tsjP& 'fJ jps ' ' TERMS:-1'50 pkb annum in advance JOHN" W. SXj"EIDC3-E, pkopkiktok. VOL. XXXIV. j IT E "W SP APEB FOR THE IP IE O P L IE WELDON. N. C, TIlUJiSDAY, FKBIIUARY 8. 1900. NO. 41. No Torture Equal to the Itching and Burning ot This Fearful Disease. Nut much nlti'Ml im is rficii imid tn thn first symptoms i.f ln-ma. lx.t it id not long bi'd.ru tin liulo ri'l:i. m uins to it-h anil burn. This i) hut li e - mi-ninir. mid will lend to miTi'riiiK and tiittun1 ulnu.i-t iincn- (lurulilc. It it a rwmiMii mistake tu retard a nuglin(s nnd iviln-' u lln skin as meijly Ik loi'al irrit: ; it is lint n i dica tion d( a humor in Hi IiIihhI of terrible leu ma which is more than skin-dof p, and ran not le rMl l.y Inenl impli cations of ointments, salves, etc., applied t the siirfncp. The dinrasfi itself, the real cause of the trouble, is in the fclocd, nlihmigh i.il -triTt-riiiff is produced through the skin ; the only way to reach thn disrate, thereim-p, is through thn hlood. Mr. Phil T. Jones, of Mixersville, Ind., writes: "I had Eciema thirty years, and after a great deal of treatment my leu was so raw and sure that it pave me constant pain. It finally broke into it running sore, and began to spread and ((row worse. Fur the past five or sii years I have suffered untold ngony and had given up all hope of ever bein free from the disease, as I have been treated by some of the best physicians nnd have taken many blood medicines, all in vain. With little faith left I began to take 8. 8. S., and it apparently made the Eczema worse, but I knew that this was the way the remedy got rid of the poison. Continuing 8. S. 8., the sore healed up entirely, the skin became uiearand smooth, and I was cured perfectly." Eczema is an obstinate disease and can not be cured by a remedy which is only a tonic. Swift's Specific S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD ii superior to other hlood remedies because it cures diseases which they oan not reach. It goes to the bottom to the cause of the d if ease and will cure tlie worst case of r-czema, no mutter what oilier trea'inrnt Ims ! mica I the only blood remedy guaranteed to be free from potash, mercury or any mineral, and never fails to cure Eczema. Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison. Cancer. Tetter, Klieumatism, Open .Sores, Ulcers, Boils, etc. Insist n,,n SI 9 H nothing call take its place. Books on these diseases will be mailed free to any address by Swift Spe ctrin Company, Atlanta, Oeorgia. What lie ThuiiRlit of Girls. A schoolb y, of Columbus, ()., wrote the following composiliuD about girls: "Girls are stuck up and dignified in their manner and behavior. They thiok nnreof dress than any thin); and like to play with dolls and ra;n. Tbey ery ir they set) a cow in the far distance and rc afraid of guns. They stay at borne li of the time sod go to church on Sun- ys. They arc always funny and niak- inj! fun uf boys' han k They can't play limbics, I pity them, pour things. They make fun of boys and then turn around ml love tlie'u. don't believe they ever killed cat or anything. They look out at night an I siy, 'Oh, ain't the moon lovi'ly.' There U ono thing I have not told and that is this: They always know their lessont belter than boys " She llaj Read About H. P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. Dealer in fihllCMflDISE ZEICLER BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. "kiniVs. SHOES UBole Ag nt in Weldon fur STUOUSE BROTH EKS HIOH ART CLOTHING (Formerly sold here by M. F. Hart.) A fit guaranteed. N UNDERTAKING In all it branches. Metallic. Walnut, Cloth Covered CasketB and Collins. TelmhouH or teleuraph mmcuges at tended today or night. missing uptowo teachet the fa A ftw days ngo a boy was from a tclinolrin in in oue uf the public school buildings. The looked around and failed to see miliar face. Does any pupil know why Tommy MiOrcgor isn't in school today?" she in- uiri'J. There was no aoswer. The teacher repealed ihe query. Then a little girl slowly lifted her hand. "Please, ma'm," she said, "I know." "And why does he stay sway, Mary?" "Please, ma'am, it s cause hes got 'measles inside.' " Mary had read the contagious disease catd that was tacked on the front of the housf. Cleveland I'lain Dealer. What DiJ Willie Get. -He wants something Mr. Youngpop What's that boy ory ing about? Mrs. Youngpot he can't get." Ten minutes later. Mr. Youngpop Now what s he cry ing about ? " Mrs Youngpop He got something ke didn't want. Be sure you are right then let your wife have her own wny. Murlals are ocpial; it is their which ihff 'rs. Best Prescription for Malaria, CMHs and Fever, Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic Tie Bill Was Too Larue. A TRAMP'S HONESTY. IS $1,000 WOULD BUY NOTH1SO, 80 HE HUNTED UP THE TRUE OWNER. Uncle Jeremiah's "Amen." BY FREDERICK LYNCH. THE LAST SIN THE PREACHER ALLUDED TO WAS TOO MUCH FOR t NCI.E JERRY. I've slept under a shed with the ther mometer way below lero, saw me tramp, in the Boston Herald, "aud I've inc two long days wilh nothing to eat, but I'm telling you straight that when 1 once had $1,0110 in my pocket I was worse off than at any other liuio I can re member. I had just been let out of the bridewell, in Chicago, and was begging on the streets and being turned down on every hand when I picked up a $1,000 bill on the sidewalk. I thought it was a dollar and you bet I made a hustle to gel down a side street. When I dodged into doorway and made out that I was $1,000 ahead of the game the sweat . .. , i . started Ironi every pore anu my knees knocked togelher. I was regularly sea sick for ten minutes and ray heart thumped away until I thought it would breakout. That $1,000 meant a heap fur me. von understand, but 1 was so eiciled that it was two hours before I could do any planning. The 6rst thing was lo buy a new suit of clothes and I eutered a store and picked them out. When I exhibited that $1,000 bill the clothier ran to the door to call a police man. I got away by a close squeeze and then I realized the situation Tramp that I was I couldn't get it ohanged at a bank nor use it to make me more com fortable. If it had been a ten I d uld have had lodiiinss and a bed, but I'm telling you that I walked the streets hungry an a shark and slept at police stations and in lumber yards. Under the circumstances the bill might as well have been a piece of lnowu paper. I Itied all sorts of dodges to get it busted, but it wjs no go. Kvery lime I showed il I nn the risk of arrest. I offered a butcher $100 to get it chani;cd,but he refused (o have arything to do with it. I'd have sold it fur half price and been glad to, but there was no such thins? as making a ileal. Finally, in despair, I went lo one of the oewspaper offices and looked up the advertisements for the week past The loer ha I advertised, and I went to his i.flfoe in a big building and gavo up the bill. The reward was $50, but h e uinled out $10 on top of that aud said I wouldn't hive believed there was ,.!, Ii.mestv iii the world. You could Tmstfiu By White Men. A FAITHFUL NEGRO. NORTHERN PEOPLE SHOULD GIVE THE KOLLOWINU A CAREFUL PERUSAL. U is siiaply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. . . . Sold by every druggist in the malarial sections of the United States No cure, no pay. . . . Price, 50c WHOLESALER. Uo.,Fb, 6, UN- bh to eonsratulata jrou f CHILDREN Jry 1 ANADULTSfc4 tASFATAS&mW W,GS- rlr (Mil k. I 1 1 1 Dr. Locia, Plan Maoicma Co., City Ontlomni Wo im, J-,.m: hiv air r.otil ilunng Uw UtJ Colli r.3j Ortp ooaMQ l.rJ,,;,Ki?j h.mllh pinun mall down or iter roamed nerewim BdobUso, Houra truly. MEYER BROS. DRUQCQ, RETAILER. Ebuhon, Itu Pabis UsDicma Co., GonUeraerji-I handle MTeoor eight rttn" f iv other First Tasteless Tonic ever manufactured.. All other so-called "Taste less" Tonics are imita tions.. Ask any druggist about this who is not PUSHING an imitation. CONSUMER- WnrrnaBoao, Tex., Sep. 1. Pm Mmtnira Co., Bt. Louis, Mo. Oontlonwn i-I wrlto you a few lines of BTat j . .k- k...i m,..llrin( .inthsworlil .m MiMiuiiiuw".""!. , ,. rCbilljan.l Fcvor. I havo tnrco cinii.r.n t!iattaavobn d m with roL rial fever for 111 . . ........ K,iitt rh ll mpiiicinea 01 i it timh of dill Tonica but I cell ten dowio. n-.la ami wcior-. "'-' ' Tm 0, of Ctov.-ii t ) wheiolo UOW..-V , u-v .1 1 h ? " '"'Vfil &n iro all well now I colil 3 pouicfl -.1 1 r-rtrc, if I hatThiii ! it wo. our Tiitcloai t'liill 'lVnio that uiq ft on hLT Hi : n .vo T7oo.'.a eurcd ttvo ca lt. aumot aay too much la It J boHU. olchilla with ono bottle oui truly. 1 "T.VWYAJU).1 JAMEBD-BOBBBm HENDERSON TELEPHONE COMPANY. OFFICE or GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT, HENDERSON, N. C. February 15, 1809. Tha Company be(? lo aooouoca that ihe Nlowioa are now conoccted by ihe Ling DUtance Service, md the rate herewith publinhrd will be ettecuvi and afiei February 15, 1HH9. From WELDON to M aeon. MauaoD, 25 Middleburg, 30 Oakville, 25 0ford, 40 Kidirewav, N., 25 Ki.lL.ewav. 8.. 25 Koanoke Kapidi Vanhan, Warren I'laina, Warienlon Wise, Youugsville, J. L. JUDKINS, Wboleaale aud Retail Dealer In Fine ' Staple and Fancy Allell, 30. UrookatoD, 'M Centreville, 40 Churchill, 25. Ddbney, 35. Enfield, Fraoklioton, 40. Uillburg, 35 Henderson, 35 Halifax, 10. Kiurell, 40. Laurel, 40. Littleton, 20. Louuburg, 40. F. Gen. Supt. A PPOMATTOX -CV. IRONWORKS ajanufaotflrereof Agrioraltnral Implements, Shafilngi, Mill Gearing, rallaya, All inwi Machinerr, and Bepaira. Km. ii S4 OH St., Pet.mb.rf, Va. Groceries , HLl lonnh UIU u avo kept the bill as well as not. He ok down my name and all that and fiave the affair aw.iy to tha reporters. They wrolerao upas the 'lloneit Trarap and had uiv picture in tho papers, but you may isuess I didn't enjoy it overmuch. .1 Kiill in nlaoe ot 81.(100. aud as lur mv honesty, it was all bosh. I returned the bill beciuie thai to, and tiiougti 'ui hungry and dead broke ami don know where to turn in lor tne nijjm I'm not looking for anymore bis finds .Something with a figure '2' on the cornet ill just about fit my vest pocket." Bolder Enoogli- I happened to be telling some stories of my boyhood home last night, and this I was one i.f lliem. Jeremiah Pundir- ford, or Uncle Jerry, as evcryhudy called ii id. was a hi n ii in Ii Methodist. He haunted the meetings and wus a fervid exhurter in clam meeting and ''experience gatherings," as we called them in Rhode Island. On Sundays, moreover, he led the "ttueo" chorus, sittiog in the front row uf the church right undT the preacher's nose. During the preliminary services of song, which Uncle Jerry con sider! d as a Bort of necessary weakness for the sake of the young and the women, he would sit with his head bowed down ud both hands resting on the head ol his big silver-beaded cane. Hut when the preacher began the sermon, then Uncle Jerry straightened up, fixed his eyes on the preacher's face and drank in eagerly every worJ. The preacher never went far into bis sermon without snou be ginning to look to Uncle Jerry for en couragement. The stranger iu the pulpit always ended by preachmg to Lucie Jerry. For it was from Uncle Jerry that there used to come those deep, so norous aniens that reverberated through the whole church Oue day the pulpit was occupied by an enthusiastic revivalist from Boston His fame had gone before him, and at the Sunday evening service the lililo church was packed to the door. Long before the time for service Uncle Jerry was in bis seat. For anyone else to have akn I hat seat would have been a pro fanatiun The preacher began anJ wi soon worked up to a ntgn degree oi fx citetuent. Uncle Jerry bent forwaid further and further, hanging upoui veiy word, his soul rejoicing in the fervid de nunciations of sin. Soon the preacher got over into particulars, and liien Undo Jetry's aniens came thick aud fast and oud. "My friends," shouled ihe preach er, "gambling is suidini thousands uf uur th to perdition every year. Wo have got lo run the curse out of our land. Amen !" said Uncle Jerry, in deep- vuiccd, itupluiiu t.'iic "Duuciui! is de grading our young women aud leading them into pallia ut wickedness. e ve gut, as ( hiisiians, to put the ban upou it. "Amenl troin imcie deny, wnn increasing fervor. "The drink evil is un leruiining the foundation of our nation and dragging our youth down lo drunk ard's graves. We've got to wipe nut the curse in our fair land" "Amenl" shouted Uncle Jerry, in terrific tones, aid almost rising from his seat. The pri usher waxed warmer and wi nt oi. "Ihe tobacco habit is diseasing on b iva aud giving us a race of weakling) and tfleuiinale youlh. We've got lo abolish the evil now ot never." There Wis a deathly hush. Not a word. The preacher waited. It grew embarrassing. The Northerner who is forever liaip- ing upon the manner iu which the negro is kepi down in (lie Smith might epen is eyes in wond. r ut Ihe many ens s iu which ni'L'ines have been laiiblul in I heir services fur many years lo their employ er, and, as reward, h"ld positions of trust and are sleemed as houest as any man by the while people who know iluui They are not put on a social i quality ith white people, but their station in ifn is f.ir above lhat which the Northern er sits as the rank of the nmru iu the South. A fair iliusiration of this is to be had n the case of Prince A Danuel, who for SALT RHEUM CURED BY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. JUST SEEN IN TI.TIE. light skin Krnptlona are a Warning ir Something Ktora serlona to Com. 1'be Oulr Kale War la to Heed tlie Warning. Jobneton'a sareaparllla la Ilia Hull Powerful Blood Purifier Known. Nature, in her efforts to correct mistakes, which mistakes have come from careless living, or it may be from ancestors, shoots out pimples, blotches and other imperfections on the skin, as a warning that more serious troubles (per haps tumors, cancers, erysipelas or pulmonary diseasesi are certain to follow if you neglect to heed tlie warning aud correct the mistakes. Many a lingering, painful disease and many an early death has been avoided simply because these notes of warning have been heeded and the blood kept pure by a right use of JOHNSTON'S HAIlSAl'AKI M.A. Miss Abbie J. ltanile, of Marshall, Mich., writes; " 1 was cured of a bad humor after suffering wilh it for five years. Tho doctors and my friends said it was salt rheum. It came out on my head, neck anil ears, and then on my whole body. 1 whs perfectly raw with It. What I suffered during those rive years, is no use telling. Nobody would believe me if I did. I tried every medicine that was advertised to cure it. I spent money enough to buy a house. I heard JOHNSTON'S SAUSAl'ARILLA high.y praised. I tried a bottle of it. I began to improve right away, and when 1 had finished the third bottle I was completely cured. I have never had a touch of it since. I never got any thing to do me the least good till 1 tried JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA. 1 would heartily advise all who are suffering from humors or skin disease of any kind to try it at once. I hail also a good deal of stomach trouble, and was run down and miserable, but JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA made me all right. The blood is your life and if vou keep it pure and strong you can positively re sist disease or faee contagion fearlessly. JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA never wen'v-HX years has b.;en in the employ fails. It is for sale by all druggists, in full quart bottles at only one dollareactt The bovs beaan to tiggle. Kvtrjbody . . . .. j .i... " ' - The red nosed vagrant stoppeu me g, ijn(,le Jerr, TBere lie 8at preoccupied citUm at the street corner. wjh face ktprD Bnj at olid, but down "Beg pardon, sir," he said, "but may I ask " 'You may ask if you want to," inter rupted the preoccupied cilia, m, "but 1 ....'i i..li vou. I don't know when the blamed oeutury begins Aud he hurried on. FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES- Croek-ry, (Hum Tin, and wooden and wib low'ware. Also Priitl's Home, tow, ii.mt mil l ou irv ruou, aim """" 3& Tasteless Hull Tome. Aleiandei'a MVer mi M-mry ein. "j"- the blood. This tonic is wttrriiiitetior money n-Iu mini. J. L. JUDKINS, No. Washington Ave., Weldnn, N. C iW 11 It W, T. PARKER -DIALER IN- Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable plitj. DAVENPORT MORRIS A CO., Sole agents for the Distiller, Richmond, Va. each col uer uf his inoulh were the ti bacco trickling that had run thero fir years. For Uucle Jerry was never with out good, big comforting quid of Fann ers' Delight in his moutb. It was too much fur the audience. They laugtud outright. The preacher hemmed and hawed, and then weot on mechanically. Uncle Jerry sat 6xcd and silent through of the First National Bank of this city. Danuel secured a position wilh the bank in 1884 as porter, and, after proving his effiiiency and iutegrity, was given the work of collecting to do. Never in all ihe lime of his service has he ever failed to account for every cent of money en trusted to him. Ilia collections are al ways niade accurately; in fact, he has yet o make his first mistake in a money transact Ion. In executing his duties at the bank vast sums uf money are handled by him, and the money is as safe in his hands as is ihe meat in ihe care of a butchers' dog. So well is Danuel thought of by his employers that not long ago the bank gave him a trip lo the North, his railroad fare and all travelling expenses to Chica- Ln. asliinoton aud other large cults being delrayed by the bank. Mr. C. V Cohulle, President of Ihe bank, gave him a letter of introduction to all of the hanks in the cities he went to. This letter made him a welcome visitor wbere ever he went. He was looked upon as a kiud of wonder, the idea of a negro hold ing a position of trust in the South being befme that considered out of the ques tion. Danuel's face has for a long time been a familiar one in Memphis, as fur forty years this has been his home. His first situation was years asm with the Mississippi and Atlantic Steamship Com nmiv. This Ci'Uitwnv operated a line of Bteauisbips between New Orleans and St Louis. Dauuel was a general all-round man on the company's wharf-boat Memphis, where ho gavo the best satis faction. His next place was with the firm of KUertou L. Dorr & Co., cotton hovers. He was with ibis firm threo vears as a cotton sampler. Danuel servei thetu well, and, owiii); to the good charac ter this firm gave him, secured the post lion he now fills at ihe 1'irst iatlooul Bank. Memphis livening Scimitar, TETTUK, WA1.T KIIICIIH ANll ZOIA. The intense itching and smarting inci dent to these diseases, is iuatautly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Kye and Sk Ointment. Many very bad cases hsve heen liermaneutlv cured by it. It equally efficient for i'ching piles and a favorite rem. dv for sore nipples, chap ped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes, 'Z'is. per box. For sale by W. M.Cohen, Weldon, J. N. Brown, Hallfai. lr. A. s. Harriaon. Ki'lleH. unnutmui W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. What He Saw On Tie Coffin. THOUGHT IT WAS A GHOST. TUE EXI'ERIENCB AN EXPRESS MF.8 HKNUKU HAD. The individual who goes un t tare l seldom able to pay the rent, To marrv for money and miss it is less I j, , The preacher soon fioished and painful than to marry for love and m,8 ,H went home to erjoy the laugh ihey it. hardly dared vent iuchuich, How often I think of that story. It is so Iruo to human nature. We shout amen with great guslo till the truth strikes home to lis, snd then we well, we do just what Uncle Jerry did, get angry and keep silent. The American Agriculturist Heavy n.,,..... Oorn,Hay & Oats 111 mxull elinin for cash. 3-lbs green eoffca lor Ifcw. 1 have leveutly added to m. l.uiDM. a bakery. Hest Brea.t ana Cakea tarnished .Uhortnoir.. WtMaa, N. C. MfUF MR. W. D SMITH, at Weldon, N. C is the sole distributing agent at that point, for the above old and Celebrated Whiskey. DAVENPORT MORRIS CO. Bar SI Sin. 'PERFECT" SCALES i LAST FOREVER. COMBINATION BEAM COPPER PLATED STEEL LEVERS. For facta wrlteto Jones ot Blnihamtoo, tMSMAMTON. N- Doctors' Costly Visit Sickness in the family is ham enough to hear under the best of condi tions. H almost al-. ways cuts off part of the regular income, and when on top uf tliat It adds uu. reasonably to the expense it aeems almost too great a burden tor any iane ilv in moderate cir cumstances to erauiie, But there is a way to avoid most of these iinnHewuirv expenses besides preventing a great ileal of the sickness itself. .. - ttiaU " uvi Mra. Bcla F. Howanl. of Glen Kllto. Sonoma Co. Cal. "I , . in this niai-.. iiirrn vexr. nitil nave onlv hal doctor one in my family mc lhat lime, thallka lo Dr. Ptciw'a Common 8m Medical A.lviner ami hit medicine. Tim toot aavn ductor'a visila. I cannot do without it in .... hn., l hav had two conic hut cannot keep them. Hncloaed 1 wild i onr-ccnl tami fr another copy An.Hher lady, Mm. Jennie Warren, of Clifton, Graham Co., Ariiona. aaya: " Wilh plcinurr 1 write lo you again lo lei you .nn. f hnl 1 rl M w41 and Mruliff aa I ever .ltd. With ronr kind and food advice and Ur. Pierce'! Favonlc Preacriptiou I have l-en entirely "jml I thank yon a thousand time for your ed d- that if wrv nrnnn who I ll'k tit ..'.. will write tn vou for advice and will take Ihe medicine you prescribe. accontinR lo directloni, no oiner oocior a w,mw w... needea. 4W 2 Of No Conscience. "Is your play copyrighted?" asked the intimate friend. Oh," said the dramatist, with ulter indifference, ' some of it was probably I" Indianapolis Journal. Tie Safest Way Oat. She Are you Mill engaged lo Msudif He-No. She I congratulate you I You're well rid of her. How did you break it off? He By marryiog ber. Colliei's Weekly. Anything But That. Wigway " Why did your wife change doctors?" Henpccke ''The last one we had told her she should keep her mouth closed il the open air. New Name Oli Troutle- Dr. Cady's Condition Powders are just what a horse needs when in Daa oondilion. Tonic, blood puri6er and vermifuge. They are not lood but med ieina and the besl in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 25c per pack age. For u r by W. M. Cohen Weldon i. N. Browu Halifax. I'r. A. a. Harrtaoa. Kuaeld. DmiiKtiu. Saurt Woman. Mrs Muggins How do you unna; your husband so well? Mrs lWeiin I always let liitn think he is having bis own way, KOKOVKK VVV VKAHM Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over filtv Years by millions mothers lor children, while teething, wilh perfect success. It soothes the child softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolic, and is the beat remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every Dart of the world. 25 cents i bottle. Be sure snd ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind IkhiiJ Her On i Back I not believe in ghosts, nor am I articularly nervous, remarked the ex press messenger, "tiut 1 once was so posi- ive lhat I saw a spectre that I was troubled wilh insomnia for many nights nd I thought I never would be able to quiet my nerves again. It was back in the bu s and 1 was running between Kansas City and Dec ver on ihe U. V. We made a suia'. olorado station one evening about dusk od found on the platform, as I had been d vised, the grewsome pine box, telling its story of Bouie unfortunate who h gone to the mountains iu a vain search of health. It so happened that my car was full. and. clan as I tukht, I could find no place for the box. The train con doctor came up to find out what was the cause of the delay. I told bim of my orcdicamcnt. He was equal to the mergency in an instant. "Put it on the front of the platform," he said. The suggestion was a good one and in another moment our dead passen ger was abourd and we were roiling over the prairie. It so happened lhat I had a car with a door at the end. About 10 o'clock snow commenced falling, and I tell you it came down thick, as it often does in Colorado. It was midnight when I thought ot the corpse. It would never do to lose it and the jolt of the traiu might jar it off the platform. The night was clear. I opened the door. As it swung on its hingos I looked out. Then I slammed the door with a hang and jumped back in the car. I was perspir ing from every pore aud trembling like a leaf. "What had I seen? Why, sitting bolt upright on the coffin, with his hands olasping his knees, was the whitest ghost any man ever saw. 1 stood in the center of the ear, irresolute. I looked at my Winchester, then I resliiid it would be uf no use agaiust a spook. Suddenly the door opened aud there stood my ghost. It was a tramp cover ed with snow from head to font. He stood there blinking at the light for a moment and then said ; Say, Willie, you ve ketohed me; anyhow, can't you let me get warm afore you turn me off?' Did I let him ride? Well, I guess. If I'd been going to New York he could have gone with me. I'm the last man in Ihe world not to show spprcciation snd gratitude." Minneapo lis Tiibune. WOOD'S SEED5. Wood's naine-Grown Seed Potatoes are unquostionably the beet Seed Pota toes for Southern planting. Our Pota toes are grown especially for teed pur poses In the bept potato district la Maine, and are noted for their easi ness, uniformity and large yields pro duced. The largest potato growers In the South are planting our Seed Pota toes, with the best and moat profitable results. We also offer VA. SECOND CROP POTATOES grown from Maine seed. These giva splendid crop results and are popular with truckers everywhere. Wood' Descriptive Seed Catalogue, giving full Information, mailed free. Prices quoted upon request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, Richmond, Va, Th Largest 5ecd House la the South. H, EXPERIENCE a . turner- 3 TRADE MARKS Anvone flondlnff a nkelfh and description may nnlritly nscHTtHiii our opinion free whether an Invention I pmhfthly patentable. Cominunlc. tlonfl strictly ronililentlHl. Handbook on Patenta BiMitli eo. OMi-st l.jh7 fr serurhig patenu. Patents taken throuuh Mium ft Co. receive 9prcUU witiu, without Gimme, In the sciennnc jimencan. A hnnrtfiomply illustrated weesiv. culalUm of any sHentlflo Journal. m.,ar. fmiF month, tl. flnldbTk MUNNtCo.M,BHewM Branch Office. BU WaefaUwian. . O. Laraeat elr Terms. 13 a all nawsdealara. News & Opinions Of National Importance Ti l SI ALONE CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of It Inked "r.K-ki" to build a blick houso. Proof of th pudding lloa In the Bating of It. Proof of ROnEKTB" TASTELESS CHILL TONIC lira In the taklug of IL COST NOTHING If It falls to cure. 85 wuts Hr bottle If It ouroa. Sold etrlctljr on Its merits by W. M. Cohen, Drnggiat, Weldon, N. C. J. N. Brown, Halifax; Jackson Drag Co., Jackson, N. C. PS! De Tanque I consulted a doctor to day about those pains in my head "(1 tzlir What did ho tell you? De Tamiue Ssid I was suffering The (treat thousand-page Medical Ad- fruoi fatty degeneration of the morals !lt 1 . f - K....H.1 (.. it I ... Vtnerwtll ur .cm nrr !,:-...... - j.,-, , jnnk one-eiit stamps lo pay inr vow ui uin- A whole medical library in one volume. I li's all well ennugb to reiuro kUs for Address R. V. Pierce. M. , , .blow-if the giver of the blow bsppens xt v IT vill jaiiii nrAfpoAinnal advice I 1 (in a plain scaled envelope) free of to be i protl j nirl. charve. ah leuera are connuemi iu , , . . . red privacy, and never pul.lid.ed ex- The things people worry about are the cept by tlie writer'! peraiiasion. things that never happen Contains Both, Daily, by mail, 6 jew Daily and Sunday, by mail, $3 a year. THE r$ Sunday Sun g Is the Greatest Sunday News paper in the world. Price 5c. a copy. By mail 12 t year. Address THE SUN, New York. -DEALER IN- Heavy & Fancy The Living Skeleton That two head rd woman is awful deceitful. The Fat Lady Yes; she actually talks about her herself behind her own bsck. CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All diuggiats refund money if its fails to cure. 25c The genuine bas U b. KI, oo each tablet. Fur sale by W. M. Cuhen Druggist, Weldon, N. V. "I think I would go craty with pain were it not for Chamberlain's Tain Balm" writes Mr W. 11. Stanletoo, Herminie, la. "I have been afflicted with rheu matics for several years and have tried remedies without number, but Pain Balm is the best medieine 1 have got hold of." One application relieves the pain. For sale by w M Cohen Weldon, J. N Brown, Hlltfai, Dr A. 8. Harrtnon, KnAeld. DruggttU. When a man sings bis own praise I unually pitches the key too high. OABTOnlA. Burstha It Ulna Yds HlMvnrs BoUM Blfastu 4 GROCERIES, Fruits, Confeectioneriea. Country Produce Bought and Sold. ..'... CHOICE BEEF ILWIYSOM H1KD. Olvemsaoall. jaa.fi j W. L. STAINBACK. Wtlfea, N, C. y

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