1 'ii ' JOHHsTW. SLEDGE, I'KoI'KIKTok. VOL. XXXIV. A. 2nT E "W S 3? -A. 3? IE IBL IF O 13, THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, KKI'T EMBER 7. 1899. TEBMS:-''M annum in advance NO 19. oils and Pimplbs Giv e Warning. When Nauiro in overtax. (I, she linn hei own tViiy ot itiviii;; nntiro ihitt iissist arue is n il,il. Slii' tltji a mil ask fur hflp until it I" iniKpiilik' to get along without it. Hoils mill pimples ii i ! mi indii ution tlmt the system in accumulation imperil it'H which AN UNFAILING SIGN THAT NATURE IS APPEALING COD JJCI D Hunt lip gotten rid of ; they are an urgent appeal (or assistant I Ull llt.L.1 i h wiirnuiK that can net sari-lv lip iinnml. ' To mule.' t tu purity the liln.il m this time mniii more tliitti the annoyance of painful Isiils hii'I unsightly pimples. If these impurities are allowed to remain, tha system stiocumtM to any ordinary illness. Hnd is uubli to withHtanil the many ailments which, are so prevalent during spring and summer Mra. L. Oentile. Wilt rleoond Avenue, Heutlle. Wish . says: " I was alllioled for a nx time with pimples. Inch were very annoying, an they Humoured my live tear.ullv. After using many other remedies in vain S S S. nronintlT and thoroughly cleansed my hood, and uow I rejoice in a ffooa nornuieaion. which i never nua ueiore la 11 i apt. w ii uuinap. m mo a u rt. .v J l- R. R. Chattanooga. Term, writes : I I "Several Inula and cnrbuiicli a broke out iihin me, canning gretu pain ana wirioviiiice. ,siy oioou soerni u to lie in a riot"iia condition, und nothitiLr I t'Mik si'toii. il to do $4 any good. Hit bottles of S S S. cured me I'ompletely and my blood lias been ifeitly puro ever Hinoe." 't 8. S. 8. FOR THE BLOOD in the best blood remedy, because it is purely vegetable and ia the only one that is absolutely free from jsitai-li and mercury. It promptly purities the blood and thoroughly cleanser the system, builda tip the general health and strength. It cure Scrofula, lWema, Cancer. Rheunia tisin. Tetter Boils. Sores, i to., by going ilirect to the cause of the trouble and forcing out all impure blood Hooks free to any address by the Swift Specillu t'o , Atlanta, fla. AT WHAT AGE SHOUI.O OIKI.H MAHKY? The Fallen Woman. Li It has come to pans that the uiudern IHt KtUfLt AKt UIMJUSI girl marries Inter in life than her pro decessor. She feels thaUhere is no hurtj THK TIM WILL COM WHEN THE aoii takes pleuty of time to look about sedi'CKR will BB tyliAi.l.v (iiill.TY her. The healthy minded would Ken- with this heducsu, erally prefer to marry, but just at what es is somewhat hard to determine. It I We often inquire why is it that when seems to ma that the only possible an- a woman falls she falls forever id the es iwer to the iiestioo is also the most tioistion of a large Dumber ul professed obvious, name v. when she arrives at Christians f lhe tallen woniao has years o( discrelioo. This happens at neither sympathy nor consideraiion at various ages, aooordiog lo the character the bands of those who should be her aud capacity of the girl. Some girls are savior and redeemer. Who is mocked, sensible women at Dinoteeo; some are ridiculed, denounced, shunned and the never sensible women at all. vilest epithets are piled upon her head The Amelia Sedley aort of iiirl is a She is denied entrance into the homes survival of the chattel period, and as she of Christians odJ ostracised by the church never acquires the sort of discretion of God, She receives no word of kind which is a safe conduct through life it neus or admonition, but is pronounced too makes no dimerence it what age she low and common to be even noticed by marries. She is the clinging sort of the better element of society, The poor creature who looks about for a man to woman realizing ber condition she aban an upon and generally finds one, for I dons all hope ol salvation and sinks men in i .nil nrefer hr Thev lower and lower until she is past re 1 " j ...... r . j i aentimenialiio on the subject in theii youth and talk about the ivy and tin oak. When they are captured, if tbey do not suffer the fate of the oak smoth ercd by the ivy, but survive to tell the demplion. She feels that no one cares for her and she soon fails to care for her self. Poor woman I The degenerate daughter of some pious Christian mother. No home, no friends and no one to reach forth the hand of love and sympathy tale, they still ding to their theory; but "oli btif? bacl to that 8,ate of Puril)' they peod the leisure hours of their middle age at their clubs. Sarah Grand, in the Gent'ewoman. FAIR 24TI1 ANNUAL Japanese Babies. HOW THEY ARE WELCOMED. THE (IlKI.S ARE U1VEN BEAUTIFUL NAMES, WIIII.ETUE BOYS ARE OFTEN CALLED STONE, TIIIIK, OR BEAU. of the Roanoke and Tar River Agricultural Society will be held at Weldon, N. C, Oct. 31, Nov. 1, 2 & 3, k 1899. Liberal Premiums! Fine Races! Uheap ex cursion Rates. .aK'?. iVvVr .W. oVvvt5ka v - - - Al I'....Oi,I).SBfc. we !, " yi-.' and innocence ei joyed before she left the pleasures aud comforts of homo fot the dangerous voyage on the ocean where made shipwreck of all she is aud all she could be. But there is another pln.z In this sulject and one that we wish to emphasize: What was the cause of the downfall of the poor woman? By what means was she led to ruin and disgraie? Was it not the one who offertd her his hand iu marriage? Did he not tell hir he loved her and would one djv be In r husband? Did he Uut asMire her llnil he wuuld utVtr fuiet Uur luisiku lui he haviug ounfi linec in his premise b cjukc he loved him was led to take the 1'ali Hi p. Yes, lhe young man who mo-es iu the bent s eiety mid who hus m ini' d niie of the tirtl ladies in the cuu. iiiiiuiiy escapes public rebuke and pubiie UMltu. lie in. lint. lill.-i his nitioti in sniieiy and iu the church aud is the lireel t'.iUHn of the duwul'all of the wo rn hi wliunj he has disgraced. It is a shameful fact, that this same young mun fiuds uo impediment in his way to the t society, lie is permitted by fulhers and mothers to associate and even marry theii daughter. We enter our protest against such methods as condoning I In crimes of men aud anathematizing poor, weak, helpless aud dependent fuuiales. If the woman has committed an unpar donable sin and should be discounte nineed by society, then we insist thai the same should be meted out to him ho stands equally guilty with her in the eight of God. The time must come when the seducer will be equally guilt) with the seduced It is a burning shame fir man to be recognized and woman un recognized when both are morally re sponsible for the act commuted. Wash ington Messenger. Only what we have wrought ioto character during life can we take away wiih us. talk Justice. tmimWmlm pboof of okifiiss cuiti. The Biggest Thing In Norfolk INCIDENTS OF THE TRIAL AT RENNES WHICH SHOW 1118 TEEASON. Mamma "Bessie, how many si-ten- baa your new playmate? Bessie " has one, mamma, lie tried to tout me by saying that lie had two half sbtcis but didu't kouW that I've studied ariih etic." "My older brother always got bunion d because he was tbe biggist." "Yes, And ui I uther brother got humored becaust he waa the littlest," "How about yo "Well, I had to behave myself ." FINE It BAND H OF & MUSIC ! Pleasing attractions on the midway. For particu lars, apply to j DAmEL News & Opinions Of Nations! JmpnrUnM mini oil DA m ALONE Contains Both. Daily, by mail, C y Daily aud Sunday, by mail, 13 year. -T1IK- $ Sunday Sun & lathe Uroite.it a- Sunday News paper in the world. Prio 5o. t copy. By mail t'i J'' Addroas THE SUN, New York. J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale and Retail ', Dealer In Fine ' Staple Fancy twirl Wkilkty ItMtl ruroil m bum Willi i (Mil nio Book ot mr ttculnm put rRCK. Man. WOOLLtY CO. t AUuuu M. UUbo. 1M North frjror t. mm W, T. PARKER, Weldon, N. C. -DEALER IN- Heavy AND Fancy Groceries Among all the mockim? borrort of chronic mill ffSlHHl II i ver com plaint, none is tnore untear ahlethan that Urriultiil sen- Itatioti of iinifi in which Uiv holc wurtti, tiiiloor or out, cemt to iwiui antund ttelore the iilit in the most mrkriiuiK and tmuMeitUn miitim-r until oiie'it entire IteiiiK he co men tumt atiU wretched with mdc acnUthle niiwry. wha ii(Trriiifc with whnt thulnrtont ontlH chnitiK nuliniMliin, lorpm liver mm vrnitfu. Mia Mtn. Muitha h Hiittiam. t m-wviii Hniiiv itvurKf Co.. Vs " The lctor 1n1 nir sihmI. my ftynutiomn wttr ffiiituDrwi in ' hratl. nA tin in tlit chrM and mi uumsv alt uvcr, I alto autlrrrd Willi icmuir i 1 t lu,'H'H -FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crockery, Olaaa Tin, and wooden and wil lowware. Also ITutl'a Horse, Cow, Hon and Poultry Fowl, ami (irofe'a ML Tastelrm Ohill Tonic. Aleiander'a Lirer and Kiilney Tonie for puriljiiiR the IiIihsI. This toiiic is waiYauled or mouer reiuiled- J. L. JUDKINS, No. 31 Waaltington Ae., Welclnn, N. C daollly Queensware. Cutlery, I'lowa, Plow Cast ing, liotw, ruraa. RECEIVER AM SHIPPER OP Corn.Hay & Oats aiiR I If APPOMATTOX IRONWORKS, Mannfuet urer of Agricultural ImplomonU- Shaftings, MillUranliK, riineja, nu mkikui Machinery, aud Rrpaira Noa 81 M Old 8t , Petemhurg, V. oct n r IvrlitiK 1 wiiii .11 run down .no cmiin ncn no iny work at nil without uinrmiR Irtim urr'iitii .1. ini-k.. I wriite to llr K llrn-. ul minan V l.i a.lvK-e. He ndvtvil l iiw llr llt-rer ! i:.J.l.n Mr.Ui'al DiM-ovrrv and ' F.lvontr Pre- M-riplMin. 1 out no. ami uarti nvr loxiiea oi rat'h anrl t cannot rxiirrwi the benrlit 1 have rrvcivwt from thiie mHlciiiea. I aim! " tiralth ami alrpnglh. When I comtnciK-eit tq l!ir lhe meou-lnra 1 wriRiiea only ill uounm how I wrtiih 140 nouiiiU. 1 thank ttoil auj jir Firn-e tor mv rrvovrry Mv IuhIiiv aiij (Itrn.t. all (houghf wolW Jin hut tinlay am a wrM wuniau " The wundcrfiil rfficta of thin treat " Ilia covery' are ienulne and permanent; they are not due to any falae or alcoholic atlmu. lua fr it containa no alcohol. Real aiib atantial healthy muclar trrn(th ia built up; the atoniach and liver are toned; the blood i pulihed and vitalttt-d; the nervea are ateadled; the entire constitution ia re juvenated and renewed. In caae of ennatipation, there la nothing quile ao effective aa Dr. Pierce' Fleanant 1'elleta. They act contlurtahly thouah urety; they do not Itripe; you do not be come a slave to their uae. Their effect ia Ufttina. There are countleaa aubatitutea; but nothing else ia like them. Tlie birtb of a baby in Japan, as witb us in America, in the cause of much re joicing iu the family. Aa soon aa the new little brother or eUter arrives, a apecial uien-eDgiT is scut to notify relatives and friends who expected new-ootner into the world. The women welcome a new lit tle nephew or niece, by bringing with them, as is tlie custom in Japan, some present, which must always be accoui paioed by dried Ssh or eggs, for good luck. Tbe baby, if it be the first ooe iu the family, receives many presents iu the first few weeks of its life, which must all be acknowledged at lhe proper time by its parents When it is a week old it re ceives its name, but to call a child after a person would not, as with us, be consid ered an honor. Names of beautiful ob jects in nature are oommonly used for girls, such as Snow, Sunshine, Gold, while boys of tbe lower classes are often called Stone, Bear, or Tiger. The important event in the baby's life is on the thirtieth day after its birth when il is taken for its first visit to the teviple. For this occasion great prepare lions are made, and the baby ia dressed in garincois of finest silk or crepe, made i-piria ly for the festival. Accompanied by member- of I lie family, it is carried to oueuf the Shinto temples, and theie placed uoder the protection ol the patron deilyof the temple. Offerings aremadi the god and to the priest,' a blessii.g is obtained, aud the god thus chosen is sup posed to become the special guardian ol the child llirouiih lile. You know thai in heathen Japan the people have mil been taught towonhip the true Ood, uud so these poor, deluded people have a great number of what they call Shiolo deil lea. Alter the ceremony is over, there is ually uu entertainment of some kind at e ti.uie ofthe pareuls, especially if the auiily be one of high rauk. Vrienda, or any who have mil yet given the baby a present, usually give it at this liuie A eertaiu k iu J ul' riee, cooked with red beans, making a festival driuk, deooliug good lortuoe, is one of the things (re pared for this occasion. Alt. r this lestivul a quiet life begius 'or the baby, as the babies in Japan are reuied somewhat differently from those n this country. They are not rocked or trotted to sleep, and as their dress is very simple, liillc time is spent in dressing or undressing them. The Japanese baby's Iress consists of a wide-sleeved, straight ifaruif nt made of silk, ootton, or Annuel, he number ol ihese garments worn be- no iii-ierui!iieil by the season ol tneyeur. hey are all made after one pattern, be nt precisely the same as the dress worn by their sisters and mothers, which is Cillid the kimono, lhe method ul put ting these dresses on the babies is lather peeuli ir The little garments are fitted one inside of the other before they are put on; then tbey are laid down on the floor aud the baby is laid into them; a soft belt attached to the outside dress is tied around the waist, aud the baby U dressed wiihout any crying or screaming. rii.se little kimonos are made long enough to cover up the little bure feet, aud the sleeves also cover the hands, which must raiher annoying to active babies who wish to use their little fists. The baby's first lessons in walking are taken under favorable circumstances, as iu Japan there is no furniture to fall against, and babies can tumble about they like upon tbe soft matted floors of the dwelliug-houses, their little feet shod in a soli lit'en-like sock. After learning to walk in the house, baby's first attempt out ul'dours is hampered by a sltaw aan dal, called a geta, attached to the foot by a strap passing between the toes; but the little thiugs soon become accustomed to the new foot covering, and babies of two or three years trot about uile oomforla bl) in geta that seem to us to give lb most iusecuie footing. The kci even of a young baby may be koowu by the color of ita clothing, for iu J apau boys arc dressed in sober iolot. grays and browns, while the little girls wear the brightest and most gorgeous gaimenis, which correspond often very lit uugly iih pritly names which are givi n to J ipaiii selittle girls Edith Uibbard in (jood Cheer. Memphis Commercial Appeal. Judge "Did you say your name was Alfred or Alphonie Dteyfus? Be care ful how you reply." Dreyfus Alfred Dreyfus is my Dame. Judge "Ah ha! Why did you say Alf red Dreyfus is my name instead of My name is Alfred Dreyfus?" Dreyfus " Keally, uion Colonel, I don't" Judae "You hesitate. You look confused. I note the fact that you uo crossed your legs when I asked you this question. That is proof of an uneasy e mscieoce. What have you to say Dreyfus "I can't" Judge "He can't. This is a confes sion. He is guilty." (Sensation) Itreylus "0, uion Colonel, 1 am innocent." Judge " If you are innocent, perhaps you will tell where you wete night be. fore last at fifteen minutes past ten?" J)reyfus "In Jail." Judge "Where were you on Jan uary 11 1896?" Dreyfus "In jail." Judge "Where were you when tbe Surburbao was tun in 18'J8?" Dreyfus ' In jail." Judge (triumphantly) 'Always iu Seek No Further Belter Cannot Hi Jordan's Found' LADIES' AND GENTLEMAN'S Cafe 'll MAIN HTHKKT, At Jordan's Cafe you net the best 25 I NOKFOLK, VA. cent meal on earth, and everything the market affords, served to order in the '- best style, uood attention to everybody. It is the cleauest, cheapest aud best Cale on or off the earth. (IM popular pi ices. RECULAR MEALS I Hreukfnst, Dinner, Hupper KoUeliU Each. n .. io..nt . ii oiiii cm o i ve I :i' it you go to tne Irj3i you go to iroaun.i ci ,nr r, mm u you tro iu ki Jordan's Cafe, you go to the BUST. &MOS JORDAN cl'll" 'buplaw.jfY .Open all Night. Lodging one j.v H 1 y T- A Smart Lawyer. WAS READY TO SETTLE. THE TniRU MAN COULD NOT BK FOUND AND THE CASE COLLAPSED. That reminds me," said a Chicago man in a reminiscent group the otner nighti"ofan old story that is good enough to repeat. Some years ago three bookmakers put up at a Chicago hotel aod handed a large package of money to the chief cierk. They told him that they would leuve it with him every uight and were particular iu saying (but it was to be delivered only in the presence of three. It was evident, you see, that jail, yet this canaille claims tu be in- tlit-y didn't quite trust ooe another. nocent. Once more, where where you on "Well, a week or so rolled around, and tbe 29th ef February, 1899?" 0ne morning one of the trio camo down Dreyfus "Iu jail." rather early aud called for the cash. Judge Sacre blue! You convict Without thinking of the conditions of youtself. There was no 29th of Febru- delivery the clerk banded it over and the ary, 1899. We shall see. Ycu wrote houktnaker iiromutly skipped. His two the borbireau?" partners were lurious and brought suit Dreyfus "No, mou Colonel; I am Loaiost the hole! for $25,00(1, the amount innocent. iD the bundl Judge (sternly) How long have ", smart young lawyer volunteered to you known William Pattersou?" take the defense, which other attorneys Dreyfus "I do not know Monsieur regard) d as hopeless. Patterson at all." "When tbe trial came off be waited Judge "Are not you the urau who uoll t,c bookmakers had submitted all struck hinif their evidence and I hen arose with a I) rejfuf "I never heard of him. iare bundle in his hand. Judge "He never hnitd of Billie i'0 stand ready,' he said, 'to fulfill Patterson, the man who wasslruek. 11 dissembles. Do you sm ike cigarette.-? ' Dreyfus "Yes." Judge "Is the tariffs lua? ' Dre)l'us--"It is." Judge " ou are a traitor to Prance. Ill Li IM I the letter of agreement you have just proved. This package contains 25,00(1 in cash. Assoou as lhe three owners annlv for it tunelher we ate prepired to uru it over.' Of course the third man couldu't be France iuiposses a tariff, and you suy it produced, aud the ease immediately col- is a tax. Have you ever felt like thirty lapsed. The parcel really contaiued an eeuts?" Dreyfus "Yes, mm Colonel I feel like tweuty-five cent uow." Judge "Do you still deny that you wrote Curfew Shall Not Ring Tonight?" Dreyfus "I never denied it, because I never heard " Judge "You see, he claims that he rote Curlew Shall Not King Tonight Dieyfus "But, uion Colonel, I know nothing about Curfew. Do not claim- Judge "But you don't deny. Perhaps you also wrote The Beautiful Snow?' Dreyfus "Really, moo Colonel, you do not allow me to explain." Judne " Do you believe in the free coiuage of silver at 16 to 1, independent of any other nation on earth?" Dreyfus "I am afraid that " Judge: lie is alraid to spoak. He is opposed to sound moucy. v nom uo you consider the greater military genius Mercier or Ksterhaxy. Dreyfus "I cannot say. Bjth of them, possibly." Judge "Have you not been in oorre SDondenoe with Jack Chinn and Deal horse Jake since this trial began?" Dreyfus "I have not." Judge "Do you deny that you rcceiv- ed a cipher cablegram from Hinky Dink yesterday morning?" Dreyfus "I d ." Judite "You change color. Your old pair Ocean. of pants " Chicago Iuler l'(IINTI'.l) IAUHA1HS. V lawsuit is the proper court dress for su attorney. l he pieture ul health is often a genu iue woik of art. Coriosiiy has a peculiar way of get lhe b.'tter of discretion. The dog who chase his own tail his b st to lu iVebilh ends meet. The tutu whose uiioJ is not made should never air hi opinions tu public A bachelor alwiys fdels aorry for a pretty girl who marries a uie vther man. ETTUK. XAI.T KIIKI'M ASII HI T. ZEMA. The intense itching and smarting inci dent to these diseases, is iustantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Rye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. it is enuallv efficient for i'chiuK piles and favorite remedy for sore nipples, chap- Dcd hands, chilblaius, frost biles and chronic sore eyes 25o. per box. For sale by W. II Cohen, Weldon, J. N. Brown, Hallfai, Dr. A 8. Harrison. Ii'Oel't, DrugilaU 11 aW W.- ' COAL. r 1 Noah was evidently in the pickling bus inessat least he filled the ark with pre served pairs. He who rules with a rod of iron should select a malleable one. YA. Wood's Seeds. aug 1" 3m. Vegetable New Year I New Prices I I have on hand thirteen of those oele bruteil Wheeler A Wilson New No. Family Hewing Machine A great im- ever made in Um table, alike to the private and market iranletiar, aud trueker. Wood's New Pall Catalng-ue pivps full information guilt is n .w estaousneu. lou can explain anJ ,he e1H,rienre l)f truckers who are nothtug lou claim (hi airuors'iip ot niaking thousands of dollars from their po.ims which werewritteu by Mademoiselle plantings of full crops. Every gardener Kll Wheeler. You arc always in jail, and yo I can t even prove an alibi on the - Jin of February. It ia therefore established that you 0 untnunioateJ documents to thi German government, aod that you wrote the borderoau." lireat applause iu court, Uiiiu'cd will: p ilite invitations to ' coospuei" and "bis" everything and ovurybody, and fob faffed by a few ohecrful aasassinaiiona on the outside. FOR FALL PLANTING The fall planting of vegetables, to come in dunug the fall, winter, and early provernmt oveKr anything spring, is particularly desirable and proli- way of Sewing Machines. THE LATEST AND BEST. The only aewing machine that does not hul in an; point. Koturj motion and ball hearings make it the lightest running ma chine iu the world. Cannot atart in the wrong direction, and is the only lock stitch machine so arruuited. Does not oil tbe work ThestrU h is formed without briug inu the thread in contact with oiled par la which is not true of other machines. An oil cup on the needle bar prevents oiling the needle thread. The only machin u. iiig a needle tfcst " sot tb ami trueker Klioiiiu nave tuis r.aiiiiigiie, which we will mail free ujiou request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. Woas'a Pall Clalojut also gives lull Informs. lion about all Farm Swtfs (or tall planting:. (riaiHa Ciovar, Hairy or Saad Vatck, QruaM and Ctovtra, Stad WktM, OaU. R, Barky, ate. Writ tor Catalogue aud prlwl ot anr seeds reoatreo. h'OH (IV KH re'lFI V VKARS Mrs. Winslow'i Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers tor ohildren, while teething, with perfoot suoeoss. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all psin, cures wind oolio, snd is the best remedy (or Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world. 25 cents a bottle, lie sure snd ask for "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," snd take no oth er kind. W.L.Wa.k, -DEALER IM wrnug way. 1 oin overstocked In these machines ana while this lot last propose to close litem out at wholesule mat for KPOT CASH. Call aud see them or write for circulars fully describing them aud save $15on your machine. 1 also have sii oak side boards that I will close out at cost. Some ol them very handsome. 1 need money and will give bargains in anything in my line. Hpecialtiea cariied: The devil will always he your enemy ao matter how friendly be seems to be. latntW t tin Hisf 1m Hit twirs Roufht ftfaatar BUCCIES. WACONI. Heavy (z ancy furniture, GROCERIES, Fruits, Confeertioneriea. Country Produce Bought and Sold. CHOICE BEEF ALWAYS ON HAND. Hive me a call. W. U 8TA.INBACK. jauuly Weldon, N. C. UNDERTAKING COODS, COFFINS. . . Both wood and metallic Horn fo to IW KaTNia Nsw Heana KrtssU ttcaa nrniiHiuox.

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