JO HI IT W. SLEDQ-E, pkmimuktok. VOL. XXXIV. A. IT E "W SP APEB FOR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1900. TEIRIMIS:160 1KU ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 43. S. S. S. is a Old People, It Gives Thsm New Bleed and Life, Ilit-ir I t" Great Blessing; to inmi miii'H Hihv Mltl-r mi pneniilv. S h S it. the rcmeily wliioh will k.n.p tlieir v.titin Iiv ;mi 'ivin'u tiu li , iiiormigniv reluming nil wiihIh aiTUiiiiiIttliin , mi l iiiiinirt ink; new flrenntli iitul lift' to tltt while l,tlv li f ikti-iim'S the appetite up tin' neririi'i m il s, nils new lile giving hliMiil tliri'titchiitit (lie cntiiv M'li'iit Mrs Siirah I'ik i" IW-.iinlwrii .' N utli 1'in.lnii writis: " I Bin seventy yeai'i tilJ. Hit I imt nji,ve,l (jiunl ienltli for twenty yearn. I whs siek in iliftVr, tit nys urnl in aililitmii. Iiml rxzema temhly tin une tiitt'tor tttiiil tltat tin tii't'ntint of niv tie, well nuiiiti. 1 tnok a tl.izen ImttKsi fS S, completely nml I Bin happy tn say l!iat I feel as well an 1 ever iliil in mv life. ' Mr. J W. Loving, of C'oli'tiitt. Ga., says: "Kur v.g:t een yeara I suffered tortures frnm n fiery erupiimi nn mv skin. I tried almost every known remedy. Imt they failed one by one. and 1 wan told that my hit", wiiiili is nitty nix. was against me. and that I could never hupn to be well again. I finally took S. S. 8.. and it olraiwil my blood thoroughly, and now I am 3. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD is the only remedy which can build up and strengthen old people, because it is the only one which is guaranteed free from isitiisli. mercury, arsemo ana omer iianiaging minerals. It is made from roots and lierlis. and has io clieininils whatever In it. S 8 S. cures the worst cases of Scrofula, l ancer. Kentim Ithriitnatistn, Tetter, Open Sores Chronic I'lcers, Itoils, or liny other disease of the Mum!. Books on these diseases will be sent free by Swift Sgiecilic Co., Atlanta. (Ja. P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. Dealer in QeJIEL - - - JEflCffDlSE ZEICLER & BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. ItfTSole Agent in Weldon forSTROUSE (Formerly sold here by M. F. Hart.) A lit mm ' kin'i'h. Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Grove's Tasteless Chili Tonic It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form Sold by every druggist in the malarial sections of the United States No cure, no pay. . . . Price, 500 , WHOLESALER. Ct. Locis, Mo., Feb, 6, J89. PlRn UBOloina Co., City. Oontlometit Wo wish to conirratulato ycu c.i tho iacro.ii.ed calua wo uro iKWingoD your Orovon 'Jawfrlww rbtJ "onto. Oncian i ling our recorl ot invootory uauel U-i-o ct Jan. Int. vo find that wo r,oM .lurinRthi Chi J , ...1 :i. 'WJ .l.nn MVfl H iOElM. i i dm fmil Hint cur o-.lco on your lAxatlT-o UroraoQninlao TnbJota havo boon aopi thln ; c-tomou3: havinir cold during tho UL) ColilondCrlpocaiOQl.CCOdoton. Ploaso ruh down orilor rnclosoa norewltn, AOdobUlJo, Yours truly, MEYER BROS. CRUG CO. Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, OiUU Io Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable quality. DAVENPORT MOKKIS & CO., Sole (gents fur thn Distiller, KiolioiuDil, Vs. MR. W. D. SMITH, t WeldoD, N. C is the sole distributing sgent at that point, for the above old aod Celebrated Whiskey. DAVENPORT MOBR1S 00. mar SI 8m. ERFECf" SCALES! LAST rO B KVCR. COMBINATION BEAM. COPPCR F-LATCD TECt IKVCNS. For (sets witteto Jones of Blngbamton, 1 Jacob drovers fTTTj TO BE SlIED A ni' ill i fi'i'lili-tn'sH i ti'i cppwMirilr menu iiml ill hi'ii I i li mnl nl llli ulrkhi'Ml Intituii' lll'llllV llll ts" an In1 n 1. Ii'il Xnsl cm, in l'l BUM-I'lil. (it f.s. lull il is wllnllv lllllli '11'n.sin IU li tit mil piirt' llii'v nit I is t licit selves ptfiine tliri'H limit i. nl il. r .iiln ,.,,u 4 my legs '11. i I wiittld lieier lie 5 and it cured me i 4 V in iierfect health S II 0 E S HKOTIIKIi.S 111(111 AliT CLOTHING. gna'anleeil. UNDERTAKING In all its Itrini hcs Metallic. Walnut, Oltiiii Oovrivi'.1 .Caskets and Cuttiim. TelephotlH lir telegraph lllessagesat tt'iitletl o tiny nr night. f-i: RETAiiER. KbdBOM, llAA- Pabis Ubdicikb Co. , Ontlracni-I handle aevenor eight differ ent kind t of Chill Tonic but I oll ten bottlo: of CTore'n to where I t'll cnoef t'le others. I sold M boltles ot Cwto'ii ( MA Tonic i: ono duy and could li ivi col 1 raoro if I had bin. It o-i hand. Mr. P.iv, WooJs curod ttvo casoa of chills with ono hot'ic. fc8P"& T. VINYAHD. J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale aud Ketail Dealer In Fine- Staple and Fancy r -FRUIT,S. CONFECTIONERIES. CriMtk-rv, (iliuw Tin, ml wooden and wil Itiw'wiire. Altto I'rutt's Hnrse, Cow, Hog alul Poultry KikhI, and llrove's gg; Tiwtelem Chill Tonic. Aleiundei s W LiveHantl Kidney Tonic lor punlying the This tonic is wsrmntwl or mouer rel'uutled. ' J. L. JUDKINS, No. St Washington Ave. (W 11 W Weldon, N. C W, T. PARKER, -DEALER IN- Heavy ANDZZ Fancy Corn,Hay & Oats ' hi .i .lionn for cash. 3-lns green ottVe lor Slfic. 1 have recently added to .. i.,.ui.,. . hultnrv. Best Bread and takes lurnislieclattno.., ; ' ' Woldon.N. CHILDREN f. ZtA I ANDADULTSil Mpios. .my Vmmmi fv;y Groceries Groceries 'ST - " i-1 1 I -rrtH I i" , i...,,i.1 ,ir In viHll I V II UN IU MAN'S IDEAL. NUT SI) MUCH OK AM ANtlBI, A8 A 8YM l'ATUKTIC, AI.L-FllHlllVINIl llt'.MAN "Man has a number of fiiod, old fashioned uiili li. about the ideal woman which are ipiilo apart frnm iK'liuiii nl ei'iiipli xitiii h ii J dress," writes Carrie I'). (i.imtl intlto Woman's lluinti C'uiti pan i. .it '1 lie stttii r Irtith is that while nu n in iiv fi'rli tllvcrsiiiu wi li I he tin, re showy, Hipant l)pe til gill, and are often caught by mi-re gliiltr, they have an ideal far, fur ahnvc this elionp l)pe which is iutpiir iihiibli'. A nun dues out picture a eiiui plciely limp and rliar tci. rlc-s creature as hi' soul's idea', hoWeVtr 'sweet.' Yit tin-wiitnau as she appeat in his drcauts is nut tun clever. It is a plcas'ire to him to be a little sup-ri ir Pi his mate to lie 'looked up to' and as the true woman desires to 'look up,' il is clear that Na ture's arrangements io these matters ate uol without dc-ign. The luont clianu ing woman of all is she who has the con summate wit to st em to 'look up' when really she siamls on a level with the nun who loves her, or perchance a Hi tie above him. "One thing imperatively demanded in the make-up of the ideal woman is soj a thy that all divining, all for giving quality which makes the whole world akin. Sympathy is one of the prune factors ul charm. So is humor. A mau is feat fully luucsuuie wheu his wife can not see his jokes. She could haidl) offer him a more deaJly affront than to laugh iu the wrong place at one of his pet stm ies. The ideal woman is n li has the ise, sweet, old-fasliiotiid notioLs about light and wrung. A in n. is quite capable of making merry uver his wiles scruplis of ennscieocn, but 1 think he would be rather disappointed if she had no scruples il in his worldly way she was guided chiefly by his ex perience. He may not say many praj ers himself, but he likes to know that his children pray at their nml Iter's III);. Perhaps he sometimes rtflVcts tin' the O'ghilv petition frnm innocent ljis, 'Gnd blew father,' may jotjpy le empty nl at' aning." n First Tasteless Tonic ever manufactured.. All other so-called "Taste less" Tonics are imita tions.. Ask any druggist about this who is not PUSHING an imitation. CONSUMER. Whitbbbobo, Tex., Sep. U, IMS. FiBis Metiicixb Co., St. Lenin, Mo. Oontlemcn: I write you a few lines of nrat i'udo. I think yourGrove'!t'I'nstcleM,l 'iTonla i i ono c.f tho best tncdicuu b in tho world r,.rt,nialn.l Peonr. I havo threo childr:n thit h.ivo Leon ,1 wn rlth mnlarle.l fiver fir 111 no-a! ha ami have boituht Chill medicines of all band Doctor's bills corainT in all tho iini u tt'l I rent to town and cot throe bottles oi Croven Tonic. Mv children uro all won 1 now and it was your Tistclos i Chill Tonic that Old it. 1 G&UUOt say too mucn m iiu uuu.iu. Yours truly, JAMCS D. ROBEBTS. HENDERSON TELEPHONE COMPANY. omop, OK GKXKRAL SUl'ERINTEN'DKN I", HENDERSON, N. C. February 15, 181)9. The Company bes to annuuueo lh the f illowitiK sre now connected by tin Luna Distance Service, and the ate herewith publiXd will he effective ot and after February 15, 1899. FROM WELDON TO Aitell, 30. 110 4(1 25. 35. 40.' 35. 35 10. 40. 40. 20. 40. F, M aeon, Manson, Middleburg, Oakville, Oxford, Hidtteway, N., Kidsieway, 8., Bronkston, Oentreville, Churchill, Dabney, Kufield, Franklinlon, Gillbnrg, Koanoke Kapids, Henderson, Halifax, Kittrell, Laurel, Littleton, Louisburg, Vanghan, Warren Plains, Warrenlon Wise, Youogsville, C. TOEPLEMAN, Gen. 8upt, APPOMATTOX IRON WORKS, Manufacturers of Agricultural Implements, Shaftings, MillUeanng, rutieys, an siuusu. Machinery, and Repairs. Noa. 22 H'M Old Ht., Petersburg, Vs. GEORGE WASHINGTON, He lives in the hearts of Imh countryincn ever Who planted among uh fair liherty's tree; He peacefully sleejis by the beautiful river That kisses his grave as it Hows to the sea ; Ami millions unborn will give ear to the story Of Washington's deeds round the universe told, And over his sword is a halo of glory, And the names of his battles will never grow old. The land that he loved will not lack a defender While shines in the heavens our destiny's star, Or floats in the sunlight our flag in its splendor, In peace ever glorious, triumphant in war; Mount Vernon, our Mecca, we'll turn to thee ever. Thy tomb is the shrine of the noble and free, And brighter and dearer will grow the great river That carols of him as it glides to the sea, His Start In Life. A STORY TMT I DISCUSSION ON RELIGION BROUGHT OUT. IT INVOLVED A CHKISTMN Afl) AN 1NK1DEL AMI A MUhT KMAKKABI.K C01NHI1BNCK, ANI'I'IIE NAllllATIVB POINTED A MI11AL AS WELL. Tliu,tit'siiiui of religion came up the otlu-day in the Busy Men's bunch club, and old I'auuesan, who is seuiur warden of St. Pecunia's church and therefore constitutes himself a defender of the faith, remarked, liYiA my say what you like, (ii'Dtleinen, but a religious man is more apt to help those who need It than an intiJrl." "I aiu a firm believer in Christianity," remarked Bilson,who has made a niillimi or so in the Swamp during the last few yt ars, "but I lake exception to that state ment. When it comes to helping a fel low who is down, it's about an even tots hmween a Christian and an infidel. You doubt it ?" be coutioued as he saw old Parme-an shake his head. "Well, to prove what I say I will give you an epi sode in my own life. I came to New York in 1873 with no capital but a coun try made suit of clothes and a common school education. I was a lank looking yout g fellow, with 'hayseed' iitten all over me; but, I like many another nw country lad, I was irresistibly attracted to the city, where I soon expected to strike the combination that would lead to fortune and fame. But before long my main thought was to keep from starving I could get no work, and nobody would listen to me when I asked for it. I tried to keep up my courage, but in my heart I would have given anything lo be back on the old fattn again. 'Well, one day I grew especially des perate. The papers were full of the triumphant suooess of 'Billy, the Con verted Bum,' who was holding revivals all over the country. And I asked my self why I, a oleao, decent young fellow. who had never been a 'bum, . should be allowed to starve, while ' Billy' wb living In the mythology of Ancient Greece Hymen, the god of marriage, was the half brother of Ksciilapius, the god of medi cine. The ancients believed that mar riage and health should ko to gether, and as a result the Creeks of that time have ever since been looked ution as tyjtes ot physical perfection. Si.U) moth ers cannot bear liealthv children. The prospective mother should use every precaution to preserve and foster lier health. Not alone for the sake of the little one to come but for her own sake. A perfectly healthy woman is in no danger and in very little lain at her time of trial. There must ne uue preiiariuiun iur this time. Nature makes the prepara- torv neriod three-fourths ot a year and wnnipn WHO UlKe II1C 111111 Hum nuiuic and use the time properly need have no fears of the outcome, nr. i ierre s ra vnritp Prescrirition is a medicine designed to cure all distinctly feminine ailments n.l taken durine the period of (testation it renders childtrirth easy, safe and com paratively painless. li in the invention of Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. V., a regularly graduated physician and skilled specialist in the Cure OI ail lltscnscr, .'i, ,n. u .win ttiiti nf Downittir. Dunn Co.. Wis. writes : " I cannot praise your ' Favorite Pre scription' enough, for I have not been as well for five year as I now am. In July last 1 had a taly b"V weiaht n lltt. 1 was only atca a anon lime, ...A .i. t rt n have not had one sick day." Sick women can consult Dr. Pierce by letter free of charge. Every letter is held strictly private and sacredly confidential Designing men work on women s fr-limrs. bv advisine women to "write to woman who understands woman's needs." It is useless to seek advice about rtiarase of nv woman who is not a phy sician. So far as known no qualified woman physician is connected with auy proprietary medicine establishment. KM? (P P (P (P 'P (P (P P (P 'P P (P P (P P P 'P - T. C. Harbaugh. on the fat of the land. At first the wild t'tougbl came into my head to slat' out myself una careerotor I mean of re vivalism iiucr the name of 'Charley, ti e fjtiverted Buy Fiend,' and rake in the shekels like 'Billy.' But somehow I felt I couldn't get down as low as llmt. A brilliant thought struck me, howev.r. I would state the whole thing in an ad vertisement, more to relieve my feelings than with any hope of getting an an swer. "So I scraped enough money together to ins rt the following in one of the papers: ' If I were a drunken 'bum" just taken out of the gutter, scores of kiud religions pij.iple w tuld stretch nut a hand tn help me But as I am oDly a decent and scif respecting young man. with no vices nr had habits, I am withnul work and starving in this great, cruel city.' And I added my initials aud ad dress. " I'he next day I called to see if there might possibly be an answer and got two. 'I was touched by your strange advertise ment, as I myself was once in the 8;ine portion. I found help through a noble Christian man, and if you will call and see me I will prove to you that there is a Christian who is able aod willing to help you if you are worthy. Ask to see me per-mnidly, as I am sorry to say my part ner is an infidel, and, though a good man, he might not be disposed to look at your cise so kindly.' ' My heart jumped with j y on reading this kind letter, and for a little while I forgot the other ono. But I soon opened it and read as follows: 'I was deeply stirred by the undertone of despair in your advertisement, as I was once as friendless as you are. I found a start in lite tproujjn a noole man who, like my- If, was an unbeliver. And if you will call and see me I will prove to you that there is an unbeliever who is both able and willing to give you a start in life if you are worthy. Ask to see me person ally, as my partner is a Christian, and, though a good man, he might not be disposed to look on your case kindly.' "Wonderful coincidence, wasn't it? But the most wonderful part of the story is yet to Do told. 1 hese two men were partners. E.ich one of them was trying to do a good deed without the knowl edge of the other. "The end of the story? Well, that was interesting and remarkable too. After trying in vain to decide to which of these two gentlemen I should make myself known I determined to see them together aod read the two letters to them. I did so, aud you ought to havo seen the look of biuuk surprise llial uuiut over the facts of both men as they learned that, though differing so widely in creed, they w, re as one in acknowledging the religion of hu manity. They were silent for few mo ments, and then the Christian, with tears in his eyes, grasped the hand of his part ner and said : " 'Brother, I have wronged you, for 1 have learned that, without knowing it, you are not far from the kingdom of heaven.' 'It is I who have wronged you,' ex claimed his partner, 'in assuming that you would not obey the teaching of your Master to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. Let us herealler live as brothers iudeed, even though we may not be able to proless the same creed And may the unknown Uod whom we ignorautly worship accept us at last.' ' These two good men gave me a Btart and were my dearest friends until they died. The moral of it all? Well, I thiuk there is more goodness io the world than can be enshrined in any creed, h iwever true." New York Tribuue. Surprised Tie Girls. ALL 13 WELL THAT ENDS WELL. THEIIl RECEITIIIN AT DAWSON AFTER A DISCOURAGING JOURNEY. "Nothing queerer or (painter ever happened iu I) iwsnti City than the rec p liiin of the schiiul uia'atns," said Mr. L l. Carl, the Klutidtke miner, who spent a tlty or two in New Orleans recently. ' Yuii see, in the sprinir nf '!)7 a hit nf young wmui'ii, mostly frnm W est Ore gon, handed to g'ther to goto Dawson, allraeltd by the stories til high wages They were nice girls, till of them, who had been earning their nwji living as chrks, slcnognphers, bookkeepers, seutu stressess, school teachers and so on, and they hed enough good American pluck to believe they eould make their way in any temperature As had luck would It ive it, however, they tint soow bound at Like Bennett and were lied up there fur over two months That exhausted their money aod enthusiasm, and when they finally ret out again for the Yukon they were as homesick and hopeless and generally dejected a crowd as ever you saw. 'Meanwhile the report reached Daw son a party of twenty-five beautiful school ma'ams would arrive by the next boat and great excitement prevailed There was no school there at the lime.but it was inshtully agreed that several would be put up if nece-sarv to give the stran gers occupation. -What we need,' said one af the speiki-rs at a jth'l' .njpeiing "is th'V.Vi-eiy nl real ladies Io give totie'. to the town, and we mint keep 'em up here regardless of expense ' This met approval, and arrangements were mi le for an elab irate reception and ban quet, the touuh element being put on no ice that the slightest disturbance might bring on a lynching. 'Tho boat arrived about, and the poor, desp indent girls wire atntxtd at the appearance of a reception commit tee, who greeted Ihem wiih profound bows and escorted them to a gorgeously decorated supper room, with a brass band t iming in the background. They were inf jrmed by the spokesman that Dawson was honored by their presence, and while the town was lempirarily short on schools that defect would bo promptly remedied In the intetim they were to consider themselves guests uf the municipality, aod quarters had been enag td for them at the best hotel The situation gradu ally dawned on the dumbfounded young women aod their spirits soared skyward They explained that only two of the p irty were really teachers, and next day all secured good positions. Most of them did exco dingly well, and the ma jority eventually got married. I know several who are the wives of Yukon mil lionaires." KOR OVKR FIFTY YKAHH Mrs. Wioslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fur over fifty years by millions ot mothers for childrenwhile teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, euros wind colic, and is the oest remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists tn every part ot the world, an cents bottle. Be sure and ask fur "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take do oth er kind. Sk Has Faith That He Is Carci. Mrs. Hix 1 don t take any stock in these faith cures brought about by the laying on of hands. Mrs. Dix Well, I do. I cured my little boy of the cigarette habit io that way. TKTTIOH, HALT KIIKIIM ANU IOC ZKMA. The intenso itching aud smarting inci dent to these disoases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sure nipples, chap ped hands, chilblains, frost bites and ohronio sure eyes, "id. per box. Foruletiy W. M. Cohen, Weldon, J. N. Brown Hullfm, Dr. A. s. Harrison, KnlioM. Iirutnrlsu Apparently He IsGoiig To Run- "The colonel has been presituted ith new rill j and a brace of pistols." "So I heard. What office is he going to run for? "Atlanta Constitution. CUKE A COLD IS ONE DAY Take L'lintivo Iiromo Quinine Tablets All diuggists refund money if Us fails to cure, 230. the genuine tias ii. a. y. on each tablet. For sale by W. M. Cohen Druggist, Weldon, N. C. It's llarj To Imitate Bostonians. "Those new people next door are i body in particular." "How do you know?" "They try so hard to look like some body in particular." Indianapolis Jour nal. Bear, ttw A 1 m m mm "'7 DOUgTil SALT RHEUM CURED BY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. J 1ST KKN light Skin Eruptions are a Warning or Hotuptltlnff IVforff Rerlnaa to CoBa, The Oulj Hale War le lo Mend the Warning, Jolinalun'a aaraaparllla la the Hail Powerful Hlood PuriUer Known. Nature, In her efforts to correct mistakes, which mistukes have come from careless living, or it may be from ancestors, shoots out pimples, blotches and other imperfections ou the skin, as a warning that more serious troubles (per haps tumors, cancers, crysicluB or pulmonary diseases) aru certain to follow if you neglect toliecd the warning and correct the mistakes. Many a lingering, ptiinful disease and many an eurlydoath has been avoided simply because these notes nf warning have tict-n heeded and the blood kepi pure by a right use of JOHNSTON'S hAHSAI'AKILLA. MissAbltie J. llnnile, of Mursliull. Mich., writes: "1 wns cured of a bud lmiiinr after suffering with it for five years. The doctors and my friends said it was salt rheum. It eiime out on my head, neclc anil ears, anil then on my whole body. 1 was perfectly raw with It. What I suffered during those five years, Is no use telling. Nobody would believe me If 1 did. i tried every medicine that was advertised Ut euro it. 1 spent money enough to buy a 'Ionise. I heard JOHNSTON S SAliSAPARILLA highly praised. I tried a buttle of it. 1 began to improve right away, and when 1 had finished the third bottle I was completely cured. I have never had a touch of it since. I never (rot uny thing to do me the least gtxtd till I tried JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA. 1 would heartily advise all who n re suffering from humors or skin disease of any kind to try it at once. 1 bud also a good deal of stomach, trouble, and was run down and miserable, but JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA made me all right." The blood is yourlifeand if you keep it pure and strong vou can positively re sist disease or face contagion fearlessly. JOHNSTON'S SAliSAPARILLA never fails. It is for sale by all druggists, in full quart bottles at only one dollar eacl PLAINT OF THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER. She was bred in old Kentucky, Where the ballot-box is stuffed; Where the gentle poker-player Never yet was really bluffed; Where rivers murmur sweetly, Aod the meadow-grass is blue; And the doubt-dispelling shotgun Sends conviction into you; Where the sky is ever lovely, Aud the sweetest songs are sung, Aod the lii-.noecut bystander Gets a bullet in hi ,'jn. '. Where the ladies all tiro pretty And the gentlemen are brave; Where the just-observed bystander Gels a decorated grave. Diop their "t's" so where they Softly when they hold achat with you; And the innocent bystander Often has to be dropped, Too. Where the candidate who's beaten Uises up and says he's nit, Whereupon the said bystander Carries off a load of shut. Where the brerze is ever Sighing through the leaves a serenade; Aod you see the constant dishing Ul the buwic'a gleaming blade I Oh, she's down there in Kentucky, Waitiug till I come for her, But as long as things are this way, From this spot I'll never stir. I must leave her iu Kentucky Thitherward I'll not meander I am not afraid, but I am just an Itinocent bystander. Il was the Proofreader. The editor wrote of the wedding cere mony: "Just as the minister came lor ward the bride stooped and picked a flower from the floor." But the unfortunate proofreader let it go at this: "Just as the minister came forward the bride whooped and kicked an hour or more !" Clearly Evident. Judge "You say that the bullet en- tercd the victim's head." Witness "Yes, sir." Judge "Well, now. previous to the shooting had there been any trouble any threats that would have lead the victim to expect the shot?'' Witness "iNo. sir. 1 dont iniou such a thing ever entered his head be fore." Ohio State Journal. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but med icine and the best io use to put a horse in prime ooodition. Price 25c per pack age. For sale by W. M. Cohen Weldon J. N. Brown Halifax, Dr. A. 8. Harrison, Enfield, Druggists. A Change of Base. "Brer William, I thought you said de colleation wuz tuck up fcr de starvio' heathens? ' "So I did, suh so I did; but I been wrastiin' in pra'r' 'bout it ever senoe, en it's now my opinion rit nVm heathens ia chuck full, no any mo' would give em de indigestion I" "I think I would go orazy with pain were it not for Chamberlain') Pain Balm" writes Mr W, H. Stapleton, Herminie, Pa. "I bave been afflioted with rheu matism for several years and have tried remedies without number, but Pain Balm is the best medicine 1 have got hold of." One application relieves the pain, For sale by W. M. Cohen Weldon, 1. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr A. 8. Harrison, Enfield, DruggliU. The Ruling Passion "And now," said the minister, "we will sing 'Old Hundred.' " Just as the announcement was made a brother in the "amen cornor" commenced singing "The Niuety aod Mine." "Hold on there, brother," laid the minister,' you ain't in the store now there no one-oent-off on these goods 1 Baintiw Kgnitu tf iik m iw raw .nwr ooipi IN TI.HB. XXtT7Gr OOMPAIfT, 33 S1TROIT, IIXOV W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. WOOD'S SEEDS. Wood's flalne-Grown Seed Potatoes are onqiiPBtionnbly the best Seed Pota toes for Bout hern planting. Our Pota toei are grown especially for aeed pur poses In the beet potato district la Uaine, and are noted for their earli nees, uniformity and large yields pro duced. The largest potato growers in the Bouth are planting our Seed Pota toeB. with the best and most profitable results. We also offer VA". .SECOND CROP POTATOES grown from Kalne seed. These give splendid crop results and are popular with truckers everywhere. Wood's Descriptive fefewd Catalogue, giving full Information, mCrUed free. Prices quoted upon request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, Richmond, Va. The Largest 5eea House Id to South. ,4 Tain ..O DtaiONt 'fWl Co-YRIOHTt & Anvone seniUiiR s .ketrh and description tnsr qnlirhlr turertnln nttr opinion free wbetner an Invention I. prohebtr patentable. Communica tion. Htrictlrroinldentlal. Handbook on Patents aent free, oldct asencr for securing patents. Patent, taken ttirouKh Munn a Co. recelT. tprctal notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handtmmelT 11 ln.t rated weekly. Larseit Cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $8 a year; four months, $L Sold by all newidsalers. MUNN & Co.36'Bro'- New York Branch Omoa, 635 F 8t Washington. D. & News & Opinions Of National Importance ALONE Contains Both. Daily, by mail, Daily and Sunday, by mail, 16 a IStyei TUE- 5 Sunday S Is the Ur eat esi feaS" Sunday News paper Hi the world Price 6c. i copy; By mail 12 year, Address TilK SUN, New York. ti. inf. L. StSfisubaiCk. DEALER IN Heavy & Fancy GROCERIES, UA44. 60 YEAR8' ST V,EXPERIENCE i r-LJAJARaj I year Fruits, ConfeecUonerles, Country Produce Bought and Sold. CHOICE BEEF ALWAYS OH HARD. Give me call. W. t. STAINBACK. Weldon, N.'O. (an 5 It .... , INQMAMTOH. N T. .j 1

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