ispi WM B ' II llni IL, y I fl s jit jjt&3&iM o JOHN W. SLEDGE, ruoi'iUKTou. VOL. XXXIV. A NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, .JULY 13. IS9D. TEPIMIS: 81-5" I'KK A.N MM IX ADVANCE NO. 11. 1 CANCER IS Results Fatally In Nine Tlii Cases Out of Ten A tlio initicc, Cure Found at Last. poison in the IiIiknI, circulating tliroiihout the sv stcni, ami iiltlmiili the wire or ulcer known us the diiiivr may lie cut away, the poiaon remains in the bbssl, titnl promptly hreaks out afresh, with renowetl violencn. The wonderful mifwss of S. S. S. "i ciirinir ohstinate, ileep-iM-ateil blood diseases which were considered incinahle. induced a lew de Hpnirintf autTerers to try it for Cancer, after oxhmistiin: the skill of tfie physicians without a (Mire. Much to their ilelinht S S S proved euual to the disease and promptly cll'ivted a ''are. The j;l;iil news spread rapidly, and it was soon demonstrated beyond doubt that a cure had at last lioen found for deadly Cancer. Evidence has accu mulated which is incontrovertible, of which the following is a Hioeimun : "Cancer is hereditary in our family, my father . sister and an aunt having died from this ilieu lfnl disease. My feelings may lie imagined when the hor rible disease ml its nppearanoe on niy bide. It was a malignant Caw-or, eating inwardly in each a way as to cause, (treat nlarni. Tiin disease seemed beyond the skill of the doctors, for their treatment did no gis.d whatever, the Cancer growing worse all the wliile Numerous remedies were used for it hut the Cancer grew steadilv worse, until it seemed that I w as doomed to follow the others of the family, for I know h v d.-.ully Cancer is. especially when inherited. 1 was advise I t trv Swift Si. Hi.- S S S . which, from the tint day, forced out the poison. I continued its use until I h..d taken eighteen bottles,' when t was cured sound and well and loive had no symptoms of the dreadful affliction, though many years have elapsed. S. 5). S. the only cure for Cancer. Miis. S. M. Inn!., Winston. N. C. Our book on Cancer, contmninpr other testimonials and valuable information, will be sent free to any address by the Swift Seilii: Company, Atlanta, Georgia. The Peerless Wine, Id Thousands of American lluuseholds. Scuppcrnong SHOULD BE I IT ALL. T)T A nLT Dl?D"DA i by GARRETT CO. i- " (roods are guaranteed tq give satisfaction. Home Office, CHOCKOYOTTE, N. C. If iy Selected and Private Stock Itye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable plity. DAVKNl'OUT MOKRIS k CO. Sole agents fur the Distiller, Richmond, Va. MR. W. P. SMITH, at Weldon, N. G ia the sole distributing agent at that point, for the above old and Celebrated Whiskey. DAVtNPOKT MORRIS a CO. mar 51 Sin. Tie" biggest Tiding In Norfolk 6 Seek N i Further! boiler Cannot lie Found! Jordan's LADIES' AND GENTLEMAN'S Cafe (,1 MAIN HTKKKT, SOUKULK. VA. At Jordan'i Cafe you get the beat i!5 oent meal on earth, and everything the market afford, aerved to order in the best style, liood attention to everybody, It ia the cleanest, cheapest and best ( afi on or off the earth. Old popular ptieea RECULAR) Hieaklast 125 Cent Dinner MEALS Hnpir Each. f you tin to ihe HlisT you go to J Oil DAN SCAPK, And if you go to Jordau'a Cafe, you go to the B Kn I AMOS f. JORDAN, Keeps this place. .Open all Night. Lodging .Vic JTJK. T. T. ROSS, m m rB3 2STTIST Wtldoa, K.C. arer Emrj A Piwot'atara. i Jacob Gravers DEADLY! fcurfiil ilisi'iLsc ofton first apponra iw a more written, a piinpu. r nun i in In-cast, tim smiill t.i attract any until, in inanv ihm'S, the ilcailly (liscas, is fully lt'vrl"s il. Cancer can nd lie rim'il lv a surgical (itKTatiiiii. Iiccansc tin- cici a-e is a virulent MIIS. 8. M. IIKIt,. uuf'ailing remedy and all their Hranch Warehouse, MEMPHIS. TENN. J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale and ftetail Dealer lu Kiue ' Staple Fancy "FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crock-rv. (iliua Tin. and wooden and wil lowware. Also I'ratt'a Horse, low, lion and I'oilllrv Food, anil lirnve's j8i Tasteless Chill Tonic. Alexanders the hloud. This tonic is wai ranted 01 luouev refunded. J. L. JUDKINS, No. 2 Washington Ave., Weldou, N. C' dee 11 tv. Grand Display WrSI'KlXG AND SUMMER MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELT1E8. Bnttrrick's Pattern!. It. & G. CORSKTS, Miasea at Atlc., Ladies 7.V. to $1. IfCl'ricrawill be made to suit the time. Ilau aud houurla made and trimmed U order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Walrioa. N n W, T. PARKER, Wet on, N. C. Heavy Queensware. Cutlery, flows, Plow Inp, Hum, Forks. Cast. -RECEIVER ANP8HUTF.K OK Corn,Hay & Oats njlly Groceries Groceries Knew His Business. iir kni'w i nr. ii.Acr to mws. I IND NO MVSI'KltY NOW WIIV TIIB NEW I'olll'KIl WAS A HlTl' "By the way, Mr. Browu, that new reporter we hired last mouth is a clipper. Heats any m:in we ever had on local news." "Does, eh?" said ihe proprietor of the Weekly Hustler, glancing across the 1 1 flioe toward the desk of the city editor. ' I llioutit you told me he was too sleepy looking; to make a reporter." 'That'll what I thought tit the start," was the reply, and I wonder even yet how he manages to get hold of all the items he does. He appears to be about two thirds asleep the most of the time. N'ev- r see him hustling around as the, others do, yet whenever I call on him for his copy' he shells out the news ia great shape, l'on t believe he has missed an important item ol local news since he has been with us." "And you can't understand how he manages It, ehf 1 certainly can't. The more I think of it the more puzzled I am." "Well, what's the matter with aakin tho young man himself? Here he comes now. 1 say, Nucuiu, the city liter says you re the sleepiest reporter we ever had, yet you scoop in all tin news that's going, and he is wearing out bis intellect in wondering how you man ugeit. Will you kindly explain the ystery?" Iluh! Mo mystery about it jum plain iustiuet," drawled the new reporter I may be a trifle sleepy, but when waut news I go where news is to be had Tuesday afternoons I spend my time at the Woman's Kainv Day club, W'cdnes day eveuings I take in the Ladies' Bi ncvolent Guild and Social circle, and 'riduy evenings I put in a couple hours at the Dorcas society and by the time I get around I've picked up all the news that's worth having and it'i plagued sight easier than hustling all tin week for it, and don't you forget it! Th Dorcas society has just let out, and there'; your latest news all ready for the press. Aud the sleepy but knowing reporte lumped a peck of the latent news freshest items of news on the eityedilor'i able, and then sat down and promptly fell asleep at his desk. New York World. A MISl'NPKItSTAM'INO. "Nellie," said a mother to her little daughter, "1 wish you would run over aod see how old .Mrs. Smith is; she liar been quite ill." In a few minutes Nellie came running back aud reported. ' She said to tell you that it was none of your business, "Why, Nellie," said the astonished mother, "what did you ask her?" ' Just what you told uie to," replied the little innocent. "I told her you wanted to know how old she was." I'NTIKlt. "I am willing to bear uiy sliaio off the the expenses of procuriug the divorce Harold," remarked the uiisiualcd wife who had been freed from her bonds. "No, Georgians," said the ex-husliand with a wave of his hand. "You havi always bought my ties. I will pay fi the untie." Iu which way, through bis eiberant geuerosiiy, lie eoutinued, as U were to get it tu the ne k. Chicago lrthune. Reverence for God ia the fouudatiot, if all excellence of character. In all time and amone all people beauty and hue are associated. We all believe th at I'.ve was liealilliui. Kslher found favor liecause of her coni- liness. I.ove and jealousy t1 caused by ?- Helen of Troy ; made historic trouble for' two nations. NoUslv ever y conceived an '-t ugly Juliet. I tlcroim-4 of . fomatit are ), alwnva beau- -. ; til'ul. Ideas of nesutv differ but the one ' ' sort of lovliness that all agree upon is the beautv of health. No matter what her featurea, no sickly woman ran lie attrac tive. Sallow skin! sunken cheeks, pimply face, hollow eves. li!clr lipa tne are repellant. And they can nearly always he traced to the one cause-womanly weakness or disease. Almost all the ilia of womankind are cured if you put the feminine onraniain lino neaiuiy. vigorom condition. All shkneaaof women seems to involve these delicate organs and so no matter what the symptom may 'e tl ia, liet to look there for the real trouble. All such disorders are completely and i permanently rorco oy im. in.v . -vorite Prescription. It is designed for just this one tiling and is the only prep aration of the sort produced hy a retf"- larlv graduated pin 'strut n a skilled specialist in the disease of women. Ml Msu.l Kenvon. of ivt llrniff at , AnKrlm, Csl.. writes: "I ha.l Itrrn smii'lftl wult mv rv fur over vi-sr with meh K ,trrsdlilt ilchlni sail ltinnmm.iti"n lht t ctsiltt nrt thrm for sioltiour l'hvieinn ha.l (riven mi: many itifff mil rrmeUlr whirh trr. hkr uatns: I ltm'h watrr: otrv Ittttt.mrM )v ryr ior Ihry nicteeor'l gla.e. th Nlsrv h-M. My rnSlirr tle.lre,! me to writf to lr. H V Went, at IliiflSlo, N V . and r-iiiuin tne eomlllUin of nirwl. I itlil . anil allrr d slnw li.i his a'lvire. aiel usln- eishl Uatlea c( the Favoritf'anfl r-iahtof Ihf 'tlnltletl Unlical Uiitcoverv.' can aay my trouble is eo tlrrly rrmnifj. Uy bealtli waa KW w food as U la bjuw." -I mm i 1 .. a ain 1 I love; IF. II I were a man," the woman said, 'I'd make my mark ere I was dead; I'd lead the world with a battli-cry, And I'd he famous ere I should die 1 1' I were a man It' I were a youth," the old man cried, I'd seize all chances, I'd go with the tide I 'd win my way to the highest place. And stick to honor, and seek His grace- 11 I were a youth Tie Kite THEY BROKE EVEN. WIIRItK BOTH II A l "KICKS TO MAKE BUT IlKI'lIiKI) TO WITHDRAW. "Say, I've got a kick to make," roared the angry in hi in the loud check suit. 'I've got two kicks to make !" "What's the matter?" asked the hotel clerk. "Some fellow in Ihe room right under uiiuc had acatd party last night and the loud talking and singing kept me awake until after 'I o'clock. That's the first kick. YuU ought not to allow disorderly mobs of young men to make a nuisaoce of themselves in your hotel. I left word that I was to be called at 0 o'clock. 1 wasn't called at all, and I've missed my train. It's 9.:I0. That's the second kick. When I come to this town again I'll hunt up some other " "Say," interrupted a red eyed young man, grumbling his way up to the clerk's k, "I kick! What did you want to have the boy hammer at tuy door at li o'clock this moruing for ? I didn't leave any ordets of that kind, lie spoiled my oap. I haven't slept a wiuk, by George, since C o'clock ! If you can't " "What's the number of your room ?" asked the man in the cheek suit, "It s -1(1." "Mine's iili. That's the reason, con found it, why I wasn't called on time tins morning The buy went to the wrong " "Are you the man who kept hammer ing the 11 ior over my Mom and howling that it was time for decent people to be in bed and all that sort of thing '.'" "I am sir." "And you got left this tuoiuing, did you ?'' "I did, sir.'1 "Clerk. 1 lake back my kick. I'm even with him." ' Say are you that chap who had that catd party and broke up my night's rest ?" "I'm the chap that had that card parly all right enough," "And you ve been tossing on your bed, trying to go tu sleep, for the last three or four hours ?" "I have, by George !" "Clerk, t withdraw both my kicks. I'm even with him and a little more Kennebec Journal. 'IIMKI.Y SAYING. An unbridled passion sometimes leads to the halter. It's an easy matter to oliaso any inau you can get on the run. The mule is very apt to be behind with his buiuess affairs. Kvery man is mote or Ic-a of a gossip, but be reluses to admit it. Silence i doubly golden when you can't think of a satisfactory atiMvcr. It's some consolation to tiud yoursc t at the boltuut of the ladder when it breaks. About the saddest sight ne ever daw was a fat man trying to look cute. The child is wiser in bin simplicity than the philosopher in his wisdom. Many a man has lost a lot of momy through the hole iu the top of his pocket When the drop euriuin goes dowu men go out and put down another dp'p It is far better to fail in a good cause than fail in bad one. The nan who ooniders his own faults has but little to say concerning the fault of others. A charitable speech is but little credit to the man who ia afraid to put his hand in bis pocket. A man may be grateful fin what he rciflVf". t'll! It ! t"f Mm to he thankful for the things that are will held. Mll.l. First Populist We expelled the dea con from the party for mlxiu' religion an' politics. Second Populist Mixin' religion an' politics? first l opuiist les, lied go to po litical medio', and he'd fall aidccp in the middle of a speech, b'g.ish! just like if it was a sermon i'uck. IMIILOSOIMIY, One Volunteer If you really believe you won't die uutil your lime comes, what makes you dodge every time bullet cnmei along? Second Volunteer There ia time to die and also a time to dodge. Iudiansp olii Journal. "If I were rit li,1' tlu? poor man llitmlit, "I'd give my nil fur 1 he poor's .support ; I'd pHi my door, and I'd open my heart, And good new and I would never patt If 1 were rich." And In! if all tliene ifs came true. The woman a man, the man a youth. The poor man lieh then in all truth, Tina world would he, when weot through, .hint im it in !" A Bit Of MeriDi SWEET TO LIVE IT OVER AGAIN. M A N Y A MAN, AND WOMAN TOO, 1IAVK WISIIF.D AllAIN FOR THE MOTIIKIl IMI rtllMHIOOIl, "O how I would like a bit of mother ing to-night." The man who spoke these words was middle-aged, his hair had already begun to be streaked with gray. Ho was tall, stalwart uud strong, but he longed for a bit of mothering as in the happy childhood days. He was burdened with the cares of life perplexed with its unsolved ipies linns, and the thought uppermost in his heart was how blessed it wuuld be to once more bear the kindly words nf his mother's gentle voice, and to feel the loving, soothing touch ot her hand in short, to be once more on her knee, and gathered iu her piotecting, loving arms close to her breast. But the mother had long ago passed into the skies; the sale shelter of the home nest had gone, and ihe stem realities of tho life of a grown up man were about him. Many a man, and woman too, have wished again for the mothering child hood. Nothing of earthly success has ever made up for the unselfish love and Into devotion of the mother in lime of trouble. Not long since a little motherless child looked wistfully at its playmate, who as a childish sorrow came ran to the m ull er's anus and was taken up. in her lap. gathered in her loving embrace and cheered and comforted. The little motherless one knew what a dearth had come into his own life, because that dear est place of refuge was gone. Some mothers do not estimate at its true Value the privilege they have of mitiL-tering iu this way to their little ones. Being ab sorbed iu other mailers they imiii i inly push the little one who comes for Ctnii- fort away, thinking the trivial sorrows i f liildhoul, as they please to term them. ate of no erent moment, Some such illiers have sat alone in later years with empty sriiiH, vainlv wishiiiti lln'V i'culd do a hit of mothering to the sweet .'hildrcti whom (luy neglected in the L'bildhood days, but they have cither passed into the skies, or grown up aud itoiie away from the old home and moth er sal ins Whaii v. r c Hues to the child in later life, the remembrance of a srciitlu moth er's lovitu caresses anil soothing words is t balm io tiin sutt'eriug careworn heart I' is sweet to live it over again, and no ii in ur woman but is softened and made happier by the recollection. Thomas Hell, the sculptor, says of his mother: "My dear mother lived only long enough to guide her boy by the iiuieksatids and over the stuuibling stones ol his early youth to the fair and more open toad of life, then leaving him the compass the memory oi lier holy, lov ing life and precepts went home to rest." The iiitbicnoe of those tnothciiug days stayed with him in his mauhood years. Ihan Richmond said: "When 1 get to heaven, I want to see my saviour first, then 1 shall look for my dear old mother, whose loving, teudei car i for me iu my boyhood days was so untiring and si-l lih." I'r. Norman Melieod says that when he was a boy be was often discouraged, and in a ht of p'tilaooo ouoe said: '1 wish I never had been horn." His pious mother drew him lovingly to her side, and whispered : "Norman, you have boeu burn, and if you arc a wise bairn yu would ask the Lord what you had been hi on for." That was a wise bit el mothering, which influenced that boy he grew to manhood to give the most and ihe In si of bis life to the service el bis Master The "nod old Scotch suul in "Tl Itoniiic Kriiii liusli, well says: "Winn the Aliiiiehty sees a inn her bound up in to r Uddie, 1 tell ye lie is sair pleastd in His heaven, for mind yc how lie lovid Ills own Son Besides I m judging that none u us can love mother without lot in Hun, or hurt anillier without hurtin Him." KtlK OVUH HITV VKARM Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over filly years by millions of mothers tor children, wliile teething, with pert est success. It aoolhes tho child softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolic, uml is the best remedy tot Diarrbma. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ot the world. 2.) cents bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take do otlv er kind. Bun tha Btgoatut, r a i in mho m nin in soutfit Bp Rittht. STRENGTH THROUGH WEAKNESS OKT Til THE END OF Ol'RSEt.V E.s AND IIEOIN WITH HIM. Jacob thought himself sltotig so strong that he could wrestle with an angi-l and prevail. As loug us he did so, and did prevail, he received uolhiug from the hand of (iod. It was necessary fjr (iod to reduce him to the posiiion in which he might he save). I'utliug forth his hand he touched the sinew of his thigh. And when he was iu danger of falling to the ground, an 1 only steadied himself by catching w ith his arms around the angel's neck, when he had been re duced to weakness tho angel bent over him and said, "Then bast power with (I id and man, and bast prevailed;" and he blessed him. So with the woman of Kyropheuieia. She came to Christ strong in the idea lie was able imme diately to help her, and she had to be reduced, to be content to take the crumbs from the table. When she said, "True, Lord," aud was prepared to take the least piece, she received the healing of her child. A great many here arc too strong for Jo J. A great many ask (iod to help them, instead of asking (iod to allow thein to help Ilim. A good many need to pass through long and bitter experi ence, a withering of human life, paralyz ing of the right arm of their strength, the decay of natural power, the bciug broken and helpless as a bruised reed and a piece of flax, that they may lind all they need in (iod. Is not that the reason of (iod's dealing with you? You are tint the man you were live years ago. i ou know perfectly where the decay is at woik in your nature, iu your foituncs, in your huuios, and you are come here today almost in de-pair. You never were nearer the Source of strength than you are today. If (iod has got you dowu ou the knees, il ( iod has g it you down on the very dusl, if you can say today, 0 liod, I am a worm an I no man, then is the eternal fiod can lay bold upon you and take the wotm to thresh the moun tains, and make the bills us chaff. In our weakness wc picvail with (iod. I us get to the end of ourselves and bee with Ilim. If thus we have all things. have V. I). Ilolhiu, Meyer. K' A IMIII.OSOl'IIKIC Through thick (lie dangers bristled And darkness veiled the day. When troubles came he whistled He wbisiled 'em away I He heard the sweet buds singing Tbe songs of love ill May, He heard the glad bells ringing He whistled grief away ! And so, for every morrow There was a sunny ray; A song fr every sorrow He whistled 'em away I TIIK SlMMKlt I IKLDS. ie fields are getlin' ready for the reap ers bear 'cm sing I And soon the scythes will twinkle and the be'.ls of harvest ring; fields fulfill the promise of the rich and rosy spring, And we'll join the merry chorus in the morning ! Suu, stars and rains have blessed them; the seed, through seasons brief, Have mellowed in tbe blossom of the lieh and grainy sheaf , And "every ptnspect pleases." The world's too bright for grief, And we'll join the merry chorus iu the uioriiiiiu I TICITI'.K, SALT HIIKI l t.VM. Tbe intense helling aud smarting inci dent to these di-eascs, is instantly allayed by applying Chatubcrlaiu's Kye uud Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. U is pially efficient for iu liitig piles aud a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chap ped hands, chilblains, frost bites aud 'limine ore eyes J. .'. per box For Nile t.y W. M I'nhi'il, W.'l.l.m. J N, llallisi, Io A N Hitniaoii. Ki'll.10 liriiKKUla Judge (to a man for having five wives) "How could you be so hardened vi lian ?" Tho Prisoner "Please, your honor, I was only trying to get a good out'," Proof of the puddliut Ilea In lint online of It. Proof of lt tllKUTS' TASTELESS CHILL ToMt' II.K In the taking of It. COST NliTHINO if It fitllB to our,.. 21 cents per bottle If it euros. Sold strictly ou It.s molds by W. M Cohen, Drnitiiisl, . Weldon, N. C, .1. N. Itrown. Halitiu: Jaekson Hrnu Co., Jackson, N. C. Friendship should be like a single soul inhabiting two bodies. I'I'HR A COI.O IN ONK HAY Take I.ixalivo Bromo Quinine Tablets All dtuggists refund money if in fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. For sale by V. M. Cohen Druggist, Weldon, N. C. AS A MAN SEES HER. A FEW TIM ELY TIIOL OHTS FROM ATCHISON (II.0I1E. Another Atchison girl who gets $10 a month for silting'in un oificc will resign in a few weeks to wash dishes and cook for love and her board. ben a gill has a new engagement ring she liudn many occasions for feeling her back hair is iu good order. Mean people say that the man a wid ow selects to support her at tier husbaud s funeral is the one she usually marries afterward. "Well, I sec Mrs. Blank is breaking iu, is the wotU'in s comment when llicy read in the patwr that Mrs. Blank will give a rcceptioii. ?y the time a man has saved up enough money to have a palm and a brusscls carpet io his parlor his girl has reached the company age and be is not allowed to sit there. Several years ago an Atchison man married a slender, modest little darling aud every body said it was a case of hawk aud dove. Now the wife weighs twice as much as her husband, has whis kers and talk bass. When a woman is old and billious Nbe explains it in a poetical way by say ing she is fading away like a lilp. When a women begins to admire man she begius to persecute him. There comes a lime to every married woman when she bus to use a sort of faith cure on her belief in her husband's affections. It is a pitiful truth that women trust their daughters with men whom their husbands wouldu't trust to open an ac count. A certain Atcbision woman is always invited to serve the brick ice cream at parties for the reason that she cuts it in such thin slices. Would something terrible happen if a girl forgot to tie up those terrible buttons on the back of her skirt, aud is it possi ble under present fashion conditions for a girl to dress without the assistance of the neighbors? A NOl KISHINO FUOI. An intcreslitig test has just been mad by a l'rench woman. With a view to testing the sustaiuitig powers of choca- late, she lived on that alone tor sixty days, nod lost hut lil'teen pounds iu tbe interval. ci'Ki: i-'oit iii:ai( in: A l'rench doctor has invented electric helmet, inside ut which is a small motor that vibrates strips of steel the motor making t'.iKI turns per minute This whiiziog is supposed to cure head ache and put the suflrer to sleep. TOO MANY ALKKA1Y. "But could you bring yourself to marry a woman who smoked cigarettes?" they asked the young man who had in sisted that women had a rigbt to smoke if they chose. "No. I have enough people begging uiy cigarettes now." Tin: iti:N ii ANOTin: lt.vit. Judge Your face is seen you before. Prisoner Yes, your familiar. I've Honor, quite often. Judge Ah! AVbut was the charge tbe last time 1 saw you? Prisoner I think it was j cents, vour Honor. I mixed a cocktail for you, I believe. Win tu. ...011 im: I'l.KS CI-' K'!1- EI1T.S"1'.ST!:!.IS'J.V. CHILL TOXIC sold tho lln.1 year of ils birth? Answer; ll.taiiseit Is the BEST AT ANY PUKE uiHirnuteed to cure, money refunded If It fnlU ol. iKjiiil to take. 2oo Iter bottle. 11 Is wild and KrruiUHil by W. M. Cohen. Knieitist, - Weldon, N. C. ,1. N. Xiimn, II ahlui ; Jackson Drug Co. Jackson. - --. - - Prayer and pains through lull Ii in Jesus Christ will do anything. - - . Till: II I. si I I'RI'.M MI'TKIM Kor chills and fever ia a bottle of throve' Tasteless I hill ionic. Never falls to cure, why lin n expetioieiit with worthless imitations? Price fill cents. Your money hick if it fails to cure. For sale by W M. (Vhcn, Weldon, N. C. Tho land is hctiiel'oilh my country that most needs the gospel Dr. Cauy'k Condition Tow kerb, arc just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonio, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are Dot food but med icine and the best io use to put a horse in prime condition. Price per pack age. For sale hy W. M. Cohen Weldon J. (t. Brown, Halifax, I)r A. 8. Harrison, Kllfleld, llruiojiiu . - Persistent Btidc "Will you love just as much when I am dead ?" Bride groom (absently) 'More, darling; more.' OAHTOniA. Bwntlw f II Kiiwi tan Hun Nwm Bought Biraatu W . SV J . si Good Rales. THE RIGHT WAY TO LIVE. MOHONOilH S "lit: LES FOB THE Ul'ID ANl'E OF MY LIKE IN ISO t. The following rules, written by John Mcll.iiiogh, the philanthropist, for tho guidance of bis life, bears dale; New Orleans, March d, ISO I. They were preserved by him, aod he aiieiiipted to live by them until the hour ol bis deal li Ufiui'iubcr always that labor is one of the conditions ol our existence. Time is L'old: throw not one minute away, but place each one to account. Ho unto all men as you would be done Never put off till to morrow what you can do to-day. Never bid another do what you can do yourself. Never covet what is not your own. Never think any mutter so trivial as not to deserve notice. Never give out that which does not first come in. Never spend but to produce. Let the greatest order regulate the transactions of your life. Study iu the course of your life to do the greatest passible amount of good. Depriveyourself of nothing necessary to your comfort, but live in honorable simplicity and frugality. Labor then, to the last moment of your existence. Pursue strictly the above rules, and the Divine blessing and riches of every kind will flow upon you to your heart's content; but, first of all, remember that the first aud great study of your life should be to tend by all means in your power to the honor and glory of tbe Divine Creator. The conclusion at which I have ar rived is that without temperance there is no health; without virtue, no order; with religion, no happiness; and the sum of our being is to live wisely, soberly and lightcously. N. C. Journal of Educa tion. The Coming of Baby brings joy or pain. It'a for the mother to decide. With good health and a Btroitg womanly organism, motherhood but adds to a woman's attractiveness. McELRECS Wine of Cartful takes away all terrors by strengthening the vital organs. It fits a mother lor buby's coming. Fy revitaliiina; the nerve centres it has brotiKht chubby, crowing youngsters to thousands of weak women who feared they were barren. It purifies, Deals, rrematei and strengthens, and is oodforali women at all timet. No druggist would be vntnout it. si oo For advice in casea requiring special ilireciions, uuurcss, giving symptom, "The Ladies' Advisory Department" Tbe Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, 1 enn. 0 0 mnn.Bo. a ft sm n rt s.c.ui irvnBrMB, WRh mi!-"Wi1M 1 AM t,.h Wiix ot Ctrdul wo tud vten m;im I we yn, but could n! have any cMuiti-i. Mm BionUf Ut 1 had a tin girl baby." Wood's Seeds. Seed Potatoes For Planting in June or July. We have a large quantity of lute Seed otatoes which were put into cold ator- . . . t. 1!C tuny in uie season, so as io aery them iinspronted and in first class vigo rous condition for lute planting in June or July. Heretofore, the principal ob stacle to planting lute potatoes success fully has lieen in procuring sound and vigorous stock lute cnoueh to plant, so as to insure the maturity of the crop in the cooler rainy season of the fall. We advise our customers to place their orders ahead, otherwise oUl supply may be exhausted. Shipment can u made at such time as customers are ready to plant. Write for p-lc ami TiesorlpttTe Circular, which also sives toll tiitornisi Ion about all Seasonable Serdi, airman Mlll.t, Cow Peas, leoslntc. ftorahuma, Buckwheat, tic. T.W. W OOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. THE BEST WATCH CHAIN ON EARTH ForSI.OO. Made while yon wail at the wire Jewelry stand, 354 WAIN ST., NORFOLK. VI. to?" Mail orders receive prompt attention. All good warranted. J. W. DENNIS, Norfolk, V X.. in.