1.J Jj ir. w 5 it 4'- LA THE HOANOKE NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE Tl, 1S!W. I'UBUSHliD KVKIIY THUHSDAY, JOHN W. SLEE5E, Editor and Proprietor. S. E. STAINEACK, Associate Editor- Enttmltit lit Ofice nt HV.Avn 'if Srcim!- CUisa Mnttrr. KATKSOK St'HSt'KIPTION IN ADVANCE. One Year (by Mail), Postal l'uid $I.St. Mix Montha A Weekly Democratic journal ilf voted to the material, educational, pulilirul ami agricultural interests ot Halifax ami sur rounding countie. HaAdveitisirij! rates rciiKOtullile and furuiahed on application. Sl'AlN in soon to buy svine war male rial in thin country, but she will iitvn be really 6 Xfti until she has spun' Aiu-Ticuis bi'liiuJ her mm". 'I'll k Alabama pipers say tint tin' Fourth nl' ,1 uly will lt fflelruli.l at a nuuiber ill' pluees in that Stale this year an never before. Jim J emu us should out construe his preacher father's assurance that the Lord was in the fight as a troiuise of permanent backing. UgWEY's refusal to have that house was just what ruiht have been expected of the old hero, and the holders of ''per manent receipts" have a rare lot of idica. Tnirnr or forty inmates of the Ohio state prison recently struck for shorter hours. Their demands were not com plied with, neither were they informed that their services were no longer need ed. W. F. Bree.se, president of the de funct First National ltauk of Asheville. who was recently convicted in the 1'oited States Court of embezzlement and bailed, pending his appeal, has been re arrested and taken into custody. One of his bondsmen had in the meantime died, and the bond bad thereby become inade quate. Attornev G eneual Oriihis has de cided that the concession granted by Spain to the Western I'nion Telegraph Company of exclusive rights to lay cables to Cuba, though an admitted monopoly, cannot bo voided by the I'nited States during the forty years for which it was originally granted. It is a property vested right. Dr. W. II. F elton, a prominent citi I ;n of Georgia, whose wife has madi nerselt lamous through tier newspaper writing, recently introduced a res olution Wore the. Board of Visitors of the I'n- iversity providing that wutnen be ad mitted to the academic departments of the iustitute on the same terms as boys. Governor MoMii.lin, of Tennesee, has just returned to Nashville from a trip to New York, whero he made ar rangements to borrow Hili)U,0llO from the City National liank at 3 per cent, with which to meet notes of the State due July 1st aud January 1st. This indicates that money is cheap aud the credit of Tennessee is good. The Venemela Riundry dispute with England is still unsettled the interven tion of President Cleveland having only prevented England from settling it in her own way, without regard to the rights of Venezuela. Mr. Webster, one of the F.oglish commissioners of arbila tion, is to open the proceedings at Paris in a speech that it is estimated will occu py no less than sixteen days. If this does not settle it, Venezuela must resort to arms to save her commissioners from being talked to death. The sooner parents learn that the skip ping rope is a dangerous plaything for girls the better it will he for the rising genera tion of women, thinks the Washington Star. Physicians have long been advis ing against the use of this means of juvenile exercise. They have pointed out its deleterious effect upon several of the orgaus of the body; particularly the heart, and have in some cases traced diseases to its influence. Now deaths come to give point to the physic-inns' counsel. Several latal cases have al ready occurred this season. The other day in Trenton, N, J , a six year old girl died after convulsions following the use of rope. She had strained her heart he yond its point of endurance. In gymna fliums ftareful nlhletie instruetors neo iontlly prescribe the skipping rope as an aid to the process of muscle-building and lung developmen. But they watch its use closely and prevent over-exercise of the heart, which is called upon for the most aotive exertions when the body ia put through such violent paces. ftlorlom News. Cornea Irom Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. lie writes four bottles of Electric Bittors has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula which had cauaed her great Buffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the beat dootors could give no help; but her cure is complete and health is excellent." This shows what thousands have proved that Electric Bitters ia the best blood purifier know. It's the supreme for eciema, totter, Bait rhein, ulcers, boila and tunning sores. It stimulate liver, kid neys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion builds up the itreogth. Only U oenta. Hold by W. M. Cohen's Drug it. Guaranteed. CiiNiiHKsnman Hichaid Parks Maud died at his home in Lebcmm, Mo , Thurs day, peacclully and withuu! apparent suffering. The News and Observer com menting upon his death, says: The death of Mr. Bland removes from the stas;e line of the largest figures iu the recent public lite of the nation, lie was not a uitu of the first magnitude, as his tory measures men, but ho was, withal, a man of such singleness of purpose, un selfish devotion to the riyht, as he saw it, srrnuiiic pitiiotism, and clear nrap of vital questions that his passing must be esteemed a loss to his State, his party and his country, lie was a man of the type and stamp that his fellows can ill spare at this time. Noihiiii; perhaps could uive a clearer insight iuto Mr. Hland's character than his course during the IViiiocratio Na tional Convention of l'.'ti Though the dele naiicii of his State was unconditional ly pledged to him he instructed ihc chair man, that if at any time it should appear advaniiioonus to the interests of the pat tv, to cat lb vole fir aie.lh-r. Mr. Miami spent thediy at tioiin'. in his or eb .ird. He bad always been ono'ol' the si t..no est advocates of the free coinage of silver and In- steadfast adherence to that princi pie won for him the national sobriquet ot "Nicer Pick Bland. At the Tabernacle Baptist church io Atlanta Sunday night the pastor, Uev. Dr. Leu (1. Broughtuu, took his text from Isaiah lviii 1: "Cry aloud and spare not." The principal feature ot his sermon was an attack upon ths conduct of Mayor James Li. Woodward, which was a sevete arraignment from start to finish, and concluded by calling for the impeach ment of the mayor. This feature of his sermon was built around the followiug statement, which was accom pained by applause by the congre gation of nearly twj thousand persons present. "Yes, I am ashamed of our mayrr. Our mayor is a libertine. Our mayor is a sot. These facts are all known to the council and need not have me to declare them. The time has come for the council to act. There is not a single de cent man iu the city, in my judgment, who does not repudiate our mayor aud desire his impeachment." Mill' I1. IP COTTON HU.I. To ali-lv The Demand Ihr I nine (nip Hill l.i ml nail) lie ,i Haled. For once tliecutton planted has au ally among the great corporations. For years the cotton tie riug, the bagging combine and the compress people have all lived oH the cotton grower. There was no way to fight them and so ihey grew lich ou their enormous profits, which the farm ers had to pay. Now the Auierieau Cotton Company with its Houndl;ip bale is in the field aud it is so revolutioniz ing the cotton handling busiue-s that many of the old espouses are necessarily wiped out. The fanners ttiu-l iueuta b!y get a iariic share ot' this saving, but the old compress pcopie-and the bagging and tic trust are raiding a great commo tion against the American Cotton Com pany as though they had always been the friends of the farmer. I 'ulorlurialcly for them they never played the friendly act before and now the farm ers doubt the sincerity of their repent ance. The Boundlap bale is the trade mark name given by the American Colli-a Company to its round bale to distinguish it from all other bales. The cotton mills of New England and of Kuropj art eager buyers of this bale because as enin- pared with all other bales it has many alvantugos covered by broad pitents, which greatly lessen the cost of manu facture to the mill. This lioundlap bale eliminates two or three processes in manufacturing and as the cotton mills of the world are willing to pay more fur this cotton than any other, it natuarally lollows that lo secure the highest prices all southern cntton wu-l in time be put up in this Boundlap form. Mr. Win. (V Lovering, one of the most distinguished cotton mill men of New England sav: "I do not hesitate to say that the time is coming when the cottou manufactures all over the world will insist that their cotton shall be delivered to them in the form of a Roundlap bale." I.IE1TENANT lloDUSDN says tie New York Sun has lied about a conver sation between him and Admiral Schley. The Atlanta Journal observes that "this statement will not be a surprise to nnv- body who knows the Sun, which shines and lies f t ill. Fl.oltlliA has followed the example set by Tennessee aud enacted a law makit g it indictable to manufacture, sell or giveaway cigarettes in that Slate. A Lite And Death l-'lglit. Mr. W. A. Himesof Manchester, la., writing ol his almost miraclous escape from death, says. "Exposure of measles induced serious lung trouble, which etided in Consumption. I had frequent hem orrhages and coughed night and day. All my doctors said I must soon die. Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption which com pletely cured me. I would not bo with out it even if it cost i 5.00 a bottle. Hundr 'ds have used it on my recom mendation and all say it never fails to cure Throat. Chest and Lung troubles Regular size 50o. and 91.00 Trial bot tles free at W. M. Cohen's Drug Store. A ride through the counlry shows that the farmers are well up with w. rk. Crops are very clean and growing rapid- DEATH OF J. H. PARKER. ONE I'K TUB MOsI' i'UoMlN't.N 1 rll lKVs Illy HALIFAX l'ASSKS AWAY. Mr. .Ionics 11. Parker, populaily known as Sherill 1'aiker, died at his home at Etiti Id last Friday unming. lie had been in failing health lor the past few months. Siitue two mouths ago his end was dally expected, but his iudouiiiable will prevailed aud to llie sui prise of his fiieuds Mr. 1'aiker recovered sufficiently lo drive out and tuperiuteud the work of bis farm. This was, however, but the flick ering of the candle before t he Held be came extinguished, lie was couli led lo bis bed but a tew days, wbcu the end came c.iluiy and peacefully this morn ing. Sheriff Parker w.is in his TTih year. He was born in Halifax county, and ."S years ago married Miss Mary Scott, who survives liiin. The issue of tins mar riage are W. V. Parker, chairman Coun ty Commissi iuer. S W. Parker, u! Oxford, it. B. Parker, Enfo ld, Mis. F. M. (, arret!, deceiise.l. Mrs. A . B.ltl.ee, Chapel Hill, Mrs II. It Mullock. Km- wood. .'Irs. A. m. Iliaev, deee-inil Mrs City lliuit, Knlield Sheritl Parker was indeed a wonderful man in many way. 1 1 is educalioii w as limited to 11 months at school. Still by de termined and studious ell irt he was a self made man, had excellent business capa cities and amassed huge ('Mates. He was, probably, the largot red est ite mm i in the county. M..-I of (be t mo of Eulielil belonged to bin'. He and his excellent wife Were lioled far and near for ll..ir lavi-h L sj.iiaoiy Years ago when lc lived on lo- l.e.iutil'i.l e-late to ar hlt.ik.-r - ( li ipel. Ins tonne was ll.e seei.e of' in any a social gatluiitig, and in the I'. stivities wliieli followed no one took a livelier interest than he did. lie was kind, gentle as a woman, in.d always considerate of I lie rights and feelings ,, others. No nun in Halifax county had more iiieiids than .lames II. Parker had, and the writer can recall many happy hours sj.eiit at his hospitable b 'ine. In his death Enfield loses one of its most vaiuid citizens, and the ooiiiiii'iniiy at large a trietid whose place cann t be filled by another, The luiicrnl services took place Satur day afternoon at o o'clock, and were con ducted by the Blue Lodge of' Masons. St, Aldeuiar Coiiiuia i derv, Knight's Tellq l. ir. .icted as e-iult. aud the it J ii Chapt. r '-' a!-o rscrte-l the remain to the cemetery, where the iiitetuieiit look place. People were present from ail sections of the eoiintiy and it was one 1 1 the largest lilliera! processions eVel Iiel'olc seen in Enlield. Mr. Parker Was one of the oldest Masons in e It county and was at on-' time a member of M.dilax Kojal Arch Chapter. At the lime ol lnsdeatb he was a uu tidier, in high standing, f Enfield 1, idgc, -1 17 and of St. AKhtnar Cominaiidei v, No 1'.', Knigliti' Templar IN SELF DEFENCE. I'AI'l AIV J.tllN A I I I'T-s. V villi )ITKH AT ItHi'KV Mttl NT, S yolti-KU Ti I'SK li is I'lsmi. CAIT. rri'is u Mio'Mi- Hi AMI HIS ASSAILANT IS hKAI. Captain John A. Cutis, late ol Weidoii, and now general yard master for the Atlantic Coast Line at Hucky Mount, shot a negro Wednesday night of la-t week iu self defence, mortally Wound ing him. The negro lived until Friday when be died of the injuries received Captain Cults was painfully Wounded in the leg, m ar (lie knee The particulars of the difficulty, as we gather ll.eiii. are about a- follows. Edwai l Williams, colored, had beeu a switchman for sometime, but on Wedtic d.iy mo ruing be was removed as switch man and put to doing some other kind of work, lie was very insolent in his L.'ariiy- and Captain Cults bad to diivc him from his offtct,. lite in the diy Capt. Cutis was warn ed that Williams was carrying d pi.-tol for him. C.ipt. Cults then borrowed a pistol with which lo defend himself. About 7 oh o'clock the negro, who bad concealed himself behind a bn car, stooped and tiled under the ear at Capt. Cults. The ball look effect in ibc lb shy part of the leg below the knee. Captain Culls drev bis pistol ami fired at his nsail.int three times The n -gro also fired once or twice more, but then threw down his pistul and ran off, falling a few steps away. One ball took ifTcci in the cbust just b-'low the neck, aud another pouoirated the bladder. The coroner Friday summoned a jury of iii(Uest, and al'ier bearing ihc evidence in the case a v.nli-i ,.( jiisnliiblo homi cide was brought in This Verdict, of c ur-e, was expected by every utie and was heartily approved by all good ciiixens. for it was about as clear a case of self defence us we have ever known or heard of. Would Silt Sutler Again I,,,- Ifmca IU 1'ilre, 111) I awoke last night with severe pain, in my stomach. I never felt so badly io all my lite. Wheu I came down to work this morning 1 felt so weak I could hard ly work. I went to Miller & McCurdy's drug store and they recommended Cham berlain's Colie, Cholera and Oiairhoea Iiemedy. It worked like magic and one dose fixed me all right. It certainly is the finest thing I ever used for stomach trouble, I shall not be without it iu my home hereafter, for I should not care toendurn the suffering of list ni"hl atain for fifty tiroes its price (J . Wilson, Liverman, Hurgetlstown county, Pa. for sale l.y W. M. Chen Wel.lon. J. N. Brown, BallAi, Dr. A. H. Harrijwn. Kliflelil, liriiKlu. Bwstba Slgutm m i.t h imn Bought NORTH STATE CULLINGS. v'sV'U j rd!U !':!. Mar J..1I&S High Point is to have a tr-oi-.r lac Try .n tory. in'- av - Wilmington appears Willi COUlltelt'elterS. lo be infested Maxtoli will vole en -peel. al solo tax levy on July ltd. Hunan's Ailov, Sali-bur '- n lrtu highway, fas been closed by the city authorities. The Tlioinasville Tribune publishes an appeal I'ot the aid of siillercr- from the recent bail-sir -mi. Ioternalioti.il Holiness I'nion wiil hold a camp uncling at Siiinun r from July gVI to ;;il;li, inclusive Iu Eikin, a town ol l.ltlil inhabitants, the mayor imposed no fine from May 1, lS'.iS, to May 1, lv.iu. The Tie UM-uile I'ally Times, a ilire. e oliltllli, tour page -beet. Inadeil- a 1. 1 alaliee a l- w davs ago. The 10 W p l-sellgi r station nl tin ! Isoutlierii li.nlway at lireeti-lioro n ir Cllpii -1 lot the lilst time Fmlay. In dell county's in w court hoii-c wilt Cost ?-.m.iiiiii The contract was hi out by the commissioners on Tuesday. A local opitioii election was held at Tn nion with the ri suit that lS votes were ea.-t for and llil ag.iin-l the saloon. The Kinston Flee Press intends lo soon begin w. rk on an i idu-lrial i.-siie thai will be a en dil lo Kiii-t.-n and the surrounding si ction. The Newborn Journal i- ii.foinud by a col respondent from Onslow that bears in the neighborhood of Hail Moon arc becoming a tiui-anee. There are now l,lil() If these till tire in the Tb. re are "."i mostly all Male e central Federal invicts. i pri-on. I prist-! I nets, in the bricLyard. A man S!l years of age Thursdav filed the p ipers at Ilaleigh in a suit for di-1 voice lie is a veteran of the .Mexican! Wat ami of the civil war. Stale Auditor Ayer has sent to the various sheriffs a book for schedule "It" taxes. It is ibc first lime the Stale has so fiirni-heil these books. A. .1. Mar-bail iiiington hiwvt r. i. a well known Wil charged with counter foiling. He gives i.thlii bond for hi; aj..catatici al the Ft mirl. The Shelby Colloii Mills Company has; applied fur a charier. It will sunn be-i gin the erection of a Sluil lMliI mill Mean the South Carolina , (leorgia Railroad depot. Uev. Peylon II. Huge, pastor of the Firsl Presbyterian church of Wilniing- j ton, since 15, has accepted the call j lo Warren Memorial church, Louisville, : Ky. ! The Ksehange s'aji. the blind tiger1 lu-iness has become .so eouimon in l.aiirinlo.irg, that most people have lost . sight of the fact that llie law is being ; violated. ' The North Carolina Christian Advo-j cate says the Western North Carolina ' Conference gave for foreign and do mestic missions the last fiscal year 14,:55l. An election was held Monday in Monroe township, I'nion county, on the iiiestion of issuing $1)11, Outl of bonds for road improvements. The proposi tion failed. .lames King, ly, was killid b. ti moon, while : 'iiloretl, of Catawba coun ' ligbtniiiL' Thursday af itting in his door The rest of bis laniiiy Wi re shocked but in I seriously hurt. A true bill has been found against Stale Senator W. J. Cocke, of limns combe, on a charge of embezzlement of 818.H0II of the funds of llie National liank of Asheville. The trustees of Havcnporl College, at Lenoir, met last week ami unanimously elected Uev. C. M. l'ickcns, of the Wes tern North Carolina t.'on'crcnce. presi dent of that Institution. The bills, ele . of the defunct Firsl National Hank id Wilmington, tR3,(MlO face value, have been sold for ?i.". TI e business has been closed up. The bank' credilors receive uti per cent. Mrs. Fannie Timmons was killed by lighting near Neattinn, Stokes eounfr, Friday. She was sitting near a window at llie tiue. Her five children in the same room were not hurt, The Ojf.utl L-dger .-ays ib.it a few davsa.goa crop lien whs filed for regis tration in the Hegistcr of Deeds' office of (Iranville eounly, in which a mortgage on a rooster and a hen was included. Weslry McKiiigbl, a (armor who lived a few miles west of Winston, was Lilted on his finger la t week by his puppy. He paid little attention to the wound until lie wa taken with lockjaw a few days later from which lie died. IleV. Noah Kaylor, a local Methodist preacher who lived at liamewell, between Morganton and Lenoir, died suddenly. Deaih, it is slated, resulted from a shock caused by the extiaeiinn of a tooth. Mr. Kaylor was nearly "0 years old. Tlie Aiietile III A (ioat. Is envied ty all poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All mich should know that Dr. Kinjj's New Life 1'illn, the Wundcrful Stomach and Liver Hcmedy, giveaaapleuded appetite good digestion aod a regular bodily hahitthat iosurea perfect health and great energy. Only 25e. at W. M. f.'nheo' Ilruf Kore. II.VM'iS Bil.VT- Tl II -, y Hi-- 11 n:...i. lill I ttofd- i.'s l.iv. r Pi I silll 1 1 ol Km:. I Id dl !g- : , i hue b I. I III 01. I I. i - 1 . It toi li - : d li- 1 11 1 . ! -f llillldleil- o I! inioii's ,i no heme I tannic h el lo..,V. I- I -ale! N C. . mi! I li- si Im, i v er n-t 1 ,1 SI I wi-h i lloir M. light r i:-i mil n ,1 I Ii M II a;; d.. : '. -i .1 f! I III 'IO 1 .11. II I - Ir. tlllo Ai' i - , 1 lo le-l P-le , live III li e -; i i-v w. U,,i M t'olo In Mii.ii.-o wile h. t'tU-e ' his t 1) O S. :lt sleep, .-cratch.-. 1 k we w. re s 'e us we itiig earth's treat. a a tliv .i -e w b'.l.f.nd.i.t I'M hi. I HEADACHE is uiily a symptom not a disease S.i are Backache, Nervousness, l ii.v.iness and the lllues. 'i hey all come from an .iniiea'i'.'ny state t ! t'::c men strual organs. It yon stiller from any of these symptoms if yon feel tired aud languid in the niornini;- and wish you could lie ill bed another hour or two if there is a bad taste in the iiioutli, anil no appetite if there is pain in the side, back abdomen- 1? UA D I"! F LrDS FEMALE REtjL'LATOk witi bring; about a sure cute. The doctor may call your trouble some high-sonndmc; Latin n. itue. b'.:t never muni the name. The trouble is iu the menstrual organs, and Htadlicld's Female Regulator will restore you to health and regulate the menses hke clockwork. THE RRADriFd D HKGULATOR CO. ATLAHTA, CA. rjRDV TASTELESS H S Lata T i ! 3 C IS JUST ASCOOO FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRiCiS EOcts. ( A I. ATI A . ll.l.r,, NUV. ID, JBU P:irm Medicine Pn., Hi Iaihih. M... l.t'iilU'HR'li:- W liift vir. fiiW Ivilllof of (llinVK -l TAl-TKl-KM rill IX TuMC m.d hnvo ! b.niivhl tbrtt ttrviw ummdr tliu yt-iir, In nil our ii i jjnt'iiit' i.f 14 t'iini, Hi llio driin biiMiiON, Ijiive 1 itn urtl.'lt iltut an ve Rin'h muirttl uallt- ur iruir, aumv.Cahi ACO- Kur Sale ami Warraiitt'il hy Dr. A. S.Harrison, Enfield, N. C. je 10 ly HARDWARE, u 'U UUI U Wau.m .tiiii Cart Tiuilters, SASH, BLINDS & DOORS, Chimney Vivt I'm h v liy PLUMMER 4 WHEELER, I'KTKIfSlil'Uti, VA. ml In ly A PPOMATTOX IRONWORKS, Manufacturers of Agricultural Implements Shaftings, MilMlcnring, I'ulleya, All kilnlsol -Machinery, anil kepiiiifi Non. 34 I lid St., lVterslinrg, V. ih-1 lit ly lie Irvington Isll N. rltiirii-KMtrei-t . HALTIMOKE, MD. DeliKhtful Ixication. Very Accessi lile l'erlect eniwne. i'ermuneut and transients entered to first class style. REASONABLE TERMS lly the day, week or uioDtdi. decSfJljr, gen rag m . m a i i ,, Tk.-I . til" -lOlgici 01 of el -etli'-ity M')" I,., ;;i be ,','e ttl 0 illlll II 'Vlt'1 ' ,U' ml .Uhh- ' I' M ii- a- i. I'- '" j1"" 1 ''"'J i',1 ' arring.-l ' the pradicl del.-: -." 'i'l-is I " " "'. .,. - .,. b- leg i site -I r lit. i ' ....-...-. o io '! - hk t .oof b-t maw- in ihi- coin, m J I! ine iii I'oiina IW I- 111 "" j I I. .v ,..- oil" r 1-::. and l-tl. .'..itn '" ei l. ; -1 i -,., i c, ,, kt - -i Ti - "M h'- j .1 p',,ll - ., Tut lb i I li- ii--. at ." r,env,,slii-l,-,iiM,n, I I.-- M. i- i-: n l i-iiur'. f CET I THE BEST i I N or-i ; I iiois- h ilv .be i Ei.i.r.i; A l i i' . Virginia i Mountain ; Fulcher Whiskey i-k. i Ml kt t -I .-ii ibc W-M.-ii There Is None BETTER-: And None So u it h I. old '-'- v-Is -I oid ,,g- I - lo I'.ir I Exin- ..., iltiiik know lo'i ( .tl Hi i 1 1 il W l.i-k, ;,". M.n.ul .. ', tor l-'llie Tl .ele I V DAVENPORT- MORRIS & CO. Klein,, o,, ... s,!.. in Weld. 11 I !' r w I)- SMITH, iwf Ec dee '.'-.' Iv II. I'. IIAItlils CILLIAM & HARRISON, wi.t.-.t Confectioners and Fruiterers, l-'allt v I . , fi.u- ,iil 'IV. Sole net-iiN loi Kiiot, lo illtf 'l'oll.tceos s.iK.1 lOtlC. bl Mi-Mi' No :;7 Sveaiuoie -t . . ..i 1 y ; II. Cl.ili, I In i .-o. t ntiall Mu, I. o t IC.. IS. IM. i-l.nio. Va. When Visiting Richmond s , i -1' A I The New Ford's Hotel. L' lltlt T lle'A lli.llta lit. Ill KeUloilt iid ' anil ia laiiii-iitd Cuisine uiisiir- I j passed. Your air np ai.d ittlintiu j i will lie appreeialt d. I WEILUSHERE 1 i Geo. II. (..-iaSi.'Ci.iel Clerk JoT NEW ioilKjm ackct Stor 1J I am nrt iving stune big jt'1'H in litni-c lnriiiliiiii; H.h.iU IhmiIiI at Mini.' ol tlir N V. cc'iut salts. 1 1' tii nt't'tl uny thinir to ruruUh your liuust', I'otni' and liHik iiit lhtfp I'ur- ains. Also liar in ntln-r yam.' lllH'K- H. C. SPIERS WYIil.m, N. C. Jan. Int. lr!-!i. New Year! New Prices ! I have on haml Hilt u-en or' tho-e i lirated Wheeler ,V WiImui New N,,. le II. raiuily .Sewing Mai lnnes A lent nil- prov, loenl over an vt hint: ever made in lit way ol Seiv ini; Mai liuiea. Till: IiAT 1 1ST AM) IJKST. '1 he only selvuio ni.o hint- lhal lines not tail in iiiiv point. Kntary iiiuiinn ami Itall ln'iinnc make it the IiIuimi iiiniiina ina eliine in the Hii'lil, I. Hint. I si.ui in H. wrollK direction, anil Isllieonly ,H r.t t -Il marlnar ::o arniu.i.l. Ho.., u.l oil l,r oik 1 hesiiteh is loinieil illiont lirinic inn llie thread in contact Willi mini parts which is not true of ullier inai limes An oil cup on the needle har prevents oiling the needle thread. Tin, only machine bavint; u needle that cannot he set the wntne; way. I am overstocked in these macliines anil w hile this lot lasts propose to close thorn out at wholesale cost for SI'tIT CASII Cull and see them or wiile lor circulars full? clcmiliiiiK them ami savcjloonyour inai liine. I also have sij oak side Iniurils that I will cluse out at cost. Sonienl them very handsome. I need money and will jrive InirisaiiM in onyiliinn in my line. Specialties cunieil: BUCCIES, WAGONS, FURNITURE, 'il.!SJll.l4fnrAael'wsHyV UNDERTAKING COODS, COFFINS, . Both wood and metallic fiom (5 to $100. IWNice New Hearse Free to patrons. P. N.HTAINBACK. WoJdou, N, 0. f?JlMON' Tasteless arnO Ouarantsad lo Cura Chills ana Fnyor pnd utl Wilnrlal Truubio. (ni s N.it l.iut.oii l''"'"!, , M,;1;-"'f,t.sr 1.l:',',ml I V ',,"i,',i ' " '' ''im.iv,-'' :4- r Oil., r Puis. - S. I I'vue OXI'OIM). SEMINARY OXFORD N. G. i FIFTIETH ANNUAL StSSION l'iin.s IncieaMtl. Charges ltnlneid. sic. H A'l I 0 IHe.rV advant E'O 1 le.ig I tilll.o I T am 'I If .aid ali.l M.l-le. ii Eag i-h IP P i ! in it). ai ot i NORFOLK MATTRESS C0,; .,i.iil.teiiiri r- lair. Patent Coll. II all. I iiiie-1", Pillow". C,.... H.t.kl.d o.e h.. .-.id,.-. I', r eat:i!..eile a., -j; lv A. Ulvl.XKLMY & 00., Wbolosale liroo. rs, Healers in Provitsions, Flour, Fish, Salt, U 75 WATER STREET, NORFOLK, VA. Ceitispoti.lt nee .- 'i. iii. I. I i;r -alt -mi n visit your section regularly. We oiiiy lo im reliant. II. I). ALLEN & CO., -Healerii lilKlll S. Mi, , Huts " bi 11 : "i wm H. D. LLEfl $ Co. WELDONI, N. C. gM P Oto?L DOLLAR ;! 1,111 in to tt.t,.t. It, I v HI s, 1 1 to to O.ll llV. ej Utt- o, e ...-.: OUR SPECIAL 'yjr t out own make. I and LiWifl $33.00 BARELY COVERS COST-i in-t- a i vvt i I, i '.,' -.- t.Atlnr-tT ii;;fiiv nutsisi-sa rutin 1MB HWIVIB UUKtf.i'1'il.iilfi i.,.r .M t- i it' , .i . i-i.M nnia, - itiii.u' iuin iieli'le il" "I"' I Mi i.rv i . ni. . i' mid nlmft- yr r 1 U i -:i' 4im frtl.l. If a.', nt DON'T BUT A CIIK AI .- . n il .- BUY THf HIST BUCCY f M-TOHV HUOO kirn at Hit? LOW oo.oo SJ TTX ACME VUEEN 1, -;,e- atrHtlrr Hul.he.l .l I tVKST PltrCI. I VTK KN.I AS CK1KR Tt i'tVY I O SJ T V V. 1 . A Y WRITE fOn OUR FREE BUCCV. aar. SEARS. ROEBUCK & CJIAHLESC.ALIEY, C0IPECT10IER, PETERSBURG, VA. l- t' ti- v , .... . . i .'i. ii. ii. narrcn reprcmuio t lie r''l;ul"rl)'' W 1. MM ii i bi iviwiuwMivti, -t-.I.I.U IS- Heavy & Fancy GROCERIES, Fruits, ConfVet tinm rit-N. Country Produce liuiiht and Sol. 1. CHOICE BEEF ALWAYS ON HAND. tiive ine a nail. W. I.. STAISIlAtK jau.5 ly Weldon. N C Q IM.M Ti:iHA( K, 1:17 Syciimoreat , Petersburg, Va. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWEMlY 4 CUT GLASS. IjnyetTatock iutho'cilv. Kepair work nil onierairitea prompt atuutiou wt l If Cfiill tali 1'cpsin ::i....M-ll Nor Y.lert t lltiii-ln 1-.. lVii-ii. Coll 'l.tr.ici,,? ' - i i.i, tic -.mi.i ,;iV8 ,, r jtoy to tlie st.nii.,tii " tf. le in. OPtNS AUGUST 30. 1 899 llouiiling Accoiiiuiiidationa Kulargei, eiillo Stenography and Ty rnwriii , l' si's-ien i'li Esiin and French l2J.im i in, im HOBOOpID. tin v , N ('. J.C. ARMItrTKAl. 'risiJua A Tin, Natioiiiil mid Woven Wire S rings, lln-k. Etc. KORFOLK MATTRESS CO. s..' Ciniiierci si , Norl. ik, '., l" '.v r.J and Cups.- Our Spring Stocky : Is now ready. We have alii! Ii ol Woolen Press Hoods, (all in patim Alsniil.ii: line of UicMidies, Coin piipie silks, ele. If yell want a v stli-li suit, one tlmi will (il, tivc u ni-tl ttt- I. aide S 1,1. ss Hro.- I' i.nii r iii.nlt ch lltiiie. e I uve a liitvi ful line ol SPRING HATS, SHOLS, & (live us a call liolore J'l 11 loiy fail to see our eil irunletd pulint hlloe. it Kil l i urt to ttit hi . I il T ;it- R- . kv Mim 'f .;il-LI(ADf TOP BUCv-K .Mil -.. I ..I ' I " . .i t.,jihi (;iMn . t. Isi i ',- tk- V i M Frl"pi;ii.f'V55.i)i' UUIUT IN QUI OWN FACTOHY IH CMICAC v. r .11. j.tn 8m . 1 a aril j4.& . v II l.iDMf ilMiO-, 1 ft " i"-i in "'.i niti nitHUi.r, u tiMti'.' bttt uwii n't ry ju, ay ructorr '"f " i U IS HI 1 II trtin lit tud la biU l- il NlllqlfllH RIMrilH 1(1,11 'N fHHMI. icjiB dun Thn will out waar f O'd Mii-y Factory Riga. THE N1A Tf RIAL AMI tAIOI IN III ACMf ft m t km oall that in tlw ihIiiai I" ' .F-. UV i.tj fi.ko ru.lil"ii -t.tk, -n.f ...( r ) II. Uli.vt li in.- .,.ir i" i- ii r li Irattipr. me ,a ii. ,ri. ' 'I iH-i.,- . iff 'Snrittii.tt I i'AY A I.MUb T OOUHI.Ktlir i.riif ul - !,'r X'!t Vi'JT" nI-T V,,,11. T. ,yiinc OUR ACME OUEEM. nuM .al.i (.. t.ti...M l ...r .1 i ihf .niltr- pnitt rir '"ijK y lu.njry r willing rhl. TIIHK in thk Vjw. ;ll jtH-l)r Ilf. nlffrtt n ifpp' v-lit' 'mi rj' - . n-iiarr n"HH hi- unit, mmf iittwiidi,! - i i.- mil -n. .. rnit.-iiii- h- .n l.-rni ni.!n nti mi' .hlt (I II niri, ill t.i.j win. lib iwimii ub ti4 iht Nlii.t, U lii MI HO t.l 4lil4'iury - i' il I. lin n t,iiL-.' . 1. w III ...1 Utt, V i lion t. MONK CAN RUIt fl. ret from the Elastic Felt, m In f! I ' I III lllli Vlvlllll CARRIACK AND HARNESS CATALOCUI CO. Inc CHICACO. I Lt urui ami will vimt eldnn mil il urns ui.r 10 ly J -i HENDERSON Trirmmiir t COIWPANI OF HI" I! CK OKNKItAI. yri'KUlNTKM'liNT IIFNliKHfc.N. I C Kebtliiir) l.'l, I'" The Con anv lo aiintuiir the f-.llowit me now coni.ielrd In Lonii llisiuni-e I'enice, and .In' lurewiih rn.Ubhul will he illciiivr and afiei Fulnuar) Ki, 1H!9. KRUM WEI.DpNio Atlell, llrotilsiioi, (Vlilrcville, (liureliill, l'uhoey, Knfield, Franklinton (illburg, Henderpun, Ualif'.i, Kittrell, Iiturel, I.illlctt.n, Louisburi;, Hjh Marjop, lid. Mapno, III. Middlebulg, 125. OaUide, I X5. Oxford, . KiuVeaay, ' , 4(1 llideewa), S.. 3.1. Koani ke lUyii' H5. Vaniihati, 10. Warren l'liinr, 40. Warreulon 40. Wise, 20. Youngerille, 40. V 0. Tiimi.iTdK. (JfO.SUrJ - " - - - J r?