L 1 JOHN" W. SXj'EIDQ-Ej, HIOI'KIKTOR. VOL. XXXIV. A. NEWSPAPER IFOR THE PEOPLE WELPON, N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19. 18.99. TEIRIMIS: 1B0 PKK anmjm in advance NO 25. ASIA MAY LL MOST VIOLENT CASES HAVE APPEARED AT FIRST AS No ninny MERE PIMPLES, calise 1 1 do they iiuturully itiuJ hi i' lon-eil to subm t in t crii'-l mill fin ii v roiiH operation the only treatment which tliti do-hira know fur I 'sin, er. The ili-ouse promptly returns, however, mid is even niurc H'l nt uiol iVst motive lium before. Cancer in a deadly poison in I ho blood, uml nil i' cv,.ii. u. plum r, or other external treatment ran have no clfcct wh utcver iini it. The cure n list oome from within the last vestige of k in. .n must b" i iiniicutcil. Mr. Win WiiIm1i. of W.iNMowii H II, sayi : A little blotch ah nit the si.o of 11 pea mine under rny h-lt eye gradually griming hirji-r, Irom I, i h sluotinii uiiu at intervals ran iu all ilirectioun I lei-nn iieiitlv a!iirn,eil and coDniltcil u good doctor, w ho piom.Mi id it ( i.i.i cr and advised that it h cut out. tut IIih 1 cmld not n n -'J. '"t to. I read in . and divided Vt0inin(r lit .1 r fm.lv Tl.i. ' . 1 a S S.8. .'aLtinMl altogether, leaving a sin ' - il v.-h. h ,oii p t.i iM lied off and now nnlr n lnvill liv li.l !i. r, i,ii,i,w !,.,.. T-ms what thn-aUinrMl tndi'Mtrov inv lif" oni-i 1 full m itv." it$k imAiP. w ToBitivelv the only S. S. 8. FOR THE BLOOD bcanne It n the only remedy which can go liot-p fdiouU to reach the mot of the (liwiiHH uml force it out of the MHtern peni. fluently. A Hiirniful npt'intiuu (Ioch nut reach thf hl. (I-lh( real wnt of t'm iliwusw -Utiiuhh the bhuxl vnn not l& cut nut iff liifint nMin S. K. 8.; nothing chii t:ilt.-i,M pi kh. 8 8. H cur it uU.i any vhm: of Horofuln. Kciniii;i. Hliputnntisin. ContHiriniiM Plood on, l lcfr", Koii'H. or any other form of hloHl o!iAHo. Valuuhlo (took on i Hiwtr mihI MIihiI Pim'UHvt will he iiittiletl free to auy utldrc.s by H ift iiio Company, All.-inta. Georgia. M ANNUAL of the Roanoke will be held at Weldon, N. a, Uct. 31, Nov. 1, & 3, 1899. Liberal Premiums! Fine Races! Cheap Ex cursion Rates. M I V 1-1 X X lv I XI I I 2 X. I l n ZZ. Ill II Pleasing attractions on the midway. For particu lars, apply to J. J. DANIEL, Treasurer. L inaiuvaiit., -DKAI.KR IN Heavy & Fancy GROCERIES, Fruit, Confeectionerie. Country Produce Bought and Sold. CHOICE BEEF ALWAYS ON HAND. (live me a call. W jan 5 ly L.8TAINBACK. Weldon, N. C. APPOMATTOX IRON WORKS, Manufacture rsof Agricultural ImpltmenU. Shaftings, Mill Gearing, l'ulleys, All kinds ol Machinery, arid Repair Noa. 89 34 Old 8k, Petenburg, V. oetwij SPOT CANCER The greatest vara slitiulil I given to nny lmit sole, .imIe. i Hi-mtrh which shows no Iihh imi ion i , i . uiiiU r t riim- urv trentiiietii .' t'i.1' i-ini i. H '..v soon tticn' will dewdo;i i .. r.nrii r.i u.. wort tviw. 'if Irom Cancer simplv lo not kiio.v M ulmt I iu disoiise is; turn I :iriii-flves nvi r to tin doetois. my I. fill t.::: of n cure enVit.il hv to try it. It inM-t li'.i- ii 'linrin the fn,. ii-i-itnl . ,1 u I ll,.,. ,li ci, -, r .. i rni.l.u.llv .....i .Ii....... cure' for' Cunrer is Swift's Hiwrilir and Tar River Agricultural Society J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine ' Staple itft Fancy i-FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crockry, Olaat Tin, and wooden and wil- lowwaro. Also rnttt a horse, tow, Hon and Poultry Food, and Grove's Tatless Chill Tonic. Aleiandei'i Liver and Kidney Tonic for purifying the hhml. This tonic is warranted or money refunded. J. L. JUDKINS, I No. 31 Washington Ave., Weldon, N. C due 11 It KiMl.til. piTK.na of luiTlitnirtl r In, eiiilTf mind S.lrluaatr1plutlie I'nrl. K,poHhM. with fund Mltrr ud riprn Bt,l. fhoiiltl writ. Ik, ettuttuCoKU , mumii, Ma. Groceries TO CVtlK LOW KIMItlTS. In the Armuuiiin Maizine. in 17SU John Wcalej nive the fulliwini rules lor persons afflicted with "lowncwi of piril:" (1) S.icrei!ly ahstuin from all spiritu. oua liipiora Tuucli them uut, on any ptetonse whatever. To othcra they may nuictiinea be of uae; hut to nervous pet Huns they are ili aJly poiaon. (2) 1 1 jou driuk any, iliink hut little tea, and none at all without eatiu);, or without nipir or cream. (.!) hvcry day of your lilu lake at least an liour'aeiereise, between brcaLfu't and dinner. (4) Taku no more food than nature requites, lhnc upon one thing, except pudding ( i pie. Mat no flush at supper, but sotui tiiing lilit and easy to diges tion. (.")) Sleep early and rise early. I'u lca you are ill, never lie in bed much above seven hours. Thi n you will never lie awake; your flesh will be firm and your spirits lively. (C) Above all, beware of anger; be ware of worldly sortow; beware of the fear that hath tnrmenl; beware of foolich aud hurtful detiresl Kxchange, Willing To OUigc. Street Car Conduotor- Say, will you kindly puss up the aislt? I'assengt r Yea, I'll "pass it up,' can find a seat. if I FAIR News & Opinions Of National Importance mrin ALONE Contains Both. Daily, by mail, Daily and Sunday, by mail, SIS a year IS a year. -TllK- r Sunday Sun gi Is the Greatest Itjr Sunday News par or in the world. Price 5c. a copy. By mail 12 a year. Address THE SUN, New York. A and Wklsky Uablti .1 aTa runl at homo with out italii BHk of Kir K UN H. . WUULLfcT CU. Atiaatt, ba. ltlloa, liM NoriU 1'ryur di 0 1H liniJE Be Sire Yon Are Ript. ADVICE IN LOVE-MAKING. II EUR IH HOMRTI1INII FUR OCR VOUNU KKIENIIH TO RKAH. An esteemed correspondent of the Herald has appealed to us in the matter of love-making, since, as she puts it, "you have etossed the dead line, and know both whereof you speak aud how to speak it." Realizing the scope aod delicacy of the subject, wc can only give our fair friend a brief out-line ol that advice that comes from tbo experience of all who have "crossed the dead-line" and trodden for any distance the road over which life's journey must be made. To begin, fitst catch your lover. Hold him when you have him. Don't let go to catch every new one that cornea along Try to get pretty well acquainted with him before you take him for life. Un less you intend to support him, tiud out whether he earns enough to support you. Don't make up your mind that lie or any other man alive is an angel. Don't pulm yourscll off on hi in as one, cither. Dun't let him spend his salary od you; that right should be reserved until after n;ui riuge. If you have conscientious scru ples against marrying a man with a mother, say so in time, that he might get rid of her to oblige you, get rid of you to oblige her, as he sees fit and thinks best. It your adorer happens to fancy a eet taiu shade of hair, don't color or bleaeh youts to please him. Remember your hair belongs to you and he doesn't. He sure it is the man you are in love with, and not the clothes he wears, or the cut of bis mustache or the shape of his foot or face. Fortune and fashion are as fickle aud flighty as the wandering wind, and it is foolish to take a stylish suit or a hand some man for better or worse. Don't try to hurry up a proposal by carrying on a flirtation with some other fellow. Dif ferent men are made of different material, and the one that you want may go i ff in a Gt of jealousy and never return. Don't marry a man to oblige any third person in existence. It U your God given right to suit yourself in the mat ter. But remember at tho same time that love is bold and blind, wicked aud warped, and a little I'ticndly advice frmu one whose opinion is worth knowing may insure a hie Mine ot happiness ot prcveutoot of misery. The ceremony performed, your fate is sealed for the gnalest curse or the sweetest blessing that can be bestowed on human kind. Iu love affairs always keep your eyes open, so when the right man comes alonu you may sec him. When you do see hi u yon will recognize him and the rt cog niiion will he mutual. If you have no fault to Bud with him personally, finun- oially, socially, morally, politically, reli giously, or any other way, he is probably perfect enough to suit you, and you can afford to believe him, love him, tuarrj him. Waler Valley Herald. WIFLFCTIONS UT A BACIII'LOR. Woman is the slave of fashion; man U tbe slave of woman. The reason Cupid wears wings ia so he can fly out of the window when poverty conies in the door. The woman who really thanks a man for dnini! something never says a Word; she just looks it, The only way a man can keep his wile I'ri'iu worrying about his morals is lor him to loiry about her health. AKiut three days before bis wife comes hotue Irom Kurope a man begins to look as if he had a note coming due which be couldn't pay. " BURNING MONEY." The most precious possession on earth is perfect health. It is the ground -work of all irospt-nlv m lite; tuul :ew iH'Ople Kruclire am- reaaonume extn'iiditure whuh will le the means of restonn it ; hut one of the tntMt Misheart emnK thuK in the world js for any on w ho w o r k ItHiil tor Itik money to keep naving it out tiir lUtctorsaml nietlicines that do no earthly good, is hke throwmx it into the fire. " We hud mwilt lot of money fnr ilnctor tnlln and I hml alimiHl Riveil uplimejiHiir. nayn irn. Hlla Schnll. f MmwrhvHil. l.iimne Co , I'h . In i aliirerc letter tn lr. H V. Fierif , of HtiHnlo, N, V. " Then 1 told my huntwiitl I wim K"ing to write to vu. I am very gmu i im w; tni rr mHtnhiT mv mp wn nlnavn. of the lireaM. Dr. Hieivc'ii ('.olden Mt tHrnl Olwovery atred me in one tmmth, nounrt and well. " Your klndneni to me I emit nevr forRet.' write Mr.. Iote K Clark, of Knterpnw Shrlby Co.. Mo. "I cannot cxtre half my ItrlhiftN of rmtettilneM tovou 1 hnd destwirwl of ever K titiK well. 1 hart twen in had health for twelve vmii Had ache nil throuuh me. numb hatula. cold feet, and everything 1 ate dittreaaetl me; my btwrU were contutcd. I wn very nervou. denrrwd and de)lndent. When I hrat wrote to you I thought 1 conW never he cured. I have taken nil hottlf a of Ur, pierce s C.rfden Meilical Diaenvery. and my health la now good. Yon have mvnoneat reoommendation to all anflerera. I think there ia no medicine in the world a good aa Dr. Pierce'a." It's an insult to your intelligence fbr a dealer to attempt to palm of! upon you a substitute for this world-famed medicine. You know what you want. It's his busi ness to meet that mint. When he urges some substitute he's thinking of the larver profit he'll make not of your welfare. Shun all such dishonest dealers. Every tick peroon in this land should possess Dr. Tierce s grana uiouaana paife illustrated Common Sense Medical Adviser, which will be tent free for the bore cost of mailing, at one-cent sUmpa. La A7 & Hafl A Good Time. PROUD OF HIS SPOUSE. a ciiicaooan'h BETTER HAI.r A MAN OF INFINITE TACT. A certain Chicagoan congratulates himxelf on the faet that he has the Lest wife in the world. II o does nut mean to draw any in?idious comparisons hy this superlative estimate of his helpmeet, hut he thinks no other woman would so Well adjust herself to his ccccntrio liahitl. To tell the truth, be has not yet settle d dowo bo much that he dues not enjoy a little whirl "with tho boys." Sometimes these celebrations develop into orgiea if magnificent proportions. It is hero that the wife's good disposition asserts itself. When her hubby comes home in the wee hours and is groping vainly for the bauistcrs he is not confronted by an irate spouse at the top of the stairs. He is nut compelled to listen to a curtain lecture before he is allowed to sleep off his pota tions He is confronted by no seur look when he gets up the next morning wiih a fever-dizzy head, consequently he feels striekeu wilh remorio. lie evens tliiuh up with his conscience, or tties to, hy purchasing Goe raiment and Various arti cles for the feminino toilet iu order to make himself believe that he is in suuie degree worthy of such a wife. It makes no difference whether he takes his bender at home or on the Pacific coast; it seems imposi-ible to eradicate the dark-broan taMe until he has bought his peace offer ings. Uut the good wife herself has come to understand the meaning of theso gifts Not long ago the husband went to New York on some business. Contact with convival friends and numerous "high ball" produced a Bacchanalian fete that Ijsted for three days. With sobriety came remorse and the Cbicagoan went down to a tashionahle dry goods etnpe riutu aod outdid himself. He bought au elegant dress and trimmings, which looted up tie expressed them to wife and awaited developments. In a day or two came a letter. It was not Very affectionate, it is true, but it was a good long one. It recouuted all the news. Nunieniioo was made of tlie re ceipt of the dress in the body of the letter The postscript, always the best part of a womau s epistle, con-Hted of this bliel sentence, which spoke volumes: "You miit-t have had an elcgaul liiue Chicago Chronicle. "TAKIMi Oi l." inesunts going down. Us ii.nl Jay heal subsides. I's gleams of crimson fall upon my path. The west looks bright to me. The brecies fan me. I am so uiueh reminded of uiy nlowbnv days. When til" heat ol the day was over, aud the lull, mi I trees flunt! their shadows ilown upon our valley fields; when the breezes wi uld fan ua gently, and our tnnisieocd garments felt cool; when fresh furrows remained fresh, and the moisture waited for the morning sun to lick it up and leave the sui face dry, how delightful ly did we turn iuto row after row, and "throw dirt to the corn and split the middles." We almost forgot that we wero weary ftoiu the heat and toil of the day, often putting in our very best work at the last. "Taking out" time has near ly come with me, God help me in the few remaining rows; I will soon "take out." She will be there watching my coming. I used to take her little frame up in my arms and press her to my bosom, and walk all over 'he house with her, often out iuto the yard. The proudest hours of my life were when sho leaned hardest on me. A week before she went home she bantered me for a race to the little althtei bush iu the yard. She staggered I caught her, laid her on her bed. In a week she was in her Father's home. Sweet mother, I'll soon "take out" and oooie ! Kxchange, WIN! I K'S COMING. Winter's ootnio' in fer shore Blusteriu' aruun'; Mollic, aand the cabin fl ur Take the fiddle down. Short on cotton whos's to blame? We'll be dancio' jest the same! Boys air comin' down the road Jest to dance with you. Apples ? What a rosy load I Jugs o' eider, too I Corn crap failed us who's to blame? We'll be dancio' jest the samel Never ory fer what we've missed Let tbe fire burn steady. All tbe gals air to be kissed, An' tbe boys air ready I All rraps poorly, who's to blame ? We kiu dance, dear, just the same I . He Was Lonesome. "So you are the only surviving panic ipaut in the fucd?" asked the North, erner. "Do you rot feel lonelj?" "Lonely ain't no nauue fer it, mister,' said the Kentuckian. "I allow to marry into another fued aa quick aa I can." Indianapolis Journal, A Little Yellow Curl. HIS SHIELD AND BUCKLER. TIIK LITTLE (II HI, HAVEN HIM (ROM A URdNKAHU'H IIKAVE. Many a rough looking Hi an carries in his pocket, safe from all eyes but his own, some memento or relio that is to him as a shield aod buckler against the powers of evil. A story is told of a big burly miner who steadfastly refuwd to join his com rades iu their drinking bouts, or in any of their revels in which evil was done, lie was not surly and morose, but he stead fastly declined all invitations to take part in his companions' carousals. He was jeered at and subjected to all sons of an noyances, but yield he would not. Oue night, when the revelry ran high, and many of the men were drunk, they de clared that ' Itig Joe," as he was called, simply "had to driuk with them." "I will not, boys," ho said (iiuily. They declared that if he did not they would foree liipmr down his thrual, and then run him out of the camp "You aiu'l uobettet than the rest of ! ' said one man angrily. ' I have not said that I was." "Well, why can't yju join us and bo friendly aod sociable like, when we are trying to have a good time? Am t signed the pledge, have you ?" with a sneer. "No, I have not signed any pledge, boys." "Well, then, what is it that makes you hang back this way ?" "Well, boys, I II tell you" he said "It's something 1 don't like tn talk about, but I'll tell you, and perhaps you'll not expect nor want me to drink with you when I've told you the truth." He thrust bis hand down into an in side pocket iu his gray flannel shirt, and drew forth something wrapped in an old silk handkerchief. Inside the handker chief was a wrapping of tissue paper, and iu the paper was a little shiuing curl of yellow hair. Big Joe held the curl up betweeu his thumb and finger, and said: "Buys, I've got a little motherless gill nearly two thousand miles from here, aud that curl came from her head. used to drink a lot enough to ruin my wife's happiness, and when she was dying I promised her that I wou'd never drink auother drop, and that for our little girl's sake I'd be a better man, and when 1 left my little one wilh her grandmother I promised them both what I'd promised my wife, and my little girl cut this curl from her head and gave it to me to 're member her hy and she said, 'Maybe it will held you to keep your promise, pupa It has helped me. I've worn it next my heart night and day, and I'll never driuk a drop, nor do anything she would be sorry to have me do while it is there. Now do you wan't me to drink with you, boys ?" The man who had threatened to have whiskey poured down Big Joe's throat was the first to say "No," and from that time forward he was never asked to break his promise. His little girl's curl of shin ning yellow hair was his shield and buckler, and with Uod'a help, it was to him a sure defence KOKOVKH. FII-TY VKAKS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for ehildren, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, aod is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ot the world, 'ia oents bott le. lie sure and ask fur " M rs. W ins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. Temperance ia a treo which has beauty for iis branches, and peace and happi ness and contentment for its delicious fruit age. TKTTfCH, HALT KIIKIIM AM) l.( . The intense itching and smarting inei lent to these discams, is instantly allayed by applying Chamherlain'a Kye and Skin wiuiuieut, Many very bad casus have been permanently cured by it. It equally efficient for i'ching piles and a favorite remedy for Bore nipples, chap ped hands, ehilhlains, frost bites and chronio sure eyes 2')o. per box. fur sale 1y W. M Oihou, Wuldnn, J. N. Brown llallfu. Dr. A 8 Uarriaou. Knneel. Druioiliu When a man's temper gets the best of him, it then shows the worst of him, and reveals his wond part. THE BEST PHKSCKIPTIOK For chills and fever is a bottle of Grove' lastelesa Chill Ionic. Never tails to cure; why then experiment with worthless nunaiionsf rnco OU cents, i our money back if it falls to cure, ror sale by W m. Uoheo, Weldon, W. U, Goodness is not in the outward things we do for appearanoe sake, but in tbe in. ward things we are for God, BttnUai Bif aslan 4 Ihl Hind Yin Haw lwm Bought M The Biggest Thing In Norfolk Seek No Further! Hotter Cannot Be Fouml! Jordan's :l MAIN HTItKKT, At Jordan's Cafe you get the best 25 NORFOLK, VA. cent meal on earth, and everything tbe market affords, served to order in the W best style. Good attention tn everybody. It is the cleanest, cheapest and best Cafe en or off the earth. Old popular pi ices. .V-. RECULAR MTALS I Breakfast, Dinner, Hopper 25 Cent Each. If you go to the BK8T you go to JORDAN'S CAKK, And if you go to Ai Jordan's Cafe, you go to the BKST. AMOS P- JORDAN cel' p' TY MLOpen all Night Lodging Stic jy 6 ly Wood's Grass and Clover Seeds.. the fullest Information about Grasses and Clovers soils the different sort are adapted for best combinations to give largest results In hay or pas turagecare of pastures and meadows, &c, &c A postal will bring this book to you . Prices and samples of Grass and Clover Seeds sent on application. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. Jnst Like A Woman. SURPRISED HER HUSBAND. WHY THE YOUNO WIFE 8PENT AN AFTERNOON IN HIS OFFICE. Young Mrs. Smith, who lives down on l'rairie avenue, ib very fond of her hus band aod also very jealous of bim. Mr. Smith knows this and enjoys it immense ly. Before the Smiths wero married he uscn to know a Minneapolis girl who visited his sister in Chicago. Mrs. Smith knew her very well loo. The Minneapolis girl came down not long ago, aod Mrs. Smith called on her. A few days before the Minneapolis girl went back she called on Mrs. Smith, and they had an enjoyable quarter of an hour thinking things about one another and talking about Mansfield. When the Minneapolis girl rose to go, she said sweetly, "Oh, by the way, I want to see Charlie before 1 go back, and I think I may just drop iuto his office this afternoon." "Oh, do, Charlie will be delighted," returned Mrs. Smith. Tbe door had hardly closed on tbe guest before Mrs. Smith executed a sort of war dance. She dressed as fast as she could, put on her bonnet wilh the intention of going down to Mr. Smith's office. ITer grandWthor remonstrated in vaki. Mrs. Smith is only 18,andshe is jealous. "I thought I'd spend the afternoon with you," she announced to the aston ished Charlie aa i-he swept into the office. "But my dear" he began, when Mrs. Smith ensconced hetsclf at the aide of his desk and intimated that the most violent arguments would not move her. She sat there all the afternoon. The Min neapolis girl enjoyed herself shopping and forgot to call in to tell Charlie goodby Mrs. Smith broke down and confessed as soon as she got home, and her foolish young husband told her to go down next day and buy herself the prettiest hat she could find. Chicago Iuter Ocean. Proof of the pudding Ilea In the eating of it. I'roof of HI HiERTS' TASTELESS CHILL TONIC Ilea In tho taking of it COST NOTHING If It fail to cure. 25 edits per bottlo if it curve. Sold strictly on its merits l.y W. M. Cohen, Druggist, - Weldon, N. C. N. Brown, Halifax: Jackson Drug Co., Jaekson, N. C. SOME OF THEM. Little Horace I'apa, what are silent watches of the night? I'apa The ones people forget to wind when they go to bed, 1 guess. Dr. Cahy'h Condition Powders ate just what a horse needs when in had ooudition. Tunio, blood purifier and vermifuge. They aro not food but med icine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition, l'rioe 25o. per pack age. For sale b; W. M. Cohen Weldon J. N. Brown, ItalifHi, Dr. A. 8. Harrison, Knflold, DruKKlstl. LAUGHTER AND TEARS. Keep a place for laughter Joy will thrill the yean; But here, dear not hereafter Keep a place for tears. For laughter leavea ua lonely, ' And when the joy ia put, Tears, that are ohaatening only, Wah white the soul at last. Why wore 25,000 BOTTLES OF ROB ERTS' TASTELESS 4VSo. CHILL TONIC sold the first year of Its birth f Answer i Because ft Is the BEST AT ANY PRICE, guaranteed to mire, money refunded If It falls, pleasant to take, too per bottle. It to sold and guaranteed by W. M. Cohen, DrnggM, Weldon, N C. J. N. Brown, Halifax.; Jackaoa Drag Co., Jackson. Cafe Have obtained the highest reputa tion for purity, cleanliness and germination, causing our busi ness In the same to become one of the largest In the United States. Handling these Seeds In the large quantities that we do, also en ables us to sell same at the lowest possible prices. Duality considered. WOOD'S SEED BOOK Elves II 111 1 J ULll s r3 0 III Lr COAL. a 00 'J jf. LlUlllll VA. aug 17 3m. Selected and Private Stock of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant, of LADIES' AND GENTLEMAN'S I 1 Jacob drovers Reliable plitj. DAVENPORT MORRIS & CO., , Sole agents for the Distiller, lliohroond, Va. " MR. W. D. 8M ITH, al Weldon, V . 0 is tbe sole distributing agent at that point, for the a bora old and Celebrated Whiskey. DATMPOM ttttafifl a M.

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