V " JOHIT "W. SLEDGE, ruorisiKToii. VOL. XXXIV. A. 1ST E "W SP APEB FOE THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1899. TEEMS:-'UI) PKK annum in advance NO. 20. 3 S f CANCER IS Results Fatally In Nine Cases Out of Ten A Cure Found at Last, poison in tlio blooil, circulating throughout tlic system, mid although tilt) wire or ulcer known as the ( 'anccr -may he cut away, lite poison remains in the hlood, ami promptly hieiiks out afresh, with renswed violencw. The woiiilerful succtws of S. S. S. in curing obstinate. ile,.p-iualeil blood diseases which wore considered incurable, induced a few de. spairiug suffereiH lo try it for t'aiitvr, alter exhausting the skill of the physicians without h cure. Much to their delight S S S proved equal to the disease and promptly sfireaa rapidly, anil it was wmjii beyond doubt that a cure h;id toimii for (loudly C'ancer. hviilmu'e has accu- A iiulHtetl which is incontrovertihle. the followiuy; is a 8HX'imtm : "Cancer is hereditary in our family, my father, a liner and an aunt having died from this dreadful lisease. My fillings may be imagined when the hor- able disease made its uptiearance on my side. It huh i malignant Cancer, eating inwardly in such a way as localise great alarm. The disease accrued lieyond tlti' ikill of (lie doctors, for their treatment did no gM,cl whatever, the Cancer growing worse nil the while Numerous remedies were used for it lint the Canrer Hits. s. M. llxil.. rew steadily worse, until it sepmed that I w:o doomed to follow the oth'Tsof the family, for I know how iIitiIIv Cancer is especially hen inherited I was advise I to try Swift'-. Siierille i S S . which, from lite iirst day, forced out the poison. I continued ils lite until I hud taken eighteen bottles, when I w;is cured sound And well, and have had no symptom of the dreadful iitlliction. though many years have elapsed. 3. S S. is the only cure for Cancer ,Mks 9 M. Idol, Winston, N. C. Our book on Cancer, containing other testimonials and valuable information, will lie Rent free to any add resit by the Swift Spccilii! Comjiany. Atlanta, Georgia. Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. . . . Sold by every drusxgist in the malarial sections of the United States No cure, uo pay. . . . Price, 500. WHOLESALER. i', Loins. Mo., t'ub.o, Palll UCDICIMB Co., City. Gentlemen I Wo wish to conr-ratulata you on tlw .jetv.:;cd rales u ftro bavin 00 your t.rwvv' 1 '.Vdft'loaw C'X.l Voni- On 1 Xi.11 i ti.tj ni.r r c-r 1 c' inv rtorf uiulir Uato -f ,t u lit. wj liutl ihJ. wo will 'luriiip th Chill . :uiion vt 1 W. -J&aO .lozua ili-ov'.. Tonic. Vo rl , j fi-ul th -t - a.- j-.K-j n v..ur I,uxa.liv. ;)r.a-.u.;i.iij VnrW.. L-wo Vun nom tLt.i : c.nr :oufi: h .vi.iz lunog tho luU tVl.l i.ad ( .n; oou-ow -i.'.LJtUen. I'l a u nua Uyn or '. f onuloMkl hoiowilU, UU ubliy. oura truly, MEYER BROS. DRUG CO. 24TT msm of the Roanoke and Tar River Agricultural Society will be held at Weldon, N. C, Oct. 31, Nov. 1, 2 & 3, 1899. Liberal Premiums! Fine Races! Cheap Ex cursion Rates. n wi-iia-" ,:s;?' ''i-ii FINE BAND It OF It MUSIC ! Pleasing attractions on the midway. For particu lars, apply to j, J. DANIEL, Treasurer. D AD Y Tli is fearful disi'iise often first appears tut a mem wrutWi, a i 11 1 1 1 or lump in the breast, too sinnll to nttnut imy notici, until, in limit v himw, tlw (leiullv (listing is fully i1m'rhMil. CanciT ran not lie rnrctl liy u mnjririil oitrratioli. Iitviniwi tin discasi' is a virulent etfected a cure. The Ud news denionstiatcii at last Ikvii PI Yi--X of which Koaoa, Ills. Puis MltllOlXI Co. , Oflntlempn: I handle aevsnor clifht differ ent timl. of Chill Tonics but I sell Uiu bottles of irov''M to whuro I 11 ouo of the othor. . 1 nold 30 bottlci of Uruve's hill Tonic In uuu day sail couU have iul moru If 1 huu ba t It oi hand. Itr Il:tTo Woods cured flvu coats uf cslus with eui botlK LWsuuct:uUv . JOUS T. VINYAAO. "hi hi - -itecoiuiaeu RETAILER. ANNUAL 1) fW o JF?- - ff-"jr a y ' POINTKI) I'AltAfiltAIMlS. The oiustucli in merely a bang on the lip. The lawyer helps those who are able to help liilll. Children who cry for the moon waul the earth later on. Kvcry man believes in the total de pravity of some other man, A man isn't always cool when he shiv era in the hour of danger. Fame i so short lived that it'i really nut worth striving fur.- Two-thirds of the slealitig done nowa days goes under another name. Lots of people are poor because they buy too many things they doo't Deed. It's a pily the self-made man isn't per mitted to sclent his own material. The man who thinks he knows it all doesn't know what other people thick of him. By the time a man succeeds in reach ing th ! top of the ladder he is too old to enjoy the scenery. A woman's itlea of a minute's rest is to lean over the hack fence and gosip with a neighboring woman for an hour. To t woman marriage is something be tween a sculiincnt and a situation; to a ninn it is something between a sensation and a saeritice. The most unreasonable thing is fur a man to trust reason alone. First Tasteless Tonic ever manufactured.. All other so-called "Taste less" Tonics are imita tions.. Ask any druggist about this who is not PUSHING an imitation. CONSUMER. WnrTHsnoito. Tot. , Sep. IS, ISM. Pakis Mbdiciks Co., fit. Louis. Mo. Gentlemen! I write you a lew Mucn of rtiA' i'.udu. I think your JroveVrttl'loaw hill 'Jonioi touo tf tho bfHtuiftiicliu'Hri tbowurlil (irChilUand Fuvur. I huvo tl no c!iil!r. 11 tliutluvu bein d wn with nialorl..! fov rfr M mouths and havo bought Chill tiietllciuH uf All Liuilj uDd IXtctor'e billacoroiDtrin all tuoUint until I int to town aul Rot thr.o bottlo u Csirov!! Tonic. Mv claildr- n art all wull ouw and It wua your T 8tolom Chill Tonlo thut did it I auuiufc twy tou much in 1U Uiliuli'. Yuuri truly, JAM Ed O. ROB1UX9. FAIR mm, - v . w-. - i- n .'i f; "Awe Willi Me." "A WELCOME TO GOO." Illl) JEHUS 1)1 R SO MUCH BECAUSE MAN WANTED TO LIVE WITH lilll), OR BE CAUSE HUH YEAHNEI) TO LIVE WITH MAN? V'uu oao atTiirJ to read uver ami over "A Wclooiue to God," by Hcv. Uuorgt Matheaoii, I). D , io the C. K. World. Read it wlitD your mioj is clear and your heart is open to God. It is I lie cream of human failh. It places! toyalty upon man whose worth ojd only be areo in the blood drops from the wounded Son of God. Did Jesus die so much because man wauled to live with God, or because God yearned fo live with man? But this truth is too holy Tor comment. Let us take it before God in our Quiet IIoui and have Him iratikfU our hearts by stamping it upon them. Here it is in full: The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord. l'rov. 0.27. 'The benighted traveler in the snow has hometiines caught sight of a candle in a shepherd's hut. It has beeu to him the most j iyous of all momeuts; it is the promise of rest. "Kven such, I think, is the thought of the proverb. The man who uttered it kuew well tho saying of the old book of Genesis, that when God had waiidrr- ed six days through creation He rested in man. He bad been led on by the glimmer of one candle, the light of a human soul. It was the only place of rest the Father saw in all the vast expanse. There was no other dwelling for the spirit of my Father but my spirit He could not find shelter in any oilier borne. Not, "where the bee sucks" could my Father dwell. Not where the bild singj) could His heart be glad. Not where the cattle browse could His life repose Not where the stars shiue could He find His household fire. One far-off candle alone gave the sign of home. It was my spirit. My Father, I have often asked Thee to be ay light; vThat a wondrous thought that I once was Thinel I have been Thy candle in the dark and cold; Thou wert moving toward me. When the foundation of the earth was laid, Thou wert moving toward me. When the plant and tree arose, Thou wert mnv iug toward me. When the breath uf life appeared, Thou wert moving towaid me. The sixth morning was the last from Thy heart. The candle was mure to Thee than the suulight. Thou aert in search of a light not brighter, bui better, than the sun the epaikle of a human eye, the radiauee of a human face; I list was the candle that beckoned Tnee. It said to Thee through the oigbl, ''Come here and rest." It offered Thee what all patt creation could not at' ford, communion. The brightness ol the sun could not give it. The beauly of the flower cou'd not give it. The song of the bird could Dot give it. Thy Sabbath waited for me. The bells of ibe day of real could not ting till a heait hail responded to Thy heart, a life to Thy life, a will to Thy will. Thou wert like the dove ou 1 lie face of the waters till the litihl in my dwelling appeared. Rut thai candle brought Thee joy, joy un. speakable and lull uf glory. It was Thy first sound of home amidst the waste of waters the earliest voice that bore the invitation, "Abide with me." Kvermore. my Father, may I give Thee this wel come home." (Joe who gives a false excuse for any thing is goinz backward. W Urn lUtllllCI lUIIIM nut .aBwi.t - and rather wishes she could, what happen to me cnnar tvanr cic mwi v.i gti the love, kindness and care that to ripen it into ueful, happy maturity ? Where ift the husband to turn for the com fort of home the sympathy ?. of wifely affec tionthe sup port that only a strong cheer ful, healthy help-mate can jive ? Who is to De -pitied most? ;.:Mt IliiinrT liiu- ar child ? Whose fault Uit' Nnbody'a maybe or- tatnlv u..l Ihe child's. Hither father can write to nr. pierce ana receive rueuicsl advice free. Thounaadi have done it. Thousands of homes have been made happy by it. Thousands of weak women KlilTerililt with the paina and debilitatinv drains of a diseased condition of the dia. tinctly feminine ora-anisra have followed I)r. Pierce 'a advice and become ag-Ain bloom, ing, vigorous, loving, cheerful and loved. J)r. K. V. Pierce i chief connulling phy sician at the world famous Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo. N V , and during hla thirty year.' practice here developed hia great family medicinea Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pelleta, Dr. PieKe'a Golden Medi cal Discovery. , , Mrs Clan. Neleon of Pico Height!. Uo. An gele.. Cat. B) ji, wrllea: " 1 KnJ you ray pic ture taken with ray Utile boy. 1 do not look so ad now a. I do lo the picture; 1 wa. .Ick theo and I thought my day. would no! he long, but your kliidnewi and medicine would not let me die You hnve my heart ltll th.nk. lor your kindly advice to me In my .kknew. also lor vour (wok which I received two yean ago, and which I could not do wllhout. It I. all the Doc tor 1 have had ilnce I got It. 1 had female trouble, and Ur Pierce's F.vorlte Prescription, together with the advice given In hia book, cured me of five years' .ickne." The book Mra. Nelion mentions la Dr. Pierce'a l.ooo page " Medical Adviser." the moat useful "doctor book " published. A copy in stiff paper cover. Bent on receipt of at one-cent atamps to pay eapenee, of nailing onlv; in cloth-binding ten stamps , tra. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. ' r. . w ' ar- The Lip Of Gold. LADY BROOME'S MINING STORY. HOW A TRAIN OF MISFORTUNES FINAI. 1.r REACHED A FORTUNATE CLIMAX. Lady Hroome, in the Cornhill Maga ziue.'tell this iutcrcsliug story: This man had reached the very last of his resources without finding a speck of gold, and although men in such citicmi ty are always kind and helpful to each other he could out expect any one to share such fast dwindling stores with him. Thcro wjia nothing for it, there fore, but tu turn back on the morrow, while a mouthful of food was still left, and to retrace his steps as best he might to the nearest port. He dwelt with a good deal of rough pathos on the despair of that last day's fruitless work, which left him too weak and exhausted to carry his heavy tools back to the spot they called "camp." So he just flung them down and, as he said, "staggered" over the two or three miles of scrub-covered desert, guided by the smoke of the camp fire. Next morning early, after a great deal of sleep and a very little food, he braced himself up lo go back and fflcli his tools, although he carefully explained that he would not have taken the trouble to do this if he bad not felt that his pick and barrow were about his only iuimw sions, and might fulch the price of a meal or two when it came to the last. I have often wondered since if the impression of the Divine mcicy and good ness which was so elroog in that man's mind just then haB ever worn off. He dwelt with a self-accusing borrow ou how he had railed at his luck, at fate, at everything, as he stumbled back that hot morning over his tracks of the day before. The way seemed twice as long, fur, as he said, his ' heart was too heavy lo carry." At last he saw his barrow and pick stand ing up on the flat plain, a little way off, and was wearily dragging on toward them, when be caught bis toe against a Btoue deeply imbedded in the sand, and fell down. His voice sank to a sort of awe struck whisper, as if he were almost at confession, as he said : "Well, ma'am, if you'd believe me, I cursed awful. 1 fell as if it was too hard altogether to bear. To think thut I should go and nearly break my toe against the only stone in the district, and with all these miles to travel back I So I lay there like Jobs friend and cursed anil wanted to die. After a bit I felt like a passion ate child who kicks and breaks the thing which has hurt him, and I hud to beat that alone before I could feel quiet liol it was too firm in the saud for my bauds to gel it up, so in my rage I set out quite briskly with the pick to break up that stone, if it took all my strength. It was preily deep set iu the ground, 1 assure y. u, ms'io, but at last I got it up, aud lu re it is 8 did gold, and nearly an big as a baby's head. Now, ma'am, I ask you, did I deserve this?" He almost banged the rather dirty looking lump down on the table before me as he spoke, and it certaiuly was a wouderl'ul sight, aud a si ill more wonder ful Weight, lie told me he had searched about the neighborhood of that nugget all day, but there was not the faintest trace of any more gold. So, as he had uo lime lo lose on aeoount of the short ies of the food and water supply, he just started back to the coast, which he reached quite safely, and came straight down to 1'erih in the first steamer. The piiu?ipal bauk had advanced him $4000 on his nugget, but it would probably prove tube worth twice as much. I asked him what be was going to do, aud was sotry to hear that he intended to go bick lo England at once and set up a shop or a farm I forget which among his own people. Of course, it was not for me to dissuade him, but I felt it was a pily to lose such a good aort of a man out of the colony, for he was not spend ing hi" money in champagne and card plujing, a all the very few succesbful fiuilers did in those first, days. ANKCDOTK OF VAN UL KKN. Once when John Van Duren, son of I'reaideiit Van Huren, was making a speech iu behalf of hi. father, an old Demociat rose iu the audience and up braided him as a bolter, Few men were more effective on the slump or quicker at rvpariee than John, aud he replied tu the charge with an anecdote aomething like this: ' One day a man on horseback oauid up with a buy who was oontendiug with au overturned load of hay. Instead of tossing the bay back in the wagon, the boy was energetically tossing it hit li er, aud thither, regardless of where it la ided. The traveller halted and said: "My young friend, why do you work so furiously this hot weather? Why do you not toasthe hay back in the wanon and be more deliberate iu your labors?" The boy atopped, wiped the streaming per spiration of) his lace on his shirt sleeve, aud pointing to the pile of hay on the roadside, exclaimed: 'Stranger, dad'a under thar,' and then he set about work more furiously than ever," As Others See Us. AT THE VAUDEVILLE. HOW UtlftF.K IT FEEI.S TO VIEW III R NKI.VKS IN THAT I.HIHT. "I had a strange experience at Cincin nati the other day," said a traveling tuun, chatting with some friends iu hia hotel lobby "I hud some lime to kill and bad dropped in at an afternoon vaude ville performance, where, as usual, they had the vilascupe. One of the views was a remarkably good street scene in New York, tukcu on broadwuy, near the corner of Thirtieth street. A tremend ous crowd was Burging dowu the pave ment, and aa the figures reached the foreground of the picture they became very large, at least life siz . "As I stared ut the throng my eyes were suddenly riveted una man and wo man walking together and somewhat de tached from the others. 1 cannot de scribe my shock of amaumcot when I recognized the man as myself aud the woman as my wife. We were apparently absorbed in conversation, and as we drew rapidly near, my wife seemed to call my attention to something across I In) street, I looked up and smiled, and, as I did so, we passed over the circular m irgin of the picluie and vanished as swiftly as a dream. 'My heart was beating like a drum, and as I glared at the apparition I had risen unconsciously from my scat. Il seemed strange bryoud expression, and I don't know bow long I might have stood there transfixed if some one had nut re called me to earth by requesting me to sit down. The picture was taken last summer wlun my wife and I were veil ing iu the north, and gradually I recalled the exact iucidenl. ' I remember distinctly the day we walked down Broadway together acd also that my wife called my attention to ootnical baby crowiog in the arms uf a nurse at one of the windows of the (Jilscy House. That was evidently when I glanced up and smiled. I looked older than I would have thought and also stouter. I tell you it gives one a queer feeling to see himself as others see him. New Orleans Times-Democrat. POHOVUK flK'I'V IKAKM Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, sol tens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggist in etery pan ol the world. -) cents a bit lie. lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind I'lisivoniMi:. Mr. I'cnn Sir William Thompson says that the end of the world will not be brought about by fire, but by frost, and that the fma'ily will come in 10,000,000 years Mr l'itt -If there is any comfort in thut it is cold comfort. ICTI I-.K, M4I.T HIIICI1M AND l'. T. y.i:M. The intense itching uud smarting inci dent to these discuses, is iuslantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Kye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have beeu permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chap ped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore cyea !:5c. per box. For sale by W. M Cohen, Wcldou, J. N. Browu, Halifax. Dr. A S Harriaou. Kellel't, Druggists WOl'LD MAKE HIS MAKRIAGi; IIAITY She They say that persons of oppo site qualities make the happiest mat riaL'es. He That's why I'm looking for a girl with money. Stray Stories, MUNI.Y lill lTRI M.r, He entered the cheap rostaurant and took a seat at one of the tables, "Will you have a 15 cent dinner or a 25 cent unc?" inquired waiter. "Is there any real difference?" "Certainly." 'What is ii?" "Ten centf." NO TIM l I'Olt SI'KAKINO. "Havo you" "No, I have not read 'David tlaruin.'" "Can you" "No, I can't carry a message lo t)ar oia." "How would you." "I wouldn't like to be the inoeman at all. Good day." ONK OK TIIE FEW. II ere is I picture of a man that made t fortune by his pen. Great writer, eh? N ; inventor of the fountain pen. fears tat stm tin m BoBgM aaatait The Biggest Thing In Norfolk Seek No Further I Better Cannot Be Found! Jordan'. 3l MAIN HTItKKT, At Jordan'. Cafe you get the best 25 NOKKOLK, VA. . . cent meul ou earth, aud everylhiog the market affords, served to order in the W best style. Good attention to everybody. It is the cleanest, cheapest and .'T' best Cafe on or off the earth. Old popular pi ices. -mI: RECULAR MEALS I Hieukrust, Diuner, Hupper MOnU Koch. XX If you go to the UKST you go to JORDAN'S CAKK, And if you go lo jVk Jordun's Cafe, you go to tho UKST. JMOS P JORDAN '"P" this place.'XX .Open ull Nielit Lodging Title Wood's Seeds, Vegetable Seeds FOR FALL PLANTING. The fail planting of vegetables, to come in during the full, winter, and early spring, is particularly desirable and profl- talile, alike to the private ami market irunlcnar, and trucker. Wood's New Fall Catalogue gives lull information and tiie experirnci' nf truckers who are making tlioustinHs nf ilnllurs In no their plantings of fall crops. Kvcry yanlt'iici a ml trucker shotih I have this ( 'a tub nine, which e will mail free ti ion rt(iicst. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Wood's FallCataloirucalHORiVPi full In for ma tlon about all Farm Seeds for fall planting. Crimson Clover, Hairy or Sand Vetch, Orasses and Clovers, Seed Wheat, OaU, R, barley, etc. Write for Catalogue and prices of Huy BPi'dH required. W. T. PARKER, Weldon. N. a Heavy ANDZZ Fancy Quern ware, CutltTy, IMows, Plow Cast iugH, Hoe.H, Forks. KKCKIVER ANOSHIPPKR OF Corn.Hay & Oats ang 1 It J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale aud Retail ) Dealer In Fine 'J E;kerie5, wrFRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Croekrry, (Mass Tin, and wooden and wil lowware. Also Pratt's Horse, Cow, Hog ami Poultry Food, and Grove's Titleless Chill Tonic. Alexander's Liver and Kidney Tonic for purifying the liloml. This tonic is warranted or mouev refunded. J. L. JUDKINS,' No. 21 Washington Ave., Weldon, N. C dec 11 ly- DEALKRIN Heavy & Fancy GROCERIES, Fruits, Coufi'oetioneriea. Country Produce Bought and Sold. CHOICE BEEF ALWAYS ON HAND. tlive me a call. W. L. STA1NBACK. jan 5 ly Weldon, N. C. "a PPOMATTOX --- IRONWORKS, Manufactureraof Agricultural Implements, Shaftings, Mill Gearing, l'ulleys, All kinds of Machiuery, and Repairs Noa. 23 1 34 Old St., Petenihurg, V. Oct Mix Kt'lUbla Deraumi of a tiifelianlc! or Inventive mlod driinot a trip lo tlie Paris KposlUoita with good salsr? and riix-nift paid, should writs The FATKMT HtiCOktD, Uaitlmoi, Md. and WilakT Haelta I cured at home wltli out utln Book of par 01. 1. av woolleY 67' tlculnra tout rati Atlanta. . unto, lot MwUt ttfat at. tales V.L. Stamback MM nriaaaMwaBBani Cafe j.v ly fix? 'l 111 I ' 5 35 VI COAL. K Ul VA. aug 17 3m. New Year I New Prices I I have on hand thirteen of thaw cele brated Wheeler ft Wilson New No. ; Family Sewing Machines A great im provement over anything ever made in th way of Sewing Machines. THE LATEST AND BEST. The only sewing machine that doea not fail in any point kotarj motion and bail hearings make it t'te lightest tunning ma chine in the wo'ld. Cannot start in tba wrong direction, Vnd is the only lock -stitch machiue an arruuged. Doea not oil th work The stiU his formed without bring ing the thread in contact with oiled parta which is not true of other machine. Aa oil cup on the needle liar prevent oiling the needle thread. The only machiM having a needle that cannot h set th wrong way. LADIES' AND GENTLEMAN'S I 1 1 atu o.mnUcifcd in tnr"; rr -ii" aaxl while this lot lasts propose to clem them out at wholesale cost for SPOT CASH. Call and ace them or writo for circular fully describing them and aaveSlSonyonr machine. 1 also have sii oak aid board that 1 will close out at mat, Some of them very handsome. I need money and will give bargaina in anything in my lin. Specialties earned: BUCCIES. WACONS, FURNITURE, UNDERTAKING GOODS, COFFINS. . Both wood and metallic from $5 to (100. (tjfNic New Haarst Fra to patron. p.r.btainbaok. jtim,.; -&iar- -r" " if 11 n ii il inter:,;' I ii: at 1 ; It- 4 T

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