A. ITEWSFIPEI FOB THE FEOFXjE WELDON. N. C THURSDAY, AUdliST a. 181)1). TEBMS:-'15" 11:K anm'.m in advance NO. 11. JOHN" W. SLEDGE, l'lioi'itiFroit. VOL. XXXIV. RIMING SORE 01 HIS ANKLE Alter Six Years of Intense Suffering, Promptly Cured Du C 0 C rutin- circulation is in a ib'ju.ivi'il i n u I i I i n . Tlicv Uj Oi Oi Oi aro (l si-vtTi' drain i i III" s.ydriii, anil am imii Htntitly sapping away tlic vitality, la every c.i.-c tlm pui-ain must bu I'liiniiiiitfil from the tilixul, ami im iiinminl id' external trcatim-nt can hnvn any elTcct. Thorn is no uncertainty nlmiit tlie merits of S. S. S. ; every claim mailt) or it is hacked up strongly liv coaviiieiii' testimony of those who have li'on ruivil liy it and know of its virtues liy experience Mr. L. J. Clark, of trance Court house, Va., writes: " For six THiird 1 ti:ul an nbstinsite. riiiinitic; ulcer o'l my ankle, which nt times fiiuwl tne intense sintering. I wns ho disabled for h tnti while tlntt I w.is wholly until for business. One of the best doetiirs trculed mo eorisiaul I y tint did hip no ir vd. I then tried various blood rein.-II-h. without the li'iist benefit. S. S. ,S. was so Itihlv locom liuMidi'd that I eonc.luili'd to try it, mid tin ; f.' t was wonderful. It s ned to gut right at the se.it "f the disease and force the lstisoii out, anil 1 was soon corn pletoly cured." Swift's .Specific S. 8. S. FOR THE BLOOD driven out every trace of impurity in the Mood, and in this way cures permanently the most obstinate, deep-seated sore or ulcer. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable, and con tains not a particle of potash, mercury, or other mineral. S. S S euros Contagions Blood I'oison, Scrofula. Cancer, Catarrh, Kczoma, Rheumatism, Sores. I'lcers, Hoils. or any other blood trouble. Insist upon S. S. S. ; untiling can takn its place. Valuable, books mailed freoby Sitt Specilic Company, Atlanta, Uu. The Peerless Wine, In Thoussinls of American llnusehul SHOULD EE I1ST ALL. RT , A PZ RTP R'RY h grrrett & co. i- - V-W LV LJIJJ L11.V L unfailing remedy and all their goods ure guaranteed to give satisfaction. Home Office, CHOCKOYOTTE, N. C. JeSly Tie Biggest Thing In Norfolk Seek No Further ! Better Cannot He Found! Jordan's LADIES' AND GENTLEMAN'S Cafe Ml MAIN BTKF.KT, NORFOLK, VA. Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable quality. DAVKNTOKT MORHI8 A CO. Sole agents for the Distiller, Richmond, Vs. MR. W. I). SMITH, at Weldon, N. C. Is the sole uistribullug ageut ul that point, for I lie above old and Celebrated Whiskey. riAVBNI'ilUT MOKUIS CO. iuar .il tlu), W. T. PARKER, Weldon, N. C. , IlKAI.ER. IN- Heavy AND Fancy Queeusware, Cutlery, Plows, Plow Cast ings, Hovo, Forks, RECEIVER AND SHIPPER OF Corn,Hay & Oats 0(11 0 (I Jacob drovers Groceries OLstintitti soiv ami it ivfnse t i li.wl uniliT nrili tin -tit su' hi 1 ht i; u rlimtii Ki'iilfil, J t i . I an' a sun' si livrs wl: ry tn i' ami i! 1 .II th:i! Hranch Warehouse, MEMPHIS. TENN. At Jordan's Cafe you get ihe best L'fi cent meal on earth, and everything llu market affords, served to order in tin best style. IS nod atlention to everybody. It ia the cleauest, cheapest and best Call on or off the earth. Old popular pi ices RECULAR 1 Kieakfast Em: Ceub- llinne MEALS ) Hoi CaeU If you L'D to the BKST yuu go to JOR DAN'S CAFK, And if you en lo Jordan's Cafe, you gi to ihe HK.ST AMOS P. JORDAN, Keeptt this place. i(lM'ii alt Niglit. lAHlging fiik jy iy J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale anil Ketail Dealer In Fine ' Staple nil Fancy -FRUITS CONFECTIONERIES. Crockery, GIohs Tiu, and wooden and wil lowwurti. Aim Pratt s Hurw, Cow Hotf aud Poultry Food, and Oruve't TaU'leS! Chill Tome. Altxuudei t Liver and Kidney Tunic for purilyii the hlood. Til in tunic i warranted oi money ret uuded. J. L. JUDKINS,' ;.No. 21 WanhiiiKton Ave., Weldon, N. C due 11 ly- Brand Display OF- WrSl'KINd AND SUMMER- MILLINERY V.'.rOY GtXIDH and NOVELTIES. Bntterie'k'" Patterna. It. & G. COUSKTS, Miaxee at 50c, Lailiea 75c. tofl. lVPriee will be made to suit the time. Hat and bonnet made aud trimmed te order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, WfMn. N O D It. T. T. UOSS, DENTIST Waldon, ft.O. ttt OOo Tr Emijr A Pieroa'aatoraV 10-lMy. Groceries A Stranie Character. AN AMI I'll! N AMI HIS ISLAMl. COMBS TO Til K JIKXH'AN IINCK IN A Willi, K WEI. WITH IIOI.I) IH'ST. MAIN LAN I) I, Sl'l'l'UKIl ''There are some iiieor frcuks in this world," said u visitor frnin lint interior lusl ninht "und one uf tliem liven over on I lie wel enlist ul' Meiiun. lie in un Ainerieiiu, according In all reports, but so far limine h,,s succeodi if in penetrating ihe mystery th:it surrounds him. Down towaid the Isthmus, Hut far from the in nil) la nd, is u small island, and it is un this I li.it the American lives. Very few people know how long he has been there The Indians all know him but untie of I tin-in ean tell anything about bis Grst eomin" lie lias resided on Ihe island tor so many years that he has become as uiueh of a fixture as the rugged rucks that stand out on the roast. "I saw him once on the mainland as he name to a little village to procure sup plies. A boat four times a year he make a trip to some village on the mainland to buy such thiiii's as ho needs, lie novel has anything to sell and always pays in gold, dust, the ungin ot which is as mucti fa mystery as the man himself. His appearance is patriarchal now. Ills long giay beard, white hair and wild luuk make him an object of great curi osity lo a stranger, lie spi-uks Spanish brokenly, hut with an accent that does it betray bis nationality. His complex ion is d irk, probably due to the rays ol the sun, but he has a certain air uboui In in that indicates that he is not a Mexi- There has often been much specula tion as to where bin uold came from Many thiuk he has a secret mine the island which he Irom time to time works. Kxplorers who bavo visited the island, however, report that it is barren and giv s no indication of mineral d posits It is said that the old man lives in a cave in the rocks and that his food is birds and fish. He if well armed and always buys considerable ammunition on his trips to the mainland. A number ol times people have tried to draw him out, but he refuses to lalk of his past oi present mode of life, and such attempt are seldom made now He is entirely alone on the island and seems to love the soliiude. His trips to and from the is land are made iu au old ship's boat which he has had eversioce the present gener ation has known bill). His expert hand ling ol the sails and oars leads some believe that at one tunc he was a sai "Many think that he is the sule vivur of a shipwicek lliat occurred the coast about forty years ago. Among the legends of the coast Indians is one hich tells of the wreck of a big oeeau vessel one stormy night aud of the loss of overy soul on board. There is a supersti- lion that at limes this vessel sails along the coast at uieht and finally strikes n rock and goes down, just as it did many years ago. It is said tnat t tic cries aim moans ol the passengers and erew can be beard lit these limes. There are other people who say that the old man's -banishment is duo to a crime lie committed in talitornio. out nobody is sure and probably never will be. Mean time tlie old man coniiuues to lead his uiysteiious life." Two Hepub- lies. Kelly (growing pathetic) I'ily poor, uufotiunate'man, Kelliher, dial's not to !0 borne to his wolle! Kelllhel " Urace up, Kelly 1 brace up ! 1 1 -hould be thaukful ye are not the Sul tan I THE SHOT THAT TELLS. Do you know .what happen I when one ot our ' liiii thittet ii-ittch shells smites foitiliealion f It is fairly ttfltii nil its Hrtumlatiotis. Thin is the mod ern way of domir ) tlnniis: concelltrM i ' tiiia evrry mirn-e . , V -ul power ami ru vrav into one tit nn mlou irresisti ble blow that sim ply annihilate (irmnaovn I n is tlie method that nit-ans success. 1 It ia just the same in tlie war fare airainst ni case. While nil sorts of half way Comoro mining metli cines III the hands of only uartialtv ex oerienced doctors make a feeble, "small- nlilirr" tort of resistance lo Ihe enemv Dr. Pierce's inaKnificent "Golden Medical Discovery," with its splendid blood pnrtly liver-mniiw. streneth creatina- power. hurls the fortress of disease from its very fmin In nns, and searches and drives out tl,.- Im k in svmntoins of weakness and tie bihiv Ii m every secret hiding place in Ihe entile I'liysical system oi lUaiiKino. Tl nit of this irand " Discovery lliotouir it R-ives the health that is all lu.iUii. tlie strenirth mails stum antl suo u, .1 a, A laslin?: not flabby fal: not false siinitili but Kt-nuine, complete, renewed vitalilv and life-force. ' 1 he all II" .1 iM-etia sufferer for fifteen years nearly.' tun.- " aavs Mrf . Sarah It. Taylor, of ,,( iiwsn1 Co .. Kalis , in a friendly letter tolit l'i.o " In Anjriisl. iSgh. was taken witn . . ...... -,.,,1 it was Hue to all-Rlone. He re- hsi'l'l I , -ail Ihe sue of a itoose eg fonned in mv xi n -i'te It became so aore I cottld teat.elv wsla itsail Ihe h.aiw. and I had no ap i.ftile ' I ca isi Ited the best iloetoni In town and ... i .. .l...rt tnnr .i,a Ihrn thrrr waa a tliev tid m.-lietne would do me no trood. o nt fvrr reltina well aaain ' i-. J. -a. .1 me tntakevoiir Golden Medical tiiu-.,rere' ant. ' Pleasant Pelleta.' which I did i airectloaa. I beaan to feel better, and ray lipped e cam back. Now it la a little . . I beaao tu do me own work. I aa uruawec tkaa I haee Mca kk an Kara. mm ' ' i mi Look Tin h WHAT MOLES SIGNIFY. IiINSKHTATHiN UN Tim ST 11.1 Kl T WHICH Wll.l, Ntl'VK I N'l'KUKSTI Ml. Mole on tlie neck, Money liy tlie n ek , a i hj mt! Willi which lie st el' us an familiar, liut very few trouble to dive deeply into the uiyslcrics id' "umlcnlugy ' yr ure uwerc that thi'le Is Ma ll a science Nevertheless it is u fact, und hub worth knowim:. that every tiiolo has its own peculiar signification, and in bygone days wheu sorcerers and witches exercised I their manic arts, to the peril of their lives, before casting a shell on any one they were always careful to find out al particulars concerning their moles, oi whether they had any or nut, for some of these apparcnlly useless discoloratious were supposed tu preserve a person from drowning, others from lite and so forlh, and it was therefore necessary to know against what particular element ihcy were proul before practicing their witch craft on them. The following ure some of the inter- pretaiions placed upon moles by the old inagieiaus and may interest those of our readers who happen to bo marked with auy ol these ''beauty spots." A mule on lie) right side of the fote head, or on the light temple, signilns sudden wealth and boners, and one the tight eyebrow marriage with a y r sotiul cuiisidi ralile lortuue and an amia ble di-nosition; but a mule on the left ul either of llicse places is a sina that th person will be lrci leutly near the best el luck, but bv some unfortunate chain ul circumstances will invariably meet with di-appuintuicut le lore attaining it. A mole on either cheek loretcils dial the person will never rise above the mediocre in fame or fortune, although lo never fall into poverty, and oue that Is placed ou the outside curlier ol eittnr eve denotes that the bearer thereof will lie in danger of a violent deaili. A mole ou the nose gives success in busiue.-s aud especially in undertakings f n speculative or gambling nature ither lip it is the sute indication ol pieure, on the chill it denotes prosperity ami the esteem of ones liiends, aud the throat ih.it the person will become rich by tnarii ige. In spite uf the old rhyme above (ii t- ed, a mole on (he neck does not brin. money by peeks, but shows that tin person who carries ibis mark ibruuoli life il narrowly eseap diath from drow- .r siill'oCiitioii, but will nl'terwaid ri-e to '.-real tiitlo-'iiee and wealth tlirough an inheritance. A mole un the right breast denott ex sure to accidents ol all kinds, l.ui no serious ii jury; on the ft brea-t, hippy but n il rn h mania e; on tin- ehe-t got d health an i lnediuni fortune through lil', ; one ju( over din heart shows i mm u id he of an at! en mate cli-po-ili n, bin ti.rkle. f 'lid ol travelliie' and adveiiliii. hut not to be greatly depended upoi a lady this lndiciies that she will tie sin cere to In r iitlaelnuents and have a larg I'.tinily. A mole on the liviht side, over the libs, denotes a coward and a person of i , stupid mind: un the abdomen it in dicates sloth, iiluttntiy, selfishness and carelessness in dress. A mole ou either hip foitells a fami- ,iy oi nea.iny, origin children, wno win be a i oy and a eoinfoit to their tiarcut one ou the right thigh, a calm uncveul- f ul lift ; one ou the left thigh, much suf fering from poverty and want of friends. as also by the jealousy of olheie, on the right kuee brings a good partner for life, with lew disappointments, and ou the left knee a certain amount of suf- fi ring caused by one's own foolish cull- d ict. A mole on til lu-r leo below the kmc ihoWs that Ihe person is indoleut, thoughtless and indifferent to the we larc of others and one on eiiln r ankle denotes in a mini an inclination to ilyisin and fuppMihcsa and iu a lady a courageous, aclive n.ihile, Willi a capae ity f r spt akingh'T own mind. We must not forget also the adapt and c lui of the tnoh.s, because each wi'l add to or diminish the force of the indi cation. 1 lie larger the mule the greater the prosperity or adversity it brings, the smaller, the less will be the good or evil fat" loreto'd. liotind piolcs are the best. and the deeper the c ilor the in ire pro nounced will he ihe good orh.nl f ortune, while ihe lighter color gives ltss of either. ACCOMMODATING. "I was going lo ask you to take lunch with uie today," said one Hoard of Trade man tu another, "but Slims says he has invited you. Sorry he got in ahead uf me." "What time do you lunch?" "At 1." "How fortunate. S ims takes his al 12. I'll be with you." Detroit Ftee l'rcs. Sorrow's best antidote it employment. im:m i:.Aiiii:ici:i him. "Tin re's House uf your saying a word! exclaimed llu! woman uf the house, as die hail niened the dour and glanced it I be mini standing outside. ''1 know you. liut Ulll'lllll " I rccuuninod Voti as s ion as I saw joti. i mi euu t Ma'iiin " You re the man who sold uic a wash machine six month ago for $li.iill lliat wasn't worth shucks. It would n't '' "All I wanted lu tell you, ma'am, "It wouldu't wash anyiliiny. The longer you used it the dirtier the cloth got. You couldn't sell me anything now if you was tu pay me for taking it. When man fools uie unce he wun't ever have the chance to do it again. I can tell yuu that I'll sell that washing machine hack to yuu lot fifty cento. It doesn't make any difference what you've got this time. I wouldn't touch it with ten foot pole, and you can talk till you are gray, it won t do yuu any good. "Madam," replied the man, who had been dancing about impatiently, "yuur kitchen roof is blazing where that iron stovepipe runs up and through it. That's what stopped to- '(Jood land, why didn't you say so? What did you want tu stand there talking for when the house is burning up? Hun over tu lliat grueery stnre on the corner ilium in an ularml Fire! Fire!'1 Chicago Tiiluine. Till INIfll'HIMANT IMIiWiWIIl.M. The br'nlegrooui is always bashful and ill at ease from a most unwarrant ed sense uf his own importance, for, as ry one knows no one ever notices him, unless it be ihe in inister or the bride herself. Kven his mother is sciuiinmng her new daughter s uir and bcriu'', and "the other wuman" if she ll"'r''. Ila culue ulJ lu a ''" lst '' iiee but the effect east is flattering in it ree ugnitiun uf the bridegroom compared to ihe brei jy wesl, where women do nil In Kansas; for instance, the bridegroom's name is not even mentioned in the wed- ling nolle 'S. Listen to this society note from the Stockton (Kan ) News; "Delia Hill is married Her husband is a tiav- cllirig ma n of considerable meaus, and she does n i have to labor, nor to nnike bet own bed. Il rhusbaud is sumo eai r than .-he is and weighs li.'it' pounds " (.ANON IIMt r.Nlll (ill. An Knoli-h canon of note ued lo tell ood story of hiiiwlf. In his capacity if m.iotsiraie he was i.nee li.-itiug the to a friend county j ul in d i xpatlated wh, i va- i h him on the virtues of llu lo nl. 'A atiuini; with bis theme, he ariti I. at he ol'teu wished he had at In me to give him the gentle exer he n 'iired,but was too lazy to take pt under compiiUion, und to remove tP H de- Ins liienil-'s skoiiiieisiu, he asked the wai n to give him a iiirn. Hound went the mill, the canon declai g that the movement was delightful; but alter two minutes ol it he had had piite enough aud called ou the officer to itop the mill. To bis horror the officer answered: "Very sorry, sir; I can't. It's limed lo l'o Ki tiiiuutcs. andwon't Bton before." !iruljn , ort TWO 1MCTVKKS. THKX He swung her in ibe hammock Holies! Ii the trees, all day; He red love stories lo her And keep the flies away. NOW He's lyiug in the hammock, All I ree from wurdly cares; She has lo watch the baby Iu iis little crib upstairs! Chicago Tiuics-licrald SHOUT NKiniONS. Any fool counterfeiter can niak luniicv, nut it takes a smart man to gel rid i t It. The average woman wastes a lot tune trying lo transform a wrinkle into a dimple. Satan would he unable to run his bu- ioess if men didn't (uruish him so muth free help. Although a girl may know but lit t It- uf business, she always knows en ough to consider sealed proposals. HtlK. I.H flKTV VKAHM ! Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup has been used lor over nlty years by millions ol mothers tor children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wiud colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world, la cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth ir kind Btara tU Bifaatin) llu Kind You Haw lwm Boiiht Christian Science Colt A llAVIS, A M. K. I ll CA IKII.ISA. S , I.KCTI'KKH AT I'll K 'Ui'll AT HALIFAX NUHT1I The African M. Iv Church, at Mali lax, was well filled Sunday, July lCth, IM',1',1, by an intelligent audience, gathered to listen to a leetuie on Christian Science by Mrs. t'nra I'avis, ('. S, formerly uf Halifax, North Carolina, v ho is now a I'lm-ti.in Seii nee inissiun try and u un inluT uf the unit her churcii in Boston, Mass , and also a member of First church, Chrisiiiin Seiiinisl, New York (,'itv, N. V The Kev. Madison Daniel introduced the leetuier, saying that he had been a church member fur a great mauy years and had tried and was still trying to do what goud he could in the cause of the Master, and whilst he had never stud died the subject to be lectured on, be was always willing and ready to receive auy information to improve in the ser vice of (Jod and suffering humanity, aud he therefore asked earnest aud prayerful attention to the lecture. Mrs. Davis theu stepped to the front and was greeted with applause by her many Irieuds and admirers who had learned many years ago to admire her lur her noble trails uf character and perse vereiice in all things she laid her bauds to. 'I'll K I.KCTI'KK what is rntust'iAN shikni'k? Hear Friends: Doubtless you little expected 7 years ago when I left yuur uiid.-t, to have uic return engaged tu the Chiisiiati Science Mission work in the town ol Halifax, North Caiolina, but 1 rejoice tu thanks to Ii nl, and to our be loved Mother und Leader, Kev. Mary liikt r ti. Kddv, the discoverer and fuuu-di-r ul t 'hrisiian Science, and I can never he thankful cnouoli to li id, for the grand and glorious privilege of being counted worthy auioiio s,, many, so t.ir my sup' iiors, that I too should be per mitted lo represent our Father und Muthi r ti el, as niiiobt iu C S. What is Chii-tian Scii iice? Christian Science is the power ol tiod unto salvation. It is Life, Truth and L ive.it is the power of Truth ovei error, aud a denial of life in ruaitcr which is ab.-olutcl'hrisiiati Science that was tauoht and demonstrated by Jesus Christ the Son of tiod, who healed the sick and siul'ul, opened the eyes of the blind, unstopped the deal ears aud raised the dead. WHAT IS TU K IHSPBI.? And this same p iwcr is giveu to you tlnd me, and it isluiiud in St. Mark's tlopel, lilih chapter verses 13-2(1, and it reads like this : olio ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, and I'r Watts lakes up Ihe nine eo i iiiiind iu the beautiful poem, that speaks to yu and I: "(lo preach my tlospel," saith ihe Lord, lli'l lite whole eirlh mv eruee receive, Kxplain to them my sacred word; bid them believe, obey uml live. I'll make my iit'eat commission known, And ve shall prove mv tiosnel line, llyall the works lli.it 1 have done. An 1 all 1 1 it' womleis ye sh ill tin. lie heal the sick, c.u raise tlie dead, east out devils in mv nunc, Nor let my prophets be afraid. 1 tiouh 1 1 reeks reproach ami Jews lilas- plu-uie. 1 While thus ve follow mv command. I'm with voil till the world shall cud, All power is lruted in mv hands, lean destroy and can ileleutl. THE I' iMI'llllTKIt HAS COME. And lie plainly tells us that if we be lieve on Him and keep His Hayings, the forks that He did, we shall do, and reat'T works than those shall ye do. I hese are the words uf ihe great Teacher id ibiiioiisirator of Truth and Love, Jesus Chiist. And He tells us in St. Mail's gospel, that we shall partake of Jeadly poison and shall take up the scr aetit in our hands and it shall not hurt is. We shall lay bauds on the sick aud heal them. He says more than this to yuu aud I. He that luvclh and believetb iu Me shall never die, but shall have elernal life, and I believe ibis with all my heart. Our tsaviour tells us in St. John's gospel, that He was going away but would send the Comfnrtcr, if he went out away the Comforter would not come, and I declare unto you that he has long since fulfilled his promise. He sent the Comforter in ihe person of Hev. Mary Hakcrtj. Kddy, who over thirty years ago was inspired by Almighty God to discover ami teach Christian Science and I know antl so d ies all the world know, that no man can do llicse things that the Christian Scientist does except God be with li i in I have been called by Almighty tiod, Our Heavenly Father to till tu v place as a missionary tor Christ and his chutch to pna'laim to all the world ibis Chri-'ttan Truth as taught aud demonstrated in Chri-tiin Science. I come lo you not as did John ihe liapiist the beloved disciple ol ( hrtst, he com luanded you lo prepare the way of the Lord make slruieht his path. Icouieto you not as Cora Itavis, but the voice of one cryinir in the wilderness of mortal mi ml and sin and I declare unto you that the way of the Lord is straight and plain, walk there in. THE SCIENTIFIC HTATEM ENT OF I1E1NU. And declare unto you that walk there in, by acceptiug this gospel truth, they shall be healed from sin, disease and death. For the wages of sin is death but the gift nl God is denial life and is found in Christian Science. Christian Science teaches the scicnoe of your being it also teaches the scientific statement of being as found in our text book. "Scienee and health with key to the Scriptures," by the Rev. Mary Baker G. K lily. There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite mind and in finite manifestation, lor God is all in all Spirit is immortal truth, matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal, matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God and man is his image and likeness hence, man is spiritual and not material Till POWUtt OF 8PIB1T. We admit that God is Truth and Almighty power, and a present help in and they answer with rejoicing, it causes time of trouble, and yet you rely upon a the deaf to hear, the blind to see and drug to heal diseasas as if senseless matter 1 the lame to walk. Who would he tki had mure power than Omnipotent spirit, which is tiod. Christian Science is prac tical und demonstrable. Christian Science brings to the body the sunlight of truth, which invigorates und purities. It acts us uu alterative neutralizing error with truth. It changes the secretions, expels humors, dissolves tumors, rcluxes rigid muscles, restores cancerous bones to soundness. '1 lie cllect of this science is lo stir (he human mind to n change of base, whereon it may yield to the Divine mind which is Hod, il'lilli NUT KVII.. The K-v. Mary Baker 11. KJdy this inspired demonstrator and writer of our text book, "Science mid Health with key to the Scriptures," she is God's ap puiuttd and aniiuinted, she is a woman after God's own heart and well deserves the remembrance and love of the nations. The Hev. M iry Maker G. Kddy is n woman of good und not evil, us some has said of her, but regardless uf all that has been mid, she, with her unselfish loW for God and suffering humanity, has been enabled to discover, and offer to the world, the true Christian religion, that and happiness, instead of sorrow and those of you who will accept this truth and live its teachings, it will give you eternal life. Al't'KI'T THIS Till TH, Then why not accept his salvation and lay off your burdens of sin, disease aud death. 1 dun t ask you to leave your churches, 1 simply ask you to turn Irom the Lie of belief of Life in matter, and accept the true Gospel of Truth which declares your life tu be in God, and he is all in all, und after you have accepted this Christian Truth us taught and de monstrated by the christian Scientists, yuu can then he governed by the dicta tion ul your own conscience. Some of you may desire to take hold ol this truth, but yuu hesitate because seme member of yuur family or some old fiieod may ridi cule you. You may say many things agaiust Christian Science and lis teach ings but Jesus tells us on page 21 3 in "Science and Health with key to the Scriptures" by Hev. Mary G. Kddy. I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS. II the world hate you, ye know it hated me before it hated you, but, La! I am with you always, uot ouly at all times, hut in all ways and c onditions. Now, if God is fur us, who can be agaiust us? since God is all in all. Dear friends, hesitate no longer, but take what is offer ed as sent Irom tmil, and lur conscience sake, be linn, be faitblul, desert not the right, the brave, but become bolder the darker the uiglit. Then up and be doing. Though couuuiles may fail Thv duty piiisiiing, Dare nil and prevail. If sin be your portion, If hated und loss, II' stripes or a prison, Kenieiulier the cross. (oul walelles above thee Aud he will reijuite, Desert those that lure thee Hut never the right, SIN THE CAt'SE. G id has never ma le you sick, lam blind or disabled in any way, sin and fear is the cause uf sickness and diseases, the different diseases arrive from the different classes and kinds of siu. God tint give you childien anj theu I ike them lioin yuu, fear and siu is the real c iusc of death, and not God which is our life. God said man should diink of the fountain of lite and live, because Jesus Christ died that we might live, be paid the debt of death and proved to man that death has no place nor power amongst the cliil.lien uf li if if they cling only to Divine principle which is tiod. He charmed death to its native nothingness in his great demonstrations of Himself and Lazarus, he raised Lanrus from the dead by not acknowledging that he had died, he simply said that he steepest. man's 1I0.MIN10N. He also told Mary and Martha thut He was the resurrection and the life, he that believetb in Him though he was dead, yet shall he live, and he that liveth and bclicvcth in Him shall never die, aud you get the understanding of this eternal life through Christian Science religion, which heals all manners of diseases, it heals morals as well, and the spiritual uplifting is most marvelous, that eouirs with ihe healings Christian Science teaches man his birthright, it always gives him his dominion since God is the father and mother of all living, God man in His image and likeness, iu the image ot tiud made He them male and female, God gave man dominion over the faith the fish of theses and the fowls of the air Some oue may wish to know how the healing is done or what produces the cure? IIIIU' THE SICK All K IIEAI.EH. It is done by ihe power of mind over the body, by denying the belief of sick ness and sin, and by declaring for lh Alines of God, and holding the sick in th" thn'ighi "t p'-rii-eii'in whi'-h i p? ery man's birthright, and by living very near to God ourselves, the sick and sin ful are healed antl mule to rejoice. Chris tian Science is not spiritualism, uiesmcr- ism, hypnotism, neither Is it auimal mag netism, but it clothes men in their right minds It is the power of God over evil and love over hate, because man is the offspring ol the spirit, the beautiful, pure und good constitute his ancestry, Ins origin is not like that ot mortal in brute iustiuct, nor does he pass through material condition prior to reaching in telligence. Spirit is his primitive and ma terial source of being and God ia the father. THE POWER OF TRUTH OVER ERROR. If Chiistianity is not scientific and science is not Christian, then there is no immeasurable need of right, and truth be comes an accident. Shall it be denied that a system which works according to the scriptures, has scriptural authority? Uhristian Science awakens tbe sinner reclaims the infidel, and raises from the bed of pain the helpless invalid. It speaks to the dumb the words of truth first to disown the arguments of pood works, whin our Master says "By their fruits ye shall know them," meaning his disciples. liliMANllS OF LOVE. Christian Science lias one faitb, one Lord and one baptism; and this baptism is the piirili"aiioii of mind, not an absolu tion of I lie buily, but tears of repentance and sulT' ring love, washing away the motives for sin, yea, it is love letting self for God. The cool bath may relresh tho body or as compliance with a religious rite may decline one's belief; but it com mit purify his mind or meel the demands of love, winch is (i"d. It teaches us lo love God with our whole heart, and our neighbor us ourselves, it is the bapti-m uf spiiit, that washea our robes und makes them white in the blood of the lamb, that bathes us in the life of Truth, and the Truth of life, having one Lord we shall not be idolaints, dividing our homage and obedi ence between mailer and spirit, but shall wurk out our uwu salvation alter the model id' our Father. NO IIEAI.INll IN SIN. Who never pardons the sins that de serves to be punished, and can be de stroyed only through suffering. Chris tian Science teaches us to "Do unto all men as we would have ihem do to you," which is brotherly love, as Jesus taught utiJ demonstrated. And how beautifully our Leader and mother takes up the win ds of our blcsssed Saviour in the ('hrisiian Science communion hymn writ ten by licv, Mary Baker G. Iwdy : .Strongest Deliverer, Friend of the Friend less, Life of all Icing Divine, Thnii the Christ, and uot the Creed, Thou the Truth in thought mid deed 'J lion the water, the bread aud the wine HAH K Til STAND FOB TRUTH. St. Paul tells us iu I Cur. to let his mind be in us, which was also in Christ Jesus, aud it does not stop there, but commands us to be perfect as our Father which is in Heaven is perlcet. 1 would like to speak of my own healing, perhaps some one would like to bear, and you all know me so well, and have known me bo long, and you know what I was when I left your midst, near sighted to almost blind ness, aud a hie long snuff dipper, I loved it as a drunkard thinks he loves his glass, but 1 was healed of the desire for it, in Christian Science, and at the same time I was healed of short sightedness. I was examined by au oculist who told me that my sight was injured fur life, I must wear glasses alwajs aud that I would be com pelled to have the glasses changed ever; three months uutil 1 reached the age of 45. I am now 41 years old, I have my health, strength and sight of my youth. 1 have not tasted siiull, nor have I had the least desire for it either. I have not words to express niy gratitude to God and our beloved Mother and Leader of this grand and glorious Christian truth, and I feel so grateful to my beloved healer who is a loyal Christian Scientist of First Church ol Chrisiiau Scimlist, New Y'ork; City. She is so true and reflects so much love for the patients, and to all who come in contact with her, after looking in her beautiful face that was so shown by the reflection of Divine love, after listening to her rending from our text book "Sci ence and Health with key to the scrip tures." THE Till B REFLECTION OF LOVE. Then the assurance of truth and love dawned upon me and I at once accepted the cummand ot the poet: He up and be doing, Though comrades may fail, Thy duty pursuing, Hale all and prevail. .Many mighty meu are lost, lianng not to stand, Who for llod had been a host, liy joining Daniel's band. Then dare to be a Daniel, Hare to stand alone, Dure to have a purpose firm, Or dare to make it known. I thank you for your attention. aug-3-lt. i WOOD'S NEW CROP $ Turnip Seeds are now ready. If your Merchant does not sell Wood's 5eeds, write to us for special I'rifc-I.ist. Our aim is to grow and supply Seeds that are udupted in kind, variety anil growth to the soil and climate of the South, und that we are sue-t-eediiiit is evidt'iietsl by the large snip und splendid reputation which W ood's Seeds enjoy. IMrrnlitr ttivlnif nnrs tint informa tion itlMiut Seasonable Field 5eedl, llrrm.n MUlel, Huckwhrat, Nay Hrant, Crlmion Clovar, etc. mailed on request. T. W. Wood & Soru, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. WtHlli'S KAI.L UA'I AIsh.HK tsimari in Aiimisttfllsnll about Crimson clover, Hairy or Sandvetch, Itapt, Winter f lur! or tlrailng Oats, Seed j Wht-att, (trasses and Clovers, Turnip and Vegetable -Seeds, Hyacinths, Tulips etc. I) Cutitli'irue mailed free write for It. ami Whiskey Hablls fund at home with out will Hook of jwir tlenlsrs sent FREE. DR. B. M. WOOL LEY C0H Ullice, Im North l'ryor M. THE BEST WATCH CHAIN ON EARTH LJ ailantl. 01. For i 1 .00. M ade while yon wai at the wire Jewelry stand, 354 MAIN ST.. NORFOLK. VI. taT Mail orders receive prompt attentioo. All goods warranted. J. W. DENNIS, Norfolk, Tt. u4lf.