isjjp) I 0H1T W. SLEDGE, I'Koi'IUKtou. i OL XXXIII. A. ILTIEWSP'.A.IPEIR, FOR, THE PEOPLE WKLDON. N. C, THURSDAY. AlMUfST stf, ISMS. TEEMS:-"'' l'KK anm m in advance. NO. 17. ;ianosOrgan( Tie Man Who Succeeds Paii Not To Pray. Tie Old Clerk. HIS YOUTH AND HOPE GONE. He Was Married Himself. CORRECTED THE TELEGRAM. Good Eatiiifj. Tiie Mother of Heroes. THE DREADED ANEW WAY OF GETTING AT A MAN. WILL YOUR LITTLE BOY BE ONE? PERFECT TYPES ; if hut a good instrument should hear The wonilrrlnl nuclei: i(ii.ilitifs ot tliese 'iftDQ Ore leeocjlieil ll.V even' V.K'al artist rbo Unstlnt'liclv reeoiiiint'iiils tliem. TANDAUIi)Ki;.SH, TI'NISli ANI KKI'AllilSt;. PUniw lor Kent Terms lo Suit. Write lor illllstnitetl t'litillnyniv CM AS M. HTIKFF, ' II N- l.ilnTty t.. ISaltiinoic, .Mil. r"lwhine,lou, nil Klcvcnth at-, N. W. oet 31 ly. Ipring Millinery! - HWX'IAI. I nuci.AY or -' vfl HATS and " , BONNETS A ml Millinery Novelties. ZgBv mire lu r:tll ami inspt'rl my .si U. MIIS. W. It. MAIM', etStly Uoanokc llauiilx. N. ( : HUDSON'S 1117 Miiiu !., Noifolk, Va. Ladies' anil 3 ei lciiifii's liuin' ROOM. A I.I. M F.A I.S i". (T.STS. IUBPASSIXI! COf'FKK .1 KI'F.CIM.TY ' . J. I. IIIIISON, I'mnrietiir. The nl' KvervtliiiiK in Season ootid lj-r. ESr - mi i i n i 0 Selected and Private Stock lye Whiskey, the Purest distillation, and is Recommended to all who use 3r Require a stimulant of Reliable quality. VDAVKSI'OKT MOItlllS k CO., Sole uneuta fur the Distiller, Richmond, Va. S. W. I). SMITH, at WtlJuii, X. C. b the sole iiiittributiu uirent at that ' point, for the above olj ami Celehrated W hiskcy. DAVENPORT MOURH 1 CO. :ll r,m. We liuvt in 8tnk 1 H'lo niri nil to North ern iiuTfliants Tlii'Me ttoods inunt he nld utoncf. In the next 'Mi days we will put before t lie H'ople liar :;titiHUi' weuever did before. Men' ptitiit 40, 40, &k. O vera IN If,"), -Ilk. lrM iiixnU 4, Uc, Men aud hoy's h nnd vnw 4, d, 1'h'. Window tdiadi on Spring roll en lfiA, 15, "i-ie t'urtiiin mUh wood tix tares 25c. Hrusx tlx tu res h, 'ilk-. White ctoUiltc. White Drest VuhhU 'M, ', tic. h if&y Btrike clm-ks I.!)h. runt ihmIs h, l'ifl; Linen towel, 7c. I)rm;i;ets f 1.7,'t, "'i, t Wool remtiitiitM carpet lHe A larjie l it floor muttin, 7. 1), Vi Men' and diee' shoew 50, 75 HHc. Itureuurt JJ.7."i, Larj;e riH'kiii fhiiirK with imim HHe. lia Itottmu cluirn ;Wc. Men's Hhirtw, lo, l!C. IjHliei Khirt waist iKc. Hoys' shiit -iat l.rM!' Many other thinM in tttoi-k to mm out tome itiK k tor liiirit-mn. ' rtl'IKKHiSt IlAVIK. jUou, N. C, Mar. J.t IHh ftfil'KCUI.lST and AUTHOlilTV on TV ''lioure HutleriuK with any HLlKJD Jl'Ki.K, would he wli to call on or fy by mail. Consultation free ami Weiniw compounded to unit each partic .rcase. When writing to me please en 1 stamp for reply. i VliiW. JAM. HAUVEV, Church Kt (New No.) 17 ly. Norfolk, Va. tmu m. MUI.LKH, ' U L L I H WALTER I. DAN1IL DANIEL. 1 A TTORNEYS AT LAW, 4 Wklron, N. 0. PiWtleeln theemirtiof nlirn1Ntirlhm t. t.niiintaflHiipreiiiHiiuu Keilwrml courM. Uot. it. 'ttuam.ilti lu allpartauf Nortti Iferollna. j (l jacoD trovers - mar i an w 1 -(II 01 SALE. Diseases II Mil) I i urn H ' """""' jit if I plw uid writ ui what jou wut DO YOUR DUTY. Anything 'llut Is WUrth linim; I llnijl! "'ill. W.irth A pliilosojilier who s(im with Ms ryes anil wlio (akin note of what W observes, .snbtuiis tin".! conclusions: "I l tW I ll .1 V t M lllliillil, SJj'S ii miter in lir.iins I Inn .;iji iI in uitrac: ill" allitili.m nl' 1 1 1 1- si, rlali l. The t li T made ii. i Cmcy shuts, lmt ii!lctl out every count in si;ht. II.' won the 'jiiiiii-. "I nilne-vla imiik'oI'I ii,, ill. Urn trt!ow on tlif losing team was a "eallus" chat. Hi' wavril his hands racelully When hi train was applauded, lie bowed and saluted the o.raiidstaiid. At the end of the oauit! I heard the manager nf tlie t"ain say that they would have Wen but fur the mur play in;; of this "fiallus" eli,ii. ''I known liaiid.-Dine miIcsiiiiiii who attracts many prls in the More where lie works. They love to siau I and talk to hiu) he it so 'winy.' Tli-v li-teu ami ppje. The proprietor tells in - th it lie is the pour 'st aleinan i'lthe sto e. ' 1 know an advertisement wiiter whn i;ets many compliments f'.r the biilliant senteneeti and witty versi m in his adver titteiueiiU. His employer tells nit! be i. lotikiiio fur a wriler who will convince reii'lerrt and hrnto btisino-s. "I ntilieu, wlnreevtr I en, that the leliiiw wild is bent nil alllill'tim m ist alleiitinti lo himself is not the fellow who succeeds. ''I notice the fellnw who has wond tit and saws it, is always in demand." Ill other Words, .success is tllt'l'iiUL'h, not Mipcilicial. Aceiilnpi-hiiii'tit are like irond cltltllt s. They help the appearance and "oft proclaim the man," but ihcv d uot make the man. Many a youth has been ruined bv a Mipetlieial aeeompli-lt incut. Mr: Randolph tells of a lad in his ciiiiiiiiunily who was a graceful dancer and skater, and knew how to el him self up in attractive style. He was ibe envy of the boy and the idol of ever) silly ;itl in the iieiojiborlwoil. ibit bis accomplishments ruined him His bead was tuno'tl ami he was icvev anything more than a danein; tliitle lie had fair intellect, adds Mr. Uaichoph. and without these superficial aeeuiiipli-h-tuenls tiiiht have turned bis talents to practical account, and have made, a man of hiiuself. Mni.iti!ts may tK.itr, am) (ioc tuf roht', and Riiinoi' slmut from Hie luni'ii' ' inn. hut jut n limtf iis the ' lmt1- 'inn Jiii'l 1 1 J ifc-t- " ''s lili'otii, ami a CJCX. ll I ee.i'leii's litts i'' 'v "i h'"v V L f , , .mil i youorf UH Will and Li And w'n tjn d t ii. i- i. it ii.irm if the r Juailliv, .mil tint" kisv,- .,,1,1 I.... lv- via a.!- ll.Mllll h: - b ,t..n or It l- .m'iv . hi ii ili- l l- l. ll til-" stti , t , U.-tllltll-vs f link-' ii;.io!i it- ii;iv Till f. of onsuurjMoii art- a- . lurtt IlUlf i'tl'.t' s to the oi wn.iun v. no i tiii-rouuhlv . . 'id Ik.iIi!iv in eve i v iitici and ivim- ti ditfii-!' oiilv attack .'lu ,nly ptOtly dr. av d. i yliat m'inm- tl',t i ;i Hire Mot Tttun i' all kviiiis dt .t'lly i hannli yuitiin in;' U-ati, i.- lit-ue. T til it vOiici Tiivu1 i' atnl and .'.tsca Ii is a Col.'.vn M .lu il iM-cov-irJnti'i '.i. st t-i tin- .tiiTK-tiu. It mn- Il loimt- a';', i-"i th It aids ftsjrulali'M It Ii 1 1 - tlu- h!.inl .vith thi- vital. lltV mvin t It si, rut- of ll;t i.hkI. It huihts swrt't. ilran, lu:ilt!iv lissm-s m vt-iv tiatt of ilu- It tlnv. - out all dtsrasf n. itiis It i-'ift p. t 1 1 lit of all casts of hitniLhial. and 1i;ul; uici tiotis if taken m dm-. All ko midunie dealt rs srll it, and Ii.lvi iiotlim "just as fl" lli'tl Irfttim iil1illl nl -41 losi'tilllHC Slrtrt. Nt w i Ir.ias, 1. 1 i it. - I v i- ;i .iniK (i.r until1 two ' ,n t, sulh i uit' li.nii th n una. a ttn-il fn htiit ami Ids nt iiutjjv tu .tiijKiitf I trnil tnic Ixil.U til I it 1'ien.r .ol.tiii Mnlii'ii' Diwovirv uuil tmititl r t .it nlitf. I lak two tii'irt- lMtll! tin r- in all, mi .nit ui two muIh nf tlit- I'tlk-ts.' whru I win tti V'-M h-ulth iinui I n t tfintiit iid I)r I'hht i. ildiii Mttu ial DiM-ovi iy lu do all that it iscl.uitud to tlu." A man or wotiian who nenlec constipation sniltrs ftuni slow xnHtmiiiK in rit ice neasiiii Ht U cine cuiistittalioti. i Hie hltic "I'ellet " is u eiiUe Uaa- tivr. aud two a mild eatlviitic. II All medicine dtaleri sell tht t:t. J No oliwrr pilin ale "just ifoad. " DON'T YOU KNOW IT LOW PRICES. NEAT AND is A v ACCURATE WORK That keeps our nrttwiss rinitiin ilav nntl lliltllt to keep up with order. Excelsior Printinir Company, WELDON, N. C. Letter Head:, Packet Heftdn, Hill HewU, EnveloeH, StatetuenU, Hand Hills, I'roirraimues, Tickets, shipping Tags, 10 te., KU' Give uh a trial order, Heml for nam lira "IL- 'I hat Winndfl Souls is Wise An earliest, faithful ikTvutit of tlie j rd JejiUH, wli'i wu jioin lo pri'ai;h in villain kirn, rein irkud to a niiiri wlimu uf met on tliu r.iad: "We oujiht to lie iy Lirati't'ul t) Ii id ft sendiii Us hui'Ii ii' W(',i! In r a thi-i "I d i!i't krmw anylliin uh ait tliut," plied tin- Mirly fellow. " vnnvcr pra)?'' ithj'iirid the jud man. ''No," aihvvered the man, " nliyiild pray fur? The parsum do that sort i work." Doon't your wile ever pray?'' itiipiir- 1 the "uud uiiiii. "I duti't know mid I don t care; that not the kind uf tiling I cvlt think of," "Hut, don't you know, my dear man, that when you die you will pas into au other world, and you will have to give uu account of how you lived duwn here?" I don't know aujthiu about that aud I doti't care, either." Then the C!inti:iii did what nonie pco pie luiuhteall a very extraordinary lliiiie.; lid: "Von are the sir: of man for whom I am always on (tie Irukuul. Ml tell you what I'll de; it' you will promise tue that yuu will never pray ho lun us on live, I'll ive you half a cruwo." "Uh!" tin id the man at unius, "half n crown it wurih liavin; I'll tnknit." The coin was duly handed over and it was not lonr dufure the one who had taken it ueau to fee! wry bad about it, and wanted lo he ott' with hid barrio. Vs soon us the mat) reached liU home he Miid lo his tvi'i: "I met a man who daid lie would uive me half a erowu if wonld promise nevei to pray no loii us live." "Vou did not lake it, did you, Juhu?" anxiously imjuiivd tie wife. 'Ves, i Inn 1 did," unwered l)er hus- iait.1, "and paid for a pint uf beer out of it on the way home." hat was the man like: Mow was hi' dressed?'' ' I don't krmv, i-xeept that hu had all hat on." ''Hut did Y'iu notice I. is feel? ' "I oii'y sawiliat lie had aoml jiair id' bouts." Ah! if Ii 1 luil lakeo them i ff you would have seun bis uloveu hoofs, uud if you had lilted his bat your would huve een Inn hums!" "Vou don't think it was the devil ili it ;uvc lue that lull' a crown, do you? ' ''Ves, forecrtain it was the devil; it uuld not have been a !ood man, iid I lou't believe evn a bid man would have ne Fuch a thiiii', it mut have hii.u the levil." It soon happened as the preacher in tended uud LApteied; the man Kidlv wanted to pray, though he hud ueVt-r prayed befurc, and bis uuxiety made him 1 ill aud bad. At lust bis wile said to him; "John, there's .someone pteaehii down at the barn tu-nihi; you have Mild yourself body and suul to dtvil, but you had better j:o and see il'theiuan can do anything fur you." Accordingly Juhu went uud tound that it was (he individual whom his wife thought was the deul preacbioL'. As huun us Julio could tummou courage euuugli tie went to the trout una 4iid: "I want to uive You that half eruWD back." 'What half erou?'' "Why," replied the poor fellow, "ou are the man that jjavu mo almlfcrouii because 1 promised never to pray ail my life" "Uh! don't try lo get off your bargain: you s ilu jour-clt lor tliat hull eiowe. Hil I hum pri; here, take jmir money back, and I do wi-h thai u h would pray for tue." That was uu i xiraordinary way ! felling a muu to pray, but it evident!; auswend well iu bi.-t cu." "He ihai ffintieih Mitils is wise," aiid he unir prove bin uUdnm by uimr thelicht wav if getting ut the hearts uud eoiiseien ot those when) lie Is Iii win I' r ClirUl. (!. H . S(.iiri- 'Oil. II is ansvi:u. Tell me, itiu I uot l.iir?" The speiiker learns I'tiel in I., r "omi atnl smiles e.ntieitislily. Ill truth the fiestiiill seems Mlj .'llll oils. As she sils lli.'te with the til'terno.!! sun truiisliiiiii! tier glorious tress -a into a aliemii of lh ill i;nl'l,jher eyes ns lilue us the lieiiveiis, r.itliomless us the sen mi'l tlaueini! with eieiteinent; her lips ul'uonl wreutlietl with it rottuisli siuilu, the is ie deeil trunseeDjentully bemitiful. fJHut the seeius hliml to her love liness, lie reiianls lier with frowuinij brow antl eyes that MuoMer with ii,"t. Tiiuiilly she rep'ils Iter i lest ion. "Am 1 n t fair?" Her coini.iiii"ii'.s faee i;rttws bluelc as ill II tiller. Fiir!" he cries bitterly. '"I'tiir, when you opeo a jnek p it with a ten" Hute choices bis utterance mnl with a passionate gesture lie uVhes the to the floor. San Francisco Kxauiiuur, A I'alhctk I'iaurc loo I rocnily I'rc-o Id In I he liihiik'ss Wort J. lie is a familiar figure in almost every business house the old clerk. White haired, lliiu, with eluUms (hat are always uf decent blaek and sertipulously brushed he has sat behind the same desk or stood behind the same uounter fur dear knows how tn any years, growing thinrit-r and older as the lime went by. .Some times we meet him in tho early morning going down to ulhvo or store, walking tht) s .me route be has trod fur -! or .'Kt years with a regularity so perfect that the very policeman on the heat might set bis watch by his tuuvemeuls: Often, late ut night, when we ure goiug home from the theater we see him through the iron grouted, window still bending over Ins lodger, for lie works slowly uowduys aud must work overtime to make up his accounts. His eyes are growing dim and he fumbles with bis glasses, his hands are losing their trick of deft peumauabip, aud bis bruin its swiftness, He docs Dot uodcrstuud it, but the fly boys all about him, young enough to be his sons, ru-di through their tasks and are out ami gone while he is still laboring over bis. Slowly but surely it is being bunie in on him that he cannot compete with them. Iu the manager's ofliee he is already becoming a problem. Customers have begun to complaiu of his tdowuess. A mari not intentionally cruel, called out that be wutited somebody who was alive to wait on him, out that old fossil. A woman complained that he had not matched a s imple and asked why they kept blind people. The oil clerk beard them, audit sounded like tho knell id bis own lorehijiling thoughts. Ho kouw.s that the time is uomiug when he must go. Ho has seen it happen before with others. First be will bo retired to some oilier department, with less work and loss pay. They will remember for u time the many years of faithful service in which be has seen the firm grw from small beginnings to prescut, wealth. 1 hen alter a tune they will lorgct even that, and one day when he h is been slower than usual or sjiii ; mistake has passed unnoticed by his dim eyes th.'y will send for him to come to tho presi dent's room, and be will bo tuld that they think it best to put u biv in that department somebjdy who is youu aud iitick andean get ubmt swifily Sometmies ihey give htm a little pension, olieuer not, hut in eidur case be goes out a pior, h'Mrt broken old man. They talk to him of enj ing leUburc, but be has never learned the art of idling, and so be bungs about the store after be is dismissed, walking by it through sheer force of habit. To others it a eimuiiu plaeo euough store or ulhoe. To hi in it is the mausoleum where lies buried his youth, with ull its dreams and hopes uud ambitions, and there is a tear under the smile on his wintry old face us he says that be has left Hlauk & Hlank's and has nt too old to work. New Orlcau Picayune. Dr. David' luilo-Terraled Marsaparllla Is the llest Itlimil Mcilirhif Kliimit. It will will cure (he worst eases ut Hluod uud 8kiu Hiseuscs. It will cure Kheumalism, making the Blood pure uud healthy, and causing the sinews and mus cles io perform their w.rk easily and without pain. It cures Kczetnu, Old S iren, I'iiuplos, Hlotches nnd ull skiu diseases. For sale by M. Cohen, Weldon, X. V. "Vou piy loo iiiiieli ultetition to your htiskainl. my ilenr. He wiil tire of you if you l.t." ' I! it I ilou'l c ire to flirt with othel men." " Vou Jou't b.ife lo. Only unite him think it plensct you to huve liiui flirt witb other womeo. " Skin Diseases. Fur tin speedvund permanent cure ot tetter, Milt rheum and eczema, Cbaiu- lierl.iin'tt Kyt and Skin Ointment if without an e.iial. It relieves the itch ing and Minuting almoRt instantly and its continued H idTcctH n. permum-nt ctirr. it also cures Hen, imrher h Hen, scald bend, sore iiimdeH, itchinir idlest. chapped h.-indt, chronic Bore tyeH nnd granulated IMS. Hp. Cady'l Condition render fr lmrHcs Hrc the best tonic. bhHul purifier ana vertmiuge. nice, ;:ceuts. huiuuy Ui Mie i. U . II. ( ..iiLn, U. i.'.uii. J. N. Halifax, IT. A. . Harrison. Knliolil, hniKKMs 1 If you bad an apple, Johunie, ai yutir little brother asked you for a pie you'd greet bis reipiest with a cheerful smtle, wouldn't you?'' "Yen, lua'am, I'd. give him the merry ha, ha!" The lleot Kenifily Vnr I'ltu Mr. John Mat hi as, a well kirnkti sink dealer id' l'ulaski, Ky., says: "After suffer ring lor over a week with tlui, and my physician having failed lo relieve me, 1 was udvised to try ('hmnherlaio n Colic Cholera and i.irhoea Uemedy,and have the pleasure of staling that the half of one boltle cured me For Hu e liy W. M fiile H.lll'.z. Ur. A.H, ll.rrii.tii, Ani I vfl llut I civ WtirJs lie Cunsijcrci SujUrt'liinuv She was as sweet u little woman as ever were a tiiiliir-inatle suit ami jaunty hat dial tiniile every fellow who msseil her slraioliteii bis tie ami limit his pri't ticst, says the riiiluilelphia ItceorJ. She waited into the tcle;raili ulliecat Foiirlli tl Vine streets, uiel tiuiiJIy iniiiiretl of the clerk: '('., I semi a leleitraiu lo my husbaiiil hen?" Vcs'in," responded the bolloweyed functionary, briliteninj; up a littlo and liandiuo her a blank, with a pen and ink. "euessit will go all liejit if I put the street number, won't it?" she again asked. "Yes'in," laconically replied tho cleric with a sad anticipatory smile. She frowned a little while colleciiim her thoughts, and then wrote: ''Dear Charlie Vou doD't know Imw much I miss you while away from home, though auntie is very kind, and we bave been shopping all afternoon. 1 bave bought some of the loveliest swiss to go over my green dre.-s and three nairs uf French kid gloves, because these were very cheap, but I know you won't care, will you, dearest? I think of you always and wish you were here with me lo see the eule baby cirriages and cradles and table chairs for little Mary. I was tempted to buy all three of them, but onlv took the carriage. He sum to cald bottle every uieal and that the milk is fresh bclore it is warmed for the baby. Mess her little heart! She is her mamma's darling, dear, so she is, and when she cries it may be a pin sticking in her and not the colic at all, renieinbi r. liivc her a drop of chaniphor on u nice lump of sugar if that cough returns, and two drops of peppermint or paragoric in sugar and water in a teaspoon if she has a cramp ill her poor little stumach. The key to the cake box is under the corner il" t lie mat in the front ball, and il the icing sticks to the knife, butter it, and don't give the baby ain; besides, be sure to cruin'ile th craek'T-s well in her gruel Annie wauls tne to slay ull week, but 1 tl in't feel satisfied away from you and baby so long, dearest, and will enuie lumie N eilnestlay. It soeius to me like a year sincii I saw you, love though it was only yesterday eveuiug; so now you see how much I love you, an 1 cannot bear to Ii away from you at all. 0, if you should lie, or anything should happen wbil am away: ( In thinking it over, I sti.ill come home Tuesday uu die first ujorniii train, ibis b, ing Monday night. Te. the oirl to warm up the roast from Sunday, or eUe lo eat it down real thin with chili sauce to eat over it, aud to sei that the bread does not gel musly iu ibe pmiry, and to keep the an's out of the sugar tins above all. Kiss baby tor uniiima, and 1 send a hundred for your- f. From your Ijving little wif "SrslK HllllWN." Ii.i'lieiing tog ttlur the piles ol sheets filled with the message, she handed them lo the clerk, lie read the lelegraui while she stood there and blushed. How much will it be?" she usketl ,liyly. 'Twenty live cents, madam. Vou see can shortc ii it by leaving out a few of (In lie unnecessary words, ami save you money. "t ), thank you," she said, beamin hut be sure not to leave out any of the necessary words," and away she went as happy as a lark. ic operator picked up the blank and hlirriedlv dashed off: t'liitrtfrt Hrown Will be homo Tues day morning by the tiist train. "iM'sn Hiiows. He wa a tnariicd man himself. The 11 v. V.. It. Coslhy, uf Stock bridge, (la., while attendim to his pa. (oral duties a Kllcuwood, that stale, was attacked by cholera morbus. He ays: l,Uy chance I happened to get bold id a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera 1 Pur i hoe a Heimdy, and I think it was the means of saving my lite. Il relieved me ut one." I.V W M i . .I.i-n Wel.1,.1 .1. S l'.r. o. .1. HiitKiiiM'. HthUx lr A s IUinm.i,. i mn I iii:sm;n. ''Ma, the iiiini.ster is eouiiinr.'' ' Imi makes you think nu( Hid yuu Hl'lt It I 111 ' ,u, hut 1 saw pa lake Hie parrot and luck it up in the stable. Huston Traveler. I-OH i; HI- I V ) llAlt4 Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over filly yearn by millions uf motherH lur children, while leething, wilh perfect success, It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays ull pain, cures wind colic, and is ibe best remedy ior PiarrhiiM. It will relieve the poor little sutlerer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cenis a hot lie. He sure aud ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Souihiug Syrup," and take no oth er kind HOW TO COOK POSSUM. liilJUyliiu' nl 1 he .Most ski'llul li.e sum (JnMn Ilk1 Wurlj. A negro's juicy appreciation po- sum meat was well illustrated upon a recent occasion when u lady wilh whom the narrator acijuaiuicd paid a viit to NewOrbani. She told him tho Mory. She was walking down Chartius sireii curly one iiinrninu', iuiending to vi-it the ci lebrati d l'rt neli market uf the Crescent city, and on her way .she nu t a very old colored man coining frmi the opposite direction, evidently from the market, as he was carrying in one han 1 a posuui and in the other a small split wouden basket uf sweet potatoes. The old man's face was beaming witb ggod nature, and wreathed in smiles of anticipatory plum ule.. He looked ho joyously into the lace of the lady that she, too, iMuId llut help but smile at him, whereupon he held the possum up alul't aud said, ' (Jood eatiu missy, gi(uJ ealiu." She stopped for a uiumcut, looked at the eh iidiike, happy face of ibe old negro nnd said, o you like possum, do you? ' "Like p i-suill missy! I I.)WS p 'S-UUI. Hate ain't no eatiu like possum. He ins.-1 1 ui am uood, but de gravy with sweet Values is bettor. Hid you never eat po-suiii, unssyr Hen you diuu t know what good eatiu was. JSut tiiebhe you ill wouldn't know Imw to cook Mr. 1'osMiiu, fur dar's cbhyt'ing in de knof bow." . Well, then, tell me haw you cook it," she said. The old man set tho possum aud po tatoes down on the pavement, or as they call it io New Orleans, the ''banquet," 1 with a loA of earnest cuueeutration began witb: l-oW, duti't you novel forget jest what l'. gwioc to tell yuu about how lo cook do possum, Well de fust thing you does is to get your possum. Hat may lie e isy fur you um, but 'tain I lur me dat is, always. Well, den, when you's dun got your possum ynu skins him fust. Hen you puts him into de pot with cold water an put de p ut over a hot lire, an den you parbiies bim -not too much I ui oU duaii t want to lec any of his ni'v sweet fat. Hen you takes him out uf de p it an you dries him in a clean towel. Hen yuu toiin him into a big ft j in pin. Hen you compos de skin ! oil' your sweet p-tutoes uu you puts dein into do same jian with Mr. IVum. P.-u you has your tove red, an dt u ymi puis do pan an possum an putatucs into de oven an den go away fur a Utile while, but nut tu I u. ,-!Kn when y mi comes back y oi puts in a little hot witer, an den you begins an bi'les de po'siim an de sweet p Uatoes, an you keeps wj a bastiu till de p issuiu is a good blown jest like my color an de sweet potatoes is soft au juio) au do gravy is aim ft black an plenty of it. Pen you takes it out uf de oven, au deti yuu hut.s de table, an deu well, den you bars de douis, (ur de Miiell id' cooked possum goes a long ways, uu when you have only one possum you doau't want much company besides yourself." Now, there is your recipe for cook ing possinu and given by probably one of the best chefs lot thai dish in the world. Philadelphia Times. Mamma's guest was idling of her trials wilh some domestic service and the amount of lime she was obliged lo spend in looking for eilieieut help, uddiug: "Aud 1 do hate to hunt for -irk ' Little John looked up at her in surprise and asked: "When you hunt girls do you shout them?" TIIK IIIKLKiU; Ol I I MK Mary had a little lamb Its fli'cee was white as now; Andeverywhtr'' that Mary went Theluinb was surt; to go. Its fleece is1 still as white as snow, Hut Mary's lamb has grown; And, now she'd rather walk three miles Than face that lamb alone. Truth All t'ut-ertatn Ulsraar. Tlicrr is no ib sense mure nneeriuin In it tialiirf than dvM psia. Pliysieiium nay thai (lie tiyiupliiiiis nl' no two cu-sen iiree. I( is tlien-furtf must diltinill In m:ike A rrrer diHi'iioxm. Nil tiinlter hnu vwrt or mnler wliMtdisL'Ulle.lVs. piuiiHek .u, llrnwiis' Irmi Itiih r will vurv it. IiivhIuhIiIc in nil di4am4 ut tin1 Ht.niiseli, ldiM. him) mtik. hrowim' Iruu llittim U ftdti by ull UcuIiti. ''a,ean I go to llie circus?" "No, my son, if yuu re h guud bv, )iu Wuu'l want to go lo lite circus." "Then, I'd better go while I'm bad enough to enjoy it, hadn't I?" We have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy iu our home lor many years and hen i cheerful testimony tn its value as a medicine which should be iu every family In coughs nnd colds we have found it lu eflicucious and in croup and whooping cough children we deem it indi-pi.nsahle II. V. Hitter, U J7 Fairfax ave , St. Louis, Mo. Fnr-wle bv W.M Tehi'll Wel-bm, J.N Hrown, HilifHX.Ilr. A.M. lUrriwm. KioleM bnuo-l-.. , The Kind Vou Ham Hmp; Bought Many I , .Many I Hot II line-; Margaret Ogilvy void d the umittered cry iu many a woman's heart wheu she confessed, a -jiiaintness ull her own, how she would have liked it bud this or that great man been lh i -.iij. In therte days of mjr naval heroes d.tjs ui slieb tlieti as yuillli: Holi-uii and the s-.veu y-'Ung volunteers who w- tit with him the cry of Mar-ant Ojilvy dimes back to u-, and eveiy wuinaii witli a w.imaii's heart must wish she could have been the niolh' r of such uhmi. IJreatiiess, to be siir.1, is u it roved alone in the smoke of battle or in the dangers uf warlike adventures, but fur all lhat it is iu times of war that we see tho great est uf all spMaelrs among men that of one. who counts his life ns nothing when ho can lay it down for the sake of another. War brings us many evils, but it gives us many ideals ideals like guiding stars, to which the new ;cneraiiuii u ut hitch their chariots or perish. How can the mothers of today resist them? How can they look to antliini: else from their sons? How can they be without lhat gladness whieh nj lices when u son is born into tho world? For just such u possibility lie in their uwu babes the uuwelcume babes, tho babes lhat arc dreaded, the babes that nro never talked about as lay in those who have lived to prove their greatness today. Among certain orthodox Jews every woman looks to the possibilities of her being the mother of that redeemer who has beeu promised to lu r race, and gov erns her life iu accordance. Perhaps if among us the possibility uf our children, being built id' such hi roic stutT as that of which llobsju and his fellow vulunteeis weteiuado were ufteiierin tho mother's heart, wo would hear less uf the tired ones, the impatient, the bowtd, the re bellious, ur even the ignorant. Harper's Ha iar. Kuil makr th.1 (noil pure, tiulfume unit drlitious. POWDER Absolutely Pure Celebrated tor its great leavetiuit; strength and health I'u lness. Asuies the lood against alum and all tonus of adulteration com mon lo the cheap brands. HOVAI. HAK1NH I'HWUKK CO., NKWYOKK' Mamma ( Mi dear' Jimmy 1 don't believe you know what it is to be good. Jimmy Ves, I do mamma. It's not doing what you want lo do. A great many oirls siy" No," at lirst. but like the photographers, they know bow to retouch their negatives. "We have here," suid the subordinate, 'a terrible situation." "Ves," said the Spanish (ieneral, "and when they lcirn the facts in Spain we may not bavo any situation at all." Mrs. YongliiiL' "John, do yuu sup pose you can heat ibe baby from where yuu are if he wakes up and erie?" John who ii reading the newspapers i "I dunno. I hope not." V, 31. II II.IS TON A CO., Wholesale and Retail Healers in ,18 e.VKi'ins, stovi'.s, ami Maltretwes.ete. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HAHI.IHTDNA CO., No. ill N. Sycamore Kt., I'elersl.urit, V Monnments and Tortsloiies. HRSIUNSSKNT KUKK. In writing gie some limit a, to puee and slate age of deceased. I, K(.1 Mlllk in the Mouth to select from. We have uu branch yard., nnd parties doing business under n similar firm name huve no connection wilh mi in any way whatever. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Ksllllillsheil IMS. loll to lli.l Itauk si., Norfolk Va iv i If. Wjr lirin-s I A, Kloouto, M. C . the Croat Cheinisl and Seieiilisl, Will Send Free, lu the Alllieled, Tbive iSoltlesol New ly PiMMVcred llcmedirs (( 'lire 'oTMMllJ.lietl and all l.uti Ti-ib!.s. N..t Ion Ibn. 1 e uret. more plnl.iii ie :.',' to I lie .illheli d, A 1 ut. M - C , uf ev Yoikl'ily. h;t- ili-e iend all at'so- ill III e ll t,V III III. Oil I lit I I ll.ON 1-.! sneel. Cmlnli ut that In ie en 1 1- lot ewi is ii I ii it nil) ;ili poloiiiuaiy ciinipl. nuts, and to nuke its ment.-t known, he Ulll send, live, Illiee l.otlleS uf iiifd.'fine, to any naih r ol the Uo.uioke Nes wlio is -sii tl'r-i i iil: I'ioio el;est, Imm dual, throat uud lin: (tuuliles oi coii hillnpl ion. Already this "new seienlilie course id medicine- has pennaneiiLly cured tlioit xamls orappareinly hojielens eases. The doctor considers it liis reliiouMluty a duty which he owes lu humanity 1u donate his infallible cure, tillered freely, is eiiiuiudi to commend it, and more so is the perfect coiitideuce ol the ureal chemist making the proposition. He has proved the dreaded consumption to lie a enraMc disease lievond any doubt. There will lie no mistake in sending -the inisiake will he iu overlooking the getii'ioos iuvitat ion. I ie lias on tile in hin Ainei iiMii and Kiltopeall lalioialOl ics lesti liiumaU of eierienee liolii those cured, in all parts ol i he world. I tun I del. IV until it is too lale, Ad dles. T.A. Sloeuni, M. C, !W Pine .street, New York, and when writiuy the Doctor, pleaseeive express and liostotlice iiddiess and mention i '.iiling lliis article in the lioaiioke Ne W. r. KAY, -Healer lu- Lips, Wines, CROCERIES AND CICARS. Why not call on W. V. Kay, as he in open both night and day. Keep the fol lowing brands of well known whiykies: "Old Oscar l'epper," Hump's Ii. 1'. 11. Hye. Slallip Slraigbt," "liottiou Hallimore It ye" ami other brands. I sell (iarrett & Co.'s pure Choeko yolie wines. 1 keep the best of every thin'.' in my ine. iMul'iilite attention to all at Kay's, west side ll. H. Shed, my Sly. J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale and I Healer In Fine- el ail Sylirocsries, -FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES. Crockfrv, Class Tin, and wooden anil wil low ware. Also I'ratfs Horse, Cow, Hog and Poultry Food, and Orove's Tit.steUss Chill Tonic. Alexander's laveranu iviouey ionic ior pun lying the blood. This tonii is warranted or money refunded. J. L. JUDKINS, No. JUVa.-hiiigloii Ave., Weldou, N. C dec II ly. Grand Display -OF- -SI'lUN'ii AM' SI M M Kit- MILLINERY. FANCY UOOHS and N0VJXT1F.S. Hutteriik's Falterns. 11. k (11. CORSETS, Misses at rUc., Ladies 7.V. t $1. MLFriees will be made to sit it the times. Hats and tKitiiietri made aud trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, WeMon. N. n W, T. PARKER, Heavy AND Fancy- Groceries Farm Implements. 221 1'OlTND SACKS OF SALT FOR 81.11) l'KK SACK. muCornMt price! nd polile atlention to II. tag 4 If I