ispS fljfj jsl I HE JOHN "W. SLEDGE, pkoi'IUKToii. VOL. XXXIV. TERMSHl'M PKR ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 42. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15. 1900. RUNNING SORE ON HIS Mil Character. START YOUR CHILDREN RIGHT. NO tWCCKSS I N MFC IS ANYTHING BUT AN ABSOLUT r'AILURK, UNLESS 1TH l'URPUHK IS TO INCHKAUK Till HUM OF HUMAN 1)01)1) AND IIAI'I'INEHS. What Does It Cost? A GREAT CHANGECOMING. After Six Years of Intense Suffering, Promptly Cured Si Si Si Olistitmto sores and ulcer whi. li refuse to Ileal under ordiurry treat ment SiKin heeiime elirollie aiid deep seated, and are a sure sim tlmt il... DiH t mitire circtilntioii is m a depraved They DJ Oi Oi Ui nre ,, w,v,lri1 ,.; ,, svst),.n, .,, are r0Ij. stantly (tapping away the vitality. In every c.ise tlio puismi must bo eliminated from the blood, and no ainoimt of external treatment can have, any effect. Thore is no uncertainty about the. merits of S. S. S. ; every claim mailt) ior it i nac-Kuii up sironiy ny ooiivinrmjj testimony of those who have been cured by it and know of its virtues by experience Mr- L. J. Clark, of Orange Courthouse, Va., writes: " For six years I had an obstinate, running ulcer on my ankle, which at times cuum.i1 me intense sutfeiing. I so disabled for a long while that I was wholly unlit for business. One of the liest dis-tors treated m constantly hut did me no g xsl. I then tried various blood renin i,.H. without the least benefit. S. 8 8 was so higlilv mh mended that I concluded to try it, and the effect w;ia wonderful. It seemed to net right at the of the disease and force the poison out, and 1 was soon com pletely cured." Swift's Hpeciric S. S. S. FOR THE DLOOD drives out every trace of impurity in tlio blood, and in this wa In it any wonder that uur ohildren start out with wrong ideals of life, with wrong ideals of what constitutes success? The child is urged "to net on," to "rise in die woild," to "make miney." Yet one of the great lessons to teach, in this century of sharp competition and the survival of the fittest, is how to be rich without money, and to learn how to do without what is popularly and falsely called success. "I believe," says Julia Wird Howe,"that many of our youth are learning that a worthy life is the best success, whether it is attended by wealth or poverty, or by that most preferable condition of all, modest competency. Pure, upright liv ing and steady devotion to principle are the surest foundations of any success worth having:." "No success in life," says Frances K Willanl, "is anything but an absolute failure, unless its purpose ia to increase rav cures norinancntlv the most obstinate. doen-Hcuteil More nr nleer ft is the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable, and c-on- the sum of human good and happiness." tains not a particle of potash, niercurv. or other mineral. S. S S A hoDr 0 the oonipiiralive few in allKuB I at if 11 f Ft, il IU Hliu ill 1 'itliJ.tli Sot. .F III ii I'.innn I '.. 4-,i.l. V ... ....... Rheumatism. Sores. Ulcers. Roils, or nnv other blood trouble. Insist 6Wy walk of llfe who tmi ,be B,rong upon 8. S. S : notliinu can take its place. materialistic tendencies of our age, still Valuable khiks mailed treobybwitthpwiheUompany, Atlanta, Ga, peak and oct earnestly, inspired by the hope of rewards other than gold or popu P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. Dealer in ilEfCf1JjDISE ZEICLER & BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. KlNi'ii. CLUTCHING AT EVERY" STRAW J AM BITION IS KELLINO II'S OWN SOUL TO COIN IT INTO WOE. THE WHOLE WORLD 18 CRAZY ON MON EY-MAK- IN(I. What does it cost yuu to speak good word fot a fellow brother? How much more does it cust to say something good about a deserving man or say nothiog, than to turn in and repeat some idle lie which you know is father from tbe truth ? How much better would you feel if you could go about and not envy a man's prosperi ty. Why is human nature prone to jump with both feet upon success? Sim ply because you have tried and failed, and Envy is a jealous lag. Some one of these days, it may be century or two or three in tbe dim d tanoe, but there is going to be a change in mannerism?; there is going to be lar favor I These are our truly great men and women. They labor in their ordioary vocations with no less teal be cause they give time and thought to higher things, "A man may as soon fill a cbest wiih grace, or a vessel with virtue," says Phil lips Brooks, "as a heart with wealth." A rich mind and noble spirit will cast over the humblest borne a radiance of beauty which the upholdsterer and dec -rator can never approach, Who would not nrefer to be a millionaire of character, USTSole Agent in Weldou for STKOUKE BROTHERS HUM ART CLOTHING. contentment, rather than possess nolh- shoes (Formerly sold here by M. V. Hart.) A lit gna'uuteed. agaq , m,. UNDERTAKING In all its branches Metallic. Walnut, Cloth Covered Caskets and Collins. Telephone or telenruph messages at tended Hi (lay or night. Jacob Gravers Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable quality. DAVENPORT MOKKIS&CO., Sole agents for the Distiller, Richmond, Va. MR. W. D. SMITH, at Wcldon, N. C ia the aole distributing agent at that point, for the above old and Celebrated Whiskey. DAVENPORT MORRIS 00. mar SI ra. ing but the vulgar coins of a Croesus? Whoever uplifts civilitttion is rich, though he die penniless; and future gen erations will erect his monument. Some men are rich in health, in con stant cheerfulness, in a mercurial temper ament which flo.ils them over troubles and dials enough to tiuk a shipload of ordinary men. Others are rich in (lis. nnsition. family aud friends 1 here are r ' some men so amiable that everybody loves them; some so cheerful that they carry an atmosphere of jollity about them. Some are rich in integrity aud character What are the toil-sweated productions of wealth piled up in vast profusion around aOirard or a Rotchschild, when weighed against the stores of wisdom, Crock ry, (ilasa Tin, and wooden and wil- the treasures ot snowieuge, .no. .us lowware. Also frail s norse, tow, strength, beauty, and glory wan wnicn i ",',I.,''1.1,r!f,ry11 :?S: victorious virtue has enriched and 5 lasieirss urn ivnn. ......... . I.ivw and Kidney Tonic for purilying adorned a great multitude ot minds dur the blond- This tonic is warranieu or J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine ' llw Groceries , -FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. money relumled- J. L. JUDKINS, No. 2 Washington Ave. dw'll lv Weldon, N. C W. T. PARKER HENDERSON TELEPHONE COMPANY. OFFICE or 0 EN KRAI, SUPERINTENDENT, UENDEB.80N, N. C. February 15, lHt9. The Company begs to aun mnce that the f'lllowini! are now ooooeoted by the Lonit Distance Service, and the rates herewith published will be effective on and aftei February 1-1, 1899. -DEALER IN- Heavy ANDZZ Fancy Groceries ing the march of a hundr'd generations? Phillips Brooks, Whitlier, Thoreau, Audubon, Emerson, Beecher, Agassii, were rich without money. They (aw the splendor in the fi iwer, the glory in the grass, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything I They knew that the man who owns the landscape ia seldom ihe one who pays the taxes on it. They sucked in power md wealth at first hand from the mead ows aud fields, birds, brooks, mountain! .ml foresta. as the bee sucks honey from i he flowers. Every natural object seeme d to bring them a special message. nr. Oliver S. Marden. change of heart so to speak, and the world will be better. Just now when Greed is clutching at every straw; when Ambition is selling ite own soul to coin it into Woe; when Virtue is forced on the block to buy bread and clothes; when the whole crazy scheme is dollars, dollars, dollars well, we must not expect but little for the betterment of mankind just now. But all ages have their seasons and their cycles. There was a lime when Art flourished and was patronized. To day and the Masters would starve to death. A man today who can do a job of whitewashing stands more chaoee of a job than if he eould paint AngeVs "Crucifixion of St. Peter." We are liv ing io an age of steam and electricity The human niiod has teen keyed up to that pitch. Tbe minu of man to-day would have been voted Lunacy five hun dred years ago. What men execute to day with ease would have been called a crazy dream two centuries back. And as all this high rate of speed is gotten up tor the purpose alone of making dollars and not ei joying them after they are made it is not to be wondered that every man you meet is jealous of every other uiau. They figure it out that ytu may get some of the dollars which thi y niiht get, and so they throw out th black eyes wheuever an opportunity pre sents. But we are not complaining. We are only moralizing on a cheap soale. It a grand field to lie in and look around. is a picture which is ludicrous. lo ad of a lot of struggling maggot lile we all are anyhow, working for sone great end, we go at it and snatch fri m eauh other's lips any cup of happiness that may be filled. We know that if we get a million, dyspepsia as surely gois with il as the tail goes with the bide as was acoording to the beautiful Florentine custom, and we know that we at once be come miserable but where is the lucky ight who will not risk it? Nowhtie he to be found on this earth's surface. All of them aud all of ua are plodding nd scheming and planning, night and day, lo get bold of that million which would take away what little pleasure we have; which would intensify our troubles at d our cares. But human nature, as has been remarked, is human nature, and you will excuse us, while we go hustle fur that million Danville Farrago. NEVER DESPAIR IUIIT FAITHFULLY THE KIN THAT WOULD IMPOVERISH AND DESTROY THY LIFE. A little fl jwer is blooming in the far comer of Ihe garden. Tbe place is low ly and it lacks the patient care aud cul- ureof the gurdeoer, yet its bright face looks up from whence the showers have fallen into its uplifted bauds and from whence even now a smiling sun descends to kiss its happy life. List year it had many flowers, but the weeds had been allowed to grow and the blight, struck it when no thoughtful band was Dear with kindly ministry to aid in the battle for existence. It fought alone, and won in a sore conflict ooly as nature fortified it with augmented resources Tbe honey makers have scented it and found within the closets of this little rose the nectar for choice combs, and many a haudsoiue rose is past, so that in the garden's cor ner a colony of bees have congregated and each is vying with the other for the first taste of the liquid sweets. God has watched it, and for its patient strugg'e in adherence to the true life, has rewarded it with beauty and treacle in abundance. It was He who drove the bees hither and tau;ht them through iostinct this place of garnered confections, Bloom beautifully in your lowly place, dear heart. Fieht faithfully tbe sin that would impoverish and destroy thy life. The ministry of human band and sympa thy may not come. The multitude may not uotice thee. Few have regarded tby lowliness and limitation with much con cern, yet God is there. Above thee in each struggle thou has seen Him bend with timely succor. He will Dot suffer TAKE TIMEJO READ. ATTRACTIVE WOMEN. Those Who Read and Think Never Grow Old. n.. IJ I :i. iha man y , i i De wona nas buiou .... UOm,iiay OC Uatb ,h0 succeeds, but only a frown for tit ne who fails. ' All imnda chean for cash. 3-lhs gn-ei coffee lor 25c. I have receutl? auileu n my business a bakery. Mest mean u Cakes furnished at short nonce. W. 1. r-.nrwr.iv, Waldsn. N. C augllv NEW" GOODS. FROM WELDON TO o n o o o o o 24 varus Kiaslie, 5e i 24 Iwrallul. It, -' .1 .i. ritiiiK uiiwr. 2c . 211 ImnsButtoiis r... v,.l ...) i. ri-iile He . I'laid drest '..l. tie Finer nuitllllK III. 12, 1 Ln-'tiiia. 121 to 47ic, Fanners heavj .1 . MM.. I silles' hIhmw. 7tC 10 tl.lHI, KugsVfic to $1.75, 3 yard lace curtains 37 ceutft, Curt n poles aiid liuures, lSc, cur tain fcrim, 4c, ralicoea, 4c, Meu'scoaWaud vests, men's pains. oe, iwy 1510 :tOe.. Boy's suit 45 to 5c, Mattresc tic. iiiii.5io 7c. Men's wlnU-r uuderwear, 20c, plosh capes, t1 tol.4"l- m f ceivingsome go,l baranuis in winter goods H. O. SPIERS, Weldon, N. C Ax tell, Brookaton, Centreville, Churchill, Dabney, Enfield, Franklinton, Gillburg, Henderson, Halifax, Kittrell, Laurel, Littleton, Liuisburg, 30. 30. 40 25. 35. Macon, Manaon, Middlebutg, Oakvillc, Oxford, Ridgeway, N., .Uidueway, 8., Roanoke Kupids, 40. 35. 35 10. 40. 40. 20. 40. F. C. Toipliman, Geo. Supt Vanghan, Warren Plains, Warrenton Wise, Youngsville, PPOMATTOX IRON WORKS, Manufacturereof A Aericultural Implements, Shafting., MillOearing, l'ulleys, All kinds of Machinery, and Repairs. Nos. 22 34 Old 8t, Petersburg, V. .,I.H:Ui,.H'iliJJ 'PERFECT " SCALES tT romvin. . OMalNATION MAM. COPPCR PIATCO TCCk LIVER. Potfaewwrttat Jones of BlUotiinitCu, When you dream that somebody is pushing you over a precipice it's time . i.-.i, 1 .tirr vour stomach and liver. v n.rt lieheve in drrama hut that articular sort of dream ia likely to come . pre"y nrar trl" ,f ")U .i.m i u.e uiuu.ii. ures to prevent it. If you neglect the warning vou may tliat you are act ually pushing yourself over the nrecipice of . i l aiseaae nuu re WP ahvss of death. ,1.1 Don't forget . mai vour hci i ' .1 Inn... anA brain and knerves are sup olied with blood and nutriment uirh vour stomach, liver and bowels. H they do not do their O work PfoP"'-' , .,-tm! D1CKS1 IS lui. u. . .tir vmir whole Ixxlv Will toon be full of impurity and disease, and it is small wonder you dream of disaster. ... ui.m Owilifen Medical DiBOOvery nurifies and enriches the blood. It I, .i.. -l0 ilitreslive system and is an antidote for poison in the Wood. It la a blood-maker ana nesn-ouuuci ... is good for the nerves. It brings restlul sleep and a clear head. It contains no alcohol, whisky, sugar, syrup, or dan gerous opiatea. Pallet.'. nd h.h.l 1 o.rnuW. CWT.nt"d.BrC. WMoS: . down in weliht o is oound. and wt not 4adv'ws'k""Uw,"m' 5c . W s . nm ah "xjtu .- m Ea vt m' t ml mfmm Women who are anxious to improve themselves, says a writer in an exchange, ill find it a good pluu to always have a book within reach to catch up at odd moments bet weeu tasks. We should re solve to edge iu a little reading every day, if is but a single sentence. II' we can give but fifteen minutes a day it will be felt at the end of the year. Thoughts take up no room, although they fill ooe's hours very acceptably when of a pleasant or instructive nature, and one may travel or labor with them without any trouble or incumbrance. It has been my good lortune to know several women with ap parently no time for reading; at least the mnj rity of women would have so de cided had they been similarly situated, Ambition makes many things possible, so these women read while doing their customaiy tasks, such as washiog disbes, ironing common articles, etc One of them was elected president of the Wo man's Relief Corps, and immediately set about g'tting instructions as to her duties. She (omnilted to memory everything in the ritual that had any bearing upon ber office, thus investing herself with a know! edge that she never had to stop and search for, necessitating tedious waits during the regular work. One member who bad very little house work to do said: "Why, how oould you ever do it? never found time, there was always some thing to interrupt or hinder me whenever I sat down to look any point.' Oh, it was easy enough, replied Number Oje, "I learned it while doiug mv regular work, repeating each sen- thee to die. Summer is coming and the (eDce UDj perfeotiy jmpresssd upon my owenng time, despair noi, uui eucour- mind ., Anutner mother of a Is age the one rose of thy heart lo t-fo- falnily 00 , rse farm, read the Chau iny one virtue may save many course by tho same method. from hunger. Speak the silent language u no, LmJ , U90 brain aod urawo t ,)ie of thy life through the medium ot a con- ume eC0D0mjlini, me ,d increai- tented ministry, lor the Master will send inj, ou( iDteneduai,y. the children ol need my way, wno, as , tem(.mu(.r wilon t t,a Kjrl 0f hav the bees, are seeking the delicacies of iD wlhcr g poot opinioll of t(ie iearn love and sympathy, lie has caused thee jnK 0f former folks. I mention it sim to grow and encounier thy struggles just . . 8how ( it ha8 b(,en ln8 pr,vail, where He would, lhoueouldst not be ing (,piuion of olJer peoplc lhat farnjet, the same to tlun anywhere else, iucn dJ oot oaro , imprjV9 ibemselves, be patient. Uo not murmur. Uli up v'hal a change is obser- ed tnduy. The thy face for the kiss of the Lord's care oul(urej f,rlll,,r ttnj his intellectual wife When thou shall fade aod pass th honey of thy life will be safely treasured and a few at least would mourn thy de parture and cherish in memories hallowed the iragraoce of thy goodly life. TETTER, HALT It II Ell M AMI ZEMA. EC- are prominent in public gatherings, and many town people join the farmers' club because they enjoy the entertainment ff.rds. The most attractive woman is intel Itial She never grows old. Her intel lect is a great preserver and augmenter of The intense itchine and smartinu inci- her attractiveness. Men sometimes hold nt to these diseases, is instautly allayed an inexplicable prejudice against intcllec- by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin tual women, probably from an erroneous Oiuiuicnt. Many very bad cases have impression lhat they are always associa- been permanently cured by it. It is ted wilh the tumbled hair and soiled equally efficient for itching piles and wrappers of novel celebrities (although lavonte remedy ior sore nippies, cuap- ,.. ,hcy new te,i , noven. Their ped hands, chilblains, frost bites snd chronic sore eyes. Zuc. per box. r For sale by W. M.Cohen, Weldon, J. N. Brown, Halllai, Dr. A. S. Harrison. Ei'lkl-i. Drumtiata There is no life so humble that, if H be true and genuine and obedient to God, it may not hope lo shed some of His CHRISTIANITY IN BUSINESS. ITS PRINCIPLES APPLIED WOULD WORK A GLORIOUS REVOLUTION. "There is not the least question lhat as the commercial world is organited and run to-day it is run at a fearful loss along the side of money," writes Rev. Charles M. Sheldon, author of "In His Steps," in the Ladies' Home Journal. "Even the rules of success that business men lay down do nut insure succeas Per haps no age has iqualed this for dis turbance and uurcst and warring interests iu ihe Lu.iuc. iuiM. If the priucipe of Cl ristianity wore applied lo the whole business world it would cause a shot- that for the time being would result what might prove to be the groatest financial naniu of the aites, But out of thai result would emerge a new order ot buying and selling that would r.sult ulti- tnatelv in m ire finamid success on the part of more people than the world hi ever wituessed. Ultimately love will pa; in dollars and cents belter than selfish. ness. Ou selfish principhs the business world to-day does not succeed even the matter of making money that is, not for any length of lime nor for the niasi-es of the people. Love in business would lose less money, sud actually dis tribute the real earnings ot toll among a far greater number of human beiDgs, than is possible now und r Ihe present system." If necessity is the mother of invention, inconvenience must bo its father. Nesily every girl knows that she's pretly but tha didn't learn it from an other girl. SALT RHEUM CURED BY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. jl st trnun in hue. light akin Eruptions are a Warning- r Roinetlilns HI ore Rerlona to Comet The Ouly Male Way I. to Heed the Warning. John.tou'B Sarsaparilla la Ihe aioal rownnui inuua runner niioMn. Kntnre In tier efforts to correct mistakes, which mistakes have come from careless livine. or it may be from ancestors, shoots out pimples, blotches and other imperfections on the skin, as a warning that mure serious troubles (per- hups tumors, cancers, orysijM'ias or puiiiioniirv uisciisesi are ceruiiu vo .wuuw i. you neglect to heed the warning and correct ihe mistakes. Many a lingering, painful disease aud many nu early death has been avmcica because these miles oi warning; nave wen nccueu aim me uiuuu nc ftllllltlV v . . . ............... i pure hy a right use oi Jun.Mun n bakai'auii.i.a. jviiss AOloe J. l.anoe, oi marsuait, .men-, writes; "I was cured of a bad humor after sulTerinu with it for five years. The doctorB aud my friends said it was salt rheum. It came out on my head, neck and ears, and then ou my whole body. 1 was perfectly raw with it. What I suffered during those live years, is no use telling. Nobody would believe me if I did. I tried every medicine that was advertised to cure it. I spent money enough to buy a house. 1 heard JOHNSTON S SAKSAl'ARILLA highly praised. I tried a bottle of it. I be(ran to improve right away, and when 1 had hmstied tne tiuru Dome l was comoieieiv eureu. i nave m-ver nuu muui ...... ......... ... , i.iix-L!n'nuu since. 1 never got any tiling lo do me tne icasi goou uu i men uvmnrui. BARSAPAKII.LA. I would heartily advise all who are sultenng irom numors or skin disease of any kind to try it at once. I had also a giiod deal of stomach trouble, and was run down and miseraoie, but junrtoiun o aflnoraiiiiii.a made me all right." , . The blood is your life and if you keep it pure and strong you can positively -disease or face contagion fearlessly. JOHNSTON'S SAKSAl'ARILLA never fails. It is for sale by all druggists, in full quart bottles at only one dollar eac HioiuaAn druc company, uth-Oxt, iucw W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. sist c "Rest For Tie Weary." A BEAUTIFUL THOUGHT. A PLACE WHERE THE WEARY ONES IN THE FUTURE MIGHT REST AND TAKE THE INSPIRATION OF TUE HILLS IN THEIR EVERCIIANUINO BEAUTY". WOOD'S SEEDS. own wives may be intellectual without their realizing it. They read books but they fully appreciate the advantage of neat apparel. He thinks she does ev erything right, taking not a little credit to himself in some way, but she nevtr i i L. li.,hL There ia no life so measre lhat " re"UD I""" " the ereatest and wisest of us can afford h " uoder ,ne tM r "er ,Dtel" to despise it. We caonot know at what Upon Beats placed in different locali ties, in the city of 1'asadena, Cal., the abjve words are engraved. The Btory connected with the inscription is full of pathos. Richard M. Stafford, a young man of lovely character, came hither io the hope that here he might find renewed health. This hope, however, was not to be rcalixed. Month by month his strength grew les ; but still he loved to walk abroad in the sweet air, to enj y the fair scenes around him, aod often he had need to pause fur rest. A friendly bench in front of a store was the only provision he found for out-of-door "rest for the wea ry;" and so, before ho passed away, hi framed a bequest, providing seals to be placed at different points throughout the oity, that upon them the weary might rest. It was a beautiful thought, and should keep his memory grcon in many heartr. The first one of these seals I noticed commanded a fine view of the ''Motlur Mountains," and as I thought of ti e weary ones who, in years to come, would rest there, and take io the inspiration of tbe hills in their everchanging beauty the hills that speak to us of liiui from whom cometh our help, I thanked God that He had giveo to His servaut so sweet a thought for others a thought taking shape out of his own weakness and need. Suiely as the years go by, many who at these halting places pause for rest and read the brief but touting iusciiption, ill breathe the spirit and miyhap the ords of the prayer for those who have gone before us with the sign ot the Jaith; May he rest in peace, aod may light per petual shine upon him! N. 1. K., in he Living Church. Wood's flaine-Grown Seed Potatoes ar nnqueatiormbly the bttt Sed PottV toea for Southern planting. Our Pota toes are grown especially for aeed bur poses In tbe beet potato district In Maine, and are noted for tbelr earll ness, uniformity and large yleldi pro duced. The largest potato groweri In tbe Booth are planting our Seed Pota toes, with the best and moat profitable results. We also oiler VA. SECOND CROP POTATOES grown from Maine seed. These give plendtd crop results and are popular with truckers everywhere. Wood's Descriptive Seed CaUlofue. giving full information, mailed, free. Prices quoted upon request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, Richmond, Va. Tht Largest 5ecd House In tbe South. wkMl4 BO YEARS' sudden moment it may flish with the life ol God. Phillips Brooks. FUR OVER PIKTV YEARN leot. The woman who knows how to use her intellect has a guarantee for the final lovaltv of lover or husband. It is the ostentation of intellect that nro dislike because it humiliates them to meet wo- Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been mea ha cliim intellirenoe superior lo used tor over my years by millions ol . iobred Dri.judice for eener perfect success. It soothes the child, on. which a modest bearing backed softens the gums, allays all pain, cures by an education that stands the family in wind colic, aod is the best remedy tor eood stesd at an important time will Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little ,Vrntutllv eradicate rr 1! . 1 1 III. 1 : . I ' sunercr immeaiateiy. ooiu Dy aruggisiB in every part ot the world, za cents a bottle. Be sure and ask fur "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. There is always eouiethiog syruptitious about a stolen kiss the more syrup the better we like it. m. . .. ' I L Dr. F.rrar.ivs that "litlle self-denials. Ihe door ol neaven is opened ou can.. l : i., r l sua everv wan nu i n'Y, wihuii uu uiiia uoueoneo, miia liaiwiuit; wuiu ui i - avmnalhv. little nameless acta of kindness. & ate ur " he cho,"e' little silent viotories over favorite tempts- ticai theso are the silent threads of gold whioh, when woven together, gleam tut so brightly in tha pattern of life that God approves." Some of the people who are most leal oua io their labors for the heaiucu uevoi help those of their own household. It is the peculiar faculty of fools to descern the faults of others at the sane lime they forget their own Cioer J. Tradc Marks Designs Copyrights Ac AnTonesonrtlttff a nketoh snd dencrtptlon mar qnlckly iisci'rtJiln our orlitl(n free whpther an Invention in pnthnlilT piiteiituble. Cnnimunlr ttonimtrirtlj'Oittiijflontla. Hnndbookon Patents ent free, oldest nL-enoy fur aerurttiR paienli. I'litentii taken tlirouch Munn & Co. receive tprrial notice, without chnrgp. In tbe Scientific Hmerican. A handsomely lllnstrated weekly. I.anreit cir culation of any soujnUtio journal. Terms. W a yeitr; fnur months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. Ur.DcO ultlce, eartt, Wiii mates, D. Ct' "I think I would go crazy with pain were it not for Chamberlain's Pain Balm" writes Mr' VV. II. Stapleton, Herminie, Pa. "I have been afflicted with rheu matism for several years and have tried remedies without number, but Pain Balm is the best medicine 1 have got hold of." One application relieves the pain. For sale by W. M. Cohen Weldon, 1. N. Brown, Halifai, Dr A. S. Harrison, Koneld. Drugs-iM.- A Quaker ladv suggests the following cosmetic, r or the lips, trum; ior me voice, prayer; for the eyes, pity; tor the hands, charity; for the figure, upright ness, and for the heart, love. News & Opinions Of National Importance ALONE Contains Both. Daily, by mail, Daiiy and Sunday, by mail, S6 i year IS a year. THE :3 Sunday Sun g Is the Greatest Sunday News paper in the world. Price 5c. a copy. By mail 12 a year. Address THE SUN, New York. Pair Da. Cady's Condition Powders are iust what a horse needs when in bad i . . . ..L J 1 condition. Tonic, blood turifier and "le8HU'1 " ,ney wno ,e" ,na Q,J 01 vermifuge. They are not food but med- glory, but more blessed are those who icine and the best in use to put a horse contribute to its app ) ;h. Bishop in prime oondition. f rice Zao. per pack- geeer. age. For sale by W. M. Cohen Weldon J. N. Brown Ti ia not the great act that make our Halifax, Dr. A.8. HarrlioB. Enfleld, rraairHU. ,. ... , i;i. .,;. , m l I IIVeBBUUIIIUD. .V . UlC .....a tu.uu Sins are like circles in the water when little kindnesses, little courtesies, little a stone is thrown into it one produoes deeds of love, aod Utile words gently another, sooken CURK A COM) I! ONE DAY Most of the complaints of lack of lime Take Lantive Bromo Quinine Tablets, are but thin excuses for laok of interest All di uguUts refund money if Its fails to r, mav u. hard to find time for things .in niL - . i inrvl J ine genuine nas u. i. v. ." never sharnons cure, iao. on each tablet. For sale by W. M. Cohen Druggist, Weldon, pi. C. Iu Kentucky, when they ask "Is the governor at home?" the reply is, "Which one T" O Boariths Bifaators at .BTORIA, TIN Kind tw Hsu Hlwurt Bought our faculty for finding anything; but most of us are wonderfully endowed with a faculty for picking up enough odds and ends of time to do the thing we want to do most. oast on. X A. law tat y " hM m wVi lljaatart af Sweet Bell Jangled Out of Tune and Harh." RhakeaDeere. deflcrlptloa fits thoa- aande ol wnmeo. They are crocs, dee- pondent, aickly, nrvoua e burden to themselves end their families. Their weet diiDoeltions are rone, end thev. like the Dent, eeem hoi out oi tune. Dm there is a remedy. 1 hey caa ua. McELREE'S Wine of Cardui It brinirs health to the womanly organism, and health there means well poised nerves, calmneaa, strengt n. It restores womanly vigor ana power. It tones up the nervee which auffer- inif and disease hav ahattered. It is the most perfect remedy ever devised to restoio wealt women to pertect health, and to make them attractive and hannv. 1.00 at all draireistl. ror auvm m re(uiiw ipcv ial directions, addreaa, giving symp toms, ."The Ladies' Advisory De partment,' Tba CnattanoogB Mexll- cin CO., cnattanooga, ienn. BUT. J. W. aMTTH. fkndea. . O. ear "Vtv wife eeed Wine of Cenlul at kom. tor talluia el the womb end It entirely cured W.L.Stainback. -DEALER IN Heavy & Fancy GROOERIES, Fruits, Confeectionerim, Country Produco . Bought and Sold. CHOICE BEEFILWftYSCmgD. Give ma call, , . W. L. STAINBACK. an 5 lj Weldon, N. C. tavJiri tat) r im-tiav pt I A . W" 'A ' ,.

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