zrzzzrzr.:.".! esn JOHF W. SLEIDG-E, fhoI'HIKTor. VOL. XXXIV. NEVER TOO OLD TO BE CURED. A WSPAPEB FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON. N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 10. 1899. TEBMS:-'150 vm axm'm in advanck NO. 15. When Is A Girl Sweetest? Home, Sweet Home. "Dare To Be a Daniel" THE ANGEL OF YOUR BOYHOOD Til K 0HAS.1V.. VA., nlHF.IlVKR ANSWWtS Til K AIIS Hill NO l'Klllll.BM IN A VtltV PI.KAKIN.I MANNISH. THE RIGHT WAY TO LIVE. HE TOOK HER ADVICE. "At what age in a girl ,,le sweetest?" is a quesiiuu beiug asked. Tlio Observer WHKIlEVr.lt ABRAHAM IMTI'IIKII Ills TKNT TIIKUB HE BUILT AN ALfAH. Of ll the songs we sing, the loveliest i "Home, Sweet Home," and how Hue UK TOOK A UI.ASS III' WATER AN I' HE UolBTI.ES IN A PTE It V EARS WAS (II, All ny THE CHOICE Tie Ministry of Mnsic. IT WAS MOTHER'S SONG.' FEW HEARTS CAN WITH STAND THE I'dWKROK A I'LKAIHNU SONU. S, S. S. Is a Great Blessing to zJr, New Blood and Life. tli remedy i lint necessarily mean iuiiI ill lie h 1 1 ii turn neiirlv nil nl tliw snkiiess among It Plune Thnm "1,ler I""'!'1" '"d flilTl II UllBS IIIBIII .co.l lire very msiv.til.le to illness. hut it is whnllv nunc, pssirv. By keep illg their lilnid (lure they cull fi.rlily themselves no in to twoiiie thr.-c touiihs of the uilineiitt rrmii which thev suffer vi ueiiemlly. S S S. is hich will keep their nyst s'vimng by jmiifi itin the hlood, thoroughly removing nil venule aci mutilations, mi l import new strength ami no' i" uib iki ... .. .m x-.u-.s huil.ls up the energies, nnii sinus new ine i'K the annetite ivlnir I.L-..I throllehollt the entile svsle Mrs. Sarah Pike. 177 Hrou.iw uy, South lioston. will, v : " I am seventy veari old. and had not enjoyed fro id health (or twentv years. I was sick in different ways, i.nd ill addition, dad Kciema terribly on one of my hits The doctor snid that on account of my up', I would never lie well again. 1 t.sik a dozen Miles of S. S. S. and it cured me cnliinletelT anu I am ..n.uv i" t fe,d as well as I ever did in my life. ' Loving, of I ohiiitt. Oa., says: "r..r eight- milfered tortures (nun a n.'iy em u ion in Mr. J W - Miin vMiri 1 ulrin 1 (ri.ll 14 llll)-il (VHrV K V II r.MllV'l. lir .hi.. un.L I whr told Hint my rnry, wtiicii ,.i..,l urt.t T Mill I'OllItl III" (?l.'illlHt'l but they which in i ttVIII. UHS H1THIIIHI III.1, and mill, i "Ui ' I" " " .. ' .....I. U U U ami my blood thurniKiiir, anil now I am in r.Wt hmlth." 8. S. 8. FOR THE BLOOD in the only remedy which can build up and strengthen ...j -I. I . the nn T one wnicn is gi.nrunii-r.. free from' isitanh. mercurr, arsenic and other .himagiiig iree iraa i . . I () ,.,onlK.i, tail 8 S B cure, the worst case, of Mcr.,f uhi. I anrer. hcwnta Ulie.iinulisui, Tetter Own Sore.. Chronic fleers, Boil., or any other disease of the Mood. Bttdu Ton the d seei will be aent free by Swift Siecilic IC, Atlanta. P.. The sod uf a president of one of our is the aayiu that the two sweetest words oldest and most prominent Eastern eul- will endeavor lo answer Hie absorbing in our lauguige am "home anil "Heaven. icges was sou... ..a....B ... problem, as follows: At siileeo, in while Yea, (Jod meant that there should be a for I'aris to enter upon a special course in mull and silk ribbon, sounditiK. in her very close link between the two, ami sur-ery. lie nau jum auaiueu ... m Kra.luaiinK essuy, the depths of philiso- (hut is why there is so much in the Itible jority, and ibe simplicity and freshness ol phieslhut have pulled the sane" of about family life. Yet why is it that ao Ins boylioou still lay upon ins siui. e.au, aucieut and modem times, she is sweet, many youn people seem to be happier of his comrades had pthend at the very sweet. Iu fact Du re is a suggestion anywhere than at home? There must be depot to wish him Don voyage, among of the caramel and eieum in every line- something wrong, and when mere is wnom was ... weeu,eU.i. , n. p,u- ameul. At twenty, iu shirt waist and anything wrong iu the home life the bys had been uttered when, obeying an pique shirt, with just thu fainlost sug- mother must ask hersell whero sho lias impulse, sue sprang iu ...s r gestionofwild violets iu the perfume been making a mistake. Ilave the chil- plalform and, bidding him hold his ear to ' iittf it:, u.iiu iu n-hfttevef The Peerless Wine, In TlioutaO'ln ol Aiiierioiu Huuwbulilit. SHOULD BE IN" ALL. lT A PTnTT RRY m,du b GARRETT I CO. " lJlJXXV.LVlJlJjl-XV L uufailiug remedy aud all their goods are guaranteed lo give satisfaction. Home Office, CHOCKOY0TTE, N. C. Jel I)' uufailiug remedy liranch Warehouse, MEMPHIS, TENN. The Biggest Thing In Norfolk & Seek No Further ! Betier Cannot He Fouud! Jordan's LADIES' AND GENTLEMAN'S Ml MAIN STREET, NORFOLK, V. Cafe At Jurdan's ('ate you get the besi 'I'. cent meal on earih, and everything ih market affords, served lo order in ill best style, li iod attention to everybody It is the cleanest, cheapest and best (,nl on or off the earih. Old popular piiies RECULAR1 Hleakfast Ililiue MEALS i Hum H25: her lip, whispered: be a Daniel!" "Ouly that old saw," said he, while . . i i I.:.. a look ol uisappoiutmeut snauowe i ms face. That oulv. thurli'V. but it inuy un;n much to vou." was her answer. The bearer of a letter of iulroduelion to a dislinguinhed nobleman and scujniM ion she uses, saecharine matter is much dren learned that home is a plaoj wnere more prouuunoed. You look for an there pre sour looks and harsh words instant, and through your tangled droauis and cJjtinued fault finding a place from come fl.iatini! visious rid roses, soft which their friends are banished where winds, the dusk hour, aud many declar- iunocynt merriment is silenced aud their ... ., . . i i i .. .i.i,;.i. aliens you mislit easily m ine n given gauiereu treasures eouoeiuueu .uu....t. the opportuuiiy. This is a very dauger- and lillei? II so can you wonder that ous a "e. At tweuly four you meet her they prefer the liberty of the streets. Uut nn.W the while liehtof the ball tooui let the children learu that houie is with delicate orizandv aud a cluster ol Llace where peace dwells, where muiual in l'aris, the young American was s. .!., m-kin,. a daintv effort to hide ,i,hls are lesnected aDd jusli ce is done received wilh marked kindles h.r.. .l,.d.l..r: thev are tilavinir some and it will have an en during attraclion in a lew aays ne was mo rccpie... ... ' ' ' ' II k . ,1,.. .. . i ... .: .1 ... ... ,.... n... ...n..i .ii.m. nn wnii ii au luvuiai.uu iu n puju.i ih.w. h "- ol inose lauguiu, e.ii.iiie wi.ii.bb u. iu. iu,t.u. .uuvuiu. 1 .. ril in ! the mood, true home hinuiness rests is religion, count's residence, at which were pre.-eul .,.,.i'd,. li .ht a cioar and declare The home must be c inscerated by family some uf the savants of the great eiiy . , ., , i T i . .i... ii'i. i,r .l,a,n ..u,.h,d his l naceuitomed to the table etiuuette ol thai ny ine wnoie category oi guuo piajc. .raci. ;-,l,uu,....t,.,t thin., in l he solar svstem: teul l ure he built an altar, faiuii) un- cu n.ieu i ar.s.aos, ...e t,....cU ' " . . i . . l . .... Vn...r v,.rv f.mlUh. but vou don't nraver is the strongest cement will, ol all eye., when teaieu at ine r.g.i. .....i;. . .a . ...., ,.r...r-,.r,U .hen -.;,). ,n bind vour home tos-e-her. hand t.f his host, Charles was mentally you find a faded carnation iu your dress It raises it from a mere lodging place disturbed. He soon no.iued that before . a. .1 ... ..... k.. t... I 1 .....1 ul...m lii u uurrpil Knot each n ate were urouned tour wine coal poenei. Ai iiitriy you pas. uj ut. wuu.u t-.t ... .j., .r-. , .in..!.... . hdUhv or ncrhana vou. around which wo Katlier the Honest glasses. ...e eo.o.- u. -...v.u ..,.1 . .he .lr fellow, are lookini: leelini! of our hearts. Where Cod is lhu lively, ruby, purple, pale amber, and ildly about for the Castoria bottle as she bun .red pateuis will be more readily white. In vaiious oecaniers weie wines sings. There is a halo from heaveu ab.ve obeyed, Orolhers and sisters will uc more o. a .-ur..-sruuU.uS ... v...., I,h, head then, aud vou Would die there loving and there will be harmony instead guest indicated to llie Wallers ins or ne. n ,1.. .I.v.i..n nunehin.' the face of of discord. Cherish courtesy iu your own cln iee by simply touching a glass. .i.. .' i i ...i I .... .,r ,.h!hlr..ii ,m,l in ilia! white oues. aloue. aud those b.lori ' . : . . . . I .., .. .i .. i : wu. ...i. .j ....... ih w,.eiel n t and babv lu llus o child lo child. Oliuw mem mai tiouie is v,....,..- -n. or anv other town. At forty she has a few not a bare garden, but a place for geuile During the progress of the fcasl wrinkles, but vou cau'l see them. She is words aud deeds. Teach the boys lu wait host, tilling his ruhy-tinte slill the sweelest woman in I he world on the girls aud the girls lo accept (an example which his guests fol .. :. i..... ... I !...:. I...I.. uilil, ......lu thm.ki. U.i i.atienl tiMtiosed a toast . "To the wive ICaCIUUg yuu lesiuai.uu ..un "v... i.,,... i.v., ...... . . . , . . i. I i...:i. f....,ilu Ai lil'iii L.,,.r..,ll'uiiih the children's uoise and ter's and sweethearts . i d... is telliiiL' her grand-children tli very iiuaintesl little stories about M iulerest in their games and pursuits. We have read ol a llrecian mother who saw her child on the briuk of a precipice. To shout to it might ouly quicken its vagrant feet to Wondei closer to llieedge, or so startle it wilh fear as to cause it to topple over. She lifted her voice in a familiar hvinu.and lured the little one back lo her side. So many siuuer lias beeu led to Christ, wod by some sweel song. Few hearts can with stand the power of a pleading song You may talk lo a man about religion and he will dispute with you. lu an argument he may worst you, perhaps: butsiughim a Christian song some thing it tuny be, beard at his mother's knee long years ago and how he trembles! There is a familiar slory uf Scotch soldier who lay dying iu one our hospitals during the cival war. minister t ame to him, hiiuscll a Scutch uiati, lo tell him of Christ and His love Hut the mau tumid over on his face and would nol listen. He said: "Don talk lo me about religion!" The miuisler was silenl a moment; then he began to sing a familiar hymn of Scotland. It was that beautiful one composed by David Dickson, beginuing: "0 mother, dear Jerusalem. When shall I come to thee?" lie sang it lo the tunc of "Dundee.' of A (he glass Cents JU'b If you go lo ihe HK? T you go to JOK DAN'S CAFK, And if you t'o in Jordan's Cafe, you go to ihe HF.ST AMOS P. JORDAN. Keeps this place. M.t)pen all Night. Lodging .'sic. jy iy ,,d and old man U itikio.' She is the esseuce uf all the sweelest then. At .illy, with white hair aud placid brow, she implants a mellowed kiss ou your check when she thiuka you asleep. Memory goes racing back over the sum mer hills: you are lired, foot w.iru little boy again, lying there in the open ducf- o''your household joys way of au old home. '1 lie locust blossom, are droppiug, the petals are falling from the yellow roses ou the bush at the corner of the house; it is almost dusk and your languid eyes are watching the .wallows gracefully circle over the white houses of the little, town. Heart aches, and all the bitterness of years are forgot ten and you awaken. And it is really Imigli. ol America, to i:... i.:. i .'. I,...l i ui'h.. 1 which he invited a response Irolll his niter, n is uio-i iu. . iim.iIui. vour heart bv and by. Take an youthlul guest, motioning a servant .1. .:. ,..,...u ,! iiryiois meanwhi.e lo nl Ins glass witn ine reu L.uidiUL' i hem iu the choice of those tliu' wiue. i i ..i....ii l'l..ri,..i ihe li.it followed can best be told in ihe a.u uu'Mi ni.u uiL.uii... ........... .-n- . buvs ill handicrafts, uut scolding tli. u, young man's owu Words: "Molliei!" i In for making a mess, but teaohiug them lo wrote) "for a luomcut I was in an ag.my el.-ai it awav liieuiaclves Do not let your of irepid.iii' huuie be ell self-centered. Lit the light fall ou ether n. I would ratner nav n.eed a cannon. AI had risen, and in the hand ol each was tne cup oi wine k ,, I., hannv. Kucourage youi wnu nii.au neeu pieogeu tr. uy Children in acts ol voluotary self-denial, clii'dliood, uot "to loueh, late, n .r ban- vi ..l I ,1., .,.iun-.riM hu a. ii.e die. Mv head swam. Suddcmv I heard J m . . I . . .. i. ...... .ir Tl deeds of kindness to others. Try this me worus, "i-are 10 oe a .Muiei: . ... j ..I.. i :il ,l.i iilim the shot through my brain like au elect lie U.JU ami. juu "... I children are scattered along lite many fl.sh antly my resolution waslakeu ws the memurv of the old home will be T..U. hi g my white glass, .servant a sifeguardiu t.mpl.lion and. solace filled it will, water. Rising, I said : .:.( l ....; m f.iri.M.iuiiiiWlli. I a?t well as I could for the great lump in u trial. uiT.unc I. n , Kverybndy in Seoiland knows thai he was singing the dying solder turned over on his pillow aud said to the minis ter,"W here did yuu learn thai?" Why replied the miuislet "my moiher taught me thai." "So did miuc said ihe dyiug soldur, mid the very fountains of I heart were unsealed, so that then a there he yielded himself to Christ. O, has a charm a wouderful an almost irresistible force, this Christian song, has never yet been overestimated. 'I great meetings ol evangelists all show The solus of l'liillips aud Stehbius i Sanki yand Hliss ami hundreds of t.tlu h.iw it. The chorus ul a treat choir is ulicii slill iui.ru impressive ro p. win) has watched a great congregation listening to the mighty chorus of a mere sung fri m a large body of trained singers can evt-r doubt the value of such a ser vice as it means of religious impression. II. I! I', llall.uk Sleepy Man's Speech. A STORY BY SENATOR VEST. IT HAD AN EI.Et TlllFVINll EKKECT O.N THE JDBr AMI IIR0t:iMIT A VERIHI'T rilt THE I'l.AINTIKE. When newspapers writers iu Washing ton are "shy" of good stories they have ouly to look into the career of Hon. (Jeorge Vest, Senator from the great slate of Missouri. There the fund of good mateiial is apparently inexhausti ble. Waller Wcllman has been taking a turn at Vest, aud fiuds a m w story that is worth repeating. The scene is located iu Missouii, of course, and the preliminaries tell how Vest wus employed by a man whose dog had been shot by a neighbor. Other emi nent counsel alteuded to all the prelimi naries of the tight, while Vest was there, his head sunk down between his shoul ders, and apparently asleep. Finally his associate nudged him and told hitu that he must make the concluding speech. He demuned, but seeing he must do some thing to earn the fee which had been paid him, ruse aud alter gazing earnestly at the jury for some minutes, began a speech of which this is a stenographic copy: Geullemen of the Jury: The best friend a man has in this world may turn against him and bcccuiehis enemy. His son or daughter that he has reared with Ram Horn Blasts. GOOD FOR THOUGHT. WAKNINll NOTES CALLING THE WICKED TO HF.I'ENTANCE. The Holy Spirit is not a friend to idleness. Sin iudeed is generally Ihe result uf sin in thought. Kvery Christian's life is a book some sinner lias to read. Iluw strange that good people should love to tell bad news. Nothing is real success that is not according totiud's plan. Too many men praise their wives must after they bury them. If we give the devil our eyes he will soon have control of our feet. If you would know what keeps the oak alive, look for its smallest root. The man who looks wilh pure eyre c in see the face of Hod in a dew drop. God makes the most use of those who keep themselves ready for hia u.-e. The man who pleases God may ex pect to have a good deal of trouble with men. If God puts us in the fire, it is because be sees dross he wants to purge out. llemember the serpent's head is to be bruised, no matter how big or black it loving care may prove ungrateful. Those may look. who are nearest and dearest to us, those I Aeeurdimr to the way 9ome folks talk, whom we trust with our happiness tud I tjje oniy pe0pc wh0 have been good are our good name, may become traitors to I dead. 1. i Jacob Gravers id Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable quality. DAVKNl'OUT MORRIS A CO., Sole agent, fur the Distiller, Richmond, V. MR. V. D. SMITH, at Weldon, N. C. i. the sole uisiribuitug ageul at that point, for ihe above old and Celebrad Whiskey. DAVENPORT MORRIS! k CO. mar SI ..a. V, T. PARKER, Weldon, N. C. , DIALER IN , J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale aud Retail Dealer In Fine ' Staple Fancy FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Groceries ber. the anl aoJ comforter of your of that eternal huiuo wlu're 'Minis an L.,.. Whttn in a uirl MViHIlM? Wh0 I wiiiKil uW:lv" la I ill where "uaught thai vuj-. - -.r- j the is your mother, to be sure Orange Jefileth eniers in." KJ " vi ,wV KKKI'Klt S(ilKI.. " TIIK MOONSII I SKU'S WOE '1'apa, will you please give me fifty Tl,;. h,.r imv,.rioi.ent wants the earth f,,r u vacation hat? ' Most all the aid the old moonahiuer. "The rcveuue aead. my girls have theirs. men caught me in the act, au hauled "No May; I ein'l spare the money. me up before the jedge. The jedge looked The r. quest was persuasively made by like a reasonable mau, au' I told him . nixiee n-year-old maiden as she was pre that I only run a 'still' to buy shoes for piring for school oiie fiue morning Tin my family. That's whar I made a break refusal came from the parent in a curt, Tin; kyks. When the upper lid covers hall more of the pupil the indication is cool deliberation I'nsteaily eyes rapidly jerking from side to side are In qiietitly indieitious of an utisellled mind. It is said that the prevailing color of eyes aiuoug palleuls ol lunatic as lums aie brown and black. Kyi sol any color wilh weak brow ud long concave lashes are indicative of weak constitution. Kyeslhat are wide apart are said by physiognomists lo indicate great iolell igi uce and a tenacious memory. xamplc of Cuuut II W ide opcu, staring eyes in weak every white glass was instantly raised aud counleuances, indicate jealousy bigotry my throat " I beg leave to Bay that lo thclypi fal wife, daughter aud sweetheart ol Am. ties the puiity of this, nature's uwti beverage, illustrates the lives they aim lu lead and the daugers which they seek to avoid. Deriuit me to use it iu theit dear name." "Followiug the Croekrry, Glass Tin, and wooden aud wit lowware. Also i'rutl s noise, low Hog aud I'oultry Food, aud tlrove'i K Tasteless Chill Tonic Alexaudei'r Liver aud Kiduey Tonic for purilyn p the hlood This Ionic is watrauted o. money refunded. J. L. JUDKINS," No. 'it Washington Ave., Weldon, N. dec Illy. for he says right off says he: "Well, lu, goiu to give you chance to make snoes lot the government, an' I'll see to it thai yer family gits . pair o em every six mouths Then he sent me up for two years" the toast druuk." New York Voice. A HOY'S Jl T.KY. Qrand Display OF- WSI'RINd AND SC. MM FR-1 H Groceries Queena.are, Cutlery, Plows, Plow Cast ings, Hoes, Forks. MILLINERY. FANCY UOODH and N0VE1.TIK8. Butterirk'i Patterns. 11. & G. CORSETS, Hisses at 50c, Ladies 75c. tot 1. M.Price.will be made to suit the times. Hale and bonneta made aud trimmed U order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, WMr. N O riAKWII-D HAPPINESS U dependent upon the health of the wife more than nn any other one thinij. If a woman is trmimeu in dishiu-Uy feimnme way the miwt delu'iite nerve of her twnly are state of ehionic irritation, She has headache and hack che. She in lintleaa and apiritlew. She ia crow and hi lie. She ferlx that lite is nut worth living and her temper reAeeta the condition of her nervea. roor, Mincrmir wire --pwr, ni tr''. hiilfltid It the husband i a cheerful. km. humored man he will aympatrme if he ia nervoun, tired and trritaiiie nimaeii, ne win uiw'j to the clult r nee, euewnere muic wn- jenial enmrtanT . . . : i. n K ,itif1 A IV wiPiiirtu i " - he u miwiahle and tiecaune nhe has not yet learned that I r. Pierce's Favorite Pre script ion will make her well ( ine favorite rrescnpuuii t- veiopcu uvci thirty yearn ajjo in the reg ular practice of Or. R. V. Pierce who ia and was then, chief consult ing physician to tne inva DK T. T. UOSS, 1 RECEIVER AND SHIPPER OF Corn.Hay & Oats wiiiy D1NTIST Weldon, N.O. ftf Office ever Kuuy A Pieroe'atar. lB-lB-ly. Surgical Insti tute, at Htll felo. N. Y. Since then it has been used by millions of women and h brouaht arallh, happineu and con'.tntnienl lo a man, home.. " Mvw.fr w... irk fnr over rlfthl v"." write. Alhrri II Fnllr. H of All.maat. I'.nnirty Co Trim " Slif h.t iitcrinr Oisr.se .nd w.- trrslrU hv two phvslciHii. huH a. no relief. At Ust 1 rr.il .l"il Hr Piri lvoriU Frwrnptlon. I irnt to Ihr dr.. slorr. trot onr bolllr and the ftrM iW B.vr r..r .nd sl.rp fthr h.d not ftlrnl anv lor thrrr nijhls Brint orr that II woiild cure hrr 1 wnl for ftvr niorr Iwtlle. .nd wnro Ihr had t.krn llir .iith t.ltlr .lit w oiind a4 wrll. We now h.vr . fine boy .1 our houw." The "Favorite PrrKription " contain. iud.ll'ereul toue. The disappointed girl went to school. The father Blarted for his place ol business. On his way thither hi met a friend, and being hail fellow wel met, he invited him into Mae's for u drink. As usual, there Were others there and the mau that could nol spare his daugh ter fifty cetils for a hat treated the crowd. When about to leave he laid a hall dollar un the eoiititu which just paid for the drinks. Just then the salooi keeper's daughter ente red and going he hind the bar, said: "l'a p, I want filt; .wins for mi h.l." "All tight," suit! the dealer, and, taking the half dollar from the counter, he handed it to the girl, wh.i di pirtcl smiling May's father seemed d.t d, walked nut alone and said lo himself: "I had lo bring my fifty cents here f. r ihe rum seller .daughter lu buy a lut wilh afi refusing it lo my own daughter. I'll never drink another drop " This is specimen of the wholesale robbery of the home which ihe saloon is practicing everywhere. And there are thousands of men whom such an object lesson aa this nun saw that day would ... . ' .1 . L l :. lids' Hotel and not lonuencc 10 give up ine II. oil drink. And it is not only ban but win ter clothes, shawls, shoes and slocking., and daily bread, and fire to warm the family hearth that the saloon is stealing from three million tamilies in this land "You have only bad half of the poodle ilipped, mamma," said little Tommy 'Yes, Tommy." Tommy thought and asked: "Is It so that the warm end of the dog can enjoy the coolness of the other end all the ?" Octroi! Free l'ress. CAl'SK FOR YY ONI) Kit. Penny Did you see that fl-h jump right out of ibe water just now? 1'aDa Yes. Hennv Well, .hat in the world did I Pr'm oondition no alcohol and no opium or otner n.reoiic, . . ff . . j1Imtr? ITarcrer'a .nd I. p.rfectly karaleaa In any coadm. ne jump on wnen ne jumpear Harper 1 1 by w M ajkm , N Brown w. . - - , biuh, ir. A. o. ninuuu, utHeifl, vrugnuiM, lutolerauee and perlluaeily williout firmuess. F.yes placed cloe together iu the head are said to indicate pettiness dis position, jealousy, and a turn for fault finding. When the under arch of the upper eyelid ia a per Ice t semicircle it is iu die. live of goodness, but also of timidity sometimes approaching cowardice. I'D I'M) AT LAST. WHY SHi: WON'T LIKK IT I'roptietor I am looking for a can trust. Auiilicaut We'll get along the or teu years I've beeu lookiug fur mau that would trust me. Detroit Free Proof of the puddltiK Hoe In the eutlii f it. l'l.-f of Ulr.EKT3' TA3TE1.K!W llll. I. TONK' lies lu the taking of It. iKl" NOTHING If It falls to cur.', so vnts i i U.tiln If It euree. shiiu eincuv on lis nioilu l.y W. M Cohen. Drnggisl. Weldon, N. C. N. Brown, Halifax: Jacksou Drug (.'., Jaeksou, N. C. "1 ihuuglil that summer nsurt you went to was a delightful plaec," said the brunette. "What fault had you to fiud wilh it " "I he only hiimiiio.'k thev had was ill the most conspicuous place on lb grounds " Chicago I'ust. - - . T li i. il l.s. r ( i IX. K 1 1' 1 1( X For chills aud fever is a bdlle of Grove s Tasteless ( hill Ionic. Never falls to eun , why ill. n expeiinenl with woithlcss iiuii.iious? 1'iice ol) ccnis. Your money back if it fails to cure. For sale by W M. Cohen, Weldon, N C. their faith. The mouey that a mau has he may lose. It flies away wilh him per haps when he needs it most. A man's reputation may be sacrificed in a mo ment of ill-considered action. The people who are nroue to full ou their kuees to do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw ihe stone of malice wheu failure settles its cloud upou our heads. The one absolutely unselfish friend ilia! man can have iu this selfish Wuild, the one that ln-wr diseits hi in the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog. "Gentleman of the jury," the Senator continued, "a man's dug stands by him in pr. sperily and in povely, iu health and sickness. He will sleep on the wintry cold ground, where the wintry wiud. blow and the snowdiives fiercely, if only he will be near his master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no loud lu offer, he will lick the wouuds aud sores that come in encounter with the rough ness of ihe world. He guards the Bleep of his paupi r master as if he were a priuee. When all other fliends desert he remains When riches take wings and reputation falls lo pieces he is as constaut iu his love as the sun in his journey through Ihe heavens. If fortune drives the master forth an outcast in the world, fiiendless and homeless, ihe faithful dog ask no higher privilege than lliat ol accompanying him to guard against his euemies, and when the las! scene Comes, and death takes the master in its embrace and his body is laid away in I lie cold ground, no mailer if all oilier friends pursue lli.ir way, there by his graveside will the noble day be fouud, his head be tween his paws, his eyes sad but open in alert walehluluess, failihl'ul and tiue even in dcuth." What followed the veracious Well man describes in this way: "Then Vest sat down. This remarka ble speech he had delivered iu a lo. voice, without a gesture. No reference had he uttered about the evidence. When tiui-hed judge and jury were seen to have tears in their eyes. The jury filed out and iu a minute or two returned lu I he couit room. The plaintiff had asked for I Jllll damages. The verdict gave him $500, and several of the juryman wan ted In hang Ihe defendant," Si. Louis Globe Democrat. If our faults were all written on our faces, the world would be full of hanging heads. The devil can take a little rest wheu Christians begin to quarrel among them selves. Every woman who has to live wilh a diuuken husband knows that the devil is still loose. A Woman Oniy Knows what suffering from falling of th womb, whitp, painful or Trrjpilr mensM, or any diaeaie of the diatfnctly d-nuniiiaoranfils. A man may tympa tbue or I'iiy t ut he can not know tha Acni"s che ft-H-a through the terrlbla titirr;ni;, bo patiently borne, which ton ntT oi DTiiuiy, n"uw anu uyyi- neit. V at thia tuff erlnc rtftlly It need lea. McELREE'S Wine ol CanH will banish It. This medicine cures all " female diieaaes " quick Iv and permanently. It doea away with humiliating nhv.ical examl- natious. The treatment may be taken at home. There ia not con tinual expense and trouble. The sufferer it cured and stays curia. U'i.is of f ardui is becoming the leading remedy for all trouble! ol tbi. clau. It cost, but It from any druggist. For advice In caws requiring snreial directions, addresa, the l.,lir Adviuirr Department, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. M KS. C. J. WEST, Nnahvlll. Teaa. wrltM . lhl. wooa..lw. mratt... wain ( h. In err houi. "s llwr. art . woown. OUa-fc eu-i ALL YVOMKN CAN. "You used to say," said Mr. Meeker, n he edged away from the threatening bloom handle, "that I was the greatest bargain you ever got." "Yes, and I will show you that I can strike a bargain, too," retorted his belter half. Chicago News. Ilibbs See that sitkioglooking girl there? She married millions. Ilobbs Who's the insignificant-look ing fellow wilh her? Ilibbs Oh. he's the man she mar- ricd. 1r Cai'y's Condition PownnRH, ate just what a horse needs when iu bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They arc not food but mod icine and the best in use to put I horse 1 rice ibe per pack age KFI'IC YCIOl S KXK1M ISK. "Thatclairvoya.it said that for II she would tell me h iw to gel lid uf super fluous Ulcsh." "What did she say'.''' "She told mc to go to Manila and help chase Filipinos" Chicaga Record. Iir.lt MILLIONAIKK. Mary had I millionaire, His head was soil as dough, And everywhere that Mary went, Y by he was sure to go. He followed her to church one day, And then they had a row, Arranged by Mary. Mary lives. On alimony now. KOHOVKH KIKTV YEARS Wood's "Trade Mark Brand" j Crimson Clover, is the highest grade New crop seed, of strong germination. The chief dilhcul ty in growing this valuable forage and aoilimprnving crop in the past has been in obtaining good stands. Failure in this respect has been largelv tine to the use of two-vear-oldsti'd. Tins while of good appcHranre and germination, throws out a much weaker sprout and on this account will not come up well and it is also much more easily killed off by adverse weather conditions than that eoivn from new crop seed. If you w.nt the ht new crop ( rlll.aoll Clover, seed of strong germination, I sure to order Wood ! "Trde fUrk Brand. Write lor nrler. and PrecrlptlTe F.ll Cala- loirur. which alio give, full Information .hou Vrlcko. Rape. Winter, Terf er Ora.lai OtU, Sera Wkeat. OrasMS and Clevm, Turnip .nd VtgeL.U Sends. Hyacinths, Tnllp. ana all Bulks and Seeds tor tall planting. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. TKTTKH, SALT RHKI M AMI Kf- 7.K.MA. The intense itching and smarting inci- Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been dent to these diseases, is iuslantly allayed I used for over fifty years by millions of by applying Chimberlain's Kve and Skin mothers for children, while teething, with i- . . . . pcrlect suoooss. It soothes the child. 7.uiujeui. t'l.ui ve.v u.u tunes liave n u u - , , . . I soneus me guu.s, auays an p.in, euros oeen permanently cured by it. It is wind coiio ,nd U the best remedy for equally efficient for inching piles and Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chap-1 sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists ...i -i.:ii.i.:. r... . l i in everv tiart of the world. 25 sent! a ueu unuun, en out. tun, .rum uiiua auu : i ... ... ohror.:. ,.. or., r... k.. bottle. Ho sure and ask for "Mrs. VVina. ........ uj u v.h i..i.i.. . a I low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth Halifax, Dr. A. 8. Uarrlwu, Kr.flt.ld, UnujalaU ' ' kind. tig 4 ly. THE BEST WATCH CHAIN ON EARTH For $1.00. Made while you wal at the wire Jewelry stand, 354 MaIN ST.. NORFOLK. VI. lojrMail orden reoeive prompt attention. AU good warranted. J. W. DENNIS, Norfelk, Ta. ainlwllJn.

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