHEil. S) $1.39 ( ) Hi mi i buvulhiM, exact) ItHtmti Kik-i.it fl tilt' latL'CSt Wlc t er iiNKh-: .. r llur II-' mft Ittlll'LOle V r ci i in t : i hi i l' I nr- a tiiniic. .iiiiH.'- Vw nt-. Cn.ekriy. q" Hit In" i mi iiijMf, WV HellllM MllOI f $ I'trnncH. Mir-A V fOtr, ltf.l1ftiir, rtc, is "iiri for Mi- J -A Mi. our. S.ecial nupi'l' I'i'.'itts jit-i . W rtii-.i ;ttv ,-i.so Iri'i'. Wi ite tu tin v. "'A t A It IK I' lATAI.M.ri. iii III In.- a V rnl.cil clois H i.lsn mailed I-ce. WV Write for il. It' V"N w-di Mitiii'it s. A tend IV, stamp. M.ttimi .:tmr.i. .iUu V OOlitllt.l He. All iM-M'lo Mt'il A ft-i-f this month iiihI (-ulil V J paid tin tl iMir'hott" mill hut, 8j $7.45 fines n mini, ' In vntir-mi'iW- ttV ( V ui i' A il-w.x.i riu.vi.il. Hint. 1(7 C I Vxit.-h-iiii.1 .n-.:nti In ynili ji.'j IK it .ii.iii Will.- n.r l:ir.at.i- I' f 1 linnii-iin.1 mm . A-Mn-x MS V (.nu ll, ,l,, l.m), ll Dept. 903. DALIIMO.'i';. MD. (Sj Selected and ?rivate Stock iye Whiskey, the Purest iistillation, id is lecommended 'r5 all who use c r Require a f imulant of J Reliable quality. ; pAVKM'oitr Miuuus&ro., I Sulc iirits f.ir the IHsitlliT, , - Hii'liiiiniiil, Va, t W.D. SMITH, nt Wt'I.lm, X. V. .J a thoHolo tiistrihunn aciit at lltat i point, for Iho uhove old ami , Cclfhrated Whiskey. I lUYENhmr Mintitis a - tttir al i-iu. We have in slot k SfVlTill hls of gill h to lu'ltiiiiuj; to Norili i-ill luiTi-halits I'lifiw K'HMis lllllst III' NO III :itiinre. In tin' m-xt ;t(t days e will put liffoit'tln'ptiiU' I'.ir aiiiitiif'Wi'nt'ViTdid ht'l.TO. Mills' pant! 40, 50, titk. Ovt-ralls :!.", Mh Dns-- OuoiIm 3, 4, tie. Men's ami boy's hats mul taps 4,4, 1'h'. Window sh tilri on Spring roll eral2l, l.'i, 'J-ji; CTirtain polt-s wodi) !ix UrtHirt. llrasH tixtuivs H, -Jur. Whilt OlotliA:. White Dress (IimhIs :i, .", (if. H lay Btrikc flocks $1. IK punt j;ooiln m, Jm laneti towels, 7c, DrunuctH ?l.7"i, lf WtMil rciiniuMs eatpet le A l-rp' 14 tloor nuittings, 7. H, I 'Jo. Mens ami IwfttV sIhh's fill, 75 flHe. Itureaus J 7o, Lare hitkinti ehaiis with mtns iHr Cuiti liotiom ehstirs Men's ftltiit?, , V Ladies shirt want Iwe- llnvs' hhitt wfct loe Many otlu-r thini; in htoi-k to .Cidte out. Come iiii k for liarj uns- J SI'IKUSA H.WH, Wfldon, N C, Mar. a:i. IMyH :i usi'K(TA!.IST ami At'T!lt)KITV on - all u n i S who are ult', nnu with any HI. (Mill i ttOlilM.H, would In: wist, to call on ur drHN liy mail. CmiHiilt itiuti I n-e ami I- (IliniiQui'omiiiMiiiiitnl to Hiiit t'iu-li imrtic. w m cano. When writing tu tim i)t-use tu l we stump fur reply. HfOK. J AS. HAIiVEV, 4"i Cliuri'll Kt (New No.) i 1 17 ly. Norfolk, V. lftM M. Ml'IXIN, f II 1, L I H A DA WALT1K I. DINltL I e u I ATTORMCl'S AT LAW, Wei, Hon, N. C. frftetlrelnthonourtitnr lUtiniisiHtNnrthtmp tft'iilln Ih.upremt'tnil Keileral couru. Col. HimilllK.tttitlKlllittrlanrNi.rLh C.n.llna. puokomo tt Ualltal, N.C.Opeu mrj Mod. 1 -liiriili Gravers' km Diseases After Tie Battle. "WE HAVE WON A GREAT VICTORY." t.aplain I'hilip. Of I he lcas. Calls His I'.r.iv 1 n Prayer- An h otr iil'i-T ihe tint.' f nv mi 1-r ih g.'iiril I'o-irtli i.f suriiU'l r in lli;it liili lulls w;i- u July r ''clira'iiiri, tit m .i li'il.' 1 1 -t ii il iitt', ( liir liiH i'1ii-i'i't "in- tui i'Ii'T, tin1 i:,iji! :tius iiidnlm'il in t Trjilirti- i 1 1 1 r tu r 1 1 lli iii-1 ij-ln '(h--, mil tin hcj mi ii nut il li:unl, ;itnl lli strtiMH til' ilic Stur Sp.uilt'J II tiii). t tvlinnl nvor the liii-.s t.l' Spiiiiiiir-Is down up i 'ii tilt- il' t'k til' tln I :tt of ilic Spaniel II - t, HA up ovi-r ihu lut'ty r-'i'ii-iip!!' 1 hills a!' id; t'liljiin niu'in tain.s ('Hiiiinoiltiro St'liit'V, iMini'i iilniii:iiilt' tlic Ti'Xas I'i'iiiii tin! Cristtibal Colnti in hi ll', ti.illiiil out rlii'crily, "Ii wm a nice li'lit, J.i -k, wasn't it? ' The vi'h-raus 1" I he Ti'Xas liuc l up an I javi llir.'c hearty rlici'is hti-1 :i tir fitrili' ir nll I' limiiatiilt i in i liit l'. ( upl. 1'ln i;i i' ill,-1 all hnil- M lln- U.irt i tl'L-k. with hanal In-.t.l, (h.inknl (J.-l fur ih. iiiin 'isi hlo.i.llcss vict ny "I want l'i lnaki piiS'ic afkiinwhil, lu.'iit lii'p'," In r-:ii'J, 'iliai I li-li.'V.' in !tnl ih.' Fatht-r Alini-hty. I wmit nil yutt i nicrrs an 1 un-n ti lil'i ymir hats ami tru'ii iMir Ih-tirMtiU' r silent (hanks i til Altni-liiy." All ItalS WiTt! nil". TIliT.' W.H ;t III I iiioni i -r (wo nl' ah-ohili' sili'iic.', anil thi'ii th" nvi:rwr-tulir i-i'Hiil;s ul' the chip's iMiiip.iny I'lii'Vi'il tlii'tii-iflvt's in tliit'i' heatiy i!ln'('is hip th'ir hi'luWil ciiiam niih'r. (MtTO Kin), Width. .'(7 miles. Iinmetjsely wealthy. Poverty is uuknowii. Area, 11.")!!!) sijuare miles. Trees are always reeii. Kvery man owns a burse, thth-r than the 1'uit.d States. I'rincip.il sp rt is eock tihtin. One lu.nititaiu is iliHlll leelhih. Kvery h.mst! has a root garden. All S.tn .Juan people ate Catholics. Principal pastime is horsehie-k ridiu Population 1 ,IHMI,iliHl, less than I'iina ttetphia, lias tnnrt! and ahler inosipiitoes than Jersey. S.iu Juan, the eipital.has IMM.IIOH in hahilatiis. Sail Juki Ii is the lii"s( h irh r in the W.'fi Indus. People slt i'p in the day, and shop and Visit at nijiht. Wat. r supply i i-ne of tic piiueipal Miuri'i s d I'-vi-itue IN tin: IMIII.I.IIMMM'S. No hrt'-iiiis. No hats Wtirn. (iirN marry at l.'i. N.i kitivth n r T'rks. They sleeji at midday. 1 1 oi scs are a euri i.-iiy. More women than men. I i loo is the chief product. Cattle us small an uats, Manila eiiioys electricity. Natives bathe thrice daily. The grasshopper is a delicacy. We buy hall Manila's hemp. Laborers earn HI cents a !y. Cocoatiiit oil is un ihiuiin iitt. Mani'u was lounded in l.'iTl. Hutf ili es are used f.-r ph'Wiin. Oil bids ukiiiiii and i DtMl apiece. Manila has JUU.tllHl ududiilHiits. Aimtial tii;..r output, I HMNhi.imM). Weyhr wis G ivenior h-r four year, liclles Rinoke cigars an I eh w tielels Ciii.tr liictotits i niploy 2l.(Ml woiiit il A yard of cloth t ilo r-tie ol the pool M.icol.iui'Z -I -ir-i't; iiiM..t'. d hiniM-s The woman who is I weak. nrTviHiH. lit.d and hitthd : win has a E pi wir and vaii.dile .tie titf and tn -tttoKth ot inivt ; wltti Mitft'in fiom pnne nod a.lv". tltiu- diiwii aim hunutiir en,ia- ; in 1 wlio to on w :md dtsi asv ol" tlu- di lit nti and importiiut orau-- tli.it In at the haulms (Il H1.lt. tuitv. Ttii'ti-antl of .itinn .ulT. r in tliis wit and d tinl t t""ttmie the chum-, or if they dn tindviiUiid l In itr toiulili.in. iit'Kitet il rttlhi-i tlt.in iiit)iiiil tu the tihinuiuio. 4iu tttittionn mid lueal ttt-ttttntiit inttrd upon iy the Hv ra:i- phymeinn 1 r riene' I;rtviitf rifhii.ll..n ik a u..iitdt i fu! uiLui nni' fut u.imi-n iio titltii in tin vuy, It due aw. tv wtltt the iti-etHsitv for thrr try iiiK old. als, and nmy Ik- it i d in thr piivHCf of the htoitc. It arts dnt t tlv on ttV drli eitte oticriii" ( net tnid, mid miikvi ihrm RtTmiir, vtKon.os atul htiiltlty. It banihe the dtrtV"iiil.otMtl tin- cioriluiit ptttod and make li.tbv's advritt i-any mid itltnos: pAin icsit, It ttiinaloi iiih wink, net votu, petulant Invalid into li.tuov wivis and inotlittn. Thoutkindr! of women have tislilifd, ovr thrlr own HiiMialuirti, to tins tact. I lie 'lf.vui tie l'n seiiplion " may br procured fiom any Rood mvdictii'' dealer Any worn an wlmwill wtitc to Dr li V. I'iiiee, Bnf faht, N Y.. nuiv have Ihe advice of n rmin rnt aud tdtdllul siKvialtst without ehmge, Mi Cora M Mcljouin of korkoorl Connh Co. MiMs write "I hid dtftpl-urmtnt m-kI itiflnmniitUm of ihr minis I wat under i he treatment of our famiiv phvtWtan fnr h lonx tint, bin meivert nobrni-m I hat) falllni of in ttraal nrffttii- with nk-eiallon anil rnlarf tmfnt I conmeiM-ffd iintttft Ur Fiercer favorite I're acHtloo. 'Oolden Medical Diacoverr ' ' fleaunt Pellet ' and hi tract ol ttautrl Weed ' Prom the Artt Av 1 ht-it.iti to Improve, and tn a nhyrt time I able to ik all my boutrwork If it had not been lor votir mediclue 1 would have Veen dead long ago. " Stomach and liver troubles with alugtrith xtion of the bo welt ate cured by Dotlor merctt PIcaMat FelUU, w 171 W. , I . JhAAAfi rrr imt n.-. . ,...... '! iLU- i'.,''e".,!lU-!.li Our New Battle Cry, ' REMEMBER THE MAINE" likely In liuiime I m mortal In llistry Hrisinald with l'.itnmt Jirc SchK'y. ''Heliit'inber the Maine," Commodore Sehley's now famous signal of attack on the Spaiti-h H". l,wil undouhti'tlly heeoine iuiiu nal in Ameiiean liistity, in the his t .ry of the F.ulith speaking people, in f.iei; I .1, as an appeal to patriotism it is us thrilling as was N.-N iri's battle cry at the Nile, 'Kujand eXpiets that every iii tn will do his duly." "I have not yet b-un to tijit," was one ot C-ii. Jones' famous replies to a Itritish captain with whom he had been fl rculy enaed for over an hour, and wh) desired to kimw il he had surren dered. It was not Jones who surren dered when the liattli: came to an end. The first commodore, of ihe. jnutiLi American n ivy was Cupt. John Barry. In the spring id' 171 he was hailed by a l!rilih ship on his way from Havana. Tit tho impiiry as to hi ideiiiily, bn re plied : "The I '. S Ship Alliance, Saucy Jack ll.tirv, half Irishman, half Vatiket ; who an; )oii? ' "Not ihe value ti:.r (ho command of the whole Uriti-h Ih e? eoiihl tempi me from the American cause was the he loir reply of llany I" l'rd lluwe, in 177t, when he oil- r.-d him la.UOl) uin easa'i'l a eom-nison in th.! Fulish ii ivy o j tin the rojal cause. Com. Stephen Ihealiir was one id' (he Very bravest ite n that ever walked the ipiartcrileek. His lattoius toast at a din ner in Norfolk, Vii., in IS1H, "Our Count ty ! In her iniereotue with i'ltcin natiitiis may she always lie in the riht; hut oifr country, ivht or wihii;," would, if he had never said or done anything else, have won immortality. "Ihm'l oive up the ship," t lie dyiuj; words ol (Vtu. liawratiei-, the lo-roic eom mantler uf the Chesapeake, are aiuun the very n.ddest ever uttered. Tloy will live as loito as ocean roils or ships iloat. The uallaut Peiry tl w that signal at hi- mast in the int iiior.dilc battle of Lake Kiie, at the glorious cl.e-e. of which h ha 1 the iiispiraiioi) t i p mi th it pateh whi.-h has canoitiz'd him in our hist or): "We have met the enemy and they are ours," It was written on his stiff hat in lieu of a table, un the half of an old letter, mid the additional iuformir tiou in it tr.ivc. the si.; and number of (lie eiittny, namely, "two ships, two brin, one schooner and one sloop." When the Constitution, under the command of Cem. Mull, maid tlic French dilate (iucrikiv, a dramatic scene was witnessed on ihe deck of "Old Ir nides." As the Frenchman's oU!(S ho.'aii to thunder out, Lieutenant M.-r ris, second in command, asked Hull if he should jjive the order to lire. "Not yet," replied Hull. Nearet and nearer eatne the two tdiips. Auniii Monis asked for the order, and a ii in eainc ihe nnswir "Nut yet." A few moments later, hih above the roar of the orders, as the Constitution covered her enemy, Hull's voice raiij; out: "Now, hoy, pour it into ihem! " lliierrcrie- was literally torn to pkces, "thu uiuud ol the killed ruunino out of her (.cuppers," naya a naval histi rian. Outnmodoro M u'donouh sighted the n-my un Like Champhiin ot) a Sunday :u truing. Me ran up the signal tor di vine service, and, kneeiinj' on the deck imoni his men, t tiered appropriat( pray ers. i'lHiiii: tlie enaeujent a Itntish hot si ruck the hencoop on (he Saratoga itid released a aineenek, which tlcw into the riu'-ii and crowed luMily nil through 1. 1 lijtn, ihe men loiidlv ebeeiini.'. Mae I. iii. uh s vuior) aruu-ed the enthusiast!, if the entire ualiou. A war cry (hat closely reseinbleg "lit nemher the Maiiiw" was lhat which Ocii. Sam lit. usion iave to his troops at th. battle nf Sin Jacinto the battle which iave Ireid iiu and independence to Texas Col Travi.i was in e mimand ol about 1S5 Texan solduis in the foit called tin Aianio at It. xar. There he was mii r. uudrd by L'reitly sit eiior force undei the Mexican diciattr, Sanla Amu. On the niortdii of March (1, L'.li, the lltlle e.:illis .n id it.e Alatii eapiiti lated, on I be pic lu- id (he Mexican l era I lint (bur lives Would he fptrd. Notrtiihstandiiu this pie lee Cel. Tr.ivi attd liis eli'lle foleeiiie liia--aer'd a so.iii as llu-y b ol miiii ud- re 1 Th. n dead bodies were gathered tnilln-r. .i hue pile ol Wood was hciiped upon then, jnd they n-re h'irn"d to a-hr On Aiil IH, IHItli, 'i n. Houston, with about 7HI men, pive bittle at Sad Jacintu to Santa Anna, with nearly three limes the numbci of Mexicans, and, in hiiite uf the disparity of numheis, 1 1 mis tun' little futi'U wqit llio Moxieam like chuff bcfurii the winil. It win mora a nluut;tkter ttiiiu u uutlle. Just befoni t Iiu nsmiiill nl ilia JVsatis was madiMiri the unny (if SitiU Atiiiii, Hull-ton ndilre.ttetl liii siil lirrs in h l. r viil npeee.li, cluMiiis itli tliese wnnU; 'Keuieiiiber tlte Aliiiii.i." Tiu-i-e wurJ tell upon tlie eats uf l In.' T. x .in villi wonJerlul ill'ei'tH Kvery a iMier in the little army at the aanie iiituiu lepeaieil the wnrda "thu Alaiu.i," iinlil the wnnl beuaiue a shriek t'nr revenue tint atruek terror tu Ihe hiiuIh u! the Mexicana. When I ho battle was over it wan I'minil ttiat only TO Texan hal been ki'leil, while tiiJU Mexicatia were Ii It il. a.l on the field. Called To Preach. A MOTHER S PRAYER ANSWERED. (iuj Miiws In A Mjstainus Way Hi WoiiicrsTii IVInrni. Trained reliijusly, 1 had readied a ynuiiH man's years before inakiiii: public profession of relii.in. 1'rior to my cou- i version, thoughts of the ministry Hume j limes flashed acros my mind; hut it was only a flash. After my conversion, I was earnest for the welfare uf others, and wanted to promote the interests uf the church and humanity. The conviction j;rew npun mo that 1 mu.st preach; yet I tried to put that away because I feared I cuu4 not succeed. L saw the greatness of tho work, and the reproachful poverty j then cunncctcd with the itinerant iiiiuii-' try. There were two difficulties iu the way. First, I had no ift uf speech. My voice was poor, and in schoul I always shunned declamation. I firmly believed I could never make a speaker, aud so chose the prnfession of medicine, which I studied three years in a prultsional school. I think I should have resolutely re jected the idea of the ministry, except that it seemed inscparately connected with my salvation. I fasted, I prayed for Pivine direction; but I found no rest until, reading in the Bible one day, I found a passage which seemed especially written for me: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; lean not to thine, under-standiii-r; in all thy ways acknowledge Him, aud He shall direct thy paths." I accepted it, and resolved to do whatever God in his providence should indicate by opening ihe way. I never lisped to a friend the slightest intimation of my inenul agony, but I took a more earnest perl in tho church services. One Sabbath I felt a strong impression that I ought to apeak to the people at night in prayer-meeting, as we had no preaching. I said to my sell": "How shall I'.' for my friends will say I am fuuli-h, as they know I cannot peak with interest." Ivpecially I dieaded an old uncle, who had been a lather to me, and superintended my education. While I was di-cussin; this mailer with liiysell in the afternoon, my uncle came in the rioru, and, after a moineul's hesitation, siid to nil-; "Pou t you think you could speak tn the people to ntghtf I was surprised ami startled, tasked him il ho thought 1 ought, lie said: "Yes; I think yuucan do gond," That night, for some strange reason, the house was crowded, and I made my first religi. us address to a public con- greiiati.iii. It was n.t written. Ii was not very well premeditated. It was sim ply an outgu.-hing id' a t-iucArtf honest heart. My mother was a widow. I was I''"' youngest son, the only chilel remaining at home. 1 feared il would break her heart to leave h r aud feared it would be impossible to do no. Una day after great embarrassment, 1 was induced to speak to my mother uu the subject of my mental strui'LiIcs, aud tell her what I thought (tod reipiiivd of me. I never shall forget how she turned to mo will) u smile and said: "My son, I have been looking for this ever since you wire burn!" She then told me how she and uiy d)ing father, who left me an infant, consecrated me tu dod, and played that, ifit were His will, I might become a minister; and yet (hat mother had ueva dropped a w. r 1 of intimation iu my t ar that she desdred tnc Iu be n preacher. She ! licvi d so fully in the Pivine call, thai she would not bits my mind wiih even a su'i;csi ion of it in prayer. That conversation settled my mind. Oh, what a htoiuo is a sainted inothr! T lay 1 can feet her hands on my head, and I hear the intoirttiou uf her voice in prayer Bishop Simpson Skin Diseases. For the KpHt'dy and jKriiinmnt rnre ol teller, sail rlieiuu Hud eczema, Cham beihiiii's K. n ml Skin Ointment i. without an ennui. It relit'VeH tin itch I nt,' mid siniirtinjr niinnut instantly and its roiitinuetl u.m' WIeetH n jHTiimnenl i nre. It iiNoeuii's itch, ImrlMT H iteh, siiild head, nort nipidi-K, it eh in ir tales, dwippi'd hands, chronic mr eyea and Kriinulutt'd litis. Dr. CadCa Condition l.iwders for hi-rvi-H are the be-d ton it, bloml urihVr ttudveriiiihiKt't 1 ihe. tvntH. biililhy K-, ..lei !l'l!l. I" ,- W. M r.ilien. VV.-l, ',,11. . I. S. Itr,. ( -V M .rrw . f...l.-l.. .r,:...l. Tim ii'W bints will bo is-m. .1 iii dil' lereiit d n i iiinili un mi l Mr. (j ..swell. U'eil, it y in aet any. b s ir.i to nt I'ivj byli'iian liniid', re 11 irked Mrs (iaswell. -on (ivi-.it I'll'' i v vi'. lie Mis. Wind'.w'a iiuulliin Syrup lias been used ti.r mer liliv years by miliums ol mothers lor children, while teelliini', willi perl'eet sneoess. It soolhes tbo child, sul'ii'iis the uiiis, allays all p.iiu, cures wind colic, mid is the best remedy tor I iribu-a. It will relieve the rmir litll. sull.-rer iiuineiliately. S..ld by ilruwista in eiery pari ul the world. 2.i cents h.ilile. lie sure and aik tor "MrH. Wins low's Soothing Syrup,;' and take no oth er kiu'l Civility costs nothing ami buys every iliiug." Lady Mary Montague, Aa Honest Heart SOMETHING BRIGHT HAS GONE OUT Il llmuM a Kiy id Sunhino Intu I ho lircsiiiiic iK'pd. "An all tired hot day, maim. (iin fin'.''" Haiti an old farmer, addressing it lady who sat at his side in ii railroad sta tioj waiting for a train. The woman drew away lut rich silks impatiently, frowning as if to say, " Vuu're out of your place, sir," but she made no audible reply. 'An all fired hot day, I say, inarm," said the old man in a louder tone, sup posing that she was a little deaf. "Arc you goin fur? Why," he continued, as no reply was vouchsafed. "I'm sorry you're deaf, marm. Huw long have you been so ?" "Sir," said tho woman, rising, "do you mem to insult me? I shall complain to the police." And she swept. huu;hlily from the room. "Waal, I never !" exclaiiind the old man, as he drew out the red bandanna and mopped his forehead. "Pretty tiled. mariu ?" he continued, addressing a wo man who had just come in, carrying a baby and a ltd of bundles, and with two small children clinging to her dress. "Are you goin fui ?" "Tu Boston, sir," was the pleasant re- piy. "Out to wait long?" "Two hours. Oh, children, do be tptiel ami don't tease, mother any more." "Look ahere, you young shavers, and see what I've got in my pocket" ami soon both children were on his knees eat ing peppermint candy ami listening to wonderful stories about ihe sheep and calves at home. Next he pulled nut a string and (aught them how to play 'cat's cradle." They were soon on the tluor, happy as kittens j "Now let me take that younger, inarm," he said, noticing lhat the baby wanted to be tu.-sed all the lime. "Vou look eleau beat out. I gu ss I can please him. I'm a powerful hand with babies." In his big arms the child crowed with delight until he fell asleep. " 'Taiu't nut bin at all, inarm," he said two hours later as he helpul the woman and her charges un board. Buying a pint of peanuts from a little girl ami (laying 12 cents instead of 10 cents, he munched in hearty enjoyment until his train was called . "All aboard!" shouted the conduct .ir, and the train started. "Something bright has gone out of this depot that doesn't coine in every d y," said one who reilliii.ed "all honest he.ilt." Hard To Find. WHITE HEATHER. S;utc ncn lldii'vi It Urines (iwij I ikk lilik'An III omen. When tile I'lilleoss lieatrie was Iliar tied she. was presented tiy the hiliianilers of llaluioral witli a bouipu't e nit:iiuinu' a Cdnspicuiisspri ut' wliite lieatber, Tlierc was a prolusion of II iwors at O.-bornc House, but iuiiu; considered so pri'cious is ttiis spray ol' white blossoms, and il tho bouipiet bad not arrived in time the Archbishop of Canterbury would have u obliged tu wait Tor its coming, fi.r the hiMaodcrs, who wished to do the 1'rinces.s houor, I'elt lli.it it was indis pensable tu her "luck" for tier Iu hold il luring the marriage ceremony, or, as they express it, "be married in it." "Who finds keeps," is a cuiiiiii in say in'4 in t lie in ..tit lis of those wtio :m out to took for white beat tier. ' The searchers are many. hut few find it, even when it is wanted ti grace the marriage bouiUct of a princess A blending of blue and purple is tin f.iiiiiliarciliir ot Ihe flower, ami it ii found in plenty iu very pale tints, si pale ttiat tho searcher is often deceived, believing at first sight he lias found "ihe while pearl." Many a highland r who travels the hills tl.uly n.-ver loiiu.l a spng uf leal whim heather; Hot that 1:" Itevel looked fur il, f.-r every hkhlandiT be tt. ves ih it it brines r-ne guo.l luck to the fuller, and tint the luck can bi passed un tu bis lllell.ls. r.xeept III color il d ies nut dilf.-r Iroin il.ai which covers nli the highland lull". It is th ordinary flower, but p-ire while, standing nut from the clumps f purplelike a snow Hike. Tin y say ill the far North that when the sheep, who dearly love the teuder heather, come across it in ib.-ir gra.ing, they avoid harming it, and the grouse have never been known to crush it Willi iheir wings. Them ure thri varieties uf heather in Scotland, and inch sends up a white flower. The purple flower is the most and then a pure while sprig in miles of (ainiliar uf all sights on Ihe hills. Hums sings of Ihe "blue Ileal her bell," bill only the simw while acU as :i taliMiian. "I have used tiainherlain's Cough Remedy in my family for years and alwayn with jiuod results," nays Mr. W. B. Cuopei of Kl Hiti, Col. "For small children wofiud it especially elTctivo. " Korsaleby W.U I'.ihrn Weldotl. J S. Kmtvn, 1 1 si I id x, if r. AO. Harrison, nniK't.l, lUiigKlsu. A Glorious Record HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF. I he I atriiwAt Upitiutln Was Majtf l:y North Carolina UriiJo. The Stale of North Carolina in the present war with Spain bids fair tu re peal the magnilieeiil record which il made in the late war between the Stales. This is evident from the fact that N'..nli Cam liua lias nut only furnished lo t lie present war its first victim in the person of Knsign llagley, but that she has olherwi-e distinguished herself willi deeds efv.iler and patriotism. With respect to the late war t.eneral .lames M. 1! ly, uf Aslieville, N. (J , thus writes: ' North Carolinians have made much history, but have written very little of it. This old Hip Van Winkle State, slow to aet in the early sixties, awoke from tier lethargy at the tight time, and went into the, war, ns she dues everything when aroused, willi her whole soul an 1 strength. Willi a voting p.pulati,' ti of It; VIIMI. she fur ni.-hed the Colil'ed. late Slat, s army over I'J.VnUII tiuiiji in iti- than any oilier ol the secc ling Stales. The first soldier killed in a regular engagement was of this number, the u'allant Henry Wyalt, who, at lielhel, with two utber comrade s, volunteered the hazirdoiis undertaking of burninga cabin in advance uf our lines to prevent the l;e.,-ral sharpshooters from ii-dtii: it. tU'tlie ninety two regiments engaged in the seven days' fight in front of ltiehinonil, forty six just one half of tlieui were Noith Carolinians; and of the killed and wounded at Chanecllurs ville, fully one halfof thorn were IV" tu this Stale. At (Jeltysliiirg, the -lith North Caro lina infantry, which w.ou honors never s irpassed in lieioisin and sacrifice, en tered the linht with rank and file, 1 lost in killed and wounded "HI, n -arly !HI per cent. Compauy I', of this regiment, from Caldwell county, N. ('., commanded by Captain K, M. Tattle, Went into the engagement iiitiety-niie slronu', and every man was killed ir wounded. The II ig uf this regiment was cut do , n fjurleeii times, tlie last time from the hands ol the daring com mander who was killed. Ab nit the saiuetiuie Lieutenant .1 . K. leinc was shot in the bead, supposed to be fatally; but tic recovered and succeeded to the coin mandofllie regiment. Colonel Lane still survives, An rironeous idea i.rt- vails witli many lhat Luluii II. V alloc Coiumainleil Ihe I wentv-Slxlh al liotUs- burg, but lie had been elected governor of Noiib Carolina iu l.HiiJ, resiiniiL' ihe colonelcy of his r. giuieni in Aujun ol that year, and Lieutenant Colonel ll.iny King Hiirgwyn, uot then L'I years old stieeeeded llllll. Tlie Ia--t charge al Ap pomattox was made liy a North Carolina brigade, led by the iutiepid (o-iieral tlriiues, and, later, when that grand man. Robert K. Lee, said for the last time "stack arms," il was found that one half of them were in ihe bands of Norib Car liniaiis." Attain a Constitution. A I.O.ST OIM'OKTL'XIT V. 'Well, I'ncle William," said the presi dent of the emigration society, "I s'posc you hearn de news?" "No. V hut's stirriu?" "W'y, you ain't hearn 'bjut de treas urer?" "Not a word. Whut he done now? ' "liun oil" wid de funds tuk ever" dollar wid him!" "hawd, biwd' Kti how much wuz. in de treasury?'' "I'V hundred dollars!' "Ku J'ou say lie gone wid it?" "Ch an gone!" Tin) old min seem 'd wrapped in thought and had n firawiy look in his eyes ''Ku hundred dollar!" he repeat ed to himself, " l'o' hundred dollars! Kn des ter think er ii! I wuz de treas urer er de society IVr two weeks en had ever dollar er dat money in my p.iwei! My, my, Ku1 hundred d dlars -to' him dred blight, silver dollais in a shinin tump! lite'r dohnsoii, will you phase, suh, do me u f'av.'i?" "Pes name il, I'm-lo WillUm," "Take des heth hi -k ry slick, nub, rn hit lint 'cross d ' h 'id ('" 'I' " kh'l. ine ha d t z you kin, mill nit de d t ' "- - At htniu Coiisiilulioit The fitt piiutiiiL' press in ihe Coiled States Was ititlidllCid in 111-!' In some paits uf Afiict sl.iv. s are Milt the basis ofallfuialiei.il reckoning. The body id" a luati weighing l.'i I pounds contains bniy -mix quarts ol water. Stranger "llowoldis the oldest, in habitant id' this village?" Native "There ain't none. He died last week." Ir. David' Indo-l-'ei riited arNaparllla Is liii' Itest It I und Meilirine known. It will will cure the worst cases of Blood and Skin Piseases. It will cure Uhcnin iti-m, making the It!uod pure and healthy, und ciusing the sinews and mus cles to (icrfonn their work easily and without pain. It cures Kca ma, Old Sores, Piuiples, Hlotches and all skin diseases. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. l They Refused To Obey. ONE KIND OF COURAGE. I he Act lhat Caiiki ho humus Unlv'hrate l.uuUnanl. "Courage on the balllcfe ld is not the only thing that makes a soldier," said an ex Confederate ohVcr to a coric-poudclit 'It is very easy lor a man t - be brave when he is shoulder to shoulder wiih his eotuudes, lriit it is dill 'rent on other uc ca-ioti. It remind me uf an incident (iiat came under my notice during the late war. One day the captain id' a company received w rd that the I 'nion soidiers had taken po.-M s.-iou of a biir mati.-iun, and it was thought that some of the soldiers had beeu left behind in the building. A lieutenant nod two plivates were immediately detailed to make an in vestigation. They reached the place easily. The lower flour was examined, but nothing appeared to be wrong further than the removal of a few valuables. The family had fhd at the approach of (lit; enemy. The un n crept up the stairs and looked over the second story It was the same as on tlie first. In the hall, however, there w is a lad h r lea I ini: to a trapdoor in the garret. Tlie door was swinging down and it was evident that some one had climbed up to the ecilini;. The lieutenant said that the garret would have to be searched. He told a private to go first, "Tlie private refused absolutely. He said it was certain death and that if he was a soldier he did not expect to have his head smashed open simply t ) look for a I'ninn spy. lie said he would take his punishment at the camp, but he would not stick his head through the trapdoor. The second private! was told to close the swinging door, lie refused. His reason was lhat he had a wife und children at home, aiet ii was not bravery to slick his head in (lie lire. "Without a word the lieulennnt climbed the ladder and poked his head in the doorway. It was very dark, and he shut his eyes, expecting every moment to have a big ax slash out his brains. He remained there a Inlf minute and tlun came down, closing the door after him. He told the privates that he would nut report their cowardice to the captain, but during tlie lemainder of the war those two privates w re the bitterest enemies the lieutenant ever had. It was human nature, I suppose, for them to hate him," New York Sun. f Are Vou Wrikl Weakness niiiiiitVsts iiwlf in the Ions of amluiiiiri mul aeliim; hones. The Mot I in Wiiicrv; llio livoieiare waMiiiL.' I In- dimr in I.. ii'.in.'ii.'i lord is- h'. A ltlle nfllrttWiiH1 li.'ii Hitters ii ken in tunc will restore ymir ftr.iii;ili. Roollie your limes, make your mum ncn it no rm. im ymi more tf.iod thnn hii v jhmim vi TtjHTiul eoitrf n( medicine. llr.. ns' Iron Hittorf it sold by all denIiTB. Tcaeh.r-Will, best man that ever Johnny, who was the lived ? Johnny rlease, sir, it was mamma I first hud.and.sir Tid Hits IK n't think fr a minute tlial ul! fencers know how to build fences. iuyal tnHkes the fund pure, whideAume and dcllcluui. POWDER Absolutely Puro Celebrated tori Is great leavening strength and healthtulncss- Assures the fooilagaiusl alum and all tonus ot' adulteration com mon tu Ihe cheap brands. liiiYAl. HAKINli POWDKIl (., MIW YORK' He -"Po you beii 've in marrying for money?" "She"! don't know, but I bi'tieve in divorcing for alimony." YV. l. II MllihMlN A t (l NYholialc and Kelail DcalerHiu CMICIM-TS, STr i;st and M.tllreaftt',ete. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, 1IA1II.IHT0N1H)., No. l N. Sycamore St., l'eleniliurn, Va IflM It. tWIt ANTE D -tki:stwokth y V:ff anil active icenllrnien or ludiea to travel fur responailile, extatilislieil house in North Carolina. Monthly llirvlil aim exjienses. rosiuun tiiiiiiy. itcfer ene. Kudos sell a.blreiweil alAiniMsl fn velo. Tho Dominion Company, Dept. iv, uiiicngo. THE DREADED 1 J i T. A.SIoeum, M.C .the llrcat Chemist and Seieniist, Will Send Free, lo the Atllicted.Tliree Unities ot New ly Pi-eovered Kftlicdio tu Cure Cuii"iim)ition ainl all l.unv' Troultl.s. Notliuii; could In- t'.iircr, more phihtn tlih.pie or eai'iy inoie )oy to the ;it)licted, lliait the tillei ol T. A. Mocotn, M, C, u( I 'earl street, Nin Ymk City, t'.uilideltt that lie ha- discociei an abso lute em.' lot loiisiiiiiptiou and pulmonary complain!-, audio inoke its oreut merits known, he will semi, lice, lim-e Unities id' medicine, to any reader ol' the Koauoke News wliu is sulV. riiiii tioiu chest, bron chial, throat and lime, troubles or con sumption. Already tins new seieutitic course of medicine'' haw pennationlly cured thou sands ol nppaicntly ho)ieless eases. The doctor considers it liis religioiisdiily ii duty which he owes to humanityto donate Ills inlailihle cure. tillered ti'ccly, is enough toeonimend it, and nunc so is tlu; perlect conliilence ot theotl,i cluinisl inakiiu; the proposition. lie has proved the dreaded consumption to be a curable disease beyond any doubt. There will be no mi.-take in sending the init.ike wilt be in overlooking the geneioiisinvit ttion. lie has on tile iu his American and Kuropcati laboratories testi monials ot' experience from those cured, ill alt parts o! the world. Don't delay until it is 4oo hue. Ad dress T.A. Sloeum, M. C., !W Pine street, New York, and when writing tho Doctor, please give express aud iiostulliee address and mention reading this article in the Koauoke News. W. W. KAY, Healer In Liquors, Wines, CROCERIES AND CICARS. Wtiy uot call on W. W. Kay, as he is open both night and day. Keep the fol lowing brands of well known whiskies: "did Oscar Pepper," I lump's (1. 1'. It. ltyc. Stamp Straight," "I i oi Jon Baltimore Rye" and other brands. I sell (larrett Si Co.'s pure C'hocko yotte wines. ikecp the best of every thing in my ine. jul'olite attention to all at Kay's, west side It. K. Shed, my 2 ly. Moraeits anil Tomlistones. DKSKiNS SKNT FKKK. In writing give some limit as to price and state uge of deceased. I.VIM.I.STVKM k in the -oulh to select from. A'e have no branch yard., and parties doing business under a similar firm name have no connection with us iu any wav whatever. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. iKsialilishcil I HI ) lot) to H.,) lank St., Nuriollt Va aov '2 ly. Grand Display -OF- -SPIUNti ANDSI'MMEH- MILLINERY. FANCY tJOODS und NOVELTIES. Hutteriik's I'at terns. It. & G. CORSETS, Misses at ollc, Itulies ?5c. to (1. iWUl'rices will be made tnsuit the times. Hats aud bonnets made und trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon. N. 1. UOANoKK KAI'lUS, N.C. CoflTMCTOis BuiLDEfS. loini-liT- of - Buiiflins Materials,: M anufaclurers of Coffins & Caskets and dealers in UNDERTAKER'S SUPPLIES. We sell Ihem Irom ti to $10. Oar coffins and caskets will compare favora bly in workmanship and finish with those of any factory in the United Slates and pricua guaranteed to bo th lowest. . A. All orders Glte'd at fliort W Mf Hoi ONSUMPTIO rR1 ' V'V' - '-.-

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