I (1 JOHN W. SLEDGKE, I'l.oiMUKTou. VOL. XXXLV. 1 1 1 I J I F 1 MFR01 EfflA! No Torture Equal to the Itching and Burning ot This Fearful Disease. The National east. WH EN THE TURKEY COMES 1M ANEW SP APEB FOB THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, NOV KM 15 Kit 30. 1899. "Besiifi The Still Waters." A LITTLE TOUCH OF HEAVEN. TERMS: -$1.50 1'KB ANNUM IN ADVANCE TIIANKHUIV1N11 S flllKK KEATl'RK 18 A tbi:e amkiiican hikd. K.)t much Attention is often (mid to tlio first symptoms uf lv z.Mna, but it it not lone before the lit tl i-.-iIi:ei.s leg.is to itch unci burn. Thi in hut ll... ' ginning, Mm! will loci to suffering mi l torture nlmoat iinen diiruhle. It in ii eo.-.imon mistake to regard a Miighmv.s Hid n ii !i. sti of thn skin as mei"ly u Kh'uI irril.itii.n ; il. ii hut an i dica- tioii or a liiimur in 1:10 i.i..isi 1.1 u-rrii.. Eerema whlh in more Ihun skin-dor p, and ran not he read, -d hy looul appli catiom of ointments, hii 1 etc., applied to tho surface. The ilist-use its.-lf, the real catliie of the troiihli', is in the Llicil, although nil :' ring in produced throuKli the skin ; the only way to ranch the disease, tlitrffo-e. ia tlrough tl.A hlnnd. Mr Phil T. Jones, o( Mixersvlllfl, Ind . , writes: "I hud Ki-.iema thirty years, nnd after a great deal of treatment my leg wub no raw and torn thut it gave me constant pain. It finally liroke into a ruiuiiiiK sore, und began to spread and grow norse. Fur the pint fivo ir mi years 1 have suffered untold agony and had given Ui all hope of ever being free from the disease, as I have been treated by mine of the unit physiei.uis nnd have taken many blood medicines, all in vain. With little faith left I begun to take S. S. 8., nnd it apparently made the Eczema worse, but I knew that thin was the way the remedy got rid uf the poison. Continuing 8. M. 6., tho sore healed up entirely, the skin became nioar and smooth, and I wan cured perfectly " Eczema it an obstinate disease and can not be eured by h remedy which ii only a tonic. Swift's Specific S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD It superior to other blood remedies because it cures Uisenses which they onn not reach. It goes to the bottom to the cause of the di.ea.sp and will cure the worst oae of Kciema, no niBtter what other treatment has failed It is the only blood remedy guaranteed to be free from potash, mercury or any other mineral, and never fails to cure Kctema, Scrofina, Contagious Blood Poison, Cancer, Tetter, Kheumatism, Open Sores, Ulcers, Boils, etc. Insist upon 8. S. S. ; nothing can take its place. Books on these ii; sens, s will be mailed free to any address by t-wifl Hp chin Companir. Atlanta, fo'orvia. . H The Biggest Thing In Norfolk John Fail Jones. HIS NORTH CAROLINA LIFE A Tennessee Romance. AFTER TWENTY YEARS. fa fa Seek No Further Better C.iunut Iti Jordan's Found! LADIES' AND GENTLEMAN'S Cafe At Jordan's Cafe you get I lie best 25 :l MAIS KTItKKT, NOKFOLK. VA. cent meal on earth, and everything the market affords, served to order in the best style, Hood attention tn evcrtbody. Il is the cleanest, cheapest anil best Cafe on or off the earth. Old popular ptices. sJlC RECULAR M E ALS I Bieakfiist, Dinner, Slipper 2.", CenU Kach. It ynu go to tne nr,f I you go to ,nmu.ii' .1 urn, aim 11 you vn i ,Vi The chief feature of the nalioual feast is a national birb. The turkey nutwith staoding Dr. Samuel Johnson io his dic tionary defind him as "a large domestick fowl, supposed to be brought from Tur kev " is a true American. Not a hint of the existence of this prince of fowls hud the ci villi -d nations of the earth ever heard until the year 1854, when the ancient voyagers dropped anchor off Axa- can, now in North Carolina, then a pari of what wus called Virginia, and, making a landing oue beautiful 'lay in midsum mer, reported that itioy had seen deer, snow white crimes and a certaio large bird which epicures have since learned worship under the name of turkey. His merits were quickly discovered by the early "i-xplor. rs and adventurers from other countries, as the journals of Captain John Smith, William Byrd and their contemporaries attest, and it was nut long before he was to be found on the tablea of Kunpe. Brillat Savarin, of gastrouomic and literary fame, called biiu "the most beautiful p-esent made by the new world to the old." Formerly very abundant, the wild turkey is now 10 be found only in small flocks here nod therein the secluded glades of the Alio ghanv and Blue Hido mountains, in the Florida wilds and on the plains of the fur southwest. lomesticated, the tur key thrives ami multiplies the world over. "Handsome, golden, done to a tuin scenting the room enough to tempt a saiul," and served with that peculiarly savory New Kiigland production, cran berry sauce, no one will dispute the tur key's right to the sovereignly of the Thanksgiving feast. "Did any oue hear the dinner bell ring: Itosion ii'-raiu. KIIIHT TlHiniKII 11V TIIOHK UKNT1.CR INFl.l'BNCKsl WHILE AM INMATE OF THE 01,1) (1IIOVE IIM'HK AT HALIFAX HIS I1CRIAI. PLACE lllHlIOV EKKP HY A NEWHI-AI'KR MAN, WIIOHE EM TEKI'KIHB "EAT THE Hl.dVV MUVINll IIOVEIINMENT. A VOI NU MAN FINDS II IS FATlir.ua I1RAVE ANII A HID FOIUTNK. Ill the early dajs, before Fayette coun ty was as thickly populated as it is now, and when there were vast tracts of un settled lands, Mr. Thomas Hull, who came originally from Virgiuis, and livid several miles from the preseiit site of Sutuerville, kept a kind of hotel, ot which travelers passing that way usually stopped. Just below Mr. Hall's bouse thero was HOW WE LOVE TO I.INilEll TIIKRE ,li:sT A LITTLE WHILE. HOW THE OLD IftftN SUNG 'AMI Til EKE SHALL BE NO .Mollh I'AIN, AMI ALL TEARS SHALL II B WIPED A WAV." Charlotte Observer. Xewsnaner enternrise is boundless. - l r 1 There is nothing thai il does nut attempt from dariug war correspondence to at lemnls to reach the North l'ole, The l'hiladelnbia Times has hist rendered the a large creek. By ihe side of this creek Union a patriotic service by the discovery one morning, while on his way to Sower of the hurial nlaee of John Paul Jones, v.llc, Mr. Hall saw a riderless Horse, Huatud bv a tret1, with A bottle in bin Revolution. The Dnd was accomplished hand and his arm raised in the act ol onlv at ihe nains and eipense of sending carrying the contents to his mouth, was ..I. ... luriu wlin a man. Mr. Hall rode un to the man, I'anl Jones died, und was buried. The dismounted, and, to his surprise, found Times man was rewarded after patient What a blessed privilege it is lo linger ' beside the still waters" ill the roujh, wild journey of life. Il is the sweet rest ing place where we sil at the Muster's feet and look inlo his holy face, It is then thai we lorget the long journey over A parly of tourists were driving along the country road leading to Killarney, that line old town among ihe Irish lakes. As they ciinie within light of a cultugo standing back Hum tne rouo, won a . . ... e. ... .1.. .. the lonely ti nlain and through the dun lovely garden 01 now, rs 111 inn ., ....... vullev. What do we care about the shad ows through which we have passed, 01 tho daugcrs that met us on our way ': We are safe here. The din of the great world atouiid us collies so lalutlv to our ears that we do nut mind it. It almost seems like far away music while we linger sleep. reached llii'in the sound of singing. The vuice was lull of sweet ness, rich and strong, now linn men nsnm nu . . 1 1:1 i'j BUCll lolly BirulllS 11 seeiui u one an i.t:. " sotig, men Dropping 10 uie uivi.un uess ul 1 mother sooll.iug her soil liahv to :NO. 31. Wood's Seeds. Seed Potatoes For Fall Planting. We have just issued a special cir cular " A New Idea about Planting Potatoes," recommending the wis dom of experimenting with planting burly Potatoes in the Fall. We will mail circular free to any one in terested upon request. CANADA FIELD PEAS Sown in November and December make a lare-yielding and most nutritious forage crop early next year. Write for circular giving price and information. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, - VIRGINIA. search of old archives, and by tracing back the changes of a century in the great city. It is worthy of note, too, in tl connection, that the enterprising news ij.it. r beat the slow-moving government for the Washington authorities were sup posed to be making special efforts lo Dud the grave of the great sea-tighter. Bee- rviarv.ni'.Siate llav has congratulated liira to be dead. His saddle-bags w.re examined aud found to contain 8l!5,IIIM), but no name, direction or anything that puiuted in any way to the identity of the dead man. An inquest was held, the verdict of ihe jurors being t but 1 be deceased came lo his death from natural causes. The remains were then interred in Somcrville The money was then turned over to mediately put iu the valley of blessing. Here the wild tempest cunuot come. Here is the peace that is us deep as the ocean, us high the heavens. Here is the rest that makes us strong to go on again when the M as ter says, "(jo in peace. Beside the still wutcrs. and placid. Not a single routi wave il Wood's Descrlptlvs Catalogs lor 1500 will bs ready January 1st. It gives full informa tion about all Sr-eri adapted for plant Ing lathe South. Bend your tiaiue anil address und we will mad Catalogue as soon as Issued, The little company was cnlinneed What genius ill obscurity was her.! Some one surelv born to win fume and I fortune when brought forward and train- JkJ 9WS & UpmiOnS cu uy suitable teacners. " If I could ever hope to sing like lhati Oh ! how still exclaimed the young mau 'vho was driv- h wave ing, himself a student of music; and then the horse, he said: "Let us of Colonel MeClure's newspaper on its line me couo.y .rus.ecs, u u . , f c it out at lutcrest. ICUU Ul , . . . . . :. . tlin horun W) S.llll IJCL upon tliciu. -ol even one v.ime eao si.''""b "mi . i.. il,..lr l,.ei,l fuel who he is. perhaps I might be was ee. nitnt. uj.uu .uv. j... , , , depths. Ktemal calm silvers them over help," but here he paused as a young with its brightness. The while moon- gill came out of the garden gate toward light gloiilies them by night, aud the them. She hud a basket on her ami us un when the fair day lingers. No stoim if going to market. As she was passing, l.,l..w in . roin.ii.L' a s iL'ht courtesy a' Hie uiu so, Of National Importance win 0TTIT mm Al.ONE Contains Both. Ji.nlan'a Cafe, von go lo the BKST. A IVtOS P- JOROiN kwl11' I'1"''1' 2. a. HiUOpen all Night Ui.lningr.Oe. jy (I lv rfY Groceries J. L. JUDKINS, Wtiolraulf und lit tail I)f tiler In Kin' Staple and Fancy fcTFRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crock-ry, Glass Till, and womlen aud wil Inwware. Also Pratt's Horse, Cow, Hog and Poultry Kood, and (iruve'B M Tiwtcleas ('hill 'Tonic. Aleiundei's O- : I 'I'.... in t..r mirilvOlu liver ant. xv.'.urj iu.i.v .... ........ the hlowl. This touie is warranted or nioner refunded. 4. U. JUDKINS, No. U't Washington Ave., Weldon, N. C Are 1 )T HENDERSON TELEPHONE WHY III' MliYT (H T IN. Oli Jacob Grovcrs Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable quality. DAVENPORT MOKRIS 4 CO., S.ule agents for the Distiller, Uichuiond, Va. MR. W.D SMITH, at Weldon, N. C is I be sole distributing agent at that point, for I he above old and Celebrated Whiskey. DAVENPORT MORIU8 k CO. snar SI Sm. " A PPOMATTOX XX IRONWORKS, Mannfactnreniof Agricultural Implements. ShaftlngB, Mill Gearing, Pulleys, All mndsoi Machinery, aud Repairs Not. M 34 Old St., Petersburg, V. He stood befori! St. I'eier and meekly applied for admission to the Belter Laud. "Cannot admit you, sir." "Cannot admit ine! ' exclaimed the dis muM.I a-pirunt "lluvc I not lived B Christiuu lifu? Ves, iu the main." "Haven't I obeyed the laws oi the land?' "Oh, yes, What then has been my offense? nninni mi "i,u w,,nua l0t0t' Juur nuw,pi"-' I III III r All I ad iusleadul dropping a line lo the pub lisuer aim pay.u .i.wibi .1,.. n,,.i.imster send him a message t. ihe ffect that his paper waB refused. A OKNURAL HTKKINTENDKNT, a n,utu. ...ibt would Bud no cm IIK.NHKRa.iN, N. C. ' mint in heaven: so please move to t h. Ii j ' land wherethey don't shovel snow The Company begs to announce thai he f Mowing are now conneottd by ihe e un Distance "emir, and the rates herewith Dublishcd ill he effective on nd altei rchruar) Hi, lhllU KHOM WELDON tu RHAL YOUTH. When you see a in a n o 1 .1 enough tn lie agramllatller pick up a 1 heavy trunk and i a r c h off w ith it on his shoulder you ealie that a man mav be voting at 'almost anv age if his blood contains the elements that youth is made of. That is U tr4 nl vn.lth that rF Dr. ' l'ierce's Golden Mclical Discovery puts into a niun a veins It gives hun digestive power; it turns his food into gwxl nourishing blooil- it enables the liver 10 acep i blow! pure and tree from bilious poisons. It nils mm wun musi-umi vitality. It makes him in the truest sense young again, and keeps him so. am i.relly well now, for t man ot ""V weak that I could uot work The grave of l'aul Jones was disc cred under a huuse in the northeastern part of I'aris. Jones died there after the Revolution, having made his will iu the presence of Gouverueur Morris, then Hidied States Minister to France. The naval officer was accoided a public mili tary funeral, aud ihe great French orator M. Marron, made a eulogy at the grave side. Bui, as years rolled on, the eeme tery was swallowed up by the advancing city, and the grave lust until now. Its discovery is more lhau oidinarily a matter of interest ti North Carolinians, by reason ot I he I act that Paul Jones spent a portion of bis life in this Stale, as the intimate friend und guest of Willie and Allen Jones, of llulilax. His asso ciation wilh ihe.u and their families re sulted, il is said, in changing his wild, resilesa. roiiu; nature as a seatarer lo Almost twenly years passed by und l lie incident had been all but forgotten. when there tame to the hotel kept by Mr. II a young man uboiil twenty-seven vears of aL'e. Mr. Hall asked lum to register, remarking at the time, "register ing might help to trace yeu in case you should get lost," and then t"ld the young man of the stran jer who had perished beside the creek. Tbeyouug mau became very much in terested in the story. He had been look ing lor ycaislor traces of bis lost lithcr. He had only one child. His luothei told him that bis father curried fcjri.i'UU in gold. Wheu Mr. Hall staled that that was the exact amouut of ui .n. y lie stranger carried, the young man was cer- t .in that he bad at last found traces ol bis dead father. All the papers bearing ou the case, the description of the man loud ever mirrored its dark . . , ... ... L. their clear depths. he asked, " ill you please ten us wuu How we love to linger there for just a is singing so sweetly in the cottage. Ves, indeed, said ihe girl, turning Daiiy and Sunday, by mail, dtllc lime. How brave we are when we start towaul ihe west'-rn bills aain. How gladly and wi lingly we take up the bur den once more, and go into the great weary .uld. "B.-sHe the still walers." Just lit i It- touch ol heaven, but enuugh lo give us a lii sit if what awans u when the joiirn.y is ended We shall gain the greater "still waters" soon. Only a lew more mountains to climb, only a lew Daily, by mail, tG a year 88 a year. her bright face toward them. "It is only my I'ncle Tim, sir, he's alter having a bad turn with his leg, and so he's just ainging the pain away the while." l'.,r .ii insi.mi the eoinnanv was speech less' then the young man asked, yourio? Can be never get trouble? Tell these ladies please." "Oh. he is getting a bit old now, -THE- Sunday Sun Is he irter the about it. more rook wastes to pass through, tlun the answer. "No, the doctors say I.e . ver be the better ol It in tins wunu. Is the Greatest Ur Sunday News paper in the world. I'ricc 5c. a copy. By mail $2 a year. Address THE SUN, New Uork. we shall rest b el. nally. side the "still waters'' that of a setiled man of society, and, also, -! "' ! lh' "f ,llu j'" Ait. II, :S(I Macou, -' Br.Hjkstoo, iltl Mannon, ' 2;i Ceiilreiillc, 4H Middlebuig, ill1 Churchill, 2,. Oakvidc, ' '.'.V Dabn.y, :t5. (Moid, 40 Enfield, . K.dueway, N , 2o Krankhuloii, 411 Kiditeway, S., .ri (iillburg, 3.1 Koaliokc Rapids, Heudeison, 35 Vaughun, 'Jf Halifax, 1" Warreu I'laius, 'J! Kiltrt-ll, 111. Uar.eniou 'ft Laurel, 411 Wise, Liltleton, "II Youngsville, IS Louisburg, 4(1. F. C. Tokim.iman, rr rr . 7 induced him tu add to bis name, John l'aul, the patronjuilo uf his fricuds A lady, "A. J. Robertson, a great grand-daughter of Allen Jones, wrote from Saratoga, Buckingham county, Va , several years ago to the Baltimore Sun, relating the interesting bit uf history ibai connects l'aul Jones wilh Norih I aroll . We (luote from her letter: John l'aul, the son of a gardener, was born July ti, 1747, at Arbiogland, Scut nd. At the ae:e of VI years he wem . . . . I .1 L' I .1. to sea. tu 1 77.1 Ine Ueatn ol nis uroiu cr, in Virginia, whose heir ho was, in iluced him lo sultle io America. Il wa: then he added Iu his name, and thenci forth was kuowa as "l'aul Jones." Tbi- were Closely examined, uud (hough then was some delay, Ihe identity of the d.ad mau was established. Further iuvesti galiou proved also the young man's iden tity and the Inn b fulness of his slatemeuts, Enjoy the Dai. HARVEST HOME. THANKMIII VINll WATIMBOK MKItltY- MAK1NII IN IIIIBAT IIIIITAIN. net t,i,l " anil her voice dropped into tender pathos '-he's that heavenly good, it would come nigh to muking you cry sometimes lo see him, with the tears run ning down his cheeks with the pain, and then it is that he sings the loudest." Amen," said the young mau icvereot- I,. ..nil with a " 1 hank vou, dear, ircm tho ladies, they drove slowly on. " And there shall be no more pain, and tears shall be wiped away," said Aunt Myra, softly. SIMS. tjen. Supt, N lOW GOODS , 0 0 0 0 0 "' 21 viirda Klastic. 5c : 24 needles, 1c sheets writing paper, 2c ., 2(1 Drem Button- rc., Yarn wide percaic nc , run.. "." ..mils :t(c. Floor niatiiua in, i I'' i-ims-iin'ir. 121 Ui 47e . Kannera heavi shoes. sc, laulies' sim., "tie to $I.ini, Uugs -ifte to 1.7o, :i .Mild luce curuuns ,n. .will, t'urlii n miles and Hmures, IHc, cur la ill ti-rilll. 4e. raHeoes. -le, Jlcusooauiaii.. vests H.V. men's li.lllis. IKI '. I"'J" panw, ir.tu :!... Hov's snita 4.'. to U.K-, Muttri-s. tic.Winii 5Ui7c Men's winter underwear. gtic. l.lush nua-s, l lufl.AU. I am living amuc go -d b:irgain- tn winter TT. C. SPIERS- Weldon, N. C D R. D. S. HARMAN, 1,1 f..r msiiv VMM will. (lys.K-nsi.l, s.so '"-" cntarrtl. and Rot w ban sou w. "i mul'd hnrdlv rat nythina without vnmlt- 1: had a psin III Ihf ston.oeh nml nurnu K Ulisation eonons taw !. ', ' , !..., ....iv ihrar niedieii.es hiivc htlord' nit wondtrllllly. I com.nri.w I lokina I,, ihr Vrllft.' scnmtini to directions, and must say that ln.in nrr nniin.. V J n. ""I" . ii, Ihr Islicr part ot May ana in e.i 'ri II. ny " . , Hlomnch now .."it always .tid la-fore 1 l "':J"CT" .n: Iclnc I n. chntlully my il Ihcv nrr. ..ol ncs.mr ... .anus l.m.cii iwcii... - - -. n,i,1B will eradicate .u.i ture : - Will If yon are in poor health wnte to I)r. R V. Pierce, ol Hultalo, n. v. " ciist vou nothing whatever for his advice although he is at the very head of his profession in tne treatment u. u....ve chrome diseases. Thauksgiving day is more gen. ral'j o'.scived in (ireat Brilian than in any other country, since it is one of the few occussions when the nobility aud peasan aud when the trustees were lully salistied , j Hl.nse unjtl, n "umking merry, of the identity ol both, the money 'uM The day is better kuow there us harvest A uewly married editur gets off the called iu, aud the pnucipal, which hud home," being one u-.aiking that period following: wheu the harvest is io and the lenaniry and peasanlry are given holiday As a rule, the nobleman or owner of esiates makes the day on of continued en joyinent, when his grounds are given over to his subjects aud all manner of Mi 1 increased to $jll,U(ll), was made over to him in full Memphis Scimitar. ll:H, Mtl.T ItllUIlM AM) i:- .r.M t. The iiiicnse itching uud smarting inci dent to these diseases, is instantlv allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin "d outdoor spirts are cairicd out Ointment. Mauy very bad cases have In his castle or home there is generally m en oermancullv cured bv it. It is assembled a house party, and the guests was doni in compliment to one of tin eoually efficient for itching pihs and join with the host aud hostess tn making uiosl noted Btalesuien of that day, aud in favorite remedy for sore nipples, chap- tie j,,y OI10 ur happiness lor the leuan . , i . l i r..i,: lied hands, ill tiaius, rost Biles alia .... the love and graiilude it shadows lorih is I" .' , ti. try For sale ly M (V.lii-a, Weldon, J. N. Hrowi. , Halilas, lir. A 8 Harrisou, Kit)..l. Pruaaist. What's the difference between a honej- mb a honeymoon and a pretty girl? A honeycomb is a small cell, a honey moon n. n i.e. se ami a nrcuv urn " i damsel?" W, T. PARKER, Who has been in practice sine 119 Onlv exclusive tiDtiiiau House inthecity Large Htoi-a lmporifii aninciai eyes an colors. Consultation and examination free. Room M Merita Building. NORFOLK, VA. jy 1 J -DKAI.BR IN- JiH a arLLis, D LL III M W&LTBB a. D.SIIL DANIEL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WlLDON, N. C. Groceries iae.iriii the pnnmof H.llrai.ndNortbamr tou.ud In the Supreme and Federal ennrta. Ool Iselioii. m.at in ..ip.rw.n iswiiu "' Branch oBoe at Halltai, X. O.,open eerj Mo aar. Heavy ANDZZ Fancy Corn,Hay & Oats Ian ' It t - 5 Hi llrtils prr..u...i . lie , l.si.lcl or uive.illi.- n.lna I f dsalrlns . trip to Hi. I'arU ICiposlUoa, "a awd nd Whiskey Dofc'tt t-iiira at homo w un cut imiIh BiKilt if tUMilikm (tent F IDil B. H. W001U1 a(Uu, ba. Oiluw, M Norti i'rur Si. pur. All ttoods chenn for cash. 31rsi green coffee lor 26c. 1 have recently added to mi bnsineas a bakery. Beat Bread and Cakes furnished at short notice. W. T. PAKKER, Waldon, N. a aug 1 ly seutl.iug reproach, and a touching ex ample 'o a people who could neglect in life and forget iu death. It appears that, before permanently settling in Virginia, muved by the rest- l. ssii.N. of his old sealariug life, he wan dered about ihe country, dually straying lo Nor.h Carolina. There he became aciiiaiiiicd with two brothers, Willie and Allen Jones. They were bolh leaders in their day, and wise and honored iu their generation. Allen Jones was an oralor and silver-tongued; Willie Jones, the foremost man of bis Slate, and one ol the most remarkable of his time. A short sketch uf his public service will not be out uf place. Adueuied ubroad, a profound and ele gant scholar, he was a thinker and actor, rather thau a speaker. Like Frunkiin aud Jefferson, he, perhaps, owed his un compromising republicanism to the alius, s of royally he bad seen in iheO d Wuild He served as ti .vcrnor in 177ti, rclu.-ing compensation; was iu the Conlinenial Congressol litill. HI, aud, in fact, tilled every office in the gift ol the Stale. He i. especially lueiuoral.lu now for bis re fusal to act as dcl-gite to the cnuvcutiou which framed the Cousiilution, and lor having caused tin- rejection of lint Cm jlittition by North ( urolin i in 1748 His home, "The (.rove," near Halifax was not ouly ihe resort uf the cultivated the refined, but (he home ot the home less, Mrs. Jones having sometimes twenty orphan girls uod-ir her charge, aod i was here (he young td venturer, John l'aul, was first touched by (hose gentler and purer influences which changed not onlv his name, but himself Irotn the rough and reckless mariner into tne pot ished man ol s elety, who was die com panion of kings, and the lion and pet of Parisian salons. I lie almost worship ping love and reverence awakened in his hitherto wild sou untamed nature ny tn. generous kindness ul the brothers found expression lo his adoption ol their name l'aul Jones' dust will be brought to the United States new, doubt, and be reinterred in Arlington is a good thing in these days of popuf mania over house-aec-piing, modern sea lions not to forget entirely a plain old fighter lika John Paul Jonas. Her Owd rrescrittim. Dr. Young My dear, your throat de mands better protection from the draft' of ihe Opera House. Mrs. Young Yes, darliug. I ought to have a three rope pearl necklace for such occasions COKtlVCH Kim' YKAKS low's Soothing Syrup," aud take no oth er kind. Hut Nut Before. When the dog fanciers form a Hust will be an indication that capital is go ing to tho bow wows, The day's pleasure is concluded by wYii is known in ibis country as a "barn dance." The decorations in this ample place are significant of the harvest, and the ceiling and walls have adornment ol wheat iu the uiosl beautiful designs. The music is always of the very best, and the owner of (be estate and his guests do their best to make ihe occasion ol great merriment. Many a story is told by the Engli.-h novelists of how the pretty village maids io their rosy cheeks and smart frocks, made jealous their couutry lovers when blushingly they accept I lie attentions ot the youug gallants uf the nobility. O i the oilier band, the grand dames in their row j-ialous of the . ii j 1 IS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over filty years by millions ol mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures win.) colic, and is the best remedy fur Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little mums anu j.-wcis sufferer immediately. Sold hy druggists country lassess in their fresh beamy and every part ol the world, l.i cents " tnutit tli.ir kuisglu orrantsi for turning botlle. Be sure and ask lor "Mrs. ins- . . . .., h,,ail. uf ..,,., peasantry. Previous lo tne nances mere arcfr..'ionily theatricals, and wealthy estate owners have been known lo en- the best of Lmdon companies lo ontertaiu their people at the liiue of "har vest home." Atlanta Constiiil'ion Dk ('AUt it Ci.M'llt'.N 1'tiWl.Kili Prool of the pudding lltw In tho ealttig ale just what a horse needs when in bad of It. Proof of UOnEUTS' TA9TKLKMS 'HILL TONIC ll.u In the taking, of it. OST NOTHING If It falls Ui cure. 35 cents -r bottle if It cures. Hold otri. lly on its melius hy W. M. Cohen, Druggist, - Weldnn, N. C. N. Brown, Halifax; Jackson Drug Co., Jackson, N. C. Reflection On The Brail. Rivers (lighting a cigat) My doelor says I must reduce my consumption of these things to one a day. Brooks Thank hcavenl S ' The Coming of Bahyl hono. iov or nain. It's .for the I mother to decide. With (rood health I and a Btronir womanly organism, motherhood but adda to a woman's! attractiveness. McELRECS Wine of Carduil CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought 1 fclgaftturof coudilion. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. I hey are not lood but mi u icinc and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 25c. per pack age. Kur sale by W. M. 1-otif.a Weldon J. N. Brown, Halifax, l)r. A S. Harrison. Knneld. DrunisU Miut Try I oothll- lliiynor Hello, old mau! You're looking fine. Sbvne I m feeling tine. (lot no kick coming about anything Still I twenty pounds heavier than I like to be Raynor Then oughtn't you to kick that twenly pounds off? Those Kaosas cyclooes will raise about everything except the usual Kansas mortgage. W.L.Stainback, tnkeaaway all terrors by strengthening ih vit.il orimns. It fits a mother for baby's coming. Hy revitalizing tne nerve centres it lias brought chubby, rnm-ino vfflimrsters to thousands of wi-ak women who it-area mey were barren. It purifies, heuls, regulates and strengthens, and is good for all women at all times, rso aruggwi would be without it. ft oo Koradvice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Iiepartment," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooea, Tenn. H Hit: U A n A LE.ol ;j.-rri nm, Ca., .r.:-"WI'en I first too. Wine ol C.rdul w Itad neen ir.nmn. yw.. not hive any children. NU. anolk. IsU. d . hne el.l r.nir. id COAL. DKAI.KHIM Heavy & Fancy GROCERIES, Fruits. ConlVecUoueries. Country Produce VA. aug 17 3m. VkL BO YEARS' J Bur. tli. 'fUfnstara f I hi Kind Hoti Han always Bottl nought and Sold. CHOICE BEEF ALWAYS ON HAND. Give me a call. W. L. 8TAINBACK. Iau 5 1y Weldon, N. C TfUM Manns DfSHMB i COWVRMMT AS. Anenn. Hdtnff a .kei-h Mia See.e1p.kw mT Vtlcklf awert.'n oar opinion rre. "eihr e h.Tnflon M proh.hly paumuote. Cowg'""; Mon.ttrtleintWentlri. llurttoofc o. t'nenla u-. ' - 1 .1,1 I tnr ..l.lf.oe ...Wttl Fmtmu taken tnmu.h Man.. Oa. mat cn.ree, i tee peeMlnettes, without Sckntlfic mtm P.r; rourmonUatU. gold by U MWldMlM. I 1 id

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