I II ft OHN" "W. SLEDGE, Piioi'itiKTou. 01, XXXIII. A. NEWSPAPEE FOB THE PEOPLE. WELDON. N. C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 1899. TIEIMIS:--1'50 IKR ANNUM IN ADVANCE. NO. 43. iHY the stieff piano ? jWatw"l'in purity, richness and vol if f iiiiw. aiiistic beamy of 6uili, a ,i durability inn enables usio guaran- ,.; fr l i!l" i iv ntury Largo stock ,1 hand j.iam always cm hand palace Organs. Standard Or-tuti". ,ll ,, ( j .iiu i r stock. Catalogues ihe asking. 'I'1"'1 Aeeoiuuindaling. CHARLES M. STIEFF, U S. l.ilMTty at., llaltiinnrc, Mil. I.isliiiicjon.o-Jl f-livfinn St., n. n. fJl iy. Wliolt'Hiile (Hid llt'tail Dealer in sTINWAREs C'liOCKEKY. wood and Ir illowware, Brooms, 'aper Bags, Wrapping Paper, Twine, Flasks, Corks, Demijohns, uml House Fur utshing (tOlllls. . m N. Sycamore St ,iu'.ir binihaiilst. rKrElWIIUlid oct in mii V.V. ) Selected and rivate Stock lye Whiskey, )f the Purest Distillation, id is lecommended ;o all who use )r Require a stimulant of Reliable quality. DAVENPORT MORRIS Si CO., Sole agents for the Distiller, Itictiuiood, Va. JlK. V. D. SMITH, at Wcldun, N. C is the solo distributing ageut at that point, for the above old ami Celebrated Whiskey. DAVENPORT MORRIS k CO. mar 31 lim. KEEP YOUR BICYCLE WHEELS TRUE. Thla Hula Wrench, wblrh iflaJiX nu .11 .iie .pokes. enl willi little book mn run in Mruction. how lo pal in new pokes and keep your own wheel Ulie, on receipl or y ... R. R. TAOIJAKI. lu. applied for. tail Weal Ave..Butlalo,N.V fue ot Wrench. iH in. diameter, Nickle plated. Heutlun thupiH;r. p"HE BEST WATCH JCHAIIM ON EARTH ForSl.OU. Made while you wait at the wire Jewe'ry stand, 354 MAIN ST., NORFOLK. VI. MT Mall orders receive prompt attention. All goods warranted. J, W CENNiS, N ifolk, Va. ly, PuiiaMFiy, ' a SPECIALIST anil AUTHOKITY on all CI Allwhna .r...i.. ;u. an. nnuui 'luuuL, would be wise to call on or "drew by mail. Connultttion free anil "eaicinee compounded to suit each partic "larcaaa. n,.,. niu. n awimp lor reply. rtttJK JAM. HAKVE1, Ui Church 8t (New No.) J 17 ly. Norfolk, Va, a H. MITLLKI. eiLflll 11N1IL ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Weldow, N. 0. tactic la ll..u.u..a.oe....JU.l... !2'nt,''be8upremendreleraJ eooru. Ool lltBBBliaM.i !.,. u n ki w J. II. Mil I Jaco ironic mm ' ' lamur AFTER DINNER STORY, Blf WW I5H1I in TIIK GRXKUAL'S STORY, HlOWING THAT GOOD HEEDS NEVER LOST, HIT, THAT AFTER MANY DAYS TIIKY KETl'RN AGAIN. iWRITTKN I'OH Til K A dinner table, at which weio XA.LMI gathered ii'iite a number of ladies . and gentlemen, was General , who is too well k i. j w n in public and clli ci.il life to need au im r.nl no' i Hi to the reader. Liking nothing better than a good af ter diuuer story and being in n specially happy fraino of mind on this occasion the General told the following, which is too good to bo lost. Afier addressing a clergyman, who was present and near hiiu at the lalile, and declaring himself to he a b.'liener in the clhcucy of prayer, especially if accompa nied with giod work-1, and the return ol bread cist up in the waters, he mid: "L't me tell you a little story, When iiiite a young man, having just begun In practice law, was living in the towu ol W This town has always been particularly noted lor it t cultivated pc- V and open hand d hospitality, but it Was remarkably hi at that lime. There fed there a very w irld'.y-uiin del, hul nd hearted man naiii'd (5 , who for so'uc cause moved out ol a House in order ttiat i M nho list circuit rider, by the line of Archer, miglr. tujve in. Mr C, being a m m of s him nnans and the preachers of that d iy being generally ior, when he left the house it was well ipplied with everything necessary for the preacher's comfort when ho should first reach his new home. l'aniry and larder, woodshed and slubles, all provided with sulfi icnt for present ueed, Mr. C even continuing to send m supplies tor riuilc aalnle after Mr. Archer had moved Having made the acrjiiiiintunco ol Mr. Archer and he being au appreeialivi man, as preachers generally ar', oih ay he came to m-i and said, 'Mr. as ( do tut know Mr. C, and you d i, I wish you to do uie the favor of thankim.' im for nie for all his kinduess to myself nd family, since we have been in W.; also, will you please ask him if there is nothing I can do for him in return?' This I readily agreed tu do. So seeing r. C, I delivered Mr. Archer's mcs- fi;e. Tell him uo,' said Mr. C. 'There is thing lu this world he can do for me. but in the next he cau do his level bust, as there is where I shall need hiiu.' About five yearn after this Mr. C.'r broiher became involve! iu a dil- ficully in which, unfortunately, ho killed man, he being the stressor aud haviug himself provoked ihu attack of his vie I tiui 1 lie p'oiiie ol tnec jiu uuniiy were very much inceused against hiiu. The whole section was stirred up over the matter, regarding it as an outrage and d 'ter.uiued that the murde er should suf f r fur his crime. Ho was ai rested aid brought to trial. I, with others, was engaged as counsel for the prisoner. We had made every eff irt lo h ive the trial p wtponed but bo fdr had tailed. Feeliuc. that it was absolutely nec-ssiry to gaiu time in order to accomplish anything for my client, I made au appeal to Judgi Dick, who was then 00 tho bench, 11 which I said, 'Your Honor, these peoph are olamoring fir this uin's blood. It it impossible to do him justice al this court Thu whole oomm itiily is thirsting for re venge. The prisoner hi ihe bar is hardl; sale outside of your II oner - pies, nei Fiom the r!ay that a voimir niah atartt out to seek his first .oit "n lo Ihe end of his business life, t"S heallh lias a world to dowiih bin success W ho' a young man applies to a business man for a position. hi personal apiaraiice has a deal lo do with the outcome. " PersonaUppeaiance dot! not mean dress alone. It d,w not mean eiterior cleanliness alone. A toung man may be clean. o far a sur.p and water w 11 m .L him but be disfigured by unsightly pimples, eruption, and ulcerations on the skin These are due to impunlics in the bloid The blood becomes impure because it is imptoperly nourished. Instead of receiving the life giving elements of the food it receives Ihe foul emanations ol indigestion, bilolisntss and costiveness. The reason that llr Pierce', (.olden Medical Discovery ia Ihe best remedy for disorder, of thi. description is that it goes right to first cause.. It gives a man an appetite " like a horse " It facilitate, the flow of digestive juices. It correct, all di.orders of the digestion, and make, the .imilt-on of the life -giving elemrnU of the food perfect. It invigorate, the liver It purine, and enriche. the blood. It make, the muscle, strong and active. It tone, and ateadie. Ihe nerve.. It make. I yng man look a. he ,hould-.trong of body, alert of brain and clean and whole iome of akin. Medicine dealers sell It, and have nothing "ju.t a good. 1 had ecaeraa In ita worst form " wH'ea Auatln Karniey. B, . of Sall.llo. Hanlhuclon e?ti I tried three doctor, but r n re. I thought would art me wild 11 ilehM and bornedi badly The Belghbor. thcigbl 1 Zw .Trer b. cured I look yojr ;ouU Medical Uwcovery ' ud am ow weu H TJwi 5i mm 11 1 11 in A It K KOAKOKE NKWS.i If I cm hriu.; you an iifh l.nit uf ten J5'iud men I hat this H si will you ojve us a hearing?' Jud-e.Jtiek replied, 'Well, Mr. , you arc hard to .iti.,fy, hut you are granted this much,' and immediately ad journed court for diuuer. Hastening to the court crier I had him to make an outcry to the people, who soon gathered around lo the number of two or three hundred. Mouutino a goodib is, uu the court house j;reeu, I bean to aiue with them that the statement I had made to the Judge w is correct and called yn them as good and irue men, to icknowlcdoe the justice of my claims. 1'lcadiug with them, to,), to come to my assistance that tho law might be prop erly administered and justice douo to all concjrtied. Kuowing that my col leagues had hardly hope for less than a haugmati's noose for our dent and full ol the enthusiasm any irue lawyer will leel in a case which he has undertaken, I threw my whole soul itilo this appeal. Willi tuy eyes fixed up 111 cerlaiu lucu iu the crowd, whom I wished particulaily to impress. I bad uot seen the person of the preacher as he made his way to my sido. Almost before I had stopped speaking, iu a loud, clear Vice, he said: 'Gentle men, you all know that this is the truth that Mr. has been saying. Broth er II you know it is so, and you, and you,' pointing his linger directly at a steward in his church and two or three of his prominent members. 'Now I call ou you us holiest men to couio forward and m ike alii lavit with me that these tliiugs are mi.' Immediately (he crowd gilhorcd around us and in u lew minutes had thesiguitures of more than liliy of the tu isl influential men in the commuuity, Iu cuuc(ience uf this, as soon as court re-a-seiubled, Judge Dick gave us a hearing, which resulted iu moving the trial tu Orange county aud a gain uf sev eral mouths before it should come off. This, you see, proved lo my mind that our good deeds are often rewarded in this world, tor through this preacher, whom ho had befriended, Mr. C's brother escaped with his life, for at the trial a compromise w is effected by which he got clear 00 condition that he would j iiu tho regular army." Continuing on this line, the General 'I)urig the civil war at ooe time I was with the N C. Hegimeut in Gen oral 'a Brigade in Virginia. One day, after a forced march on tho Mechanics ville turnpike, just at iiight, wo cirao to several barns and other out houses belong ing to some plantation Taking posses sion of one of these lor myself and the other olfieers the men were directed to make themselves as comfortable as possi ble in the others. It being my custom to always say my prayers before retiring and not supposing any one was ooliciug my actions, as usual ( knelt down to pray, before going tu sleep. There happened to be a little whipper- snapper uf a courier present, who, in serting my di votioos, rushed out to where the men were gal hered aruund the cHiiipfiie and said: 'By boys ,ve are goiug to catch it to-morrow, you had iu-t as well Bet ready.' 'Ilowdu you know?1 he was asked. 'Ilowdu I know I why ihe oil Colone is in yonder now saving his praters,' lit replied." KISS KS. Ho was given a ki-s By the bakei) maid, Ah 1 the coy linle miss I He was niven a kiss, Though he'd asked tier lor this, lie was fooled, I' ii atraid; He was given a kiss By the bakerv in "lo. NO FAITH IX ANYTHING. "Aunt Joscphiue is a thorough skep tic." "She is?" "Yes; she puia mucilage oo the back ol every postage slump she uses NOT ANXIOUS. How often do you want to be told Dot to do that, Bobbie? asked his mother. No times, mamma, r 'plied the boy solemnly. UAISED THAT WAY. "He seems bred to be a loafer." "Then he should not be kneaded." "Still, there's one good thing about hior - he has the tin." AM Hot Time. CAI'T. DAY MARIS AN IMPASSION!!!) SI'ITUI. I.IVIII WITH EXCITEMENT UK t'HIEll, Villi Won I) Hllll'E I'lMIN MB TIIK ODIUM OF STAItVINU CUNVK'TS. When the Judiciary Committee under consideration tho House bill, had cut- ting ufTall supplies for the penitentiary, unless ordered by the new executive board, in Haleigh last week, Captain Day appeared before tho committee and made an impassioned speech. Messrs. R. 0. liurton and C. M. Hus- bec, as attorneys for the new executive committee, were present. hen the bill was called up, Captain W, II. Day, Gentlemen, I am aware that when a man lights his friends, he loses even if he wins. Iu conference with Governor ltussell, who is an old schoolmate, about tho ap pointment ol an Adjutant-General,! found him inclined to take my advice, and Ihe appointment he made was approved by all men. Later, when he was in a great I of trouble about the condition of the penitentiary, he did me the honor to ud (or me and consult with me about who he should appoint. Ho named over dozen leading and strong Democrats whom he said he would appdnt, hut he knew not one of them would uccept the Ifer. I suggested several names; and, not dreaming ol myself for any such po siiion, he suddenly said that I was the man, and he urged me to take the place. I said to him, "You are tho only man in North Carolina who would ever have thought of 010 for such a place." Ho said "Y'iis"; be expected that would be repeated by others Not until a cerlaiu gaug, which is well known, began their assaults on me, did I have auy purpose to hold the place, except in trust lor the best arrangement that could be made for the State aud for the Democratic party. My haractcr, my politics, the integrity ol my motives, have been ussailed by this crew. I was fighting the batllcs uf Democracy wheu some of this gang were praying Uou to speed tnc day when negro women could sit down to the table wit Ii white women to take a social meal to- ether. I refused lo vote for a Populist when some of them were cheek-by -jowl with thoin, and came so near amalgamat ing with them that every man iu the Democratic party who was not willing to enter Into a solemu aud base alliauce with them uo longer than last spring, was de nounced as a goldimg traitor. When this infernal assault began on me by such men, I took the aland, us you or any oilier self-respecting man would have doue. By it thousauds of dollais have been lost to the State by their procuring the defeat of any provision by the General Assembly to pay not only current debts. but actual expenses aud debts due fur past services of tho employees of the Slate's prison. They stopped my dis- lurge of Republican, Populist and negro guards bv refusing uiouey to pay them off so that I ould discharge them there by compelling me to hold on to worthless and incompetent help aud making it impossible to save the corn and cotton from rotting iu the fields. A persoual frieud of mine paid S'JIIO out of his own pocket to the uegroguards so that I could barge them. This was before the Legislature met, aud they have refused to pay one cent of it back. Not an in competent employee would have been in the service today if they had not held im up. Kvery place would have been died with a competent and responsible Demo crat. Now was ever such adisgracef'ul 0 Urageous bill as tho uno under con sideration passed? It never even h; the consideration of a commit! vo. Il was puslud through under whip and spur, without thought or consideration means simply that the Governor must either pardon every convict out uf tin p 'iiitciiliiry, or that I must let them starve. It is mien I d to thr iW the odium of suoli a course Uji'io mo or him, al tlu suue lime miking either of us guilty ol a high criini lo b iy or give ord m I'm fo id, guards or su-len inc ". The law ol H!I5 and 18H7 in regirl lo the govern ment of the peniteuiiary was the result of tho practical, excellent work of Paul Faisou, and they substitute it with a miserable makeshift tint makes it impos sible of economical management. All this to punish, bruwbeat, huiniliatn and disgrace mo. Even tho fusion Legisla ture proceeded in an orderly manner and under the forms of law to reorganise ibis institution for partisan purposes. What is the place to me? What are a lew dirty dollars to me? I am not a pauper I am rich in the traditions and the blood of 1 0 years of Anglo-Saxon ancestors, I am a man and a geutleman. Glorious old Halifax was my birthplace, and I aprur ' from tne loins of as good a breed of men as God ever undo. And wh ure they who have led and instigated these yolps at me, and sought to bring dishnoor oo me and all my tribe by this abomina ble and damnable prosecution, brought to t focus in tbis bill now before you? Who ure they? W hat are they? Whom did they conic from? God knows I have more respect for you, gentlemen of the committee, than to use proper terms to deseiihe ihetn. I am mad. I can't help it. Captain Day proceeded in this vein lor sonic lime, aud concluded by saying that ho wanted to upologizo for any woids he might have used in heat that showed any want of defcrenco to the committee, and closed with these words: "Hather than have tho disgrace of such a law upon my State, I will write 'W. II. Day' on a blank sheet of paper and Senators Justice, James, Skinner, Orborn, and all of this committee, can write what you please on it, and I will abide by it, suviog and reserving to my self any legal rights I may have to bo asserted in the future." Captain Day offered at first to resign March first and turn over the Pcnn. lo the new board reserving his right to bring suit for the office. The committee voted unanimously to report the bill unfavora bly. Several uf the Senators stated they had oo idea of taking favorable action on It. Take It All STOP AND REFLECT. "HOW MUCH OWEST THOU MY LOltl) A merchant, who was a God-fearing man, was very sucecsstulin business, hut his soul did not seem to prosper accord ingly; his offerings to tho Lord ho did uot feel disposed to increase. One evening he bad a remarkable dream : A visitor entered the a, ait moot, and, quietly lookiug rouud at the many elegancies and luxuries by which he was surrounded, without any com ment presented him with the receipts foi his subscription to various societies and urged their claim upon his enlarged sym pathy. The merchant replied with various txcuses, aud at last grew impa tient at thu continued appeals. The slratigcr ruse, and, fixing his eyes un his companion, said, in u voice lli.it thrilled to his soul, ' One year ago to-night you thought your daughter lay dyiug; )uu could not rest fur agony. Upon whom did you call that night ? ' Tho merchant started and looked up; th ire seemed a cbaugc to have passed over tho whole form of his visitor, whose eyes was fix, d upou hiiu with a calm, penetrating look, as he ooutiiiued : "Five years ago, win u you lay at the brink of the grave, and thought that if you died then, you would leave a family unprovided for do yuu remember bow you prayed then? Who saved you then ?" Pausiug a moment, ho wont un in a lower aud still mure im pressive tone, "Do you remember fifteen years since, that time when you felt yuur sclf'so lost, so helpless; when you spent day aud uight iu prayer; wheu ytu thought you would givo the world for one hour s assurance that your sins were forgiven who listened to you then?" "It was my God and Saviour," said ihe merchant, with a sudden burst of remorse ful feeling. "Oh, yes, it was Ho I ' "And has lie evel complained of beiog callid on too ul'ieu?" iuiiuired thu tlrauger, iu a voice ol reproachful sweetness. "Say --are yuu willing to begin this night and ask uo mure, if He from this time will ask no mure of you?'' "Ob, never, never !" said the merchant, throwing himself at his feet. The figure vanished and he awoke; his whole soul stirred within him. ' 0 God and Saviour, what have I been doing? Take all take eveiy thing! What is all that I have to what Thou hast done for me ?" I'llHOVLU US-I I ll'-AHM, Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup hai been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers lor children, while teething, with perlect success. It soothes the child softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. Ii will relieve the poor little sullerer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ot the world. Ii.) cents boiili' He sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soot him: Syrup," and take ncf oth er kind. thi:y ski.dom io. ' Isn't it awfully difficult," asked the L'ushinL' maiden, "lo find new ideas fur your plays?'' ' I don't know," replied the successful playwright ; "I have never tried il." I'llK I. A (iKIPPK. Thomas Whitfield & Co., 240 Wab.sh avenue, corner Jackson street, one Chicigis oldest and most prominent druggists, recommend Chamberlain j Cough R 'ui dy for la grippe, as it not only gives a prompt a complete relief, but also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia. Fur sale by W. M. Cohen Weldon, J. N.Brown, Hallfu.Dr. A. S. Harrison, Kllfleld, Druggists. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Whither Drifting? ari; vp. in Tin; closing days of THE lil.NTILI! Alii ? KVANHKMST W. P. FIFE CONVINCKI) THAT TIIK UAPTIKK OF THE ClILltf'II ISI.IKEI.V TO TAKE PLACE AT ANY MOMENT. I notice iu your editorial of Jan 17th, Growing Scepticism as to Immortality" you use these words: ""or some time ast the New York Sun has held that icre is at this tiui a remarkable de arlurc from the old landmark in religion. This is being evidenced not only by scepti cism and infidelity of the world at large, but also by a dccliuo of faith in the most orthodox branches of the Church itself. Iu this discussion of immortality the pa pers find added evidence of its oft repeat ed couvietion." The Observer well says the Sun argues convincingly, and its conclusion is a mutter for serious consideration. I agree with you fully when yuu say this is a matter for seiious consideration. Let us look at our tsiolcs i tul see whether wo cannot find why this is the case. Are we not in the days that precede the second coming of tho Lord isus Christ? 1 have had tho privilege of hearing a great many of the leading Bible teachers of Kuropcand this country fur the past four years, aud every one de- lared, accordiug to what they cau under stand from the Word, that we are in tho closing days of the Gentile age, and that the "rapture" of tho Church is likely to take place at auy moment. Let us see what St. Paul says in regard to the days that must precede. ''The couiiug of ihe Lord." II Thus. 2:1-3: "Now wo beseech you, brethren, by ihe comiug of our Lord Jesus, and by our gathering together un to Him, for that day shall not come un less there be a falling away first." Is the wotld to be converted in this oge? No. Acts, 15:10-17: "Ho is calling out from am ing the Gentiles a people for 'His name' After this ho will return and build the tabernacle uf David, which wus alien down, that the residuo uf meu might seek alter the Lord, and all the ieiii lies, upon whom my name is called," aposile also says iu I Tim. -11-2: 'Now the spirit speukesl expressly that iu the latter limes some shall depart from ho faith, giviug heed to seducing pirits, and doctrines of devils'. Speaking iis iu h; pocrisy; having their couscieuce seared as with a hut iron." St. Paul continues in II Tim. 3:15: "This know also, iu the last days perilous limes shall come when men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blaspheuieis, disobedient to parents, un thankful, uuholy, traitors, heady, bigh miuded, loveis of pleasure more than lovers OS God, having the form if godliness; but denying the power thereof; Irom such turn away, and 13th verse "But evil men aud seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." II Tim. 4:2-5: His Command to Timothy, "Preach tho Wind, be instant in season out of season; reprove, rebuke exhort, with all long suffering and doc trine, for the time will come when they will uot cnduie souud doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to ihem selves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned uulo tables; but watch thus in all things, endure aflliclious, do the work of an cvaugelist, make full proof of thy ministry." St Peter says in H Peter, 1:10: "For we have not followed euoningly devised fables, when we made kuown unto you the power and coming uf our Lord Jesus Christ." 2:1-13: "But there were false piophclsalso among the people, even as there shall bo false teachers among yuu whu privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon them swift destruction, and many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be cvil spokcn of, and through covetousui'ss shall they with feiguid woids make merchandise of you whose judgment uow ol a long du e lingirelh nol, and their damnation slum bacth not." 1 desire to ask a question: Are we not lo the "days ol apostacyr Are we not in the days of peril? Are we not in days of turmoil, strife, confusion, not this country alone but all over the world? Are we nol io days when men are depart ing from the faith once for all delivered to the saints; 11.000,000 adherents of spiritualism in the World to-day with thousaod that believe in Christian Science and hypnotism aud other forms of demo n dogy; thousands that deny tho divinity of Christ? Whither are we drifting? Christ Himself says in Luke, 18:8: "Nevertheless, when the son ot man oometh shall he find faith on the earth?' Do we bclivc Qod is able to save our souls' Do we believe He is able to save from the power and dominion of siu? Do we be lieve He is able to save our bodies from sickness in answer to prayer of faith? Jas 5.14 15, with Isa. 63:4 5, margin of new version; with Matt. 8:16: Do believe io the literal ooming of our Lord Jesus Christ? I Tbes. 4:19-17-18: "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel and with the trump of God; aud the dead in Chirst shall rise first. Then we which arc alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever bo with the Lord; wherefore comfort one another with these words." Is this a comfortiog doctrine to professed Christians to-day? I have no doubt I will havo some friends that will be sorry that 1 wrote this article, but, like tho grand old Apostle to the Gentiles, who said with humility, I must say, "That 1 must know no man after the flesh." I write because I believe my Master demands it, I write to get people to study on these lines, I write after prayidg must earnestly that the dear Lord would direct. I write for the glory of my "coming King," nothing else. Correspondence of Charlotte Ob server. Ancient Snperstitions. THE UNLUCKY DAYS. THE ANCIENTS UAU A 1.0 Nil LIST DAYS TO BE FEARED. In ancient limes (he heathen were so superstitious with regard to certain days that they were pointed out io their calen dars with different colored characters to mark the lucky noes and the unlucky, and all classes arranged the details of their daily life with reference to these marks. We of the present day claim to be free from all this, but many there arc who will nut begin a journey nor a piece of work on Friday, nor cut the hair iu the lust quarter of the moon, and who arc very much frightened if the soft rays f Luna chance to fall upon the face while they are asleep Friday is ever uuder a ban; even with regard to the weather, there is an old saying which declares that Friday's moon, Come wl en it will, comes too soon, In countries where capital punishment in vogue Friday has nearly alwaysbeen haogman's day." There are many superstitious connected with New Year's day one that is still firmly believed by many of the devout is that of opening the Bible, at random and putting the finger on any chapter con tained in the two open pages. Il is be lieved that the luck or unluck of the coming year will in a greater or less de gree be foreshadowed by some of the lines. Again, others believe that it is very unlucky to take anything out of the house on New Year's morning before takiug something in; the old rhyme which expresses this belief runs as fol lows: Take out, then take in, Bad luck will begin; Take in, then take out, Good luck comes about. Certain days for birth have generally some particular attributes given them which tell us that the child : Born oo Monday is fair of face; Born on Tuesday, full of God's grace; Born on Wednesday, sour and sad; Born on Thursday, merry and glad; Born on Friday, worthily given; Born on Saturday, work hard fur your living; Born on Sunday, you will never know want. Dangers of the Grip. The greatest danger from La Grippe is of its resulting in pneumonia. If rea sonable care is used, however, and Cham berlain's Cough Remedy taken, all dan gers will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe we have yet to loam of single case having resulted in pneumonia which shows conclusively that this reme dy is a certain preventive of that danger ous disease II will euro la grippe in less time than any other treatment. It pleasant and safe to take. For saVhy W M Chen Weldon J. N. Brown llalirai, nr. A H. H.rrlsim, Eunelil, DruggUU. . 1 NOTHING DAUNTED. Farmer "What are you doing in my apple tree? ' Thief "Excuse me; I just fell off balloon." Bean th. J ' HIM W Hani Always BOIipit THUIK FADS, 'Q lit "What do you specially notice about uoeduoated men that have made large fortunes?" Bit "That they almost invariably attribute it to their lack of education. If your bloodas thin, appetite poor, you have a oold night aweati or la grippe take Roberta' Tastelen Chill Todm25o per bottle at Cohen's drug store. OASTOIUA. LANT LIFE, to be vig orous and healthy, must have Potash hosphoric Acid and Nitrogen, hese essential elements ;ire to plants, what bread, meat and water are to man. Crops flourish on soils well supplied with Potash. Our pamphlets tell how to buy and apply fertilizers, and are free to all. QERriAN KALI WORKS, oj Nas.au 5t., New York. Monuments, m I Gravestones. Our illustrated catalogue. No. 10 which we mail free, contains a va riety of marble and granite memo rials, and will help you in making a proper selection. Write tor it. I We will satisfy you as to prices. LAIIGEST STOCK In the Simtlil THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Established Fifty Years.) 159 to 163 Bank St., Norfolk Va twv 2 ly W.W.KAY, -Dealer In- CROCERIES AND CICARS. Why not call on W. W. Kay. as he is open both night and day. Keep the fol lowing brands of well known whiekies: Old Oscar Pepper," Gump's G. P. R. Rye. Stamp Straight," "Gordon Baltimore Rye" and other brands. I sell Garrett & Co.'s pure Chocko- yottc wines. I keep the best of every thine in mv line. aPolite attention to alt at Kay's, west siue iv. n. oned. my 2 ly. J. L. JTJDKINS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine ' Staple and Jrancy, -FRUITS- CONFECTIONERIES. Crockery, Glass Tin, and wooden and wil low ware. Also Pratt's Horse, Cow, Hog and Poultry Food, and Grove's jf Tasteless Chill Tonic Alexander'a Liver and Kidney Tonic for purifying the blood. This tonic is warranted or money refunded. J. L. JUDKINS, No. 21 Washington Ave., Weldon, N. O dec Illy. OF- FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Bntterick's Patterns. It. & G. CORSETS, Miasea at 50c., Ladies 75c, to 1. aaPrie will be made to salt the timaa. Hats and bonnets made and trimmad ta Oluoi. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldoa. N fl W. T. PARKER, Weldon, N. a -DEALER IN- Heavy AND Fancy P mors, Vine. Groceries. Grand Display Groceries Queensware, Cutlery, Plows, Plow'-aW ings, Hoes, Forks. . s. RECEIVER AND SHIPPER OF CornfHay & Oata