mm JOIIJST W. SLEDGE, I'Koi'iiiKKiii. .A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE TEEMS:-'5'1 I'lai anstm in VOL. XXXIII. WKbDON. N. C. THURSDAY. S KPT KM RI1R lo. IS!S. NO. ao. II K 1'IANO vou lmv today will last furii lilVtiiiic il'ynn yet one ol'thccfl- dilated Iwt'l it worth while u tlntn t In- hest, when lirsi will U-. i..r vrai-. A rat alogiH' lot the asking '-Easy Terms. $i BTANDAIiH oliHANS AMI 1'IAMIS I'llli 1CKNT. tarKKI'AUMN)! AND I TNISC.-'drt I'll AS. M. STIKI'F, II S. 1-ilx rly Ht., Halliiiline, Mil. Washington, v.! I lileveulh si., N. W. out 81 ly. Spring Millinery! V M WHAT. DISI'I.AY (IF - . Ml HATS and BONNETS Anil Mlllinrrv Novelties Kliosliii' ti set SI 1? rail anil in-pecl inv st MUS W. H. IIAUl-, Knaniike llaoiil. C. -HUDSON'S :II7 Main si., Noifnlk, Vn. Ladi's' and lit'nileuien's llinini: ItOOM. AIJ, M BAUCIS CKNTS. aOMPASSIS'i niFFKK .1 SI"EClAl.n - .1. I!. HI'IISOX, Proprietor. Tin Host of Kverythinii in Season oat in 1 v r . Ml Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable quality. flAyKNl'MUT M'llftlS A CO., Soli' a' iils for tin" Distiller, Kichmnml, Yu. MB,"W.1. SMITH, at Weldon, X. C U the solo tiistrihutin.; silent at point, I'or the. above. iM ami j Celebrated Whiskey. f UAVKNfllHT MliHIIIS CO. ""' tBtr 31 ran. 41 Hank t , I'clcrsliur-, Vn. IliilU'l'S in High Grade Pianos, Ortraus, M iinlulins, (luiL.tis, r.uii4, Violins, SIumi ;nl M ii-tt; Kurkf, emj everything known to the musir 1 1 aU lilNINC AND REPAIRINC, fi hi,vt' the conip'i'te ileiaitnifnt Of this oharaiiter in Hnuilishle Vn-, anil MQ Anaiiv win It with luiituiiliiesa, and ae I'uricv and iziiiiraiitet' sallslaetion. Kenil fof kalHlsotne illuslrateil eataloyim. LYMAN I'.UOS , Mk 11 ly IVti r-lnir, V If "fil'KCJALta'r nml AUTIIOIJITV mi nil Mwhonre HUlTfrinji with any HUtOl) 1 Ol'HLK, would he wise to call on or ire as hy wait. CotisulUtion t'tee ami T 4 intwcorniioutiiltMl to Hint each partic rJ!) Chimin Ht iNwXo. Norfolk, Vn, WALTIE I. DANIEL UULLiKM A DANIEL. i ATTORNEYS AT LAW, I Wni.iwH, N. C. ffi tlimft4le In tllDHrUof North i!mHn. ubottu lUftl(fi,N.U.,opo eery Mir. T trovers t..i jQ 1 If Traioioi A War Horse. OK LY A FEW LESSONS REQUIRED. HOW II K IH I'A I 1 1 111 In M'ANIl TI1K lll.AK AMI' TIIINIHilt HI" IIATTI.f. A w.uln.rxr i. broken lo Im steady un li r lire liy tjii rn.i'i( In his le'.a Wliili- tin' animal it down nu tho ground lliv i. Hi it lake a pi-..l ami lir.-i it ol.ise In his oar. Tlii'ii in rapid unlrr he lires tin: weapon uvrr liin hack, lltnlir his neck, between lu Ics, uny where that an oponino pn souls it-i If iliirinu tin' Imni'V futile t i u; 1 h. Nut until ho sinks back cihaii-tcd, all n tumble all I hlmwin (lie hill . il" ti is eyes, J.n'H (ho pi-tol prae- tit'L' t'l'SM!. After two it tlirrii lessons nf this kind it in considered sale Id mount him wit li a lu-idle furnished with a curb Lit. I'i In this lituo tli horse has never felt a euro. Tin' iuht snalll-' is mill rttallud, ami I lie curb 1'iiill'! is only "ivni a oi ntle pies-nre at first, jo-t in. .iih tn 1. 1 ,iiu know that it is tin re. (iraiiually tlm Mreu-tli i f tin; pull i iniTnas '.I. anil (villi thin .il'e suani tin' linrMi is tatijjlit tn maml lire Irmii 1ns inlur s i,tul ur earbiue. In l alliine iiaeliec tlie llnrs.i lnut lie lll Tunulily lirnken, is li ith li uels are le iilireil in UMlli; this Wi'ai"ll, whereas with the ii-t,j the riiler may retain the briiliii with cue haml. Tiletl eutues saber ineliee, auil that is atmther trial lit the hul'-e. Ajjaill is he thrown tn the ground, ami lie (it'iliahly ean't utHljrstaml w hy ho should have to ili-rthis indignity all nver au'aiti, for he leatliel eMin very well. Milt wheu the hriiht b.adi; of the naber. with U!ek thrusts llishini.' before his rvi'f and iiutiinj the air in elose i.r.isinnty to ears, appears to him he isai;ain terror atrieken. lint the lesson he ban learned from the smell of eitnpowder stands him in inod stead, and he soon ets nor Inn And even wiih a uiaii on hisb.iek and ati'.th r niniiuted upon a reasoned nrse t'utniiio at hitu with saber raised in air or slashing led and rilit he uows that it is ail a part uf his e litea oil and solnethilio to be expeeted. So I stands his or,iU(Ml ()r yas trts all illf le other horse while the two iro'p s indulo in their aaber praetiee. New York World. Hrrdintr the fit. The most li.iu. i.ul i llume nuiM stop if thi- tire- .tie int inl Man i- the nnH won dt ilu I pit iv ih.u hiiit y in ti' wot lil, yi t iii.tlict linw i!uii' ,iimi well tiiiiiii' ni 1 i 1 v iiiiMic liny he. if Hi lite uf hl' wit in :i htiti i tint i-nii-liiutly tii hi- liuih-. ami mu-ch-a .rinili imwrlU- .mil u'U 'S4- Tlu- H'i :i nu n hri'iniK' lu liilt ss atul (llHC.lMll 1-. h.-VHHM- tin loud tiny f,lt, whivli i- llii- tml ot" luV. i- tint iif,,T,,rl llK't .l .mo al'iirt.pii.iU il fy the 1mii.k Ii ami nutiitivi orj-.m-. It i- not oomph tcly il into lh- stt nth .unl woikm;' Hiwcr wiiK'h tn to tiun stt-.uil is lo tin runinr. Tint untnl.Tfiil iu'wer-niiikinit in 'Men Medical Disc very." invmn-d hy Dr H V Pii'ic, chili con-iir.imir phv-uian .I tin Invalids' Motel and Snrwical Institute, of HulT.ilo. N. Y.,imhm- tin1 tline. live jmcei ami nlnod iinkm Kl-mo wit li caiiaiitv ti etlr.u't nhuiulant nmu i-hnu-nt ftoill lite It mil HI- 111 i mtnine u-Mie, nctvi- tilK-r, hard itiuen1ar tlenh and work tnK futi-f it fives a man strim What it ilidV Mr V Hncln -i. of Jnm Hod Himlct.tMii l N J K'vti in his tiwn words in replv wmiM nv iiitiii- wa- a linl i.i-i' "l ki.iiK'v ami livn tt'inlilr. am! Ix'lltt vt.i WlltCB. i ttAVIVliI VOlir kllKl IIIHT. IMKl IH neui' iui Mt.inul iMwiAtiyiiiiti nnu lHritlt of iltlli I'etU f. ' i Hi v tut a omiph-l.- rc wi ll known Ihat nlmoM t vvi v i-iiou ' i- troiilih-ihiiore rli will) kidney trouble. i -i'H ally on our 1;inl fxjirt". liains. 1 iiiu uin Itun Irtil and It'ttv tour tiuU- on tlU'-r ir.un- ty iliiv in ttie wVfk and liiivi h.ul no ritiuti il Hit- Itmiblf niu:i Ukmg the reniedU'B. iiuuly years hku." rtioMiiiiiitiini Tliu 1'lliKi "I Ityilvviiy of TlieSOITIl l.lXHTn I.I'IIIVT.- Texas, California, Florida, Cuba and . Porto Rico Otrictly Hrst oIhmh t nuiiiiLeuti k3 tliroimh iiml local train?; Pi palace Sleeping Cars mi till lilht triu; last and naltt hlu'.iuU s fifef-'Travi' by t lit S qtli-rn unl you lire nn-ureil n ufe, cuiiilurtablo mid cipoditiuus j mrney. Apply to ticket ngontK lor lime table, rat en and eueral iiit'orinuiion, ormldrcw It. h. VKUNON.T. P. A , Clwriottt", N. C. V. K. UAKllY, C. i T. A , Ashcvillc. No trotihlc to nnwcr (;ut'atio:in. HiANK H. OANNuN, J M. CI U r lid V. P.Atl. M. Tral". Man- W. A. TL'UK.G. r. A. WASHINGTON, U. C. Soollicrii llfii wnj I.'. From Petersburg lo Blately. THE FIRST RAILROAD IN VIRGINIA. THE r'lltST l.OOllMOTIVK I'HKII ON Tills KUAO WAS Iiril.T IN KNUI.ANM A N l THKi'AHS WKUB MoHKI.I.KIi AI1KU T1IK Hi. Il KN01.II1 HTAUB I'O.VII. ' Ktchliioiid Dl-patell 1 Iii IjsL'U tlie cnti rprinin people of I 'c-tir-btir', looking to ;i rutiiic eiilarocuiclit of the iradii uf tin; city, bcati t lit ili-t CUHMiiiti ol' tbc ciiti-lnictioii oi u railruad to tlu- North ('urolitni iinr. Intcicst in the project bocanii genera!, a public nn't't inc was belli, and a hearty endur'e inctit iven il. On or about the Itlih nf February, lSil, an act was paf-std by ibc (Iciieral Asstinbly iucurpDratiiij; I In? IV'tcrbur Kail road (Ndupnny, and c iiijiiiUsioiters were appointed lo receive ubMlriptimb t-j it.s tock, with li at first watt only $U)ll,(lbO, dividi.l into jdiares of SlDII c icli, and all td' which ipiickly taken KKOM l'KTKIItiltl HU TO NoltTII CAIIO 1,1 N A The road to run ''from Petfrhlniri; tOMidiie convt'tiiftit punt on the NiTtb Carolina line.'' and (be Mirvey waabei:un in Ib'cembor, ISiifl, A mouth later .Jatinaty, 1 S I 1 i, the contract watt award d to build ihc road from lVtriburf; to larratt'.-i, in Sum x county, a distance of about tlnily niib .s, and in the niuituor of IS.'lLl tirranoemcnlr were made for ex tending it lo lllakely, in North Carolina, about sixty mil us lo Peiernirt;, which was accomplished by I he 1-t of October. I8:;:i This road, then popularly known us the ''I Yd i.-bin and Kounoke railroad,' was I lie HMt railroad, laid m irima, un which ?ttaui loci niulivtM were tiM'ii.' ltn eoinplctiiju was a new cia in the big tory of lYterbui. THK FIliST IHItMfUll '1 HA IN. The litsl thrutili passenor train from lilakuley to lYursbut, coiiMsliiij; id' enuine and iwo t r three coacfieM, was welc.iiiied with cut dt inon?lralioii by t lit? whole ei.intuutiiiy nl the Cockade City the ineilbdsuf railway cunstriictb'U in ihohu early da)s were nceesNaiily prim itive. The pndoije(f the line steel rat i t loiiay was a piece if Mian irin about i of an inch thick and to inches wide, uailcd to i he wnmiYii rail, which, in itM turn, nktel on ihu tiis. Within the limits of lYterfliurg ti e woideu rbils wt-re lir&t fastened upon stone blocks, through which holes w drilled lor the m-ikm. home ot (hee drill blocks are still iu Use on the city pavement'', tli mb (he fact U known to but few who walk upon theui. THK t'lUST MH'OMOTIVK. The late I'M ward I'oilnck, in bis "llii- torieal (iuide to IVter.-biir;," publi-hed io lSSI, in u chapter t n the irrsbiirji railroad say: "The first locomotive u.-ttl on this road was built in Knlaud, und the cars were muddled after the o d lish stHoeeoucliif, cumii about lihtein paHsciifers, inside and out The Height oars were tour-wheeled euuvtryiiiiee.", e.ii! ed wauous, and eat lied abt ut thre tons eaili The first pri-sidcnt of thu company was )onald MiKiiizie. At a noetit of the siockhi ldcis, In id iu March, ISiU). llenry I1, liird, the chief engineer, le ported thai the company liad iu u-e lo(i wajrons, live couches, and seven et (iines. His heaiest eiiji'ties wtijihed, iucludii o fuel and water, l! tou (i liutidrcdwi ihl. atid Wire ach capable of drawin;; ' Wt lily to tweiil) livr waifuns, cainin in ibi aiiieuaie tjtl to 7" d'Uf. THK l'ASSKNOKIl RATES. The passenger fare whs 8 ctnts ei mile (tibM'ticiilly reduced to b' eiiil!- ), 10 cents periou per mile wan the chaii fjr freight. Iu 18;!li (he company was restricted by act of the Legislalurti In n payinj; dividends in eictw of l" per ceul H lately watt su1m iiiently abundoiicd Li the Southern tenuiiius of the road ill favor of Weldon, N, C, The Uielituoud and lYtersbiir; rail road wan chartered in Itsttl, and coinpli ted in lS'W. In 1S;U only twelve mile of the Baltimore und Ohio railroad Wer finished, anil a short Hue at Mmu-I OtTtiuk, in the coal region of lYuusylvu nia J. M. V. Hp foil Id n't BfO- Thcul J i t KiimlKiicr Vut fur you ui niiluit nil run! Jlnv Kiiuniti f.T a mail tint;! Kiui'iuiii'r Mail tint!? Vat fur hIiuuIiI soy vant a iiiikI il"g? New York Juur- ual. jainitlisnti" mi can always j'uln man hy tho onuip iny ho keep." Jolin snn "That'll pretty rnuoli oo the jailor of priaoo isn't it ?" ' ei3 , ii - wm Hum ra It Was Certain Deatl. BATTLE OF THE ALAMO. IT WAS (INK I if THK Mil ,' Tltllll.l INII II I -1 HI V. KI'IIITS IN AMfotK AN The battle uf ihe Alamo, T-xa-, wa- one of the moid thriliitn; fields iti Amir ifii n lii-toiy, say- a corn -puiub'tit. The Mexican In tnli.mliiH nl of the ;.!,. bud lasted eieht ilayH and ni-'lttf, utmost thout ceskaliun. On the evening ol'lhe eilith day il was March 'A, 1 S'Jii ubotit two hours bifore Minuet, it suddenly ceased. Col. llarrelt Travers, takiti' udvar ta(;e id' the lull, immediately collected his little army of patriots in single file, and delivered lo them one oi the most alirrin und portentous uddrews uf hif tory, Aiuoij other things be said : "Our fate is waled. Within u few days perhaps a few hours we shall be in eternity. Our business is not lo make fruitless ifLrls to have our lives, but to choose the uianucr of oui death. Lot us resolvn tn withstand our enemies to the lust, and at each advance to kill as many ul theui a possible. Kill thcni as they scale our wall.-! Kill I hem as they lenp within! Kill them as they raNc their weapons and as they use them! Kill theiu as they kill our companions, and continue to kill tbem as lun us one ul' u remains alive ! "liut I leave every man to his choice. Should any man prelVr to surrender or attempt to escape, he is at liberty lo do -o. My own choice is to stay in the fort as long as breath shall remain in my body and die (itin ! This will I do even if you leave me aluiu! )tj n you think besi, but no man can die with mt wiihuiit iiffotdino uic comfort in the h itir of death !" Coi. Travcrs then dri w his sword, and with tlie puiut tracul u lii.e upt n the ground a few iVet in f iont of his in-, n. then, resuuiiu his position, he taid ; ''I now want every man who in d -termincd to stay and die with me to Ibiui upon that line." With one exception this or ll was im mediately obeyel. Kv.-ry sick man who euld walk arose ami tottered to bis p!ie". Col. ll-.wie, who was dtin ot t;.pln, iti lever, asked that his cut mul.t he eanicd to the liue. The one exee -ti 'ii, a man named Hose, could nut mus ter stithvicnt courage to reach the mark. lie tas aliowid to attempt toiscape and by a miracle succeeded in Hiinij ihrouuh the Mnicao forces. Wheu it was all over he whs the only man of the gains' u who was alive. It was not until the morning of Mauh u' that the siormiii-' of llu: Alamo took place, It was not u battle, but u slaugh ter. 1 he -l.tlMll Mi xtians f-warimd ova the walls, and the lilllc handful of Tex. am wiihiu kiilid, and killed and ditd I w ic, Mltitiji on his cot with hi.' back to thu wall, with deuih already writdiiou his lac, und with a strength that seemed supernatural, slew I he enemy will) his .sword until t In v hvamd about In tit su heavily that he ci.uld no hmi stlike. lie Itll, his hotly iiiemd ill n places. Al the end of hit cot .i his dime, an old Mexican Woman, old evcu then, ho caught ihe Uricktn ml dier and supported his head on her aim And then, when the tiJitii'L' b,nl tiscd, ihere were li.tMtll dead Mexieais and the -00 dead Texans beajicd to-ielln in the aticicut chuiob. With blood) hand" the surviii" Mexicans sorted ut the IVx.u.s and curriid tbem into tl iitazi, where they nilid them un, with rails between, and so burnt t tbem Su ly no nude aceej table incense than t smoke evt i' iifct ndi d to heaven ! The Alaiim Church is shaped like cro-s. and it was upon this crucilix that the tn iHrs died. He (tn liimsi'irj Cm iniite ut n loss what tn do! It i praise her playmjf. she'll bo sure to play snnit thni).', mid if I dou t Miy it wont then hint certainly will day miiH'thinn else 1 Fhetfi ndo Blatter. Sol l ilt' U ist si y. It is not always best to wail Dlilil it is needed bef. ie buyinji u butlle ol Chati: berlatii's Cotie, Chohra and Hiaiil: Heuicdy. ()uit efrtn'ieiiily ibe remedy is required in i he very busiest m-ascn or ic the nigh, and much ineonvuideiiecaiid suf fering must be borne before it can be obtained. It eols but a Iritl i us com pared witli its real worth ard va'y I'muiiy mm w'H ull'ord di ko'.p it in their home. It is cvt ry where acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in the world fi r bowel complaint.1. lir shW' t.y W M -.,lnii 3. N Rmnii, HaliUx, lr. A. 8. Httrnaoi), fcutiehl, IJruKKlfU. " A Merliiui IMlrliuilft. (L-llil:;U What A Lie ! STRANGE. VERY STRANGE. A lloltsK THAT WAS SUA I. LOW KM A 1,1 V K It V A li A I K I ItuM His N TAIL I'Voin the Southern liomo of Senator i iy conn -s tho follow intr later Ir du a veracious correspondent . living ex oldier aid having only lll'ti cii months to seive (o ueijuirc u title to a quarter section of land, I went to 'lorida in ISo to put my plans into cx utiun. Not bi'iiij p istt d as to the andinaiks, 1 had to hue a sclthr to Iu eate the laud lor lit", and as we had lo :) about eiht mibs through Woo ls ov. i nd roads, with no bridges, we went horseback, and iu crossing a slrcani 1 miliml that my fiioiid's horse's tail ;mht iu an old pine stump, j iilliu a hair from the tail and leaving the hail fast to the Mump. ''As you know, a horse hair will lurn o a snake when in wad r, and I uiide up my mind to watch that particular hair. alter locating my land and g-'itin.: a huuc built, I took my gun ami started out on a hunt, and during my rambles I came to the stream that my friend find I had crossed, and, sure ei.- ouiih tln re was the hor-eliair snake as big as my thuaib and over four feet I i.. he was fast to tin; stump I let him tlone and continued my hunt, bag-in' notue uuail, a rabbit, an I two sumnvls, which gave me a oood mess of fresh im at As I was very busy for the rex! il-rn- weeks, had no time to vhit my pa snake, no you mayjudL'e ol mv snipriM- when on my next visit to fiud the so. ike is as big as a stovepipe and over f-riy feet Ioiilt. As I was Going to have a t rulliuff the next week I ki pt my s.-cr-d that we could have some fun after we were llirouglt our day's work. I d everything ready and sent out my inviia ti dis. My frieud that showed me the jnd came with the rest of them and told that bis hore was lost ot stolen. We ill pitched in and did a good day 's w rk and had a good dmtitr. 1 (old tlcin ysteretandwe went into the bi.iocb Vou can imagine our surprise when v found the snake as bi' as a saw loir, with bulge iu the mi 1 11 as bi- as a siiiir b iritd. Well, to make a ldig L"ry b ot. wo killed the snake and cut him open and in y fri. tbl s lost horse tumbled out We thought the horse was dead until he e dome need to move, and soon ran ad'tind all light, and my liund him hotm- I have heard a great d -a I about horse hair snakes, and ihi t-the only in-tamv know ol wii.'ie a h r-c w.i- swaliowt-d alive by a hair from his tail." Baltimore American. "Yah) Cull Yoiirarlf Crttl" Judy. 1 tinuiic Diarrhoea Cured. This is to crii'y that I have bad chronic diarrhoea cer since the wr 1 ot so weak I could hardly walk or do anyiliini:. One buttle of Chamberlain's Colic, Choleia and Ihanlioca Umidy cured me sound and well. J. K.Oihbs, l-'ineastle, Ya. I had chronic iliairboea for twelc years. Three hollies of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera jnd Pianhoca Ueniedy cured me. S. li. Shaver, rincislle, Va. It-.tli Mr. tiibbs and Mr. Shaver are prominent fanners and rc.-.ide near l;ineasi!c, Ya.Tlny procured theremc-.y Ir-in Mr. W . K. ( a-per, a diuggist d llliil place, who l. Well aeipiaililed Willi them und will vouch f r the tiuth I tin ir -did no nn. for Mile hi M riln-u Wei. ion, ,1 N Hmwii, II ihln, ii s ILiniMiii, Luiield, 'rmo;ids rrs it vpiihtv. Cu ilaiisl How fast can chine gull be disehaiged Inventor- It em b ; tlr d rapidly, ;-ir, an the average gublilos bis ht'diim prayer 01 nioht. ibuost hJ Cold lr. Ilavlil's luihi-l-cn ntcil .(i-sai:u lldi It the llcsi llimiil Mediciuc knoiMt, It will will cure the worst eayes of Illooil and Skin t will cure KlieMinaiiin, niakiie' the II ood pure and lieulthy, and ouisitio the sinew- and urns cies to perform theii work easily mid without pain, It cures Kczenni, (),. Soreti, I'linples, Itloddies und all skin d I sen sen. For sal.-by W. M. Chen, Weldon, N. 13. Canubt On Tiie Fly. HOW SHE PROPOSED. AVIi V K I' SIIK INIVJ-KO K Kit Al l' THAT MIK H A I M-T. U 'iIM.tli I. lie It a ao'il'ul tiling, pe.-i illy hi I'aris, Man i-. indeed, Woman -What - (hat '! Man - Kl tilii, I I. " -ei;,l ly in pairs " W ,in---( Hi, Henry, this is s t ab rupt ' Ibii I - I am wiliiir M in - 1 was ab mt t-i . iy that e-p. eiillv i up.irtiil ohst'rvali di has jiiMitied nil in a re in.' with yu. In live Worn in Oil, Hi my, y,,n surprise no: mi ! Hut I I aieept. M.ui --Yes, it is to aei'"pt the world as it exists. I was saying to live nobly is a beautiful tiling, lly the way, what it I'nele S.nn should annex Cuba? Woman ( Mi, Henry, bow dictaphone! Muti-M'taphniic? Wuin in Caiiin' yo-ir-elf Cnel.' Sim and me Man I h -!ii ye amifxati m Wtnii'l be disasli'i.m to all concerned. Woman Ob ! Man Kit the whole political situa ti ii in -tor country is bad ut present. Tlo s" 'i iin- --tic br -is will inin u- Wuinan II H, Ib nrv, we Inven t 'iiuireied. Matl-Kh? What's that? Woman I said we hadn't quarreled. Yod sMd- Man I slid nothiiiL' about oiir.vlvcs. I reori t ib;it I have not stieeeeikd in nnkiiiL' V"ii understand. W oman Hut y oi h ive, y.jii have in deed 1 d di't know what di s.iy to you, y have siiu-ih'd me so! ltut of course if . u insist I snppoe 1 shall have to uive way and say yes. Ymi are so im p 'I 'luu-, so hasty ! Man ( hi the cuntiai v, I am very slow, i even f,dl tn appreciate y.iiir Woman Nnrjs.'t s', Henry ! All men say they f,,ii t,. appreciate u. Kor my p. ut, impare 1 with you. I know I am il t w.inh anything. Man What's ilut? Woman I say I really am not worth anything. M in -U oat of lli it ? You have a iHMiiiilul h. m- hue, an I I am sine your fal lo r W Hi't he grud-e It'.itpan I in sure be will nut. I wish you would a'k him riht uwav. M in .k him ! Ask him wh it ? H'iman ll'hat you did me. Man li i id heaven. Miss Murium, what Was that ? H iU'ati Il'yoti e m'd h ive tn for your own litt'e wil- y-ife' Man I never ll'oinan ('erlaiuly not ! 1 know you never did. All the men say they never proptsid to any otlo r jiirt. And llenry. dear IK nrv. p iju's io the next r i dn. I'll d ll him you wish to s(,. him. you darling, you!' Man- O le rd! -Ju ly. First Tin Soldier I nrd.dvd vnn imivo your reyiuii nt halt' tin Imnr aa, Scc.nid Tin Soldier It's nil ritiht, major. We're Nvutt tor ilic cuptaiu of t'oiupniiv X to get his unilorin pi't.-aiud. Now York World. ron vi:n hi rv i: a it Mrs. Window's Stiothim: Syrup has been used for over fifty year-; by millions ol mothers lor children, while teethiiiL'. with perfect success. It soothes the child, sofictis the outns, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy tor liarrhu'a. It will relieve the poor little sullcrcr immediately. Sold by druu'uists in eery part ot the wnld. J." cents ii hollle. -Ilc-niv and ask for "Mis. Wins lo.v's Soothing Syrup." and take no oth er kind OH! Ktnploycr i hastily re-iiiming his dicta ling as soiiicb -lly comes into the olliee) U' h it w t- 'ov ' isf wrd 7 Tpewiiler tiirl ( rattled--Your last Woid was "duliug" Skin Diseases. For tin1 spoetly anil pi'rmittii'nt dirf" ot ti'tliT. suit ihi'iim ami wzouia. eiiain hot Iain's I've anil Sltin Ointment is wit limit an niial. It rolii'Vfs tho itch inir. anil sinartiuK alinoat instantly ami its. continui'il use ctToi'ts u uonnaiieut cnii'. It also cutvn Itoli, ImWr's itoh, soiihl lioail, Kniu iitpplos, irchinr; piles, I'hrtpptil Intuits, thrnnic sore eyes and gt'iiiinhitt'il li'ls, lr. Tally's fondlllon Towilors fur hni'sos are the best tonic, blood purifier und vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Soldby Kiii'suli' l.y '. M.l'olii'ii, W., .1. N. Ilniwn, lluliliix. Ilr s M.irris..n. Pnl'....t liniL-uisls. Bean thi. 1 S k'H t'titi B' "3ys Bought Siick'ty Warrlnm. OLD SHOES FOR NEW. '1 II V. M in Mi Kit "Ni.V HAM Kll A si! I N B. Ill T nil' Unit): I HAN I'll AT. A ill. in W ill' 1 into .ill ;iv ri'io sll ii' ior,. !i .iy. a.' , an I - I I,.. l hlH' hi. -ill ' i ' - -hilo -I "I si i n y oi i'H'I. lo -ii-l, hy the 'l i .r, 'All -'i I,- n. lii."l loo,' -liini 'l lii'i1.' Ilo w i- a I'l.ini y .r. --. . in in wilh ;i 1 .'i l. .lly tin il ii'r. an i i hi' . I. i', I., .'n il linn ovir in - in -ih Ii-.' lo n hi- 0. 1z tirii-h. I iij. ..ii tl..' -ir.ii.iis -li..-. lo1 ha-tily linn. 'I aiol I. il 1 1, i .-riai. r 1. i.'t to tlo: il'i ky -i.iii. r "I ii'or.', ' In' .-.ii. I, ", tin- ;Tiilh -mall's .-lioi s '' Tho iln-ky olio lo ikr.l al tin: sh n'S. his i y.:s ...j'ti-' 1 oil Thoy c.'l'lairily Wi-lo a little tin.' in '-'. illla.i.l.i!f.l Cool I'oVi'lioo ho haj cm ii I'.ur-l ..'it at to - iit.'l lli'i I, with Si'.- 1 ' -. !y lll.iit:L'. ihry si'i'llo'il far illl'l aiv.l ln'V . 1 li ip" ol l'i llo valiull. !J ilh w I,' lio: .- .lor' ol I'.i.K.l t.iti iiark, iiml I'ai.'h was ti'l with a (,'otton strin:;. "Foh il" I. .i.l. .-ta'iini.'p'.l tho hi:n r. "Volt 'li lii't i( ! on si, ii s.;s h-all '' "Vi.-. I .h i. t ..'." -.ii-l ilo' Mr ni." r. "I hiuht 'ion h. r.-jo-' - v, n yi ir a.'o." "SoUn y. ir ul: '.' ' ivhoi'il tli- ilii-ky elle. even ye;ir a-o," calmly repented the zer. "That's light. I bought 'cm t ranger. II, lirv And they done me 1 ain't L' d no fault to find I!'! pair if sloes I cvtr fust rate, with 'cm. owned ." i'ht! great eyes tif the sinner rolled from one -line to the ot tier. 'Seben ye;ir," be miitUTul, Then be broke out in a hoarse chuckle. u 'Heed, boss," h'i g l- ped, "I'm 'fraid dem slioest s Won't hold de blaekin." And he laughed till the tears cm.e in his.yrs. 'I guess lik"ly t hi' v ain't had no black iu on tin for the la' live year," sail the stranger. "I mostly uses laliow." Auain the shiner chuckled. "Say, boss, ' n said, "you y set here a minute. I ll b ii;ht liaek. ' He slipped avvuv an 1 in a few moments returned with the tnaiiau r. The Inter gl iVely iu-petel the tat tiled footwear 'My fiietol. " he -n l, -we o,ik upon those, shoes ;is a icuurkabl" iiiib.r.sidiient of the value 1. 1' our goods. We Wuuldlike I o retain them as examples of the excel lence ot our stock. Wnl you penult us to tdl -r you a new piir in exchange for tlirsc aged ' lies ? The strati.' r -r diiptlv accepted the pr 'pusiiiou and iu a d w m nueiits proud ly stalked from the store in hi-handst-uie new shoe bather. And the dusky shimr bumjrous'y patted theaiieient shoes with his brush, rolling his eyes and lairly chuckling, "Come sebeii, oood I idv ! ' Cleveland I 'lain Healer. Hoyul mali-s the purr, uhitlcsome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure C'elehratcl lor its iva1 lea venim sirenut h and heallhluliicss. Assures the londaizunisi alum and all louns o! adulteration com iiiiiii to Ihc cheap hrands. UOYAl, HAKINU I'liWhKU CO., NHW VOKK' When some men bmy the hatchet alter qtiarriling tliey g) right out and dig up an ax. V. l, M AUI. IM ON V i Wholesale and Retail Dealers in caiim-:ts, stovkk, and Mattresscf.elr, IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. Y. M, HAl'.l.l.STDN A CD., No. 21) N. Sycamore St., IWrstmrii, V Hi It. MoiiimiGiits and ToiiiMoiies. Jir.SKiNSSKNT FKKK. In writing give some limit as to price and state ago ol decca-swl. R?Is M I,ltt.tI VKM K Intlie SmitliS to select from, 1 "Wc have bo branch yard, nnd parties iloiuM hnsiness under u similar firm n;me live no connection w ith us in any wuv whatever. THE COUPER IK&RBLE WORKS. iKslalilislmt IrslK.) irtl In ll.:l Ilauk si., Nortolk Vi BOVt 1. THE DREADED im T. A Sloeiiiu, M r , ibe (Jieai Chemist and SeieniM. Will S- ml Kn e, to the Attlleledrbr.e lloltlout NeW ly lllsenveiei KelN- iln s to 'uie Con-iiiupti in and all I, urn; Trouble,. Noiliin- old he Lun philan Hili'l'ie .ir i my lino. ..V to the alHletetl, lb.. ii ihc mi. i ..I T. A. Slomni, M . t,'., of l-o Pt.lll Sllcet, New Yolk I it V. he ha. i-e.)eicd all ahsi I'llee'lle III!' c. i!lll t Kill alid JUI 1 tlHUiai'V compi. mils, atul lo ni. ike its icat merits known, he w ill send, lne, three hotllcs of mcdieiiic. to any leader id' the Koanoko News wlio i-i uirellliu lioni cl.e-d, liroll elnal. and Jini houhles ut etui sump!ioii. A heady this "m-w scieiitilie ..iir.-e of ineiiiciiie" has pcnnat.eiilly micd lliou--and-s i.l aip.iretitly liopidc-s cases. Tic ihii'toi eoiisidei's it his religion-duty - a duty which he owes tn huiiiani'y - to don;ii.. lni'aMil.le cure. otiered fieely. is enough tn commend it, and iiioicsn i-; ihc peilect eoiilideiict: el the ureal chemist inakinu the proposition. He nas pmveii the urciulcd coiisuinjdiou a eiiiahlc disease hevoild ally douhl. hi he 1 le re will lie no mi(,:ke ill setidini:--the mistake will be in overlooking ihe m-iieioiisiuvitatiou. lie has on lilc in his American and Kuropean laboratories testi tiioni.i! nf evpericiiec Ir.nn tho-e cured, in all p iris ol i he world. Jton't delav until it is ton late. Ad-di.-s T.A. Slociiin, M. C, !H 'hie street, New York, ami when writing ihc Ilueinr, pic isc uivc express and postotlifc address and mention reading this article in the IJoanokc News. W. W. KAY, -Healer In- Liquors, Wines, CROCERIES AND CICARS. Why not ciill on W. W. Kay, as lip is n)ion huth niohl nnj ilay. Koop the lol hiwii)' liramls nl' well known whi-ki.'s: ' Ull (IsClir l'l'lHT," Hump's li. I1. 11. liye. tanip Straight, " "liotiioti llaltimorc ltyo" anil otlur hr:iniln. 1 s. !l ti.irr. tt ,V Co.'s j ure ChocLo yulti' winos. I kot'p tho host ot i'Vi ry thino in my itK'. ttMjU'oliti'attotitioii to all at Kay's, wost si.lo II, K. Slivl. my 2 ly. J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale and h'etail Healer In Tine Staple Hint Fancy FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. (.'ruck ry, (ilass 'fin, and wooden and wil lownaie. Also I'tatt's Horse, ,Oiw, " Hou and I'oiiliiy l-'oo.l, and lirovf'tt J$ 'fash less t'hill Tonic. Alcxander'n laer and Kidney Tonic tor purilyiiiK the I'lood. 'This loniv is wurraniedor nionev it liimled. J. L. JUDKINS, No. ,M W.ishini-toii Ave, Weldon, N. C dec 11 Iv. -OH- -S 1 "It 1 N J AND SI' M MKR- MILLINERY. FANCY liOdDS anil NOV F.l.TI KR. Hntlerick's I'iillrrnn. li. cS: (J. cousiyps, Mis-si-.s at ."the., Ladies 7.V. to $1. Ll'riceswill he made tosnit the time. Hats ami honneds made and trimmed I order. MRS. p. A. LEWIS, Weldon. N. f W. T. PARKER, -liKAI.KIl IN . Heavy AND Fancy QiU'enswiirc, Cutlery, Hows, I'low inp, Hoes, Forks. Cast- nnomiT Groceries Grand Display uroceries liKCKlVKIi ANDSIIII'PKU OF Corn,Hay & Oats nil 1 1r