i si m f a i i i t. i iff t iH wi-. j t a- JOHN- W. SLEDGE, I'Hohuktor VOL. XXXIV. A UEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE WELDON. N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21. 1S99. TEBMSH1'5011 ANM'M IN Al'YAMK NO 17. - i U. S. GOES TIIK WOMAN WHO SIIOl'I.I) NOT MAKItY. TO THE BOTTOM. i Promptly Reaches the Seat of all Blood Diseases and In every test inndo S, S, 3. pnil v delllOUSt .'iltos its Sllln'rin, il V UIT t.lii.T I)!ihk1 remedies. 1 1 iiuiltiTi, not how ob- stinnte Ihe cnsc, nor what other tn-iit niiMit or remedies hiive failed, S. S, S. .Iuu.d ........,,. Iv ....... .1..,.. .....I .......... ...... PlirOO thO Unrct POCOC disease whore the lilooil is in any way involv e! UUitJo lllu nUIOI OditJOi Kvcryune whu Inn hn.l experience will blood discuses knows that there, lire no ml menti or troubles BO obstinate mill diflicult to cure,, Very few remedies cliiitn to cure such real, deep-sented blood discuses us 8. S. S. .cures, mul none can offer luch incontrovertible evideneeof merit 8 S. S. in nut merely u Ionic it Il a cure I Itgoesdown to the very scut of nil blood discuses, mid (rets lit lhe. foundation of the very worst cases, and routs the poison from Hip system. 1( docs not, like other reined leu, dry up the poison mid hide il (nun view temporarily, only to break forth niniii more violently than ever; S. S. S forces out every ma nf taint and tlia HVHt.ptn of il forever. Mra.T W. Lee. Montgomery, Ala., writes: "Some years ago I was Inoculated with poison by a nurse who infected my babe with blood taint. I was covered with sons and ulcers from head to foot, and in my greateitremity I pniyed to die. Several prominent physicians trented me. but nil to no purpose The mercury and potash which tiny gave me seemed to add fupl to the awful Hume hich was devouring inc. I was advised by friends w ho hail M en wonuerlul cures muue ny it, to iry owm a .-ipeciiic. i on- ivjiw-jan proved from the start, as the medicine seemed to go direct jfrtj&? to tne cause 01 inc irounio auu inrce ine poison uiu. jHt-ntj bottiei cured me completely." Swift's Specific S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD It the only remedy that it guaranteed purely vpgetable, and contains no mercury, potash, arsenic, or any other mineral or chemipnl. It never fail tu cure Cancer, Kczenin, Scrofula, Kheuniatism, Contagious Blood l'uisuii. Tetter, Boils, Carbuncles, Sores, etc. Valuable booka mailed free by Swift Specilic Company. Atlanta, (Ja. The woman who wnu'd rather nurse a pug dug limn a bub)'. The wtiinuii who tliinks she can gut 8.",(MI0 world of tjl oul of a 81,(1110 salary. The woman wdo wauls to refurnish tile house evry spring. Tde woman who Luvs Fur tliu mete pleasure of buying. The woman who dues nut know bow many halves, quartern, dime nicklea, and cents there lire in a dollar. Tint woman whu thinks that men arc ungc.U mill demigods. The woman who would rather dicldan wear a bonnet two seasons old. The woman who thinks that the cook and nurse can keep house. The woman who reads cheap novels and dreams of biing a dulchcsa or a .lintess. The woman who thinks it is cheaper in lniv bread than to make it. 1 he wiinau who uiartics in order to have somebody to pay her bills. The woman who expects a declaration of love three limes a day. The woman who expects lo nave a 'good, easy time. The woman who cans more lor me style oi lier winter cloak than she cares lor the health and eoinlort ol her chil dren. Thewnman who stays at dome only wden she cannot find a place to visit. The woman who lliinks she is an oruain. nt lo her bcx if she wins a pro gressive eiielier priz New York Times. Eoli Iip.ll. HE WAS A GREAT ORATOR HOW II K IMI'KK.SHKl) (lOVKRNOR. Bull TAYLOR, Of TENNKKSEK. Perpetual Youth. ITS ALL VERY SIMPLE. YET TI1E HECRET IS KNOWN TO RUT VEW AM) VK I.AROR FOR THAT WHICH HATIaTIKTII NOT. RANSOM TO THE FRONT. UK CHECKS THE ADVANCE ENEMY AND SAVES THE llltlllllE. OP THE WEI.DON 24TI1 ANNUAL FAIR Bob Ingcrsoll is dead ! Let us not speak harshly of dim for il can servo us no good purpose. The great Judge of nil tde earth will now judge l,iiu by the "deeds done in tde body" and all will be rigdl. Speaking ul Mr. Ingcrsoll sumo lime ago Gov. Hub Tay lor, of Tcnn., saya : "I sat in a great theatre at the nation al capitol. It was thronged with yould aud beauty; old age and wisdom. I saw a man, the image of his Ood, stand upon tho stage and I heard dim speak. His gestures were tho peritenon ol gtace, dis voice was music and bis lan guage was uiore- beautiful than any I had ever heard from mortal lips. lie paiuled picluro after picture of the tileasurea and ioys and sympathies of home. He throned love and preached tde gospel of humanity like an angel. Then I saw him dip his brush iu the ink of moral blackness and blot out the beau tiful pictures he had painted. I aaw him slab love dead at bis feci. I saw dim hint out the stats aud sun and leave du maniiy and tde universe in eternal dark ness and elernal dealh. I saw him, like the serpent of old, worm himself into the paraJi.-e of human hearts and by his seductive eloquence ami subtle devices of sophistry, inject his faiul venom, under whose bligdt its flowers faded, its music was hushed, its sunshine was darkened and llie soul was li lt a desert waste with ooly the new-made eraves ol faith and hope. I saw him, like a lawless, erratic meteor without an orbit, sweep across the in tellectual sky, brilliant only in itself, con suininL' fire, generated by faction with the iudestrueiible and eternal truths ol , ...i:.;.. ,.,Mi Co YV. . M. Sumwvn is euuuiuu ACCOrUing IU u uuumuu vul.v,,. , . ., i ... li;.. 1 1,.,.,, tin. some interesting leltels to the Kal among tne uauves oi i in-""" ......v , -n was an island of the Bahama group which eigh IW on the glorious record of the hudimnn it a marvellous fountain, whose .).n n. v., .v K..ui-ui , the Slates, waters prouuecu ueipeiu.. juul... , r I) .1., I.,.,,,, We take the lollowiug extract from wonuer oi nature uuau ouvU u ..v.., , . i , ,.,..,.ish navigator and discoverer of dis splendul arl.cle in last Sunday a 1 u-l, .. i .e ui.. .:.,. l.t nn,t tool uiving an interesting aieount uf Idc cu me maiinauuoi i iuiiua, ouut..v . . earncs.lv. vot in vain. gacmcut at Itoonc a Mill, in Nortdamp How sdall wo slave off old age It is c"u" J .. , v m. i A U'kiU in namn near rulei'BUUri'. a laruequeHtion. l here are a iiuiuult u. devieesidress, drugs, cosme.ioa, and on July 27, 1803, Gen. Matt. W. liau whit not. Many people object very oin, in command of the Department ol strongly to glowing old. They look North Ca.olina, hearing of the advance il A.. ihev cannot of Col Spear from inton on Weldon, UUUU U HO U mil J - , ,,, bear to think of il. orJld bl" br,ade 10 (jar'"burf: 1 be The prophet Isaiah in his fortieth chap- 3.nh n giment left that same al.ernoon tcrgiveaaprcscriplion which ha, been on ihe mail train, arriving that night found to be the most efficacious: "The, Gen. Ransom left the same night on an . . t .,..1 ,.,np their engine. Keaehiug Garvsburg at day- tnal wan uuuu mo i.oiu d..-. ... ... ... .i i,..!l n with win... break, he found there a section of artillery SlICIIlll, niJ o -g- This vietnrv. eominu so soon after bis promotion, was doubly gratifying to Gen. KausuUi 8 Inenus, unu ine laei ini u home lay less than two milca disiant, whence the sounds of the guns and the noises of the battle were tremblingly lis tened to by his delicate wue auu suiau i.:i.i ..?...!., Birilcintt illustration cuituieu, .uuiu. " ...-.-r, of the nature of this contest waged by the SMllwrn neon ft in Wll en truly 11 uoiv uc said they were fighling "for their altars an, I the r Hres. Hod. anU IllCir uauve land." Proof of the pudding lies In the culliuj of II. 1'ioofi.f loillKltTS'TASTKI.r.SS Cllll.l. TllMt; lies In the tnkliiK of It co-i'l' NOTHING if It falls to euri'. 85 eehlH per hoUln If It euroH. Hold ntrletly on IU iiieiiu by W. M. Cohen, Druggisl, Weldon, N. C. J. N. Brown, ll.ililai; Jackson Drug Co., t....i M r. where as eagles, they shall run, aud not be weary; they shall walk aud not faiul." Hete, if anywhere, is the founlaiu uf perpetual youth. It ia easily aeces-ihle. We need not ascend luto heaven nor ue- sccud iuto the deep, for it 111 .d. Thai mun was the arehangel of Hindi rn infi lelil,and I said, how (rue is the holy Writ which declares "ihe tool huh said in his heart there is no God." Tell me not oh, infidel, there is no God, no heaven, uo hell ! Tell mo nU oh, infidel, Ihere is no risen Christ ! with two guns, which he ordered down to lioonc'a Mill, diataol seven milca, where the main load from Jackson lo C.,.,.l.nf mul Weldon crosses the "'J"""'" swaum. Kour couinauieB of tde -4lh I . . f I ..! 1 is ni"h uulo regiment, id couiniaDU ol ijieui. v,oiuun Harris, dad preceded luui lo Ihe null us all. ,. ., ,. , There are three stages in every crea- flailing tapt. uurgwyn o. v,ou.pau, . , . , -i: II ,'.r,il, r,.iin,.ni whose home was in lure's life, that ol growth, mat oi npini- o . t, j . ..i the couutv. to mount a souad ol his com hill anU inai 01 uecsy. n " -j - - .. . oueslion of time when wo mu,t pass iron, puny and go on a scouting exped ite , 1 . . m, ihere beini! DO cavalry near at hand, one to the otner. ine very u..fc" - . - l ,.,.,ol, earlv id the tuorniiig ol July -stn, Itsn.i must become wean. i.veu m j - - . , . , .. .i Gen. Rausoiu, wild Ins staff, proceeded laint anu are weary, auu iu i ., . . . ii i... ti .lui ksnn. distant ten miles, lu obtain utterly fall. It is tne irrevocaoie n. . m. . W.. infurmaiion of tde enemy a moveiuenls ine act oi uviug icuuo . - , sirentth at tde expense of About 12:30 p u,, be left Jackson lo " r.i . uc. i...;,.,.l n,l return lo Boone's Mill lo make dispo.M tissue. i is true oi me io p";c,""-i " , . ., , no has true of tde life intellectual. As lion to meet Col. Spear, wdo was re norted rapidly advancing. When lien tne eyes grow uuu auu " .. .. ' , ..... i.i.. I , he Hansom had gotten abuul hall a mile dis ables, llie senses aiu uiuunu - , ,. . ., taut a great shout was beaid iu Ihe direc lacui'ies iuii. i . ., , . . ., .l ..el lion el Jackson, and, slopping lo aseer All I Ills seems euuiiuoue'"''-, - ' , . i ... ., ;..r.,. I,,,,,,,,,, ,x. tain the cause, ihe enemy s cavalry were Judge A "Well, uncle Zeb are going?" The Benedict. "I wuz jisgoin to de cote, sub, to see you suh, and git a remover from dat yallcr limb dat I married tho yaidcr day." Jude:e A. "Why, see here tbat won't do. Didn't vou nromise me you would take hor for better or for woise, and all that? Benedict "Yas euh, but den she am a sight wus8 dan I look ber fur. Harper's Baiar. HIS HKASOV. il III of the Roanoke and Tar River Agricultural Society will be held at Weldon, N. 0., Oct 31, Nov 1, 2 & 3, 1899. . Liberal Premiums! Fine Races! Cheap ex cursion Rates. 1 1 '.'v TvJ.s i,'f',i.fc i , t 'J3 i X - " I V.' ,- TTTN-rT.SI -RAND U OF II MUSIC ! Pleasing attractions on the midway. For particu- 1 A - lars, appiy io T T n ANTFL Treasurer. J . w. v News & Opinions I Of Natioual Importance AU)ne xicttvjr - - j inectvy .1 la m r ... - What intelligence less than God could fashion I he human body? What mo tive power is il, if nut God, that drives the throbbing engiue of ihe human heurl wiih cease ess, tireless stroke, sending the crimson streams of life bounding and circling through every vein and artery t Whence and what, if not of God, is this mystery we call mind? What is il that thinks aod feels and knows and acls? Oh, who can deny the Divinity tbat stirs within us? God is everywhere and in every bud and blossom aud leaf and tree; in every rock and hill and vale and mountain; in every spring aud river. The rustle of hia wing is in every lenhvr.iis uiigdtU in every tempest. He dwells in tde dark pavilion of every storm cloud. The lightning is Ilia messenger and the thunder is His voice. His awful tread is in every earthquake and on cvciy angry ocean. The deavens above us teeiu with his myriads uf shining witnesses Th universe of solar systems whose wheeling orbs ooursc the crystal palha ul space, proclaim through Ihe dread halls of eternity, ihe glury aud power and domiuiuo uf Ihe all wise, uuiniputenl aud eternal God." hi. Of all teachings, that which presents i I far-disiam Gud is nearest to absuidity Kilher ihere is none, or ha is nearer lo I every oue of us than our nearest cooscicD- I lious self. There is no argument so goal as an ab ,i,.,.. i ., trnilifiil statement of fact. I There' is nothing so interesting as fact. Ill l IC O "V ..'j poricnee, it is surely Worm inim"i'g h..ni H' a thing is certain to come, il isti'i ihe pari f wisdom lo close mil eyes toil. Incisure fuels even though ' refuse to reeogi ine lln in. v,.iL- imieh. loo. iierlians about tie wisdom of puiliug by f.ir "a rainy day," but even llie "mighty dollur" is weak in face of the weakuei-s and weariness and decay that must be our portion if we do .. i, ,. . . t. not provide against II. rresu sirengiu is needed by all llie youth and ,, .n must have it as well us j""" ihe hill about lull Pit. Caiiv's Condition Fowdeus. are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but med icine and the best id use to put a horse in prime conditioo. Frice 2"c per pack age. TT i.'..r hrIp l,v w. M.n,lieii Weldon J. N. Brown. Halifax, Dr. A. 8. Harrison, KiitU'ld. Driimtltls TKOl Itl.i: IN STOKE. "When I grow up," said Kihel wilh a dreamy, imaginative look, ' I'm going to be a sedool leather. "Well, I am going to be a mamma and have ail edildren," said Edna. "Well when tdev come to school to me, I'm goiug lo whip em whip em. "Vou mean thing!'' Piclaimed Kdna, as tears came iuto her eyes. "What have my poor children ever done to you?" COAL id viild ilhltitil Il wim now a iuwliim uh to wlmst horae was lite i'ucltnL two mile -r i,.OH oi'liH KIKTV VKAHM iu,ro la)- lifiwei'ti lltu l-oiilnli-rutu wm- Mth. ViuHlw' Suotliin Syrup has been i ...i I.:. ..1... (..Lin.r iiuiul Ciir nvir tlltV VPllfH i)V UlillioDH of UlUliUlT ailU uiru whu - -j j - "j . i- .i... timihurii lore hiMrt'D. while tccthiDK. with U. ease ignorant B, ... , - , , oii.i.n,n ..i i hi. ip iititinrii i ill! i i ii. ten ui i . the general aud hia staff being fresh the anamv lliil n.,1 Ollin Ofl I lll'lll. tllOUgll in - r reach of and subject tu the enemy he fire all during the pursuit. ihe Dashing at full speod acrixs the softens the iiuins. allavs all pain, cures nmui en ne anu is l ie nesi remeuv iur Diarrhooa. It will relievo tde poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world. cents a bottle. Be sure and ask fur "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind ... . i . . . .. ii i .... . . i....... .....j ii... .he h.ii m he had? "Wall bridge Uen. Uanaum caueu oui iu na.e on the Lord." This is the condition of the the planks taken up and the men to all ...a . ..e .i;..i ,.,.,. into wearv and dv- iu ranka. The enemy seeing the silua luuun ui uimi j I 'if mg humaniiy. Our Lord aud Master in lion ana more or leas aisorKaL.eu i .i .i rill. a.,1... nfien verv. verv the pursuit; halted to reform their bOU U1IJO Ol Ml.- . . weary, hu. as ihe Risen L rd, lie lain- colums for attack. This gave lime for . .i. . i.i.... ij .t. And those the Conederate infantry, most uf whom W 'ui ll.r.iuih grace are "partakers of the were bathing iu the mill pood to gel tbeit .l,r.. in aiiiiie fashion nuns, and io a few minutes order was I'l.liic iiiuib I ... . , m, and decree iu His wondrous prerogative restor.d and our lines established. Ihe . u i(iij iiitritiii ..ii.tinv nnw nn in en l 1111 vin uiiiiiui i auu power to Ihe faiul and to him who bath for an hour or more shelled the tonled : i.. i. i a..tl. ir.,ii,.th." Wait erale Bosiiion. Dismounting dis caval .a. t i .n.l hmi.th the life ul rv. Cul. S. F. Spear aitmipted an ad- , . .1. oc. ..f o I... as vanci duwn the road lo the mill, which n uure utcs, inu iou ui pinvu D.... . .i i.:..:.... i;..l,t il.i .hineih more and waa met by a quirk (ire from our men lllC BMIUIIlfl "ti" - 1 ,11 4L .1 - . ., . r... .1... .ml this advance checked. About tliia m ire uuto ine perieci uaj. i - In the worda of the Frophct we hod lime l.ieut. assar oi tne .uacuu ...g- -Uh mention of ll.ioe forms ofslrength-vi., Ariillery, with two gun, armed Irom ,Vlct, 50 c,nl8. Yi nil, VA. aug 17 3m. ht .r sirenLMh to run; and Uary.-burg, wnicn were pui m ,.os.ou .treneth to walk. Str.ngth to seat on behind aome e.rthworka erected by Gen. .I. . ..:. e r..:. u ii,.m . i. i,r d- frenen me year twiore. niev ine wings ui i.uu ,uv , - ... r .......It c d .i.:. .: tk. fi..l.t u versilv. into the clear light ol Uoda opencu ure. ny ia. mac .a. .(,..-- i i....... ...n . in tn mar tar not. 1 lie enemy now iiicmuicu iu mmj li g I B " " " " , . . .1. .i..i:. -1.1..1. ..en call our nostitou bv an attack on the ngiil a'MIVe lUIS UIIU BUl wu.vu - i ... ... . I 11 1, a .L.. J ........l...! nn.Lt thn earlh" to the things which are above ana leu uau.., .uU .uu. - the things which are eternal. Strength cover ol tne mica swamp a"- Till! MAID AND MAN" "Where are you going my maid?" I'm going a berrying sir," she said. "Where do you berry, my pretty maid?" "In that eenieterv. VOU i 111" she said. "May I go wilh you my pretty miid?' 'It's none ntvour limcral. sir. ane said Fillsburg Dispatch THE HKMr PKI-XCKIPTIOJI For chills and fever is a bottle of Grove'B Tasteless Chill Tonic. Never fails to worthleaa our money back if il fails to cure. For sale by W. M. t'uhen, Weldon, N. C. The Telephone. Every family should have a telephone at their residence. If you want the correct time call phone No. 3D. Our i..i. ; romilnteH fUilv bv the 11 H. time ' IUlUvn. w ..J." J e 3 Any one desiring information from down town, will lurnisn 11 lo tne uest ui um ahility, if they will call phone No. 30. Persona in other towns desiring informa tion from Weldon call phone No. 30 and will do all in our power to furnish you with the desired information. ' i. ... tAB,na whn d-Mif til talk to any oneiu Weldon, who haven't a phone our phones are at their service. Any per- ur.i.i.,n whn husn't a, ohone. avnd nuu iu .. v.... - wish to talk to parties in other towns can ..... .iA ,n,l , mill da all Wfl come w uui "-" , . - - can, and central will do tbe rest to get yon connected quick as possible. 11 phone orders attended to promptly. Htore phone No. 311. Residence phone No. 242. II. C. SP1KKS, Manager, N. Y. Kaeket Huwe. Weldon. N. C, Aug. 18. Juu. 1st. 1SD9. THE WOKI WIFE. What do you tdiuk ihe beautiful word Wood's "Trade Mark Brand" Crimson Clover W.L.Stainback, HKAI.ERIN Daily, by mail, '' Daily and Sunday, by mail, I y" THK j$ Sunday Sun sr. lathe Urealest W Sunday News paper in tho world. Price 5o. copy. By mail 12 a year. AddreaaTHKBUN, Nrw York. H.ll.lil. prw,nt ol . m.-cli.io.-.l t i" "",,1" IhISii irla W III. KMO.I". " Fruits, Confeectioueries. Country Produce Hought and Sold. CHOICE BEEF M.VWS ON HIND. (live me a call. jan 5 ly W. L. 8TAISBACK. Weldon, N. C anil Whiskey UUlta J i il I 1 ill Wehlon, N. C. -11KAI.KII IN- nii Fancy Groceries n aniiwiinkey uaita Prists?! ii4u.w. uUio.. li Hui 1'ior . Queensware, Cutlery, l'lows, Flow Cast KKCE1VEK ANDSHIl'I'I'.K OF j Corn,Hay & Oats aug I It A- PPOMATTOX IRON WORKS, Miiuufaelurersof Agricultural Implements. Shaftings, Milltlmtiiig, Pulleys, All kinds ol Mnehlnery, and Hepairs Nua. 82 34 l)hi Ht , 1'eterslmrg, V. octwiy ings in the every day life of every-day (K'iiple are lualeriiils lor most iiinuiiiK novels. There are every day storiea of heroism, sufl'eriiur and the final tn ninph of good over evil of happiness finiilly crowning en deavor. Here i t.. it... ,,,niv,if Ksi-uoiiliia in Altilstiua is the little town of Klomalon anil there i:..... l.u 1..Uiw r.rlme.. She WHS a I ..l. on.) ni.ithfr hut .evel al veals iiKo she found her health slippiiiK away iroillltei. niiv . . . , V, tlieinevitahle nervousness auu iriiiuoimy that would surelv lose for her the affec tion of her children and hushand, and that as her health declined discovd and miserv would appear in her home. She was tilled with the loving motherly in stinct, but two miscarriages in succession almost broke her heart. She had almost lost hope when the clouds rolled away and the light of health and happiness returned. , ...... ...II. U... .l..r.. in l),a VL-OnlS ' ?lie lens iiri . ... "1 m ImoM heart broken lo think I ntuld not raise anv liliirr chil.lrrn n,l hail lo sun" a. . i..i i..ui i. .-hll.lrt-n bv imamriHKii ami I luliy espeeiw i" Iim. smrtiier wiwu. ... AUKIKl IN7. 1 IfStnnlof anil iK-ssti taking Dr. yirrre'i Kavohle err-M-riSion .ml took H un til fter Iwby was Iwnl in Novrmlwt With mv other chil.lrrn 1 had sut frred pvrrvlhiiia that flesh coulrl um-r bill this lime I waa in petleil health "il hail a ery rasvlime. Iwaalnlalsir onlv a tihort time. I can not praiae lr Pierre', nietlicinea enoiiah for 1 tielieve Ihev certamlv Met my baby, life and tnaylx my own lile a. eteicriplu" and al Ihe WeaM.t felW..1 XUa fleuaut Pellets' act like charm. . .. "wile" comes from? It is ihe great word I KlrUnK KSIIllll""" . : i : .l . u.. r...l;..l. I.,;. I.n.mmi . . . ; )., ...lio.Kle forace and the lhni! wnicn are eternal. oint'u "- r - o e, ' i in the uast liaa beeo to run-power for the great crises which in getting their men directly in our rear CODnuor lhe French and lireek. I hope xJ m Failure in .. . m. . . , ... n n..a l a, j. I tma rt t am vpttrnlil wmhI. This while of it man In nr in i lifliuuliv or in some hard w prouinily met i ... . bit of work And -'lest ye ho wea.ied artillery to .ue irom anu ne....B value ol tneoaxon worn ... "" .'"j" 1Ilore easily klUed . . . .. ..!. I.w.b nil. in I aVitiHlM Wl in I'llillti HUU vnuuiniri u unil limit III Vlllir U UUM. lUVfc 'u l n- Jesus and run the race that is set before by a brave tire from lhe infantry. The ti.r it hat. now aslfU Hume uvh uumr. ' I I' 11 1 1 I . I... a I... nA ni.iani LmHl I'U fU .vuu lasi, uu ,m. Strenml. . walli-puwer for pal.enl, ine ou cueiaic. auu ...,, v.. - wn.e or r prsisl.nt pursuit of simple, homely, don budge wilhout serious cpposi.iou, them and br.u,! them to aec.y. ncrever ;;iVlv., WMll.r, T.H .r Orula. O.U. OMUiuuiiiilai-edii). Many a man iind. r Col. Speur l.le in the evening with- , ,ru0 wife C0U1C,, houie ia always around Lrf Wa..t. taw and ,J 1 1 1 .1........ ll. ni.i ruirilaaUMl l Tl . K. nua... .,. lha I VmUM UMUl lljai r- Jhi. movemen, lt illste.d of their temme. Hut wn.t no u "y--",, termination by advancmg the y0U ttiiuk il comes from? The great (hrow8 0,,t a niuch weaker sprout and and shelling tbe Tau0 of the Saxon words i. that they on this account will not "PJjS , n,l it is also much more easily aiueu mean somclbinj;. " lie means weaver. o(f ip,,, weather conditioni than You must be either houeswives or house- that sown from new crop seen. "7 . L .1. i-.i. j,, want the Iiest new crop tnniaon Uover, usieu bouid u.,i njomsj rememuer inai. iu mo m i u strou gernnnatinn, ne aure vw in his expectation lo surprise wnso vou must cither weavo mn's furt- onler Wood'i "Tride nrK Brwio. i . L .1.. VIT..1 I r. .l I w.o n.. Vl'rltr tor prices ana iieacntiM" r-.. ihe t,r, ssure o excitement may aecoui- e- s, -r - inn. ,,..... , -. nhsh wonders Aud yet lhe same man ibrough Jackson, whem-e he came. gowworln jn ,,e night', cold grass may ' ... Li: . ..I . . r l'..l U..... tt,lw,A.i f.irort i. .1. . . I. . f. k.., ak.a may break down completely in the linn- "p"' " - r- " "" ' "" " horse round of common tasks. The only consisted of a ''brigade uf oav.hy ttud ho ,a for a noble woman il .IroUk-i ,, i . i ..:. I ..;..,. nf urlillnrv." wilh a sumiorl-1 I'.,. l,,.f hnller linn houses ceiled m.i a i it wv mat ... " - i , - i ' , . ..... r :..e . .. l';..i.. V (' is by daily enJeavoring nura-lvcs to follow th hlessed stens of His must holy life, and by doiugall such good works as He has prepared fur us to walk in. As our Jays are, so shall our strength be. The outward man may and must perish, but the iuward man will be renewed day by Jay. For in the heart of deoaying na ture lhe seed of an immortal being will live and grow uuhurt amidst tbe wreck uf mailer. It is all very simple this secret ol p rpciual youth but simple as it is, many do not seo It. Ihey spend their labor for that which aalisfieth not Thev I urn away from lhe fountain ol liv ing waiers, aud he a Iheiu out cisterns that can hold no water. T. U. B. Every man who aeala the truth for gain, is a brother lo Judas. ine force of infantry at Wiulon, N. C , bv not more than two hundred Confeder ate infantry wilh two piece of aitillery, was not only a brilliant military achieve ment of the gteatest moment, s a defeat of the Confederates would have resulted in the destruction of the railrusj bridge over lhe Uoaooke at Weldon, which was nne uf lhe main lines of railroad connect ing Richmond aod ibe South; and in the occunation bv lha enemy of a large sec lion of the richest portion of the Slate, from which the ( onlcderale government largely drew in aupplies, but also preser- ed this section of Norlh Carolina ever afterwards from the enemy's presence Tho crops of 18C3 and 18C4 wore saved to lhe people as if no war was raging near them, and the alave population re- j unined quietly at wotk on the planta- I .: .... J..p.n. iKa hlnna nf tha alar. HUUS UUI lug . " UB,au " - n.lae nr n.iintcd with vermilion. shedding lis (Ulet llgnt lor loose wuu are homeless. Hits, 1 neneve, is me woman's true place and a power. Huskin. UTTICH, HU.T HIIKUM AND I'.C'T AIM. The intense itehine and smarting inci dent to these diseases, ia iustantly allayed j Pq.HQV by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin I Ointment. Many very bad eases have been nermanentlv cured by it. It is eons vefficiont for I'ching piles and ... a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chap ped hands, chilblains, frost bitea and chronic sore eyes. zoo. pet dox. " For sale by W. at Cohen, Weldon, J. M. Brown, Halllki. Dr. A. R. Barrlaon. leaeld. Drualla Valbj and Smos tor (all plantlnf . T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale and ReUiC Dealer In Fine ' OrnnlAN I III AMI AM Bears lha Bigaatara f AMlM Ten Km ltt Bought FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crockery, Glass Tin, aod wooden and wll low ware. Also iraii a nniw, vow, Hog and Poultry Food, and Oroya's Tumelesa Chill Tonic Alexander't Liver and Kidney Tonic for purilylng the blood. This tonic it warranted or money refunded. J.L. JUDKINI, . No. 9, Wsshiurtoa kn., WauCk,V. Am It if. ttioiu;ai-u-M m.