JOHN "W". SLEIDO-E, hioI'Mhtok. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE TERMS:-?1-'"1 1,:it anxi'.m in ahvanck. VOL. XXXIII. WELDON. N. C. THURSDAY, AlKJUST I, 1898. NO. 14. pianosOrgan PERFECT TYPES Of what a nooil instrument should be are The wonilert'ill l.lliuitifcc ii;tlilies ill these riftwn m e reeiKiii'il Iiy every voeul art ml wbo nitHtintiiitil.v rteomiiieiiils ilii'in. BTANDAUIHilitlANrt, Tl'SISd AND KKI'AIKlNti. Pianos fur Kent -Terms to Suit, Write lor illnstniteil eutulotriie. I'll.VS. M.KTIKKK. II N. I.ilierty st., li.ill iriiuri', Mil. Wiwhinirton, Ml Eleventh st., N. W. out 21 ly. flpring Millinery! 1 ri I - RPKCUI. DIHI'I.AY OK HATS and BONNETS Anil Millinery Novelties. . jQFItehiire tu cull mill iiisjieet mv .stock. ,M1!S. V. ii.'r, wiTui ly Ifounoke KudhIs. N. C. HUDSON'S 1117 Muili St., Notlolk, Viu 1 Ladies' ami llentlemen's Ilinini: B(H).i. am, meals j cents. BVBI'ASSIXH COFFEE A .sl'ECIAl.Ti .1. It. lll'DSON, Proprietor. The Itest ot' Kvery tiling iu Season Oct 111 1. v r ii i iicoi) umvers Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, PIANOS f. and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable quality. P.VYKNTOUT MOUKtS & CO., Sole agent lor (lie Distiller, v ; Richmond, Va. MR. W.D. SMITH, at Weldon. X. C Is the Nolo distributing iirent t jiuint, lor t he above old and ; Celebrated Whiskey. DAVKM'OIIT MOHUIS A CO, '" ' mar :tl Om. Wt have in Block Hcverul b-ti of uimmIs bfloniiing to Nortti t-ru mtTt hauts. TheNt it'hmIs must lie mild ut iiiicr. lit the ueit ilayn we will put iK-toiuthe peonle oar gains as we never did before. Melts' pantu 40, rU, 60c. Overalls Itii, Hie. Dnss (loon's 3, 4, fie. Men's and bov'n hats unit caps 9, loe. Win iiow sit. it Ics on spring roll enl'J, 15. 'iie Curtain ooles wood tix tnrw'ioc. Hruss fixtures 1H, 'Jtic. White dothlJe. White Drttiowb ;tl, ,r. fie. h Vmy strike clocka l tH. 1'mit gmls h, lite, hiuiu toweU, 7e. Itrnjrgcts f t.".i, fi. Wool rciimanUt eurjM t A 1 .rgr lioe floor mattingH, 7. H, -Je. Mcdm iuhI Mieti1 ibov 5U, 75 tWc. HureaiM i 7 $:k Iarge rocking ehairt with a ruin UKt Csfa holttuu chairn ;tSe. Men's nhirU, 15, tfe. I.imIi':n whirl want l"c Hhvh' kTii rt waint ITh" M tny other ihiogH hi stock to ClOe out. Come tjuiek lor b.irn.iius. SI'IKUS 1AVW. Wei ilou, N C, Mar. -Jit. lH'JH UlKi'lXlAIJST uml all AUTHORITY ou ' .'Tl who are suffering with any IU.001) TROUBLE, would Ik wise to call on or ; W i tm by mail. CmtsulUtiou tree and atadicines compounded to suit each partic ular cast. When writing tu me plese eu ttofle stamp for reply. " PKOK. JAS. HAIiVEY, ? 4J. Church 8t (New No.) je 17 ly. Norfolk, Va. MUaiM.llI'LLIN, WALTia I. DANIEL LLKN DANIEL, l ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wlt.DOK, N. C. PMcMc.lntheoourUof HallftiautlNorUittn ttnp Col. eittuuiD iQeiupremeand Fedenl court.. . ttmi mtde In allMruof Nurth Crohn.. - rimnobotto. at Halifax, N. (.'..opauwery Mod. j.u 7 If I L A i A r5U Hay (liiic Diseases, LEAVE IT WITH GOD. Way I real I he Many I'crtlaini! I'mt km llut Va CliristiaiK one ul his li'tiiTH touching u very J-11III1 important went in his life (iimroFux wrote: 'Whuref'ire I let the tiling rest and wtuiton tin w irk and service of tin Ltrd " rhiT.! is ii deep uml vilul (ruth of praetieil living su.'i'es'ed by this lr.itiii'iit of u sentence -a Ii tit Ii which, received ami uott-1 upon.i; w far to uukr tin1 mi ml filtii, ill" Ih'trt t ; r fill nth) ill bin U elf ititive There hi- a ireut in my e m-clem iuus hut anxious people who I'm I (henisidvus continually tempted to jioHtpono work until all (pirn! ions can be settled; who u Iti'Uipt, in u word, tu anticipate the education of life by grasp ing nt the uegmninj; of rrultn which ctuie only at the en J. For then are a great many perplexing problems which ( never h I bought out; they nni-t b.! worked out. The in in or wo man who wants to mettle them in mi v a i ice will fail ulikeuf llie NettU mt'iite of the question and the (joint; of the task, It is through the active putting forth of one's power that light continually streuiim in on the questions which concern what one ohght to do, In any edueati in the understanding ui the ultimate uses of things must be postponed, those uses are revealed only when the edueuti.inal pr. ei's-t uears its efw. 1 his is preemi nen ly true nf the Hupreiue cilueational prnetss which we call life. There arf tliuU'iiuiis nf (jticjiiions weihin upon every m neurit and uonteieniious mind which cannot be settled by any amount of thinking, hut which iu a way ttctlle iheiiiseives as one ulnwly but faithfully does the duty which tics next. This comes very m'ar heini; the whole philoso phy of life, w'lieh itt iu nu sense a settle went of uliiuiite iuestiuns, but which i always priiuirily the doiu; of the (hini: prfs.;entobe done. He who is able to do faithfully and heartily that whi-h lies iu his baud u on the mad to the sett lenient of all the final questions. He is working his way through the exper ience which is to be, from the fpiritiui side, one of the great sources of pcrsnnal illumination. To learn to leave things with t! n, and to d i one's work as it liod eould b.i trmlcd, is to gain repose uhd full beartelness which p'Tiin. .ie poor out his whole strength without uuxi ety, w-trrv or distraction. must i verv known bianch uf htinly tint tlie i ntc mt iin))"i t.i'tt ttiaiich i! .ill V. it pml'it f hit snti if hi ll i' .01 intel Irel liki .i Newton, .iti.l i- fii ii t .ill v an V.litiiiii! v'tiehum. if he Ins ,i weak ami puny btly .itol tmt tin i-iiute-t idea uf how to cue for Ins lu .llli? A Kv . 1m. n Id Ik- t.oiylit t'i"in the st a i t that hiw ln .lllh is li most in eimis ciuImW me ttt. Without health, all the tah tit, all the Kiiiio-, and alt the aiiiWilinii in the wm Id an- wmllile i. A liny shmild 1h taiiL'ht lli-it "iieees in :mv walk et lile, that happiness. ,tnd life il -If, ate ilepi iiileut ui' in Ins care ot His lie i:tn Win it a mail feels that he i lnsiinr hi lu dlth and n:;. u lit ii his t in rk- no lonv i't udw. liii -K i- no loiiuer elastic and the siiiilkie u li.allh is no loie;. r in Ins even. In- nhoii'.rf woik Iv.-. tctt nune reott tu tin- i ik lit reiiudv to nsture hi- bodilv vii-oi. Ih rii m s t'.ohb ii Ittseovety i a tialtital medicine - a sin ntit ic iiudicine. It doe no violriu-e to n.Unie Il'm'tirks with and not auainot niiuie. It pTonmltH the imluTMl piuoeHsesof suTelion and excKtioii. It itnpHits vitalitv and t)iiWT to tllf ttllnlf sVnUin. It v'lv pluuiptu'HM and el.t Ut the chveks. sparkle to tin eve, steadiness to the tu-rve tienutli to the musi Uhand the animation of health to tlie whole body. It inakcn tile appetite kern and hearty. It the ijrtat blood maker, flcith builder and itetve-toinc and rtrNtotative. Medicine dealer m-U it and have absolutely nothing elae "jual aa good. "1 wm ifllktrd wilh piniplf and hoiU. nn1 runnltw nta ou lac ami neva wrnet kik:ii 8 Wert. Kau , Nu hi Callowav Avr . loltitii bm, Ohio ll 1 lik Dr Pt. re ilol.ttn Mnlku Uiacovcty and t'lcawnl IvlUu. and wan cured 1 CotistiiNilion ia the cominoneHt hrtfinuin; and tiriil cmuae of many iwuiuh diteaic; and it ahould alwarabe tuatjil witb lr Fierce Pleasant Pellet u d in connection with the "Discovery." The air are the mont perlaot taatural laaativ and permanently curt. DON'T YOU KNOW IT IS A V LOW PRICES, NEAT AND ACCURATE WORK That kuqw our pruHHM running d;iy ami uight to keep up with unlet h. Excelsior Printing Company, WELDON, N. C. Letter Heads, Packet Heads, Hill Heaila, Envelopes, Htittenieutii, lluud Kills, l'ninranmie., Ticket, Shipping Tag, Ktc t Etc. 0(live us a trial order. Rend for sum plea ami write na what you want. iLJtffcWJM The public I -JL"iMlft ThonN tcueh al. m : mi Lanchter. IT ISTHE GIFT OF YOUTH. I'mm I be liaty's Mary Cruw tu Ihc Ma niac's TcrrifyiBi! Stream. HAH laughter gone nut? Are we never j again to have the honest guffaw the loud laugh, which, as the poet says, bespeaks the vacant mind? In this really a true account of the rationale o( eachntnatiou? If so, probably it ban gone out, ut any rate in polite circles, because we are nothing now if wo are not cultured and refined and to be vulgar uml to he ignorant are worse offenses than any mote explicitly foibiddcii in the Ib'calogue. And yet it almost seems a pity too It is not well, surely, to lose any innocent and, happily, infectious ex pression of pleasure in a woild so bedev iled as ours. Alas! I feat (here is no doubt that the power of irreprem-ible laughter is the gift youth and youth only, whether in aa- dons or in individuals. Passing the draw ing room door the other afternoon, I could hear inside peal of nil very, girlish laughter. It waj Mini Kthel, who wan entertaining her school fricuds with tea ud bread ami butter and j kes. That the time of life for laughter I dure say the jokes would ttot have made me smile. But when the springtide is blossoming, and the sap is running up- ird in the trees, and (he vernal woods are bursting into leaf and echoing with sung, and, wherever y tu look, all is ver dure iind joy, almost an) t hing can move jiiick laughter. t Or there is an e.irlierstag., when baby being tickled by mamma aud crows with delight, Or, though this, it is true ofteu silent, there is that most heauti ful of all sights the little blue eyed boy or girl who lien in the white cot at dawn I smiles and ripples with laughter at some luuoceut, childish thought. U is good to bur hippy laughter it is good to watch llicse baby smiles. Hut laughter can he not only gro- tesipte, but very dreadful as well. To a m mm ie laugh is one of the tno-tt terrible exnerii-iie.!. To heir a hundred laugh, a- one docs iti u.-ariu ' the Isola ei P.izzi at Venice, is a foK-slate of the lower n-gious. Farther on the d twnwar 1 pith of life, when the end is very near, the failure ol the mind is often proclaimed by violent laughter. The old man is back again iu the scenes of b iyhood and is goiug over in a dream the days of long ago, I re member well, lying awake in L onion Igings, through an othervUe Mill June uight, unable to sleep for the loud, ince suit laughter pealing troiu the room above, where the old man of the house iay dying. When it ended, just before dawn, the old life ended with it, aud in the morning his daughter came in to announce the fact and tu express the hope that I had not been much disturbed. The old man, she assured me, had beeu in no paiu, but had been going over his boyish days again; the old brothers, long years deal and forg dleu, were with him, and they were ciiclt-ting or gathering apples or swinging orswimmiug together across the old brook all that sleepless uight. One was glad it Was so, hut the laughter had an awful sound. Sir Lewi Morris in Foruui. A W.VIC I'KI A s lor Alphouso, the hoy King ol bpaln; 11 is for Hlauco, and brief be his reign; V, is for Cuba, the tyra6t oppressed, U is for llewey, with vietury blessV: K is for Kugland, most friendly ol I'oWeis; F is for fiance, whose aid is mi Oirs; (1 is for Uouifg, so tierce io the fray; II ia for llohson, our hero to-day; I ia for lusurgents, those bold r,-li-l hordes. J ia for Jingoes, all firing off wold ; K is for the Kiu loin, that threaten to fail. I. ia lor l.iberly, the lust gill ol all; M ia fur Maine, reme.uhered, ind I; N is fur Navy, tik iu.' the h id, O is for Oregon, battleship ciand, I' is for riiilippiues, (he fit m i.-i. d laud; Q is for lueen ChriMine, who Iniil. abhor, K ia for Righteous ami j istili. d wars; ti ia for Sampson, ati Admiral lie; T ia for Torpedo, a terror at sea; I! ia for I'nele Sam, who gives the big show; Y ia for Verde, whai's there we dou't know; W is for Weyler, so cruel and bold; X ia for Xerves, id war nielhod old; Y is lor lellow lake rumors of war. , ia for. ul of our " 1 1 i hip hurrah!' Cincinnati 1'ost, lie "I only paid fifty cents an hour for this boat.'' She "Tbat'a why I like it. It'a regular bargain, sail." He Missed Nearly Half. SURE SIGN OF INTOXICATION. , Yuudk Wife's hpcrimciit Anl I h c 1 rool lhal liillmul THKY hail only bwn marrioil ihroe h 1 1 j r t uj on t Iih, but one day ulio made urful disL'iivi'ry. On a pariitular i'Vimiim;! when lie caiuo lunuii lm an i'iiiiiilt't'ly startled wlit'il nhe faiicl.'d ulio il.'t I'l-d-J thcudor uf li'iur up io hiiu. Al first she liulJ her breath, sho was Ju I'rinht uncil. Hut at length it slowly, but irre I'utably dawni'd upon her. Slit wm al most diiiiil. Slill, and when all iudicii liuns pointed that way, she refused Iu believe, and as a last straw, she asked, liiiu if he had not been to the barber's, lie replied that he had Dot. Therefore, at last, even bay rum had to be giveu up. She did not have the heart to tax him with it that evening. She trusted him ever so mueli, and she thought how cha grined she would feel, aQd hew shocked and offended he would be if she should proceed on her suspicions and they should turn out to be wholly inaccurate. She resolved to wait, but in the nicantimo she set about devising a plan whereby she oould establish upon any future oc casion, beyond cavil, just what the truth was. She thought over great many ideas and ways, and means, but came across nothing satisfactory. Just at this junc ture a dear friend came in. To her, after a great deal of preliminary caution- iog, she revealed the awfulness of her situation. The very dear friend sympa thized heartily and fervently with her in the terrible calamity, but she suggested that it would be a good plan, as the tirsl had observed tube perl ectly positive before confounding him with guilt. On being in terrogated as to a plan, she replied thai she had always heard it said, and she hi lieved such to be quite the ease, that muu even slightly intoxicated, could uot pronounce words of any length. II friend was immensely grutilied at this idea, which she also averred to have ofteu beard and to retain perfect faith iu. Thereupon it was agreed that the bridi of a few months should make out a list of words aud keep them always at baud ready for use in any emergency. As soon as her friend had gone he got down an unabridged dictionary, and made out a list that she thought wo ild give the matter a fair trial. At last, a couple of weeks, she felt sure ngiiiu one eveniug lhat her husband did nol seem just exactly as he geneially did. She made no attempt to contain hcrselt any longer, hut immediately asked hitn to read ihe w.irdi she had collected Her friend happened to eill the next day, Tlie young wife was in a slate of great ilalion and collapse. 'Yes, yes," she sobbed hystetieally, "it was just as I thought." Here a fresh flood of te.irw choked her utterance. 1 rcaciiuy she was able to proceed. I gave him this list," she eontiuued. Here she banded it over to her friend ran: I'thlhiMs, phylactery, photo ehrouiy, hypochondriasis, muliebrity, parachronism, phenakistoseopc, piesiosju rus, poeoeurantism, diatessaron, anli nomiauism, pseudacsthesij. Aud, she went ou while the fnend was reading it, "he missed nearly half." I'OH IVi:H I'lKTV VH.tllM Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fitly years by millions ol mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all paiu, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Iharrluea. It will relieve the poor little Merer immediately. NuM by drugaisls iu every part ol the wurUl. ccms a but lie. He sure and ask lor "Mrs. Wins- ow's Sootbiug Syrup," and take no otb r kind "Do you sing, Mr. Sims?'' asked the ho-tess "Only a liltle," he replied. And yet he was in the middle of hia fifth soup when the last guest took a hur ried farewell. Skin Diseases. For the apeedv mid permanent cure ot tetter, salt rheum and ticzeum, C'hiim- lieihiin'a Kyo and Skin Ointment is wliliout an eiiial. It relievea the Itch iliac and smarting almost Instantly and its continued use elTeeta u tieriiuuif nt curt-. It also cures Itch, liartier a itch, sejtld hend, sure nipples, ttenimt piles. chnppeii haieis, chronic Horn eyea and grniiulatcii Inla. Ir. Tadi's fondfllon rowdm fur horses are the best tnnle, blood purifier will vermifuge. Price. 2,5 cents. 8. i Id by Knr-slel.y W. M.l'oliell. Wel.lun. J. K. Iln.wii lliilllm, llr A s. lhirn.,.11, Knliel.l, lirnnyhts. rs. I 'rye "Tell uic, dear, do ; ever quarrel with your InisViii d." M Lamb" Never. Hut he often quarrels with me, the halelul tliinc'" llr. Itavlil lmlu-t'ri-!-ateil si.raparllla Is the Itest IIIihiiI Meillcilir Klmnii. It will will cure the worst eases of Itluoil and Miin liiscascs. it will cure Khfuuiali'uii, making ihe It ood pure and healthy, and eiuiug the 9iucwy and mus cles to perforin ihcir Work easily and without pain It cures Kexema, Old Sores, Pimples, lllotchm and all skin diseases. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. 0. That Skeleton. THAT FAMILY CLOSET. An) llio Varinus Kin Js f SUi'luns I hat AtiJc" I heroin. T H VKItv family has its skeleton. We Uj know lhal, of course, anatomical ipeeimeus, neatly put together and stored away in a secure cupboard, of which only 'amily members have the key a skeleton key, probably. ( loly when the family is alone, with no visitors about, does it goto the door cautiously and unlock it and bring the bony occupant forth. The family knows ils own skeleton, but oul siders arc supposed to bo in total ignor ance of ils existence, and if they arc wiser an people think them and of course thuy always are it is only a point ol politeness to pretend to be blind and af. Of how many kinds are family skele tons? The Joneses bad an uncle who died insane. Vou can't go near the Jones cupboard, or, io other words, even hint at the subject of hereditary insauily iu their presence, without the skeleton audibly knocking its bones together and all the Joneses turuing palo. You can't mention Turkish bonds to the Hrowns without their jaws suddculy falliug; you can t think why. And when drink statistics form the cheerful subject of con versation at the Hobinsons1 table you observe with wonder that all the family grow uucomfortable and writhe in their chairs. You haven't the faintest notioo why, but the skeleton has. 1 met u man once at a dinner parly wbo was perfectly sane upon every point on earth but one, and on that he was the opposite. He could talk about politics, science, art, Shakes peare and the musical glasses, but il by any chance the conversation touch ed on dueliug he weut straight oil' bis head thcu and there. Dueling was the skeleton in his cup board, and the reason was otic that can not be enlarged upon here. On one day iu every year he shut himself up iu his house and was not seen by mortal cy That was the one day when his skeleton C line out aud stalked about. Many people have what seems to the general public a harmless enough skele t m, but it is real and ghastly to tlieiu selves. It is of humble origiu. Il is sur prising the pains people will take Io conceal that their irrandfathcrs wer poor, but honest, the lies they will te which only proves that the grandpar cut's ipialilies have not descended iu ihe direct line) and the meannesses they will indulge ill, thepiliable ell'ort to hide ill fact that two generations ago they kept a small greengrocer's shop or wore pluOi ami powder. Alter all, the longer the line the more cerium it is to contaiu ancestors wbo won their bread by the sweat of their face. If all the world were not dcscendci from tlio tame "grand old gardener, tnere might be more common sense in trying to forget honest toil KnglMi Kxchauge, We have used Cltauiberlain'a Ouugli Remedy iu our home for many years and beat cheerful testimony to its value as a medicine which should be in every family Iu coughs and colds we have found it to efficacious and in croup and whooping cough children we deem it indispensahl -II. P. Hitter, 4127 Fairfax ave , St Louis, Mo. for sale l.v W. M Cullt'll WeM.m. J S Bnm llahlai, llr. A 8. lUnikon. Kiillel.l, luuKKisla. WHY. Why isn't bigamy a twoful bless ing. Why is it that a silent partner has so much to say. Why does a loafer always bother man when he's busy? Why does a man who is really good usually look so bad? Why is the hired gill of foreign bind called a domestic? Why do we use the term "playwright intend ol'"playrrigbter Why does nearly all the milk of liu man kindness tasle of the can? Why is it dial a w itn in cm throw aiivibinj sirai.'hl bat ki.e Why docs lie want Io open avi-r.iiri m hi atway door milked " vale?" ny is it that ymir shoestring never breaks unle-s you are in a hurry? Why isu'l the wedding eerem iny a auecess unless there is a hileh in a some where? Why is it ahull tw thirds ufa doctor's hill is for guessing at your coin plainl? TbeliVv. W. II Coslley, of Stoek bridge, (!a., while altendini; to his pas toral duties a I'Mmwood, that state, was attacked by cholera morbus llo gays: ' lly chance l happened to get hold of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and I think it was the mcana of aaviog my life, It relieved me at oooe," k t-'orstli. t.y W. M. I'ulipu Weliion. J. N. Hmwn, tUliLi, Pr. A. 8. Harrison, KulieLi, DrugKisU1. A Great Battle. SCHLEY WAS COOL. A .Marine lolls IU ihe .nmmu joro Here Himself In Ik liJtlle ttiih Con era. ID iiivatk Henry Mil . Statis Mariue Corps of the I'liilid has written to Inenils in llrooklyn describing the dc struclion of Cervcra's Heel. He is at present guarding SpahMi prisoners at Camp Long, Seavey's Maud, Ports mouth, X. II. At the lime of ihe de struction of Cervera's fleet be was aboard Coniuiudnrc Schley's flag-hip, ihe llrouk lyn His letter is in part as follows: 'When Cervera made his dash each of the American ships had only two or three boilers going an I just enough sleam to keep and inancouvre the ships iu position. The Hiooklyu only bad three boilers going out ufa tolal of seven, and her two forward engines were dis concerted. Admiral Cervera probably saw I his and, therefore took us at a great disadvantage. "Our cuuituander, Commodore Schley coolly aud dc'iberalely placed himself iu the uiost conspicuous place on the ihip, where he could plainly observe everything aud direct the movements ul the liruoklvn and the fleet, as the New ork, willi Hear Admiral Sampson, had diappeared to the eastward an hour pre vious to ihe battle. This left the whole command on Commodore Schley, and he displayed seauiauship that I do not be lieve was ever equaled in the history of e world. "It is considered by naval comuianiiers to be rem rkable and the height of effi ciency for a ship of war to be cleared lor action in five minutes. However, on this occasion, in exactly two minutes the rooklyn was sending iu her terrible and lestruetible tire, and the Commodore was pi bu-y giving orders, lie had all the boilers going, lire hose connected all over ine ship anu a thousand and one other things in action. He also bad tl llrooklyn headed for I lie leading Spanish hlli, so as to cut ell her escape to sea. Couimudxrc Sehley kept up a deadly lire abreast ul' the Spaiii.-h fleet. We were in awful shape for ail of ilurlv niiuulc?. I cannot do Couinu dole Sehley fuil pisiice. I and all tlie men on tlie Ifrook lyu and all whose good fortune it is to be placed under his command agree will) me that be is a tighter and a thor nigh gentleman. He repeatedly praised the men and l: ave lliein words of conli deuce and enc iura'ciuent, one of his phrases bein ' lliilly l oy, give u io tlieiu; your shots ale finding the mark I Wa- excited somewhat at liu- stalt, hut the men were constantly eheeiiug, joking aud laughing cannot describe the linise, eriakihj and din of battle, aloug with the swaying of the ship from the constant recuil of her guns. Most of the men were stripped to the waist aud black us negroes from the smoke of powder, aud at times were wading in water ankle deep, while put ling out fires with hose. Captain Cook deserves great credit for having his crew well up iu drill on the fire hose, as well as at the guns. The i;uns became al most red hot, and the paint fell eft them ;n great flakes, leaving them charted and black and Io iking every bit (he death dealing weapons they arc." TIIKX UK COT HOTTKlt. llushand ( mjrily, after u soiuewhat heated urguuietil wilh his hetter half l t you take uie lor a fool? Wifeiso'ithinjlv N ) Ii may he mistaken. London Kuu The Hest Hemeily For l'ln. Mr. John Mailiias, a well knoko stock dealer of Pulaski, Ky,, says: "After suffer- ring for over u week with flux, aud my physician having failed to relievo me, I was advised to try Chamherlaiii's Coli Cholera and liarhoca Remedy, and have ihe pleasure of stating that the hall of one hottle cured me." t'.ir We l.y W. M '..heu WeLlmi .? N Brown Hall ful, llr. A H. Hm-moii, KiitieM. DruttKtx She ' I hope you Wire politeto papa ilt'iirr lie "itnlerii I was, 1 avc him ii cordial invitaiinti to make hin h-iusu my home.M Valuabl to Womtn. H'eeially vnluabl to women i Itrowni' Imn IlititTi. liockaclie vaninlitn, hfu.Ucl.f diiHpiri, RtretiRtli takei tlif place u WfiikiifiMi.aml the iflow of limltd ri'wdilv uniinn to III pit I ltd cheek vlicu thin unn- ilrful remwly ii utk.-n. For teklyeluMren or over work iil I tutu it tiasiioitual. Nulnnov sti..iil.l l. Milliuul tio fHiiiinift rrineUv, lirowtm' Iron llitivra in toM hj ail deakra. "Come, my child, lei us go away tothe fu Idurlatid," aid thetiennun c.iw to her ofl'-prinL', n (hey made in (he direction of corn. CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of - . at ileitis "Do you tiulii'Vi! it is un lucky tu liavo thirlnmat table?" BuKitin (wh.i has hail callers at Jitim-r titur) "YbsI If jou've only made prYpurtions for two. Tlie Grand Old Man, GLADSTONE IN PARLIAMENT. I ike n I K t h a n l mi Ilk Vu&um hen lloWjsl wlei. aiisthnks nmiiHT in r.uluini'iii VJist thus ilcH'iihi'lli) II. V. Lui-y.llic Mh-Hou'raplier wIm to..k ilwn m-mly r very ureal jpen'! i lli I uM in in maile lor (he ptsl tw. ijty year-: ie oeei-tmi r T'-rri 'l Io hy Mr. Iuey was in 17!, wlu n llnn- in: whiiiu' Th I'ri ntiiT "'iiuie iu I'loii) hrhiie tin1 y rukfi 's eluit with huriii'il piiee. As uutl when eimieiii pliUiuthe ili-liveiy ui'ici iiup irtiiiit jireeh he had ii fl jwer in his huthitiliule uml wuh dressed with unmual eare. Striding HWit'tly past his eullfii-iii's uri the treas ury helieh, he dripped into tlie seat kept vacant for hiui. Th'-n, lurnin with u .suddt-n huutid ol' hi whole body to the riht; he entered into an d eon ver.-atiuU with a e ille;ii:ur. his pale f'aeu wotkin with exeiiv neiit, his eyes i; liti li in iind his rihl h i ml ve'lieiiiently heat Ui the open pilm of lii-t lefc hind, ux if he were literally puUeiiiu an ad versnry. Tossing hiiuselt buck with eipially rapid esiure, he lay passive lor the space ef eighty Kecottd". Then, with another ftwift movement of the body, he turned to the cuIleaL'UiMiit n left, haih':d hi hand into his side pocket as if he had Huddeuly heeuiiie enuscinus of a live coal secreted there, pulled out a letter, upctud it with a violent flick and earnestly dis coursed thereon. "Hising presently to answer a i)uestiun put to him um I' L.trd of the Treasury he instantly thanked his whole hearing lis full, rich voice was utuned to a con versational tone The intense, eajjer restless manuer hid ilisippeurcd: He spuke with rxeeedid deliheration, and wilh no other gesture titan a slight out ward waving of (he riht hand and a courtcuus hi'udin of the body in reeu'ui tini) of his interlocutor. No matter huw peilurlieii ins manner tietore ristnj;, onee on his feet ht-fiire the himse.and his Hell' mi maud was master of his actions; he teeame calm, tliL'iiili.'il, Ntately. Mat warming with Ins wirk, (lie rreiuier often prueei'did thr-'Ui:!) a scries ol ymaMic txerei.M's that would have let t ait rdiuary man ol half his years pale and alhlesx. Nimctunes with hull, hands raised riid almve his head, often wilh lell elhuw un the tahle, and rijilit hand, with closed fist, .shaken at the head ol some inollenditi cuuntiy geiitlemuu on the hack benches uppuMtc; anon standing half a step hack from the tahlc, with the left hand hatii:ini: at his hide and the riht uplifted si (hat he tnilit, with thumbnail, liizhily luuch (he lui)in crown ot Ins Iind, he trampled his way ihruu-h the arguments td" his adversary ;is an elephant in an hour of aL'irravatiiin rufes through a jungle. " San Francisco I'limniele. Kuyul miikv the ttxiJ pure, w hulesome anil delicious. POWDER Aosolutcly Pure Celebrated for its ureal leavening strength and heal tit fulness. Assures the tinMlanauist alum and all lorms of adulteration com- moil (o the cheap brands. KUYAI. U.UiINU IHtWUKU I'O., NKW YOKK ' ' That Mr. Hunirtj has a hard face." Pauhter ''If uever felt that way to W. M. IIAIiLlSTO.N V I'll., Wholesitle and lie tail Dealer in carim:ts, ntovi;s( ud Multreci,eU'. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, IIAHI.1HTONACO,, No 2(1 N Syeamoro Ht., Poteralmrn, Va 10 10 It. Monnments ami Tombstones. UKSItiNSNKNTFIiKK. Iu writinn yive mine limit ns to price and state ;mv ol deceased. I. H(.T m ot K In the Mouth to Hclect from. 1 We have no branch yard, and parties doinn business under n mntilnrflrm name have no connection with us iu any way wimiever. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. tKslulilistieil IHIN.) 159 to liU liank at., Norlolk Va MV i ly. THE DREADED fl i J T, A. Sloeuiu, M. V , ihe (Jreat Chemist and SeientiM, Will Smd l-'ree, lo the Allliet.-drifi.,. (irl,.uiNVw. ly hiM'uVi I'd Hiuiedi.. to Cure ('nnMiii.iti in and all Luiil' Tn.iil.lcs Nul Inu con'tl In- l.iin-i, imiie tlirupii ui niiy in Me iv to tlie jlliieti il. Hi. ni i lit- t.lln ul 1 . A, inn, M t , of Tiail kIiitI. N. w Voi k i lly. Coiiliili'iit I hat lit- h.i-ilisi'incicil ;ui iiIho Inlecuir i'oi I'oiisuiiipi ion and pulmuiutiy eomplainls, arnl to make its iva merits known, lie will M ini, iVec, tliicc ImltU's of medicine, tu any ral r ol' tie; Uoanoke News w ho is sollcriii (iiitii el;esl, I iron ehial, ami lun troiililes ot coii- Slllllptlnll. Already this "new Kcictitilic nmrsc ot medicine" has permanently cured limn sands il app.Li'ently hopeless cases. Tin- iloctm considers it his rdii;ionsdiity a duty winch he owes to lininani'y -to donate his inlallilile cure. ittlercd lieely, is enough tocoiiuiieud it, anil more so is the periecl conliilcnce ol the ircat chemist making (he proposition- lie has proved the dreaded consumption to be ;i curable disease beyond any doubt. Thei-H will be no mistake hi sendiiiK the mistjike will be in overlooking tlie geueioiisinvitation. tie ha on tile in his American and Kiirnpeau laboratories testi monials of experience f rom those cured, in all pails ol the world. Don't delay until il is too late Ad dress T.A. Slocum, M. C, !H I'uie street, New York, and when writing (lie Ifoctor, ple.ise give express uml postoilice address aud mention reading this article iu the Kounoke News. W. W. KAY, -Dealer lu- Liquors. Vines, CROCERIES AND CICARS. Why not eull on V. V. Kuy, as ho is niico both niuht :ind clay. Kiiop the lol lowiuK hrands ul' well known whiskies: tllil Osear 1'i'tipor," liuui.'s li. 1'. Ii. Kjv. Stamp Hirailit," "tjutiioD llaltiiiiore Rye" aiitl other hrnnds. 1 sill tlarri-tl .t Co.'s pure Chocko yolti' wines. 1 ki op the lies! of every tiling in my ine. mv.l'ulitc attention to all ul Kay's, Wo'St side 11. 11. Shed, my 2 ly. J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale and lielail Itealer In Fine Staple Hllll Fancy "FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES, Crockery, tilass Tin, and womlen aud wil- luwware. Al.-u Tnitt's Hor-, Cow, Hot; and Poultry Fond, and (irove's TasteUw (JhiU'Touic. Alexander's i.iver aim Kidney ionic lor puritying the blood. This lomu is warranted or moncv reluuded- J. L. JUDKINS, No. Washington Ave., Weldon, N. C dec 11 ly. Grand Display -OF- -Sl'UINO ANDSI'.M MEH- MILLINERY. FANCY tllKIDS and NOVELTIES. Itutleriek's Patterns. 11. k (J. CORSKTS, Misses at rtUc, Lmliefl 7.rc. to$l. iWU-l'rices will lie made to suit the timw. Hat ami bonneUi made and trimmed tn order- MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon. N n W. T. PARKER, Heavy AND Fancy- Farm Implements. 221 POUND SACKS OF SALT FOR 11.10 1'KK SACK. Bun Groceries Groceries (.Correct prices and polite tttention to n.