111 fl33 i ah JO II IT W. SLEDGE, l'ltoi-KIKTon. VOL. XXXIV. .A. NEWSPAPER FOB T HE PEOPLE WKM)ON. N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOKKK o. 18!)!). TERMS:-"-50 1EK annum in advance NO 23. RUMil SORE ON HIS ANKLE. After Six Years of Intense Suffering, Promptly Cured By S. S. S, entire rircuhttiim is are u novum ilrain gtantly sapping bwuv tin vitality. be eliminated from the lilimd, mid can have any effect. There is no tiiirt'rtninty iihout th made tor it is luiokihI up Htrmily by convinein testimony of thosw who have lieen cured hy it and know of its virtues by experience Mr. L. J. Clark. of Orange Court'ioiiso.Y.-.., writes: " For six veari I hud an obstinate, running ulcer uu my ankle, which at times caused me intonse atitforiiiir. I wms so disabled for a long while that I was uh illy until for business. One of the Iwiat doctors treated me coiistintly but did me nu g kk). I then tried various blood roindiii. ithmt the leat henellt. S. 8. 8 was no hiirhlv r.'o.nii mended that I concluded to try it, and the elfniit w;ui wonderful. It awmed to get right at the s.uit of Mm disease anil force the (minou out, and 1 was soon com pletely cured." Swift's Speoitio 8. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD drives out every trace of Impurity in the blood, and in this way cures permanently the most obstinate, deep-seated sore or ulcer, (t is the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable, and con tains not a particle of potash, mercury, or other mineral. S. S S cures Contagious BUxid Poison, Scrofula. Cancer, Catarrh, Kezema, Rheumatism, Sores. Ulcere. Boils, or any other blood trouble. Insist upon S. S. S ; nothing can take its place. Valuable books nmiM free by Swift Specific Comjiany, Atluutu, Oa. 24TH of the Roanoke will be held at Weldon, N. C, Oct. 31, Nov. 1, 2 & 3, 1899. Liberal Premiums I Fine .Races! uneap tlx cursion Rates. FINE $ BAND $ OF $ MUSIC ! Pleasing attractions on the midway. For particu lars, apply to . m J. J. DANIEL, Treasurer. News & Opinions Of National Iniporlanr mm ALONE Contains Both, Pally, by mail, Vu Daily tod Sunday, by mail, ' IS i year. Til K 3 Sunday Sung lathe Greatest ' Uf gunday News paper in the world. Priot 5. t copy. By mail 12 year. Addrea THE SUN, New York. I aiut Wkl.k.T BatlM Birrd at lnm won out rain Bivk of of pr- timil.n S.1H r aoa. a. a. woaui II SUN E?P . i" Olistituite wires anil ulcers vhili refuse lo Ileal under nrilitiiTV (n-it HM'Ilt r m it 1 1 . l i 1 1 r ri W iilxl i . . dented, an 1 tre ,i sure . iii:t it'.,. in a ileii'iiveil rutiilition. TTiey uii'ii, the sivstem, mnl uru niii- In every r ise tlm li.nm must no amount uf extenml treatment merits uf S. S. S. ; every claim Li. WW i r fl ANNUAL and Tar River Agricultural Society V' J. L. JUDKINS Wlioli-snle and lleliel Dealer In Fine ' Staplefl,, MmM U.UuvUU, Fancy 1 -FRUITSi CONFECTIONERIES. Crockry, Olaat Tin, anil wooden and wil lowwara. Also I'rntt'a Mora, Cow, Hog and Poullry VauA, auil (irove's 44 Tasteless hill Tonic, Aleaandei'i W Liver and Kidney Touic for purilying (lie blood- This tonic ia warranted or mouer refuuded. J. t,. JUDKINS, I No. 81 Washington Ave., Weldon, N. C dacll 1y. mmmmMm r.lMMlrlplolli. I'vll K.liMriUo,liaa .... uid 'iwn.i Mi ttlimia wrU it. t J T 4UCC O Kl , ttaMlamra, W. The Hintii Way "Ti'lliu' l'olk.4, when they are blue and down hearted, to count up lluir mercies is nil well enough," said Uncle Silas, "but n tie i in 'i ell of tea tlie rure'll act quicker il you d i the coun I in yourself in 1 tell 'em nut I ho blessiu 's they have, but the blessin' they've been. If the housework goes sort of crooked, and your wife cornea to ihe table loukin' tired and discouraged, it won't cheer her half so luucli lo preach that she ought tn be thankful for a roof over her head and lood lo eat, as il will to tell her what a pleasant home she's always made, and that nobody's cookiu' tastes half bo good as hers. When you meet your minister and he is I'eelin' disheartened afraid he i-ti't the man lot the place, aud that sort of thing don't talk to him about l'aul and A polios. That's the lime for you til iciucuiL'cr thf In tii e woman who says she gets something in every Sunday's ser mon thai helps her through the wiek, and how your oldest boy said he wouldn't in i ml bein' a minister if he Could he us good a one us ours.' Then theie's your neighbor down the road, who always seems to have hard times. You can praise his gardou if you can't do anything else. It will cheer him, loi ; it always helps to find that somebody else holds you worth countin'." For ward. "Among the most dangerous of ton's are culling remarks." edge FAIR 'W.L.Stainbackr -liKAI.KKIM Heavy & Fancy GROCERIES, Fruits, Coiifewcliuperies. Country Produce nought ami Sold. CHOICE BEEF ALWAYS ON HIND. (live me a rail. W. I.. PTAINHACK jn 5 ly Weldon, N C. A PPOMATTOX 11 IRONWORKS, Manufacturersof- Agricultural Implement Shaftings, Mill Hearing, l'nueya, Ail ainusoi Machinery, and Repairs Nob 4 34 Old St., Pelenborg, V. oeixnr Tie Empty Grave. BY D. L MOODY HE IS UAI.MNU FOR EVERY UNSAVED Stil l MAKE UOOM Hill IIIM. Martha goes out and Bays, "boul, il thou hadst been here, tny brother had not died." lie replies, "Thy brother shall rise again " I know he will tise again." Jems said, "I am the Resurrection and the Life." V as there ever a sweeter mo- sage on earth than that ? And Martha was tho first one who ever heard il. If she had nut made room in her home and heart, Would she have heard it 1 The Master looked around and asked for Mary, aud so I hey call her saying, ''Mary.the Master is come.and callcth fur thee." 1 hope He will call for every Mary here today. He is calling for every unsaved soul iu the heariug of mv voice. He calls fur thee. I want you, men and women to make room for Uitu in your heart. Mary comes, and says, "Lord if thou hadst been here, my brother had nut died." He replies, "I am the Resurrec tion aud the Life." Ih,w that sweet message has come rolling down the ages for nearly 1,90(1 years. "I am the Resurrection aud the Life." May God help you now to be lieve on the Son of Ood. He, said, "Where have you laid him ?" They tell Christ all about his last acts and words, as we do if a Iriend was absent when a loved ooe died. They all go out to the grave, and I get much comfort out of the fact that the Son of God wept over that grave. When I stand by the fide of the grave of some member of my fam ily 1 want tho Christ who can stand by me. I halls the Saviour 1 preach to you to-day. How do I know it? Iii- ciuse I have Wen there, and He li stood by mo. He wept and sympathised with those sisters, and said, "Take away that stone." They remonstrated, but He said, "Said I nut unto thee that if thou wouldst only believe thou should see the glory otliodf Unman and woman. believe, and you will see the glory ol God. He called Lazarus by name, and as soon as Lazirus heard the voice of his old Friend, instantly he oame forth. II the Son or Uod can raise the dead, can He not raise every dead soul here ? Let Him speak to you and you will live. The cloud that burst upon that home is going to burst upon your home and mine. Oh, be wise today. Unlock the djor uf your heart and say, thrice wel come, and He will come in and abide with you, Some years ago I heard of a poor mother w ho had an only child who was idiotic, and on the day when he was lour teen years of age a neighbor came in and found the mother weeping in the bitter ness of her soul. She wanted to kno what was the matter. The mother said, For fourteen years I have cared fot thai child; I have given up society and spent my time with him, aud today he does out know me from you. If that child would iccoguizt! mc once, it would pay me for all I have done for bim. How many there are the Son of God has watched over and cared for and blessed, who have never onee recognized llini, never looked up into His face and said, thank you, Lord Jesus Will you do it now, will you ? God sometimes uses disease as a level to prize mi n out of the "slough of de spond." Behavior is a mirror in which every one displays his owo image. A KIND NlilGHBOH, Tho kimlest and most neighborly thing one wom an can do for another in rase of sickness is to tell how she herself was brought out of trouble and distress; and urge her neighlsir to seek the same rem edy, lltimlreda of thousands ol mothers have cause to bless inst this aaitu; kind, urigli borly spirit which actuat ed Mrs. Wtu. S. Voll nier, of Concord, Co., North Carolina,. "W. movfu MrtT to Cua- ord. N C . am a mnnih o." umiuuuiclioa o Dt K V tlm". "f HiiS.ki NY "A litllr sirl hrrv wtt to iltf.ilful hnllh Wt tolil hrr l.ilk. .Lull lr Pirn . mntlcnm. lnr whitl thty Umt ilooe ut u. H.r imtchu l)uuM lustlr of Si. 1'Kilil.n Mcilioml iluaiv ;ty 1 Hint ot ' K.vorlt. Prcriplinn' .ml onr uf rrllet ' Thff ralienl h. mniniTl womte hilly nT tuhtng lh.M rumlicinr. t wl.h cwry Ouav kllfW Iho I"l virlu. t Ptrrcr. medlcinr.. I have iwa mint Ihfw tn my lam il, fuc lhr year, and always with uveai i' I wttl n. plmMd to have mylrttrr puhll.hrd. If nenon. wwhina to know mur almul lha rrai Iktii-HU w hurt mfivnl fhsa u.mf Ur. hrrct'a mnllnnn will write, cackiala HI,, I willgUJty ati.wer.'' Evtry moUier of children ought to possess Vr. IHerce's grand lxik, the lennle'a Common Sense Medical Ad viser, a magnificent thousand-page illus trated volume. It teacnes mmncta now to care for their children and themselvea. It is the beat doctor to have in the house in case of einergencv. Over half a mil lion copies were sold at Jtt.50 each, but one free copy in paper covers will be arnt on receipt of 11 one -cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only ; or end U sumps if vou prefer a heavier, hamlannie cloth -bound copy. Addr the publishera. World's Dispensary Med ical Association, No. 66 Main. Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Help Your Pastor. HAYK YOU FYER PRAYFl) I OR IIIM? SOME (10(11) ADVICE UIVEN ON Tills SCn.IECT. Iu the current number of The Nash ville Chiistian Advocate some good ad vice is given on the lines of helping pas tors to carry the burdeus which press upon them. Here is what this paper soys : If you arc a sincere Christian, ymi will wish to do all that you can do toward lightening the heavy loads which yuur paslor bears, aud making bis work a full success. And you can do something. No matter bow bumble or obscure your position is, it yet lies within your power to contribute at least a small measure of assistance, 1. You cao give of your substance to support your pastor, and to aid in carry ing oo the enterprises of tho church. It may be that you canoot give much. In that case much is not required of ypu. tut it is possible that by a little self- denial you can give more than you have thought possible. The matter is one which you should take into serious aud prayerful consideration, with ihe filed purpose to discharge your duty as Gmi gives you to see it. lhero is one thing that you simply cannot afford, aud that is to be a pauper or a "dead beat" iu the church. According as God has pros pered you, it should be your settled policy to show your gratitude by laying a due proportion of your substance oo lib altar. 2. You can be of great assistance by never absenting yourself from the Sun day service and the week night prayer meeting when it is possible fur you to be present. If you bave fallen into the careless habit of going to the house of God only on such occasions as are per fectly convenient, then you need to begin an instant reform. Suppose that everybody else should do the same thing, what would be the result? Rut no oilier person is more under obligation iu ili respccl than you are. What we insw on is that you should remember that ez hortation which bids believers not to forsake the assembling of themselves to gether, as the manner of some is, and that you should make it a mallei, uot of irregular impure. but ol Bzed pi l -i p1'- to heed this ezhiTlalion. 3 You can lalk your paslor up in the commuuitv. Many members uf I lie flock, without iutending il, really help lo talk him down, I'erhaps you have thoughtlessly hem guilty of ibis fault. We do nol meao that you should go into the business uf exaggerating his abilitiis as a preacher or his worth as a man. That would be very improper. Rut we do mean that you should regularly aid sysienoi ii-.illy say all the good things about him that the truth will allow. If he has delects of character or method, there is no good reason why you should help to make them known. The public will find them out soon enough, without any help from you. 5. You can pray for your pastor. The weakest and poorest saint has acciKS to the throne of grace, and may exert by liis intercessions an influence fur good that can scarcely be overestimated. If the man of God only knew that in bis house-to-house work, and iu his pulpit adminis trations he were sustained by the suppli cations of bis people, it would add a hundredfold tn his courage. Have you been neglectful here? We fear that you have. When did you moniion your pastor's name in your secret devotions '.' Your forgetfulness of him has doubtless robbed you yourself of many and great personal blessings. Make the riperi mi ol. Turn ovei a new leaf. IV il at iDCi'i anJ see il li ill will not answer you by putting i fresh joy in your soul. 5. You cao lead an upright and cot iistent lite, avoiding everything that brings reproach upon the oame of Christ or that retards the progress of the gospel, This is a mailer of supreme importance, II your rzample is not what it ought lo be, the fact puts an unspeakable burden upon your pastor's heart. Do the older hao I, if you are m.inuiuing a Cliiisliaa deportment, and walking as bi comes uuKipic ui tii. arutad LorJ, you are making bia work that much lighter, aad giving him an encouragement which is greater than you dream of. As t mailer of course, the highest of all motives for correct conduct is to glorify the Lord Cbri.l, but this motive may include the lower one of which we are now speaking ADVICE. Old Potior "Now, my boy, let me give you a word of advice before yon cut low and hing out your shingle." Young Doctor "I shall be glad lo re ceive it, I assure you." Od DiCtor 'Whenever you are calhd upon to prescribe for a woman make her put out her tongue, so that you may study it thoroughly. This will seldom help you lo determine what her trouble is, but a woman cau't tall while she has her tongue nut. " There ia nothing like an obedient to- d j to reveal Qod's will luaoirow. ' Power la k Sieet THE ACTORS WENT TO CHURCH. AN t'NRXl'ECTED HOLE It V THE QUAR TET AND THE RESI'LT, I'Concerning the power of music," re marked the retired barnstormer who had several home stretch pedestrian records with vuiiuus comic opera companies, "I remember on one occasion to have seen it peculiarly verified. Wo bad some first class I u It ii t in (he company I was with at the time we had ouly been out a month, and the endowment fund wasn't exhaust ed yet and among them was a quartet of male and IVuialu Voices that Couldn't be beat anywhere Wo were billed to appear out! Monday night iu a town of 7, mil) people in Ohio which had a reputation of being the frostiest place ou the road, and the manager put us iu there only be cause tin re wasu't any other place to go wjlhout costing as much in railroad fares as we could lose at a performance. "We got to the town Sunday morning, and it was a long aud tiresome day, and wo were so bored when night came ihat we made up a parly to go to church, just to change our luck. I don't kuow what kind ol a cliuich it was, except that it was a big une aud there was some kind of a meeting on that filled it. We had come early, and we had seats about the middle uf the orchestia chairs. As it happened, our quartet sat together, and they got hymnbooks all right. "Wben the first service of song was offered, our combination was a bit shaky will) stage fright, for they hadn't been to chuicli siuce they had sung iu their home church choirs long ago, but oo the sec ond round they wcro all light, and the hymn was one they were familiar with. Well, they went at it as they ought to, and when the first verse was finished could see there was some sensation among the people Dearest to us and lots of eyes aud ears were turned our way. Our ouartelte was interested by now in their singing, though, and we didn't think about anything else but the word to go on with the second verse, aud when they got it they went at it with all their skill and sweet ui'ss. I!y the time the second verse was fiuished there were not a J. z in voices to bu heard besides their own, and the seusatiou had spread all over the bouse "On the third verse our quartet went iu alone, and I don't think I ever heard s ieh singing as tney put up. It was one of those good, old fashioned hymns that h ive the spirit of truth and glory io them and the music matched the words in way to carry anybody off his feet, and it did it lor that audience or congregation or whatever you call it, for when the last nolo died away the cold chills ran down my back and up my neck, and if some old brother iu the uineo corner had not shouted glory and a dozen mote in other parts of the house followed suit I beli e I would have shouted mysell. "However that might have been, when everybody sat down the gentleman in the pulpit stepped forwaid and thanked our people tor their singing, and said if they would sing a (ew more selections the con gregation would be greatly pleased Of course our quartet wa? pleased, too, and they nut only sang a few more selections, but they received the personal thanks ol everybody after the service was over, and the next nigkt we had an audience that 6 1 led the theater Now, that's what I call real power." Washington Star , HALT HIIEI'M AM) IUMA. Kf- The intense itching aud smarting inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Kye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It eiiually efficient for itching piles and a I'avurile remedy for sore nipples, chap ped hands, rhiiblaius, frost bites and chronic sore eyes 25o. per box. FuruWliy W. H Coheu. Welilun, I N. Brown Hallfai. Dr. A S HarrUkili. Xi'Ik'l-l, DruitglkU Sow is not so difficult as reaping. flH l 'Ml vTvTX VKAHt Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup has been used for over tlty yuan by millions of mothers lux children, while ttwlhiug, with pttrioet success. It soothe Ihe child sullen, the gums, allays all pain, euros wind colic, aud is Ihe best remedy lor CUrthaj. It wtl! H' " p""' h'l'e sutiurvr immediately. Sold by druggists io every part of the world. 'I't coins a bottle, lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. Dr. Cauv's Condition 1'owiiebs ate just what a horse needs when io bad eondilioo. Tonio, blood purifier and vermifuge. They s e not food but med icine and the best i se to put a horse in prime condition, i'rice 25c per pack age. Fur Mis by W. M. Cohen Weldon J. N. Brown, Ballfai, Dr. A. 8. Harrison, KuflelU. DriumliU. There is nothing on esrth bo wonder ful as the budding soul of a little cbiU- CASTOR I A for Iuftmti and Children. The Kind You Han Always Bought Bears th. , SJTTZT Signatur. of toaYVjT 4Uc4S Seek No Further I Better Canuot Re Found! Jordan's At Jordan's Cafe you get the best 25 cent meal on earth, and everything the market affords, served to order in the '4r4r best style. Good altenlion to everybody. It is the cleanest, cheapest and bA'- nest t.aleon or on the earth. Old popular RECULAR MEALS I Hieukfnat, If .' L-'W ... . tllllll I ii vou go io me nrioi you go io .uitVA.i n lt ft. rtnu il you go io .'ii Jordan's Cafe, you go to the I1KST. Bullpen all Night IHliring .Wc WT T Haveobtained the highest reput J W ood s urass tion j". -"f i and Clover Seeds.. " ' WOOD'S SEED BOOK gives the fullest Information about Grasses and Clovers soils the different aorta are adapted for best combinations to give largest results la hay or pas turage care of pastures aad meadows, &c., &c A postal will bring this book to you. Prices and samples of Grass and Clover Seeds sent on application. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Siie MM At Last. WOOING SCHOOL TEACHERS. HOW THE AMIIIUUITIES Ok' A LOVE WEHE PUSHED ASIDE "Yes," said a yuuDg mao, as he threw himself at the feet of the pretty school mistress. "I love you, and would go to the world's end for you." "You could not go to the end of the world for me, James. The world, or the the earth, as it is called, is round, like a a ball, slightly flattened at tho polls. One of the first lessons in elementary geogra phy is devoted to the shape of the globe. You must have studied it when you were a boy." "Of course I did, but " "And it is no longer a theory. Cir cumnavigators have established the fact." "I know, but what I meant was that I would do anything to please you. Ab, Mineiva, if you knew theaching void" "There is nu such thiog as a void, James. Nature abhors a vaccum. Rut, admitting that there could be such a a thing how could the void you speak of be a void if there were an ache in it?" "I meant to say that my life will be lonely without you; that you are my daily thought and my nightly dreams. I would go anywhere to be with you. If you were in Australia or at the North I'ole, I would fly to you. I" "Fly! It will beaoothtr century be fore men cao fly. F.ven when the laws of gravitation are successfully overcome, there will still rcmaio, says a laic scien tific authority, the difficulty of maintain ing a balance." "Well, at all events!" exclaimed the youth. I've got a pretty fait balance io the bank, and I want you to be my wife. There 1" "Well, James, since you put it in that light, I," Curtain. Proof of the pudding lie. Iu the calitur of It. 1'roof of KOHEUTS' TA9TKLR8S CHILL TONIC Ilea In the taking of IL COST NOTHING if It faila to ourw. 85 cents i-r Mile If It curt. Sold strictly ou Its merits hy W. M- Cohen, Dmggial, - Weldon, N. C. ). N. Drown, Milium; Jackson Drug Co., Jackson, N- C. lojressei. "Isn't it awe-inspirlngt" said the youth with tendctcies toward the sublime, "lo think of this earth rushing forever for ward on its track, superior to all human direction and beyond all restraint?" '' Yes," answered Ihe fair girl softly af ter a long pause. "It makes me think of my Dew automobile." Washington Star. Til K HUT PKUMCIttPTKI For chills and fever ia a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. Never fails to cure; why then experiment with worthless imitations? Price Ml cents, lour money back ll It tuts to cure, roi i by " M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. . l.iKrly. New Cook Then I am Dot to wear your bonnets when 1 like ? Mistress No, but think how large your wages arel New Cook (haughtily) My liberty is not fur sale. Bears th. 8i(aU! at jf in line ton fm vm soup la Company guard your tongue; in sol' iiude, your thoughts. "PERFECT" SCALES LAST rORCVIR. WARRANTED. fSBIOET thStK COMBINATION BEAM aVMU aUUJt BOX. CHEAPEST AND ICST. tlONKl OF INQHAMTON, Cafe till MAIN BTItKKT, I NORFOLK, VA. ptices. Dinner, Hupprr 12.1 Cents Each V'i.i I III.. , I II" 'to Ah AMOS P- JORDAN kc,,P lhi P1,M XX jy 8 ly AS"' germination, causing our busi ness in Uie same to become one of the lareest In the United States. Handling these Seeds la the Large quantities that we do, also en ables us to sell same at the lowest possible prices, quality considered. Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. Ill ii COAL. n L1U111U VA. aug 17 3m. Ill Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a LADIES' AND GENTLEMAN'S ..in j iiS I 1)1(1 Jacob drovers Stimulant of Reliable plitj. DAVENPORT MORRIS A CO., Sole agents for the Distiller, Richmond, Va. MR. W. D. SMITH, at Weldon, N. 0 is the sole distributing agent at that point, for (ha above old and Celebrated Whisker. DATHPORT atORRia Ma n 1 -1; 1 : III 1 - 1 lim ha. uum. 1m Monk fior M.

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