r THE ROANOKE NEWS THl'KSDAY, MAY 23, 13M. PUBLlSIIKD KVEKY THURSDAY. JOHN W. SLErGE, Editcr and Proprietor. D. E. SIAIKEACK, Associate Editor Kntirrdiil 1'ust ('Jpcr tit Wililmt ir Sndit'l- ( Yi.sji Mitttt r. RATKS OK SI'llsirtlll'TIilN IN ADVANl'K. One Year (by Mail), 1'oHtuge raid $l.fl(l. Six Munthw 75. A Weekly Denioerutir iimnnil ilevoteil to the material, eiliiciitinnal, political ami agricultural interests ot Halifax ana sur ronmting couiiUch. JfiryMiU'ettisilig rate) reasonable anil furnished on application. Orr of $2 10,0110 n.pr..priated by (.'unarms lot to'"L'ra lik-ul wmk in the I'uiled Slates l'..r the current ti-eal year, l'inrtor Wnlcolt of the (icnlopcal Sur vey litis iiwigned ?l:,inil to Nurth (.'aru litia. This is twice as much as she would be untitled to in ease the. money had beeo prorated among the States and Territories. This work has just been commeuced, and will be continued iu the Statu until late lall sets in. Two parties arc engaged iD the work, both beinj; in Western North Carolina. V. h. Miller is in charge of one party, which is work ing about Ashcville. He is assisted by Messrs. V. N. Brown aod (J. T. Kurd. Another parly, in charge of 0. L. Smith, is at work near Old Fort, in the lilack Mountains. His assistants are G. H. Uuerdrutnand W. S. Moore. Kach party has a Dumber of other attaches. It is expected that these two parties will complete the survey this year of 2,111111 square miles of territory in what is sci entifically called the Ashcville, Mt. Mitch ell and Morgantun districts. The coun ties embraced iu these three districts are Haywood, Madison, Huncombe, Yancey, McDowell, Durke and Caldwell. A discovery, which, it is claimed, solvi s the. problem of circumventing old age, has just been made public by Professor J. S, Hawley and Alex. C. H'eiuer, of the Chicago clinical school. The return to youth, it is asserted, is produced by hypodermic injections of the lymphatic fluid of animals, particularly young goats. The discovery was made a year ago. and subse'lcnt demonstrations of its efficacy are proved. Tiie gener.il thcry of the discovery is that if the mineral deposits which ac. cumuljlc in the b jnes iu the process ol lile e.in be repiace.l with the life cells contained in the lymphatic glands of goats, detcrioation of the bones will be peeveut e 1 and elasticity and youth will be re tained in the system much longer. A number of animals and human beings, it is said, hive been experiiueotel on iu Chicago wiili good cll'ects. The ap isilei of (he di-c ivery dj not o'aim that a tnau or woman thus charged with goals ''life cells" will live forever, but they say lit "0 will be proiouged, per haps doubled. l'lliir'tSnsull Sell I it .11 AN, head of lile I'uited Slates-Philippine Couiuii.-siun, his submitted the following written r. -po-itijus to the Filipinos: "While the final decision as to the form of government is in the hands of Cjngre.-s, the President, unier his mili tary powers, pending the aetiou of Con gress, stands ready to offer the following form of government : "A governor-general, to be appointed by the President; a cabinet, to be ap pointed by the lj overn ir-ljeneral; ail the judges to be appoiuted by the President; the heads of departments and judges, to be either Ameiieius or Filipinos, ot both, and also a g.'uer.il advisory council, its members to be cli w.-n by the people, by a form of suffrage to be hereafter carefully determined upon. "The President earnestly desires that blooJshed ceise, aud that the people ol the Philippines, 4t au early dite, enj iy the largest measures of sjil government compatible with p;aee a'id order " Maj. IIevkt A. LiNiinx, of the Chatham Record, himself an honored Veteran of the ir between the States, tt'spded ilie Charleston .Uiiu.im, and gives a UK ". interesting ace iuui i'.-f the occasion in the Record. Among oilier specially interesting iucidenis mentioned oneoftheiu is very striking, specially so to the ''scoruer who sue. re i" aru the following ; "As (he North Carolina veterans were marching along iu the grand parade (and iioue deserved or received more en thusiastic greeting; one tough looking Biieutator sundini? in the srl.-wilic nt .!' a very sneering and insulting remark bout them, whereup n one of our Tar Heel veterans sprang upon him and knocked him down amid the cheers of ill who saw it. "Although a millionaire, and able In ride in the fiiiest carriage in Charleston, Col. Julian 8. Carr marched on foot with -his splendid onpany of Confederates from Durham, and shared with them the heat and fatiguo of that long tramp." Tin Spring Months Are most likely to find your blood impure and lacking in the red corpuscles which en able it to carry nourishment to the nerves and other organs. Therefore you feel weak, tired and listless and are troubled with spriDg humors. Relief is given bv Hood's Sarsaparilla which purifies, en riches and vitalizes the blood. ; . Hood's Pills cure biliousness. Mailed fbr'25 cents by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell Nan. The Northern negro liishops can learn much if they will consult more with the Southern lenders of the colored people those who are real'y represent ilive ol the best eletn nt of 1 ho colored people ol the South than listening to the tales of woe pound forth by the uogru politicians of the Norih and the henchmen of polit ical h a lers iu the S .uth. Hi-hop er riek. who presides over the conferences of Mississippi and Arkansas gave the lialtimore conlereuce of bis church some excellent advice the other day. Among oilier sinsible, and not at all impertinent, things he said was : ' Some negroes talk about sending dyna mite dowu South. 1 will pay the expenses of any one who will take it, but ho will not come back agaiu. The white people are n.it going to sell you their guns and powder to kill them, so you might just as Weil try to make friends with them for voiir brother in the S.anh." Kni'Winii him to be iu needy circum stances, the people of South Carolina have been raising a fund to build or buy (leueral Wade Hampton a home to re place the olle burned. This III ivcim lll hasbien st. pped by the general's dceii ualion of the gift. In a card he says : "I cannot accept lioin my friends a testimonial of regard such as they pro pose, but the affection shown by ihcju iu wishing to reimburse me for my loss can never be forgotten, for it ispriz d by me higher than any gilt from them could ever be. It is the duly of every citizen to serve his Siale whenever called upon to do so, and his sole rewaid should be the consciousness of having fulfilled that obligation. If my fellow-citizens think that I have ever been able to serve my Stale iu any manner, I only discharged my duly iu doing so, and I am amply compensated for any service rendered by ill' ii verdict of "Weil douc. good and faithful servant." 1 1' certainly appears to us that this country is in danger of overdoing the gush business when Dewey returns to this country, lie is a great hero, and the opportunity came to him to show his ability and courage, but there are others. As that grand old veteran, Wade Hamp ton, says all that any public servant needs is ''Well done good and faithful servant." There are oilier heroes, and men whose names are not meutiuued entitled to our respect and favor-, and some of them need this money to be lavishly spent on Dewey to live comfortably need it a great deal m ,re lli.in the beloved Admiral, whose salary is iarge and whose wants are few. 'I'll, re is certainly need for r form in thegii-h business. We are of the opinion that the modest and retiring Dew-y will say this much himself. Til K revolt of Kcv. Dr. llnggs from the presbyterian crc d, and his reception i'l the F.piscopal Church as an ordained priest, have cau-ed much discussion, not only nf the crcids particularly involved, but of the whole Christian faith; but it all happily ended last Sunday by the eer em oiial orditi iti on of Dr. liriggs by ivisiiop roller in .New t ors. I In re was much leeling for and against the doctor in both churches, and it was feared that sonic utiseeui'y vvr.nigiing or j n t s;iug, it not worse, Would occur ou his . adula tion; but ail passed .piieliv, and Dr itiggs will n. ,w : .... a nip 1 1 Kun.pe, On his return, I ..,11 .,i, ,r am ,, ,L, oor ol'thc K.ist Side of N 'W York, as a mission irv of Cliri-t and the li i-p I. IlKI'llESKSrATlVK NuRTHS, of South Carolina, is iu Washington attempting to get ap .-tot!i.-e at Like City, where the negro postmaster. Biker, was killed, but the PostolUo D. parlmetit saysitwiil not re-establish the olli.e until the community has made a serious effort to couvict the persons who killed the late postmaster. Norton insists (hat th; lack of a posulfice W01 Its great hard ship., but the department insists that wh 11 any community sees fit to do its own removing of postmasters the depart ment will not see fit to continue to do business there. It is said that another eff .rt will be made t 1 couvict the Lake City lynchers. Arthe meeting of the Kpisc.pil Coun cil of the Diocese of Virginia held in Hichiu ind last week, Presiding Bishop Whittle lameuted the decadence of the church. ''Never within my knowledge," said the bishop iu his report, ''have we had so for? candid ites. This alarming fact in dicates a decline of spirituality aud in crease of worldliness among our church people. This state of thiugs ought to produce great searcbiugs of heart on the part of brother miuisters to discover the cause. For years m 1st of llu candid ites have come from cmutry parishes. If these fail us, it is sa I to contemplate what the end may be." A CLKVKU THICK. It certainly looks like it. but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try who has Lame Hick and Weak Kid aeys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Klectric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the system to its ualural vigor. Try Klectric Bitters atd bo convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed Only 50c a bottle at W. M Cohen's Drug Store. Ik that peace jubilee in Washington this week will bring peace, it will be well for the country. Bean the Hignatiirs of II Kind iw Urn km Bought NORTH STATE CULLINGS. Neks as fulk'j freij Our State l v .: tunics- Small pox has broken out at Morgan ton. t!i abam will have a bank in about a 1110 nth. The blackberry crop will be the nex! in order. The Masonic Temple at liocky Mount will soon be completed. The I'uited Slates District court met in Haleigh last Monday. A 2,fltHI spiudle cotton mid is to be built at Newtoii this summer. Wilmington is to have a new hotel soon, tili by 110 feet, three stories high. The nevv towu autborilies of Monroe are making war to the knife on the blind tigers. The slate charles the Piidmonl Table Company, of High Point, capital fH, 000. The lireetisbor.) Patriot says thai three more cotton factories are to be erected. La Grange will have another tobacco warehouse in time for next season's buisuess. At Lenoir will be built another bank which will be opeued for business by November. Wake county proposes to issue sH00 in l! per cent bonds 10 extend for a p. ii od of oil years. The Slate charters (he S nib Moon, tain L and Company, ol liuik" county, capital Si'.O.iliMI. Canting. is building a haiids..uie brick building 10 be Used l .r a bank, p ..(. Ilice, law offices and sMi s. ,)as, N. Wii.i.unsou cV Son will build an extensive addition to their O.-.-ipce mill in Alamance county. It is harm d nt ihc adjutant general's office that the Second regiment of the Slate guard is now complete. Superintendent Mebane requests coun ty boards desiring county institutes this summer to uotil'y him at once. L. P A iron, of Mount Olive, is com missioned assistant surgeon of the naval brigade. Willi the rank of lieutenant, ju nior grade. An ii. clion will be held duly ISih in I Iteeijsl.oro 10 decide c lie .(Ucstion of issuing J'Mii.iinil iu b .tids for uiuuieip.il i m r jveiu. nt. Hope Mills. No. 2. near Fajetteville, has resumed operations after standing bile several iu mills while a steam plant was being put in. The trustees of St. Maty's School, at Raleigh, have elected to the rectorship of that S' liool Rev 'I'. IV Itralton, of Spartausburg, S. C. Judge Wail. r Clark favors the the lion of I'niicd Slates Senators by popu lar vole iu a l ile letter. lie presents many strong reasons in iis favor. In a runaway a.vidonl at Kileigh M-, and Mrs W. C. F.itiuau, mm aid wife, w to thrown fro.u a buggy an 1 the la ly's hip broken. The li irse's nac; was broken. Th" annual conrenti n of the North Car iliu 1 1! tnk'Ts' Association will be b -Id at Kileigh June Till to II, h. The m .'tub rsliip i e -tii;- is..-l of sixty five b inks. A Masonic remote is bring erected f Wimingiou, which will cost in the n iglito-li"olof?;!nil.oiiil. The corner stone was laid by the liraud Lodge of North Carolina la-t Thursday. Ii has li ii d ci l ' l to h ild the next Raleigh fiir the week beginning Octo ber 21th. Mr. J jseph. K. Poguc was elceled secret iry aa l Cipt. C. Ii. Penson was in ide assist tat seer ,'t iry aud treas urer. The corp .rati 01 commission orders tint the present rates f'.r transmission of telegraphic messages shall be the estab lished r.it-s. This puts an end to the suit no iu court over the fifteen cent rate ord red by the last railroad commis sion. Three ex postmasters are to be tried at Rileigh Federal court Pittman, expo-tin ist.r at Ttllery.eiuVM'ein'ni; liar gett, ex posiin is!, r at R .ekv Mount, misappropriating government money; Barker, ex-p istiu ister at Liwiston, em bezzlement. It would be well for magistrates a pointed by the las- legislature to remem ber that tli-y 111 i-t . lalily by June 1, else their su ves ,r, will b; appiintr.1 by li iv. Russe.l. I i 111 my of the counties few of the m i-MstratMs tiavi s y.-t taken the oath. "There are good grounds for beli. viog that George Van ierliilt c .uteiuplates presenting bis magnificent estate, Bilt roore, to the Stale of Nonh Carolina, to be used as a Slate institution, presuma bly an agricultural, stock and experi mental slaliou At Durham Cora Hicks, an 11-year-old negro girl, was cmvioied of murder in the second degree and senteiiced to ten years' imprisonment. Her viciim was the infant child she was employed to nurse. Pile became angry Willi it and deliberately placed it iu a lire iu an open fireplace, holding it there uutill it was burned to death. M) t I Kl;N() p tl. That is the way all druggists sell G IU) VK'STASTKI, KSS CHILL Tl) X 10 for Chills and Malaria. Il is simply Iron and (juiniue in tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it lo bitter, nauseating Tonics. I'rice 50c. For ale by W. M. Cohen, W'ctdon, N. C. ATthe meeting of the pin. ranis' Club ofll.e Baltimore Melllodi-l F.piscopal Conference last week. Rev. T II. Pi lets read a paper ou "Century Meiln di-m," in which be deplored the eilyward ui. dency of the c..uuliy population. II. declared that the du.s 10 the clubs and lodges which have niu'lip'i'd iu the rural districts diaiu il.e Chinch of reven u.s which otherwise would go to it, ami forces it to resell to lair.-, suppers and .juestionable entertainments to keep up naming expenses and pay the pastor. As to the ice cream freizer, Mr. Peteis says that when it goes into a church the Holy Spirit goes out. TllE bids for the new State bonds, to lie issin d to pay off the indebtedness of the penitentiary were opened in the office ol the State Treasurer, at Raleigh, his! Monday. The Wachovia Loan and Trust l'u , cf Winston, gets the entire issue of 1 10,11(111, tluirbid being H'i-1. fbere were fifty-one bids ranging fiom 101 to 111) 23. There are two causes for congratula tion connected with (be bids for tin Stale bon. Is; one, ttie high priiniuui se cured, which adds (hat much more to tin fund, and next, that the bids were s. largely by our own people, one of uui own Slate institutions being the success ful bidder. J.iilN Wanamakku has changed tin style of newspaper advertising, but bus not reduced its ipiaiilily. In fact be is adv. nising more than ever, and is belli r c.nviiiced than ever ihat live newspapers are th" best id all advertising mediums. Mr. Wauaiii iker spends more money in adverti-ing ol'this chancier than auy oth.r merchant in the I'uited States, an I to this fact is due very largely his ri 111 likable success He says so himself and be ought to know. His profits from his store in Philadelphia and the one in New York were nearly Sl.imo, IMiil last y. ar. Tub decisiou of the Supreme Court ut I lie I 'nited Slates in the suit of the city of Richmond against the Bell Tele phone Co , is a distinct triumph for the principle of local self-government. The court's decision in effect is that the city of Richmond has complete control over its streets, that it has ibe right to grant franchises at the discretion of the coun cil, and that no corporation may occupy the streets of the city without ils con sent. This decision is, of c mrse, applicable lo ail eiles and towns alike. What is good law for Richmond is good law for the whole country. The movement lor the election of Tinted States Senators by the people is miking more rapid headway, apparently, in Mis.-i.-sippi than it is in Virginia. Thirty-eight c.unli'S of the former Stale have ordered primary elections to express their preferences for I'uited Slates Senators and to instruct their representatives in the legislature to vole tin ir choice. It l staled that there will probably bo at least 120 instructed in the next Legislature, out of a tola! of ISO 00 joint ballot. The Bradley M irlins, who have made themselves talked about by a vulgar display of money before, are off to Eu rope, and before doing they gave a fare- well dinner at which the cost per plate ! was SI DI 2S. Senator lb pew was the gin-i of honor on ibis oeca-ion. The senator lias no scruples against partaking . ol all the good things that come bis way j lliM-klru'if Arnira sulve i The Best Salve iu the world for Cuts, 1 Bruises, Sores, Fleers, Salt Rheum, Fever ! Sores, Tetter, chapped Hands, Chilblains, i Corns, and all Skin Kruptions, and pos itively cures Pile or no pay rcipiird. It i, guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 23 cent per box For Sale by W. M, Cohen. I 11 is reporieu mat nen. l Heeler Will i be shortly sent to the Philippines on some j seer't mission for the War Department.! "Durability is Better Than Show.' The wealth of the multi millionaires is not equal to good health. Riches without health are a curse, and yet the rich, the middle classes and the poor alike have, in Hood's Sarsaparilla, a valuable as sistant in getting and main taining perfect health. It never disappoints. 8crofula - ' Tiiree yearn sko our son, now eleven, l.rol a trrinus case of trrnrula and erysi.. las nnii .1t.-niir.il sores, disehari; llie ami It. Iiilii; loiislmilly. Ileroul.1 not walk. s.en'riil .i so oiiii tint not lu-ip for ixlts-n iniinthH Three uionihv treatment Willi ll.s.il srarllla made lilln ,er lutly will We arc glad u p utliersul It " Mas. Iuvid l.tmn. Ottawa. Kamat. Nausea - " Vumltlntj r'lls. dltilnrss Sil.l lo-li. iti. hi Iroul.le.l tor )ran Had ii.iiralcia. crew iwali and rnuM not T- Vlv n' linst u,,, bin Hood's Sarsa.arill.i cured n.o thoroughly My weitlil in. r.as,-,l ( (j',,,, 1( (...un, am llie in. .Hot of nin-1 lotdren Nver fell o well un.l Miiiii si r,. p a nurrltrt as I do now " Mhs m a WartM. irs U4 si V asliinton. I) (.'. Eciema-' had lo lla the handa of ..ui in. i ,eiu oio s.mon ar.-ount of frrma on face ami liml.s ,s nieillrlne rrn ... ,,.i .i.m.i Wp use.i Mood a Sarsaparilla whirh soon mr-.l." MBs A Van Wc. UI Montltoiii.ry Slrwl. '.,i,.r,ori f; j l.nn . - I. , , ,,., I,,, . , rn,n, ,nd Mjeeunikoiiu-, Ssn..p;.rn; 0. ' A t'TKKHAC'K, 1H7 Rjeauiorest , Petersburg, Va. .DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELKY A CDT CLASS. -p,-.. 1UIUD uij, m-pair won vnd onlem given prompt attention. Oil 1- W It U IJ Gknkhai. J. S. C.vnit, of Durham, was the oral r of ibe d .y at the Lying: ol the 0 111. r to "I il.e spi 1 di I new ' M is. l.ie f. n I le 1.1 iltlin.l"li, l .-l I I i.urs.la; . li was a 10 i lul .ei.lies- lie Olllt.li in dirt I I,, I., I o' li.e I -. s ..f ilo tone in.d t. . mi' g v i ! historical !,.r, 11 I ,1 ly it ' s I . rial il.ielesl lo l,i--on- .11 d W I inn gl. l.ial.s, lul lie 1 . . .V ,11 l..l.:e THAT Philadelphia tirl who sued l .r -vv. i i In an for $13.11110 because he -que. 1' d In r hand too hard has slriwn more lacks in the already rough road of conn-hip, Willi damage suils in the -i'!e z s, and microbes in ibe kisses, it will lie (he prud. ill caper for the love lorn swain to do his courting by wireless li leeiaph v. TllE gov. nor ol Km.-is is going (,. try a coiiditi n p ttdonalee plan on s me ol die heller grade of prisoners iu the p. hit-llli iry Tti sewtioln lie reV'-scs lie to have (heir freedom so ! ng ihey do iio( drink, gamble t tout' Those three vices avoi.ltd and a man will Lave no in ed to return to il.e prison walls Til K War P. paitiii.nt has tuned ov.r to (i-'ii. r il Shatter the complete direc tion .! a1! military nil .its in A!a-ka The only general instructions sent to him has licet) stationed in Alaska, by fn-sli Iroops it being deemed unwise lo niieinpt lo retain men in dial climate for more than oue year at a lime. Kl.l.KN I'l. KM EM INK MnWAIl l II, who, und. r the name of ' Cli'moutiuc" wrole poems during die war bet ween the Slates hasju-t celebrated her sev eiiiy-sie ml birthday at Trillion. Mrs. li rover Cleveland called and paid her respects. CiENEItAI. Oris cables llie War De partment that the represinlalives of Ag uiualdo are suking Ii ruis ot peace and ihat the forces of the insurgents are scat tering in die mountains. (i ENKUAI. JllE WllEEI.EIt is to deliv er the Memorial Day address in Boston and the Transcript assures him of a warm welcome. in ivansas lives a happv wife. She writes: " I have used Mother's Friend before two confinements. The last time I had I twins, and was in labor onlv a few min- I utes. Suffered very little." The reason why s Mother's Friend j docs expectant mothers so much good is because it is an external liniment, : to be applied upon the outside, where much of the strain comes. It helps be 1 cause the pores of the skin readily absorb It, and it comes into direct contact with ' and is absorbed by the parts involved. I Morning sickness is quickly banished, i and nervousness is kept completely away. . The sense of dread and foreboding is not experienced, even during labor itself. Confinement is short and almost without ; pain. Recovery is quick and sure. Best of all. Mother's Friend benefits the I unborn just as much as he expectanl ' mother, and when the little one comes il : will be strong, lusty and healthy. Druigltti toll Mother'! Friend tor $1 a bottl. Send for our fre book on th aubject, finely llluittated. J THE BRADFIF.l.D REGULATOR CO. I ATLANTA, OA. Slliiiiiiiigiifiliftii:jiiiii.iij,cit'ii,r. A l iuiii PATiLUN i o o. ',, ,, sub- S; 1 A LACILS" MAGAZINE. S A rm; h,,.,otl ...!,,! ,,', .,. i., f: S lasle..,.. . , .,.,.(,,,, 3; UJ, S.I.J S.ejl "i-r IS SlUistl. K.'iM.e. S.iiij.l.-. I',sln. J". IVrl.ci 1 . l'wrl'411. ; Z 'No-St'ttm-Al! jwnnci-latlcin, ''' I i; . ..li -n-i.w (;',. S 5 4i"i i 1 ii j: i.:.: '.i i. co :'-'' ; i 'i si . ., vrt S; HARDWARE, I I iiiiOiit)raVlV'i)iilr)tairVi Wagon and Cart Tiuiliris, SASH, BLINDS & DOORS, Ctiiiiincv I Kor wile lij PLUMMER & WHEELER, rETEli-SlUUti, VA. oi l JO y A PPOMATTOX IRONWORKS, Manufaelurers of Agricultural Implements, Shaftings, MilKiuiriiiK, l'ulleys, All kinilsol ' Machinery, and liepnirs Noa. 22 A li Old St , lVtersburK, Va. Oi'UUly NOTICE. ifavilltf ullnlirliwl an f.lmti,i.i... r l-.i r- i ..u..iinui ui r.u- wanl J. Hui, dereawed, lata 0f Hulifai eonnty, N. C, this is to notify all persona havinv rlaima aiitiaf ll.a ui..i. . .i... - - -- - wnin in llie deceased to exhibit them to the under ainneil on or before theHih day of April, 11111, or this notice will be pleaded in bur ol their recovery. All persona iudebted to aunt estate will please make immediate payment. This 3rd day of April 1N09. V. M. BURTON, Admr. w. E. Daniel, K. 0. Bntton, attys. 1 U Ol, !UUt 1'itnM isoiir noies hereafter given lo c iver in irgios in speculative opeialloiis eannoi be -ii. d for and co bcl'd by law in 1. w 1. Hie1, r tl e t. mis of a rci-'iit Ml prcn e "irl decision in itiat stale Spe 11 ri. 11 01 nir.in, si.ys die eoiiit, "is gitnlein.': mid bis ll.u-c I'lraeled eali- ll.lt p '.re, d a( iaw . " Wloll is good in in I .a 1- g h.. i 1 Iseivhere r m. 1,11.1 i , vi . II. I'. H llilllsllN- CILLIAM & HARRISON , Wholesale Confectioners and Fruiterers, Fancy tiioeeries, Cigars and Tobacco. Sole agents Cor Knot, liig 11, Cinli, Chew ing Tobaccos. Saboroso. Cuban Stix, Uoig, Kl Mcniciiiio Cigars. No. Seaii.orc si , l'i I. isl.uig. Va. ... I S.'ly ti 1 GET ls R- 1 THE BEST ! 1 E, : I X er.l. I lo eel the Lost you t- 1 uii.st t.iiv il.e ( KI.KHIIATKI) S- I Virginia I Mountain I i Fulcher I Whiskey f a S the oldest mid best whiskey ever g .3 otl'ered on llie Weldon market. v I There Is None I I rBETTER J And None So ! It is mellow and ripe uilh old aoe. All lovers of a ("nod drink know lliut old iu;e is necessary when it co in ea to l'ure Whiskey. Manufac tured Expressly for l'ine Trade tiy DAVENPORT. MORRIS S CO. llicliuioud, Va. toyKor Sale in Weldon by AY. D- SMITH. V iV W wf 'V W irv - W ' iV v S W tW W o- n. W W r. w :r. ov W t JKSIKIXO EMI'LUY- mint can pet full iuforma ' lion by enelosino a 1! cent stump for reply. W. M. MARTIN & CO, SI 1 K liioad Street, KielitiHind, Va. :i 9 liui. When Visiting Richmond The New Ford's Hotel. T'uder orw uiauatujeot. IU-mode ltd KJ aud rtf'urni.'hed CuImdc uusur paod. Vuur latruDau and iuflutuct will be approcintcd. WEILL iSH ERE. Geo. II. Leioh, t'biel Clerk. 1 ackei StorK I am rt'ceiviiiK no me big julis iu litHpiurai.slnng (Xxls liouiit at winie o( theN.Y. .et'eut Rales, ll you Deed any thing to t'uruiMi your iKiune, come and liHtk over these big har Kain. A Isobar piins in other lines- H. C, SPIERS Weldon, N. C. Jan. 1st. 1HUU, DWINISTRiTOR'S NOTICE. Ilavinu iiuililied as ailiuinislrator Himn me i-suiic ui me late ji r. ninle, Jr , o eeaseil, I Inreliv notify nil crislitomol'saiil estate to nnaenl their elniniH n, 1.10 ,.i 1 o. tleton, N. (; , ou ,,r 1,,'l'ore the liixt day ol npni itnai, or una notice will lie plenil 111 liar ol Iheir recovery. All prnona ow mil mini eslate will come forward at mire anil aettle and save cost ofsuit. This April Hlli, hwi. H. J. LEWIS, Admr , olll K. Sledge, Jr , ilee'd. apr ll li'. W. L. Stainback. ll KALE It IS- Heavy & Fancy GROCERIES, Frnits, Coufeoctioneriea. Country Produce ltounlit and Sold. CHOICE BEEF ALWAYS ON HAND. Give me 1 oat I, W. L. STAINBACK. Weldoo, N. C jao6 1y II Chill Tonic Is Tsttolast and Guaranlod to Cur Chllta and Favar and all Malarial Troublaa. n.ifa Not Contain QiUiiiue or Olhfr Puison. Does M)i uiuarn V""",, ,njure the tonMh Nor fgt the Hearinit. W A Mrl.nrty A Son. T)imeUit,Tex.,ftjy: Hamuli's I'ppain i'hill Tonic It the brut e tiivy evpr handU.l. My o:i prrsehrw-t. il in h:n practice, and aay it is tht'onlv OLillTonir wtnrh a hill innln.-p wilhout injury to thtr itomwh," Piic'.f-6i- lilitlW'N !HK'(i. ('., Crop n". .rvfin-vill'. TVnn. VV M I'l i. II I'n-ifi. ut l.iLi' nt N.iMIihiiitiIhii roLiiity, N, ('. J.T. A KM 1ST K AD, See A Trt-m NORFOLK MATTRESS CO.,C Manufacturers of Hair. Patent Elastic Felt, Husk C.ii. -n and Siraw Mnitre-es, l'lllews, Nuiional and Woven Wire Springs, I't.is. 1 1 ... k ! I' , eitill.cue i.l.d , lie, ll... ad Hess. ; , J7 ly A. 15IL' KLEY & GO., W hoi. sa'e i i Provisions, Flour, Fii Salt, k 75 WATER STREET, NORFOLK, VA. Correspondence solieited. Our nilestnen isil your seel ion regularly. We mil only to merchants. l'r -7 ly H. D. A1XEN & CO., -I'eilirs 1 1 1 Shoca, Hals 1 jrvr :. K' " in ii w.l !:t 11, b i ii n in ..a " i ill hi ill 1 ! lilriifW $ 1)1 H. D. JLLEjlf Co. SEND ONE DOLLAR -t 1 t ' C". O. ll. F iS'.fi t tm U.ilUili:tl. 11. ".. .'-in fiamitic iltn .1.1 1 i l Ti iT T fl.,,1 tt K'l ll. iu M Hh.mi !' M ,r.. iiftv-tly mu.t...'i.., ., tut t.l(MST HtlUalS lot HUI Kit fi. (ii; iti- 111 nUR cpcriAL flFFFH PHtrF wmi and tr. ht rtw.ru.7-. i. tt. I lie rilru. SI6.50 VlUlbti 490.00 K lAjirA BUGGIES ljj AND IV W II SURREYS. X JfitjM ACftrtE VUEEN. OUR OWN MAKE.- . . i tiu OTh.Tu JiTSi -HurHnM.d ihl,.r,.i ,.i Uhri.riitaiOUR ACME QUEEN. HWttma twiJ 3.0-1BA3ELY COVERS COST of mtf m. avit.i ial.r. lea, .- U( th mallt-.t prnt lmuirti7 i ' in ! . 7J tiuvioH i ,4v ;. i Iji tvrtiaii" our huirr factory wn willing in Skl.i.TllKl OlJ mm t tt il. Wt- ri;;ow ?U t0 'a;.y j-rnrtt ua 70 tiuint - a aiUMtt-'I ua, 4vartm uirfn.htM THE ACME QUEEN wcloiiul in nnrr or Iratl.t i tiiivi , . K,iinia: i' nai-K. -f,.' )n 'it n-rei ! : utt ri? ..,i.,i.i,. ,in utt, oi U nd Hhinrtrrr (a Mtr ef .fcaft.. ill i.rrjir f..r S4I ir..r. fi (HI: I'lU mttr: tiY.it 4(111 t.rm 4IKI .T,, M an, ,HMI ailn a Oil SENDONE DOLLAR :,'th y,t: ' r,,r- w,!in tKN,h " - ui frflfhtrnan i, . t - rj wi-c t ii.-Kn-i. nn I tlnairi i t wtli rt urn biitrtfvat mir riia-ii-a ami will rrtiirn nmrii t DON'T BUY AC1IKAP KCTfHV RtKHlY - ' a.m. -r in-t. -y ( t all Ma.hinrrT Iwalan an.) 'atai..ir M...j... BUY THE BEST BUCCY MONEY CAN BUILD direct ftoax th Maku llhLOWERT PRICK KVKK KNOWN. UKDRRTO H AT. HON fr DKLA Y WRITE FOR OU FREE BUCCY CARRlACC AND HARNESS CATALOGUE AtidrfM $ EA R 3, ROEBUCK & CO, Inc.', CHICAGO, ILL, CHARLES GALLEY, CONFECTIONER PETERSBURG, VJL. Mr. V. W. Warren represents the nL""""- New Year! New Prices I I have on hand thirteen of Hume cite lirateil Wheeler A WiU.n New No. il, Family hi inn M;n Inn, A utei.l iin limvenieiit over unythini; ever niaileiti llie miy of Hi wing Mm liiui. Till LATEST AND IHvST. Hie null' nruini; Ilia, til lie Ihat lines nut tail iii an) k.ii.I. l;,.tai v iiiniinn unit l)eariliB nmke 11 the hi! Ill est lllulniu nii i lime in llie wurlil. (.annul Matt in t. arr"ii! ilirn iiiin, unit lailieoulj Imk aliti h niailiineaoarraimeil. lima lint nil the .ti ' hvt'h 1- ffrnn-tl without btii.. inn the thriail in limine t w ith oileil aria lii(h in nut Hue of oilier mat him An nil eup on I he llei ille liar revenl oiling the miHlle thriail. Ttie only ninehine bin iii); a iiet.He that eauuot lie a. t I he wrong wav. I am overMiH'keil in thfue inm liiiiea unit while t Ilia lot lai-i propone lo eline them out at wliole!ile mat for SCOT CASH, fall anil si-e tln.iitnr ui.t.. ......l.-s - "...s. I.'l IIIIIIIMIB Hilly deai-nliing them anil Mivrf l.jon tour " i B.sii nine an oilK aiue IHMirila Itiat I will eluw out at eot. Honieol iliem Vert lniii.(u..ntn. I t,...l I n ' .. Ill.lt.f-.T UUII Will give hurgiii s in anything in my line. Speei ilties eariieil: BUCCIES, WACONS, FURNITURE, s v V's1 UNDERTAKING COOOS, COFFINS, . Both wood aud metallic from SS to HiKI bJ-Nice New Heanw Free to patrons. P. N. STAINBACK. Weldon, N. C. tl Husk. Kir. NORFOLK MATTRESS CO. 85 Commerce st , Norfolk, Va. mii is, IValers in In- s - r.J and Caps Our Spring Stock:S Is r. w rendv. We have a li line i f U ... 1. 11 DiesK G' i ds, (all in pntiiins) A'-oal'ie. line of Ormidiea, (i.urid 1. 1. .ie suss, t ie. 11 ou WHlll a oea stli-li tint, one that will fit. pile us trial We handle Sihloss Hroft. & Co., li.i'or 11ii.de el. it in;.'. We bare a beauti ful line of SPRING HATS, SHOES, iC. (live us Call befnr yi u buy IN n't Fail to mi- cur uaiaiiictd axut Icllier .-In e. A i'l A II WELDON, N. C. cut tin al out nr.il hUi. to it and if yon Iivb t.(Bt or t...- Hnk, Munr.iitiurt wi .a B-titi 1Lm IIIf.N.i if A rik iiia Diirrv u BUILT IN OUR OWN FACTORV tN CHICACO, on honor Imhi tiit U-t iitnti-rHi in.ntej pan kuv. Htuif m our true Buggy CrUnlonu xln.w, fup RukkISI maiio l.f cII.it maktra at 2I.50. S2B.73 and (.14.75 tl e eia.1 ! Hiiif lmv- thnt an- ,..,! Ii v 1)11,1,1,1, , itoaifii., at l.i08 In ,.. 9UR ACMEQUfeEN AT $35,00 tha man U.1 Tim H,sT HIM.1 1111 UX III HI T. Vfm mmlnuin ourowntlve atury bnnft-y factory for me ..! I.nrji ..h of tuill IIi.k aiul n.-lti naj a HKTTtN BHWT 1IKN Hit H fill l.iKlliikHK t,t W UH Ol tl Till HUH tm H(H hK a I'MltliT. Every Huftiry We Mako Curotd Fivr. Ve3f and Thy Will out wearFiv Ord nary Factory Rmm 1H1 MATIIIAL AND LAIOt IN lUI ACUf Uf I . -t avrr U. JauUI tlixl (ii (lia unit nary f ktry i ''ti'. W u a 9t.hu t-uhion riih. om u ; i -f tit; wiiixall .Oltrart llnmif MimaiiMlOrnti we u.-mil tnl Iradicr, nun Uit t nil, uc f :0 .-ilri inl rjiiita .rtit u-V Tbcriit aiul It. W WM 1'AY ALMOST UOU B1,K tti t.-t- ni-M m.k.ni i.ir trai-i.. colli of leather trlmnwl. rnrl tprlnir. buffMl iraiarr or mm iml. aakttor taU, f4 far roiatta to IC , h-aiji t.laffc. tt .lark trttn vim an I t H rtiuiif h.-.t -i rm .(.r..-, and antl rilllrri f 1 .7 tun. Ill titif WkltHM IMI H( Mm ana lk rHi.hi firm aod will visit Weldon sod ill vicinity mi 10 lv. HENDERSON TELEPHONE II COMPANY. OKum ui' 0 KN KK A L Sl'I'KKl NTKN DENT, IIKM'CllHll.N, n. c. Fetruar) 15, 18119. 1 lie Con . mi) hea la niieiiiiee lliat 'lit' I I . hi. e Mie liv cniiielid l)J llie I. ' n g Is..iiit 'ctviic, si d ilie rates li.r.'wnh ,i,t, i.iid will le iffeelivs to and sftel Fel iuar) IS, IHiHI. KHDM WKMIOMTO Ailill, HO. M.oun, 25 HriHilMun, .'10. Manwn, 25 ('. i.t h i ilie, Kl. MidJIibuig, 311 ( liuiiliill, 25. O.lnille, 25 halmey, U5. Oxlord, IU Kufield, . Hidgewsy, N , 25 Frank linlon, 40 Hidgcws,8 25 . ; Mlburjr, !5. liosnoks Rapids, Ilcodeuon, 115. VsDghan, 25 II. lil'.x, 10. Wsrreo I'lsina, 25 Kilirell, 40. Wsrtenlon 25 I-urel, 41). Wis,, 25 Litilttnn, 20. Vouigsville, 45 Louiaburp, 40. F. C. Toepleion, Geo. Supt. th). N f'ha.lr. B.M.. HA UI MOKE, MD. ' TAelighlfnl Ixxatinn Very Acei I I ble. I'erfeel euiaene. Permanent Sod trtnaieuta rMteml to Aral eiJS style. KEAPONABLE TERMS By the day, week or mouth. dfflBly. The Irvington a ' ll