JOHN W. SXEiDG-E, pkopuiktor. VOL. XXXIV. A. NEWSPAPEB FOE THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, .JUNK 22. 1899. TERMS:-'1-50 5'ER anni'M in advance NO. 8. Bfia.tifnl Captives. Tie He. "Trilbf." A Double Love Affair. His fife. S. S. S. GOES SOUTHERN GIRLS AS HOSTAGES. THE GREATEST OF BOOKS. THE STORY OF A MODEL. WITH GOD IS HER REWARD. i 1 E J. . TO THE BOTTO It Promptly Roaches the Seat In vvm tft iiih(Ii' H. fl. 9. pktWv ..MiiofiMriiiei, its (tiipcriurilj over other IlllHtd rtMlll'flitia It KiuttiiPu ttut Iwiur j.k. ol all Blood Diseases and si,1''!,:'!;.'.! ftHvilVH Iirninlitlv ii-Hrlina niwl mu-i. ..kit Everyone who tinx lnul I)Iok1 diseases knows Hint them are no nil- experience with menu or trouble. io obstinate and dillioult to cure. Very few rrtnetlies eluim to cure such real, deeo-seeted blood diseases a 8. H S .,,,,1 ., u oter iuch incontrovertible evideneeof merit S 8.8. is nut merely a tonic it it ourel It goes down to the very sent of nil blood diseases, and gets at the foundation of the very worst eases, and routs the poison from I he system. It does not, like other remedies, dry up the poison and hide it from view temporarily, only to break forth again more violently than ever; 8. 8. S force out every trace of taint, and ridii the system of it forever. Mre.i. w. Montgomery, Ala., write: "Some yean ago I waa inoculated with poiton by a nurse who infected my babe with blood taint. I waa covered with sore mid uloerafrom head to foot, and in my great extremity I prayed to die. Several prominent physicians treated me. Inn tall to no purpose The mercury and potash which they Save me seemed to add fuel to the awful flame which nns evourins me. I was advised by friends who had seen wonderful cures made by it, to try Swift's Specific. I im proved from the start, as the medicine seemed to go direct to the cause of the trouble and force the poison out. Twenty Domes cured me completely. Swift s Bpvt-ilic S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD it the only remedy that is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no mercury, potash, arsenic, or any other mineral or chemical. It never fails to cure Cancer, Kciema, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Tetter, Boils, Carbuncles, Bores, etc. Valuable books mailed free by Swift Siecitlc Company, Atlanta, Ua. 1 ThePeerless i Wine, tenons In TliwatiJrt ol American HnuwIniUd i i j; jsny& Tie Victory. DO YOU ENDURE? III.KSBEIl IS THE MAN THAT ENDl'HETIl TEMPTATION; Hilt WHEN UK IS TIIIKI) HE SHALL REI'EIVB TUB CROWN 01' LIFE. (Raleigh Christian Advocate. ) Hat, min i you, success in nil nutters is largely s question of enduraiieo. Cud you endure? Do you endure? That is the q iesiion. No mm, no wotnan has over vet wiin a prim, gained thu estoem l oouli lonoe of business men, ol their neighbors, who lack in essential to (run uiauh od, womanhood endurance. hat a big word it is. (jet your dictionary ami look up its meaning. I haven't lime to tell you all about it, tuy sermon would be too loot; and you might got sleepy. looking at the word will be a pleas ml and profitable diversion and keep you awake, "Messed is the man that eudureili teiuplatiuu.' In HS7 the writer was elated tax-lister fur Chirlesl m t omnhin in Swain country M inn ing my h use, wit'i book uudcr arm, I w-oit to meet an appointment in i lie county. At di ihht time. 1 was invited by a hospitable lanucr to sit at his table. Before g iiug in, two young mi' ii appeared on the porch, and oue ul bene, driving; a disk uf "oi'iuntain-dcw aug'es'ed thil we lakes drink It was i temptation. Ojly a I'e weeks before I had asked 0 id to give, iu strength to ver lake an . t ' 1 1 r. My conversion had not d stroyed my app-iite, and a driuk w .iiid Ii ly h ive tasted gul. Hot I had i lit this business. Then after preaching to the men respectfully, lov- iugl), a little sermon, we weut into din tier. Id lore honing Hie meal 1 was shouting happy hut held in. Already over the first temptation in the new life, HITHERTO 1:NREC0HI)E1i EVENT OK THE CIVIL WAR. I Washington Times I "I was miled up in one little iliire curded event of the cival war," said lien. H , "that was interesting from its very untisaulness, and which, as I look back upon it, seems strangely picturesque. We were attached to what wus known as the Marine Brigades, a little fleet of twelve "tin-clad" river steamboats that plied up and down the Mississippi after the surren der of Vicksburg The term 'liuclad;' by the way, is somewhat tuislcadiug, as it is not rem itely connected with the metal, but signifies rather boats heavily planked with oak for the purpose of pro tecting them somewhat from the ravages of bullets. "Ouc day our little battalion of four companies were ordered to steam down the river disembark at Uodney, inarch to Kurt Gibson, and there consult sealed orders in regard to further proceedings. routine our surprise upon reading the instructions to find that we were expec ted to cipturo and carry hack to Vicks burg as prisoners fifty uf the most aristo cratic Con federate vouug women in the city. However, we had served long enough to obey orders without question and provided with guides familiar with the town, we set about our bizarre utid not Io a agreeable task. Wo first estab Hilled headquarters at the residence of a prominent Confederate judge " Then different squards were sent out to call at Hie Ii noes ol young women and escort tbcm Io the place of rendu vous the Instructions were that they must rep irt at headquarters within twn hours on penally ol their family ri si denouee being horned to llie ground BINllI.E I'ASKAllKS THAT HAVE TRANS FORMED M ENS LIVES AMI MAl'K HISTORY. SHOULD BE 1 1ST ALL. TIT A PIT "R ThP R V maiie b GARRETT & CO. lliXVJ-VJA-VA-V J- unfailing remedy and all their f goods are guiraqleed tQ give satjslaetiun. Home Office, Branch Warehouse, : CHOCKOYOTTE, N. C. MEMPHIS. TENN. i jelly I Jacob (Irovers J. L. JUDKINS, Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a : Stimulant of tReliable quality. BAYENPqRT MQ1UUS & CO., Sflle agents for the Distiller, Richmond, Va. MR. W. D. SMITH, at Weldon, N. C - is the sole distributing agent at that point, for the above old and Celebrated Whiskey. DAVENPORT MURKIM CO. mar 91 Cm. Wholesale and Uetuil Dealer Iu Fine ' Staple Fancy Groceries M-FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crock-rr. (Hasa Tin, and wooden and wil lowware. Also 1'nitt's Horse, Cow, Hug aud Poultry Fowl, ami (i rove's 3 Tasteless Chill Tonic. Alexander's Liver and Kidney Tonic for purilying the hloud. This touic is warranted or uiouev refunded. J. L. JUDKINS, No. 21 Washington Ave., Weldon, N. C- dec 11 It. V D a. T. T. uoss, PBITTIST Weldon, N.O. f UOca over Emry A Pierce'aator. 1IM tv. HUDSON'S : mm mvm BllUiUUU AJ1UUU1I, 347 Main St., Noifolk.Va. t .. Ldies' and Uentlemea'a Dining ROOM. ALL MEALS 25 CENTS. fl'UfMSSA'G CQFFEB A SPECIALTY 1. R. HUDSON, Proprietor. The Best of Everything in Heaeon' octlOlyr. la a SPECIALIST aud AUTHORITY on all (Ironic Diseases All who are suffering with any BLOOD TROUBLE, woold be wise to call on or Mdreaa by mail. Consultation nee and medicines com pounded to suit each partic alar ease. When writing to me please en la atamp ror reply. PROF J AS. HARVET, 436 Church St. (New No.) Jni. . Norfolk, V. Grand Display ftii I iriveii vietorv. snd that evenine , . l r The only iuforuntiou we could uive llieui in the earv summer returning home from ' h . the day's w.irk iu my couuty's service, they rested ou uie the j iy, the lautul wreath uf victory, always falliu ou hiui who at a moment iu life's battle routs the enciuy. The tops of the sur rounding mountains were all aglow with the golden light from the sinking sun; the little bir Is cooid be he ml saying their eveuing praters of th inks to the Makei; the iu uotaiiis hid broken forth into slugiug aud Uu irees ot the neld were claiiing their hands, asjthc wriier went towards home conscious ofstreugth that from that day until this, has never deserted him. Home gave to lur sol diers crowns of iliff runt clur icier for worthy service; but Rouj uover placed on the head of any 8 ddier a more glorous or honored crewu than thai hieh tfiid lmvcs to those of His soldiers , . ..ii, was (hat before the hour was up the last who eodure temptation. "Hles -d is the I man that endurtlh lempation; for when he is tried he shall reetiive the crown ol lite, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him " Therefore, my dearly beloved, wear your crown now. In Heaven there will bd no temptations to overcome, uut nere uie world is iuii oi thetu. If my reiders, any of them, are beset with temptation of whatsoever hataeler, edure the same, dou't yield. overcouie it, and wear your crowu. Ii is ready for vou, a crowu uf glory and homr. Why nut put it on to-Jay. Jonesboro, N (the who transaction wis as much mystery to us as to them), was that they were to be taken to Viuksburgas priso ners id war, but were on no account to suffer any discomfort or indignity Ot couisj, there was a great weeping wailing and gnashing of teeth from ten der mothers, I iving, sisters and Irate fathers an I brothers, liut the ineideni h id to be acc epted as belonging to ill furtuuess of war, and at the end otlwi hours forty-nine of the fifty, attend by aniious friends and relatives, were at the rendezvous. Mercy was implored lor the one delinquent. An additional hour was granted, and at their own suggestion several of the young women were dispatched to her home to persuade her to follow their example in c.racclull submitting to the inevitable The result till G I'(ISKI) full ONE IMCTl'KE l.mKIl A KAItM MIlRTUAllK. r. II IS AlKTIIOIi. word OF- -Sl'RINd ANDSUV1MER- "llowdo you pronounce the ''buiterine 7" asked the customer. 'The last syllable is silent," stiffly replied the iradennao. What to hat A little child can discover more stray suubeaiua thau a grown person can MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Botterick's Patterns. II. & G. CORSETS, Miaaea atMlc., Ladies 75c. to$l. aaPric will he made tosnit the time. Itala and honueta niade and trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, W.M..H n n W, T. PARKER, Weldon, N. a Heavy ANDZZ Fancy Grocsnss lair prtMioer put in an appeaiaoee though in a very defiant mood ' Uir troubles, however, by no meaus ended here. Indeed ihey were hatdly tairiy ucun. the next question was ho to trau-p irt our beautiful enptivef to Hoduey, a distance ol some twenty miles, over roads that were io frightful condition from the devastations of wai and coust-ipucul ueglect. AJI the good horses, too, like all the good lueti were oil tu the war, aud as lor carnages, they bid most decidedly fallen into a stale ol iunocuous desuitu le. Tuere was obvious ly nothing for us to do, therefore, but to gather together all the bioken-down old horses aud dilapidated vehicles in l hi vicinity, which we somehow managed to bitch together with plough harness s. bits of rope, straps, etc. With these improvised coaches druwn up into line began the proce as of loading on our vie titnp, and when they were all slowed away it was a motley luokiug procewdon, I can assure you, JCven the sound ol farewells and the iglit of weeping eyei oould not bliul us li li e huinotoua as pect of (he scene. Vou tnut teiuembei that wc were all prell y young fellows it tKt The civil war was lougbt by men whoe average age was oly 21 Well we made our way slowly, amid tear- and laughter, to Uod uey, where we em balked lor vicKsburg. I pou ainviu) h.-re the yoiin W' tnvn were taken bcfiir. the provost marshal, who put ilnm parole, coon ling (hem to the limits ul the city, .'lost ot them bad hieuds in town with wh uu they chose to rcuiaiu and suitable q larters were found for the rest The reason for the whole transaetiou then transpired. It see ued that some Northern 'oung wom in school tachcn bad been taken prisoners by (he C'onfed eratea, and were at lb it momeut iu (licit camps, where they were forced to wash and mend tor itie sutlers, and pe torni nlher mniiitl m.reine Thi.nH l,iif,.,lur. aumcirni or improper nouiisnmriiv. iuc "(;oldea Medical Discovery " Is for sale by ate young women were, therefore, to bi all goou meaicine acaiers, ana oniy an un- a siiwrtoN for neti, The man who earns his li vine; with tils brains cannot altord Iu neglect nu UoUy. The body is the tin mice ai a Ruilrr thai furnishes steam to Ihe brail" If Uie fur- nar i. ittmittrtl tuKet ciuUfffd With 1'llllk era, the boiler will make no steam, and the delicstr machinery ol the brain will slow down and come to a dead stop. When a man hnus that his ideas do not come as frrely as tht-y once did, he ncrdti l wurry li.tiit hi. ntpn. t.l m.-hin-TT. lfS-rw but he had better look to bia body. Ilia stomach and in- tebtines are clogged with the clinkers of indigestion. His blood is impure, and does not receive the proper ele ments tp put vim anu ipera into the machinery of the hnin. If he neglect this condition he will suffer from headachea, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, confusion of ideas, desoondencv and lack of energy Kventua v he will break down with nerv. out exhaustion or prostration. There is a remedy that will promptly put a man right under these conditions. It is I)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It cures Indl ninn fills the blood with the vital rle menu ol lite, tones me nervea, ami manes the brain bright, clear and active. It cores all nerve and brain troubles due to in Astieikie wisely observes, the story of separate chapters of the Itible, or even verses, if it could be known, would ho a record of surpassing interest. In the ex peiieoce of everyone some texts sliiuc like stars, as we think of personal Inn's they brightened, or death-beds of friends tbey cheered. Every religious life bor rows thus its own secret illumiuation from year to year, its own galaxies and bright particular stars, which have soothed disappointments, tempered calam ities, and filled the mind with a calm and steadfast serenity io the darkest moments Human compositions catch its power as they embody its spirits and repeat its words. Kings and peasants, philosophers and the illiterate, martyrs and confessors, have alike been cheered, iuspired aud sustained by its wondrous wurds, Ii has created the lustiest poetry and the suh blimest art the world ever knew, and u literature uniipic in its power and dignity- There is hardly a chapter that has nut, perhaps, in some uf its verses kindled sentiments unknown to antiquity. There is a transcendent vigor and life in every page. A single verse made Anthony that he hud, and introduced through bis doing so, a new era iu eeelesiasiieul history. At a single warning of lb pislles, Augustine's heart was inched uuder the fig tree at Milan. A siugh chapter uf Isaiah made a penitent be liever of (he profligate llouliester. .1 word to St. 1'aul has become the sluing hold of hut her. Cromwell charged at Dunbar, to the cry, "Arise, (J God, and let thine ene mica bo scattered!" And Authony drove away his temptations by the same appeal. Thomas Arnold murmured in djiog ; "If je be without chastisement whereol all are partakers, then arc ye bastards and unisons," and "Blessed are (hev who have not seen, and vet have helii ved " Selina, Countess of Hunting don, died qiiotiug I hrist s words, 1 gi to my Father.'' Lady Jane Grey wrot in the hook of the Lieutenant of the Tower belore her enrol ion : "Tim d i of death is belter than the day of birth. Latimer, at (he stake, roused his soul by (he remembrance that "G id is faithful and will not i-nller us Io be leuipted abovi what we are able." Luther died crying "Into thy hands I commit my spirit The I'saller aloue, by its manifold a plications and uses in after times is a vast palimpsest written over and over again illumiualed, illu-tuted by every cuocciv able incident aud emotion of men and nations, bailies, wanderings, escapes death-beds, obsequies of many ages and cmntrics, rise, or may rise, to to our view, as we read it. What shall we say of a book so uiauy-toiijjucd, so inteuscly human, so authoritatively divine? Let critics and theorists stumble at words or phrase; let some things remain (o the end ' hard to be understood;'' whose voice can it be but God's, which rises still and holy over the turmoil of life, in a thuusaud peisuasions, commands and promises, to wain us of danger, to guide us aright, and to soothe our infinite cares aud sorrows .' It is a noble passage iu which Augustine contrasts antiquity and Scripture, aud gives his fealty as a Chris tian man must . In Cicero aod in Plato, and such writers I meet many things tinely said, things that move the spirit hot in Uoiie of them do I find these words: "Come uuto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you res'. I hristian Herald. OFF TO KANSAS. NEITHER OF THE GlltLS WERE SI I EASI LY WON AS THEY (ifl'POSEl). II KB .MEMORIAL IS IN THE LIVES Of THE PEOPLE FOR WHOM Nil E I A-1K1KEII. Had it not been for a mortgage on a Missouri homestead I he world would never have seen Asthy l. M. Cooper's wonderful painting, "Trilby." There might have been a painting of that sub et by the same artist, but it could never live been the Itiaterpieee the present painting is. It was (hat mortgage dial gave Mr. Cooper bis beautiful model Some years ago this young woman was living the happy life of a country girl on her wealthy father's farm in western Missouri, She grew up wild aud free, unrestrained iu spirits aud form, living very close to nature. No corsets ever encircled her wuit and no right shoes distorted her feet. She grew to woman hood ao unfettered child if nature, beau tiful in face and foim. Then came mis- ortuue for her lather. The grasshop pers devastated his fields, and be was compelled Io mortgage the homestead. The father siekened and died leaving his wife and daughter without resources and wild a mortgaged home. They went tu Kansas City, where the mother se cured employment as a cashier in a de part tuent store and the daughter as cloak model iu the same establishment. Their common purpose was to save mouey en ough to pay off the mortgage un the homestead. As they came and went to aud from their work they attracted at tention, and soon all eyes wele upon them. The young woman soou became known as the "Living Venus," and such was known to many people who knew not hi g of her life. At this ime an artist friend, who lived in Kansas City, wrote to Mr. Cooper that be had sceu the woman of goddess like form b i alone would serve for t model for a perfect Trilby, kuuwing (hat Cooper was searching for such a model The artist weut posthaste to Kansas City He managed io secure an introduction to the beautiful ::irl, and with all possible taet suggestid his purpose. She indig oanlly lefused his offer, but Cooper was so impnssed wi b her beauty that be would not be content with a refusal II argued with tin mother, persuaded her aud promised a price that would raise the mortgage aud el deavured to show the daughter thai there need be uo sacrifice of maidenly mod ty. He told her that her mother could go with her and be with her all the time she was posing Finally she yield' d At Cooper's beauli ful home in Sau Jose, Cal , during the following four months, she was the sole mi iel and furnished the inspiration fur this great pictui' When the picture was completed, b till mother and daugh ler relumed Io I ansas City, where the daughter was soi n married. Washing ton Host. That Dick Brandon was good looking, agreeable and withal a jolly good fellow nu one could deny. He was a great lavunte Willi the lair nci, iu tact was nerally called a "heart-masher," aud no one has a more exalted opinion of his capabilities ill that hue than Diek him- nnr Queenaware. Cutlery, Plows, Plow ings, Hues, Forks. Cast- scrupulous dealer will try to induce a cus tomer to take some worthless remedy. alleged to be "jusl as good." U U.a It. l.linlH li-lati fMn. N. I , writrft : We fulhllrcl un engagrmrnl ol twelve weeks an1 ISe constant Itsvennf gave me h,l tmirh of thai ilrrstlvd disease died riy.pep.ia. I had Ivted everything poMlh,f to core It till last weva wnne piavni. mi . r beld as hostages until the Northern wo men were released. There was little de lay in the exchange, and we had our fair visitors io Vicksburg only thirty days. They were, however, vety gay, delightful days, iankee officers aud Confederate maidenB intermingled social KOH lit l.l' FIFTY VKAHS1 Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fif'y years by millions of mothers tor children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle, lie sure aod ask lor "Mrs. Vtius low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. We were chums in boyhood, and un folded to each other all our plans and purposes for (he future, and later confi ded more delicate matters, not omitting affairs of the heart. Knowing bis fond ness for the ladies I was not surprised to receive a letter from him asking my ad vice on a matter which very nearly con cerned himself, and in which was in volvcd perhaps his future happiness and dcsiiny. 1, ol course, was concerned lor my friend at this, but was somewhat relieved after reading the following : And now, dear Sam, without giving you time to imagine anything very horri ble, I will frankly tell you (hat I am in love. Perhaps you will say, 'that's noth ing new,' but just wait until you hear all. You see, if it was a common love set ape as I have had many times in the past, I could get along well enough. But this time it is a little complicated a kind of ublc affair. Come now, Sam, don't think I am a fool, but the fact is that Anuiu Lane is the prettiest little creature iu the world. Young, beautiful, a flee donate, she is everything I could ask, in short, I love her as 1 havo never loved before. But then, alas! she is poor, That is her misfortune. Were I rich. (hat would not weigh a feather, but you know I am not. "The other Mary Preston, is beauti ful, gay, accomplished, wealthy. The former I love, the latter I esteem and ad mire. 1 think 1 may say (hat neither ol them is iudillerunt tome, but could be had for the asking. Now, Sam, what shall I do? Marry the girl I really love and reiualu a poor devil all uiy days; or, by forming an alliance with the oilier, at once acquire wealth and positiou? An swer me, aud thereby greatly relieve Your old friend, "Dick " I did answer him. After expatiating upon the blessings of wedded life, connu bial bliss, loving hearts, etc , I closed by conjuring him as he valued his future happiness, by all means to marry the one beloved; and as for the "beautiful, accom plished and wealthy Mary Preston, I would come ou in due time and marry her myself." I heard nothing more from my love perplexed friend for about six months, when be wrote me as follows : "DearSa.m I courted them both (the rich one first ) and couldn't get either of them! Goodby ! I am goiog to Kansas. "Yours," "Dick." II' TO liATK. GOOD KISASOXS. Ok Caiiy's Conuition Powders, aie just what a horse needs whcD iu bad coudiiiui. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge They are not food but mid ici ne and the best in use to put a Imrsi prime condition. Price 2fio per pack age. For sa'r by W. M ('..bell Weldon J N. Brown, HitlHai.Hr A H ll.rrl.oli, KnUolil. llnnijUH A happy nmrriaoe, evelainied the widow woman, is like a beautiful dieam! Because peop e go into it with their eyes shut ? asked the bachelor girl, RECEIVER AND SHIPPER OF- Corn.Hay & Oats aug 1 j Keeih'. nilou Theater, Philadelphia, in the y and the acquaintance ao rudely forced Nelson Trio, a prulesslonal friend of mine I , ... , .... , advised me Io try llr Pirnt'a Golden Me.lical upon uir. ue.uuiui ouuuicrucra proveu, In some instances, a mutual pleasu e 1 Utacovery. I tried II, and, thank Uod, Willi fowl results." Constipation is promptly cured by Dr. Pierce Pleasant Felicia. All median dealers. could, indeed, point to more than one romantic marriage that waa the direct outojme ot our raid upon Kurt Gibson. TKri r.ll, S tl.T HIIIUIM AND l'. KUM I. The intense itching aud smarting inei deni to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Kye and Skin Oiiiimenl. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally effi ient for i'oliing piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chap ped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore oyos 25J. per box. Forsaleby W. M Cohon, Weldon, J. N. Brown, llalifai, llr A S H.rrimm. Ki'lteM DniggiiiU Service to our fi llowmen should not be made a substitute for pioty, but en ex pression of if TUB BUST PRI-Xt HIPTION For chills and fever is bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonio. Never fails to cure; why then experi aeut with worthies imitations? Price 50 cents. .Your money back if it fails to cure. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldn, N C. "Let a man die," says the Fireside Guard, "and he is suddenly full of good qualities, his faults are all forgotlen and ouly the good is remembered. Why not speak good of (he living?" Just for this reason, gentle reader. If you lake your pen in your hand and write a whole lot of praise of some liv ing man, you will in all probability, live Io be given the lie by that man's actions, lor wc all play the lool at some (line while we are on the singe ot action. Aod tlu n, it you praise a man who can not bear praise, aud some men are so constituted that a little praise makes most usijno fools of (hem, yiu have dart a great deal more harm than if you had kept your mouth shut. With these fails before us we cootiuue to wail until uien die before spreading flawers on their graves Monroe Knquirer. Why were 85,000 BOTTLES OF HOB- HUTS' TASTELESS 25c. CHILL TONIO eold the first year of Its birth ? Answer i Booauaelt Is the BEST AT ANY PRICE, guaranteed to cure, money refunded If It lalle, pleasant to take, 85c per bottle. It Is sold and guaranteed by W. M. Cohen, Drimgist, Weldon, N C. ,1. N. Brown, Halifax. ; Jackson Drug Co., Jackson. TOO VilSK. Charity may begiu at h line, but re form begins elsewhere. The world owes every man ao exist ence, but not a living. There's no re-dress for the man who has but one suit of clothes. A little white lie is always side-tracked for a big black one. The way of the transgressor may be hat J, but it's usually pretty smooth. A man can make a good bluff by look ing wise and keeping his mouth closed Literary men resemble hens. The author lays a plot and the editor sits on it. The good man who goes wrong is reality a bad man who has just been found out. When some people make up llisir minds they leave out a lot of important matter, Worry never cures an evil, but sometimes relieves the monotony of much happiness. When ordering a new ribbon for your typewriter always specify whether it's for her oi lor it. The poet possesses wouderful power. The mere sight of ooe has been known to raise the hair of an editor. The individual who spends his time in telling what he is going to do after he gets there always fails to arrive. The evil that men do lives after them. Even when an amateur cornetist dies he cannot take the fatal instrument with him. "I told him he didn't dare kiss me, she said. Then she added, regretfully: 1 1 sized him up just right." Chicago Post. fUfia- Uaila stpMin, OABTOniA, Ul ever? Don't have a helpmeet until you have meat to help. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hate Always Bought 9lgntur of ffJUl The wide hall was sombre with minis terial biosdcloth, but here and there a bit of gay ribbon betokened the presence a woman or a business suit suggested a member of the laity, The siir aud whispered conversation which usually precede a business meet ing were noticeably absent. The gath ering had met fur (hat lenderest and most pathetic incident uf Methodist Con ference week, I he annual memorial meet ing, when one alter another of the assem bled uiiuisters pays tribute to tho memo ry of those who have passed to their re ward during the year. Death had claimed four members of I lie Conference (his year, and four of tho brethren who had known them best gave, each in turn, the brief history of their humble lives. Then ooe uf the presiding elders arose und began to speak .' "It is my privilege," he said, "Io offer a word uf loving tribute to the memory of Mary Watson If'ake, wife of our brother, John Wesley Blake." At the first mentio l of the name, little, stoop-shouldered man near the cen ter of the house bowed his head lower and lower until the foiehcad rested on his hand. The simple story which the presiding elder had begun to tell was in large measure the story of the little man's owo life. How the past came back to him as he listened ! 11-; thought of his first meeting with Mary Watson, while he was still a stu dent in the seminary; of the acquaintance ripening into love; of bcr promise to be his wife, made on the day of his ordina tion. All his life he had wondered how it was that she had been content to ac cept the little he had to offer the hard lot of a Methodist minister's wife. And it had been a hard lot. Uncom plainingly she had gone with him from village Io village, with never any perma nent abiding place; always courteous and tactful, even with the most uncongenial and stifT-uecked parishoners; living con stantly in the bright light of public scru tiny and criticism; annually making bis pitifully small salary perform miracles; eeping open house for visiting clergy men and evangolisls; dispensing a cheer ful hospitality to every itinerant canvasser for religious books these, he thought with a heavy heart, were the things hich had made up the life of Mary Watson Blake. The little preacher was honest with himself. He knew that he had never been more than a feeble rushlight io the Church, and that his appointments, poor as they had been, would have been poorer still but for her who had been so faith ful a helper and had so ably supplemented his preaching with her personality. "And this is all," be thought bitterly. "Ten minutes of eulogy for a lifetime of such service. U if they could only know what she was and what she did I" The voice of the presiding elder died away, and another voice broke in upon the stillness. A man was speaking, whom some of those present recogniied as the owner of the woolen mills at Bclden. "Ten years ago," he said, "a new pas tor came with his wife to the church in our town. I bad lost my own wife three years before that, and since her death my son had fallen into bad company, and sunk lower and lower, until his very name had become a disgrace to me and a reproach to the town. In some way, I oannot tell you how, this new minister'! wife gained hold upon him. She lifted bim out of his degradation, out of him self, aod put the heart of a man into him again. It is duo, under God, to Mary Watson lllako that I oan say to you all to day, 'This my son was dead, aod ii alive again.' " In the hush which followed the gather ing begin to disperse, but before the lit tle bent figure of the preacher had reached the door, two other figures, elbowing their way through the crowd, met him. Tbey were both men in the prime of life, and as they passed out with their old friend, each had something to say of the past. "It was your wife, sir," said one, "who gave me my first impulse aod first en couragement to study lor the ministry. I wish 1 oould tell her now of my appoint ment to the Jefferson Avenuo Churoh, and how earnestly I am going to try to make a worthy use of the groat opportu nity. What the other man said wu lost in the buzz of conversation at the door, but tt carried the thoughts of the little minis ter back to a young "tough" in a seaboard town where he bad taught i aoore of years ago. "God forgive me I" be said humbly, "io my sorrow and my complaining Her memorial is In the lives of the people for whom we hate suffered aod labored. With God is let reward." Youth'. . Companion. it J

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