JtIIlsr W. SLEiDGKE, ruoi'iiiCTiiu. , XXXIII. A. ITEWSF'A.P'EK FOE THE PEOPLE WKLDON. N. C, THURSDAY. AUGUST 18. 1898. TE3-IM:S:-8lr', I'Kit annum in advance. NO. 1G. 'lanosOrgaii? i I PERFECT TYPES .'Bat a good instrument should be are ) TllO WiHlil.-ri'lll unuillU .llalitics of Hose 'innoaari' i.'i-MMiril ly eveiv vocal .irlisl t'ho Olislintinjjtl.v ru.ilninenils tlii'lil. XANDAUIioUUANS, Tl'NlNii AND KKI'AlltlNti. I'ianos liir Ui'iil Terms l Suit. Writ lor illustnitod catalogue. . CI I AS. M. S l'l Kl'l', "" il ft. I.ilicrty si., 1 In M it c, Mil, 7imhiD(!lnn,MI Klevi-nth t., N. W, oct 21 ly. Ipring Millinery! -n -a i "WUI. Ml i)i'i..vv or HATS and BONNETS ;j Ali.l Millinery Novel! ics. "Bc sure to eall ,'uul inspect niv stork. . $ MK8. V. li. MAIM, t 2t ly Koauoke Uimiils. N. ('. 77 HUDSON'S :tl7 Miiin st., Noil. ilk, V. Ladies' and llentl. tinii's Dinim: I ROOM- A1.I. M KALS-JI IT NTH. WXPAssixa tvm:K a srmM.rv Vj. 1- HUDSON, 1'mprietur. V. The Best nl' Kvcrythinji iu Season '"itttlo lyr. Colected and private Stock tye Whiskey, :f the Purest Hstillation, md is Becommended !:o all who use f Require a timulant of ; '.eliable -quality. -WAVKNIHIUT MOUIUS & CO., J f Hole nents for thu Untiller, 1 j Hichmnnd. V. W. I). SMI TH, at Wel.lon, N. V. k'tlicsolc lilrituiiu:' ajjent at tliiit X iuinl, for llic sliuvu nlJ ami ; Celebrated W'liiskey. DAVENI'llllT MOHUIS ('(I. We llavi in Htork Mevenil lots of hihhIs heloliiliu lo Norlh eril mi'l'eliiitits Tlu'se jiuhIs mint lie sold ' I 1 II inooee. mine ni-si. 41 I I 1,1 :m i'ii.vh e wiN put 1 I U hetbie tile people liar- A rl I J I'l piin iu'ver ilid VilUlJt llo.,ru .Mens' pants "', in, OOc. Overalls ''5, Hie. Iinss V.ooAa 3, 4j tie. Men s atid lioy s hats unit caps 4 9: lix'. Wintlow sli;wles on Sprinc roll brt vt, l"u "J'Je Curtain poles wood li inrtQ'Xw. Hniss tixtures 1 tine. Wlnte elothUe- White Drest tioods .11, Si, lie. K Day strike cltK-ks tl.M-. I'mit uinmIs h, 12c Linen tuwcK 7e. Driiyets 1.75. f'2. Wool remnanu eurH-t He A litrae iiiM floor liiitttins, 7. tt, l:ic. Mens' mid '-'lift' shoes "ill, 7.1 !IMc. Itureails JJ.'.'t, ' t, I.are roekin ehaiis M-ith arms lIHt:. l till Uniom chairs ItHe. Men's shirt, 15, Lmlies shirt waist lrte. Itovs' shirt iBt 15c- Many other things iu stock to V out. (Jonie iiiiek tor liarttaitis. f SI'IKUSAt DAVIS, tjdon, N. C, Mar. iill 1H1IH i.BI'KClAUST and AUTIIOIMTY on 3 all LOW ho are suirerinx with any HI.OOI) dUHLK, would bti wise to cull ou or taw hy mail. Consultatiou tree nnd ltemuu comnoiinded W suit each partic I case. When writing to me please en fniantp tor reply. 1'UOR JAS. HAKVEV, 4J5 Church Ht. (New No.) (jel71y. Norfolk, Va, 4HKH M.MCLLBN, r U L L I M WaLTKM I. DANIIL DANIEL. I ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 1 WLDOS, N. C. veiireintnecourtior HaiimzandNortnftmp tad tn theHupreme.nd Federal couru. UoU 4iiimade In .llnftruuf North (hiMiib ucb oUtue tt blil., N. opeu ever; Hon. 4ar ::l r.ia. Ik r - -3 llirome Diseases Tie First Letter. HONEYMOON INCIDENT. liuessd The Cunicnis of Ik Whulc Letter. It iii told Ikjw a happy couple wore lionrjtn ioni in thj country wben (he lir.-t packet f letter from home arrived, ainl l he liiili.iud prnpid (u open one hIIh'wi) to his wit,-. ' (Vriuiny nm," she said, (irmly. lint, t'liilippii," lit- remonstrated, 'Mir ly y.iii ;ni' not noimj to have imy Mvr.ts limn me now tliiit wo sire iimi ricd.'" "I sia nut have imy secrets limn you but I'hyllis illicit," It in wife siid. "Thai letter isheis, nut mine. I shall probably let ymi road it after I have, hut n t ti! I niu sure that Phyllis bustnld tut; nothing hut what .-.lie would he willing fur you to ku jw." "Stiil, doei-n't il imply a lack "f cou fi lence when a wife won't h iw her letter. to her husband?" "Nut at all. Thu lack i f confidence is sliywn 1 v the husband wlien lie demands to ( I is wile's letters." Tlii-- was unanswerable, and Mr ( Irani funk liaek in his chair with nmii-ei de lilit in hi wife's perfect uncuiiscioUsncSf. of having said n "ind thinir." I'lii ijll) nhe ilddeil, I tuld )u(i m! lit re is .s.iineiliin I'liyllis wouldn't want ynu to knuw." fiieu why are you iin to w mc!" I'm n.i piiu'. tn t.-ll ynu what it H. Vou are only lo know there u somt tiling yuit eau't know tt present." ' I'hyllis is otiiiau'ed," Mr. -tJ rant re marked. "Aud what if she is? You lire nut to know to whittii," "To Kadelill'," lmirded her husband. " I didn't s ty h " ''Hut you don't say hIid isn't." "Iluw could I say .she Uut when she" I really llii-yk, my dear, you ini-lit as well have let me read that let ter " Tin: ( i is v .mi:nl'. Like a well co'iducted bat'ilet, tile wat boald uvijetilty intends to tale it? Havana lust. Philadelphia l. -dL'et Hilinnt'TiC'i-., (!vip( r.il. of npprt tv, di-tlllluii -j, v: 11' ."'.11H -s lu-.nl.uMf, .Jul tlrnw-ir --i. wu: .tint . y. ui fiillii. l ihv -st.itv , ;i ..t'u r r.i. its, c 11 rlnll- aii'I llie Iiiok.' iu-.it. sli i: liu-r-s ol' hrt .ilM--tli( .- .uc iir til.mlt rht iiucs itt' .u;il bii'.kti';ilc Tike th-.m to a i!iv-n i;in ami lit ivi'l fill tln-tn tm with the 1 v ti Mil- ll'.a . u c, rv IIIIC of I lit 11 to hi in von itviA- oat som of your fnnil' in tiif lank nl ih.i'.iii i; I'p i t "up. .md u -re will lowti he t'.o lejuN i.l the trci.Miry. The mi'.ti who m P is from tlusc li- otvUis unit n.irhi't t :t i-.i ill snoti b in tin- reh!ili(' U,t.i-i' (! -oimc t.ilnl ilisc sf. Il hf w n.itni.i.h 11.;: !.'v clu-li il and si at- Inw lumtti, a will I'-ii'lv ii. v.nitu ip tion; il hi- f.th- r m iinaln r tin it nf .ir alvvi. or .nun- iieiv.u-; trmiUl''. it pmh.ihlv he n i vmn i xh.m iimi : pm M ; 1. 01 Vt ti iii-aii)t v ; it ilK it.' l - a '..t:iii in lln- UnnK hlw.nl. :L v.. 11 1v Ithml 01 O.lll lias-; if ht- livt-s in a m-w 01 ai', swampy cmiiui v. tt v ill IK' m.ilaiia: I lie lives a' life nl i xpo.s..l k, it may w tln-u- uiati-ui Tluu' i ju-. wiit .tc lonti- lor a man to follow who fni'U himself out nf sort- ami snttt rniK innu the symp mii-i il.-icrih-i! !t in to icnrt to Dr. I'lna-'s Colil. tt Medical Discovery. Tltis medicitu tii.ikrs the apnetiti' k t ti, CorieetH al dl i- inters of the diK'-tion, rendera assiunla- linn perfcel. inviu'orales the liver, pmiiit s and ciinelifs the bio wl and builds hi in. healthy flesh and nerve tissue, t cures alino-a. all diseases that result from insuf ficient or iiunrninr nourishment of the brain find nerves, Hiunehial. throat, and ven lunvr anections, when not too mr aU- vatieed. readily yield to it. I nwik lr I'it rct-'s (inlilrn Mclical I'l-oovrry for Kfiona." writes J W LUrnliart.nl No 416 tii- Wilt Street. Iluiialo, N. Y.. " unit it cow-pk-tely cured me." DON'T YOU KNOW IT A LOW PRICES, IS V NEAT AND ACCURATE WORK That keeps our prcss;tg running day and night to keep up with orders. Excelsior Printinrx Company, . WELDON, N. C. Letter Heiuta, Packet Heads, Kill Meads, Envelopes, Statements, Hand Hills, Programmes, Tickets, Shipping Tags, Kte , Etc. KGive ns a trial order. Rend fur saui pies aud write na what yon want. War Will Bo Good. ANGLO AMERICAN ALLIANCE. iillArp I avors I he Scheme In t trier In Civilie I he I'enfle of Other Cnuntries. If tliis war was wayed fur liumutiity'f sake that is for the purpose uf fccditiii tlie htiirviti" Cubans of cotiise it lias failed of its purpose, l..r they have not been fed. I tut even though our irovern Mint mad" a blunder in n-H-nnii: a cause a casus belli and instead ol feed ii)' the Hlacvinu lia. e killed a tbuuulid Spaniards al'ai idl'iu the I'liilippines, and ;i,IM)ll more at Haiili.11, ncvi rlheless the War Heel 1 is to have been the euliiiinatioti uf many orievanees and has already re sulted in iuei-limable otal. Wlu:lher it he manifest dcsliny or the will of (Jod and the fulfilment of prnplieey. we can not tell, but can only say, us ot uld, "If this tbtnu be ol man it will eunie to naiiLibt, hut if it eome Irom (lod we ean not tiht a;;aiut il." One tiling i wi tain. It has exalted the prowos, the L"'tiius and I lie resources of the American people more than anvilim:; that lias ever ppene 1. The United Suites now stand acknowledged by the "icat powers uf the rid as rtKil to uuy of tbeiti, and her nly rival lias solicited her band iu fra rnul union. At a bampiet j;iven the thcrday in Hriiisb Columbia to Lord rid Lady Aberdeen, Hon. Mr. Mackin-j to.di, the lieutenant tr ivcrnor, paid to! Americans the I'ullowini; beautiful trib-1 To our American friends wbo are resent we cannot retrain (roiu extending our eotmratulaiiotis lor the recent auhieve- nis of their army and uavy while wa ; a white man's war for the extension of modern vivili.itinn, uml wo implore tiiem to east their influence for it white maiifi policy ot an A nln-American lliaoee (li'iud cheers ) Tho.ru enn be oleilimate civlliz ition where a liible is nrrieil in one band and a drawn sword in the elher. lien the o.reat hiii;lih peaking ntlioiis link (beit fortunes to letlier, then the war drum will throb no wer and the batlle fli-; will be furled d a union be perfected (bat will be sanc tioned and blcssul by the Almjobiy Immense applause, j Then will he wiittenby um:ul tiucr.i the brightest pa io history, ou which will be recorded the union of the powers owning the same origin, speaking the same language, bin long severed by passion and pnjudit:t fur which the older must accept respon sibility. (Applause ) Then will be es tablished (be greatest confederation ol I 're emeu tin- World has ever dreamed el'. Hich star upon the tl ig of the t 'uited States will thcu reprcH'ot a civilian" power and each Itritish colony an auxiliary lorce, ail working tugetln r in coucert all bonoring the H ig ol our fatheis ail revering the banner of liberty and patriotism. (Loud cheering.) Mr Mayor aud gentlemen, I give you ibe stars and striped and the Union Jack. Ming may their varying liuta reunite aud form in heaven's liybt one arch nf peace." . Isn't (hat lint? C u!d it have 1 better caid? Are we not all lor thai alliance with urand old hutJaiid, our mother from whom we have been hu; estranged a white race who now n.-k for an alliance with the white race of ibis country for the Christiau civilizatiuii of the world. Our recent victories on sea and lai i have d mc this. Ol.l solid, sturdy Knir laud has loni; bad doubts ol our alu.it) md our statesmanship. She has b prejudiced against our republican form ol government, hut is now convinced am o nvertcd, aud is forced (oudu.it thai the people can be Irutiied to govern (h in selves. ASTOItY WITH A MOItAI.. Walkitiii soinetiiutt stuce, I noticed ;. express-nan throwing oats to ttie .ipnt which descended Iro u the building l-cd upon his tiutiiy. One perdu upon his w rit to peek iais Irntu liisipt haud. I told hnn that 1 Iimi step sum tiling like that in Venice, Ih rc I licli. v some one left ttnney lor the pur; lie hail lieaid of it thr.aih some nl hi" Udy patrouesses. Ho to Id me llmt on roin In me everiini; lie I'.iuud a youtii pii'tou upp .r eully dytn ou lits duorstip. lie the little hird in M nnd warainl it, see in a few days il hit ly tlicopui door, entirely well, (joint: tiutue at cvetiit', he fouud the same pigeon at his dor' It entered, remained ull niuht, and Hew oil' i aaiu in the tuurniiij; This it cuiitinueil to do fur gome days, and is dniti", now. il seems to cue, said my bird-luvin friend, that piteous have minds, for it retnem hered my house. It certainly had a In-art, fof it was grateful lor my tender ness. noxi: hut tmk n it vv i; "The man I marry," siid the Hlond Widow, "must be a hero." "lie will be," reunrk-d the Savage i i i imetieiur. The toot ofDealli. NEARER, MY GOD TO THEE. All KilkJ While '1 ho Beautiful 11) inn. A lady who was woundrd in the Chats worth disusler was in the rear car with her Inisliand when the accident occurred. A short liuic after tin y left l'eoria a par ty of six jilting people entered, anil in order that tlicy iui(;lit liavc ncuts tocllttr, the lady and Iter liuliand removed to the far end of the car. Their courtisy saved their lives, for ttie youtijj man and hi bride who look the places so kindly uiven up were liotli instantly killed a few hours Inter. The lady says that site thinks the yotin! people heletigcd to a troupo of concert singers, and were oil' for recrea tion and rest. They were all very merry. and sanj; and laughed and to! J stories anticipating the pleasures of the journey until late in the oijiht. Nearly every one in the car except the joyful party was iuiet, when some one requested the bride to tiing "S-reol hour of prayer.'' At lirst there was a irctnor iu the sweet voice, but it Brew stronger as she pro ceeded. When In seasons of distress nnd rief, My soul lias often found relief ranjr out clear and lit in, other voices in- liuctively joined in the old familiar son. iple awakened out of their sleeep, sat upright to catch the plaintive words that trembled upon the pure young When this hymn was ended, the sweet voice began another "Nearer, ruy God to Thee." As the train spcil on io the darkness, far down the track the gleam of the leath-dcaling lire appeared, but the voices that sjik'lled forth in a glad burst of song- Vet, in my dreams I'd he Nearer, my tied, loTliee, 'altered not at the danger into which the train, laden ulth its precious freight ot human souls, was uueonseiuusly plunging Paster sped the chariot of death down the grade, and sweeter, more triumphant, swelled the son::, Then let the way appear, Steis unto heaven. Ah! tl the singer had only known it. the way was already in sight, and pel haps, All that thou sendest ine, In mercy given, Would have been more of a sigh than song. Then, with only iin inch of time h tween her and the lilelieyond.evcu when hiavn MeCliutoek steady at bis post, wa: iviug his Lot desperate wrench to (be throttle ol Ins engine (nat had never failed him before, ihowcct singers can; their farewell earth song, sang to their liod, who, even iu (his dark hour, sriii t the everlatin arms around, about and underneath ihciu. A tiels to lMH-kon me. Neater, my liod, to Thee As ifin answer lo the prayer they breathed, with the glad refrain still ech lug through the air, the crush eame the life work of each was finished So hv my woe to he, Nearer, my timl, to Thee was not ended on earth, lor nlit into tin very jaws of deuth rushed the tereamin eimiue, and tbeu like a bolt of Jove the cars crabbed thruugh each other, Lillin: and crushing, as the foot griuds tin worm. It took but a moment to pile that heap of splintered limbers, and brokeu boms, ami bleeding tbsli, but death was there just us certainly, ttur rounded by ull (bat teuds to make it ter rible, and among the maultd coipst lay the six Miners, onl in their dreams but in reality, nearer their (ind than ever before. inquiry eliciieil Ute laet that (liese merry youn people bad a ri:ht to b jovful, lor they ull were servants uf ih blessed Ma-Mr, mid eould bavt complete the Mini! as (hey went down into tl valley of death. Or if, on joy (til wii t'leavinj; the sky, Sun, mooii and stars forgot, I'pnard 1 llv, Still all my sonjj shall he, Nearer, my liod! to Thee Nearer to Thee llelle V. Chisholm, in Nap. Count KOK (Vi:H KITTY YKAKM Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used lor overhliy years hy millions mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success. It Hoolhe the child softens the gums, allays all pain, cut wind coiie, and is (he best remedy tor Diatrboja. It will relieve (be poor little sullerer immediately. S..ld by drugL'iMs iu every pan ol the world. euut h bollle. Hiure aud ask for "Mrs. Wins tow's Soothing Syiup," and take no oth er kind "le trouble 'bout advice," tiaid Unele Khen, 1 is dat dc man wbo has made a : sho-uuir suciesH in life is giu'rally loo busy ter stop an' give lessons," The Best Kemetly l'ur l'lux. Mr. Johu Muthias, a well kuokn stock dealer of t'ulaski, Ky., ny: "Aftcrsulfor ring for over a week with finx, and my pliyticUu having failed Iu relieve me, I was advised to try ChitmberUin'o Colic, Cholera and DLirhoea Heiuedy, and have (he pleasure of stiit iiej thatthe half of one 1 l,lt,ll,! cured me. Kiir KH'eby W. M Cohen ViVldou J NV Brown i Hdlilkx.Ur. A.S. Hrrlon, Knlltfht, lnuisis A Precious Relic. SACRED WINDING SHEET. Until 111 Whuh Was Wrand Dur Savior's HuJy. Mucti inlirest has lately been excited by the permission given u photographer to reproduce for the first time the sacred winding sheit, iu which thu body ul Christ was wrapped when taken down from the cross, and prepared for burial in the Holy Sepulchre. This precious relio has for many years been preserved in the Cathedral of Turin ami at intervals exposed to general vener ation. The last occasion of Its exhibi tion to the geueral public was at tho great exposilion held ill Turin from May 'JjM to Juuc2d, and it was then the ecclesias tical authorities were prevailed on to allow photographs to be taken ol the sacred sheet. The lirst copy, printed on fine linen, brought to this country, is to be presented to His Kiuinence, Cardinal Gibbons, by .Mr. liiovatini Schiafllno, of this city, brother of (he Italian Con-ul, lately knighled liy the King of Italy. Mr Scliiiillino has lately returned from Italy, here, he personally inspected tho origi ill. The winding cloths kept iu the Ca thedrals of Compicgne and licuncon, iu 'Vance, do not impair the genuineness of this, as the Gospel itself is authority I'm the statcuicut that when the Apostles entered the sepulchre, they found ''linen cloths lying ou tho floor." The sacred iheet was brought from the Kist hy Godfrey, of Bouillon, the famous leader of the Crusaders, who (ouud it in Jerusa lem, and caused it tu be carried to hamhery, the capital of Savoy. His laughter, the Countess Marguerite De Miarney, fell heir to it, and by her it was iven to the royal house of Savoy, hold ing court at Turin. Its translation from C'nauibcry to Turin took place March ilid, 1 I5;i. Hy the bauds of pious wouien of rank in those ages of faith, the sacred relic as hecu surrounded by rich silken tin imidery, representing scenes in the pas-ton uml death ot Christ. At ttie fool of the embroidery is the iat ol' arms of the city of Turin. It ts kept with the utmost care in an urn, or ease of black marble, inlaid with gold, and is secured hy two keys, one of them in the possession of the Archbishop of Tuiin, tin' other kept by the king of Italy, and both are prccnt when the ease is opened to expose the sheet to public gaze. It is estimated at the Ex position that over a million people fruiu various (piattcrs of the world saw and venerated the holy relic. fhe oiiginal sheet is nine feet long and three wide, of fiuu liucu, und bears a representation iu bloody marks of the body of Christ, outlined on its surface. A close investigation shows faint trucings of the features. The picture was taken in the Cathedral by means ol electricity, and its successful reproduction has itroused general interest. Mr. Schiuflino has secured trout ttie fortunute photographer the cxclui-ive rights to any reproduction of the photo graph in litis country. Baltimore Amer ican. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent cure o! tetter, salt rheum and wzemu, Cliitiu- berlaiirs Eye aud iSkin Ointment is without an etjunl. It relieves the itch ing and Himirtiutf almost instantly ami its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, itehinir piles. chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and gramifuieu mis. Dr. Cadi's Condition Venders for horst'fl are the best tonic, blood purifier una vermifuge. I'nce. y.j cents, sold by V..rsl, t.y W. M.roiieti. W. l.'oii. .1. N. Itmwn, thtlil'iix, !r. A. s:. Hiirrison, Kuliel.l, liril'ists. ''I)id you ever meet u woman whow very voice thrilled you with unspeakable emotion?" "Ves; that's the way my mother us d to get up in the morning We have used ('hamberlain's Cough Remedy in our home for tunny years and bear cheerful testimony to its value us medicine which should be in every family Iu coughs and colds wo have found it to eiheucious and iu croup nnd whooping Oiuh children we deem it indisptnmtble II. P. Hitter, 4127 Kairfai ve , St Ijmiis, Mo. K..rirtli- l.v W HiIiThx, Dr A H it Cohen Wi'til.in 3 N Rmwn Ititrrinon, KiilleUI, DniKttioUi. Vice is (he only thiug not worth koow tng. TheUev. W. It. Coslley, 0f Slock bridge, ( I a., while attending to bis piif toral duties a Kllenwood, that state, was attacked by cholera morbus. He say: "Hy chance I happened to get hold ol a bottle of Clnimbcrlain's Colie, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy, and I think it was the means of saving my life. It relieved me at once." For mite Ky W. M. Cohen Welilnn, J. N. Brown, ltitlfUs, lr. A H. Harrison, KntielU, DniKUU. OABTOIIIA. Bri the A hfl Vou Haw Always Bought Bifaatura of The Poor Children. ONLY HIMSELF TO BLAME. There Was No NceJ of His I'lungim; Recklessly AnJ lilinily. So Miss I'inkerly Are you interested in charity, Mr, Titlter'.' Tutter (wtiit knows that she is and uspcets a possible donation i Well, Mis Clara, that depend. Some forms of charity are excellent. Others are mis directed. Miss I'inkerly Ves, I suppose that's so. Vou know we are going to give a little eiilettaiument ut the church, Tutter Oh, yes. Something for the heathen. I suppose. Ilo you know, Miss Clara, I haven't much faith iu that sort of thiug. Now, if it were nearer home. Miss I'inkerly Hut it is nearer home It's just for the poor children ol the neighborhood. Tutter (weeing no escape) Well, that is better. I approve of that. (), course I'll take a tic'ict. Awfully glad. Mi I'inkerly ()!i, that is so kind of you. Tutter Not at all. Tell me, sort of an entertainment is it got what ig to be? Miss I'inkerly Oh, just a simple lit tle affair. We thought it best, you know to have everything as simple as possible There will be refreshments, of course, but they will all be donated, and then we propose to have some sort of amateur play possibly a charade. Tutter Oil, I see. Well, it's a worthy object. I believe in that sort of thiog. Have you sold many tickets? Miss I'inkerly Not so many as I hoped to. Still there is some time yet. Tutter 1'ut uicdown for two tickets. Miss I'inkerly Now, Mr. Tutter, you are really too generous. Vou must con sider your own pookelbook a little. Tutter Don't say a word. A simple inexpensive little entertainment like this, with such a worthy object in view, out:ht to be encouraged. By Jove, the inure I think of it the better I like the idea. Charity begins at home. It's a good thing, Miss Clara. I'm Let tne have (our tickets, a half dozen. not Nj sati-ticd. make it Miss I'inkerly Now, Mr. Tutter, really Tutter Don't say uuottier word. I insist upon it, Where are the ttekctsf Hav you got them here? I'll take them at once, Miss I'inkerly Oh, ye-! Here they are. Tutter Good! Now, how much did you say they were apiece? Miss I'inkerly Only $.", Mr. Titttet' Harper's Bazar. Tin: iii:.vi:m.y Mianixd. Tell, oh! tell me, Hjok of visions, bright with promise, sweet with prayer, Shall Iku iw the angel faues (hat are waiting, over there? Shall I iimi my children ehildrvu? Will my gentle mother lay Her dar hand upon my forehead io the old, earth loviug waj? her, keep them as I loved (Item! or if changed Iu other guise, May (hi Heavenly iriusformitioti dawn but slowly on mine eyes. Let me take (hem to my b feoui, once, upon that shining shore, As I saw (In-iu when we parted, in the 1 tve lit days of yore. Jamet Huckham, in (he LidicV Home Journal. O A T 1 1 0 1 1 C O N T I A K A N I S . The following is the form of oath usu ally administered to contrabands en tering the Vankee lines at Fredericks burg: "Vou, Cicero, do sulemuly swear that you will boar true allegiance to the I ni ted Staler; that you will take good care of tho horses aud mules, and if any of them get away you will go after them, no mailer how dark it is, and will also b'aek boots to the best uf you knowl edge and belief. So help you (ien. Me Dowell." The gravity of the parly while it is being administered is very edityiug. Or Oavlil'i IimIii-Serrated Karaparlll In the llfitt IIIihhI Meilirliir known It will Mill cure the worst cases of Blood and Skin Diseases. It will cure Rheumatism, making the Hlmid pure and healthy, and e using the sinews and mus cles iu perform their work easily and without pain It cures Kexema, Old Sores, I'imples, Blotches aud all skin diseases. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon N. C. A A1 HlHilNNIXG. TheUucfit (an ait oonnisseur) Su perb! Simply elegant! Hostess i in glad you like it. rvmps are my hobby. The Guesl Oh, I meant the tureen. Jewelers' Weekly. BMI lh BigaaWrt of t The Kind You Haw km Bought Tie Great Quarry. TOILING IN DARKNESS. Some Hay We Will lie I'reprd l ur 'liic Temple ot' Ihe Oreat Kintf. This world is :i ing always iu the see what good is lonely, painful, oh quarry. We arc toil dark in We caimut vi r to ciiiuc out of our .cure toii. Vet some day our quarry work will lie manifested in the glory ol brawn We are prepar ing materials now and In ie for (he letup e of the :reat Kim:, which iu heaven is slowly rising through ihe u-.. No Uohe of hammer or ax h heard in all I bat won drous building, because the stones are ! all shaped and polhln d and made entirely : ready for this world. We arc th ftoiies 1 and the world is (tod's ijuarry. The Mtoues for the temple Were cut out of I lie t great rock in the dark underground cavern. They Were rough aud shapeless. ! Then they were dressed into form, and j this required a great deal of cutting, J hammering, aud hiseling. Without this hteru, sore work on the stone.-, not one ol (hem could ever have filled a p!ac:t in the temple At last, when they were ready, they were lifted out of the diik ipnirry aud curried up! to tho mountain top where the temple was rising, and were laid in their place. We arc atuueK in the quarry us yet. When ; we uccepttd Christ we were cut from the great mass of lock. Hut we were yet rough and umdiapcly, not fit lur heaven. Before we can be ready for our place iu the heavenly temple wc must be hewn and shaped. The hammer must do its work, breaking off the roughness. The chisel must be used, carving and polish ing our lives into beauty. This work is done in the many processes of life. Kveiy wiuful thing, every fault iu our character) is u rough place in the stone, which must bo chiseled off. All the crooked linen must be straightened. Our liveHDiustbe cut aud hewn until they conform to the perfect standard of divine (ruth. Qutirry work is not always pleasant. If stones had hearis and sensibilities they would sometimes cry out in sore pain as they feel the hammer strokes and the deep cutting of the chisel. Vet the workmen must not heed their cries and withdraw his hand or else (hey would ut last be thrown aside as worthless blocks, never to be built into the place of honor. We are not stones; we have hearts and sensi- bilit'ies, and we do cry out ofttitnes ns the hammer smites away the roughness of our character. Hut wc must yield to the sore work and let it go on, or we shall never have our place as living stones in Christ's beautiful lemple. Wc must not wince under the sharp chiseling of sorrow. J. It. .Miller. Kuyal makei thu loud pure. wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure kiht. Pnffit rc- Celebrated lor its great lea veuiug strength and bealtlifuluess. Assures the food against alum ami all tonus of udulterutiou com nion to the cheap brands. KUYAL BAKING POWDKR CO., NKW YORK ' torn lace is the bulletin board upon which the news from your soul is writ ten. V. M. IIAHMSTON V CO., Wholesale aud Retail Dealers in CAKPKTS, STOVES, and Mattreasea, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. w. m, hahlwtonaco., No. 90 N.HyeamoreHt., 10 -M It. Petnrabarg, Va DKSUiNS HKVT FKEK. In writing give some limit as to price and state age of deceased. 1,AK..,KT K KH k In the Mouth to select from. 1 We have no branch yard. and parties doing business uuder a similar firm unnie have uo eounection with us in any way whatever THE COUPER ItURBLE WORKS, (KslulilHlied 1M M ) 159 to lli:l Hank at., Norfolk Va aov 2 ly. Pirn THE DREADED ONSOMPTIOf T. A. Sloeum, M.C .ihe lireat Chemist and Scientist. Will Send Free, to the AlHicled.Thrcc llottlesof New ly IMseovered Remedies to Cure Consumption and all Lung Troubles. Nolliiiiii could he l.iirer, more pliilan thiiipie or carry more joy to the nlllicteil, than liir oiler nl T. A Slnmm, M. (' of IKS Vail ;Uleet, New York City, t'oiiliilent that he has i!iscneici! ill) u) iso late l itre tor coiisiunptinti anil pulmonary complaints, ami to make ils great merits known, lie will semi, lint, three bottles of medicine, to any reader of the Uoiuioke News ho is stilf.'i ing ft urn el.est, hroti dual, throat anil lung tioiildcs 01 eon sniiipl ion. Already tins new Kcienlilie course ot medicine" ban liiTinaneiitly cured thou sands of apparently hopeless eases. I he doctor considers it his rci-;ioitsituty a dot v which l.e owi s to It u inanity -to donate Ins inf.iilihle cure Ollcred freely, is enough loeoimiieud tl, ami more so is the perfect confidence of the great chemist making the proH)Ni Unti tle has proved the dreaded consumption to he a eiiiahle disease heynnd any doubt. Thrre will he no mistake in sending (In; mistake will be in overlooking the geiietousinvitalion. He tins on hie in his American aud Kumpean laboratories testi monials of experience from those cured, iu all parts of the world. Ion't delay until il is too late. Ad dress T.A. Klocum, M. C, IW l'ine street, iev otk, and when writing the Doctor, pleasegivc express and postollice address aud mention reading this article in the Koanokc News. W. W. KAY, -Dealer tn- Liquors, Vines, CROCERIES AND CIGARS. Why not call on W. W. Kay, as be is open both niftlit and day. Keep the fol lowing brands of well known whiskies: "Old Oscar l'cpper," (lump's (1. 1'. II. Ilyc, Stamp Straight," "(iutdoti llaltimore Uye" and other brands. 1 pull Garrett Si, Co.'s pure Chocko yotle wines. 1 keep the best of every thinir in my line, mul'olite attention to all at Kay's, west side H. K. Sited, my 2 ly. J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale ami Kelail Dealer In Tine Staple ami Fancy itf-FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crockery, (.lass Tin, and wooden and wil- lowware. Also Pratt's Horse, Cow, lloir Hiiil I'nnltrv Kmul nml i '. mvn'a Tameless Chill Tonic, Alexander's iiverunii money ionic ior puriiying the blood- This touiu is warranted or money refunded. J. L. JUDKINS, No. Washinstou Ave., Weldou, N. C dec 11 ly. -OF- -Sl'lUNO AND SIMM Ml- MILLINERY- FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Rutterick's l'atterna. It. & G. CORSETS, Misses at 50c,, Ladies 75c. to $1. tWUI'ricefiwill Iw made to suit the timed. Hats aud bonnets made and trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, W.ld.n. N. d W. T. PARKER Heavy AND Fancy Farm Implements. 221 1'OUND SACKS OF SALT FOR 11.10 PKR SACK. M.Comct prices and polite attention to all. ann1 If. jroceries. Grand Display Groceries