j riara , I I I JOHN" "W. SL"E3Da-E, puopiuktok. VOL. XXXIV. J NEWSPAPER FOR, THE F E O P L E WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY. MAY 11. 18!)!). TEBMS:-H I'KIt ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 2. 1 i J 1 3 M t:- V i CAMS DEADLY! Results Fatally In Nine Thin Gases Out of Ten A LL-ra Founi at Last, operation, hecauso the disease is a virulent t. iion in the hlood, circul.itiiLK throughout the systi'in, mid although l,i; sore or ulcer known as the Canccr-inay he cut away, the pot -"in remains in the Mood, and promptly hreiiks out afresh', with tvn v,s . I. Tii wonderful success of S. S. S. ill niritiif ohatinate, decp-Hcatcd I,! ' 1 (h.-e.:-; i which wore considered incurahle, iiuluceil a lew de s.i urm Mi.l'civrs lo try it for Cancer, after cxhaustint,' the skill of t.i: physicians without a cure. Much to their delight S. S. S. proved cpi il to the di.MMse and promptly effected a euro. The iglutl nows H iivid r ipidly. and it was woon (lemonstrated Imoii1 ilotiljt that a cure had at last been found for deadly Cancer. Evidence, has nceu milit'l which is incontrovertible', of which tim following is a s)ecirnen : " fancier is hereditary in our family, my father, a Bi-t-r and an aunt having died from thin dreadful i Mv f may fm imagined when th hor- ii ie .lie.ivi ma i us appearance on my sido. It wag n i i! x-ia'it Cm. ealini; inwardly in'sui li a way aa lei-in- ! irrcnt al inn Tho ilisease seemod beyond tho ''' " '' Hie '1'i i. rs. for tlioir treatment did no good i never. t'10 I '.nicer prowinn worse all the while .. hut ins reme lies were used for it. but the Cancer irre v -leaililv worse, until it seemed that I was doomed t-i ; lu.r.v ti' oth rs of the family, for I know how deadly Cancer is, especially v.- inh,.ritc I I was a-1 vise 1 to try'Swift'n SMM-itic IS AH), which, from the fir-i I iy. foivr 1 out tln poison. I continued its use until I had taken eighteen li-it:.". wh.-i I was cured sound and well, and have had no hvniptum of the dreadful atll: 'lion, thnuiili manv years have, elapsed. S. S. S. is tho only cure for C.uioer.-Miw S M. Idol, Wmston, N. C. Our liiok on Cancer, contiiinin(j other testimonials and valuable information, will lie sent freo to any address bv tho Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ooorijia. I) i Jacob Gravers hi leiected and Private Stock IRye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable quality. DAVENl'UKT .MOHRts & CO., Sole agents for the Distiller, Richmond, Va. Mil. W. D. SMITH, at Weldou, X. C. is tho sole distributing agent at that point, for the above old and Celebrated Whiskey. DAVENPORT MORRIS CO. mar 31 tiui. JJU. T. T. KOSS, DENTIST Weldon, N. 0. ttf Office over Emrv & Fierce' astore. 10 lH-lv. HUDSON'S 347 Main st., Noifolk, Va. (Ladies' and lienlleiuen's Dining ' HOOM. A I.I. M KA LS as CKNTS. ausPASsixa coffee a specialty '. J, R. HUDSOX, Proprietor. The Heat of Everything iu Seatwu! wilO lyr. 4 i tea SPECIALIST and AUTIIOKITY on I 1,11 I 1 'All who are suffering with any lil-OOI) JTBOL'HI.K, would he wine to call on or Stildress by mail, Consult Uion free and pi-dieiiuMcompouu led to suit each partic jnlar case. When w.itiug to me please n iiikse stamp for reply. I- , PliDF JAS 1IAKVEY, l 4Jj Church . St (New No.) 1 1 jeHly. Norfolk, Va. HE BEST WATCH i MAIN ON EARTH I For $1.01), M ule while you wiitt t the wire Jewelry stand, 354 MAIN ST., NORFOl VI. i lMail ordera rcocive 1 prompt attention. warranted. All goods 4 I. W. I NNIS, ' -4 Norfolk, Vi. fearful (liscaso often first apneara its a mere scratch, a pimple, or lump in tho browst, too mnitll to attract any notice, until, in liianv cases, the ileaillv disease is fully (!c.vcluieil. , Cancer can not he Hired hv a siii'L-ical MRS, 8. H. IDOL. v V.W.KAY, Dealer In HIM MWl Mi tfftU CROCERIES AND CICARS. ll'l... .. -II fir ,,. ,, . i iij nut can on . vt . jy, an he is open both night and day. Keep the fol lowing brands uf well known whiskies: "Old Oseur Pepper," Gump's U. 1'. 11. Hyc Stamp Straight," "Gordon Haliiuioro Hyc" and other brands I sell G.irrett & Co.'s pure Choeko volte wines. I keep the best of every thing in my ine. !fcl'olite intention to all at Kay's. ...,i ..:.i.. o i ci i J ' wii muo n. n. onea my 2 ly. J. L. JUDKINS; Wholesale ami Uetailj; I'ealer In Fine 1 Staple Fancy FRUITS. COflFECTIONERIES. Croek-rv, (ilaim Tin, ami wonilin anil nil loivware. Also l'ratt's llulse, Cow, llei; ami Poultry KikmI, ami (irnvrV Tiileli-i I'lnll Timie. Aleiander'a l.i in ami Ki liiev Tonic lor puntying the lilo.nl This tome is warranted or money relumleil. J. L. JUDKINS, ;o. 21 Washington Ave., Weldon, N. C dec 11 It. H-SriUXG Ali Si:l.MKH-wi MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Hntteriek'a Patterns. It. k (i. CORSETS, Missea at 50c, Ladies 7fc. to$l. W.l'rieewill he made tu hum the times, llni and Innncta iiiailc ami triaiuied U order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Wrl.Vn W n W. T. PARKER, Weldon, N. C. -l BA I. Kit IN- $lTy Groceries Qucensware, Cutlery, Plows, Plow Cast ings, Hoes, Forks. RECEIVER AND81IIPPER C Corn,Hay & Oats ng 1 1 i Wine Groceries. Grand Display OF Send. Him The Money. AN OLD ADAGE EXEMPLIFIED. A HOLIUKH Willi WANTS To MAItllY A VIIUIINIA KKIi-IIAIIIKIl lllltl. The War Department his reeeivnl the following interestinn letinr IVdiii one of its volunleer nll'ieers reeetnly niiHered out, and is en leiivorin' In utl.inl the youti man tli. i ri liel' he s.i earnestly prays lor: "Mis-oila, Mont., April fi, 1 SHU. "Hon. W. W. Hr own, Ait'liior War Du- pir'tiietit, Wasliinut.in, 1). (!. "Dear Sir: - I suppo-c yuu have irou bles of your own, nu l tii.iy be bmcd by my atteiept to uiiloel a pinion of my troubles upm you, but as most men are willing to assist their brothers when they are in a iu, i win aK you lo as-i-t me if in y i ir po.vet. 'I wis seeoal li' ilenint in the Third I nited Stales Volunt.'i't Cavalry during the war. ati l spent my time- (ibiin lice and luards at Camp Tl.o n is, (J.i. I wa mustered out in September I i-t uud or dered home. At St. Paul. 1 inn. , I was i;iven criain blanks by Colon. :l Carey, paymaster I'. S. A., lo fill out, and In told mj I had (ft" I lio coming to ine from tho War l'ep .rlmciit as tray. l pay from Camp Th. mas, (In., to Mi.-suula, Mont. Kur'y in Oiober my claim was tiled in yo nr olliee, and later ynu sent me a receipt, dated December:!'), lSUS.sliow ini; that my accouut wilh ti e subsistence depa riirn nt was fettled ami balanced, mi that th crc is lolliin' cbartd against in : in any of the depart ru nts. Now, if I can net that money i can make a trip to Virginia and biini; the sweetest red heidel t;irl back her; with me that ever bloomed iu old Virginia's 11 iwer (.'ardeu II 1 do not (let my travel pay I will have to wait, maybe a year. In the meantime there is a blooming liritisher after my Kir I, and lie is playing an every-niht en Ka; euicot, while 1 am li.fl'lO miles away The girl In rscll' is all right, but tho old folks are fa vorable toward "Johnny Hull" and are "touting" him to win. You know how the dripping witer wears a stone away. So I want you to help me get my travel pay, an I then watch me sVin that Kuglisluuan. If 1 cm get ilii money can win in a walk, so, if you will assist mo in this matter of getiiii my travel pay ijaickly, I will b a si tr at a malrimonal ceremony b ick in oi l Vir ginia, and about two weeks uller I git in y ir.net pay t will call on y.iu n a-iiingion ana show you the preiiiesi . i i i ... i . iii... . . reu-neiiu ipieeo mat mil inxie I. nul ever gr. w. I appeal to you to help me iu my fuht against the IlritUh empire, aud my future mother-in-law. I ask you to treat this in confidence, because if the news papers get bold of it it will be all off'wiih me. "Trusting that y.iu will assist mi and that I may have the pleasure ol introdu cing you to the prettiest red headed girl you ever saw, very shortly, I am, yours in susjieuse, etc." Xew York Tribune. TLRPKA! Asyou travel thtoiiKh Miutheatem Kan Ras bIkiui one huudri'd and twenty - live miles south of T..1.U ;u t-iyhtv -live miles eat uf Wieiiil.i. the hukeman sticks his lu-ad iu the d.mrwav and yells : ' Vreeky ! " and a ctuile nf minutes later the tram pulls int.. I'.imka. the ptuspenms county seat of t'.ret hw-mkI Cmiutv. One of the happv inhabiutits .f Kureka is Mrs. Sarah Ta'm, and the reasons for her piestut hapinm-Hs are set forth in the following Utter addressed to Dr. K. V. Pierce, chief consulting phrsirian to the "luvali.iv Hotel and SuiKical lu-.titute " of Hutf.tlo, N. Y. Mis Taylor savs ; " I hfitl kt n a wuterer fr fifteen vear nnd in August in was i.tktu with severe crainitiiiK pain mi mv stomach A hnr.t lump rInxiI the Mif ft Kue eK formed in mv nKht M.le It lK-iatne so st.it I could scam lv walk aUmt the house, ami I had tiu aMtite. I eonmillrit two of the U-st dM' tors in town and they taid medi cine would do me no r,HM( j fffcveupjilt hope of ever netlitiK welt nft-ou one dav I thought would wiitt' to you tellittK vou of my condi tiou. Yu I. .Ill me 1 had en largement of one ol the IoIk-s ol my liver and the gall tiutdder. and atlvined no lo take vour '('.olden M-.ll. cal DiM'ovcrv ' fitld 'J'!"lflT!t rellet.' 1 hud not Hken more than half tie of each when I leirnn to leel hctter. and niv , hot Mjtnrtitr canie ln. k, ion! lor a little over a yenr nut, Irk an to do my work.'1 Dr. Pierce's (.olden Medical Discoverv ts a medicine that cures on rational, scientific principles. It is the discovery of n n-Ku-larlv (frHduated, practicing phvsiciau of hi(h wtaiuli up. It tones up the stomach, stimulates the liver and regulates the bow els. It hriiiRs all the. digestive organs into healthy activity. It neutralizes and eradi cates all poisonous, eth-te matter in the blood and fills it with the rich, vital, red Corpuscles of health and vigor. 1 1 tie Discovery is a temperance tnedi cine. It contains no alcohol in any form. 10 41 Bank st., IVleraburjr, Va. Dealers in High Mb Pianos, Orirana, Mandolins, Guitars, Itanjiw, Violina, MiiHie and Mnsie Korku. and everything knowu to the music trade. TUNINC AND REPAIRING. We have the most complete denartment o( this cliaraeter in Sonlhsi.le Va , and can do any work with pmmptnwn, and ae enraey and guarantee Httiilactiou. Henil tor nandaome illustrated catalogue. LYMAN BUOa., ugllly Peteraburg, Vs. II i I THE BRAN' HY HUNK Wu HUrtnl up a luii' new cliurrh thuunh the roail looked nmh Ft r u new church in a Huttletneut wliur people IiikI enough. Thar wu J'.upfists, JeMhy tenant) un' McthoilistN alt told; It kept ihcynod Lord busy kecpin' truck of ever' fob!. HuI mnw ol im wu mirtiu tlt:it a new cliiin h or. cr lin, Tboiinh fiilviitiou, like tlx1 river, wu u llowiu' full nn' fi'. Wc temk the midilleo' theHtrovtun' talked it up an' down, That (he great deed o' the naion wu an other church in town ! The MclhodisU said : "Come with uh, 'an happy will yon ko." Tho liiiptmtsnaid "We'll take you in, 'an wash you white as snow," The I'rcNhytiTians sorter laid the others in the shade, An' told us that they'd save us from the time the world wuz made ! Hut we'd done decided on it, that a new church had to rise, With a bran' new bell, an' steeple p'intin' people to the skieH. Weleltafair, to help it on sarved ice cream niht an day, An' rallied oil more roses than the gals could tote awav ! Here's Your Male. A BRASS MULE CURE. A (JURAT SCHEME IN CHINA Foil HKI.IKK ol' Abb 111 MAN ILLS. Iu one of the faruff eorners of Peking the natives have an established uetiiinl uf curing even the most deadly diseases hy an application of the trass mule. Vou will nut uud this remedy in the pharuijcopieia, and local physicians will probably tell you that the panacea, which it really seems to be, is something uui'a mili.ir to them. Hut that the brass mule cure is ri al and lasting no one who has Watched its effects can doubt. ' I'r. P. II. llcdtuan, one of the nn st reputable physicians of New York, has relumed from a two years' sojourn iu Cbiua mid Vouches for the ifficiiey ol the brass mule cure. Iua temple outside uf the city gates is to he found a brass mule. It is of life size and supposed to huvo wondetlul healing properties. Patients suflcring from every inugiuablo diseaso seek this temple tu obtain u cure. The method pursued is as lullowa: Suppose yuu Muff.-r from seiiiiiea. Yuu. go Viith ull spi'id to t lie ruinous lemj'ile, and, Inning discovered the purlicu!a p.irt of the bia.-s mule corresponding to tie luiuful region of jimr own body, you flib the animal a eel lam uumber ol limes ibid I lieu, with t he same baud, shampoo yoyr own disa bled member, and then wf II, then the pain noes. The special feature of (hisnethod of cure is iis delightlul simplicity Is your tooth aching? Just scrub tUe mule's teeth and afterward your own, and, preslo! the cure is complete. Have you an ulcer of the cori.ia ? Pass the tips of your tinkers to and fro over the particular eye ball of the mule, and then, with well regulated pnssure, rub -repeatedly the afflicted eye. The mule has unhappily lust his sight during the uniuy years he has been ei -gagi-d in bis benevolent work, the eye balls, we are lold, having been gradually worn away as the result of constant fric tion, until now yuu have only the empty orbit" in operate upon. 'I In- animal is patched in all directions with Iresh puces of brass, put on to cover ho es induced by the cunslaut I'riciinn of i agir patients, aud a new, perfectly whole mule stands ready at hand, await ing the day when his old colleague, hav ing lallen to pieces iu the service, shall give him an opportunity of likewise bene litiul osli rilv. Si. Louis Post-IHepalch. lA.l t TUICIIt C.VKDS. "Jol u," said ihe sick uullmr to the hired man, who was hanging ou iu the hope of pelting his salary si ine day "ilohn, any callers this morning ?" "Three, fir jusi three of 'em." "Ah I" exclaimed the sick author, with evident siilislaeiion, "they're graduall) Guditlu out I'm siek 1 Thrre'll he n ureal rush after bile. I'm pretty well known, Jnhii I'm pielly Well known! Left their cards, did I hey?" "Vi,, Mr tleyleft ', in. Shall t real 'em loyuu, sir?" "Ve, Joliii; r 'ail ihem, while I'm rr- olining ei this s civet cushioned sofa " "The first one r.'ads, sir, in this lash ion, 'If yon don't gel out of i Ii at bed aud settle my hill. I'll uive you soinelhini: lobe sick for when I see you uniu!' And the seoond one reads" "Never mind I he second one, John,' interrupted the sick author, "but go over lo the restaurant man and sec if you can stand him off for my dinner, and admit no more callers. John; they 're a d irtied ungrateful set!" Tho way to sleep, says the scientist, is to tlik of nothing. Hut this is a mis take. The way to sleep is to think ii is time to get up. "Do you think the Indian will ever be civilized?" "Yes; Spotted Crow sent in request the other day to have his name changed to Polka Dot." TSTEW CHURCH. L. STANTON. Hut the strangest part of all wu this; The Baptists helped us 'hnj( ! Tim Presbyterians took a hand an' j'iiicd the flwelliu' song ! I lie Mciiiodists come troopin' in-a-work in' with the crowd. An' .shelled their shiny .lull. Minuted long an' loud ! out, an An' the new church ri iu glory ! All thc, niiiiii-ii ll'l HI KIIIIW Wiu, 'iwoiihl seek the Knek of Agi "whciitlieHtnrni.tr tempe.s.s hlow. '' We ilillcml siiiiie on doctrine in the wir it wuz enprnsseil; iui e in agreeu mat tanaan wuz a liist elasH place to rest ! sow, t lie liaptist hrnther comes along an unci in nv me nana ; II.. t. ....... .. .,.,.,., ,, r .or sreernr ler tne same sweet promised land; i ne lueinnuist snouts "tllory !" an' Ihe j-resiivtcrinn lis ivnnw.s me Lights nirshinin' fcr ns from ine green simres 'crost the sea. Per no niiiller how we wander though Ihe U':ivi:iir urnl.. ....i .11... e ii .111 reaeu nonie togeiheref we're only one in II mi. An' we'll know each other lietter when me srrues air storms air past, An' Hie happy Light nf Canaan 'had Kilely home al last ! THE GOOD OLD CUSTOM ur 1'A.SSAtlES Whilst LOCATION Sllon.u HE KAMII.IAll In The good old custom of "learning by bean" has fallen out of use in our Sun day schools aud families, aod passages nl the liible are no looger memorized by the rising generation. Hut we should at least be able to find a passage, even if we cannot recite it. Here is a list of pa sages whose locations should be familiar to every Christ inn : The Lird's Prayer Matthew ti. The ( ,'ninniandments Hindus I'll. The Beatitudes Matthew 5. Paul's Conversion Ada 9. Christ's Great Prayer Juhu 17. The Prodigal Son Luke 15. Ihe Ten Virgins Matthew 25. Parable of the Talents Matthew 'J5. Abiding Chapter John 15. Kesurreclinn Chapter I Cor. 15. Shepherd Chapter John lit, L ive Chapter I Cor Li. Tunsitic Chapter James X Anunr Chapter Kphesians (i. Traveler's Psalm Psalm ll'l. IMu'h Suidy Psalm palm 11!). Iirealest Verse John ;J: (!reat Invitation Uereluliuo Isi.ih d I. Host Verse Matthew 11:. Worker Verse-2 Timothy Psalm Vlli li. How To He Saved Ads 1G.:'.1. Should I ('unless Christ? Horn. l();ll. Teacher's Verse Dauiel 1 X The (ireat Comuiission Mark lli.15. Chrislian's List Command Acts 1.8. H'l il i;k hi ri i i;,ks Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used lor over fifty years by millions ol mothers lor children, while tout hinir. with perfect success. It Miothes the' child, softens the gums, allays all rain, eons wind eolie, and is the best remedy lnr 1'iarrhiM. It will relieve the nonr linl.. sullerer immediately. S-.ld by druggists in every part ol the world. 25 ccnls a hot lie. He sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth cr kind. NOT AX OltSKKVANT MAX. The old man iu the shaggy covned overcoat mentioned aoniethini: about Kansas in bis talk, and the Hnstotiian leaned over Inward him mid asked : Did urn say yu Wire from Kansas?" No. i in I j,t ci.ine from there," Then I w.mt u ask ymi a few ipie. - ti"iis. Now are ,:uies inn ihui V "I diiiino" "Is money plenty or tight?" "C.in'l say." "Hut J.iii't you kuow how the fanners feeling ? ' No" " Is business good nr bad iu (be towns ?'' "I dnln'i iik anybody." luu )..u are not au observing man." said the H isiiuiiau. 'No, I guiss not. I went out lo Kansas to see a wiildir I used to kuow, aud to u-k her lo marry me. I got to her house ui !1 o'el. ek in the aflernoon. I asked her lo have me, and she said she wouldn't, nini at X;!0 1 wus on my way back. 1 didn't see uo crops, nor ask about good tnucs 0r bad, The Stale of K.ius., may be boldin' a reg'lar Fourth ol July over good times, or everybody may be goiu' to the poor house. All 1 know uhuiil it is that I'm an old fool lui speuding SliO tu tuu alter a Kansas widd. r when I could hev married a New llainpsbiiegal fur 12 sbillin'l" Chica go News Why were :i.-,.(hiO IIOTTI.KS OK Hull. KKTS' TASTKI-KSS 2.V. CHILL TO.MU sold the flint year of Its blrthf Answer: Because It la the BKST AT ANY rillt'E, guarantensl to cure, nionoy refunded If It fulls, pleaaant to take, 25o por hottlo. It Is eold and guarautued by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N 0. J. N. Brown. Halil'.n. : .lack Jackaon. Battle Of The Wilderness. A SCENE OF HORROR. IT WAS A INIQIK K Mi All KM KM', HAYS HKNKIIAI, lloil AC-K I'HllTKIt, The I'ni-.n lessen in the battle of Ihe Wilili rmss wi re fi.urid In he : KiPed, L'2lli; woiiiided, I2,U!!7, niisiii", :t:iS!i total, n.lilili. The danni'.'e inflict, d upon ihe enemy i, not known, but as he was ihe a-sauliing party us olieu as the 1'iii- n army there is reason lo believe thai the losses on the twn sides were about eiii,il. Taking 2 (hours as th liuie actually occupied in lighting and eouulin the casualties in both armies, il will be found that on (hat bloody field every minute recorded the loss of 25 men. As ihe stuff ifliecrs threw tbem-elv ,i i .i. . i . i .....u ii. e. iouiiu inai uigni sleep came to ill. iu without coaxing. They had beeii on the lunve since dawn, galloping over bad roads, snuggling about ihrou.-h lorest .Olenitis."., iuini'iiiL' rivulets, w.elm.. vamps, helping lo rally troops, dodging bulleis and scarehiug lor commanding officers io all sons of unknown i.l:ie,n eir hor.-es bad been crippled, and they thcm-elvcs were well Dinh exhausted. Kor Ihe small part I bad been able to perform in ihe engagement the general recommended me for the brevet rank of major iu ihe regular army "fur gallant and meritorious services.'' Ilij recom mendation was afterward approved by the president. This promotiou was espe cially graiilying, fur the reason that it was conferred lor conduct in the fust hallleiu which I had served under the command of the general in chief. There were feiitmes of ihe bill It; which have never been mulched in the annals of w.nl'.ire. For two days nearly 2UII,IIIMI Veleraii troops struggled in a death grap ple, confronted at each step with almost ry obstacle by which nature could bir llieir path and groping their way through a tangled, forest the impenetra ble gliioin of which could be likened only to the shadow nf death. The iinilei- growth staid their riroL'ress, the urmir r nvth shut nut the light of heaven. Offii'cis could scarcely see llieir troois or nuy considerable distance, for smoke louded ihe vision and a heavy sky ob scured the sun. Directions were a-eer- linul and lines establMiol by means of I he pocket compass, and a change of posi tion otten presented an opcralion timie like a problem of uceau navigation (ban sil'oii uf military maneuvers. It of sound aud touch rulbi r than I iu . sieht which iruidcd be movements, a battle fought with the ear and uot Willi the eye. All circumstances seemed lo combine lo make the scene one of unutterable horror. At limes the wind bowled through the tree tops, mingling its moans with the groans of (he dying, and heavy brauelns were cut of by the fire of tic aitillery and fell crashing upon the heads ol ihe men, adding a new (error to bat lie. Forest fires raged, ammunition trains exploded, the dead Were roasted in ihe eonfl igralioii, the wounded, roused by iis hot breath, (Jugged themselves along with their torn and mangled limbs in the mad energy of despair to escape the ravages of the Dimes, and every bush seemed hung with shreds of blood stained clothing. Il was as though Chiislian men had turned to fieiids and bell itself had usurped the place ol eanh. General Horace Potter iu Century. Proof of lie-pudding Hog In tho eating of It. Proof nf 111 iHEKTS' TASTKLES8 CHILL TONIC lies In tho taking of It. COST NOTHING If It falls to cure. cents per lmtllo If It euros. Sold Btrletly on IIh mcrita hy W. M Cohen, Drmririsl, - Weldon, N. C. .1. N. Ilrown, llalilax: Jacksou llniut'o . Jackson, N. C. The pivotal point of modern progress is tint Waterloo, but tho little chapel in London where Wesley lir.t saw tho great light. ct hi: a t iii.ti i (im: no Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tabids. All diuggisls refund mouey if its fails lo cure. '1m. The genuine has L. H. Q. on each tablet. For sale by W. M. Cohen Druegisi, Weldon, N. C. She llamlel is a play for all timo. lie Yes; it will never give up the ghost. W hen we tell a man a good story, wc hnve noticed that it reminds him of a very poor one. tuu itir I'Kiwi iiipi iov Kor chills aud fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. Never fails to cure; why then experiment with worthless imitations? Price 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. Few men have sense enough to know when a cushion is to bo looked at and when it is to be lolled on. Ihl Kind Yon Haw lnars Bought BigMtW 9f A Persian Faille, BY lYlftJ. CHAS. W. HUBNER. THE ULTIMATE l'OWKU (IF A RAINIlHOl' tH UKYIINIJ TtIK HIIOt'E OF OUIl At' l'ltALSE.MKNT. "Alas !" exclaimed a drop of water, us it Jell out of a cloud into the sea, "what an insignilieant creature I am iu this vast wilderness of water. My existence is ol no consequence to the universe am almost nothing. I am the least of the works of (jnd !" The fable goes ou to relate that this raindrop, which had such an humble opinion of itself, fell inlo the lunulh of an oyster, which happened to gapo at the moment. The drop lay a long time in the shell, growing hard, until by de grees it ripened into a pearl. A diver found the shell, brought it to the surface and removed the pearl, which, aftir maoy adventure?, finally became the most precious gem in the crown of a Persian monarch. How beautifully ibis tender Persian fable illustrates the power often bidden in "little things !" It teaches us to lock with loving regard upon what may seem to be, in our opinion, the merest trifle in God's universe. We know not the mighty force, the glorious beauty, which an atom may contain. Iu the material world nothing is insig nificant. A particle of matter may net have appreciable value in its tangible form, but it may become the generator of a living thought that shall ascend (he majestic diapasuu of uature, till its full close be fouud in the Kternal Mind. The ultimate power ol a raindrop, even, is beyond (he scope of our appraisement, aud iu its liuy globe may hold mysteries not less wonderful than (he resplendent spheres of (be heavens, which are "Forever singing us (hey shine, The hand (hat made us is divine." The DDiy Of Cleer. HELPING THE WORLD. NO ONE CAN 1IK IIAI'I'V WHO IS NOT A II1VKR AMI THANSM1TTKII OF HAITI N ESS, A happier wofld is always a better World; and if it be the Irue man's duty to make the world belter, so far as in him lies, iherc rests upon him ao obligation to promote (be happiness of the world ulso. This he can do only if he be happy himself. You might as well expect a snowball (o warm a room as an unhappy man In cheer others. Happiness, then, is realiy a personal and Christian duty first, to be happy j.'i self, and then to make others happy L?t us see U..H this sunshine of cheer makes the world belter, and by humaiiizing it helps to Christianize it. No one can be happy who is not in a thoroughly good physical condition. So the first slep of cheer-making is to e.-tab-li-h good health, in himself and io others. Some writers cl.iiiulh.it (if only the race were filled with euphoria that grand sense of perfect physical well-being there would b i no need of religion, for we should all be saints! Perhaps this is going (oo fai; but, at all events, wc know (hat good health promotes morality. So by making men happier through uiakiog ibem healthier, the missionary of cheer s surely bettering the morals of the world. Again, happinctt is impossible with out a clear conscience. The civji'r maker must wash the windows of the soul, ved make it clear as crystal before the inward eye can look out upon a world sparkling with sunshine. Let the outward circum stance be what it may, no soul can be happy which is not at peace within. So tho man who brings joy iuto tho world brings cleansing for (he inner life, brings spiritual adjustment aud harmony wilh trulh aud right. Ouco more, no one can be happy who is not a giver nnd trans milter of happiness, A louely happy man never was. h'vcu the moles daneo (oeaiher in tho sun- bine. You must share your joy in order that you may keep it. So the apostle of cheer is always prenching those groat Christian virtues of unselfish ness and brotherhood. He is the most effective of ul teachers of tho Golden Hule, for when people learn that doing uuto others as lliey would have others do unto them is the very coin that buys the greatest measure of personal blessed- uess, they will do good by the operation of a natural and inevitable law. Here (hen are three very vital wuyes by which you may better tho world by such an agreeable method as happiness. But your happiness and tho happiness you advocate must be genuine. No mere wild roistering and outward show of mirth shall count for deep Chris tian happiness. There is a sting in every seeming jny which is not clean and sweet and peaceful. The revel and the carouse are not Ben- nine pleasure. They make a show of mirth that is all. Afterwards their fruit is ashes on the tongue. But the healthful, blameless, joy-giving joy that is one of Ood's ministers. And you, if you believe aod accept the duty ot cneer, arc helping tho world heaven, ward. Xion'i Herald. Tiiliflt Tkoills. HENRY BLOUNT IN CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE WE MA V WIN FAME, POSITION AND WORLDLY HONORS, YET IF WE HAVE NOT THE HOPE OF IMMORTALITY, WE HAVE NOTHING. L'ncrgy is the heart throb of success. Instinct is much better than mis guided reason, The pathway of duly is a fragrant av enue if cheerfulness. It is the silent watchers of the night that render alarm clocks unnecessary. Never judge by appearances, for a shabby coat may cover a heart in full bloom uud fragrant with sweetest im pulses. The nout may be said to be a beacon light on the rock of sumptuous Iivin and put there to give warning of coming danger. liridle your tongue, or it will run with wild and reckless fury through the big gest and rankest pastures of harm and mischief. The best and sweetest way to keep your credit good is to use it sparingly. It is one ot the very few things io this life that grows belter and brighter and more valuable by not usiog it too much. Bereavement is the ladder, and trials aod sufferings are the rounds on which we climb away from the sorrow shaded scenes of earth to brighter climes of peace and joy in the "Better Land." Twilight is that unseen and noiseless mariner who pilots our thoughts on tenderest seas of memory, and sails us around those precious isles of the blessed past on which the purest flowers of hap piness once blossomed and distilled their sweetest perfume. In Ihe green meadows of reciprocal affection, watered by the dews of honied endearments and warmed by the sun beams of pure devotion, can be found blooming in all their beauty and fra grance the rarest aod sweetest and fullest blossomed flowers of congenial peace and happiness. There is on earth but one single thine that can give us perfect peace and per fect happiness, and that is the precious hope of blissful immortality. We may win (amo and position and riches and all worldly honors, and yet, if we have not this precious hope, we will have nothing but thorns and briars to rest our beads upon when life's burden is heaviest and rest is most needed. Some men move through life like a band of music, moves down the street, flinging strains of good cheer to all io their reach. Some women fill the air with their sweetness as the jn nursed orcV.si I- $e sirX'er fill the a?r with the delicious perfume of ripened fruit. Some cling to their homes like the honey-suckle over the door, and like it, fill all the regions around them with the subtle and exquisite fragrance of their charms and their goodness. What a comfort aod what a blessing it is to so hold the royal gills of the soul that they shall be music to some, aod fragrance tu others, and blessedness to all. A plan's truest wealth the wealth tu'S'!'t " 'ne vicissitudes of "hutaods all the fluctuations -.- .v immiiiiii ouvcrsiij is auty to God and the good we do for the better ment of our poor fellow travellers to eter nity. And it will not only purchase for us here restful ease and precious comfort and cheering hope and sweetest solace, but io the Great Hereafter, where money has Vist its power and its value and its all seductive aud injinie-a'.ing fascination will bring us that blessed pea-.r ? v "passeth all understanding," and t will enable us to purchase that fadeless crown of imperishable glory which angels wear amid the glittering oourts of blissful im mortality. In this earthly life, so frequently swept by the storms aod whirlwinds of sin and passion, perfect peace and prf rest cannot find tho couch of eternal hush and enjoy (he unbroken ropose and perfect tranquility. The sea, even when the wiuds are gone and the storms are asleep, and when the greatest calm that earth can give has folded its viewless wings upon its throbbing bosom and bushed the roar of its billows and brush ed away its foam crested furrows, even then will show in the ripples of itsoease less pulsings unmistakable signs of trou blc and commotion, and it teaches the les son that perfect rest and perfcot peace can only be found in the quiet harbor of eternity aud under the bliss lit skies of immortality, where storms have never boon, and winds are never heard. If you really want to work fur God, you will never be out of employment. ; Beauty is the first present Nature gives to women aod the first it takes away. Many of our oares are but morbid way of looking at our privileges. OASTOniA. klh- nail li few ttiTf