I illJM fesF1 TEKIvIS: 150 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE JOHN" W. SL"EDC3-E, l'Uoi'UlKTOR. VOL. XXXIV. A. ZST 3D "W" S P A P E R FOR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOHEK 12, 1899. NO. 24. NEVER TOO OLD TO BE CORED S. S. S. Is a Great Blessing to Old People,' II Gives Them l':;:,r but New Blood and Life. HH ID friini which the remedy hlcli will kii'i their thoroughly rHiiiiviK ing new strength niul lift' to lh whole lmi It lin-rcnsi n the Bpiit'titp builds up thi) fMHTKiiK. niul m mis w w 1 i f giving blond throughout tlie pntiri' sysli-tu Mrs Surah I'tkf. " llroailwiiy. Ninth 1'oi.ton. uriim: " I am seventy yritie old. mil hud not n joyi il koinI l.ciillh for twenty year. I was ttif-k in different ways Mid in addition, had Kcmmn terribly on runt of my legs 'II doctor mid thai on account of my aire, I would nevii' be wall again. 1 took a down bottles of H. 8. S. and it cured rue completely, linn I am nappy i" miy n I feel as well as 1 ever did in my lilt. ' Mr. J W. Loving. of t'olquitt. On., says: "For eight een year I suffered torturns from a Bury eruption on my skin. I tried almost every known remedy, but they failed one by one. and I win told that my ag. which is sixty six. was against me. and that I could never hope to be well again. I finally took 8. 8. 8., and it cleansed my blood thoroughly, and now I am in perfect health." S.-S. S. FOR THE Is the only remedv which can build up and strengthen old people, beoause'it is the only one which is guaranteed Tree irom ixnasn inen-urj, niwuio rmi -i .........h...B i minerals. H iB ma le from nnits and herbs, and has no chemicals whatever in It. S S S. runs the worst cases of Scrofula, ('tinner, Eczema. Rheumatism, Tetter Open Horei Chronic I 'leers, Iloils, Books on theso diseases will be sent free Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form Sold by every druggist in the malarial sections of the United States No cure, no pay. . . . trice, 50c WHOLESALER. fiF, Lou, Mo., Feb, 6, IBM Pabii Maoiotwa Co., City. Gentlemen i Wo vsh to conffratuUto yon ot tho Incrcaawl mvo v.-o aro li:iviurjron your 1 ling our recurl of inventory v.uJcr dato of ilia. 131. wo una um ..u j -'k- 'iuhiik v un. r.lj- f:-.i.l f.i.ib ou.' 3.1-J oa vour I-atlro 15rotij-s,t)S-J-ao 'ilSk LJ L wo beon Bom' thini cnora uj: h;winR uoW (luring too lato ttUobUje, Yourj truly, MEYER BR03. DSUG CO. of the Roanoke 24TH 1 mik$$j will be held at Weldon, N. o.f Oct. ai, Jov. 1, 1899. Liberal ITemiumsl iineicaces; uneap ujx cursion Rates. 41 i B AV ,. '7 r ' - FINE 1 BAND n OF Pleasing attractions on the midway. For particu lars, apply to . Ann docs tint, nnoOTennlv tv.i'iui fi'i'bli'iii'ss iii.il III lie :i 1 i 1 nearly all of the .iki.i- 'A t.' I'llll Tit' IlMH I.-tl ".I'll II are vcrv fii-i-ei''! -U' in im i-!. it in wholly limn 1 1 's-arv. Hv U't-p inir their blood ptii-n lliev run fuilily tln-iiiM-lvi'i- PSt'HIMl UlP'P Illtlllll-. l-I till' nun i ihk thev mil'ir no I'iMi.'i'iilly. H N h ix sy-tiwiis ti.uiik. hv .m ; ivg the lln.il. nil waste ni'iiiniiil,,'ti"iiH, mil iiniirt BLOOD M or any other disease ot the l.looil. by bwift hpecinc Lo. i Atlanta. Ga. ecomiiieiA- RETAILER. Kdo, Ills. Pabis Mbdioins Co. , 0ntlemni I h.-indla nvrnl or elrrht differ- cothiiulnor ClilllToDicublitl sell tnbottl' ;i of tjJrow;, tuwliero I s.'H onoof V.w oflior.i. I sold SS bottlos ol drove's Chill Tonic in 0110 day and could hava soM more II I bad h-il It on hand. Mr. tlnve Woods cured uvo casos ot colUs wltn oao bottlo UuspecttutW. JUH-f T. VINYAED. h- fa jf CHILDREN ?, r 1 ANDADULTS 14 '"'lefl! 1 WlVWiKS-ll '-.-- ANNUAL FAIR and Tar River Agricultural Society r - V , - A J, J. DANIEL, Treasurer. AN INSTRUCTIVE EXHIBIT- Chauncy I), pew .-ays: "Twenly-fivc years ago I knew every man, woman sod child io I'eekskill, N. Y. Aod it has been study with me to mark the boys who started in every pride of lite with myself to see what became of them. I was up there last Tall and began to count over, and it was un iostructivo exhibit, Some of them became clerks, merchants, manufacturers, lawyers aod doctors. It is remarkable that every one of those that drank is d.;al; nut one living of my age. Barring a few who were taken by sickness, every one who urovod a wrcoK sou , , i j wrecked his family did it from rum and no other cause. Of those who were oliuich going people, who were steady. who wcro frugal and thrifty, every one of them owns the house in which he lives and has something laid by, the in terest of which, with his house, would carry hiui through many a day. When a muo becomes debased by gambling, nr drink, all his liier feelings are crowded out, ami the poor women at homo suffer suffer lor those whom they love better than life. Home Journal. Bcapej The Trusts- "There is one thing, at least, that the trusts have cheapened," said the man with the wearied air. "What is it?" roared the man with the tangled hair. "Talk." ' First Tasteless T6nic ever manufactured.. All other so-called "Taste less" Tonics are imita tions.. Ask any druggist about this who is not PUSHING an imitation. CONSUMER. WnrrMBoao, Tox., flep. IS, 1818. Pabm Usotcim Co. , St. Louis, Mo. Gentleman: I write yon a few lin of prrat- t'n.lo. I think vntirOroTfl'I'nHt'l-t fl'hlll '1'onlo i t one if tho bestini'dlclnca in tho wcrld f jrCI-illoni Fuvor. I havo thrco ohtldrta thatbavo been Jiwn with malarlnl fovrr for 1! mon'ha nml hao bouifht Chill medicinos ot all Unrtj anil Doctor's biPscoraln'rin All tho imt K-ii il 1 nr-tit in tnwn find mit throd bottles Ol OrovOi Tonic. Mv children uro all well now and it vrni ynurTratolesi Chill Tonio that Old it. X cauio say too much ia its behalf. Yours truly, JAULS D. ROBBBIB II MUSIC ! wur utr rii -,3- r .- r Fa'sr-ir. MISS ELLA SUE TJIQ,TJH:APT. Miss Kila Sue Urquhart is a member of Virginia sod North Carolina. Her father was George Spruill Urqubart, a brate Confederate veteran, who died last winter. She is a oeieeof Judge Joseph W. Urqu hart, of Norfolk, and a cousin of Judge Thonios N. Hill, of Halifax, N. C. Mii-s rquhart is ooc of the uio-t popular young the most beautiful. Tho family moved Worry. i IT WILL SIP OUR STRENGTH. WHAT THIS FOOLISH, ENERVATING HABIT DOES FOR MANKIND, Worry is llie foruthout;bt gone to se A Worry is disoouotinn possible future sorrows so tliat the individual may have present misery. Worry is llie father of insomnia. Worry is the traitor in our camp tbtt dampens our powder, weakens our aim. Uud 'r the guise of helping u to bear the present and to be ready for the future worry multiplies enemies with in our mind to sap our strength. Worry is the dominance of the miod by I single, vague, restless, UQsau-n.id, fearing aod fearful idea. The mental energy aod force that should be concen trated on the successive duties of the day is constantly and surreptiously abstracted and absorbed by this one filed idea. The full, rich strength ol the unconscious working of the mind, that which pro duces our best success, that represents our finest aotivily, is tapped, led away aod wasted oo worry. Worry must oot be confused withani- iety, though both words agree io mesoinc originally, a "choking, or a "Strang ling," referring, of course, to the throt- lliou effect upon individual activity, Anxiety faces lame issues of life serious ly, calmly, with dignity. Aoiicty al ways auzgesta hopetul possibility; it it active io being ready and devising meas ures to meet the outcome. Worry is not one large individual sorrow; it is a oolony if petty, ague, insignificant, restless, imps of fear, that become important only from their combination, their constancy, heir iteration William George Jordan in The Saturday Evening l'ost. Ojtiooal "Do you have to auk your wife for money?'' faltered the little man with the hunted look id bis eyes. "Not on your lifel" replied the lr;e, brusque man; "but rather than go with- rnt it 1 sometimes, dot SICK WOMEN are invited to consult I)r. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the In valids Hotel ami hur(icai iiiamuie, Buffalo, N. V by letter, without fee or charge ot any kind. Dr. Fierce is a UdiailM in llie uinriuic. w wmircu, tic has treated over half-a-million women for diseases uf the womanly organs and ninrty-ei(ht out of every hundred women he has treated have been alMolutely and Perfectly cured. Every letter received y Dr. Pierce, ia treated a purely per sonal and private communication and its contents guarded as a sacred confidence. All answers to met leiieri are tern in taint envelop- hearing upon them no opea ailvej printing or advertising whatever, Write to lu do, tor. It ia no use for sick women tn write to a man nnlesa he ui . docuir. 11 w u lu write to a woman " unless the woman ia a doctor. Write to a woman about cookery or any branch of housekeeping, because she it a woman and knows. But it Is o no use. to write to a woman about disease unlet she hat a doctor's trainiiiir and diploma. A woaaa wk bat a factor is last as at tcrwi as a sua we. tsal a eocto-, wires, 1m aaaertake to treat tiiteaM. Ther, is no qualified woman phyncian so far as is known connected with any proprietary medicine put up for women. Even the "bearded worrmn," tha sws who advertises "write to a woman" la not a qualified physician and stamls too much in fear of the' law to claim that he ia. There ia no other phvaician, male or female, who, like Dr. Pierce ha a record of over thirty years, aa chief consulting phvaician of a well known Institution, making a specialty of the private treat ment of women's diseases. Write to ike doctor Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y. . Women realise Dr. Pieice'a ability when they read hie great work the Com mon Senae M.-dical Adviser, icon-pages; sent free oa receipt of stamp, to defray expense of mailing only. Send at one cent sumps for paper-bound edition, or ii sumps for cloth. Address Dr. R. V. PUrce, kuflalo, N. Y. a family whose name is well known io society women in Suffolk, sod is among some years ago from Jackfon, N C. Richmond Times. A Stirriii ProMei VARIOUS ARGUMENTS WHICH CONCLUSIVELY PROVE , IS ALWAYS A BULL. The Buul-stirring problem of why is i cow a bull, a problem which lias been be fire the thinkers for ages, and has sent its tliuusandi to the mad-house, has laic. ly received many brainy sululions, some of which follow. This one is a gem : "A onw is a intinosyllablr; a moDosy able is one syllable; ooe silly. bull is bull." A shade less culpable is this oue ; "A cow is half a coward; a cnwaid is four-fifths a bull; four-fifths of bully bull " This one took refuge in Latin: "A cow if a big calf; a big calf is better hall; a belter hall is a boss to us, and a bosstaurus is our bull." Aoother Latin scholar sent this syllo gism: "A cow is a tosier; a tosser tore uv tsurus is our bull." This is by far the worst io the bunch. The iii-xi method of reasuniog runs on the liin ul descendant line, with very good re-ults: "A ciw is a calf that is old; aod a call that is sold is a small sale; a small sale is a b id goer; a bad gore is so ox's ire; an ui 's sire is a bull." Aoolheraloog the same line : "A cow is a heifer advanced in lift a calf advanced io life it would be farther off a oalf, and the father of a calf U bull." The tightest argumeot io the Hat algebraic. Its ooocluaious are indispu table : "Let x rqual a bundle of hay, now, it will be admitted that any oow ia capable of consuming a bundle of hay that is to say, any oow is equal to a bundle of hay theiefore, any cow equals x. Similarly it may be shown that any bull is equal to I. But thiDgs which are equal to the tame thing are equal to each othet; then fore, any oow cq ials any bull. Kcmov iog the coalman term 'any,' we have oow equals bull. Which was to proved." Ciooionati Euquiier. LEND A HAND be A young girl on a railroad train gave a bunch of roses to a little cripple. Th child held them to her lips and preoscd tbrm to her dear heart and foil asleep Th train reached ita destination. Tl father came io from tha smoking oar, At the tight of his little one lying peace fully with her head agai ost tha stranger aud a. fuw. iu hr baud, be said, i voioa lull ol teeung, "l ot not a praying man, but the Lord's bleasiog rest on you for your kindness to my motherless bairn.'' The child roused aa aha wa taken in her father's arms, and said: I've been in heaven pa; I've got ame rose," There was a mitt io other ey than the father 'a,aod more than one heard t divine voice aayiog, "Inasmuoh aa have done it unto the least of the ye have done it nolo me." I Ilia Steps. f ler Limit. She hesitated. Dying was out of the question, but under the oircumstaoces ahe might throw a little oouoteifeiiiog faint. In other words, though the could tot kick the backet, the might turn a, little piil. Old Men. THEY ARE VERY SENSITIVE. SOME TIMELY OBSERVATIONS ON THE LINE OF HOW TO TREAT THEM. .Some one in the current number of The Christian Herald thus i-peaks of Old Men." We do not know anything that requires mom tact and more tenderness thao the aluicnt of old men by those who are younger than themselves. Treat them those whose duy is past, it those from loin nothing may be expected in the way of labor, and you touch them where they are peculiarly tender and sensitive. Tieat them as though you expected full ork of them, and make no allowance for the infirmities of age, and you wound cm again. Id dealing with them, :ylla is to be avoided on the one hand and Charybdis on the other. But it is worth the trial to mioister to one who has borne the buideo ana neat of the day, and whi has sowo for others reap. 8linw a kind and thoughtful gard fur his fcclingr; give him bouic- iog to do that he can di; be respectful, eferential, reverenlial even, and you will reap a rich harvest of hope io a heart which perhaps it was almost dead, and f graiiiudc and affectioD for yourself, the more so as the old man is beginning distrust bis own powers and sometimes ks himself the question if his day of !cfulocss is not past, How much old men dread the feeble ness of old age we learn from the pathetic prayer of the Psalmist iu the tcventy- rst Psalm: "Cast me nut off in the time ol old agi ; forsake me not when my slreDgth faileth." In the same Psalm, he prays earnestly to be spared the en forced idleness of old age, and for employ ment in God's service something to do to the last for his Lord: "0 God, Thou taught me from my youth, and hitherto ave I declared Thy woodVous woiks. Now, also, when I am old and gray- eaded, O God, lursako me nut, until I ave showed Thy strength to this gener ation. Thy power to every one that is to come." No more lmcressive command was given to God's people thao that which demanded veneration aod rcspeot for the "ed : "Thou shalt rise up before the nsry head, and honor the face of th ild man. and fear thy God; I am the lord." Beautiful examples have we in the istory of the Lord's people of those who brought forth fruit io old age. Old Caleb on his eighty-fifth birthday mak ng request of Joshua for Hebron as his inheritance, which had been promised him forty-five years befor?, and boasting, old men love to do, of the strength and vigor of his old age and of his hope to do still more work for his God, is one of the most beautiful of Bible scenes. Jmhua viv, 6-15. Hoge, Ilyland, Keener bear testimony that old hands can wield the sword of the spirit with effect loog after three score and ten have passed. The greened aurels that were won in the late war with Spain covered the gray hairs of our Wheeler. "E'eo down to old age all my people shall prove My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable luve; And when hoary hairs shall their tem ples adorn, Like lambs they shall still ia my bosom be borne." FOR OVER MKTY TEAR! Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect auooees. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cure ind colic, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world, io cents bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth or kind. fist ion. Fashion, quoth the womanly woman demands of a person that she have no heart! The other woman aighed wearily. Ah, If that were only all I aba ex claimed, with bitterness, n by aome seasons fa?bion di-mand" that p?! have no hips, even t And that, forsooth, were a thing not always easily managed. THE HUNT PHENCKIPI'ION For chills and fever ia a bottle of Grove' Tasteless Chill Tonic Never faila to cure; why then experi Jieut with worthless imitalionsr rnoe 00 oents. i our money back if it fails to cure. For salt by W M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. Consistent. I have do sympathy wid a ttiike, ta Meandrriog Mike. But you don't blame folks fur working, protested Plodding Pete. Ye can't strike unless ye've got a yob kin ye? was the withering rejoinder. 0-A.STOrt.I.A.. Inn a ll lin tin Hip Alwip Bought Bi-aatai The Biggest. Thing In Norfolk 'far Seek No Further! 15e"et C,nDOt Be F'oun1! Jorilu's otN"Ns dale m MAIN HTHEKT, At Jordan's Cafe you get tho best 25 NORFOLK, VA. cent meal on earth, and everything tho market affords, served to order io the best style. Uood attention to everybody. best Cafe on or off the earth. Old popular RECULAR MEALS I Breakfast, ii jruu ;u iu me cooi you o io aunuitii o i;Ar ft, Ana II you go to Jordan's Cafe, you go to the BUST. AMOS P- JORDAN -C'P plaw 'jtX HtuOpen all Night. Lodging 50c jy 8 ly T' ITnn.. 1. L. IIDT ... ifllin Wood's Grass and Clover Seeds.. the fullest Information about Grasses and Clovers soils the different aorta are adapted for best combination to give largest result In hay or pas turage cre of pastures and meadows, etc , &c A postal will bring this book to you. Prices and samples of Crass and Clover Seeds sent on application. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. She Complains Madge My fiance is dreadfully jeal ous. He objected to me having a booth at the church fair. Dolly What were you going to do there? Madge Charge a quarter apiece for kisses! TI.TTIvK, HALT KI1EUM AND EC .KM A. The ioteose itching and smarting inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointmeot. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for iichiog piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chap ped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. '25c. per box. For sale by W. M Cohen, Weldon, J. N. Brown , Ualitai. Dr. A. . ttsrruon. KrfleM. Druggist Doesn't the vessel lip frightfully? Steward "The vessel, mum, is trying to set a good example to the passengers. Troof of the pudding lies In the nutlng of It. Proof of lit WERTS' TASTK LESS CHILL TONIC lies hi tho taking of It. COST NOTHING If It falls to cure. 28 oents per bottle If It cum. Sold strictly on Its merits by W. M. Cohen, Druimsl, - Weldon, N. C. J. N. Brown, Halifax; Jackson Drug Co., Jackson, in. C. Was InvilcJ- "Why did you marry?" asked the old maid of the wife who was generally be lieved to be unhappy, "Among other reasons," was the pointed reply, "I may mention the taot that 1 was invited. J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale and Retail '. Dealer In Fine ' Staple and Fancy Groceries "FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crockerv, Glass Tin, and wooden and wil- lowware. Also Pratt's Home, Cow, llmr and Ponltrv FimhI. and Grove's Sjf Tasteless Chill Tonic. Alexander'! r : i l-. . i .. r... .... the blood. This tonic ia warranted or money refunded. J. L. JUDKINS,! No. 21 Washington Ave., Weldon, N. C dec 11 ly. -TlF.Al.ERIN Heavy & Fancy GROCERIES, Fruits, Confeectionerie. Country Produce Bought and Sold. CHOICE BEEF ALWAYS ON HIND. Give m call. W. L. 8TA1NBACK. Jan 8 ly Weldon, N. A PPOMATTOX ironworks, stimulant of Miknn fnr tn rota -f Agrionltnral Implamenta, Shaftings, Reliable pHtf, not Mill Gearing, 1'ulleys, All kinds of Machinery, and Repair. Not. 93 a 34. Old 8t, Petersburg, Ta. Oct Kllf hiSklil pertoMotatn.-racKlr.t.l or tn.aome trilriif trip io tin Parte ICxpoiiUoa, wilt salary and rinfatri Mid. b'HiidvrtM Th ftij.r KtCdKu, waitfw., It is the cleanest, cheapest and : pi ices. Dinner, Supper K Cents Each. I 1111, 1.1. I.. . 1 (. Have obtained the highest reputa tion for purity, cleanliness and germination, causing our busi ness In the same to become on of the largest in the United States, i Handling these Seeds in the lame , quantities that we do, also ere Dies us to sen same at ine lowest possible prices, quality considered. WOOD'S SEED BOOK rives ill s it COAL I I VA. tug 17 3m. rs j I Selected and Private Stock Rye whiskey, nfthflPiirftflt Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use C. or Require a I 1 HUffi I I ll I Ia a a! Mnni ta DAVENPORT MORRIS A CO., . Sole (gent for lb Diatiller, Richmond, Va. ., MR. W. D. 8MITH, al Weldoa, N. 0 it the sole distributing agent at that point, for th abov old aad Celebrate. Whi-4ey. DAYIfPOBT atORKIl ft M. mlnS (oa auu

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