L JOHISr "W. SLEIDO-E, pkopiuktok. VOL. XXXIV. IT IE "W SP APEB FOE THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C., T1LITKSDA V. .JUNK 1;. IS!)'). TEIlvdS: r'11 I'Wl ANNUM IX ADVANCE NO. 7. NEVER TO TO I S, S, S, is a Great Blessing to Old People, It Gives Thorn i:!' lint New Blood and Life, ini; lluir mo as 1" Ir.mi vvlii.li keen their s li the reiiiedv which thoroughly itonov lug all waste ureuui i:;.i' mi s. an I lli.j.nll lug new strength and lite I' till1 whole 1....I, It j-ici i-;.... s lli Hppntiti' huilus up ili - om-rgi. s. an. I -.nil- new I j I Riving hi I llin.ii".li..nl 1 1 1 " 1 1 1 i r 1 kv-imh Mrs, Small I'll.1' Ill !'-'nlvaf. mil, I ustin. vv i it. : " I am R.'Vcnty ye-nrs old. an I li;..l not . ii .,ve.l .uo.1 I.i allli fur t'ventv Iran. I was si.l, in .lilT'it nt unis i.n.i in tul.lili.iti. had Eczema t. riil.ly on i.in- nl my legs 'I I e .I.H tor suid lliat on a. count of tii v ;ige, 1 would tin. r l.e well again. 1 1 . . V. a d.i.iMi l"tt las i.f S s. S an.l it ruri d inf eouiilot,dv. an. I I mil bsppv t i i that 1 f.'.1! jr. well as I ever '111 in niv llv' Mr. J W I.ov illg. I'f o.llllt. On , :va years I suffered lorltiro fnun ll niv skin. I tried almost every known failed nun by hup. und I wim linn sixty Hix. was against me. ami that I to I well again. I liimllv t.n.k S. S. niv blood thoroughly, it if I now 1 am S. S. S. FOR THE is tlui only rente'ly whirh run luiil.i old iilopli, Iihciuihi' it is tlip only oiu1 w tint) from iNitiish. ini'ii'iiry, arsi ni.' aim nim r nainaniiiK uiinerala. It is iim.li' from roots anil lii'il.s. an. I I. as no i-ltrinieals linli.cr in it. S S S run s llii worst rasrs of Sriofn'ii. ' amvr. r..v.i'tna Ulirnii'titi.-m, Tetter. 0n fiorcs, Clironir I Icrrs, Itoils. or any oihrr riicasi' of tin' I I. .. .I, Huukxon thw dwaws will ho sent free l.y Swill Seville ('.. Atlanta Ui. ThePeerless i.!fc I Wine, ' ,"ri u" ltMl SHOULD BE I1T ALL, "I TT A O K 1 :, ? U 7 ? V maJo by GARRETT & CO. i 1 LJI.JL. IJLltLXLX ua'aii., rrincly and all lluir j.ioda are guarantee.! to (;ive satist'ai'liuD. ; Hume UlBoe, ; CHOCKOYOTTE, N. C. 5 JfHly Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Becommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable quality. i DAVKNI'OIIT MUlUtlS & CO., Sole amenta for the Distiller, Hichiuond, Va. "MR. W. ). SMITH, at Wei Jon, X. C. 1 19 the sole distributing aireut at tliat point, for the abnvo uld uuJ i t'elebraled WliUkey. DAVENPORT SloKltls CO. mar.11Aif. T. T. KOSS, m l DENTIST Weldon, N.C. tUT Office OTur Emrj A I'ieree'natore. in 1-ly. r HUDSON'S , 1117 Mam st , Not folk, Va. - Ldies' and U miletncn'ii Dining ROOM. ALL MKALS 3S CENTS. aVRrASSlXa CUFFKK A SPECIALTY J. R. HUDSON, Proprietor. The Betit of Everything iu Seaaon: oct 111 lyr. ki SPECIALIST and AUTIIOUITY on all :ci. en 411 who are sulleniiK with may KL(K)l) TltOUBLE, would lie wise tn call on or SUM reus br mail. Consult!, in tree anil medicines compounded Ui suit eneh partic ular case. When writing to me pleiwt en ewe stamp for reply, ii 1'KOF. JAS. HARVEY, i 425 Church St. (New No.) I Jniy. Norfolk, V. II Jaco drovers Uisoases A to .1.. ; tin! iio.i'ss;i: Hid ill lieu nl II..' f.ii-ki.i' ni..ih I ;, sii.-. jii ill!.. I llv lltt'llh III. an. I -S UlllOl.g si i-ldt rl) 'I illlll'KS. r.-.-i.i.n." nearly nil Iloi'l ..I-ran I. iipl.. nrc vurv H w wholly iiiin. i oss.-irv. !v keen l.... iiiii. Ili.-y .'an . :l lv t:,-ii:n-lv e. :iH' t In Iftli't In i-f llie ailn i'MIh liiev alll r . . ' t : rally. S .S is on young l.v r inlying (li.- I.. ..!. stivu: " I .1 il'lil lioi.v iriiilioii mi roni'sly, l.tn 1'iey my ''-' whirh is r..nl. I never h.jie S., an I it clean--1 in icifoct IkmIiIi." y. BLOOD up atui slrtM.'liit'ii liirli is 1(11111.1111... .1 fi'k l'ran.'h Wart'ln.tise, MEMPHIS, TENN. J. L. JUDKINS, Wlioltnale and Retail l)eiiler In Fine- Staple ami Fancy FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES- CrtM-k ry, til.iss Tin, am) wiMwlen ami wil Itiwwiire. Al l'mM's Morse, t'tiw, llu utul JNmltry FimhI, ami tinivt's Tiwtt'l-!W Chill Tome, Alt-xiimU'i H i.itt'riiiiu t.iut'av hi me lurpuniyui tht.' blood. '1'hirt tonic in witniinttl or inuhev rctutuU'il. J. L. JUDKINS, No. 2 Wasbinglon Ave., dw 11 1. Webloti, N. C Brand Display -OF- fttf-Sl'lUNG AND SUlMKU-it MILLINERY- FANCY 0001)8 anil NOVELTIES. Bntterick'a I'atterna. It. k (i. COKSinS, Miaaea at otk., Ladiea 7.'k'. to $1. Mul'riciw will lie niiide In suit the timea. Mala and tKiuneU made mid tiniinied U' order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, W.l.len N n W. T. PARKER, Weldon. N. C. Heavy ANDZZZ Fancy Queensware, Cutlery, Plows, I'luw inga, Hoes, Forks Cast- RECEIVER ANDSHII'l'ER OF Corn.Hay & Oats ug 1 1 GroceriGS Groceries Beauty Producers. SMILES INSTEAD OF FROWNS. Til EV I.I IT Al.l. TII K LINES UK TII K K.M'K AMI ALU A llt.HTEIl THAT IIEI.LADUNNA CAN N KV Kit IMITATE A j 11:1 i ii t , midille-ageJ tiniidon lady saiJ tn mi' utiir, "11' I hud my life to live over again, I w.iulJ lie ju t liiinsuin." 1 y.iul.l tint repress u llieket of a sniile, wliieli si'etmd In bo exjuM't.'.l, mid was received in pmil lailh, bill sin' repeuleil, uVes, real biiiisiiiti, but il's tun Lite now, you have lu begin when ymi are real little, and mv.i lit iinty lb,, ugbls, mir sellihiii ss, n. iiieiiunes uf any kind get 11 hnlt of your heart." Many a li ne sin. '.! have I iboiiglit nl tliis oayinsr, and w.ilelieil ibe laees in the ernwd.d llnir.illglll'ares llli.l street ears, and 1 am e uivine.1 that it is trti", nii'l it is s'l.-ll f.ie. s ll, ,1 leave a ben. dietiotl with y.'ti . 1 1. 111 'it y .iif memory. In th.'e it is el' massage and aids to beauty, I he i. ve we think Inn lilllo of tin; deep liie s and iie radiealile furrows ttaeed by the th e g'lts that are utilrue to our letter natures. The girl who W .III.) lieVi I think of exposing her deli cileskinio r..ugli w.iiils and driving sti.iiij", li Is full the dirk piiint pnts of won v and p''evi-hoes.( ami leaves lines oil hel fie . tint ei.sin. lies eannot hide nor t,ii. 1 w.ii, r wa-h awnv. A siuil, hits ,i!l the lines in. I .id I- ,1 u'liiter to tin' ey. dolina ealillul 1 Veil illlitilti l't.,111 lie' , .1 it .1.).'- In til. le.ii Is .11 I l,e ene w In. smile toil, les bke the biudi "I i'i of the faee ' I hat bell a , and aside heln.l.Jer, il s, and leaves .e finest p r at lir.-t, but a thing of trail 1 .in 1 r. wiiivly se, n by mid by I. ai ii g ll.e 1'iee beamy i'ty it )'.,r a in ini h and illw.iy s r. a.ly instead of a let a smile he frown, the e.itiMiit y,.iu tiiiit'.ir and cuuvitu-o y.iur s, ll ibat this is true. V.iu will lind your faee moiMn.: in.eill.el', the iimuill will have a III. re pleasant expres.iell, the eyes will hiive 11 ehaiiiiing expressinn, and the whole ill '.'l will be b. llel and blighter. Sini'e? Wbv, nil tbo massage in the world eanii'.t make yon us beautiful as th t " '!!. v-'ii ih-i'h the nniniiuIiilor he g. unine II. t--i. hi 01 Tnikish. I only wish I uniiM a.lverli-e as fluently as they that tbi- er. , it l.eiiity pr.i'lin'er iniglit be iippreeiaed. ai d every .me bi li 've in it. I don't tn.an y.'U si. all giio like 11 Cliexhiie eat, far I'toiii it. A gii n is deliberately put on, like a 111 isk; u smile bubbles up from tin' heart. Then Hiiiles are (MiitaginiH, und be sides heaui ilying your nwn faee, y.ni ure a lilitii.' 1111 1 Unlive str ike here and there toother laees, until gradu illy well what? I uuess the uiiileutiiiitu will eoine. A HI.Kill I' Ki:il ( .TIOX. 'Wrek'h! Tin re's a co.it pneket I g ive y nl letter 111 your li 111.il three Ul. Hit ha HgoI" ''It can't be p issible, my dear." "Why do you say thit?" "Heeause I'm pretty sure I have not h id llut ei.it 111 .re lb in ten weeks!" MOItKKI'M.I'U.'T. "If I were I'jsliuister lleiier.il," he said effusively, ' I woulJ put your picture on every s:.nnp," "Ob, I prefer being kkscd by jud one man, sue answered. Aud then they began on the second hundred. Philadelphia North Aiueri c.in. IT ENDED HER TROUBLE. "I never rmirtctl nrwspnier notorielv, yet 1 m not atmi.l to siieak n gisst wool liir your 'Havorile l'rris'iili'in ' nd ' licBsant I'eltels.' Orer ft year ak" 1 snlfensl Urtltily lor iicmly four wprks with tmilniwns ntitl wenkness Alter lis inft one Isilllf of ' l-'Hvnrili' I'reseription ' mid one of t'ellets,' I was A well woman. I have taken no medicine since and have had no syinu toiuf of my former truutile." Mrl. K. A. Ut-uder, Kccne, Cs 'Huetou Cu., Ohio. 'IP Sare Plunkett IIAI'I'V AMIUI'VllllNSIlH' IMi I.AV IIV I nn. l.ilM- MEETING AT OLD-TIME CHURCrl. WHAT A lll.illllol'S T I VI K 'I'll K KAI1MKUS IIAVK At'I'KK Til K I'llOI'S AUK MAIiK. Atlanta t'niistituti..n dust think, two in. re iuiuiiIh, then July, und cr..is will be mail June ' 1111.1 lay by limit will be upun us Wh at ulher class id' people than latin cm can claim such a blessed season as a time for lay-by? 11 fore oue hardly real vs it the crops are nude and a season of rest and of peace comes lo the farmer. One more 111 null's work will virtually wind up the labor of making the cn.ps of lDII. Al't.r a month now everything wiil be easy nn the farm, fruit will be in season, pleasures will be iiniue'irated and the plow boys and country lasses will be romping in prj I'ul glee while the old folk will fold their hands in rest upon the h.ippy faith that (J...J will do ll.e balance. How ble.-sed nr.. such c oidiliuns ' W here else can it be found save in the rar.il ursiii: s ? The country family that lias .1 .ne its duty lor the last four mouthx cm Iru-t the rest to providence in a con fidence and rest fulness that 110 othtr class on earth can feel. The mechanics of tbo town mu: t l.atirior on, ll.e iih: cliant brands over a dull and heated sea son and longs lor eotlon lo hurry in, rich p '..pli! will he Worrying lo tiud the sum un r resort tn give them a rest tli.it the poorest clodhopper would refuse lo iicci pi if he were lo fiod it in the middle of li e Mad, the quality of comfort an 1 freed.. tn from anxiety that cotues lo the I'uruiei al l.i) by is found now here on eiiiib save nn the farm. They will lay up in lie shade at n.ioiitiiuc, play marbles un.i.r the big naks, eat fruit I'r.itn the lr. es and bring m- lotis from the siin' sii nine such pleasures without pru-e that is Innml I nowhere eUc nor by any eiber da--, Along with the oilier pleusiiies will conic the season id big meetings ai d caiitp-tn.'ctines These ate uloriniis lor old and young. O'.J people are like old o!,.c',s - liny u.-ed winding up, and the big meeting season is the key that loucbts the old nun's heart and sets linn to tick ing with a Mtiuneer lick and happier put pos', I pity the 111 in that has n. v.t kuo jro the pleasures of a big meeting iu the country. There you will find out all that has happened in die past year. Old friendships urn renewed. Kvcry death will be tailed about. If any urn sick lliey will bo missed. All the matriagis will he discussed. .New babies will le there dressed to bo admired and iroud ywog in oh ira will show theiu to their old unites with a holy pride that only cnines 1 liriiugh a mother's love. There is no matching this. Not on this earth is found such peace us belongs to the young country couples who couic for the first lime wilb llu ir babies to a good uld nioelin" house in the country. Xo mat ter how long our fathers and nniibeis may live, nor how nor where, there wi 1 never be a happier lime lhan llimugb th. se years when ike children were small and went and cam.: as the parents did. 1'lie sociability of these big meetings is beyond measurement. In groups they nit around undtr the tiees swaiinine itnsMp till the preacher artives. The urtiviil of the preacher tnuiks an event id die i.c 'asiou. After h-i h is tied his iur.se to a .swiugiug limb ho passes through the groups shaking hauds, wilb a word I'm this "sister" and a chut with that "brother, " making impressions and bringing pleasures 1 hat will remain h ug alter dicy have pissed from die fields of action and odor gcncralioiis have taken the place of the old. The congregation now gaihcis inside die church, ulier die preacher's arrival. A good old hymn is marled 'All huil die pow.r of Jesus nuuie, Let aiieels prostrate fall, Bring I rib tl.e r,.y.il JiaJem Aud cr. wn hllu Lord ol all." Whoever has sil in 011,1 of ihcse olo churches and watched die congregation as they came iu and took their seals has 11 uieuioiy 10 cherish us long us iite shall last. Young hoys nud girls, young mothers mid old, old fathers mid y. ut.g fathers, logeih, r with the babies, will re- luiiin as memories loswicten maay bittern ol iil'c and bounce u.-j,.ylu!ly over many tugged ways, (J bliss ih.se churches. Ihebtoehis weie rmi.h aud the iutetior unfinished, but Ir, scoed w.ill.- sniniug ci.uuuciitTs, t'listiioneil seals nor carpeted aisles uever have mi, I never will catch the alt' icliutis of a people and hold llieiu dowu through life it do those rough old things. And the babies a pr,ttv babe iu its in other's anus at au old fashioned church is the awcelcst thing ibis side ol heaven. If you wiil go lo where 1 hey carry these babies to church and walch theiu one after die other as they nestle thcit liulc faces down in (he folds of their mother's dress aud fall lo sleep, you will not think it coarse, not hit, but yu will find in it a rebuke to fashion and a promise for die future that can ucver be found iu the children left at home with servants to nibble at Initio and cry fur (licit mother's return. Children raised ill the arms of a lumber give proliliM' of hiing n blowing folevel; children who are doomed lo (he care of servants and die nourishment of u h..ile had heller to have never been bom, con sideling, of curse, thai these eiu.liti n.s peilaiu lie.'ine of the mother's desire lo meet lint demands of f,t-hion. Iiul 1 do not want to jo t .IT any ol ll.e weaknesses of die day. It is a glo lious thing to contemplate ihe peace and plctisiiic of lay by ittnc, and to know, loo, llnil farmers can claim this lis entirely ih.irowti. I heard a bu-incss inati of Atlanta say otico dial if it was nut for the rest of Sunday he would very soon laud in die usylutn. What 11 glorious thing if these bard-worked business 111.11 could have a lay-by. It would be so good for llicin and good for the world. Hut lliey can't have it. It is biiMin-s. business. The world is running wild on business. Night must be turned into d.iy. The great wheels of the induM ri. . tnust turn and the clatter of nneliii,. ry be beard through all die nihi. Tie 1 have no lay by they have tin night, li takes millions of dollars to sali-l'y a man's ambitious where it u.-ed lo only lake thousands. A man with a million .lof hirs cannot rest neither can a 111:111 r.si who has his he.irl s.d on making a mil lion. There is too much strain, loo liulc lay-by. Wo can sec the need of res! and peace wherever wo look. Wc are s..,.ii 10 have another big priz) light, and es l iting gum 's will bo instituted to relieve tlie sir ,ii ; bui the strain rein litis, and will remain umil the Wor'J slims .1 .wn ibe machinery at night, stop craving for die millions and takes a lay by one 0 in every year, Iru-ling more in the I, ml. A b .y at ten years of ago now knows more than they usej to know al thirty ami yet they arc all fouls. lt orent slale.siinui in prospect that has been evolv ed under the culture of die last thirty live years, 'fry die country. Have a l.i-by. (i,-t hack to old-lime way. I I I is is my advice. New departurc- h.ivc pruv, d a allure, (ileal W '.illh and the cravings lor wealth is all v. xa liuii. Alter you get il, it will )., y 11 no good. Millions will nut lui tin pe.nv of tl.e e .uDtry inin's lay-by, und fashion cannot supply il.c pieasiit s i l an old-'iui big iii -eitng al a eounuv inee'iilg bouse. SakiIB I'l.l'N K K I I'. I'llll lit I II I'll' TV 1 I'. lt Mrs. Winslow's Sootbino Syrup has I.e. 1, used l,.r over lilty years l.y minimis ,, mothers lor children, while (eething. with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens tbe gums, allays ull pain, cure wind coiic, and is the best remedy lor iM.inl.uca. ll will relieve die poor lilt K sullerer immediately. S Id by dru'.r'ji-t-iu every part ol the world. ."1 cenis a bottle, lie sure and ask for "Mr-. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and lake no elh. cr kind ) IN ASOI.Ii .MAID'S I.VIS. Man is n two-legged animal dial claws tobacco and walks on ihe forked end. Most un-n me burn; we ucver heitid of hut one thai wasu't and he was made ol mud, just for sample. Mao's life is lull nl' disappointni, nls and gr ivvls and eorn-ch pipes, lie goes forth like a lion in the morning und leaves his wood for his wife to chop, and iu (he evening he sncaketh home with his punts lipped, und raises Cain about hard tines. He lias la gtii.no on road work tng days, and walks twenty miles to a ciicus. He wi.l chase a jack rabbit four miles ihr.iugh the sti .wund linn boiiun a horse to ii le ball a mile lo the post office. T Tl:lt, S ll.T KIIKI'M AM) 111'. .i:m t. The intense itching and smarting inci dent to these diseasis, is instantly allayed li applying Chamberlain's Kye and Skin Oiiiluictit. Many very bud cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally elTl 'iellt for i'ching piles und a favorite rem ily for sore nipples, chaj -pe,l build', chilblains, frost biles and chronic s.re eyes 'J.'i.i. per box. E.irsalel.y VV M Cihon. Wel.i.ia, J N. llrown , llama. I ir A H Harrison. KetlelO. Ilruiniisli wn T sin; tiioi (iirr. Husband W hal did you dunk when you heard the chandelier fall iu tic nighi ?" Wile I thought you had been dt tuined on "business" aguiu, and were gelling upstairs as ipiietly as you could." I'tt Cauv's CnNiiiriDN I'mvnEnn, ale ju-t what a horse needs when iu had cumin tin, 'funic, hluol purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but mcd i.iiie and (bo hesl in use lo put a horse in prime condition. I 'rice 25c per pack age. For an',' hy W. M. Colon Wi'M.m J. N. Brown, Halifax, Hr. A S. Il .rris .11, Enfield. llriiKKislsi AIM' AT IIIIMIi. "How are you getting on in your clay uioihling, Kilty?" "Oh, just lovely; I'm devoted toil." "This is a fine head; who is ii? ' "li lodncs-! don't sk me. Isn't he sweet, ll is cither Martin Luther on ltcnjimin Franklin "IV-lroit free Press. Hail To Tie Goat ! THE OLD MADE YOUNG. I.IM'KN VK st'll t-'-.tolNTKIl ANTKIill.l,' M.VNS WHO I'KKt I' AlliiCT WITH ToT HtlMI s ; 1 i-s Hail lo Ihe gout1 chin whiskers and Hall to him i.f ihe en.-ive eve ! Hall lo him who I.in i 1 li with the gaiety of youngster, und wilb the ihickh. inleili obslinacy of die African belligerent who r.juiccih in ibe ..f.ie f th,. ran ir ' All h ail 1 lint why ibi- vociferous bail! Ah, listen, ye bald heads and stiffj iiiile.1 an tediluvians who creep about with loiter ing steps, and guzj with lacklustre eye upon " Vanity fair," in. d 11 story sir.uigo we will unlold. In Chi.-aoo lint big city of the Wist that cily win re maiden.-,' feet are large and wh.ro the embalmed beef II iuii-b-cih there hath be. 11 di.-covcr. .1 the siel'el of re.stuiino joiuh. Not I ho Waters sought by I' .mv .le Leon, not die elixir of I r Ilrow n Seguard, but soineibiii slringe and vv -itd. 'lis 10 inject into the veins ol age the Iwnph ffolli ll.e 'lil'i -cells" ol the y. ling and fiiskygoat, This d oie, In, pre.-to, change! the octo gi'ii.iiiiin In conn 'lb us he who leadelh Ibe g. rmaii wilb aiiile step, and givcih lo the aiicii nl laggard the speed lo run even as Aguitiuldo halh. Hut and wc mciiiicdi nit to pun when wc .-ay "but" the discoverers ol Ibis William the ('oiiipieior remedy l'r old uge sayt th nothing of die uppctite wbieh c itiiclh with tbe Ivmpli of (be goal. How urnble il will he wliiu die old 11 1 ii-niad. -young st.'pp. lb so Id. oily at sight 1 I' the ills. a .lis label on the 1 111110 1 0 can aiel d. voiireib ll.e c,n; or wilb fran tic ha.-tc tear, lb the circus bill down and eateih il ! lilt again licit 'but" all good things have iheir drawbacks, and if this lymph of the goat loicclh an unholy ap p.'iiie, even l..r the Cniig!v--iuual Hee td us a steady diet, I, I us have the lymph, and b t old age be no inure. Away with ill. uinaiie j Hits, away wilb ti e stiff ,11111 und the ill 10 eye, lor man's b.st tiiend is di-eoveled ! Ag on, hull to the gual ! Hail to the restorer i f Kurnal Youth ! Wilson News Companions Tlroil Life, THE WIFE A HELPMATE. MI TI AI. SVMI'ATIIV ANH I . SEK I.NESS slllil l.il EN I KK INTO THE M AIIHIAUE I'oNTHAi'l'. Not to cook, and wash, and mend, and drudge, day iu and day out, surely. Il (his is all a man wants, why not bite a servaui; they can he had much cheaper than a wife ? If this is all a man wants, it is easy to faticv a voung man calliDg upon a young lady and asking her for a sample ol her pudding and that she show li ini some of her needlework, and dial she bring die broom and give biiu an lllii-tr.nion of how she can sweep. Such ibiugs arc important and it should be ev.ry girl's aim to be proficient iu all Juliet) of the household. Hul how much more happiness there might he in this life if young uion and women Would only (ry to realize (bat what they most ueej to learn is how to In come hclplul, sympathetic, loving com panions! When they arc courting lliey are fund of each other's society, they like to be together, lo talk, lo take walks, and what a lot they find to lalk about while his slr.mg arm is about her waist. And there is ucvet a need for these days to end. The man would be belter at bis business, mid the wife would gel her work done while he is away, wilb uiiuble lingers and a happy heart, if such a coudiiiou did but exist. The great mistake is made when die young wife thinks. Will, she has li.r home, and the young 111 a 11 nr! 'cts ho has a wife. Sympathy und love, that is what each should give (he olber all through life, and Willi Ibesu (be iioiiie uiuy be made a paradise without it, cannot be otlnr than a wilderness. W hy worn 2o,"U0 lMlTTLKS OK ItOll EUTS' TASTELESS 3.V. CHILL TONIC nob! the lliwt year of IIh birth? Answer: BiHttuwit Is tbo BEST AT ANY I'UU'E, gtiiirniiteisl tsi euro, money rvfiindi'd Iftt fulls, ploRsiiiit to take, 2no per bottle. It U sold aud guftrnutoed by W . M. tlihen, Oruggist, Weldon, N C .1. N. Brown, Halifax ; Jackson PrugCo., Jackson- WOMAN. Some women mean what (hey don't say, a groat deal more th in what they do say. Chicago News. THE lllixr PHI'.! KiprioN For chills and fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. Never fails to cor, ; why then experiment with worthless imitations? Price 50 oents. Your money hack if il fails to cure. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C, A Society Girl. SHE HAD A HEART. AMI IN I1OIN1I A N011I.E ACT SHE SAVED A MAN 1'ltO.M A KATE WOUSE THAN HEATH. Miss Thornby was a veritable butler Ily iso every one said wiih a fortune al the command ol her owu capricious fancy. Judson had uevei seen her, but he hud heard of her, lor the humble collage dial treasured all he bad in tbe world be longed In In r. The usual kind y light had long since died out of Judson's eyes, and the only spoil.- d.at ever came from iheiu glanced from a silent leir. The winter was not yel over, but die poor coin missioiiers funds were exhausted. There was no work to be had; no otic lo look lo for help; and three liny babes aud an invalid wife to care for. Oue of die children had just opened ihe stove d our und had put something in. Judson looked away from it to l.is wife Their eyes met in silent converse. It was the last stick of Wood and they were both thinking of it. "Never mind, John," said his wife, iu a faint, broken voice. "Perhaps somc ihiug will come (0 us before (he day is over." A few gruff, inarticulate words were ull he could offer. Judson was strong aud able-bodied, but misfortune hud so bound him down that he was as helpless us the little lu. Idler that lugged in vaiu al his boot strap. Suddenly he got up from his chair and left die house leaving no word as to where he was going, lie was frenzied with grief, and, laboring uudcr excessive energy of strained emotion, walked brisk ly und fast, finally reached bis destina tion the Thoriibv home a magnificent stone structure al the sides of which the splendid lawn sired hed away (or hun dreds of feet. Judson's frci.zy hardened into anger as he rculiz d the unjust fate that had made her an heiress, ami hiui, the guardian ol so many lender, innocent dependents, a pauper ! "It is useless," ho said to himself, despairingly, "to usk f..r help here, hut it is my lust chance" lie even thought the echo of bis footsteps mocked hi 111 as ho luouulcd to ihe door, aud as he pressed the bell ho wished that il might ho the km I! that would summon her and all like her lo another world. It was 9 o'clock. .Miss Thoruly hud just finished dressing for the ball when die maid rapped at her door and said : "There's a workingiiKin down iu tin hall tbat insists 011 seeing you, and. say: (but he won't go away until be docs." "What in the world can he want of un' 'said she, und then added : "Well, if ho won't go uw.iy take liim into tl library and I'll be there in a moment." Soon she came fluttering in iu a cloud of tulle aud ablaze with diamonds. Jud son had never seen such a vision and he hated her iiu.ro lhan ever, lie wauled to strangle her and wrench off her jewels to sell for bread lo feed his slarvin family. He stood near the door with his cup iu his hand aud was looking hall doggedly out from his half-bowed head when Miss Thoruby crossed to where he stood and said with die airiest good ua lure : "Hid you wish to sec mu?" Her tone confused him. Somehow he had expected to be ill-treated, if not 01 dercd out. Collecting himself, he said tremblingly: "Yes, miss, I came to ask if you would let us slay a liulc longer iu your house. I am out of work and can uol pay a cent, and your ugent is goin to dun us out into the slicct to-niorrow." "My agent is going to put you out your house ?" said she, excitedly. "Out of your house," ho corrected, ol "Why, how perfectly horrible," sh exclaimed, iu uuinzciucut. Jod-uti caught at a ray of hope in hel sympathetic manner, and urged on by he went on rapidly : "Ifyou'd only let 111c stay in it a litll longer in n lut t can get work soon, auc (hen, miss, t 11 pay you as last as I can. Il's hiird enough lu starve " "lo starve! " she echoed, diopping her hands and siaring at (he man, as though straining her mind to conceive the idea. "Yes, miss," suid Judson, iu a low, resolute voice "My wife and children and me wit arc starving." Miss Thoinby looked al him wiih un accustomed hut sincere distress. Sud denly she cross, d die room to die wiiiing desk. "Here," said she, bunding him a leal from a check hook, "I hope this will help vou out. I inn sorry that il happened. 1 didn't know that I had an agent who would be go cruel. I am Very sorry for you. Judson was overwhelmed wiih grateful surprise. He did not know how the check road, but ho knew by Miss Thornby's generous manner that it was enough to help him out of trouble. Miss Thoruby was scaroely oonscious of having conferred a favor, (he effort had bceu io light, until she saw the man's trembling blind as he look the paper from her, and listened to his tearful voice a he thanked her again and again. Judson went hurriedly down the street in the effort lo reach ihe first electric light. Then he slopped to read the number on die cheek. He read il once, and 1 hen looked closely and carefully at again. His heart gave a sudden bound. There was no mistake -it read one hundred dollars." Judson's angry thoughts of a few mo ments before flushed over him and struck lim lo lint heart. His eyes filled wiih lours, "'tud bliss her, suid ho liruv- ; "she saved 1110 from somclhing worse lhan deiilh " 11 ml so she had. for inlsoti had made up his mind not to lot is liitle ones live in suffer starvation. Undone In A Moment. A PIOUS EDUCATION.! SIMILE Sl'umxi) SI'EEl'H HAY DO JIISI'IIIEK Poll A l.ll'K TIME. Ail Knglish peer called upon the fa mous Jusiah Wcdgcwooil. who was an ui iiest, religious tiiun, and desired lo see his great pottery factories. With one of employee", a lad nf about fifteen years I age, Mr. Wedgewood accomnanied 0 nobleman through die works. The visitor was a man of somewhat reckless lilc, and rather vaiu of his religious unbelief. Possessing great nutural wil, he was quite t-ntertaioiug in conversation, and after a while forgot himself in expressions of "polite" pro fanity aud in occasional jests with sacred names and subjects. This seriously dis turbed Mr. Wedgewood. The hoy at first was shocked by the nobleman's irreverence, but he soon be came fascinated by his flow of skeptical drollery, and laughed heartily at the witty points) iLudc. When the round of the factories had en made, die buy was dismissed, and Mr. Wedgewood selected a beautiful vase I unique pallcrn, and recalled the long tid careful process of iis making, as they ;ad secu it at the vuts and ovens. The visitor was charmed with its cx- pusiic shape, its rare coloring, its pic- lured designs, and reached out his hand t take it. Mr. Wedgewood let it fall on the floor and broke it to atoms. The nobleman uttered an angry oath. "I wanted dial for my collection," he id. "No ait can restore what you have mined by your carelessness." My Lord," replied Mr. Wedgwood, "there are oilier ruined things, more precious than this, which can never ba restored. You can never give back to the soul of that boy who has just left us the reverent fccliug and simple faith which you have destroyed by making light of the religion which has been his most sacred memory and inherilanno or years his parents have endeavored to teach him reverence for sacred things, and so to luHuenco his mind that his life and conduct should be governed by rc- gious principles. You have undone their labor in less than have an hour." The nobleman, (hough greatly aston ished at such plainness of sm-ech from "mechanic," respected a brave and hon est man, and did not 00 noun wilhout expressing his regrets, and ad mitting Ihe justice of the reproof. A common acknowledgment of God, and the prevalence of a reverent spirit are society's safeguard and the State'a defence. None hut those who forget how much the country owes lo religious feeling will ever trifle with it in the young, or sneer at a "pious education." A single scof fing speech may do mischief for a life time. Y'outh's Companion. A liKATLTlL SOLI. The good man Sir, do you know (hat you are going forward to a terrible punishment ? The inebriate No! Zat so? I didn't know I wash headed f'r home. Much 'blige, ol' man, f'r puttiu' me on. Chicago Herald. PLAINT OL A SITITRLR. When ynii'ro j ;.-cr,.t that JOU wUh Some friend alone to hear. You may be sure the office boy Is wailing somewhere near. When there's an errand to be run Oh, you may split the air A shouting for the office boy, Hut he is never dure. Chicago Herald. TIIKHE8T OF IT. Carrie Oh, you ought to join onr golf club. We have such jolly times, Minnie But I don't know how to play. Carrie Oh, we never play in our club. That's the best of it. vou know. Huston Transcript. Genuine good taste consists in faying much iu few words, in choosing among our thoughts, in having order and ar rangements in what we say, and in speak ing with composure. CXA.JS.FOXt.XA. fke fa llal ll Urn IfU. -I ""I i