jjgj lv FI2ST "W. SLEDGE, puopiuktok. A. ZEWSIPAFEIR, FOIR THE PEOPLE WELDON. N. C, THURSDAY, DKCKMBKR 22. 189S. TERMS:-'1-5" l'Klt ANNUM IN ADVANCE. L. XXXIII. NO. 34. home entertainment i lya mailer of music that there litltc entertainment at homo without l'iauo. i iljj lueril, .nested by the high veryone who has bought a hi K II t , ir the past filly year. I .x inline nur slock or wrile ,!tati-.i catalogue. CIIAS. M.STIKKF, y N. LilxTty at., Baltimore, Mil. ie,ton,.Wl Eleventh St., N. W. It. Sl'KCIAI. DISPLAY OF HATS and BONNETS Ami Millinery Novel tie. mvp engaged the services of Miss ip'rnwiKid, ao experienced Bj'ti- in! liner. MRS. W. R. HART, Roanoke KaDidn, N. G. -HUDSON'S- 317 Main at., Notfolk.Va. Mies' and Gentlemen'. Dining k'M. ALL MEALS U5 CENTS. IN.s7.VO COFFEE A SPECIALTY J. K. HUDSO.V, Proprietor. Heat or Everything In Season "ljr. jlected and ivate Stock re Whiskey, the Purest stillation, dis , kommended all who use Require a mulant of liable quality. M KN'l'OllT MORRIS 4 CO. Sole agent, fur the Distiller, Richmond, Va, 4 W. U. 8MITU.it Weldon, N. C. he sole distributing agent at that tuiot, for the above old and Celebrated Whiskey. DAY EN POUT HOHH18 k 00. r Jl em. 41 Bank St., Petersburg, Vii, Dialer in Grade Pianos, .'ins. M mil, ,llos rtiiltnm. Ranlon. (Violins, Music and Musio Korku. rrytlmig known to Ilia music trade. NINC AND REPAIRINC 1' bare Hit moat corup'ete department " character in Hnuihai.le Va., nl fuauv work with nnimniiiem, unit e y anil aataruulet satisfaction. Henri lUilsolile illll-tratnl Cltalogue. LYMAN IIUOS., ' ' 1 ly lVUr-1'uric, Vi I 1'Et'IAI.IST and AUTHORITY on ill v hoare anrr..rin iih n Rfvtn 'l-Bl.K. Wnnlil Km .im tn ...II nn nr tm hy miii. Coo.ultalion fro and I'eiQSacoinaaiinilMl tn ...it Mrtin. tease. When writiuir ta mi nUikM n- P stamp for reply. I'KW JAS. HARVEY, fJJChurobHt (New No.) '!n Norfolk, Vi. r. " ". wiLTai a. tuatat. . 4TTQHXErS4TLAW, WiLDoir, N. 0. ?'J!'''l1rtaofHallfiiaiillorthaaij- ' H In 1, . u . , ,, ra ! Jacob drovers orothcr Oliiic Diseases CUSTOMS OF CHRISTMAS. UlmiAKINO ONR OP TUB MOST CJIU CtllllS mTUMM 01' TUB SEASON. "liiftiuaking is ouo of the mD.il gra oioua loatures of t'hrisliuas, and that I piay may survive all oilier outgrown cutom, writes Florence Hull Winter-J burn intho Woman's Holm Companion.. tt hen love and sympathy are close counsel ts, there U little fear that we hall in ike the mistake of leaving out id nur little nmi's stoakin; the particular thing he his net his heart up m gelling. And if choice beyond us to gra'il'y, let us u.iuia as nciir it as we can, aud not to convert Ihis season into a sort of convenience for our selves, thrusting upoo his reluctant ac- ptance such prosaic articles as shoes, hats and other essentials uf the toilet. 'ar prettier is the (Verinan custom of bestowing gauly trifles that hive no us? in themselves, but are pirt of the glitter and fashion of the hulidiy. When is petiole, nothing is so good to have the traditional ChrUiuas tree. Iu fter years memory hangs about it foodly, and we bles io our hearts the kind hands that took so much IrouMe to give us leasure. "Then the slocking hung up on Christ mas eve has a romance all of its own The breakfast lablu dressed with holly berriea an 1 gifts pile I uo ler snowy nap kins is i graceful ctulo n and ia far uieer than the blunt h in lin.; out of uir gifts. Some troible should be taken to create the welcome element of surprise. We all like it, but it is one of the greatest de lights in a c'lild's experience. He finds out before we would choose to liayo him that what is looked forward to most eager ly seldom turn, out well. It is ad phi losophy, yet true, that it in dangerous to set one's heart on anything in this world. But the love that bi les its intention un til the h mr of fulfillment and then lets out its secret in an outburst of generosity the best substitute that ia ever offered for the special Providence Santa Claus, and all other gracious myths. "An example of generosity is seldom lost 'upon chi dren if it ia true, not arti- ial They are willing to live up to their little knowledge, if we allow them the chance, aod part of our duty to the day is lo eucourage iu our youog people the same kindliueas we cultivate in our selves. It is so much easier to learn in youth to be geuial, sympathetic aod generous than it is after embittering ex periences have hardened our hearts." WHAT Till; KF.TIRNS SHOW. The returns iudicate that the man who thio's Santa Claus is a barren myth overwhelmingly defeated. Boston Herald. INFANTILE UI.Dl'CTION. "I gness paw hasn't got so mnch money this year," said little brolher. "What makes you think so?" asked little sister. u 'Cause he waa telling ine that it waso't right to lay is) on Santa Claus just because the old fellow was good na- tured." Indianapolis Journal. THOSE IIF. DON'T WANT. When a m m says he doesn't want any Christmas presents, he means that he doesn't want any th it ar chargi-d lo him at the stores, or bought Willi his own mouey, Atchison G'ohe. It takes win ly man to h o his owi trumpet. Carrlfd Dowa Mnmm. Wbrn tniw CTntnn witnc (lill'icuU place in h i w t k i n k career ; spuning nil hi energiM to nTompHh lomf critical pawa- in hi but-inrw jour nrv, nudilcnly f,nd hi health fivinR way and e f 1 h i in c 1 f nwipt out of the paddle by the I w i f 1 1 u n n i n g current of b- ra-r then the lime when the i :... inar nnirrrtiea of Ir. in.rvr .-- r iwiBf wiii !. nl.,l,nu no .11. of rrKue ana It is a vriy simple thuosh eminently cirntiSe medirinf II is raerr ".".I "..ui . I., revivim the io nermost sourer, nf vltslhy in the ulrltl IT ii... .,nt.m lo manufacture t,HMl Wood shiinilnnllv "! rupidly. 'nil the immense ; of t.ue "'7 goer enuil.il hv hard lahnl o"et hy a ,rcdy upbuilding of fresh enmy an atreuitiu. , , ,hv.iciau, Vowl. M D . of Howler. A.! urn Co - . ... Mv- -1 emi nrrewup uk t-u puiaoc lor o nomine w,. '"it. JT... .I .mooui ol I". in. puoiK.1. i SSLm? "r ,!.Vr ..Ver ha. been, and IlV-r.ll ha r-timnlcl hv the pul'lk; nn, nnt SV WmsV I h.'l- h. th. . .i Ur. mrdwinea. with r' ,n. lot ill too.lillnhH- "hi;- tip- T turwlnl "M "nf of their adiofl. and from thciriood Mfcia. I a .1" "ihu-'l "!''", firaiSta lh' silos h " f",1 TiV B ......u mBJ rmmrtid.-d. I' rar I havi no iuivocatloB ur hLnry " The oolck wistipstioo-ciire-Portor tkra'1 Pleat Never inp. Christmas. A DAY OF GLADNESS. L.r PATIBNCE, (IBNEIKWITY AND LOVK PBRVAII. IN II OM B AND IIKAHT AT CHRISTMAS TIME. ' What tender metuiiries that uiagio word ca!ls up ! How the page of life rolls back, and we road ninybe, with learlul eyes, the characters written there, and through the long closed corridors of the past we hear the soft echo uf the fiotslepa of those who have gone out from among us, and come back no more. But while Christmas saddciiB, it is al ways a season of njiieing. There is hardly any home so poor in this broad land, let us hope, that the children can not hang up their stockings and hope to find something in them when morn ing duwns And if iheto be such homes, would it not be quite as well for people who eo dow colleges, already possessed of ample means who build churches with steeples which pierce the skies who sport dia monds that do them no earthly good would it not be just as well if they would sjt apart yearly a portion of what they spend so needlessly, as a fund to give the poor around them a happy and comforta ble Christmas? Qod has no need of steeples a hundred or two hundred feet high. He can hear prayer just as well from one elevation as He cao I'roai uuother. Christ was boro in t minger, and He never preached io any costly cathedral, yet His words have come down to us through the ages ever new, ever beautiful and sweet, to fill eur hearts with hope, and lo make glad these lives of ours which otherwise would be but as the apples uf Sodom. And, remembering what Christmas couimetnornics, it should ever bo a sea sou of "good will tiuvarl nrn." Vetly differences should bo buried so deep (hat no wiu Is of idle gossip would be able lo ul cover them. We should re member our own frailty, and have chari ly for our neighbors. And when the Joy bells ring on tlinsttuas morning, happy is the man who cm listen to them and say truthfully : "I have uo hard ness in my hi art this day for any living thing." Shall wn give presents at ('litis! mas? Certainly, if the heart prompts the gift, not otherwise. In so far as you can, let Christmas be a day, not of so much feasting that the doctor will he n'-edi-d the next day, hut an occasion uf good cheer. It is not neoessury to auvbodv's happiness that there should be a great many kinds ul dishes. Oue cao eat, with comfort aud rcspeol to his digestion, ooly about much, aod everything abovo thai ia weariuess aud vexatiuo. And too often the womao who dues her own work is so completely "tuckered out" with her preparations for Christinas that she has no heart for anythiug: and when everybody has feasted aod praised her dinucr, she looks at the stupendous array of dishes she has Iu wash, and groaus iu agony of spirit. And she may well be forgiven if she says, as she often does: "Thank heaven that Christmas oomes but once a year 1' O i Christmas day, put away cares and the remembrance of all troubles and per plexilies so far as you can. Let every body have as good a lime as it is possibl to have. Kat your turkey with thought that perhaps lo-uiorrow you miy have lo dine on salt pork. Indulge in no disoonleuted n flections concerning your richer neighbor, who is aole to wash down his, costly Cbiisiiuas viands with champagne. Be thankful for what you have, aud make l lie best of i. Likely as not it is a good deal better than you desetve. Give your horse ao extra feed, and treat the cat and dug to the chicken bones, and let them have a Christmas too. Kill the children's stockings if y.u nan even if you have lo cut off y.mr cigars. And for one day in ilia year let chari ty, patience and love prevail io youi home, and in your heart aod let thai day be the anniversary of ihe ever mem orable and glorious day on which Chiim was born. AN tXI'LRIUI NT WORTH TRYING. Tht nan who Hailed the story that Ssnta Claus ia a myth never tried the dclighlful eiperiuient of playing Santa Claus to bodjc poor family. Philadelphia i'reas. TIIF. CHRISTMAS FACE. There', discipline io Christmas tide; We learn we ne'er must fret, But keep our lips .till sailing wide, No nastier what we ml. Chicago Ileeord, It i. a rula, somewhat severe, But true as Deuteronomy; There is just one month of Christmas cheer, Ana eleven of economy. SfAe peZZ of MAHUARET E. SANOHTER ""Pis iho lime of year for L cup (he lovin, l'o pass from hand to hand, Whcu the sounds of wassail and revelry Are i-elioing oer Iho land. For North, where the skate skims the mere, And Soulh, where the red bird biuus A pulse of cheer to tho waning year 1 lie Merry Christmas brings. Tis the lime of year fur the open hand And the tender heart and true, When a rift of heaven lias cleft the skies And the saints are looking through. Tho flamo leaps high where the hearth was drear, And sorrowful eyes grow bright, For a message dear that all may hear Was borne on the Chtislmas light. Tis the time of Ihe year for tho cordial word And the grace of tho lifted load, For brother to come to brother's help On the rough aod stony road. Tis time to bury the ancient hate, And to make the quarrels up; No grudge has room where the roses bloom Round Ihe Christmas' loving cup. Jfis Irishes. . BY FRANK !,. STANTON. HS wants "a 'press wagon" a ball and a drum; And "what did you bring roe?" each night when I come Still, still that's the question, all others above And I answer; "My love, dear I've brought you my love!'' Now, he knows not of poverty; for his bright eyes Hold the wealth of tho world and the wealth of Ihe skies; He reeks not of stocks if they rise if (hey fall; Ho knows not that love is (he best of all!" With his arms 'round my neck in the dewy twilight, And a sparkle in eyes that the angels made bright, Still still Ihe samo question, all others above And I kiss him, and answer: "My love, dear my love!" And yet if Ihe gold (hat the wide world could hold Were mine, for the dour one my fond arms cufold I'd give it, aud dwell in a heaven of bliss My riches alone in a little one's kiss! Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent cure ol tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Cham berlain s bye and bkin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost Instantly and its continued, use effects a permanent euro. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, Itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. CaoVi Condition Powders for horses are the best tonic blood purifier and vermifuge. Price. 25 cents. Soldo; Fonslcliy W. M Cohen. Wuldon, J. N. Brown, Halifax. Dr. A. H. Harrison. Kn .1. Drumtlsts, Vou can throw a farther than a feather. ten pound stone llr. David's ludo-frrrated Harsaparllla la the llest lllood Medicine known. It will will cure the worst cases of Blood and Skin Diseases. It will cure Rheumatism, making the Blood pure and healthy, and causing the sinews and mus cles to perlorm their wurk easily and without pain. It cures Kraema, Old Sores, Pimples, Blotches and all skin diseases. . For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. Facts never blink under the sunlight of evidence. KIK OVKK KIKTV YKAKS Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fur over fill y years by millions uf mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, soliens Ihe gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor Hide sufferer immediately. Suld by druggists to every part of the world, ii ocnts bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and tike no oth er kind Hope is a staff in the morning, and couch at nieht. WHY COUGH Why cough and risk consumption, when the celebrated Dr. John W. Bull's Cough Hyrup will enre yon at onco fit never fails to cure throat and lung troubles,. For bronchitis, aors tlirtmt and hoarwneag it is Invaluable. COUCH SYRUP Will cure I Hacking Cough. Ikwa lire mntl ami f,leanitt to tntte, Ioctir lei-ointiieiHl it Tntr t i-u At til druKKi.U. No man ever 'uinl les over iu his r.-ar. n o j.ct I'.ios in the chest when a rso has a oold indicate a teu lenoy Inward pneu monia. A piece of fiitinel d-iuipened with Clramberlains's i'ain Balm and hound on to the chest over the seat of paio will promptly relievo ' the pain aod prevent the threatened allaek of pneumonia. This same I rest meat will euro lame hack in a few hours, Kor w'enr W M I'oh.'H Wel.l.11 J N Brown, HstllH,, nr. A-a. It.rrivin, minuiu, eiuaxi.i. The loot of all evil much digging. the of Chamherlaio'. Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Uemedy can always he depended upon sod is pleasant aod safe to take, Hllfx,ltr. A 8.Urrimo, Kuflrld.' DruKnUt! I.. 1 f u l-..t.ul. U'..l.1... t M 1lr.,al Christmas. IN COI.I.IEK S WEEKLY. 'Tis Iho lime uf year for chi'dte n's joy, And all in a scarlet row The sloekings hang in the ingle nook, And the dreaming faces glow, And (he children turn and laugh in sleep To-morrow will be so gay; For lliere nevei is mirth in (his queer old earth, Like the mirth of Christinas day. 'Tis the lime of year for tho sweet sur prise, For the blessing we did not see, Though straight from the Iufiuuc Love of God 'Twas coming to you aod mo. 'Tis the time for seeking once agaio The sin-on of the Bethlehem Star, Aod for kneeling fain, with the age-long train, Where the Babe and Mary are. 'Tis the time of year for tho loving cup. When the holly berries shine, And with shout and song of man and maid The cedar and fir we twine. Ah! pass the cup from (he frrzeo Noith To the South where the robin sings, For a pulse of cheer to (lie waning year The Merry Christmas brings. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Sigu-ture of If you wish to ri'fuMt Ao iuiprttir.jite luver, It U WHtT to Wait Until Chris. mas in over. Mothers, when your ehiWIivM areitt tadiod by tiio dreadful croup, you need not deai-air; Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup will relieve mitt cure them nt once. Yon can nlwaysdepeud on this marvelous remedy ; it always cures. Br.Biill's COUCH SYRUP Will cure Croup without fail. Dom-s rue -Mnallamt pl.-nsa. t to tnke. Poetc-i rtcuiumt.d it. 1'iia- 35 eti At a drutiisU J. II. BAILEY, Wholesale and lictuil Dialer In sTINWAREs CHOCK Eli V, Wood and Willowware, Brooms, Paper Bags, Wrappiuit Taper, Twine, Flusks, Coiks, lieniijolins, and House Fur nishing Uooila. No. 1-H N. Sycamore St ,near Lombard at rKn:i;sni'ii(i, ocx to nni VA- Ann. uiO. Great Bargains Offered I will nell till Oct. Ut W hats ft Ac drewtHtwdiiiFV i -"C dicas KiiotUao ;'JOe. drewgiHNlS Hke ;! ,() Itwhei bdttl (UK ; Mk ladies haW ii.V.i.'Vo MHiks :ic r.V. baud kvreliielu 3e i vkwr '2c quire; 21 KnveloiK 4c pHper pius'Je; 5c white nivrow laced '.'c Heavy ohirto lkt I) rawer iHc iHic panU titki. oeralU 4'w ; f 1.25 lace curtains HHe Ho vent Sc VHk. Kihlwn Hte , 10c Ribbon trtc. $1.00 ladies hoes ?Oc. Many other tilings 'to close out at half price. H. C. SPIERS Weldon, N. C. Bept. 1st. 1K98. ct St Tho Kind Vou llavo Always) llnuglil, mid wlilrli lias Iicimi in II so lor over :( yciti'i, liu-i lioi tio I hi' Kl;:ii:ttiii'o of -Q"l liasi boon mad uml.'l' Ills ii r Lz jt J" s,,,m' Kiipi'i'vislon fIhoo it -t infam y. tmrVy, SUOSutf Allow no to deceive vou in tills. All CounterfellM, Iinltalloim and Stilitilal -i In! t'. lu rilllcnin tliat trillo villi and fiiilais,"'!'!' Jl!e l:.-,'tlli of Infant and C'liililfeu-KAperleneo nun in i S'. u-.: lent. Castoi'ia. is a substitute lor Castor Oil, IViTigorle, l;roi.s and Soothing Syrups. It is Ilarniless and i'lca-ant. It contains licit her Opium, Atorphinc nor oilier Mareotic Mibstanco. Its itffo is iis fritaruntoc. It destroys Worms mid allays Fevorisliness. It euros Diuniiwa and Wind Colic. It relievos 'feeUilns- Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tlie Food, ri filiates tbo Stomach and Itowcls, giving lieaitliy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panaeea-Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE C ASTORIA Bears tlio Signature of The Kind You to Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMfiNY, TT MURRAY BTRCIT. NEW YORK CITV. This Design of Engine is best adapted where you have but a limited space to set it. We can, however furnish you with a hori zontal - engine, plain or Auto matic should' you prefer. Write us if you even think you may need an Kngineor Boiler. THE F. R. MACHINE SHOPS. Hoaliuke Kapids, N. C F. II. Treacy, Superintendent. Mr Bar HEADQUARTERS For all PUBLIC SCHOOL BOOKS, olina State contract prices. ?$Best Discounts KSuAjient fur School I'esks. T IT A1f.: J ft j, v. mm 60 BOOKSKLLKKS. LEATHER. les, ii Oils, it Calf Skins Shoe Findings, Etc., Etc. Hido Warehouse, 1522 Cary Sireet. Store and Office, 17 lillh Sireet, Richmond, Va. .Highest Ca-h Prices Paid for Hides, &o. mar 31 ly Don't Have Your Monkeyed With bar Bui take it lo StfTtSoaSla's l.litieloll, .s, I can test your eyes and 6t glasses at only charge will be for glasses. Full line hand. JOHtl 0. ESTABLISHED 1 865 Woodside's wharf, Norfolk, Va. T iT"M"Tn. Car load lols or single barrels. Shell lime for land. Most es sential fertiliz-t for the fanners' pocket aod improvement of his land. PLASTEE.-Land Plaster in bags or bulk. H)R,AIjNr TILE AH sites, cai load ot leas. Farms well drained wi'l give good yields and often pay its cost in one year. SEWER IPIiFIC. All siioa for roads, culverls, wells, etc. TAR"' ,,r' for netl' Cy. TP,"NT Hi TTT1 All kinds; ALWAYS 7vy !V V Books sold at Virginia and North Car- to Merchants.--: P.. 100 Mail Street uu. TIT i II TT ionoiK,va Opposite I'o-i. Hi. jy 7 ly : Steam Tannery, 15211 Cary Street Watch Jawalay 3toM L., lor repairs. reasonable prices, Kiaminalion free. The watches, clooks and jewelry always in S It QM.1HQE, ill m fil loaf J i I. 1 irir1 tiuiDer - rine tar in pork, oil and pine barrels. car load or smaller quantities, LANT LIFE, to be vig orous and healthy, must have Potash Phosphoric Acid and Nitrogen. These essential elements are to plants, what bread, meat and water are to man. Crops flourish on soils well supplied with Potash. Our pamphlets tell how to buy and apply fertilizers, und are free to all. GHRnAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. . Monuments. 1 1 Gravestones. Our illustrate,, oatnlomie. No. Ifl which we mail tree, contains a va riety of marlile and granite memo Hals, and will help vim in making in proper neieetiou. Write tor lt.t W u will HatiMly you as to prices. L Wt(.lT STOCK In the Mouth! THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, (Established Tilly Years.) 159 to 1(: Bank St.. Norfolk Va nov 2 ly w. w. kay7 Dealer In Lips, Wines, CROCERIES AND CICARS. Why not call on W. W. Kay, as ho is open both nifsht and day. Keep the fol lowing brands of well known whiskies: 'Old Oscar lYppcr," .Gump's G. V. K. Hyo. Stamp Straight," "Gordon Baltimore Bye" and other brands. I sell Garrett & Co.'s pure Chocko- yotte wioes. I keep the best of every thing in my line. asx.l'oliie attention to all at Kay's, west side K K. Shed. my 2 ly. J. L. JUDKINS; WholcKile ami Ketail Dealer hi Finp ' Staple and Fancy "FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES.' CrtM-ltfry, (ihuts Tin, and wooden and wil low ware. Also i'ratt's Horse, Cow, lE(tiriltii) Pnnllrv Vn.ul unrl llrnro'i Tastelesn Chill Tonic. Alexander'! iver nu iviuuey ionic ior purnying the hlood- This tonic ia warranted or uioucr ret'nudetl. J. L. JUDKINS, No. iH Washington Ave., Weldon, N. C nee 1 1 it- -OF- -FALL AND WINTER- MILLINERY. p Groceries Grand Display FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Bntteriek's Patterns. 11. & G. CORSETS, Hisses at 50c., Ladies 75c. to $1. pVA-Vrireawill be made to suit the timea. Mats and bonnets made and trimmed to I order- MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon. N (1 W. T. PARKER -UKai.er IN Heavy AND Fancy Qneensware, Cntlery, Plows, Tlow logs, Hoes, Forks. Groceries RECEIVER AND SHIPPER OF Corn,Hay & Oate attlf Cast. II