I I foHIIfl" W. SLEDGE, rnoi'HiKrou. A. ITEWSP-FEE IF1 O 1R, THE PEOPLE WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2(5. 185)9. TERMS:-"'5'1 PKI1 annum in advance. roL. xxxiii. NO. 39. HARMED AT THE FIRST llGHT AND SOUND! nnil hear the delightful instiiiments h:il exf niptify the latent phase of Piano r,f ctt!I i lift ion An inniinalinnol'l!ie H.ff Piano ii ml its eoninunson with others Ii,b,ii convince )'imf the superiority -hi, jn.liiiiiienl. t'at.ilogue lor theitsk SKKlNIi HANI) INSrUUMKSTii k Tiiiiiiiii Promptly attended In. r I'll S M MTII-'.I-'P II S. .il.iTt y nt., Baltimore, Mil. 'a.lniigion. 'i-l Eleventh st., N. W. lit -ji ly. J. I Wholesale ami Ut-tiiil Dealer in kriNWAREs .CROCKERY, Wood and KTillowware, Brooms, 'aper Bags, Wrapping Paper, Twine, Flasks, links, Demijohns, and House Fur nishin Goods. 111 N. Sycamine .St , near I,oniharil st. 1'ETEIMhTKG, ' I in i : 1 1 VA. i( elected and rivate Stock ye WJiiskey, f tlje Purest distillation, nd is Recommended p all who use r Require a Itimulant of ieliable quality. I.U KNI'OllT MOUKIS & CO., Solo agents for tho Distiller, Richmond, Va. II. W. D. SMITH, at WelJ..D, X. C is t lie sole distributing agent at that Kiiut fur the above old anil Celebrated Whiskey. DAVENl'OKT MOtllllii k CO. tn.r i 6m. JtEEP YOUR BICYCLE WHEELS TRUE. Thli Mill Wrench, which fin all aim snoket. Mm with to littl. book givinic full )' .miction, how to put in oew .poke, and ai-rp your own wlifelUur, cn ti-ccir-l n' 25 Cn. B. E. TAtiOART, i arrhr.l (or. 101 1 WW Av..BulUk,r. '. o( VVrcocb. ti lo. diameter. Nickte pLlfd,. Mi.IIC1.ill tltUl'Ma-f. 1 HE BEST WATCH HAIN ON EARTH fur Made wli lie you wait at the wire Jewc'ry Maud, 354 MAIN ST., NORFOLK. VI. nr.'luil orders receive prompt attention. All goodi warrautcd. 1 W. DENNIS, Norfolk, Va. "g I ly, a SPECIALIST and AUTHORITY on all n v (BwiwiWitiiili,lni Hlfthiikra .n,urinM .lit. ptnon f'UL IH.K, would be wis to oall on or ran bj mail. Consultation fret and 'UcWBa cnmmiilnilft in aiitl t.iuh martin. t-ase. When writing to me please en r- auillip ior reply. I'ltUK. JAS. ItAKVEV, 4 Church 8t (New No.) J H ly. . Norfolk, V. a. aeLLiN. if 0 L L I il WALTBB B. DiMIBL DANIEL. ATTORNETSATLAW, Wai.noit, N. C. etlCnth'.ftnrAr ItaMIWanWtk, f iridliriheariiiiHsBieanfirwIerml eoarla. Uol Jm m, Miuu, , U.,BB 7 MOt usee J known a Hie MM I Jacob ironic Diseases A Al WOK A ON TIIF. YlkllN. THE PLAY (IK NOKTI1KKM LIMITS ON SNIIW BANKS ANII FltoEN ItlVKItS. During the w inter months the aurora on llic Vukun is iery brilliant and in tensely beautiful. Ii commences early in the fall and lasts, wilh more urn less bril.i woy, throughout the long nrolic winter. It gcneially enuiiuenceK upon the setting of (he Mlni altliotiIi in mid inter it has sometimes been mi bright (hut it was visible at noon, while the sun was shining brightly The luyH nl the light first shoot fott la with a iiiiek, quivering motion and aro then, inhered and form a great arch of fire, spanning the hcavcus. It glows for nn instant like aj;ir lie of burnished gold; then, un folding threat curtains of light dro forth. These royal mimics of bright orange, green, pink, rose, yellow and crimson are suspended and waved between heav en ii nd earth us with uo iuvisib'e hand. The rapid gyrations mid smuillnii ins of light and bleuding dl ts are intensely and superbly bewildering. The whole phenomena of waving wreaths, flickering Amies, rays, curtains, IViugcs, bands and 11 ishing colors, the strange confusion of light and motion. D iw high io the heavens, then dropping Ifkc curtuins of gold and silver lace, sparkling with a wealth of rubies, sap phires, emeralds and diamonds, penetrat ion, dark gulches and darling through so liber green Ion-sis, limiting the whole landscape us with a thousand electric lamps, from a pioturj of which words can convey but a very p or idea. This unwarniei; light, as il Ii islles ulong the froz-in rivers, the great backs of anew and reveals llie huge mountains of glist eniii' ie ami black lines of fir, inde'd is of ibe purest arclic cast and e.o-es one to button bis ooat closer over his chest, an J, with a shiver, he is glad to seek a light of lest brilliancy, but one of life giving warmth. At the breaking up of the wiuter the hours uf sunshine are rapidly increasing and conlinue no uulil midsummer, when the run beams forth 22 hours out of 2i, while on the high mountain piaks il is for a period of several days in June ot entirely out of sight during the 21 hour". During the niomhs uf July and August the weather bcuomos very warm and even hot, and miners are glad to seek a shady retreat in which to do their bor. After ibis period the houis ol sunshine gradually decrease until, during the shiniest days, (lie sun shines but lour hours out of llie 21. Hut ut this period the aurora is very intense uuj helps very materially iu driving darkness from that dreary I. nd. The thermome ter goes down lo TO degrees below zero iu winter, but (he atmosphere is very dry, and consequently the cold is not so perceptible as one would imigine. Alas kan News, HOW Tq TICK AT A MOTHKIl. You young scouudrel," said the father, seiz'ng hit disobedient son by the hair, "I'll show you how you ought lo (real your luolhcr," And he gave mm several bangs on I be cars, and then shook him (ill In. hair began to fall oul Chicago Journal. KOL'MKl IT SAFELY, Mrs. (joilluibs 1 liraid joii iidl Ml. Inn. olllil hol . Ill Khnl lo Collie aooiiid ai luneh down lown I" in tr w ami )oii have a ho(-.euith. W but in a soot 'h, deal ? Ml (iniliitin Conkid naliiiia1 dear. ( hieago I rib me The wolf of starvation howls at the limits of thou sands uf men who are well Iu do ami sur r u it n t! i-tl by pliiKV 111 lir.iHIi, in the majority of i . ' cist s. is starva- .J linn. iutc ami !S-imi.e. M I nt r a ii I h a t boil v. brain nirvr. hone anil sinew are iniiniiiH'ilv or In-ufflcirnllT ninirUhill liliptuu.'t, iusuf i,,iif(nltnteiit In starvation. When a man's head aches it Is because thr tissues of (he brain do nut receive ufflcienl nourishment num the blood, or re ininnrr anil milt, illliv nourishment Whin a man K t nervous and Irt-pl-ss, il .i., ii,.- hi. .! is not nroiH'ilv nnttr- i.io the nerves. Whin his skin breaks .... ii. t.i..i,-hi and iiiitiolis and emo tions, it mean. Ih.t the skin ia bein- fcd : .1.. ln,,,i,.f the blood. Almost ierr known disease ia primal ily Ji to i ...,,,.hmcMl I hrutiirti inc oioou, which is (he lite stream. Dr. I'iercf'a .i.ln Mniical Ii scovtlT 'he grrateal of .'1 blood makers and pnritieis It aivra (die in the appall-, collects all ' l"tderj of the dit stiiin, make, the assimilation of the lifr .Wing lcui-iit uf the mod per fect invigorate' the liver, promote! cere lion and excretion, and vitalises tlw whole body. It makes 6rm. muscular flesh, but j .'' . -... Mimuleiil rjeoDle more cor oulent. It cure. oH per cent, of all cases if lingering couiths, bronchial, throt.. nd kindred affectio.is. which, 1 "tleO'Cl, tad up to consumption. It 1- the be. ot 5f nere tonic, and restoratives. Kept by all medicine dealers. ... . . .a... wilt. IhiL w. tsken 111 in 1-enniarT. -"""r;" ache siid inn a la "'f " . ' Km llVs-"h J itlrrrt T.i-oms. V..sh Itaq . 1' I - .... w thrr tltlirl. A.lilia, "I He din in . o.o. . ,,,,, wonl. . , n'iicTmah Tth. M not .lev, only m..k lie iml .nd well. -d "'X No remedy relieve, constipation i o ouickly and enectively a. l- Fiere. tCuaal PcJleta, The, .r g ripa. mm Pretty Lizzie Ray. THE MOUNTAIN SCHOOLMASTER IT WAS MTCII EASIER FOB. MM TO I.EAItN THAN TO TEACH. Washington Star. Hiding down the right bmk of the Cumberland Itiver one afternoon of a brig'it November day I noticed a log school bouse about a hundred yards Irom the road. Il appeared lo bo "recess" tiui , for a lot of children were playing around the open, and on a fence at oue side af 1 1 1 1' building sat what I fairied was the rehoilinaMer. Having had a brief el perieiiee leaehing the young idea how In shoot, I thought it would be lather pleasant to talk for a passing moment with the teacher, and so I turn ed my hoise iu his direction and rode up to him. I saw as I approached that while be was of the very mountains, be was nf the better class, and when I greet ed 1 1 i in he in 't me pleasantly and asked me to alight. However, I sat ou my h ir-c, as he sat on the fence, and chat ted with hi in ou the outlook of education and the public school system in the mountains, and his verdancy, ciudor and uneducilel simplicity weie delightfully refreshing. ' I presume you have n it had exper ience e eliere as a teacher, have you?" I inquired, wilh an idea of getting some personal dita. "Oil no," he replied. "This is my start, and I ain't been long at this." "Pi you like it? Much depends you know mi a teacher's ultimate success whether he works for love or money." "The money is necessary, I reckon, but I'd most as soon teach school as cat." 'Which would you rather teach, boys or girls?" "lioys for something, and girls for oth ers." " Wbieb d i you find easier lo teach?" His face became a sludy, which, when a pretty mountain girl of sixteen came oul of the schoolhousc and asked him a qucstiou iu arithmetic, became a study in blush color. "Not girls, mister," he said, slipping down oil' the fence and drawing so ncai to me thai he rested his h;ini( on my h o-se's withers, and there was a strange iuteusily in his tone. "I've been tryiu' evir aiucc lliat one looked into uiy face the first day aud told me (bat her tarn.' was Lizzie Uiy to teach her that she ought Iu think as much of me as I do ol her: but I aim been able lo git her past ber A, II, 0 s, aud I reckon 1 ain't a ever g iiu' lo. It was easy enough for me to learn, and why can't sho do it?" The question was (oo hard for uie, and as I looked inlo the tense and straiucd face of the young school-master I thought if be cmld only learn how not lo learn sonio things so easily, bow much more easily he would piss his days untill (he evtming of life brought its quiet lo him. ION'T. Dou't try to climb over a barbel wire fence on ciutcbcf, Don'l think an iudulgeul husbaud al ways goes home full. Don't linger at I lie bottom uf the lad der. Kill ci go up or down. Pou t insure your llic and Iheu pro- cad lo work yourself to death. Pout t'ljict a Co it ol paiut to cover a man's age successlully. Pou t thiuk a Woman always acUcvcs gieatness wlieu she gels a husbaud. Pou't think a man dwells next lo tb r nd' mi rely lor the sake of the view. P iu 't expect a girl lo furnish proofs of her sialement lo the tlicot that sli ojo'l sing. Don't lock the liable door alter lie horse is stolen. I'ossibly the thief may repent and biing il back. Don't imagine that long bail will give the strength of S impson, unless bk Sampson, you have a head lor it to grow on. A KOKiUMi IN MAXXi:..:-; "His manner is worth 1 100 Hull hitu." That is what one of the ehiel men of the N tiion lately said aboit boy. "It would not be worth so much ti one who meant lo be a farmer, or wh bad oo opportunities; but la a youo college student wilh ambition, it is worth at least a hundred thousand." The boy was a distant relative of the man, and had been brought up by cart ful parents in a far off ciiy. Among other things he was taught lo be friendly and to thiuk of other persons before him self. Therefore he soon acquired a chcr ry, helpful and affable manner that won for him an entrance into the esteem and confidence of all who knew him. Hi: attractive address, and quiet consideration made friends for him on every hand. A score of small Courtesies every day uncon sciously called mention to hia value, That la why the abrow 1 man of the world ventured the foregoing opinion. Till! ISLAND IS AN IDEAL 1'I.ACF. FOR Till'; SI'DIMSMAN. ALL SHUTS OF (1AM E IN AUIINUANCB OVRltslX IIIINDIIBI) SPECIES OK FISH IN TUB WATERS. Cuba is u paradise for llic sportsman, wild game and fish of ull kinds being buodunt. Parties of gentleman on horsebick, with their pack of hounds, hunt the fleet-footed deer. It is a common thing or a small parly to kill eight or leo er in a day. The wild boar is plentiful, and some times, if cornered, dangerous, especially the old muster of the herd, called "un solitario," which will tear a dog lo pieces or make a green hunter climb a (rce, but a Cuban easily kills him with o machete. The island boar sometimes weighs 2(10 or HOD pounds, and has huge tusks, uftcu five or six inches in length The meat of the female is much relished by the natives. Wild dogs and cats, wild cattle, hurscs and jackasses abound. Hut the jutia, peculiar only to Cuba, which looks like a cross between a squir rel with a rat's tail and a rabit, and which lives in the trees and feeds on nuts aud eves, is the great delight of the Cu ban. I'owles are in great numbers. Wild euioca hens and turkeys are found iu flocks of from twenty-five to 100. The whistle of the qnail and the fl itter of the pheasant and perdiz are heard on all sides in the rural and mountain regions Ducks in abundance oouie over from Florida ia the winter and return with the spring. Wild pigeons, wiib their white tops and bodies of blue, larger somewhat than thu domestic bird, offer, in bunting, the greatest sport to geutlc tueu who will be restrained within reason u the early mornings the pigeons gencr lly go to feed on the mangle berries when ripe, and which grow by the sea or near some swampy place. A party ol three persons have been known to kill iOII of the pigeons within a few hours. Hubiches, tnjosasand guyuaros. u,ro found in the thick wood,.;. Mocking and blue birds, orioles, lur- pials, negritos, parruls and a thousand kiuds of songsters and birds of brilliant plumage flit from tree to tree. There are fill distinct species uf li-lt in the Cuban waters. Among (hose that delight the sportsman arc the ted upper, hsla, tuitnta, gallego, cubera, snr- la aud garfish. The sierra, which weighs from forty to sixty pounds, is extremely game, as is the ronco, so tiled because it snures wheu brought out of the water.' I'ur heavy sport, Cshiug for shaiks, which are "owl for nothing, or the gust, which weighs from 4011 to 000 pounds and is excellent eat ing, offers abundant exercise. Dolieious shrimps, crabs and lobsters, olams aud oysters abound. The lobsters have no claws and weigh from two to eight pounds. They are caught at uighl in shallow places along the sandy beach, a torch, harpoon and net being the necessary outfit. Some ul the rivers abound in alligators, but few hunt them. VJ.100PING Onoufllio most distressing nights Ig to (H'oni'liiltlnlmosti hokiiig with the dreadful whooping-cough, (iivo Hie child Dr. John W. l:u!!'nt'ongh Symp, relief will lie obtained nt once and the Biifferer will soon ho cured. Br.BtfU'c COUCH SYRUP Cures Whooping-Cough quickly. rosrs nrc .mult and plpnsnnt to tnkr. Poctora tccouuui nd IL Price 15 cla. At all druggiiU. She Mr Bloom does ife much attention n t pay his He No; tbo only lime I ever knew of his going out with her was once when (he gas exploded. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent cure rrt teller, salt rbeuin aud eczema, C'linni herlain'a fcve and bkin Unit men t is without an equal. It relieves the Itch ing and smarting almost Instantly and its continued use cnecta a peniiiineni cure. It also curea itch, barber's Itch, scald head, aore nipples. Itching- piles, chapped hands, chronic aore eyes and granuiaieq iiua, J)r, fady'l Condlllon Powders for horses ara the best tonic, blood purifier ajid vermifuge. Trice. 83 cents. Boldby Fur ule hy W. M Cohen, Woldon. J N. Brown Halllas, llr. A 8 ll.rrl.im. Kn rt. imigglaU. There aro three important things in man's lile when he is born, when I marries, and when he dies. And even then hii own impijtance is nvert-hadowei bv tho eurinsitv 10 know if he is a bo; or girl, what the bride wuro, and he left lo his wife. what CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A Considerate Mother. TAINT SAFE TO MARRY. REAI.I7.EII SHE WAS IN Nd POSITION TO HIVE .MATIII.MIINIAI, ADVICE. I had taken a very toothsome but not highly finished dinner at tin; mountain farmhouse, and when I started on my way at 1 o'clock in tho afternoon the uughlcr, who had looked after my wants at llic tabic, informed me that if I had no objections she Would "ride a piece" with me. As she was a good-looking, luddy mountain maid, unlike the majori ty of her kind, I gave an immediate and unanimous consent, and we were present ly jogging along toward the Cumberland river, which wo could sec lying like 11 silver thread across the green valley far low us. "I presume," I said, bowing with as much gallantry as tho citcumstances would permit, "that if uny of your bcaus hould sec us riding together my lile would scarcely be safe from their jealous ;ige." "Oh, I reckon 'tain't so bad's (hat, all to once, she laughed iu response. I'm sure they are not so indifferent as you would lead me to tnluk. 1'retly girls arc not so plenty in the mountains,' smiled, and sho blushed. "Well, I s'pose ef Jim wuz here," she hesitated, "mightn't be sich a picnic as il looks, for Jim's mighty bad about rue. That's why he ain't hero now." "Why?" I asked wilh considerably more interest and not nearly so much bow and palaver. ' lie shot a hole through the last feller rid with; and had to take to the woods till he gits well." This war: not altogether as pleasing us it might have been, but I couldn't run away fiom the lady, so I remained. Well," I said in alone of siroug dis- pproval, "do you iutendto marry a man like that?" 'Tain't safe 10 marry any other not er him, ner me neither, even ef 1 wanted to, which i don't. Jim's plenty suitahle er me." "Does your mother approve of your marrying I11111 f 1 asked, hoping some body might be found who would come to c rescue. "No," she responded easily, "maw ain't tulkin' one way ner t'other. She's been married four times, and has made such a Iralted muss uv it every time that she tys she ain't a fitlin' person to give ad vice ou the marry 111 question, nohow, even ef I wuZ'i't old enough to do my own pickin' an' cboosin," which seemed lobe such an unanswerable argument that I retired from the field. Washing ton Star. KOHOVI.K I'll-I Y V I-: A II S Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions ul mothers for children, while teething, wilh perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor liltlc sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world. 2.1 cents 11 bottle, lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. Doctor For dinner take forty min utes. 1'alient What's the matter with some meat and vegetable? Ilnw tu Prevent Pneumonia. You are perhaps aware that pneuiuo nia always results from a cold or from an ull.u k ol la giippe. Duriog the tqidem ic nf Iu grippe 11 few years ago when many eas. s resulted in pneumonia, was ob-eived that the attack was never folb wed by that disease when Chamber Iain's Cough Hemedy Was used. counteracts any teudency of a cold or la grippe lo result in that dangerous disease It is llic best remedy in (lie world for hud colds and la grippe, For ule hy W. M Cohen Welili.n. J. N. Drown HallUa.lir. A s Himlmin, Kioleld. tlrtlKslst "No," sai l llie lawyer, "I canm take your ca-c unless you tell 1110 the whole mill " "What shall I tell firs'?" asked the client, peering through the bars. tl'l"( fl"W iiii-Ii tiMiiii'V volt I.RVe I a (.rlppe 4urreNMiilly Treated, 41 1 huvejiiii recovered lioiu lile second attack of la giippe this year," says Mr Jus. A Jones, publisher of I he Leader, Mens, lex In the latter ease use! Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy, am I think wilh considerable success, only being iu bed a lime over two days again ten tin is for the former attack The second attack I am sa'i-fi. d would have been equally as bad as the first but fur the use of this remedy as I had to go tu bed in about six hours niter being 'struck' with it, while in the first case was able to ailend lo litiincss about two days before getting 'down. " For a by W. M Cohen Weld.m J N Brown Halir.i, nr. A S. u,.rnon, tuOild, l)rumili "How long did you know your b'fore you married her?" wift "Not a minute. Don't know her yet Beantha Bigaatara of ira una inn guytiwift noujtit He Came Bad CLOSE CALL FOR CLARK. HOW HE KNEW II B WASN T HEAD. Thomas II. (irisliham, President of the Hoard of managers of 1 lie Dodge ily Soldiers' Home, told a Journal re porter last week a story about an old soldier named John Clark, who cmie uear being buried alive Ho bud been ill a long lime with typhoid fever, and 'M'd into a comiitotiC state and was pro nounced dead. Iflirlal robes were placed 1 ill him uud be was tenderly placed in casket to await interment, on the fol- ovting ilav. Uuiing the night I lurk lined his senses and rose up iu bis arrow prison, lie U.sct the cotliu ami is sent sprawling on the floor. In consternation one attendant rushed inlo the Mom and retreated, declaring be had seen a ghost. 1 lien other attendants une. Stimulants were quickly applied, the liiuhs and body of Clark rubbed with cohol. He soon opened his eyes Alter careful attention and nursing be iccovcrcil entirely, and today tells the lory of bis narrow escape from being tiiied alive. Mr. fjrishum bus talked with Clark about ibis strange experience. Tell me," said Orisbam to Clark one ay since the dead maii came to life, bow did you feel when you died and ow did you first, know that you were alive?" "When I appeared to myself," said Clark, "to be dying, the experience was very pleasant one I seemed lo be ntirely free (rotu trouble and to be pass- iuto a new realm When I begun to recover consciousness I found myself iu what seemed to be a coffin, but I at once uew that I was not dead because my t were cold and I was hungry." 'I don't understand what you mean,'' said Grisliaui. "I knew," replied Clark, "that if I were iu heaven I would not be hungry, d if I weru in hull my feel would not ie cold." Topeka Journal. HOW HE IMCOVKO IT. While driving along the street one y last wiuter, in my sleigh, a little boy ix or seven years old, a-ked mc the ml question, "I'lcase, may I ride?' auswired, "Yea, if you ure n good boy." He climbed into the sleigh, and when itskel again, "Arc you a good boy?'' he looked up pleasantly and said, ''Yes ir." "Can you prove it ?" "Yes, sir." "lly whom ?" "Why, my ma," ho said promptly. I thought to myself, here's a le.-soD for boys aud girls. Children, can you prove by mother that you are good ? Try to deserve the coulidenco of your parents and everyone else Kicbaoge. KKNTl'CKY 'I OWNS WITH CLKIOI'S N.VMKS. The names of towns and villages in Keutucky develop some queer facts. For instance, there is the long name, McGoldricksville, aud the extremely short name, Iuk. A few of the curious and unusual names of haloids aud country neighborhoods 1 happen to recollect just now are: Tywhoppily Ingierubber, I'osMim Trot, Frog l. vil Pug Walk, Bully Hoy, Slaughter House, Broken Bridge, Misery Mount, Maiden Blush, Tipsey Creek, Harlow Flats, Rab bit Hash, ltiddleiueroek, Ucdberryrock, Kansi ui Free, Buncombe Bog, I'belyou, I 00, lull, Democrat, Darling, Digitout, Fossil Fork, Hat'snest, Kighty-cigbi, Sunset, Salt Creek, Ingomar, Limber neck, ('hickory Crick, llickorvnut Holly Haunt, Tinkleyturn, Tad noli Hank, l.ovelyville, B.ilchlown, Che-lnilt (!rove, Wbangdoole, Whereaway, Crick m reciack, Cicmr'a Coast, Liberty, L ive Mud, Money, Hold Knelt Ie, Silver Dust (loosi biiue, Ibid loir;, Buiizird's Boost and Tipplctub. jouiville 1'usl. OI F ON tiii:. An aged rural citiien engaged the local town poel In write an obituary on his brother. After nuiiiemus fiii'ures the poet submitted the following: "He left this world of sorrow And entered heaven's gale, Willi a spotless rube of glory tin, At twenty minutes to eight." "Well," said the old man as the effort was read lo him, "Hit win r'aly fifteen minutes past nine when he got thur, 'cord in' tor my time piece, but, anyhow he wul such a liar hit don't make nn dilTrunce. L t her ki at twenty eight I" ltr.l'RKSlllNO. "Dickie, what did your mamma aay when she saw us coming along the walk ?" "She said, 'Well, well, what on earth baa your father picked up now ?' " At chison Globe. Tr? It. EAT BEFORE GOING TO BED IS CONTRARY TO OCR EARI.V TRAINING, 1IITT IS FI LL OF COMMON SENSE. Here is good advice to thin people who waul lo grow fat. It seems con trary tu all our early training, but is full of good common sense and comes from a prominent physician. His suggestions follow: "If you have thin and want to put flesh upon your boues, cat bel'oro going to bed fur the night. Physiology teueh cs us that there is a wasting away of tis sue tvliilu a person sleeps as well as when he is awake, and this being so there should be Continuous nourishment. Food taken ut dinner or iu llic early evening is always digested at the time of relire ing, and the activity of the process of as similation continues until long after we are asleep. "If the tissues aro not nourished they arc pulled down by the wasting process, and us a result sleeplessness ensues. Ou a full stomach, however, or with some food to sustain the system there is a building up of the tissue. "Man is the only creature 1 know of who docs not deem it proper to sleep on a full stomach. The infant, in this res pect, iustinctivcly cries to be fed at night, showing that food is necessary during that time as well as duriog the day, and that left too long without it causes a discomfort which it makes known hy crying. "There is no need for nst in the diges tive organs, provided the quantity ot food eaten is not above normal during the twenty-four hours. Too long inter vals between meals arc bad for the stomach, from the fact that tho cessation and resumption uf work of the digestive organs tend to enfeeble them. A moderate working of the organs through the twenty-four hours is much more beneficial. I would adviso those suffering from insomnia to take some thing to cat before going to sleep always. A glass of milk and bread, meat or any gestible food will do." WOULD YOU EXCHANGE PLACES ? Many years ago a frieud of ours was in great darkness of mind. Ho was passing through great trial, and the out- nok to hira seemed only greater dark ness. Around turn were men witn ineir families enjoying gicat prosperity, and, as compared with himself, bad nothing to distress them. Why was it so? God was dealing with him in hardness. When in the depths, as if the Spirit had spoken to him, he asked himself whether, after all, ho would be willing to xchange places with any one of those who seemed to be more favored than be. As if a door into a jewelled room, filled with sunlight, had been suddenly opened, he saw the great mercies of (od, nd he recoiled from the thought of such an exchange in life, The darkness was gone; the laiueutatious ceased, and songs f joy burst forth. S iou the trials were over .11 any years have passed, and in them nil he has seen how the mercies of God are high above all that is dark and infill in His providence, and praises the Lord with joy Selected. ini.ii:u:.vrir.iiiMi .machine. Scales are now being made on such a nice adjustment that lliey will wei; anything from the smallest hair, plucked frcm the eyebiow. They are triumphs of mechanism, and are enclosed in glass cases, as the slightest breath of air would impair their record', lhc glass cases have a sliding door, and as soon as the weight is placed in the balance the door lides down. Two pieces of paper equal weight can be placed io tho scales and an autograph written in pencil on er side will cause tho other side ascend and the needle which indicates the division nf weight, even lo (he tea millionth purl of a pound and less, will move in its perpendicular. A signature containing uine letters has been weighed and proved to be two milligram i or the l.y.iiMtih pari of a troy ounce. Sore Throat Pore throat uud constant rougliuiK in dicate an affection of the bronchial tallica which may develop into pleurisy orinfbinimiitionof the lungs. Do not wuit : but use Dr. John W. Bull's Cough Syrup nt once end bo enred, COUCH SYRUP Cures Hoarseness snd Sore Throat. nor tre rnnnll MtiA pie iwnl to take. TVwInrt fecommcndiL ITice ajcU. AtUdiugisU. ASSOUTMKNT. Mrs. Brown I was in tho new drug store to-lay. It's just lovely. Mrs Jones Yes? Mrs. Brown Yes, they have six dif ferent shades of pills I Detroit Journal. OASTOniA. OTTON is and will con tinue to be the money crop of the South. The planter who gets the most cot ton from a riven area at the east cost, is the one who makes the most money. Good culti vation, suitable rotation, and iberal use of fertilizers con taining at least 3 actual Potash will insure the largest yield. We will send Free, upon application, pamphlets that will interest every cotton planter in the South. GUR.TAN KALI WORKS, 03 Nassau St., New York. Monuments, it m Gravestones. Our iliuntruted eiitaloiiue, No. 10 which we mail free, contains a va riety of marble and granite nien1 riuK and will help you in making a proper selection. Write lor it I We will Batisly you as to prices. AK.!T SlOt K intlie South S THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, (Established Fifty Years.) 159 to Kill Iiank at., nnv 2 1v Norfolk Va W. W. KAY, -Dealer In- iprs, CROCERIES AND CICARS. Why not call on W. W. Kay, as he is open both night and day. Keep the fol lowing brands of well known whiskies: Old Oscar Pepper," liump's G. P. II. Rye. Stamp Straight," "Gordon Baltimore Rye" and other brands. I sell Garrett & Co.'s pure Chocko- yotte wines. I keep the best of every thing in my inc. i&.rolitc attention to all at Kay s, west side R. R, Shed. myUly. J. L. JUDKINS; Wholesale and Retail;! Dealer In Fine ' Staple and Fancy w-FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES.! Crockery, Glaaa Tin, and wooden and wil low ware. Also 1'ratt'a Horse, Cow, Mllir Alld Pnnltrtf Vcuul and (lrnvJm Sji; Tasteless Chill Tonic. Alexander's uiverauii jviuuey ionic ior puruying the hlood. This tonic is warranted or money refunded. J. L. JUDKINS, No. 21 Washington Ave., Weldon, N. C dec 11 ly- -OF -FALL AND WINTER- MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Bntterick's Patterns. It. & G. CORSETS, Miam at50c., Ladies 75c tol. SSl.l'riee. will he made to suit the tiraea. Hals and honneta made and trimmed to order. MRS. Pa A. LEWIS, WaMimi N A W. T. PARKER, Weldon, N. C. Heavy AIMDZZ Fancy C wines Groceries, Grand Display Groceries Queensware, Cutlery, Plows, Plow Cart ings, Hoes, Forks. RECEIVER AND SHIPPER OF Corn,Hay & Oats mm I 3 jaaiij; 'n

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