I tempfc fjOf M Iril l& TEPUVCS:-1-50 I,':R ANNUM IN ADVANCE JO-ECN" W. SLEDGE, I'Hol'KlKToK VOL. XXX IV. .A. 1ST E "W S P A P E R POE THE PEOPLE. WELDON. N. C THURSDAY, DKCKMBKIl 7, 1899. NO. 32. I I rj RUNNING SORE ON HIS ANKLE After Six Years of Intense Suffering, Promptly Cured 9 Obstinate son's iiml iiIctx which refuse t he il iiinler iiHiiii'ry triMt lllellt s i' HI lav Hue .iirmiii' ami ileeji. wiit'il, Uli-I lie" :i s ire :n til.'it the Du P 0 0 entire circulatinii is in a ileprnv 'd i' uni i i ion. They Dj Oi ui Oi ,irr) u H.vere ilr; in un;, t'ie svstein, ami am eiin stnntly Nipping; away tin1 vitality. In every ri e tho puisim must bo eliminated trmii tlie hhxiil, anil no iiiiwiiiit nf external treatment can liiive any dlleet. Tliero is no iiiiivitaintv about the merits of S. S. S. ; every claim mnilu for it is baekeil up stnm;,'ly by eonvinein: testimony of those who have been mired by it and know of its virtues by oxpe:ea.-e ilr. L. J. Clark, of nuij;i Court 'io',i-i;'.Va., writes: " For six ypiird T loot un nbstinute. r.inriini; ulcer oo my ankle, which nt times euuse.t nie iiilcnse mill o ing. I w tti no disabled for a 1om4 while ih;it 1 was wh illy until for husinesH. One of tie' lies! ihs-turs treated me const. tolly but did me no g md. I theu tried various blood rem. li -s. without tli least lienelit. S. 8. 8. was no highly r.iviv mended t lint I concluded to try it, mid t!i- elf" 1 w is wonderful It seemed to got right nt the h at of the disease and force the iwiison out, and I w;ts swju com pletely cured. Swift s (spec-ilio S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD drives out every trace of impurity in the blood, and ia this way cures permanentlv the most obstinate, deep-scaled sore or ulcer. It is the only blood remedy fjuaraliteed purely vegetable, and con tains not a particle of otash. mercury or other mineriil. S. S S cures Contagious llloud l'oison, Scrofula. Cancer, Catarrh. Kczema, Khoumatism, Sores. I'lcers. Boils, or any other.blood trouble. Insist upon S. S. S ; nothim; can take its place. Valuable books mailed freo by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Oa. I A Goofl Scheme. ANOTHER MEAN MAN. IS A UU'lIKI.nlt AMI UKTS SKWlNll MA CHINE AUKNTS Til III! HIS MRNDINll. . The Biggest. Thing In Norfolk Seek No Further! Better Cannot B Jordan's IIUDll! LADIES' AND GENTLEMAN'S Cafe At Jordau's Cafe you pet the bent 25 .H MAIN STKKKT, I NOIll'Oi.K. VA. i,.nf men nn pnrth uml evervlmnir the market uh.inN. served III liriler In (III' bet style. I! noil ntlenlinn to everybody. It is the cleaned, cheapest and -fa-bent ('ale nn or nlf the earth. Old populur ptiees. RECULAR MEALS I lireukfast, Dinner, Supper 25 CenlH Knell. jJ. II vmi pi to the BKST you u" to JOUPAN'S CAFK. Ai d it' you en to ,A. Jordnn'5 ('ale, you L.o to llie UKST. &MQS P JORDAN keepii ihi pW Ballpen all Ni(tht I.oiluinji Sup .iy ly -A ?A ?A "He's the meanest man I ever had aoytluiiK todo with," naid the sewing m idline aent, "1 received a note from him the oilier day Mijinn that ho de-ircd lovii w uneol'our ni,ilchlei. maeliiiies with the view of iurchnninn if fiiiitid to he at-i-l'aetory. In the'e iiiiiij; days nf com petition it i a novelty for a wwinc uia ehine iiocnt to be invited to call and show gnmls no when I had recovered from my surprise, I promptly loaded a machine in my cart and started lor the address the man had giveu. "An old man met me at the door and hiviti d iue In bring the machine inside so he could mure closely examiue it. I did so, selling the machine up ia the sitting room and calling his attentions to its tine points. Ho was an attentive list ener, and I talked wilh the confidence of a man who considered a sale certain Finally, having exhausted all my argu ments, he asked to see a practical test of the capabilities of the machine. Iag- reed, and asked him to bring me some thing ou which to work. He left the room returning a lew uiioulcs later, his arms flllid with damaged linen, "I sat down at the rnachioe and show ed lii iii how easily rents and lean con j he mended, making the garmcnis as good as new and saving in a short time the price of the machine. The man seem cd very much interested ami kept hand ing me gaiment after garment that need ed atteution, I worked for two solid hours mending the old man's garments and at last, having nothing else thai needed attention, he commenced to find fault wilh the machine. Finally he told me he guessed lie wouldu t buy a ma chine rmhl away. "I was so in id that I didn't dare trust mvseif lo speak, and 1 wasnlad afterward that I didn't for when 1 learned the whole-truth I reali. d my total ioabilii) to do the suljeet j'istice. Tin' miserable old sinner, who happened to be a bach- . lor, had brought me up there simply to do bis niendiiis!- He has worked th sime o.aiiie on other agents:" N. Good Filters. THE SOUTH IN THE WAR. Sl'I.ENIIII) UKOOHI) "I SOI TIIKKMUIS IN TIIK SPANISH WAIt ANIl IN 'III K I'll I I.I I'I'I N KS. The long list of cflicors killed and woundi'il dining llie sirucg'e of the lust IS months includes a large share of southern names. Ai large a share of the names known In the souih-laiid may be found in the list of the i fliccrs of the army atiJ navy who dining the same time have distinguished iIh iusi Ivcs lor heroism. Saffold, killed recently at Pictorial Expressions. IN EVERY DAY USE. FAMILIAR AS lllll.'SKIKll.Il WlillliS AMI II A VI Nil Til KIK OIlllllN IN I'ASSAIIKS To UK Illl NIl IN TIIK IIIIII.K. Best Prescription for Malaria, Cliills and Fever, Grove's Tasteless (hill Tonic It is simply Irnn and Quinine in a tasteless form Sold by every druggist in the malarial sections of the United States No cure, no pay. . . . l'rke, 50c. WHOLESALER. f r. Louis, Uo. . Feb, 6. 189B Wlltl HEMCum Co., City. Gentlemen! Wo wish to conRralulata yon on Hit) inert an t i:.l -i 'o n."o havintf on you. Gsov:i Tn,;'le-i:i 'Ei.:! M'onie. Oim s-xi i line our rt cor I of inventory uu.i r u-tj i J in Int. no lind that wo w-l.l ihinn : th .i.l uasoaof 1J. a duson Crovr Tonlr. J. ttlm Oi.d th-t eur s ilea .11 your linllv i I ro3:o-lin.:i.uo 'JitLlaU b.wo been non thin ' en.Tr: ni.it h iviiij! rol.l clurinj lao lati CoM ijd Orli ik 4.r cn. Ploaso rtuli Jo-711 n lor encloeod herewith, ndobUfio, ours truly. MEYER BROS. DRUG CO. f CHILDREN Jf" ;X g ANDADULTs(i'f-r5',i .1 Ir.SfSlv r-i J .... it v t . rmwrx. itecoiiiE.iei RETAILER. Pabis Medici mh Co. . Oentlrrnoii: I handle srvcaor eibiht (UH.t ;it kimli of (Vain Tunica but 1 noil to a bottloa ut :rovi fi U- wIutu I n II oti t'ii ctherj. I roM boitioa tf Clro-f'u C'liill Tonic ii. i odd Uav anJccii;! h wo j.il 1 nor m 1 hau Lai First Tasteless Tonic ever manufactured.. All other so-called "Taste less" Tonics are imita tions.. Ask any druggist about this who is not PUSHING an imitation. CONSUMER. TTntTBSBORO, Tex. , Sep. 13, 18M. Pabi MsmriNH Co., St. Lcuis, Mo. 0ntl.Ttirnr I write von A frW )u?3 of rrr.t' i'mlo. I thiuk yo!irUrov''flTo;t'liM'filll "?onji onoi t tho bcstnv dicinc sin thoworl'l f f chill inn 1 Pt;iT. I liavo thrt-e chilthr- a t'iatli-.vohoi n il v.a with m. lari il f?v r f r IT in mt!i i r.iiil h;w" bunirht C'luil ineilicinua of rU 4 ;iiiil Doctor's bills coinitiir in tho nn I inri I .:, iit. tn town ai.il cot thruo buttles oi vuwi 'ionic iniu uiu I It u.ihrTiiitnli'iii fMtill TnTiic tl it on hand. Mr. I v Voo.U cuwU five cajes j jjt j timjgri y to. much in it a behalf. mi cuuw wwu wuu iK.ni.:. YuurB truly, JOUN T. VINYAKD. 1 JAM Ed D. KODKHT3. All 1 fl IlllUU UlUV Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable Quality. DAVKNl'OUT MOK1US & CO., Sole wait for thu Disiillur, KichmoDil, Va. MR. W. D. SMITH, t WelJm, N. C ia the sole uistrilmiinn agent at that point, for the abuve old ind Celibrati'd Whiskey. DAVENPOKT MORHW CO. n.r HI fitn. HENDERSON TELEPHONE COMPANY. OKKICK Of G K S K H .V L S I ' 1 ' K 111 S T K N 1 1 K X T, IIKMitHSUN, N. C. l'Vl.ruarj 1 .", lS'.l'J. The Omiiiiii lnr to uini 'iiiiei' ihi the fillowiiii: aro now funtiwtiil hy tin' huui! )isiu.i .Si.iwoi, atiJ thi- r hi'tewilli (niblishid will lie efleetive on and al'iei Kehiunry 15, WMl KHO.M WKl.DDN TO J. L. JUDKINS, Wholwale and Ketnil Denier In Fine ' head of his men in a cliurne at Xoveleta in the l'liilippini's, claimed tl.e fame Alaliiitna home as does llulisnii of Merri tnao Came. Worth Biijli'y, the only naval uffieer killed during the Spanish war, came from North Carolina. A ni'itro wan killed by a frajjinent of the shell which struck Barley down. The dying ensign asked lliat the negro re ceive the first care. Victor Blue, south erner and Annapoln graduate, dared the fate that overtook Nullum Hale duting the revolution by traveling with a single euiiip.inion the island of l'orto Uico, pub seiiiently reporting to the American au-ih.-rilus the disposition of the island's defensive forces. AuJreW S. Ilowan, Virginian and Wist Pointer, dared death in a similar way by piercing to the heart nf Cuba before any other American had ct foot ou its soil. Twenty years ago there entered West Point with the writer of this article two ulhirn boys illiaui h. Miipp anil William II. Smith. They met each her for the first time as they left the ferryboat to toil up the steep hill leading the hotel. Their orders ol appoint ments as eailels gave tneni until llie next iy to report for examination, The two , .i.i young southerners oceupieu me same room at the hotel; they pa-sed theii ex aminations together; they tented lo- ther during the troublesome mouths ot pleb camp; ihey roomed togetlmr during the four years of ih.-ir cadet course and liuall) j lined tlie same regiment us sec ond lieutenants, the Tenth I'nited States cavaliy. We used to speak of Shipp n.l Smith as Damon and Pythias and ,re than oi ee it was jocosely remarked hat in ni di r to cany llie comradeship lo dramatic end lin y ought lo die together. Su, nil mi l Shipp were shot and killed wnhiu live minutes while they weic lead ing iheir dismounted black troopers up the slopes of San Juan hill. In llie same n est l oiut class was John W . Ileald ol Ml-slsslppi. Heard is now a oaptain in the Third I'nited Slates cavalry. Ou the way to take an iu the battles before S.iniiauo the trans port iu which Heard and his immediate command were assigned ran close to a mint of land where a large body ol Jpau- irds were iu ambush. I he decks i t ilu transport were swept oy .uaus. r tiuueis or hail an hour. It was necessary to iransiuit orders frmu forward lo all This could only be done ly llie appoint. mi nt of a man to do duty, r.very step ul the messenger's way was one ol immi nent dantier, though ibis tact at first was not realized. Two men were ordered ti the dangerous duly, and they were both shot in quick succession. Captain lleatd said " 1 II ask uo more ol my int o to cXinso themselves. (live me youi orders." For twenty miuuies he carried ssages from cue end of the vessel to llie other, ihough Mauser bulltts cut his blouse, spattered the deck and splintered ihe raiiious ah nit him. Kvery siride ol his way was m irked by the leaden volleys, yet he came through unscathed, lie n'w wears the medal of honor giveu "For Valor " In the blued of its sons in ( uha and ihe Philippines the uuiou of north and south has hi en cemented. In the wipii g out of sectional hues the nation hud; lull compensation for the cost of the war Chieago Times-Herald. There are many pictorial ixpressims iu oonstant and every day use, and famil iar n household words having their ori giu in passages to be found in the match less Knglisli of ihe grand old ''King James' Version of the Bible " One who did not know might hesitate to believe that they are supported hy such high au thority, and our modern over xcrisitivu taste might be temptid even to designate them as sIiiiil', bul tliey are really word pictures. Nearly one-half of those here quoted, wilh reference to chapter and verse, il will be noted, are taken from the Psalms, but David, the sweet singer, was what we would call a familiar poet. I have sluek unto thy testimonies, (I Lord, put tue not lo shame. (Ps , exin Tht ir heart is us fat us grease; delight in thy law. ,::i.i but (IV, the ex'x skin 1 7!' of in Staple All't Fancy Groceries BRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. i Crock -rv, GImhn Tin, ami wooden And wil I luwwitrt. AIho I'r.itt'i llorw, Cow Hou ami Poultry Food, mid Drove' jH T.wU'lt-H ('hill Tonic. Alcxmnh-i r I : I L ..I...... I'......, iimiiIi in.. Ijiwi nun ni'im j ihhii ! till' llUld I lllK tOlilC IH Mitll.Ultl tl O HUIIU'V Icl'liii'li-J. J. L. JUOKINS, Axtell, :ill Macon. '!." Brookslon, M. Malison, -." Centreville, 411. Middleburg, 'Ml Churchill, 25. Oakville, To Dabney, 35. Oilord. 40 Kufield, . ltidgeway, X., 23 Fraukliutoo, 40. Bidgeway, S., 2." Oillburg, 35. Boanoke Kapids, Henderson, 35 Vanghao, 25 Halifax, 10. Warren Plains, 25 Kittrell, 40. Warienlon 25 Laurel, 40. Wise, 25 Littleton, 20. Yoiingsville, 45 Louisburg, 40. F C. ToKPLEMAN, No. 2' Wiishington Ave. Ar 1 1 ' Wchlon, N. ( W. T. PARKER -I1KAI.EK IN- all Breakinp: Home Ties. A TRYING TIME INDEED. I.KAVIMI TIIK OK lil.ll tWMII.I.Ul I'll I l.lilllillll. Keller I am escaped wilh teeth. (Job xix , 20 ) I may tell all my hones; they look and stare upon me. (Pi., xxii , 17.) pr, ading himself like a green bay tree. (IV, xxxvii , 35 ) I- his mercy clean gone forever? (Ps., ixxii , 8 ) His enemies shall lick the dust. (Ps, Ixxii, 0) They reel to and fro, and straggrr like a drunken in in, and are at their wit's end. ( IV, cvii., 27.) He that is surety for a stranger sh smart for it. (Prov , xi , 15 ) Tyre, the crowning cily, whose mer chants are princes. ( Is., xxxiii., 8.) The Lord of hosts shall make unto all people a tea-t of fat tilings, a f ast of wints on the Ins. (Is , xjv , ti ) Tlie nations are a a drop of the buck et, and are coiinlid as the small dust ol the balance. (Is., xi.. 15) As if a wheel had been ill tlie midst ol a wheel. (A wheel within a wheel.') )Kzkiel, X., 10 ) Il was not the p.ilriot, Patrick llenn who exelai u. d: Peace, peace, when ther is no p, uce. .l.i vi.,H.) These are hut a few instances, and very many more m iy be discovered by dilliccnt se, kers; so search the Scriptures and 'when found make a note of." In llie book of Common Prayer i l the Church of England we find: To keep my hands from picking and stealing. I here is one launliar quotation almost iuvaiiably altiihulcd to Sciiplure author ity. ' (iod tempers the wiud to the shorn lamb." It is by the Bev, Laurence Sterne and occurs in his "Sentimental Journey.' Boston Transcript. Iks 'Iky Were Marric j- 8! 6M An exchange prints the lollowing mar riage ceremony, which was said by Tennessee squire a short time ago : " 'Wilt thou take her for thy pard for better or for worse; to have, to hold to fondly guard till hauled elf iu a hearse. Wilt thou let her have her wuy, consult her many wishes; make the tire evirv day ai.d help her wash the dishes Wilt thou comfort and support her faihtr and mother, Aunt Jemima and Cucf John, three sisters and a brother?" "And his face grew pale und blank; it was too late to jilt; as through the floor he sank and said; 'I wilt.' " APPOMATTOX IRON WORKS, Manufacturers of Agricultural Implements. Shaftings, Mill Gearing, Pulleys, All kinds of Machinery, and Repairs. No. S3 34 Old St., Petersburg, Va. Groceries Lieu. Supt. "PERFECT" SCALES ' LAST FOREVER. COMBINATION BEAM. COPPER PLATED STEEL LEVERS. For facts write to Jones of BiDgbamton, INaHAMTON, N T- Heavy AND Fancy Corn,Hay & Oats All Kod el imp fur ciudi. 3-Hw green HlVie tor 4?.re. I have recently otldcii to my niifmiww a htikeiy. Heat Bread ami Cukea luriiinhiMl t short notice. W. T. PARKER, Wtldoo, N. C. tag 1 ly 'flo: You Are hreel If vmi wrrr in ntinon and Komi sjuiit sutlil' Dly ('in-ned tllf lit'llt Mild rut id "tit. You ari'frei'!" Vu wouldn't "-liip to wliflher the Ivy that opened the dKr wan the regulation pattern or not If it opened the door, lh.it n ftioiiRh. Thou nantU of women who are nit k and sunVritm tuiilhl speedily he made fttrttiiR and well aitdiit if it wa not for an iinreaMnnablc pre jmlice aiTHintt any hut o called "regula tion " methods. Three venr airo I wa almoHt gnur with womb tniuW " rhvh Mr Jfiiuie J, JnckHon. of hViKiiwwtii'!! Whmf Itle ( W ili'it Oy. Va.. in a Irtlt-r to !r H V I'irrce of Hufirtlo. N V. " I trirtt many hrt-reut intnlunieii ami (jtrt no bet ter until t triil lr rarer iimluine. The nrt lurttle RRve rtif t-aw . I have taktMi mi txrt tle und 1 feel nn well nn ever in niv lite. iv .Inritir dit not have ativ laith in ' patent mMiciue but he mv lomfthtM h tlone yu ' I kuowti I had not mkrn I"" fwrcr's iniMticine I cmiM ntt hav-r lived tong nn 1 wm nothmn but ii skeleton 1 wa o linn in flrji that it hurt me to lie down. Now I am well. iH.l can work hard all dnv ami do a iniuh walking a I ever did. and sleep welt all nncht. I can never be thankful eniniRh for the good Dr. Pierce' medicinei did me." Dr. Pierce is a regular graduated and educated physician He ha had a more J .radical life lonjr experience wilh all imm of women's disease than any other doctor in this country. His "Favorite Prescription " for female complaints is the most marvelously effective remedy for this purpose in the world. Suffering women need not hesitate to write to him. All letters are held sacredly confidential and free advice will be acnt by i in niiin jald enveluue. Constipation ia a little illness that if oefrlected builds a bij one. Dr. Pierce1 pleasant PelleU cure constipation, 'er WHy 1 Dj.j It. He wan a spreiilatur, and fur past notlillij; had tieeu coining ii but expenses. One duy liia daughter in firmed In in in an unleilini; manner that if lie did not give her a diamond bracelet werih $1.")0 she would elope with the ooachman. "t'oiiie to tny arum, my darling child, " he exclaimed, as the tears coursed down his wrinkled cheukc; "conic to my arms!" "But shall I get the braoelet ?" she a.ked, hesitatingly. "Of course not," he smiled delightedly. "You get ihe eoachuiau. I owe him eight nionthi' wanes." 1 h it ended it. Imfarting Useful Knowledge. " rture are several w iys to prevent the tceih lioiu decaying," wrote the an swers ti-c-urrepoodents Ulan in repn-e to query fmin "Minium," "but the uuly absolutely oertaio way is to hive the in pullc'l or die early." "The train leaves at il.H ry t.n aklast, Jleg. Siitneliuw I can't ilu a thing this iimniing. I go In llie pantry, ami when I get llien-furgel what it is I want. V here is inulher ? ' ''I'p-lairs packing the sitehel." "I'uke ihe lire a little, will ymi. faihei? want to mix up suine j hny cake tur Pick. Il in ihe last he'll have fur guwl- s kuews hew long '' And Meg hru-hed aay a tear wilh the eurner of her apron. "Where is he, father '! " "Out in llie hum " Yes, llick was out in the barn with his aim around the neck of his little .'ray colt, Nan. "1 wish I wasn't going," he muttered, looking llinugh ihe barn window at his love-cole. "I didn't think it was so hard. Hut I can't stay out here, for my lime is almost ne. (iood-bv, Nan;" il for a moment his head rested against the hilkly inane, '(iiiod-hye, Nan, I'll come back some day." And with a last look around the old familiar burn, he went out. Jut outside, in spite of the imitist of the bristling mother hen, he slopped and looked at the brood uf downy chicks. Then the prelly Jersey call', 1 lick's favorite, claimed his attention The big eyes had a mourn ful look, Dick ih mi ghl, us he stroked the soft neck. ' I'retty boss," he murmured. H it he must huny on, f ir Hick loved evuy living thing on the farm, and his lime was short in which to say good-bye Nothing seemed lorgotten, und he bai. just eoinpleleil the rounds wheu Met culled him to breakfast, "How much time have I, father," ski d Pick as he entered " An hour and a-half Sit down. Call mother, Meg." Just then Mrs. Warren entered with a atehel. There was a look ot suffering on her face, as she crossed the room and tood behind Pick's chair. She did not cry. but only leaned her head down, ainst his, and her ariui went arouud neck. "Mother," whi-pen d Pick in a choked voice, while Meg genlly pushed a chair use beside Pick's. For a moment tin one spoke. lint these last moments toodear In the in other's heart for her to give way to her grief now, so she k Meg's chair ith a smile. Altera!!, I reakfast is ijuite a cheery al, and Meg brought lilu-hes oflen to Pick's cheeks us she g:lvc him hints about designing girls. Then the neiglih irs dropped in. Old Aunt Martha was the last to come, und Pick was loth to let her go again; for be It thai in the h ippy day of bis return Aunt Martha would not be wilh them her ship was almost in the haven us he watched her picking her way across the fields toward her home. At last they were all gone, and nothing was Iclt tun lo say gooil-tiye. 1 he trunk had already been carried lo the wagon Mg sits by ihe window with her hand on Guess's head. Poor (luess, what will he do without his master? All the morning he had been Pick's shadow, and his eyes fastened on Pick's face wilh look which plainly said, "Take me wilh you." "Well, time to go, Pick," said Mr. Warren, as he picked up the satchel. Mrs. Warren looked ijuickly at the clock. "Why, no, father, not for ten minutes yet." "I leave at ll.l'll, you know, mitlicr," Pick explained. "And you must go now ?" She was at his side in au inslant, and putiiugher hands on his shoulders gazed up into his face as though she would never look away. Just as she looked win n she bent over James' little coffin and kissed him lor the last time a look which sought to ti x his face in her mind forever, and at the same time pierce the future and see what it held for her boy Pick longed to comfort her His heart was almost breaking, yet ho could only stand lln re awkwardly holding his hat. He was not looking at his mother, but off into the distance, and was struggling hard lo keep back the tears. In his boyish heart ho believed that lo show any emotion was unmanly; yet how he longed to tell lhat dear, hard-working litile mother how much he loved her, and how hunt it was to Icive her. Hut Mr. Warren was calling from the wagon, and after the last goodhve, Pick was gone. In this lutuiliuuse that night a silent figuie stole iuto tho south room under the oaves, and knelt by the bed. The moonlight, itretming in through the open window, lighted up the dear disor dered room and bed. Evidently nolh ing had been touched there that day Far away the same moon was look ing down upon a young hoy standing no the forward platform of a train speeding eaitward. The world wai before bin, aud lie was looking manfully through his teats iuto the future. Breaking home tics? No, thank God! they arc not broken. It may be some hance word or look will bring buck lo the poor wanderer the dear old farm, the latin r leaning over the Hihle, or the niiiiher's lovit.g face, ami, with the rush of memory will come, too, the old-time thoughts and desires. TKTTKK. siAl.T KHKIIM MI KC Z.HM A. The inlcuse itching und smarting inci dent tu these di-c.i"os, is instantly allayed by applying Chainbeiluin's Kye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad eases have been permanenlly cured by il. It is eipialiy efficient for i'ching piles and a favorite relie dy for sore nipples, chap ped hands, chilblains, frost biles and chronic sore eyes li.'ic. per box. For sale liy W. M Cohen. Wehlou, J. N. Drown, Htillliix. Ilr. A H Hiirnw.ii. Keti.-I'l. IlruirirlstJ V ants 1 he Whnk- draft. The Young It'ife And how much money a month will you allow me, dear? The Husband Well, I guess about Sinn. "Oh, pshaw, Fred; you earn more than that, don't you?" 'ou ov l:k fifty yeah Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over filly years by millions ot mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success. Il soothes the child, softens tlie gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ot the world, za cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. The Fuller 1 he Ketter. Wood's Seeds. Seed Potatoes For Fall Planting. We have just issued a special cir cular " A New Idea about Planting Potatoes," recommending the wis dom of experimenting with planting Early Potatoes in the Fall. We will mail circular free to any one in terested upon request. CANADA FIELD PEAS Sown in November and December make a large-yielding and most nutritious forage crop early next year. Write for circular giving price and information. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, - VIRGINIA. Wood', DtKrlptlve Catalogin tor I9O0 will ba ready January 1st. It giv-l full inform tl'.fi nlHitit all Kfeds adapted for plant Ing in the South. Send your n.mu and Hddress and we will mall UauIoKUc as soon as issued. News & Opinions Of Nolionul Importance ALONE Contains Both. Daily, by mail, Daily and Sunday, by mail, SG a year 98 a year. TIIK- Wiggs As an after-dinner Tauklolz is certainty the star. Waggs He's the moon no less; fuller be gets the more brilliant be is. speaker the I'rni'f ot the piiitillng lies in the ealtng of It. I'ronf ..( liiHSKUTS' TASTKI.ESS CIIIU. TONIC lies hi tho taking of it. CO-s'l' NoTlIIMi If it falls U) cure. 25 cent -i la.ttle If It euros. Mold strictly on IU merits, hy W. M Coh Druggist, Weldon, N. C. .T. N. Hrown. H.tlit.u; Jacksou Drug Co., Jacksou, rv L. Iiear Hunting Sunday Sun Is the Greatest Haf Sunday News paper in the world. Price 5c. a copy. By mail $2 a year. Address THE SUN, Nw loak. Ill 1'iiend Have any deer hunting? (sportsman I killed a cow. Friend That wasn't deer. Sportsman It wasn't eh? The shot I cest me fin. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought 5S Bears the Signature of Save! llie 1'ent Did ye save llie eountbry, Pat?" "How's that?" ' Ity your vote? ' "No begorty. But I saved the rent." . Pit. (.'.miv's Condition Powders arc just what a horse needs when in had condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but med icine and the best in use to put a horse in prune eou'lilion. rnce i.ic. per pacs- age. For sale by '. M. Colicli Weldun J. N. Brown, lliiiifm.br A. S. Harmon, Kiirtekl, UruKKWU. liuoJ lilmvcr. 1 J S IjIjI S Nell 'I like that Bijoncs girl. She's so breezy." Belle 1 es, she docs blow a great deal about herself." Bean the Signature of 'Ihe Horseless Age. Tommy Say, paw? Mr. Figg-Wcll? "What is the borsuliss age?" "Kight. No horse ever gets past seven." a me mhu rial nam siwae, duii;iii it COAL. Mabel 1 heir the world iseoiuinir to I au end. neectnlier Maude Oh, for goodness takes, and I I haven't anylbing tit to wear! K W.L. Stainback Heavy & Fancy' GROCERIES, i KruiU, ConfeeoUoneries. Country Produce Douglit aud Sold. CHOICE BEEF ALWAYS ON HMD. Give roe a call, W. L. STAINBACK. jan-5 ly , t.- Weldon, N. C. 4 VA. tug 17 3m. . Vk4rf BO YEARS' .' , EXPERIENCE Trad Malm '.- Dcsion 'WW CeYBWHTC Atitom tending a ikntrh Mid dMorlptlon Mf Quick MRertaln our opinion frt whether tta ItiTetitlon li probably nntnthl. CVrnimunlf- lions nrtctir connneni in. tent free. Oldest iteney f Pitnnti tnkitn throutrh tperiol notic, without char, la tl enry for soartnplni. iroutfta Mann 4 Co. rwotlTC ut Ahum. In tkm Scientific Jtoertcax ' dilation uf tny sotenflOo VmrjsJ, ves ; four nonthi, IL BoM by til by all twwMltMitra. "is L