Ink l t Ly JOHN" "W. S3L,"EIDa-E, Piioi'UiKToii. VOL. XXX IV. A ZSTEWSIPJVIPE-R, FOE THE PEOPLE TLE-RLMiS: 31-50 I'KK ANM'M IN ADVANCE WKLDON. N. C, THURSDAY. JULY 20. 181)!). NO. 12. ROANOKE r I 1 8 I. HOI CURE FOR BLOOD POISON. Beware of the Doctors' ThfM'P Patchwork; You Can itIT tn st'lvt-M to Cure Yourself at Home. Muiul poiih. The diM'tiir; niv wlin'ly un:ibli to j'Pt rid of th.B Tile puidon, and only i.ttmp. to hl up the imii.'hiiI kji hm. of tin dine me the ttnrea ami e-nptinns. Tin ( hy i(m liy d:i iivr iIim poisuti inin thrt Rjntt'iti, and endeavor to keep it -Unit in v.ith thfir c.n-i;ih! ili.-tN of pt;tli and mercury. The mouth and thi-nat and uther rtelieuii' pnrt then break out intosoren, and the tiyht U cmitinui'd indelimK. ly, tliedi-us doing the y.'.iem more damtitfe iTnm lit? ui'iim itnell. Mr. II. L. Myert, ! Mulherry St.. Newark. S. .1., snya hundred diilltir with tlie doctor, when I muiml that they could do me no pood. 1 hud lure apots nil ovt r my brdy.aud these mum broke out into ninninn mvp, mid I endured all the atilTerinK which thin vile disease pro duces. 1 decided to try S. S. S. a a last re.-ort, and win noon greatly improved. 1 followed closely your 'lu-ec-tions for Self TreHttuent,1 and the lare ;dutehe on my - chest begun to grow paler and mntiller, und before hint; b disappeared entirely. 1 wuh soon cured perfectly and my C bb in has been an clear a lasa ever ninee self st home, after the doctors had failed completely. t is valuiible time thrown away to to cure Contagious Hlood Poison, lor yond their nk ill. Swifts .Speoiho S. S. S, FOR THE CLOOD sets in nn entirely different way from polish mercury it forces tho poison out of the system nnil gels rid ot it oMirely Heine ii niiw tho disease, while other remedies only shut the poison in where it lurks forever, constantly uuderminiiiK the constitution. Unr syicin of private home treat ment places a cure within the reach of all. W e give all neivssnry medical ad vice, free of charge, and save the patient the einharrasmont of putilicity. Write for full information to Swift Hpecilie do., Atlanta, Ua. .The Peerless Wine, n ''l.)lls:lids ot iilfi.'.ito l .ii'hnlij SHOULD BE IN ALL. I r.A PlvRlTRR t UlVKj LV 1 J Lit Li LV ouds ureKuariiuleed lo salisl'.icliuo. Ilomc Otlice, QH0CK0Y0TTE, N. C. lie Biggest Thing In Norfolk 6 Seek No I'unh. i ! HcM'T Cannul He Kouuil! Jordan's (DIES AND LjENTLEMAN S Cafe HI MAIN 8TKKKT, WUKKuLli, V .i OH Selected and Private Stool?; Rye Whiskey, of the Purest distillation, and is Recommended to all who use qr Require a Stimulant of Reliable quality. jAhNl'Ur MdllUlS ('(., ' 'Hule stents fur ilie )hiiller, Hiullllloud, Vu. Mil. W. P. SMI I'll, ul WcMod, N. C is the solo liisiribunn aiii'iit at that point, tor the ulmvu old and Celebrated Whiskey. I1AVKNIMHT MDItlllS 1 CO, Ct. PARKER, Weldon, N. C. Heavy ANDZZ Fancy lAAh fi PA I 'A no LIUU U U I 0 Groceries Qaemmvar, Cutlery, (low. l',low Cad ? 'I' jnjj(,! Hoes, Forks. " KECEIVER ANDSHUTKB OF Corn,Hay & Oats 1 1, i not llio slijV.it1;! (Inula lluit tlit doctor tin ii'Mi'ti liiinn tlmn yvo hi trf.i'ini; Cuiilttj,'iilt HI'mhI ',i;i'in ; m;H J' VH'tillM df this (M'1Ih'iiic di-it'inc wmilil iniU'li tx'tli'i' iliiy if tl.f v th'vit ullowi'd Hh'Mi- bt di-"d mi imTi'tit y nfi Hlnli, the only ivmi'din which tin' dm' it in iwr tfiVH 'nr "I Iiml spent n 1 cured my a. i'iieot tlin doctors the disease is be " ' r-r V h' GftRRETT co -L unl'ailin.' remedy and all is an their liramdi W.irelinusp, MEMPHIS. TENN. .t itirduii'b C';lo you gel 1 lie hel '1') Cent meal on earlh, 1111J rveryihini! - luitrlitt alt'ord-, served tn npler in llu limit style. ( i Mtenijon toeverjlvdv. Jt is tlie ulijHiit'i.t, elieupi'sl and best Tal't' on or I'll the e;.rih. Did popular pi ices REGULAR MEALS llicikf.ut htloier .Supper 25 Cents F..h. If L'O to (he KKT you go to .1011- is.W S ('A'.'K, And Ii you n Jordan's CaCc, you po lo the UKijl' AMOS P. JORDAN, Keep tllif place. tVilpeu .,11 Nitfl.j. tiKiiiK one J.v i ly J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale and U"dcr lu (-'ine Staple and Fancy wrFRDITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crock -ry, lilaaaTiu, and wwMlcn aud wil- luwwaru. Aio l'r.itt Morse, low Hon and Poultry KikhI, and tirove T.U-Ichh Chill Tome. Altxandti Liver and Kidney Ionic tor ptinlyn n the bltMHl. I hiM tonic i warranted 01 luouey rt'tuiidwl. J. L. JUDKINS, ' No. 2 Washington Ave., Weldon, N. C dc 11 It- Grand Display -OF- taTSritl.Nii ANII SI'MMKll-Wi MILLINERY. FANCY (i(H)l)S mid NDVKLTIKH. Hutterii k's Patterns. Jt. & G. COUSKTS, Misses at 5tlc., Ladira 75c. to $1. HV.!'ricc8 will he made to suit the times. II11U aud bouueU made ami Irinmied U order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, WMrn. N n jyu. T. T. HOHS( DENTIST Wildon, N, C, P0" Offlot over Emry A Plwot'atore. 10-l-lj. Groceries Ghosts. OLD FASHIONED "HANTS." l i'H AS l" It UltAliMirTIIKHS I'SEII TO HKI.IllllT IN, AUK. Til OSCK Molts Kl.iK I'lll'M TUB 1 1. Villi Miss UK TIIKIH I'ltIS USS t.iV AND l.nNK. All l.i.-lii.m.ihlo I.umlui, we are told, is discussing ehusls. Not tin) ghosts ot up In-dalc spirlU!ilim and pli)choh'(.'ieiil resciircli, hut nuilic, old Tushionrd ' liant.-i" huslN Mifh lis in the better days ol Kokand and of (his tepuhlic per aiiihulalcil in ancient Imu-cg aud pre empted for llu li manifestations the hour when graveyards yawn. A I.ond.iti IcttiT siys that tin! telling of st .lies is tlk: 'era.!' of the "silly" season; that jjIldM lileralure is becoming the vnpue, an 1 that m iteovcr soni: j;lmsts that have been laid fur yeais have resurrected themselves, aud repos sessed themselves of their old stamping or, rather, we. should suy, glidino i;rounils. Ah iiidieatnl above by the terms criie" and "silly" there is a disposition in certain (platters to ridieule, belittle, and, if possible, kill ihis revival of ulden- time liustuhioy. We, however, hail the revival with delight. To us it is a sion ol wholesome reaction, full of ptomisc ol cX'Tliuj; sihitary inrl ieuces in several directions. ll' we must have uhosts, by all means let us have the ghosts of our grand inotliers. No, wc dou't mean that. We uicin the nhosts our (irandtnothers be lieved in. As far as we know, gliosis of that brand never did, any ouo auy harm. Moreover, iliey Were, sa a rule, eminently ro'pccutilo and dinnifted. Thero were a lew degenerates anions thotn, that oc casionally transgressed the lawj of tin' ghost etiipilte ol their period by nioai -in,; and gently rattling chains and carry ing their heads around under thuir arms, but thesD were the exceptions that prov ed the rule. For the far greater part the cult contented itself with uudulatino alonn, passing throui;!'. ttote walls at points where there were nn apeimres, and awaking sleepers in ''hanted" rooms by rubbing their uoses wit H icy hand. Certainly they did uot cut up such didoes as playing 0) bunj is uoij guitar.-, riniug ilinu :r bulls, niqjiiiating their hands au I throwing them iutu the air, scribbling t lit i r names on slates, V Km th :rm re, the assistance of a lot of para phernalia, of mediums, and uf "occult science" was not neooiwaiy tu raise them They Just raised themselves, wheu time and weather were propitious And, what is infl litely lu their credil, ihey we-e not h ists for ,cvi.'iiue. 'Iiey were salisfiid with raising the hair on the heads ol those to whom they appeared, leaving their p ickets untouched List, but not least, the ghosts of the days ayoue, while aying au important part in the rowan tie liieraiuro, did. not pollute that do main of letters, In short, the iitniiut ghost was Dot a titklr, oud was seldom, if ever, vicious We repeat, therefore, that we welcome the revival thai has Veen stalled in Lo. duo, and hop-,: til ;it t Wo'i jo encourage the older, Simon pure, uncommercial, aud unscientific ghosts that they will llise by Iwyruda Kroiu the darkness ( )f their prisons low aul lone," reassert their sway, and utterly annihi late their modern successors That is, of course, guntjtiij that e 1411(5) iav, iihosls. l(iel;tiouii lisiasci, Though familiarity may not breed contempt, it Uke off the edge of adu i ration . 1VYQ HISUKKS, Thnr ate (Wii lit I tHktu that npl( with wt .ik hint; are li.ihlr ti niiikt-; and htl Ii i 1' bad : Otu i to nut fnv Htu.. uM qm w y rlloliMH to tin- tittle rniiKh Httd tlliulllfH null all lissu m ' - and ulum and pluiiHe y 11 u 1 11 , u Kn.umptlon almost before you are swarr af it; the otlier is wtn-n the trouble is at last discovered and fully rraliicd to give up hope loo Moon. Begin with these bronchial and threat lilmeuts the instant t'ey sypeai ; nevrf nail till to UiortoW I'he right remcd; icdy ill- taken now mav save months of severe ness. On the other haml it the illness has already come upon you: nd you find your--lf weakened, wasted and discouraged, d not lose hope Tllere. is a medl, iue U,al wll .iilauily u-itiiie you to iii slili and .in ush ' . itv h"iv Ws 01 H veiv bul way when I coin tiicucvil toaive him lr. I'leref'. (eilitra M, llttcuvery," wrllvs J V. 11 lee. Kq . of dmrk, Monroe Co . olilo. In s recent letter to Dr. K. V. iin-e of niilliilo. N. Y. " Tile il.K't.irs elritimsl he had eoiisiiniplion sml we uoctoml with l hem itiilil he was nasi walkiiin After iisilla five Isa ties of the ' Diststvpry ' he I. li'iw .11 Ift has hern ten ni.iiilhs tiit lifl Vtuitsl taklnlf' Mir i.o niv im iin'tnei.wtu miroou nesiin. ire Veey thsaklul lryo,i for Mvlng our mm " ior1iel.wilt unroellieslih. we ''Itimdreds of similar cases are described in one ohanier of Dr. Pierce's great thou . in.. .......a I 1, n-i . ...... ana page iiiusiiii-ii i-s'i, ui nv.iii Ionian, oil ttellsv aieuicai stivopt nu n win oe Sent IVet for the bare cost ot mailing. Jl one cenl stamps. It is veritable family library In one volume; the fruit of Uf. Pierce's life long experience wi'h the vcri .t tri of ilistiiaU yhrouic ilws Anyone niay writ In him ft" advice; which will be sent in plain sealed envelope, fret ef charge. 2 4v v?lA ill v. vf.ra BIB THE PATHS APART. BY FRANK I.. Wheu the ilarkuesa with its shudows I i looms the ulory ol the day, And Hie dear lakes and the meadows Melt ill memory away; Will yon then, in nentlest dreaming, - Wliereso'er your steps may he, -Think of stars once hricjitly beaming O'er tlie hills once ileal to me? I lear to me because above you Once I saw their summits i;leaiu, When I whispered lirsl: "I love you," Whispering: "l.ove is not a dream!" Ileal to me because 1 knew you, Crowned with love's own diadem, Where I sawtiut's angels view you, And I wept, and envied I hum ! I the ways that you are going ! Could you not find here delight In the reaping time and sowing In the red lose anil the white? Ill the birds that, sweetly singing. Send their souls to (iod in song? lu the hells in music ringing In the groves where thrushes throng? k far Episode. A VERY CLOSE CALL. HOW THE 01,11 CLOCK l'ltOTECTKl) (1KN KftAI. MUSHY FltOM IIE1NU C'AI'Tl'KKll 11 V THE III.fE (MATS. One cool September (lay a small party ol Confeilerali s could b" seen wendit.g their way down the dusty road that leads into the little lowti of Warretiton, and Irum the tired look of the men and the steaming sides of ihc horses one cnild plaiuly see that the cavalcade bad ridden fast ami far. Tho company were a part of ilie rangers, and at lluir head rode their chid', Mushy, on a black steed, while the rest of the men IrotleJ on be hind in a leisurely wanner and made the air ring ai h their jests and gay si ngs. It was true that the enemy might come in sight at liny moment or that sonic stray bullet from a foe hidden in a bush might cut short the laughing woids on the meny lips, but familiarity with tic horrors of war had bred an easy indiffer ence, and these m.:n, thou;.h daily facing death, thought uo more id' their dangir than if they were riding to a picnic in si.tue neighboring grove. It was pK about noon wheu the parly I - r t ; it', n ' i . J i a farmhouse, and in an in slaut the jolly icbels Were the center ol an mluiiiiug group that t'rmvd, J about ibcip, und the tiiigcr host hastened to bring out for their entertainment all the go, d things thai his larder affiidnl. The men w.rc hungry, aid seated beneath the huge oaks they were soun di-cussii g the rc alive merits of the buttermilk and fried chicken with wh'li tVuy Wire pler lilully si.J'i lied, tint lime wore on, and th men, furgciful of is passing, sought lefresbment iu a doze on the ijra.s be neath the (:,;;,. A sudden cry of "The Yankees aie coming I" rang out on the still uflcrnoi n air, Vol llie IWodiTuics sprung lo their horses just us a parly of I'liion troops dashed in sight anuuid a bend in the loud. In a moment the rangers had leaped on their steeds and galloped out ol sight down a narrow wood,' lauo thai rau mar lli.i t,ml partially concealed thetu from view. In fact, their escape Would have been successful Rot one man'; relive nag delayed the fellow so long iu uiouuting that the approaebiug sijiiad caught a glimpse uf the gray jacket as it vaiiishid iu a cloud uf dti-l in tie dislunee .llofho VHiigeni hud. got out if lunger ficej it tin ir leader, M isby, wl o was in the house when the alarm was given and had not heard the warning cry. So when he looked up from the bonk which he was leading, while resting in the cool of lie halltfiu, lie saw the l iiiou Iroops charging in at the gale, which was ouly a few hundred yards sway It was loo late now to escape, and while the Federals did not yet know his prescuee lliey w. n'ol search ihe house. audit was only a mallet of a few mo ments hi fore he would be prisoner ip their hands, lu Ilie pallor, which opened into tie hall, young lady sit sewing, and In r i,uick wit took in I he situation at elanee. "Il'-re! fi. p in tlii- clock q-e!" :he inn in diy vhjiiicd as ho threw open the door of an immense ohl ulock llmt si oid ticking iu one corner of the hail. And in a ini.meul Mushy had siuei . d hini-ill into its dusty reciss. By this lime the J'uiou men were dis mounting, but before I hey entered tlie h use the lady had sealed her so f and was qnielly sewino The 1'nion orticer allude lido the room aud looked amiously ghoul. "Are there any rebels concealed in this lo use ? ' he demanded iu a loud voice. ' .Mosby's men were horu uwhile ago," she replied., ".bu! ihey all escaped as your troops came in sight." The efficer glanced about the room, and his (iiick eye ca,ioii sight of a man's soli felt hat thrown carelessly on a chair. "Search the house," he ordered ol three men who were wuitinij his com nisDils. In a moment the men in blue were awarmiog over the house and poking into every nook and corner. They com STANTON. Ileal, the violets will miss you Kvery rose ol olden grace : Those that leaned yoiirwav ot kiss yoil'l Miss the beauty of your face! And for one heart, lone, forsaken, In the shadow he shall say: "(iod gave all, and so hath taken Kwn the gilt ot it away!" There's a dove in woodlands sighing With no hiiniiiu voice nor art ; There's a mate a mate replying, Hut you're leaving me, sweetheart! Ami in all tlie bleak doininions- Of the 'rett anil lonesome night L ive in vain shall plume his pinions l'oryour farthest lame and Might. Let us dream our best endeavor Still shall lead from paiu to pa'li; Ilream that love is love lorever. Living when the stars shall cease! Hut the -stars are mule above me, Anil the brightest gleams depart; Voices whisper still, you love nie, Hut you're leaving me, sweetheart! menced at the garret, searching each room closely us they descended, mid the rattle of their sabers could be heard dis tinctly iu the hall below as they trampled about, throwing open closets and upset ting beds. Presently s'l gathered in the hall mid werediscussitig in ailisappoiutidtonethcir failure. Kvery moinenl seemed an eternity to the ranger shut up in the hot, dusty depth of the old clock, aud the warm air had grown almost unbearable. t he it.. .. . uarcu not move, lor ouly a lew led away he c.uld plainly hour the angry t .ins of the Yankee ifliccr, and the Ica.-I motion meant capture or death the moments dragged on, and Now!) slill the men lingered. Finally the occupant uf the cluck felt an uncontrollable desire to sneeze, and us he realized the fact he broke out in n old perspiration at Ihc horrible thought. To prevent it was something beyond his control, but usueizo would surely be an swered hy a bullet through the clo-k case, and the ranger felt ho would pre'er the danger of faciug his foes in an open liolit. Suddenly a blight idea came into his niind, and just us he bent his heal to sne. z he. oayc u pull on ihe pendulum lluii gent all ihe wheels whitring in n loud eoiifu-iou. I he I 1 1 i 1 1 n men glanced at the noisy timepiece. suspiciously "I urn nfraid thai clock needs mend ing,'1 remarked I he lady carelessly us she tumid down a new hem in the lim n on wliieb she was sewing, aud her ipiiel voice disarmed suspicion. With a sigh uf lei,, '', Mosby beard the I'lticer c 'Uimand Iils men to tnmnt, and presently the gallop of iheir depart ing horse boots ,. ,,a h,,, delighted cur. And scaicely had the echo died away when the clock (lew open, on4 ho ex hausted prisoner studied out in an al most soil cil' i cimdilH;u. A ni ir, laugh had ihe ranger over his mini w iscapc, but iu all the dangeis dial he f.icid during four years of blom! shed ilicre was none thai tried h;s uerv the tinihle ''alf '..Oui; Sjient elovlt yastf tiehange. MOTUI',11. in tin old Young pie, link in lb ise eyes, lis. t (! lo thai dear voice, and notice the feeling ol even a touch that is bestowed upon you by that geutle baud. Make much of il while yet v'oti have thl most precious of ;,ll goon gifts, a lov ing lumber j Head tho u'll'al hom.itiliy luVo uf those eyes, ihe kind amicty of that lone und look, however slight your pain. In after life you may have friends, fond, dear kind friend-; but ocvej w(i you have agaiu the i,iiejpiessble love aud gentle ness lavished upon you whi.'h none bui a mother bestows. Olien di I sigh in my s niggles with the hard, uncaring vorld for the deep, sweet M.urily I felt when 0,1' au even, resting iu her bosom, I li tencd lo suue quiet tale, suitable to, my age, read in her ttm.Jei, untiring Voice. .Never cm forgot hit awent glanc-n oast upon me when J appeared asleep; never her kiss of peaoe at night. Years h ive passed since we lai 1 her beside my fuller in the c ld churchyard, yol still ha j vice whispers liom lL,i, g,avUl ami her eye I, Itches over me as visit spirts Ion ? line hulloAied by her memory. Kir. I M icaulay. J A l lf AN I (iNt l:.HMION, Wmehmaker Your watch soemi to be err die. Have you, had l near apon e.'flll Wagueis Customer (confused) -Why, 1 was carriage ri ling l ist evening with Mi Bright. Jewelers' Weekly . t-jm i (;i:i I IMl AT TIIH FACTS. Ciranduia What lie did Mr. tippin coll leave la,l uighl, Qracio ? Uriicie Why, grandma, he (lulled home at (Irandma (mildly) Nevor mind when ho slatted; I asked you when he left Brook Un Life, Baantaa BiftaWr r ins gino Ttw mw nm Boiiflit 'Mine In My Soul." A WORD ABOUT ITS AUTHOR- HIS Y11H E IS STII.I. AND THE PEN OK A 1IKAHY WIIITEIt SI1AI.I. NEVKIl FASH ION MKI.ulllES Knit K.AUl'II AHA I N. (Inc ol the cliurelics's u ulilemen has fallen, and the realm of gospel song has seen one ol'its sweetest, busiest pens laid d iw u. When, on the ufieriiooii of April In, I'lof. .1 ilill Rub.-nn Swelley said farewell to e.irth, the book of an eventful life closed. lie was born iu lfvlT. His mu-ical career began with sludy under Professor I'arili when he was iiineleett years old, and he was u baud master in u Iclawarc regiment during the Civil War. It is as the author of go-prl hjmn tunes that have found their way around the world that he will longest be remembered, though bis work as a leader of music in lietliaiiy Presbyterian Church, Phila delphia, as musical director at the Ocean drove ciitiip meetings, and as teacher of music at the Pennsylvania Military Acad emy, has made him known to thousands, and no one ever met him but to love him. Wc stood together on the platform of a railway station one afternoon, many miles from the scenes of any of his labors, and where be had Utile thought of being known, wheu a lady stepped up lo him and said "Professor Swency, I believe? I lin t you al I l.'ean Ijr ovc last year. I want to tell you what a help your songs have been to me " Kverywherc he went he found friends lo admire him, because of Ihe enj lyinent and help he had aff i ili id them. So busy was his pen that ulways once a year, aud some years oftetier, his pub lishers put on the market a new book of gospel songs edited hy him. These books had large sales Porhip-i nn single couipositiuu has been sung more than "Heulah Land," one uf bis earliest productions. Stories of its use have come back to bimfrom every epiaili r, to cheer him and make hi.- In art glad with the kiiowie L'e of having been a source of help to many through it. A traveller climbing ihe Alps odc day, came upon an o il lady rocking a wee baby in her anus, and singing in her native tongue, while she swung it to and fro - ' () Heulali 1,'iml, wvtt Health Kind." .s tiiii-irilH'g l;ov( i liiti ibe most signal su.eiqs in composition way be : thought a failure at the start, I'roleasnr Swen. y told me that iu-t alter the first appearance uf "Heulali Land" he was be night by hi- publisher lo try his hand at changing it, "as i didn't seeiu to l.e tak iug very fast," The young aulliui brought it luck in a little while with the rem irk, "I can't better it by any change 1 can think uf." "All right," said the publisher, "let it stand us it is. The song is beginning tu go," av.i', it has been going from thut ihy isll ihi.-. wig, OvVcr, forget the impression made up m my mind by Ins 1 sSurishu e in my Soul" llio first lime I heard it. Tho California delegation to the Chris tian F.ndeavor International Convention at Montreal came marching iutu the large diill hall singing the sweet, cheering mel ody, and (he song and the siuglug Ulijc a decided hit, This orl; of professor Si.iHy vu t'btf Urt of a lung line ( ol "sunshine songs," by many authors thai hove scatlend cheer and brightness everywhere. Il is a notable fact the words of ''Sunshine in xvj Soul" and "More about .V'us," two Songs Vihich have wou for themselves a lusting name both came from Miss Hewitt tu Pto feasor Sweney in the same uisi). One of the unique, pictures hung on the we.!Uo my memory is a Sunday after noon scene in the Kluiira, X. Y , He formatory, where IVdcs-sor Sweney led the eonv'nJs lot ao hour in a service ol gospel song The largo chapel was tilled, and as the hundreds of men entered heailily into the spirit of the service, the i dfoet can be imagined. Hon. John W'muaiaker paid a very touehijy liibule lo the worth of Profes sor Sweney 's work at his funeral, aud said, "This blessed man has ouly climbed tip the mountain, rsJ like Mo?w cntt'tcd the Kami of Promise, liod sent down Mis angels irom tlie upper sky wuh a message lor tins sweet siurcr lo coiue lo the Kind of Sono.." Tlw singers voice is still, and "ihe pen of a re.iJy writer" shall never fashion mel odies for earth again Uo has found sweet er employuieul in the "laud of uocudmn sou;;" ul which he has so often sung. We shall miss him here, but we are thankful lor what lie lias lelt betunu to elicer us "on ouj way," Binghmuton, N. Y Christian Kndeuvoi Woild. !( DV1.U VIVTX YKVK Mrs. Wiuslow'a Soothing Syrup has been used for over fitly years by millions of mothers 1 r children, while teething, with perfect sucoexa. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is tho best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve ike poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world, lo cents bottle, lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth ii kind. The Rainy Day. SHE GAVE UP ALL. A FAITHFUL WIFE CAIIKFI.'I.LY I'llOYIIiEU AdAINST IT. "I don't suppose you have forgotten the panic of lSll.'l," said Hudson. "I certainly have nut, for I hud that un lucky year impressed upon me iu a way that 1 will not soon forget. 1 You remember how money disup- pearcd when the crash came? Hanks that Weru fortunate enough to escape going dowu iu the general crush hoarded I heir money and refused In luan a cent, even upon the best uf security. I have always made it a rule never to talk business with my wife, and she, pour woman, never knew at the time the many anxious days that I had, for I tried to conceal my hopeless condition. "At last it came to a poiut where I was without even a hope, und I staggered home with bankruptcy sturing me in the face. I hud made the fight and lost, and ihcD, seeing all Ihc savings ot a lifetime swept away, I guvo up like a inun doomed lo die, und knowing that no fata could ward off' the blow. "I knew that my wife must be told, so I took her in my anus and broke it lo her as gently as possible. 'Fur several miuutes she said nut a word, and I began to fear that the shock had been too much for her. I had told her that if I could only raise a small sum it might see me through the worst and enable me lo g"t upon my feet ngaio. "Finally she spoke. 'John,' she said, I have always had a prescutiment that some day something might happen, aud whenever I chanced to have a little money that I thought I would not m ed I put it away in ouc of little Willie's discarded toy banks. 1 haven't the slightest idea how much there is, but I have been adding to it for years, will gel it, and we will count it together "I never knew un til that moment how a man feels when he is reprieved under the gallows. "She placed the bank before nie, and I dumped the contents upon the table there was a total of T!l coins, mostly in pennies. l,'l was so comical that I had to laugh 15 lit thai laugh saved me. Il drove away the gloomy thoughts wilb which I had smroundeii myseii, and 1 took cuurugc again lo look the situation in the face and tinally won out. "I am still paying my wile her usual allowance, but I haven't the face to s her if she is again putting aside for rainy day " Petroit Free Press. tiii; MOl'TU. The t'uUowing was written by a boy who was compelled by his teacher to write an essay on Ihe mouih : "Your mouth is the front door to the faoo. It is tho aperture (o the cold storage of anatomy. Some mouths look like peaches and cream, some look like hole cut in a brick wall to admit a in door or window. "The mouth is iho hot bed for tooth ache sad the liiigbole fur oratory. The mouth is the crimson aisle to your liver it is patriotism s fouutain, aud a tool chest for pipe. Without the mouth th politician would be a wanderer on the earth -ud go down to an unhoDorcd grave. "It is the grocer's friend, the orator's pride aud tho dentist's hope. It has put some men on the rostrum aud some jail. "It is tciuplaliun's lunch counter when attached to a maiden, and tobacco's iriend when attached to a man; it is the home of the unruly member, the longui Without it married life would be a sum mcr dream, and a dudo would lose half his attraction." TIM HAT TUK NOKTll I'Ol.l If the north pole is ever reached, the adventurous spirits who get there find that they have actually outstripped Father Time altogether in fuel, he will have given up the race entirely, for Ihe northern and southern extremities of the earth's axis there is no fixed lime at all. At any moment il can be either noun or midnight, breakfast lime or supper lime, work time or play lime, whichever you like. Clocks will be a fraud aud a delusion, for al the pole all degrees of longitude converge iulo one, and, there fore, all limes. Ilie possibilities ol such a position arc endless. Not only, too, will the clocks be out of lime, but Ihe calendar as well It oan be at will either yesterday, today, or to-morrow. ( THE A I'Ol.t) IN DUE DAY Take Laxative ltronio Quinine Tablets, All diuggisls refund money if its fails cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. on each tablet. For sale by W. M. Cohen Druggist, Weldon, N. C. Bun th. 8igDatai 4 llu Kind Vim Hum Hloari BwjM 1AN C'Cl'II), 15. A. ic other day I chanaed to meet Wilkin a certain town As I was walking up the street Dan Cupid walking down; is air was sober and discreet lie wore a cap and gown. So serious and grave looked he I really did not know ic rascal, until suddeoly A breeze begun lo blow, Which 'ncuth his gown revealed tome His urrows uud his bow. asked him why with mien sedate He trod the public marts; Said he, "I am a graduate; These subtly hidden darts Attest that I've become ol late A liachclor of Arts." Jennie Belts Ilardwick in Brooklyn Kile. WOltllS OK WISDOM. Today is eternal. Patience is power. Adversity is often a blessing. Friendship is worth inoro than its gills. We will only love lo live, when we live to love. Often we don't like lo be alone for I'car of meeting our worst enemy. Delight in our neighbor's inferiority oes us more harm lhau any act of bia. Don't hide in the cellar of complaint and talk as though the sun had gone out of business Trouble is like a mud hole; it's eaij euough to get in, but takes all one'a power to get out. The evil conditions within us give ua more uohappiness than the evil conditions outside uf us. l'ope says : '-The mind's the measure of the man." Perhaps that is why some men arc so hard to find. Man never really perceives the light of truth until it Hashes against the darkness ol bis own evil will. HOSi; IX KVKKY GARDEN There's a rose in every garden au' (here's not a dropo' dew But is (ailing on a fiower in that garden' preen for you; ml fur all the stuiuis of trouble there's a living sky of blue, Aud the world moves to the music of the morning ! Then kiss your hand lo sorrow, and wave her far away, The winter's ne'er so weary but 'twill drill into the May; The darkest night is dreaming of the' glory of the day, And the world moves to the muaio of the looming ! A HKST. Johnny Pa, is there anything more valuable than diamonds? His Father No, son. Why? Johnny Oh,lwas just wondering what they gave Methuselah on bis five hun dredth wedding anniversary. Tit-Bit. EM.ANCI PATEl) WOMEN. Wc got ahead of those horrid oluV stuck up 'Daughters of Freedom !" "What did you do, Theodosia?" "Why, wo named our organization th Daughters of More Freedom.' " (live some agitators free lunch, and they will manage to get along for a limo without freo speoch. '.-'''''.''.'''.' t WOOD'S NEW CROP 1 Turnip Seeds are now ready. If your Merchant dors not sell Wood's Seeds, write to us for sptvud Price-List. Our aim is to grow and supply Seeds that an' in In .lis 1 in kind, variety and growth tn the soil and climate of Ilie South, and thai we are sue- A coisling is t'Viileneisl by tlie large J sale and splendid reputation which Wood' Seeds tuiov. (Urenlnr glelnir price and Inrorma ttnn Htstiit Seasonable PIcM 5eed. (lerm.n Millet, Huckwheat, Navy Meant, Crimson Clover, etc., mailed on request. T. W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. WOOD'S FALL CATALniit'ltHsunl In Aiitrust tells sll about Crimson Clover, h.lrv or Sandvetch. Uape. Winter lurl or (Iraitng Oat.. &od Wheat., tlrasses and Clovers. Turnip and Vegetable 5ecda. Hyacinth., Tiilipa etc. Catalogue mallei! tree write for It. V.ff'V THE BEST WATCH CHAIN ON EARTH For $ 1 .00. M ade while you wait at the wire Jewelry stand, 354 MklN ST.. NORFOLK. VI. to Q. ImfMuil orders receive prompt atleatloD. All good warranted. J. W. DENNIS. Norfolk, Va, aug4 ly. MP"TBtri3rMi1U-E"'i'll'l if W

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