IMS If ill M W Ipah JOHET W. SLEDQE, I'Uoi'kiktor. VOL. XXXIV. TERMS:-1-50 PKR annum in advance A. IT IB "W" SPAPEB FOB THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 8. 1900. NO. 45. 8, TOMTOM Promptly Reaches the Seat of all Blood Diseases and Cures the Worst Cases. in PUTT ilemoiiMrn'te- A Lcbi Journey. ALL FOR TWO CENTS. A I.KTTKIt IlKI.IVKUfl) SEVEN THOUS AND MII.BS AWAY IN FORTY HAYS. ' i I fi-iiii view l"!iii'ininy. a. o mrees out evury t"st inmlo S. S. fl. pni!v t'S it SOtl.'l'iil-ltv 1,,-u.. ...1 IiI.mhI r.-t!i-il li mnitfTH nut how ol. stimito the ens,., .r H,,lt tlt ,tr treat ment nr remedies hiivc fitiled, 8. s S niwi ys promptly reechos mid cures miv discnse where the I.L.oil is in ny wny invulv.-if hvoryune who hns h,.,l v, .,.... Id...l diseases knows llmt them are no nil ments or troubles so obstinate und dillieiilt toeuro. Very few remedies eh';. . U, cure such real, deep se,,t.Hl b(KKl diseases as S. 8. 8. cure,, and none , offer such inconti-overtihleevideiice.if merit. S 8. 8. is n.,t r.-iv a to.ii.--it is a cure! It nop down to the very ..t of nil blood (Ii'mw. and gets nt the iu.niun.ivM - J n i is i up pni soli I r mi I hp -.Vf-t.-m lid. Hot, use ill lli-r re... ....!,, urj lip Hie p.llH.lll Slid lllllc only to breek forth again more violently thun ever trace of taint, and rid the system of it forpver. Mrs.l. W. JPP. -Montgomery, Ala., writes: "Some years ago 1 was in.H-iiliited with poison by a nurse who infected my babe with blood taint. 1 was covered with sores and ulcers from head to foot, and ill my greateiti-einiiy I pnm-d to die. Several prominent physicians treated me. but' nil to no purpose The ineri-ui-y and potash which th.-y gave me seemed to add fuel to the awful Hump which was t devouring me. I was advised by friends w ho had sen k wonderful cures made by it, to try Swift's Si.eoilio I im. I proved from t lie start, as the medicine seemed to h.. direct S'tXxt.til' I U) the cause of the trouble and force the poison out. Twenty -.i38aBCti bottles cured me completely." Swift's Specific S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD Is the only rempily that is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no mercury, potash, arsenic, or any other mineral or chemical. It never fails to cure Cancer, Eczema, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Tetter, Boils, Carbuncles, Sores, etc. Valuable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, (J a. P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. Dealer in f,hfCfifJDISE ZEICLER & BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. KlViH. SHOES It may not be out of place to give an illustration of the vast distances a letter uiiy travel on the strength of a two cent postage stamp. Suppose une of the girl readers of the Companion in Key West, l'"la., has a bi.itln r in the Klondike region who lii.s risked all to dig iiii.h from mother earth, am writes to (eil him the news from noun, She drops the letter in the postofiiee at Key West, and it starts on its loniij .uruey. U does not, of necessity, travel iu a straight Hoe, but must folio twisting and turnings of the railroads, which have complete charge el' it until the northwest coruer of the Stale ol Washington is reached. Wheo it anives at Seiltle it lias passed through to'irl.'en stiit.-s, an 1 yet, so tar as time is concerned, hut one-fourth of its journey has bc.-n accomplish, d. It o iw lakes a sea voyage from Seattle to Juneau, Alaska, and from the latter p' ace is carried, as I hive already d. crilied, to Circle City. It may be tak from there by friendly hands farther iulo the Klondike country, and finally deliv ered into the hands of the anxious broth er, who has l -en ca-erlv awaiting the arrival of the tiosl pirty the est town in liuli a panulfije is conduc ted, in the hope that som ) one would bring lum a letter. 1 he letter bai now traveled in the n -ighborh iod of 7,01)0 miles by railroad, steamboat, stage, horseback, and, perhaps, dog sled and has been on the Dad for nearly forty days without a iu im.-nl's rest. No pr li', in tnoo.-y, accrues to th goveruuicut for delivering that letter; iodeed each letter seut into the Klondike costs the government for transp aruti in many times (he amount of postage charged Youth's Co npinion. AS Losses In The Civil far. SHOWN BY THE STATISTICS I II TV IU11I.I.S or ENIII.ANI) KNOWS l.t ITI.E OF HRAI. WAR AND SCRAP Willi till! IIOKRS IS ONLY A SKIRMISH. iij 30 4.')7 210 Oil 320 31:10 151(1 IS!) 1750 10311 -1500 387 300 25112 13(10 11)1 239 1108 1GH4 12d 350 701 Hi'iO number of other heavy in (aTSole Agent in Weldon for. STimi'SE BROTHERS HKiH ART CLOTH1KO. I Formerly sold here by M. F. Hart.) A lit gnamnteed UNDERTAKING In all its branches. Metallic. Walnut, Cloth Covered Caskets and Collins. Telephone or telegraph messages at tended today or night jir) t llf JTJ Mrs. Q li-Vive "Dear Mr. Surplice, 1 can't m ike up my mind what L.ntm sacrifice will he the most acc iptablc.'' Mr. Sunliee "Ah! h! wall dear niailain Hiiiiiose von oive up trying to iu i the church." The United Stales, says the New York Sun, is a much younger na ton than (Jreat Britain, nevertheless it has had greater i-t perienou of real -var and im bibed a deeper ooinprehiinsi on of all it involves than the nation whoso "drum beat is heard around the world." In the "butcher bill" the Civil Wur would swal low up a doz -n such wars as that of tho Crimea, or the Peninsula campaigns, with Waterloo thrown in. The British forces were brought to a dead standstill by half their numbers, much as the Union forces were by the first Bull llun, which, by the way, was a greater "battle" than anything we have yjt seen iu South Africa. Yet Bull Bun wis but a small compared with at leist 30 of the subsequent actions of the C.vil War. Corrispondents fr. ni time to time quote lo-ses of various commands in the Civil War in specific engagement in compari son with British losses in their affairs with the Boers. It therefore appears to be worth while to tabulate 50 of the more important engagements of the Civil War with the losses ii killed and wound el, ouly omitting the missing and pris oners. iumoers ot tne missing, How ever, in nearly every battle were killed or wounded, but not so reported. Pris o lers captured are omitted because they tell no tale of the destructive powers of either belligerent. Vast numbers of prisoners are sometimes eccured at very lilile expense of bloodshed, as at Har per's Kerry: Killed. Wounded. Bitlles. Uuion. Con. Luiou. ton Bull Bun, 481 387 1411 1592 Wilson's Creek, 283 279 7til Dal 49 39 500 203 Best Prescription for Malaria, Oils and Fever, Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form Sold by every druggist in the malarial sections of the United States No cure, no pay-. . . hice, 50c. WHOLESALER. Bt. Lorn, Mo., Feb, t, 189. Furs MnmciNB Co., City. Oontlemon: Wo vlah to congratulate yon m tlio incr.-.aced palca vo arc hsviaijoa your c . ,.. i-... --.vtil- OntSan- I .Inrj our recor 1 of inventory unuVi ' datj Jan lut. wo Cud that no cold ilnnnit Ih IMI a.aaonoCloai. 'JXO uO'on Gjow'h Tonic. . tlai lin.l llaot u.- oilea on your Lointu -Um....-... 1 , rv..i.,a .1 I, ivf. b--en eoni' - thin ; c-uwmotui liivin? not 1 .lurinj Um UtJ Cold tad r,rl-Boooou l,-uoicn. Fleaso raii Cosm r ' r -ncloMd horewitJi. aodublij. Yours truly, MEYER BROS. DRUG CO. f CHILDREN Jf, : 'ijJ I ANDADULTSiJ Hxlfx, 41 Ifeccmiaici0- RETAILER. EUDBOK, ILU. Padm Mf.ntciMn Cn. - -i ., r Mn nr cluht dittcr- r 'f.n i-..-,.h,o r ten bottl-a First Tasteless Tonic ever manufactured.- All other so-called "Taste less" Tonics are imitations-Ask any druggist about this who is not PUSHING an imitation. CONSUMER. WniTRSBOBO, Tox., Sop. 13, IS- Pm Mmieran Co., St. Louts, Mo, Oentlemem-Iwrltoyou a few Hues of frrat i uoo. ltlaiukyourirov-(l rastelt-iti t LJII .onncftho be8tra;.llcan. di-.i .' nK.-l.iaa.Huve boncht Chill n,. dii ines ot at. , .i r,..fn.a hill.rnmm-lQ all tllO IU1 cnt to .town an .roV.... -- Ball's Bluff Mill Sprius Fort Dooelsou, Pea Itidge, Sliioh, Wiliia us'iurg, Cross Keys, Foit K public, Fair Oaks, Meehanicsville, li lines' Mill, Malvern 1 1 ill. Cd-lar M .uniain 2ul Bull Bun South Mountain Antietam Corinth, Perryville, Prairie Ur .ve, Fredericksburg Chickasaw Bluffs 208 Murfreesboro, Arkansas Post 134 Chanccllorsville 1600 Champion's Hill, 410 Vicksburs(seigc) 819 Port Hudson, 708 Gettysburg Chickamauoa 117 309 1534 1200 36 158 125 207 406 2108 300 980 1754 1732 8408 8012 450 288 1410 975 114 56 444 392 07 78 393 533 790 MS0 3594 4749 49 600 207 1850 894 1700 3107 C720 397 1050 2092 4075 314 211 1445 1120 1747 1353 8452 7812 325 200 1403 1130 2108 1512 9549 7816 Ml 205 G13 912 594 1S41 2190 510 2S51 2035 104 813 817 590 9000 0008 57 1005 120 1730 1291 7802 7945 00 80S 81 1065 9702 90S1 3S0 1814 1400 805 3970 1938 176 3336 447 3155 380314529 18741 1656 2389 9749 13412 355 845 175 12S4 Fisher's II ill, Cedar (.'reek, Franklin, Nashville, Bentouville, Fife Forks, There were I engagements which arc not included this list because of the difik-uliy iu arriv ing at an accurate or even approximate statement of the losses, particularly iIiom- on ilia Confederate side, for which no official returns are on tile in the War lteparltn-nt. They were cither lost or never made. The Union losses arc gen erally officially set out in detail, but iu a continuing campaign like that of the seven days' buttle around Richmond, or the operations before Petersburg, they are oftentimes all grouped together us of one uffiir. Such was the case also iu the Atlauta campaign, in which tho Con federate teturns are not found at all. Hence such engagements (some of them sreat battle.--), as Olendale, Bieh- mond, Ky , Rappahannock Station, Mine Uun, Kenesaw, Regaci, IVach I roe Creek, Jouest.uro and Lovely Station, first assault on Petersburg. Deep Bottom, Weldon Riilroad, Chujfiu's Farm, final assault on Petersburg, Apiil 2, 1805, Sailor's Creek and many oile rs are p-r-force omitted, In some of these battles the hisses ran up into the thousands. The Uuion losses in killed and wound ed, for instance, in the first three days' assault on Petersburg in 1804 were 10, 201 or about as many bb the Briiish losses since their war began. But this is not carried in tne table necause mere are no returns whatever of Confederate losses, and no official data from which to make estimates. So with most of the others omitted. A careful count shows that there were over 90 engagements during the Ameri can Civil War in each of which the Union loss in killed and wounded exceeded that of the Biilish losses in all engagements in South Alrica. Of course, it must not be overlooked that in the greater of these bloody bat tles between the Federals and Confeder ates larger numbers were usually engaged thau have yet appeared in any of the South Alriean battles. Nevertheless the percentage of killed and wounded was far in excess of unyihing yet shown iu Souih Africa, or any of the modern wars in F.urope. At the first Bull Hun nut mole than 18,0110 men were engaged on either side, and most all were green volunteers, yel the losses on either side double those ol Buller at Culenso December 15, when u . equal number apparently were engaged on the field. But let us suppose soiu. tiling had hap pened to Buller like the Confederate re- A Pathetic Story. A REAL HERO. UK HAVE I P Ills OWN LIKE TO SAVE Til K II KR OF HIS LITTLE IIHOTII-Hl. The Anglo-Saion, of Rockingham, in its i-sue ol lost week, tol l in a a f. w lines a .lory that is enough to thrill the cold est and most unfeeling hiarl. It was ubout a little hero, albeit a child of tender ycurs. It run this way : Not fur from Ham let, in Richmond county, a family of children wcro left alone the parents huv inj' gone Iu a neighbor's, two or three miles distant, to spend the day. About noon they set about to prepare their din ner and the clothing of the 15 months old baby took fire. The eldest child, a lad of 9 years, went to tho relief of the b thy with no thought ur care lor himsell. Fi.rcely the battle raged, as with bare hands the child tried to beat buck the flames. A little 7 year-old girl was thoughtful enough to run to the spring for a bucket of water which she threw on the two children and extinguished the fire, but she was too late. However, unheeding his own torture, the biave and faithlul lad gently removed the rugs from the baby's body and replaced them wiih cool, clean cloths, then clasped the little sufferer iu his arms and started for his father and mother. A neighbor happening along took them all up in his wagon und carried them to their destination. At 10 o'clock that night the baby died and the boy now relieved of his responsibility, )iclded to his own pain and the physician, after an examination, shook his head and de clared that his recovery was impossible. That was all. But what a record ! No trumpet sounds his praise, hut what hero on any field ever surpassed in mural granduer the long, brave struggle of this little boy to shield and save the baby ? It makes one thiuk better of tho race to see in this unlettered child so high and holy an example of fidelity. We pray that God may spare the boy's life. He has in him the elements of the highest und the noblest manhood; but if his time has come may he meet in the better land the baby for whose sake he laid down his life. Charity snd Chil dren. FOR OVER FIFTY VF.ARS SCROFULA AND ITS AWFUL HORRORS CUKED BY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. A. MOST WONukltFUL C'TJIiK. A Grand Old Lady Ulvca Her Experience. Mrs Thankful Orllln Hurd lives in the benutlful village of Brighton, Livingston Co., Mich. This venerable and highly respected lady was born la the year 1812. the year (if the great war, lu Hebron, Washington Co., New York Khc cnine to Michigan lu is JO. the year of "Tippecanoe and Tyler too " All her faculties are excellently preserved, and possessing a very re tentive memory, her mind Is full of Interesting reminiscences of her early life, of the early day of the Stale of Michlgau and the Interesting and re naarkalile people she bus met, and the stirring events of which she was a wit ness. Hut nothing lu her varied and manifold recollections are more mar velous and worthy of attention than ure her experiences In the use of JOHNSTON'S RAKSAI'AHIU.A. Mrs. Hurd Inherited a tendency and pre disposition to scrofula, that terribly destructive blood talut which naB cursed and Is cursing the lives of thousands and marking thousands more as vic tims of the death angel. Transmitted from generation to generation, It la found In neary every family in one form or another. It may make Its ap pearance In dreadful running sores, In unsightly swellings In the neck or goitre, or In eruptions of varied forms. Attacking the mucous membrane, It may be known as catarrh In the head, or developing In the lungs It may be, and often Is, the prime cause of consumption. Speaking of her case, Mrs. Hurd says: "I was troubled for many yeara with a bad skin disease. My arms anj limbs would break out In a mass of sores, discharging yellow matter. My neck began to swell and became very unsightly In appearance. My body was covered with scrofulous eruptions.. My eyes were also greatly Inflamed and weakened, and they pained me very much. My blood was In a very bad condition and my head ached severely at frequent Intervals, and I had no appetite. I had sores also In my ears. I was In a miserable condition, I bad tried every remedy that had been recom mended, and doctor after doctor had fulled. One of the best physicians in the state told me I must die of scrofulous consumption, as Internal abcesses were beginning to form. I at length wns told of Ur. Johnston, of Detroit, and his famous Sarsaparilla. I tried a bottle, more as an experiment tlian any thing else, as I bad no faith In It, and greatly to my agreeable surprise, I began to grow better. Yon can he sure I kept on taking It I took a great many bottles, ltut I steadily improved until I became entirely well. All tho sores healed up, all the bad symptoms disappeared. I gained perfect health, and I have never been troubled with scrofula since. Of course an old lady of 83 years Is not a young woman, but I have bad remarkably good health since then, and I firmly believe that JOHNSTON'S SAKSArARlLLA Is tho greatest Wood purifier and the best medicine In the wide world, both for scrofula and as a spring medicine." This remarkably Interesting old lady did not lok to be more than sixty, and she repeated several times, "I believe my life was saved by JOIINSTON'S SARSAPARILLA." lUOBiaAir ii.xt comi-ahy, dbthoit, mxob. W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. Sweetening Mary. ..n.. t wj mi a n rj J. i . " " . .miu . ' it m hand. Mr. r-.vo cared lava cane" it. I cannot say muc" I ...rhillawiLhonobottle YouM truly , 136 335 361 4722 93 1152 350 1487 797 2180 847 1850 JOHN T. ViNYABD. 1 Jacob drovers Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable mality. DAVENPORT MORRIS & CO., Sole agents for the Distiller, Richmond, Vs. MR. W. D. SMITH, at Weldon, N. C is the sole distributing (gent at that point, for the above old and Celebrated Whiskey. DAVENPORT MORRIS CO. mar It m. S'.lrlrj trip lo in. l-urla fcipolltio". wlUJuoa SM.rr iM'nM.Mld. It.'.OS rllfl . M. HENDERSON TELEPHONE COMPANY. omcg of OKSKUAL SITKIUNTESDKST, IIKMiKRSllN, N. C. February 15, 1899. The CuniPMY begs o am nee that the following are now connected by im Long Distance M-iviec, and the rates herewith published will he effective or, and aftci February 15, 1899. J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer Iu Fine ' Staple aiel Fancy w-FRUITS- CONFECTIONERIES. Cna-k-rv, tihws Till, and wooden and wil low ware. AM I'ratl's Horse, Cow, Hog and I'oultrv KihkI, ami SltT..iel.-w n.ill'Tomc. Alrxan-lei't Liver and Kidney I'oiiu- lor piinlying .. , i . 'I'l.i t i. v:trr.l te.1 or tne ui.MHi. - - 1 1 'money refunded. I .I L. JUDKINS. Bristoe station 50 Missionary Ridge 653 Olustee, 203 Sabine X Boa Is 253 Wilderue-i, 2246 163012037 9120 Spottsylvania 2725 1300 13416 6700 Drewry's Bluff, 390 335 2380 1941 Cold Haibor, 1845 900 9077 3600 Guulown, 22 96 394 396 Atlanta, 512 1500 2010 6000 Petersburg mine 504 300 1881 1000 Tinen .n 697 lU iWK.l l;HK I r I ever was as pretty as her Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions ol mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It Boothes the child, soltens the gums, allays all pain, cures wiud colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little pulse in the first dry of the seven days' sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists "I want a drink," said baby. "Go to the kitchen. Mary will give you a drink," said mother. "I don't want to," baby demurred; "Mary is cross." "Why, what made her cross?" asked mother. "I dess I did sumpin' to her," said baby. "Then, if you have done something to make her cross, you would better go and do something to sweeten her," suggested mother. Baby thought over it a tuiuute, and then trudged to the kitchen "ou are a sweat Mary," he said, "and 1 want to hug you." Mary stopped her work aud stooped, and he threw his arms about her neck and kissed her, and said, "I love you two hundred bu-hels." When he came back, smiling, mother asked, "What did you do to Mary this time?" "O, I sweetened her, I de-is," was reply. L'nfitld 10 BoarJ. battle at Meehanicsville, where about 17,5(10 of them went up against a forti fied liue worse than Spion Kop held by about 9.000 Union soldiers, when nearly 2.501) of them were killed and wounded in an huitr ortw j. The whole Biitish na tion must have fallen down in a fit. But the Confederates didn't draw oft; they stuck to their job and the next day got even at Gaines' Mill, in evcrv part ol the world. bottle. Bcsureandaskfor"Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. Her Imfressiois. While Sleeping. from WKLDONto Axteii, :to. Brookston, 31). Centrevillc, 40 Churchill, 25. Dabn. y, 35. Knfiold, Frankliuton, 40. Gillburg, Henderson, 35 Halifax, 10. Kittrell, 40. Laurel, 40. Littleton, 20. Louisburg, 40. F, Macon. Manson, Middlebutg, Oakville, Oxlord, Rtdgeway, N , Kidgeway, 8., Roanoke Rapids, Vaughan, Warren Plains, Wanenton Wise, Youngsville, ToKI'I.KMAN, tien. Supt, APPOMATTOX IRONWORKS, Manufacturers of Affrioxiltural Implements, Shafting Mill Gearing, Pulleys, All kinds ol Machiuery, and Repairs. No. M 34 Old 8L, Petersburg, V. No. 2 Washington Ave. dec 11 ' Weldon, N. C nil Mt I -ay v-" T. PARKER, -DIALER IN- Groceries Heavy ANDZZ Fancy Corn,Hay & Oats in ..i,Min for rash. 3-lh green cotr.-eloriic. 1 have recently added to h.,.in a bakery. Beat Bread and . Cake, furnished Waldon, N. C. aug 1 If MRS. ANDERSON'S BABY, You couldn't convince Mrs. Anderson that Cupid .." .... . 11 !.... i Mrs H. C. All.ierson is wcu South Britain. Conn., where slie lives. She is very enthusiastic ntwtit Dr. Pierce s 1-avorite I'rescriptioii h.iikjuku ..... than tliousaniis or omer wu...c. nave neen simi larly benefited. , She writes : 'miring the final month ol" the prrioa of " lion I cool.. n.S kerp anything on utv tt.itnach. I wrnt to In-.! th ilh of and never sot up nil the final of Au- S. 1 tried Uif rent doctor. hut with little benefit. I hens" t" tf J' Havor.le errcr.pluu ' in November .n.l 1 had a nice little haby K"l " Febniary following I . oulv in hird lal.r t...t one hmir an.l waj ?r? an dre--.l on the eighth ,1a, I never had !h, doctor th me at all; ,u.l the nunje and two p i .1..,.. ihree week old now and I. in floh every day." Mothers who suffer undue pain prior to or succeeding the baby's birth are invited t consult Dr. R.V. Pierce, by letter, abso lutely without charge. The great success which 1ms attended the careful methods pursued by Dr. Pierce, has caused muta tors to spring up, who make offers of tree advice, which they are not competent to irive, not leing physicians. When you are invited to " write to a woman," ask the simple question, " Is this woman a phvsician?" You will find that she is not and does not, and dares not claim to be a phvsician. To offer such advice is deceitful. To receive it is dangerous. Prospective mothers should send for a iv env of Dr. Iterce's ereat 1,000 page book the " Common Sense Metlical Adviser." A copy in paper-covera will be sent to any address on receipt 01 21 It is not while we work and worry over the affairs of life that we grow old. It is while we sleep, according to Flynn, the celebrated English physiologist. Mr. Flyun leads us to this eoucluMon through his advocacy of the miduight dinner plan. "No midday luocheon for brain work era," said Mr. Flynn. It impairs thi mental poweis and interrupts the train ol thought." Then Mr. Flynn proceeds to advocate a befcre-goiog-to-bed meal. "It is mo essary to repair the waste that goes on at night," he said. "The waste of a long night of fast is beyond calculation. The stomach should be well filled with unur tshing food to counteract the loss. This is especially true of aeneaiie persons." Mr. Flynn points out the fad that most peraous look pale and fatrti-ed as they get up iu tbe morning "I bare heard dulen of friends say that they look five years older on riiiog than retiring, tbi it is true. If you would not grow old while you sleep be sure that you ire well nourished before retiring. The boly ages faster from hunger than time." the WOOD'S HIGH CRUDE Farm Seeds. Our business in Farm Seeds is to-day one of the largest in this I Country. A result due to the fact 1 that quality has always been our first consideration. We supply all Seeds required lor the Farm. GRASS & CLOVER SEEDS, Cow Peas, Cotton Seed, Seed Oats, Seed Corn, Soja, Navy & Velvet Beans, Sorghums, Broom Corn, Kaffir Corn, Peanuts, Millet Seed, Rape, etc. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue fives the fullest Information about heae and all other Seeds; best methods ot culture, soli best adapted for difTer reot crops and practical hints as to what are likely to prove most profitable to grow. Catalogue mailed free upon request. T.W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. Did you hear meBing "Because I Love You?'1 asked tho young man with vuice like a lathe. I must have tuisundcrsl 0 )d, murmured Mii-a Cayenne. I ihought you y siuging 'because you haled us.' TETTKK, SALT KIIKUM AND EC ZEMA. The inteose itching and smarting inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for iichiog piles and a lavorlte remedy tor sore nippies, cnap- ned hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 23o. per box. For sale by W. M. Coheu. Weldon, t. N. Brown Hallfai. Dr. A a. Harruou. Ki'tlet-l. uruggl.u "I like variety in my eating," declared Sterlingwnrth. "And yet you positively refuse to eat hash," replied his wife, with rebuke in her tone " Detroit Free Press. A. R. Do Fluent, editor of the Jour nal, Doylcstown, Ohio, Buffeted for a number of years from rheumatism in his ribt shoulder and side, lie says: "My right arm at times was entirely usclesJ. I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and was surprised to receive relief almost im mediately. The Pain Balm has been 1 News &; Opinions Of National Importance Fl constant companion and it never fails." Of Course- Crimsonheak Who was the lirst man mentioned in the Bible to have real e- stal.i in his own name? Yeast I'm sure 1 don't know. Why, Lot. I'l'KK A fill.!) IN K DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All dtugi?ts refund money if t' Mm to cure, -Sc. I he genuine nas I,. 11. y on each tablet. For sale by W. M. Cohen Druggist, Weldon, N. C. Tic Only llinc to Get. He Fell Into the Trap. Wife "Did you mail that letter I gave you this morning?" Husband "Of course I did." Wife "How provokiogl I wanted 1 1 add postscript:" Husband (producing the letter) "Well, here it is. Why didn't you tell me that iu the first place?'' Chicago News. of mine ever since For sale by For aaleby W. M. Cohen Weldon. J. N. Brown Hallfaj. Ur A. S. Ilarrlmm. Knlteld. Druggist. Got Here, Though "Did be run for office?'' "Ob. no: 'twas a walkover." Phila- adelphia Bulletin. Why wore 'Jo.tWO BOTTLES OF HOB- EIUV TASTELESS 2.W. CHILL TOMU sold the first your of Its birth? Answer Because It Is tho BEST AT ANi PKIt'h, guaranteed to cure, money refunded If It fialla. nlenitant to take. 25o nor bottlo. It Is sold aud guaranteed by W. M. Cohen, Drmtnist, Weldon, N .1. N. Brown, Halifax ; Jackson Drug Co. Jackson. he m ALONE Contains Both. Daily, by mail, Dauy and Sunday, by mail, 16 a year $8 a year. -THE 5 Sunday Sun g Is the Ureatcat tdr Sunday News paper io the world. Price 5c. a copy. By mail 12 a year. Address THE SUN, New York. vl44rf SO YEARS' VEXPERIENCK (ml fT" Tram Manna TW"'' Cor.ynK.h-ra Ac Jenkins Got There. Anvnnaaendlna aakeaeh and deaertptlnn niav Qulfkly tuH-eru.0! nor .,...o,.ti frw whether ao litre.... on I. ealeixame. . nnimimlra ll....trlcllvcinl...lal. Handbook on i'a.Miui et-nt free. OIl.t auexry ft.r MMsirinf I'n.e.i.a la.en tnr,nrh Mut.n A Co. eaMlrf MwJ mHm. wohnnl ehwevw. In t S one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only; In cloth-binding ji stamps. Ad dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Ho They Smoke? "Faith," saith the jiuitor philosopher, "if iny wan iver told ye tobacco wud ut. ateady ye'ei hind, jus' rad up few ac counts iy the Baers' aim." Chicago News. A burglar got into our house last night. Did he lake anything r The children are all sick, and we hope he got the measles. 1.50 VERSUS $150.00. Mess. Woolen k Co., Prong, North Carolina, says : One of our customers, iiroiuinent nn.n in this community, suf fered with liver complaint. He con suited several physicians but they failed to benefit him. We prevailed upon him to try the Ramon Pills and Pellets. He soon bought more and is now a well and hearty man, and has gained in Desh. lie says the pills saved his life and the tix boxes cost him only f 1.50, while his trip to New York to consult the doctors, cosi him 1150 00. For sale by Edward T. Clark, Weldon N C. Love elucidates the law. The doctors all give Jenkins up; He could not live, said they. Then Jenkins gave the doctors up, Aod he's alive today. Bean tka f 1 m 1" nan nwan rujm Abut the Size of It. Elmer Papa, what is a Jeffersonian Democrat? Professor Broadhead A Democrat who has repudiated every principle of the late Thomas Jeff, rsnn, my son. OABTOniA. BMr, lit lhi Hind ton Haw lrj BoucM why cough Why cough and risk consumption, wnen tne coieoratea ur. joiid. w. Bull's Cough Syrup will cure yon at once? It never foils to cure throat and lung troubles. For bronchitis, tore throat aud hoarseness it is in vain able, 11 1 a. hi a Mma k t - afl a i - - COUCH SYRUP Will our Hacking Cough. TMael are email and pleeeaat totike. Doctors KcvBucvtU. trace. icu, Msii dnvtfuu. Scientific Hmlax Mr ItntttrfttMl wMritir, MrMrt rtr ny tvlenitOo hromtit. Tsfffli, 3 a nonthefu Sold by l nawHiftmlerm. Co.""-- New York 'Rot, US r 8t WuhUiftM, D. c. NEW GOODS. 0000000 21 yards Elastic, 6c : 24 needles. In.. 9.4. sheets writing paper, 2c., 20 Dress Buttons sc., Yard wide percale 6c , Plaid drew goods, 3Jc, Floor matting 10, 13, 16c. Carpeting, 12j to 47c, Farmers heavy shoes, HHc, Ladies' shoes, 70c to f 1.(10, Kugs 26c to $1.75, 3 yard lac curtains 37 cents, Curtain poles and fixtures, lrjc, cur tain crim, 4c, calicoes, 4c, Men'sooatsand vests H6c, men's pants, 60c, boy's pants 16to :Oc., Hoy's suits 45 to 96c, Mattress ticking, 6 to7c, Men's winter underwear 20c, plush capes, $t to $1.60. I am re ceiving some good bargains In winter goods li. C SPIERS, Weldon, N. C 'PERFECT" SCALES last rornvtn. COMBINATION BIAM. COPPIR PLATED STCCL It-VCN. Per Mass wrttsta Jones of Blngoamtoa, IHOMAItTOH, N T. 3