t -5 MSJfiSii'Wi'' 1 0 aTs lineal "OIIN" W. SLEDGE, I'ltol'lUKTou. vbi, xxxin. NE "W S I? -A. 3? E 1 E O R T IT. E PEOPLE WEIiDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY '21. 1898. TERMS:-1'5'1 vku anntm in aiaaxck. NO. 12. iianosOrgatf : PERFECT TYPES tit what n Kiil instrument should heme Ad Old LBieni. SO LOHISSOULTO THE DEVIL. I he Ureal I'orsc of In inkin There is an uM legend ul sold Ilia soul to tilt! Devil. tiutH w.mv: Fur u certain years this man was I" Imvu Old Peter. OLD MASTER KNEW HIM lieneral Itarnum Vuucbci I or 'Ihe lolorei .Man Who HaJ Serve! Him. What I nclv Sam's 1 runts Must Maul in Hat Torrid Kenum. y Tin' wonderful singing iiialilies Piano are rrrnguiaril ''.V every vocal artist wh uiilintiiin'.v recommends them. BTANDAIiDOltiiASM, TI'NlNd ANI KKI'AIUINti. : Pianos for Kent Terms t Suit. Write lor illustrated catalogue. I'll AH. M. NTIKIT, II N- Liberty St., lialtilnurc, Mil. WaHliinuliHl, .VJt Eleventh si., N. W. oct'jl ly. ( From FACTORY to CONSUMER. ) o) mm 1 Ptr TCl l-V ! 1l.iil.l nir. tn CONSUMER. SI.39 1 tuyntlilt .Pinot) tin Hut. mi Itm'kpr k iHiiicst him- i-vcr mtnl"' : ir (m (liizvn, Our new liz piim' mini "put1 I'tniiHimtiv I' ur tiiMiU1, Iniie- llnlii- I ii r riniifA. Itt'hiui-nil orn. Sum". Uunim, Vw lrtilii'M. Mir your for w ) ( ) ;) asklnii. Special siiiplriiicnls Just '' (4 .J Mie.l are also I''"'- w,'l,,.",,l".'1"!','., 1.x Altl'M' I A l A i ! : ft V irrmiliiHl union Is ulo mallei fir' -X V....I... ..... It II' ..., Wish Slimi'lc 9j U...1.1 a., -iiitiin. Miitttnil Hnmt.l.'H ulso 10 tor It. If "U "lull samples. ISJ Miiimur sun, - m... - . All BI-H'I f"l fnr IliK moll... ' pHlilon urvlin nmlor. $7.45 ( ) (m "iv miil-to yitur-nn'M-tin All-Wo.il rtit-vml Mill. Ail i'nrrnmi(rt' iinp''J ' y""1' M .11.111. WriU'ftirlMlM'HlH. ) A fm u tniin who Tim I'otiili munlier ol' 11 IliA lU'llltl'H nr.uili''il I.jr lii S.ifniiii' nmj.ly, ul llii" l'X.ilalinll of H'tlU'tl lilllO llil lo'll Will lo t... I'MllVill'll. Wlu n lliu tinic amil upon lunl ix- irnl tliij nun w,ii iinwilin lo liiUil liin , 1 1 1 ol' tlio ronirari, iiml as'.i' l tlio lVvil iijion what lorliia hi' coiiM Iw ri'li'av d Tho ri'ply was: '-It you will i'iire your (loil I will ri'liMKt! yon." "No," slid iIil' tu-ni. "I ciimot curse Mil It,.in,r wliomi naliiri! is Invi'. (live r mi! suini'lhiii h'ss frai lully wii'lu'il " "Tlii'ii kill vour fatlii'r," ri plii1'! ihi' Ili'vil, "anil you po lit'u " "No." armv.'ri'J thiMllali, "that U too hortililo to think ul'. I will Hot toiuiiiit no rrul a rnuii'. An- II" i" ii" i""11 cotnlitioii!'?" "Oho inoro," r. ilii'.l Iho li'Ail, ''von must o.ttl ilruuk." "'I'liat is a ri'iy easy thim; to il"," the man answcri J, "ami I accrit your iruo silion. I I'linim; kill my latin, 1 will not runic my (l.nl, but I ran fjtt ilrunk, ami vvhioi I Imcunii! eoln'i' all will ho will. Ai'OonliiiL'lv In' not ilrunk, an.l when in this eotxliliou ehatiei'il to no el his I'atlii'r, who tiihraiile'l him, which m ex .-ii t-i I ihe iie of the ilrmikcii ami hall era.".l lll.ui thai lie slew his lather, I'lirsi'J his (loil. Ihen fell il own id ail. ami III IVvil hail him without fail. Only a leecnil ihi. narticular case. Hut how irue lo the fa ts reoanlin.' the liiUor curse. 'I'. I'). Hiihey, in Kenlu.ky Star. Ier The son ) in n s hinichksonA ( Dept. 909. BUIIMORi;. Ml). in i i i n . .i. in nni I. Hiii a io Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended ' to all who use or Require a 'Stimulant of Reliable pifity. ' ' PAVKNl'OltT M0KK1S.V CO., v Sole aoents for the Pistiller, Hiehniotiil, Va. Mil. W. D. SMI I'M, at WcU.ii., X. " is. Ilmsolc dUlrilMitino; .j,.nt at tli.it j poiot, for the above nlJ anil i Celchratiil Whiskey. ' PAVKNI'ilUT MORRIS 1 CO. ; mr :il ';iii. Plffurei tlon't I.I. It doesn't tatte nmeli kniiwli il. of inallli lilaiu- to figure out tile ftels ahi'ilt tli.it ilrrait iltii'" ro ii ii in pt St.ilMu'i ins Inmr .in. i .It m.'ti-triti tl-at "in- sevi :il. f all tlie "V illi ill ClttMi ml.ei t-a. ll vi al nia lv .itrlv atliihutnl lo c.inMiui;iti.'ii ami al'.u JlM'.ll- Tin it- is an almost cetta-n niri' ami i 1" ive f"l .'. fatal 'l.-i a-e if li.L-i ii til mile The stoly of what it will ilo is lolil iu the 'liillowiiu: 1' tl' " AL' a iru :i ml ii l''Of vsnrs aijo. win tl 1 iv Plf ufr.Hiiin wiiuii'v i vrrc p.nu in I.:'' pit tip bli'o l ni'l 1 v: 1., l h.,t 1U wilW hit. U .-I in w in (lith !1ni!i al!iin.il a. nl h.ii .l.ii- I ,. ami I tri ll.-.' no ' thai 1 .honl.l I.'- in- I li e ...I . la-l -.' If.lv Hi I' it.il up any -.1.1-11 (lelii'tal llartium uf Abbeville bail a boil v Mi rvmit bel'ori! the war who apeil 1.1,.. I,. ,..,t.vl , in. l'eler HO lilVI'll Ills master that he urew lo talk like him. U lives toilav, the heart uf hosniialily, the soul ol honor. One Siiu.lay two white men ilrove nil to the door of hi "bin .,,.1 .k,,l il he hail anv li'lllol ill the house, lie said he hail about n iiiart. Thev uirercil to buy. lie reluseil to sell Ion ins! us his ol.l master would have Julie, invited them to have a dtink. llav ion drunk, ihey handed him a! hall dul lar. Of course, like his waster, he declined (he coin. The scoundrels went to town and swore out a o mililaiol that he was violating the dispensary law. 1 haiitiene.l to be in llreenville tlf 1 ,v ilo. trial look ulaee and saw a revela v lion reters counsel was neuii. n .m.iiii's son. ndiiitant L'ciieral of the late under (iovernor John (iaiy Kvans, and the chief witness for the defeuse was il.,. i,.ral himself, who had come from Abbeville, distant about Kid milt ay u wold for bis former slave. neral look the stand, ami Ins id: "What is your name?" "I am t'.eneral Ittrnum, sir. "Where do you reside?'' "In Abbeville, sir." ' How lono have you known the del'en dam?" Silly five years, sir." What is hi' reputation?' ' As "ood as aliv m all's ill this court room sir. "Would you (rust him?" "Trust Petei? Why, I'd Husl him wilh mv life, my liouoil I'he jury didn't leave their seats. The scene "suiter touched me up." I t younu Itanium and asked if he received anything lor bis services 'Accept a leefioiu l'eter?" he sai l ill amaj ment. "Whv sir. I'd as soon tl.iuk of eharinj; my father." "You ami vour father came lull miles to clear this old nou'ro?" "Yes, aud we would havecoiue. l.Hnil or 10,(100. Old l'eter was a second father to me lie raised me. When 1 I was well, he played with me. When I was ill he nursed me. When I wait a tioy. t u ratner sieep n. . cu t t. cabin than in uiy own bed at home. I d rather take a suaek with l'eter tu those lavs thaudini! with the president. I m afiaid wo ankecs d m t un l. r stand the "uijiifer" .pieslion yet New York 1'resa. Cliiate Of Manila. HOT TIMES THERE. Too Busy. THE LOST ARROW. You Should Always Sj mfathizc Wilh Vour little linos. n.h'.l lip to la. 11 flesh- This ereat Mi ilual III eov iv i nn - i." l all laivomal. I'i'.i',.!.'al I'ltoil o: atlei-lioii- vv hull, it iniiHilnl 1 ..,.,.,ii..i. '.t sin nutheli til. ml iii..s. Hie appeuo' , It mvlitoi.it. il" livi I ami ai.U III' ' mital liiak' i the asino'. 'lion "f the f"".l I It i- tile en.it moon nut''. """ lilllliliT Holiest dealers u ill 11"! "'C lAke a xuhstitnle v"l I" Im ' i""t -i- 1 lor in I'll re. s i.nn " Me.lu il A.lvier. hmr I'"'1""' -1 ""' ceil! -tauilis lo eovil in-iilini! '"'-I. 1,1 Ul Worl.l s lli-iH-H-alv Mi'll' '1 -.iM.illoli, ll.illalo. X V , tor a pip. i em.iiu "l Cloth liiii'lm.' ten cents esli-i tliolisalltl p-'Ce """le "' llllll'lu.l illll-liall.'..- - lollliellv i so l''ot lltiuted Uiue call 0' era! of mailing: ..1 ' 11 is .,1.1 f.'l hl tor HUDSON'S A 30 Dai n it We liiiVi1 in tMovk lu'loiminti to North ittoiifp. In the mt ;iti Any we will put lk'tiietheneu.le Iwr- uainiias we never Hd More. Mens' pants Ii, 4, fie. Men and Ikiv h h;t" a"'1 fiM 4 A I.V Wimlow (li1es on iirmiE ntn ..r l')A 1.". '. Curtitm i1-h Vkood HnisK Axtlimi IK. -.'He. White cloth :tc. White Ifresstiomls 5, tiV. llav atrike clock" 1 .IH. l'snt iiomU 14c. l.inen towels, 7c. Prniaiels lii. Wihil TcninanU curiN't IN A line tloor niattinirs, 7. , Vir. Mens la.lies' shoe i)l. 75 HHe, lillreaus $.1. Larue rocking chairs with arms US', I'uin Isiiioiii ehiiim HHe. Men's sliittn, IS, lite lauliia shirt waist lK'. ISnvs' ahirt waist lNe- Manv oilier Ihmiisin stoi k lo close out. Come quick for luniain. SI'IKKS It AVIS, Weldon, N C, Mar. 23, INiW Every Bay Opportunities. INDIFFERENCE' INDIFFERENCE! Aiukc'lliiiu Hat SKvpcsl An J Do Your 1 all liuly- ;tl7 Main st., Noil'olk, Vn. Indies' and 11 nil' l'loini! RtdlM. Al.l. MK1.S T-NTS. SVRI'ASSIXt; IDt t t t: A MM I M l I J. K. Hl llstlN, rniirict..r. The Hcsl of Evcr thiii! "l Season oct in Ivr. hous. Sl'B'HI. IHMi.AY IK ----' PROF Jl i. aRI EflALHT anil Al'TlltllilTV on all 3 riirt)iiie fcffi Spring Millinery: Ml HATS and BONNETS And Mlllimrv S.ivrllien. "lie sure to call and in-i l my stock MUS W Ii MAUI, origllv ltoanoke Kani'ta i. i W. T. PARKER All who are auffennu with any B1.(H)1) T'tlll Hl.E, would be wise to call on or an.lram bv mail. Consultation free anil iilnlieineacnmnoiinileil to suit each runic ular caae. When writing to me please en close stamp for reply. l'liOK. JAS. HARVEY, 4 Church St. (New No.) iel7lT. Norfolk, Va. Heavy AND Fancy Groceries JAHWM.MIILi Wil.TEB B. DAHIRL. U L. L K iV DANIZ1 Farm Implements. A rescue missionary wis lectiirinj in a sir.i..... ulaee. that is. ill a place wheie he wss Hot accilstotlled to speak, lie said that cv.ry Christian, however humble or poor, or busy, could do some persjuil work for Christ if he was only willing After the lecture a poor woman rushed tip to him, aud aaid, half indignantly: "What can I do? 1 ana wid iw with live children to support, an t I have to work nio.hl and diyto provide food for the family. Ila can I find time to and speak to anyone about Christ Hoes the milkman call at your early in the nioriiiui;'. "Of course ho does." "Does the baker follow hiui? ' "Why, yes, to be sure he does." "Iocs the butcher once or twice a wci k visit you. Yes." was the curl reply, and the woman, her lace flushed wilh eiciteme.it and apparent vex ili in, 0 'W away. Two years after, the minol tiod spnki in the same place. Alter Ihe aernce, a woman ask. si him "lo jou know m ? ' "Xo." "Well, 1 am lbs peii.li who was vi Jed null you two years attii. when you a-ked iue whether the milkill lll, and baket. i'.'l butcher visited me. Hut I Weill h to think ami pray, an 1 tiod help d me I., do uiv duly. I now have lo t.H yn that through my humble ifforla live liersous have been led to the Saviour, and .i...i ur.t all consistent, workinu' nieiniieis of the church." ludifT.rcoe. '. Indiflerenee! This is the sin which Satan uses lo m al the doom uf lostsoula. "Awake, ihou that sleepint and arise from ihe dead, and Christ shall shine npon the. ! " Chtisiian Work l.ntlt.r "So VOU di lu'l liroD"SC to her, after all? ' V ..!' .o, auil I in not point to. Whin 1 tot t her house I f.nm.l her chasinu a ui.uiae wilh a broom." "t am wonderino in these days, when Undo Sam is about sending Iroops Irom the Pacific coast to the Philippines, what the American boys will thiuk of the climate over there. With the. possible exception of Boine. parts of interior India and Arabia, 1 doubt if there is any hotter climate than that of Manila. Ihe lands reach within four do;;roo of the cutiator. The. temperature is not ,.,.,. I.;,. I, hut the huuiiditv is. The most extreme caro must constantly b. exorcised to keep ouu's physical condition nrotwrlv toned all summer lunir. In hottest days in the year arc iu May and Juno. Fortunately a brociic usually sprint's up in the early evening, und that tempers the atmosphere so that one can e-ct some sloop if he is properly iixed lor it, when midnight comes. The moan tomporature at the Philippines is 72 dciirces. Iu November the weather coots aud then for weeks at a time along the acoast it is about as near perfection as . . .t i. anyone can imagine, lo call iue mourns of lleceuiber, January and I'ebuary there winter is a mockery. For seven months in the year, from April to October no one but the poorest laborer goes oul of doors, uuloss compelled to do so, be tween S in the innniiuL' and 1 iu the afternoon. Iu Mauila the whole popula rises at 4 and 5 a. in. and gets the work of the day out of the way before 8 o'clock The houses are opened, servants clean up, merchant) do their business and the school children are busy with their teachers. F.veii the civil and militaiy officers attend to most of their duties hut ween 4 and 8 a. in. Then when old Sol begins to shoot bis drafts down upon the ciuntry more perpendicularly the whole population go into their houses uf stone and wood with heavy roots ol 111 and a sort of aspbaltum found in thai country, and stay there until sundown It is a laud of siestas. K.very one who can sleeps there all day long, and slumber l: i here ret lueed to a science. Hammock: abound and couches of bamboo ev.rv home. hold, club, and loafing place. The servants are trained to Sec their masters and mistresses coiufortabli hy bringing ibeiti iced drinks or a tray of smoking material whenever they awakeu alter a nap. All buildings an .reeled wiih the idea of keeping the at mil as much as possible. Business is su-pended all day long, even the men at the wharves unit woik lor six i n seven hours when the mm is highest. "At sundown Mauila wakes up. There is an opening uf heavy board window blinds and an emdus of people from their homes. Kven the trees and shrubbery shake oil their drowsiness. The mer elianls open their heavy store doors, and I he Nlreets suddenly start to lite The nrlneinal meal of the dav is served al t i ' about Ii o'clock, and wilh the rich m ish il is a crcmonious affair. Thereallei ih.. whole i. ..mil. ill. .n coo oul lor a walk Keening calls are made upon menus ami the plants a-e at their ijayesi. The cook fuhis lake place in the evening; the old theatre is always crowded at utgiu pecially Sunday nialtls." KOH OVUM flt'TYVKAK Mrs. W'inslow's Soothing Syrup has been .soil for over tiltv voars bv millions ul n.oi o.rslore hi drcn. w lllc teething, whu perfect snoecss. It soothes the child, soflciis the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remeuy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sntlerer immediately. S"ld tiy druggists iu every part nt the world. - cenis a bottle. He sure and ask lor "Mrs. Wins- low's SvMilii.it. Syrup," aud take no oth er kind Mother, mother," cried little Willie. coming in upon mo us l sat uusiiy in Folk-Cures In Kansas. OLD SUPERSTITIONS. Admiral Gervera. SEAMAN- STATESMAN UND EXPERT Mmr.li: lures Within the 1'iMvhut ll-lul I his Hut anJ I'rtSiTU' I or 1 ulurt Isc. work, "I have lost my arrow m the grass and can't find it. lie was ready to burst iuto tears at his mishap. 'I am sorry, dear," I said, as I went on Willi uiy wort. "Won't you go and tind it for me, mother?" he asked, wilh a iuivertng lip. as he laid hold of my arm. "I am too busy, dear," 1 replied, "tio tell Jane to find it for you." "Jane can't Hud it," said the little fol low, iu a choking voice. "Tell her to look again." "She has looked all over. Won't you onto; mother, aud find it lor mo?" The tears 'verc rolling dowu his face, but I wai too busy embroidering a little linen s;iciue t was making for him, and that seemed of more importance that the happiness of my child. "There, there! Dou't bo so foolish us to cry al llic loss of an urrow, 1 am ashamed of you. Go look for it your self." Willie went crying downstairs, and 1 hoard him in the yard until my paiieuee nave out. "Ellon, I heard him say, "won't you make mo an arrow? Here is a stick." "Xo, indeed; I have something else to do besides making arrows," said cook. 1 felt vexed at Kllen. She might have done it. If I were not so busy I would make it mysoll, I thought; aud 1 sewed on as before. Willie's heart was almost broken, but I was not in a mood to svmnalhito with him. The loss of an arrow seemed a voty trifling thim: lo me "Willie," 1 called out of the window, "you must stop crying. I can't find my arrow, and uoLoily will niako me one." (lo find something else tu play will: Come, sir; you must stop this crying. won't have this noise." "I can't find m v arrow." he said, with a iuiv.ring lip. "Well, erviiia won't find it. Com. upstairs." Willie ascended to mv room. ' Xow don't let me hear one word more of thii hai U Ih. I or to I'usl ul Minister uf Ilk a I eai a life AtarJ Shit. Take belter e tune. of your arrow nexl IIKK sri'KKIOKITY. "Why is it that women always lay so so n uih more stress than men do upon the value ol a pedigree?" "Thev inherit it from Kve, 1 guess. "From K'e? 1 don't see what si e had lo boast uf in that line." "It wasn't much, but she wn't made out i f il.J, hde Adam was, and I'll bet sip! never cut through reminding him uf her mijKTi.ir origin "Chicago News. i' wa no sympathy in my tone for I felt none. I did not think ul Ii loss, bill the alllU'V inee ol hiserwilg Tl little fellow slirled his gnef as best he could, and throwing hiui-elf on the fl nu lled and s ibhed for some minutes. Before long be fell a-leep How instant ly do out feelings change towards a child when we tind it asleep lendemess comes in place of sterner emoli uis. I laid aside my work, and taking Willie in my arms laid him on my bed. Auother deep sigh came from him as his head touched the pillow, and was echoed in my heart. Poor child! the loss of an arr iw as a great thing tu him. 1 wished then I had put away my work for a few min U'es and made him a new one. What is a littl time taken from uiy work to ihe hannincss of my child? 1 wish I could Icaro to think right at the right lime Dear little fellow! I stood fir nearly fi.e tiiiiiutes ovr my sleeping child When 1 turned away 1 oil uot resiim. my work; lor 1 nau no neari in wur 1 1 th linlc garment I went down lo tin guden, and the first thing that met my eye was the arrow, p mi illy hidden by a ro e hush. So easily found! How mueh woald a minute have saved, given al the right lime. We learn too lal r . petit when ripeutanoe diH's not avail The first notice I had of his bviug awake was his gratified exclamation at findin; his lost arrow beside him. His grief was rr..,ui..ii In a lew minutes he was o il shooting his arrow again. But n.sl,l not foroet it. 1 was serious for luiny bonis afterwards, for the conscious- mm of having done wrong, as well having been the ocjissi.ri of grief to my child lay, with a heavy pressure, upon mv feelings Hidden Ciraius Sniiie of these cures, which were col lected in (j.ll'ey enmity, Kansas, were ul tained from colored people. The major ily uf the superstitions, however, which w. re collected iu Douglas county, were obtained from people who declared they knew no superstitions and believed in notte, namely, students in attendance at the I'nivirsity uf Kansas. These stu dents canio from neatly every county iu the Slate. Warts can be transferred from one to another hy the following methods, anion; ol hers; Put into a red calico bag "hearts" from grains of e im; run dnwn to the road; throw away the bag, not looking wlure it falls; run Iwtuo again, and ll any one picks up the bag your warts will go away. Hub the wart with seven pebbles: wrap the pebbles in paper aud throw limn away; if the parcel is picked up the wart will go away. If you sec anyoiio asleep in a church say to yourself: "When you awake take those wails." If you have a wart and see a man riding i n hoiseback in the rain, (or as another version runs, riding tin a gray or.-e) say: "Take these along;" rub the art and it will leave you. Al Delph is, Kansas, lives a young in. in who gallantly procured his sweet beau's warts by purcha-e. leal a dishcloth, rub the wart with il and then bury lie cloth under the eavn f the house. If you tell no one and no one funis oul vour lliolt vour wall will i awav. Write on the slove wilh a 1 iece of halk the number of your wails. When ihe number has bin ned oil the stove your warts will be gone. In order to cure ihe toothache cut your linger nails on I'rnlay. Another sure cure is to wash behind jour ear- every iu. .ruing. The skill i f all eel il wotll about ihe h g will cute ll" Ulllaiislll. The skill of ,i black cat Worn in one's clothing will cure rheumatism. Carry a potato in one's pocket to Hire rheumatism. Headache may be pn vented by wear ing it e's hat the tallies uf a rattle nake. The skin of a snake worn around one': at clown will cure the bea.la. be. A sly in iv be cured by rubbing it with a gold nug, a silv. r spm.ii, . r one s linger mi ist. tied with saliva. Wear a red siring or led beads around the lleek lo prevent the tins, bleed. Wear a siring of gold beads around our neck and your nose cannot bleed. Hold your bauds above your head and . mi n -o will cease bleeding. II ild a silver spoon against the back ol ll.e neck lo stop the nosebleed. The hi. aid of a black cat will cuie hlllgles Never let a chicken die in join hai.d: and you wili iml have palsy. B. re a hole in the wall the height ul a child s head, when the child grows above the hole il will be cured of asthma. You may always prevent cramps in the fed by turning your shoes upside down even nigbl beside vour bid (leritud,' C Davenport, ill Journal ol American Folk Lore. THE DREADED IH11 rnAT Ceivra, Spain's man of the hour, has an interesting personality. Her. sprung ol (lie proudest blood iu Spain and all the ipialilics uf breed ing, brains, pal rim ism, courage, piide and polli-h contribute to bis u-tive ca reel'. Cervera's generous act in sending mil wuld uf the sal. ly uf 1 1 ..! "11 and his comrades was thuniughly cli.iraoteriiic of the bravo and high toned soldier that he is, and although he be of the enemy's forces and although he patriotically and earnestly believes in all the iniquities of which his government has been guilly, ho is a line type of ihe courteous, consid erate geulleman to whose training a d.j'ti generations of proud Spanish nobility have cunlnbiileil. Cervera, the man of wealth, the man of noiili il hist,. i v. h. ing a vtteran uf two or three wars and having held the high post uf secretary uf the Spanish navy, is lint the accident uf the hour. He is eminently the. one man iu the Spanish navy for the post be was scut across iho Atlantic to fill. When ho cleverly avoided the seout- i I- ... 1 ing cruisers ol our navy nnu suppeu iuio Santiago lint bur, it wis neither luck nor nesswotk that guided him. lie knew where he was going, for ho was moving over waters as lainiliar t him as the waters of Hampton liua ls are to Schley. It is an int. 'resting e lineideliee that he served in Cuban water- iu c .tuinand of tluvMinboat Sniia Lici.i lliioughoul a ureal narl ul the war ol lSl'.ll 78 and that Hear Admiral Monlcroli, his brother "Nicer, who wa- al that lime in command ul'the Tornado, is at present ihe port admiral of Havana. The Tornado is the w.u-liip which pur-nod and took ihe Viruin'w pii-m. r, on event which nearly piling''! the t'liited Slabs into war with Spain at that lime. Hear Admiral C rvera wash irn Feb. 18, KV.t, and i'"ii-e.'i.'iiily is .! years of age. lie 1 i .ks mueh younger: hiing possessed nl a ti'te phyi" and great T, A Slneutii, M. C , lb.' (Ileal Chemist and Seieiiiisi. Will Send Free, In the Alilieled, Three linllli'Sol New ly Ili-cnVtl'i'l Klllieilies tn Cure Cotisiiijiptinn and all Itillig Troubles. Nothing eoiilil lie tiller, liuirc philali throple ol e liry In He ov to tin- alllleled. I hail llle.illel ol I- A. ,-l.n mil, M , I'., of l-.i I'e.lll slice!, Now Yolk City, t olilnli'lil I lint he has dl-e.iM-ieil all abso lute cure lot consumption ami pllliuouaiy eoliipl.liiils. ami to make its git-at merits known, he will send, live, Unci- bottles of medicine, to any reader uf the Koanoko News w ho is sniveling lioiii chest, bron chial, I hro.it and lung troubles or cou siiinplion. Already this "new scientific course of medicine" has permanently cured thou sands nl'apparoiilly hopeless cases. 'flic doelor considers it his religioiisilnty - a duly wlii. li he owes to liuinniiity--to iliinale iiis infallible euro. tillered freelv, is enough loeoinnieuil it. and more so is the perfect confidence nl the gl.-at clictuisl making the proposition. He has proved the dreaded consumption to be, a curable disease beyond any doubt. There will be no mistake in sending the niislake will he in ovorliwikilig the geneiousiiiilatioii. lie has un tile in his Aiiieiieaii and I jiropean laboratories testi monials of experience from those cured, 111 all parts ol lhe world. Don't delav until it is too late. Ad dress T.A. Slot'um, M- C, (IH Pine street, New York, und when writing the Doctor, please give express mill postollice address and mention reading this article in the Itoanoke News. s tin- f...,tl pure, whiitesiime and Urlicloul. ixiii:cii'Ki. ll wasan inliislri. nl- laimcr lint the passerby ail lly ac 'O-l '.l as be mid.' h preparation for irrigatiug a li. l 1. "Ah," said the stranger, "prcpating waler the waste?" "Well.' was the anwer, "1 got ibis idea from one u' these papers, au I d know how I'll work. Mibbe I'll waler the wa-tc, au then, ag in, tu -hue 1 11 ouly waste the water." Washington Star, m Fur; n3 &AKTNI5 POWDER Absolutely Kure y. W. KAY, Dealer In Lips, Wines, CROCERIES AND CICARS. Why not call on W. W. Kay, M he is open both night and day. Keep the fol lowing brands uf well known whiskies: Old O.-ear Pepper," (lump's Ii. P. II. live. Stamp Straight," (ioidon Baltimore ltye" and other brands. 1 -ell (larretl A Co.'s pure Choeko- yotte w III' s. I keep the best ol every tiling 111 my tine. Wul'olite attention to all at Kay's, west side It. 11. Mica. ruy2 1y. Moraieiits aid Tomtistones. UKSKiNSSKNT KKKK. In writuii pve mime limit ah to j.ru-e hiui stsit- am ot' demised. l,H(.r.T STOCK liHtlf Wi'Uth to st I trl Irom. Wl' liavu D0 kraiK-h yar.U, and partie doing IniMiie under similar firm uanir have i eonueetioii with m in any thVcouper MARBLE WORKS. . Kstalilislict 1st- I IM to 1(1.1 Hank St., Norfolk Va nov 4 ly. Celebrated for its great leavening strength I.I healtlllillness. Assures, the t."l aglll-l nliim and all loruis of adulteration com mon to I he cheap brands. RUVAL BAKI.NU 1-OWHKK CO., KKVt VOKK bit Promoter "You needn't be afiaid; the company is peileetiy sale. The l.iiub "Ob, I've no doubt about the company Icing sale enough. 1 was thinking about the safety of my money." Grand Display Skin Diseases, Kor the speedy aud liel liinnciit cure ..I tetter, salt ilieutn anil euaenia, mam bi rlain a Kyo and Skin Ointment Is ...il l,.it in ..'.nial. It relieves the Itch ing and smarting altnont. instantly and ita continued Use effects a permanent cure. It also enrea itch, bxrlier a itch, ...l,l (,...! s..r ninnies. Itching lull's. chamied hands, chronic mire eye and , granulated lids. Pr. CadvH OotiiIHImi PownVra for horses are the best tonic. M.iod rnrlfier and vermifuge. Price, ascents. Sohlby V.,rtl..l.y W. ''"he" W-'l.'""- ' s ""n. Ilslihi. In. A s. Harrison. Knnel.t i'ni,Kiu. Ir. Ila.bl's .Kt.-l'crrtc.l varsapaiilla I. the Hot III.khI Medicine Known. It will will cure the worst cases l HI.shI aud Skin Di-saxa. ll will cure llheiitmil-in, making the B mai pure and heallhv. and cu-nig ihe sine.- aud mu clcs lo p rloiin then wrk easily and without pain. It cures Knenta, Old Sores, Pimples, Blotches and all skin diseases. Kor sale b, W. M. Cohen, Weldon. X. c. IM'.O AM OAUlv H Vllt. ljlk hair and cillipleXI .il in 'acs as H.II as in in livi Inils signify strength Daik skitincd ra.-es arc always behind the lighter hind people in line oltilua- llon because the physical picilimniialcs among iheiit to the exi'lu-i u of lb.' in. n tal Coarse rcdhlir in licttes in ll I'elo'is physical ctl'liiranee. W. M. II AIU.ISTON & ( )., Wholesale and Retail Ivalersin C.VIUM'.TS, STOVI-.S, andMattreaaea.etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HARUSTONACO., No. N. Sycamore St.. l'eiersl.urg. Va IlI'M ly. J. L. JUDKINS, W hoiiisiic nl t-l.iil lah t In Fim -0F- SriUNC. ANOSl'MMKU MILLINERY. FANCY (iDODSaud NOV1.I.T1ES. llnllerick's Patterns. U. k (J. CORSETS, M at Ladies 7."c. to $1. M.rrietiwiU to niaile to suit the tiru. H it- and bonn-W nmdf mid trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, W.ldon. N. O ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wlt.noit, N. C. eactlealnltieeonruor RallfatandNnrtbanp o.iftii.llntheaunremeanaFelenvl ennru. Vol - . i .... s. ..is m .iiMrtiAf Nitrth (larollna. ruck aaoa at Hall aa, M. O .opaa avtrr ataa. 221 l'OUXl) SACKS OK SALT KOIl 11.10 PKU SACK. (V0orract prioaa and polite altaotioa to all. "I've piir.il mv husband's iiisnm nia" "lluwdid yon do b?" ' Pre tended I was sick, and the d.aitor left medicine which Henry was to give me evei; half hour all niijht long." j When Babywaaak-k, we Rave hw Castorl. Whim she as a iiM, ulie crosi tor . . V. hen slie ls-anie Miss, h elun to Oastoria. Wilis, rite bad CliiklivB.slie (.avelhwn Casual la. TOOK IT8KUIOI SI.Y. "Poor Waggs! He was a most genial oul." "Yes, indesd he was The only thing he ever look soiiously was th cold that carried, him nff " Kxelunge. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough llemedy in my family for years : nd always with good results," aaya Mr, W. B. Cooper of Kl Uio, C..I. "For small children we Cod it especiilly effective." Kor sale t.v W at ('..lien WVIil.tn. S Bmwii. Itibfaa, Ur. A.n. IUni, kjilluiJ, Inass".--. CerviTa's predictions are much mne reliable iban lllerse of some uf his fellow c .unirviuen. lie remarked that he was goin j to his d.n'in when he -ailed out of Santiago harbor. . s . Which? "I bear that "Id Bullions is going abroad to slay all summer." " hat is the matter?'' Is Ins bca Ih broken ,l.,n or decs he wanl lo get rid of his typewtilet?'1 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Groceries Staple ami Fancy "FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES' Cim-km-. tilass Tin, and ooien ami wii lonware. ANo I rati Horse, low. Hotf and INnili iy FwnI, mid Cirtive'n Tastelew (,hH Tome. Alt xandei'i I.tvemnd Kidney Tome lor minlyiitK the IiUkmC TIi ih toniv is warmnted or monev ret'uiidel. J. L. JUDKINS, No. 31 Washington Ave., Weldon, N. C' dec 111;- DON'T is YOU KNOW IT A LOW PRICES, V NEAT AND ACCURATE WORK That keeps our pressiea running day and night lo kis'p up wilh orders. Excelsior PrintinsL Company, WELDON. N.C. la-ller lleada, Packet Heads, Hill Heads, Knvelopea, St.ilementa, Hand Billa, l'rrnrraninies. Ticket. Shipping Tars Etc , T.tc. InVtsive ns a trial order. Rend for eaot plea and write na what yen waaV