IspS ii 11 111 ,11 H i-iEah TERMS:-'1'50 PKR annum in advance JOHN" W. SL"EIDC3-E, pkopkiktou. VOL. XXXIV. NEWSPAPER FOR THE IPEO PLE NO 46. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 15. 1900. ONLY ONE CURE . FOR SCROFULA. S, S. S. Is the Only Remedy Equal to this Obstinate Disease. There aredo.i-nsof i-cinciilcs i minent,-d fur Scrofula, some of tlll-'l llii (Inula being i.lile to afford tvniporHr y relic', but S. S. S. in absolutely the "illy remedy w hi. li com lotoly cures il Scrofula isoneof tho mint oh-t i unit', deep-si atcd Idood diseases, i.i.d i h-vond 1 1 roach i.f the many so-culled purilicrs und tnnii'i because some ihnitf more t iuiui iiiitm int. ii t r.-miii-i'il si ; s is equal to any blond trouiiie, ana never full to en en Seroluln, In-cau-c it goes down to the seat of tlio disease, thus permanently eliminating every trace 01 me wimi. , The serious consequences to which Scrofula surelv lends ihould impress uHm those afflicted with it the vital im portance of wanting no time upon treatment which can ; not possibly effect a cure. In many ca-es wlc-rc the wrong treatment has been relied upon, complicated irlindiilnr ' swellings have resulted, for which the doctor insist that f a dangerous surgical operntion is necessary. 1 Mr. 11. K. Thompson, of Milledgeville, tia., writes: "A bad case of Scrofula broke out on the gland of my neck, which had to be lanced and caused me much suffering. I was treated for n long w hile, but the physicians were un able to cure rue, and my condition was as bad as when I ln'itati their treatment Many blood remedies were used. i but without effect. Someone recommended S. S S , end A tlx M Go lest, Yotifli Woman. OKLAHOMA BUSINESS W0W.EN. NKW VOHKKK RETURNS WITH STORY OF A SMART ONE. Tk Acne Of Vanity. A BRILLIANT IDEA. A IIItMIIIT SCHOOL (Hill, IJl'Miiu' i WITH A YOUTH WHO IS A IVPB. I I began to improve as soon as I had taken a few bottles. Pftntimiinir the rpmpdv. I Will Runn (Mlt-iil IiertiiHtixiil K- f and have never had a sign of the disease to return." Swift's Speeilio li S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD is the only remedy which can promptly reach nnd cure obstinate, deep-seated blood diseases. By relying upon it, and not experimenting with the various so-called tonica, etc., all sulferers from blood troubles can lie promptly cured, i intend of enduring years of suffering which gradually but surely undermine! the constitution, a. M cure Scrofula, Eciema, S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, and never fails una. Cancer, Hheuniatism, Contagious Mood I'oison, Ho Tetter, Pimples, Sores, fleers, etc Insist upon S S a.; nothing can take its place. Books on blood and skin diseases will be mailed free to any address by the Swift Specilio Company, Atlanta, Georgia. P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. Ib-aler in fcteMl - " - f,hfCtfDISE ZEICLER& BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. ........ i. w.m.. rn,8TRm-HE BROTHERS HIUH ART CLOTHING W nolo im ..v....... I formerly sold here by M. F Hart.) Of Al.I. 0r nA KINDS. SHOES A lit guaranteed- UNDERTAKINC- In all its branches Metallic. Walnut Cloth Covered Caskets and Coffins. Telephone or telegraph messages at tended lodaynr night. J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer lu fine ' Staple mi Fancy WiWWWiiww, -FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Cns kry, Glass Tin, and wooden and wil low ware. Also Pratt's Horse, Cow, Hog ami Poultry Food, and Grove's 34 Tasteless Chill Tonic. Alexander Liver and Kiduey Tonic for punlying the blood. This tonic is warranted or nionev refunded. J. L. JUDKINS, HENDERSON TELEPHONE COMPANY. No. 21 Washington Ave. dee It It Weldnn, N. C' ill Jacob firo OKKICK OF GKNKKAIi SUI'KIUNTKSDKNT, HKNHKRSON, N. C. I beg tu ai.nmince that the follow ing towns arc U"W c lected by long di-lanec phones, and the rate herewith published will be iu envoi on and altn Mmh 15th: kkom WKLDON TO New York grain man weul down to Oklahoma lust month and brought back choice collection of territory stories. He was telling some of ttuiu at the I'uion Club the other night "The thing that impresses mo most nuiside ol the gruin business," he said. "wus I lie practical ability ol the women down there. I heard a great deal about the clever business women here in New York, hut I never happened lo come in contact with any of them. In Oklalio in a about hall'uiy business wis done with the women. You see, when coun try was opened up, hundreds of women rao for claims, got the ui, cultivated them and are working them to-day. A woman lio cau do that si-rt of thing is bound to have hard horse sense, if she hasn I culture, and what these women don't inn abo it running farms isn't worth reporting to the 11 pirliu-nt of Agricul ture. M Ht of th -tu are northern wo men; and, by the way, the sharpest piece of bu-in-ss practice I heard was worked by a uiri from western New York. She wasn't down tlureat the lime of the run; hut her b rot In r-ir. -law staked a claim down near (iulhrie, aud, after a whi!e the New lork mrl went lo visit tier sister. 'Young women are scarce around that part of the country, but young men are plentiful as black berties in June. Tin re vas a young fellow on each quarter of seu ion of land for miles areuoJ. The N 'W York girl wasn't so very young, but she was fairly g"0 1 looking, and, alter she had been th're a wuek, there was usually a long line of cow ponies hltelud to the broilur in-law's front fence, und the girl was having the li DC of her life S n made up her tuiud she'd like to live in Oklahoma ' The two finest farms in the country werj about five miles from the brothrr-in-l's, and lay side by side. There were living springs on them atl l some shade, and the two owners w.ire fine young fel lows aud were making things hum. They both fell in love wit I) the girl, ami liked both. In fact, she cmiidn't m ike up hei mind which she liked the better; and she wasso pleaed wiih bith farm that she felt as if she couldn't give up either of them. Divorce is easy in O i- lah( i, but they have scruples about nigam); so she had to figure the problem out some way or other. iosi listen while I tell Vou bow die did it. One ot the man was a soon er.' Thai is, b had been hidden inside i he lines before the lime when the gov ernment opeued the country for the ru-li. No one could prove it against him; but ol Will Not Try It km WENT UNDER A LADDER. AMI HITERSTITION ONLY 11 EC A M E MURK IIKHM.Y ROOTED IN HIM. There was a very foolish young ruuo not long ago, who told the young woman upon whom he was calling that lie con sidered he paid her a great compliment in coming to see her. "Any man duel," said ho, modestly "To elect lo spend two hours with a cer tain person is really a subtle bit of flat tery." Now the young womin hud been vail antly and vivaciously talking all evening to avoid either screaming aloud or going to sleep, and this remark seemed to her the final straw; therefore, sho replied with much asperity that she was not as grateful as she should be, she supposed, owin;; to the fact that she considered it something of a compliment on her part to leavor tu entertain more or less stupid p-ople when she might be doing some tiling more profitable. Whereupon the young man went bis solemn wav and never tioubled her again. There is a certain class of people, how eve.-, that seems to share this visitors p 'int of view. The men who compose it seat themselves comfortably in the draw White In A Siitjle lilt. A HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE. A heal newspaper man forgot bis usual cautioo the other day aud walked under (ladder. He oouldu't very well avoid Walking under the ladder, because il slauted direoily across the way. Ordi narily, he goes around ladders or climbs over them or waits for the laddar man to come back and take the ladder down. This time he walked under it. Nothiug happened out of the com mon for an hour or two. Then somebody stole his umbrella aud he had lo walk to the car in the rain. When he stepped off the car, he didu'l nniie.a that there was a second step, and so got a decidedly unpleasant stumbli and jar. He hadn't beeu home but a lew nun nies before he broke a hands .nic table ornament that his wife valued highly Then he bej-an to thiuk of the ladder incident. Later in theeveniug he was persuaded to drink a glass uf cider that was jut in the act of "working." It was nice. He went to bed at 10 o'clock, princi pally to avoid getting into more misci t l and was awakened by a mist cicrucia- .. . . 'I l ,. nu n n his llllltst. It Was IUSI in; room nl me uniuriunato gin wnom o..a. r.. hev , delighted to honor with their nice cider, which had evidently kept right ' . . i - .: n,,.se,,ee and answer in monosyllables her on working it was an aw.ui pa.u ,., k. The. never bf any chance it didu't let up fur a full half hour, original, a topic of conversation but Then the victim tell into a troubled JL. what thev foudlv believe is a sleep, from which he was suddenly - j ... . and listen wiih a cvnical snii'e awakened by a mysterious souna coming ..l,uirbnste, chatter until she is fain apparently from the frontdoor. He . ,keille.Meal and ridiculous slate listened so hard that he grew nutnD. llie men.s in the hone that these will noise continued. Burglars were evident- provoke him to retort, but they nev.r ly t work cutting a panel iron tne iront door. It is a question among girls wheih.r He slipped out ot bed and awiltiy -,... .n.iUn r,. verv deen or vety pattered down the Btairs. ins neavy , ,. h - r . . r .i . i n ii .1..II hot a women L-enerallv ike that oaue was in the corner ot me nan. " " ' . . i .i. i i i what they cannot fathom there is general aeiz-d it, noiselessly turoeu me loea auu belief among the Bex that the silent man flung the door open is tremendously brainy and that his brood in i silence covers a multitude of brilliant thoughts. One maid who had to entertain such a visiior eoti'tantly used to arrange the heads of her discourse before ho came, much as a clergyman might those of his sermon. Then she would oommit the list to memory, aud beginning at the be ginning, as was proper, would gravely talk on each subject in turn until the end was readied. A silence would then fall upon the pair s i deep that the youth would shortly take his departure in d fence. Darkness there and nothing inon 1 Then he went back to bed nnd had a chill that lasted an hour In the noon ing he awoko feeli'ij! li'ce a boiled owl with iusotnnia. And now you couldn't force him to walk und, r a ladder nt the iiio..!h id' li revolver. Cleveland 1'laiu Dealer. H'llllOVK.H VtVT YliAK Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions ol mothers lor chi dreu. while teething, wun perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for rv:...Mv,,nn T will relieve the nnor little II LSiHiiowa. ..... j The silent man in society is usually to immediately. Sold by druggist because he is luolazy or too inditlerent to :. Hll,rv .,artof tho world. 2a cents he otherwise, and not because he lucks bottle. Bcsure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- IN A ROOM WITH AN INSANE MAN. It was ill the ladies' room at the depot that I saw her. She was a dunning r pal lire and but for that coronet of snowy hair would have been remarkab'y beautiful As it was she had a strange, unearthly look iu spite of lo r piquant face and splendid eyes. I made her nuaintance and got her story. It was i this: "It happened two years ago. 1 was 19 then. My brother had g me over lo one of the uriuhbors, and the servants were away at some grand merrymaking I wus alone. As the place was relired and the evening cool for the ssa son I closed the house at an early hour .,imn,iiu the sininL' room door, which opened on a large piazza. "I was sealed in this room, occupied .,,n. li.iht knitiiiiL'. when a sbuf- fling step in the doorway caused me look up. Involuntarily I screamed. large, gaunt man stood there, glaring at me with the ferocity of a tiger. stran-e. mirthless laugh parted his lipi I ., and he strode across the ..., ,n,l sealed himself in front of me. his knees touching mine. Afraid, are you? Afraid, hey? he cited, with another loud, mirthless laugh fixing a pair of eyes wild with insanity upon my face. 'Good! 1 like that 1 like to see people afraid. They pale, they shiver, they scream, they run, they fight 1 And, oh, don't I like ill I play ith 'em as pussy does with her mouse, and then ha, ha! then "He Mopped and, turning his head, leered wickedly at me as he slipped his hand into his pocket and drew out an im mense jackknil'e, "Still leering at me, he opened the blade. Then with a lightuinglikc move ment he faced me, and before I could ut ter the cajoling words I was meditating he had seized me by the arm. Flashing iho blade mniillv under my eyes, he shouted in ferocious tones 'And then and then I give 'cm tistooftbii. And how they squirm II i, ha! They don't like it, but I do, and ha, ha, ha! -the more they don't like it the more 1 do. Taste it taste, uiy preliy maid! You won't like it, but shall.' "And he lore away my Blecve, and. with successive shouts of wild laughter, he thrust the keen blade again and again SCROFULA AND ITS AWFUL HORRORS LUltliU 11 Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. A. MOST WOXllKKFUL CURE. A Grand Old Lady Uivm Her Experience. Mrs Thankful Orllla Hurd lives In the beautiful Tillage of Brighton, Llvlug'on cc " M ich. This venerable and highly respected lady wna born Id ti e yeur JHlS the year of the great war. lu Hebron Washington i Co Kew York "bo e. me to Michigan In 1st", the year of '? PVe f J i,o " All ber faculties ure excellently preserved, and possessing W eutlve n.emorv, her mind Is full of Interesting remin Bcences of her early fe of the curly day. of the Hint- ot Michigan and th e In ere stl ng a n, J r '1...1.1.. .,..,.in .1... ! met. and the Stirling events of which she was a wu ' ':. . . 1 ..i.i ........uw.ton are more mar- ness. But Homing IU licr mora mum .-. ----- .... ot velnns nnd worthy of nltetitloti llinn are her experiences In the we or J lisST UN'S SAUSAI'AItll.I.A. Mrs. llurd Inherited a tendency and pre o" ,,su .,1 to aerofulu, that terribly destructive blood tulnt which ba. cursed and is cursing the live, nf thousnuds and marking thousands more aa vlc flms of the death angel. Transmitted from geuerat VtVaTmake "it . ........ f-ntllv in nna f.irtn nr nnntllPl. It U&y UJBlie H nK penrance 1 , Irea ful running sores, In unsightly .welling In the neck or penrnnce 11 Aiin. kinir the mucous membrane, It goitre, or in eruptions o, v , . . - '" - ; , ,, lt k- (lie lieao, or ne i-iuimih, ... - d- Attnckitig the mucous 1 mnv be known us cntitrrh iu 1 and often Is, the prime cause or consumption. Hpenklng of her ease, Mr.. Hurd says: "I was troubled for many yeara with a bad skin disease. My arms and limbs would break out In a , mas 01 ores, discharging yellow matter. My neck began to .well and became very unsightly lu appearance. My body was covered with scrofulous eruptions. My eyea were nlso greatly Inflamed nnd weakened, and they pained mt i very much. My blood was In a very bad condition and my bead ached severely at frequent Intervals, aud I bad no appetite. I bud sores also in my ears. 1 wa. In a miserable condition, I bad tried every remedy that had been recom mended, and doctor after doctor had foiled. One of the best physicians IB the state told me 1 must (lie of scrofulous consumption, as internal accesses were beginning to form. I nt length wns told of Dr. Johnston, of Detroit, ana his famous Sarsaparilla. I tried a bottle, more as an experiment than any thing else, as I bad no faith In it. and greatly to my agreeable surprise, I began to grow better. Vou can be sure 1 kept on taking t I took a great mnnv bottles. Hut I steadily Improved until 1 became entirely well. All tne sores healed up, all the bad symptoms disappeared. I gained perfect healJU and I have never been troubled with scrofula since. Of course aa old laay of K! venrs Is not a voung woman, but 1 have had renmrkably good oealtn since then, and I firmly believe that JOHNSTON'S SAUSAPAR1LLA Is the greatest Wood purifier and the best medicine In the wide world, both iot scrofula and as a spring medicine." This renmrkably Interesting old lady dia not lok to be more than sixty, and she repeated several times, I believe my, life was saved by JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA." IIICBIOAIf DRUC COMPAHT, DBTBOtT, W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. self- 1... He considers it mute proper that the girl he goes to see should exert her- oourse be had no legal right to his claim; s,,f to entertain him; and she but there 1 :r i,;. cold be disnroved. some different ouinions as lo the I'emiuine one else could stake the land. In a obligation. Baltimore Saws. evening be vers Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of tho Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable quality. D.VVKNl'OUT MOIUUS & t'O., Solo agents for the Dislilhr, Richmond, Va. Mil W n SMITH .1 Weldon. N. C is the sole distributing agent at that point, for the above old and Celebrated Whiskey. DAVENPORT MORRIS t OO. oar 11 tm. Axtell, A it lie, Brookston. Brinkleyviile, Ccntrcville, Churchill, (Viwells Oabney Kufield, b'ranklititon, tiaston, (tillhurg, Henderson, Halifax. Kittrcll, Laurel, Littleton, 40 Louisburg, .Macou, Manson, Med e, Middlebutg, O.ikville, (lllord, Kidgeay, Hiugwoi'd Hoauokc Kapids, l Tilleiy, 1 Vaiighan, Warren I'lains, 2. Warrenton '-I Wise, 2; Youngsville, 4e :io. Jil. :w. 2d. Ml. 2.V 25. ii.'i 15. 4H in :t5. H5 HI. 40. 411 2H. K. C. ToU'l.EMAN, lien. Supt burst of confidence one to'd the girl all about his experience as a sooner. She wheedled him into rc n.atin the story before witnesses, dis- r " ..... ,r . .1 1 hi. m. nabbed It nerseu aim - . married ihe young man next uoor. Now k.,tl. latinn in nlfusaiil ,hey are running - - r fc d How s tnat ror Business - - I UR MOTHERS. The following are some reao utions made by an earnest Christian mother Would that every mother in the laud ould copy them and read aod think ol low's Soothing Syrup," and tako no oth er kind A Painful Experiment. Hoaa Kid you ever faint, Isabe ? Isabel Only once, and I bumped my ad to hard that I never tried it again. my sell I TETTER. ness and peace. ;oterpns rN. Y.Suo. 'What are Wodkin's ideas of true ecououiv? He says that they have made him rick" i.IU never navs his debt." Detroit ----- r j tree Press. Wi T, PARKER; consumption. A PPOMATTOX IRONWORKS, Man u fact u re rs of Agrimltural Implement, Shaftlngi Mill Gearing, l'ulleya, Alt aimisoi Machiuery, and Repaira, Noa, 93 34 Old St., IMemburg, V. -I1KAI.KH IN- Heavy n.MMHW, Awn 11 1 111. r. 1 ir.. Fancy Corn,Hay & Oats All g,l. cheap for rash S-ll- eotleetor-oc. I have - - my business a iwacrv. Cakea furnished l PaJJkEB, Walden. N. u. an11 . Tbe germs of consuiuption are every. where ou mav oreaim- 111. .0 " .1 i. .lniik tlieiii with water, eat th-iu with vimr foixl. They are not dangerous feet health but if you have a sogiii cold, or cough, or if vou have inner- itcd weak lung. or it vou are weak and run-slown gen erallylook out Once consump tion gets a sliong foothold it is al most impossible to The time to cure it is at the beeiuning or l-fore it starts If you are urgiiiuiMK . . ,lrif UI). Make rutl-oomii iV, ttr.t j disUnlpe it. ... .,r' ami well that con- " ft . 1 .1,1 S.lll.p..o.. r blo(M Keiolved, That the first duty ol the day performed by me snail be prayer to (lod, especially lor strength and wisdom to properly iusiruot, guide aod govern my child. Keaolved, That I will never permit my child to willfully disobey me or ireat me with disrespect. Unsolved, That I will earnestly strive never to act under an impulse of passion or resentment, but will endeavor to pre serve my judgment cool and my feelings dim, that I may clearly see and truly perform my duty tu my child. Keaolved, That 1 will devote a certain portion of my lime each day lo self-in struct my child. Kesolved, That I will watch ovel my owe temper at all li'U-js, cultivate a habit of cheerfulnerf aa I interest uiysell lu llie liule Hinder, of luy (hild, lhal 1 may tlnreby gain his love. Kes-lved, That I will devote my time ......i.ll. in 1 lone i,ursulls which will ; .. the comfort an I happiness ol in home aod forward the best interests my ehild. It... That I will study the health of my child, reading on the subj-ct ar. asking advice of ihce who are more el NEW GOODS. everv tissue s .1,1111 (711 i-:t. ...... r hinlV wun m 11 build up strong, healthy -1WJ Kidear Vou ma; be well p.rienced than myself; s well as not. The following euer ,ro... iiMiomnn. of Van Buren, Mrs. leiimv -p. . kalVa-sk. Co.. ,w;.."y7-T riie auvs Aiv,v Dr. Pierce's to do it. EC- Mtl.T HIIEUM AMI ZEMA. The intense itching and smarting inci- ,ent to these diseases, is instantly alloyed by applying Chamberlain's Kye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and favorite remedy lor sore nippies, chp- .! hands chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25e. per box. For sale by W. M Cohen. Weldon, J. N. Brown Hallfu. lr- A. 8. Hmmn. KeneH. DrumrtM Ni) Space WisteJ. "Science is great, I tell you " "Any recent developments?'' "They are making doughnuts now dth holes that weigh." tl 50 VKR8US $150.00. Mess. Woolen Co., Prong, North Carolina, says : One ol our customer!, a prominent man 10 this community, am .-red wilt iver comniaiui. 110 wu suited w!vcral phyMciaus but they t illed 1,1 b-neSi h'm. prevailed upon liliu to try the Ramon Tills and I'ellets. lie soon bought more aod is now a wen anu hearty man, and has gained in flesh, lie says the pills saved his life and the fix boxes cost bin) ouly $t.5(l, while his trip to New York to consult the doctors, eosi him $150 00. r.r sale by Kdward T. Clark, Weldon N.0, lit" my arm. "From the first moment 1 had realiz-'d that escape was hopeless and that only chance for life lay in perfect possession and simulated fearlessness. therefore restrained by an almost super human tff.rt the slightest expression terror or pain. "At last he stopped. ' 'Why don't you scream?' he cried angrily shaking me. 'Why don t you squirm? Why don't you try to get away? Say?' 'I answered smilingly and very calmly. " 'Don't you know that I am a spirit? Your knile could not hurt a spirit, could it?' " 'A spirit 1' he echoed in low, startled tones, though still keeping a vissiue grasp upon my arm 'A piriil' could not hurt a spirit And can't 1 hurt you at all?' " 'See what you have done,' I smiling ly answered, pointing to my bleeding arm. Did I cry? Did I squirm ? Vt ouu 1 not have done both if you had hurt me?' "My rapid questions made 00 impres sion upon him. Flesh and blood !' he muttered con fusedly as he eyed the red stream drip- nim. nnon mv dress. 'Flesh and blood f"h -1 J and and spirit ! "lie stopped asif solving some dilhcult nroblem and then burst into deafening peals of laughter. "Spirits don't bleed V be shouted in mad merriment, 'It s ill a dodge ! "He gave me no liuii lo argue ihe point. Iu an instaut he was flourishing his knile with redjubled fury and wild- was absorbed in the mighty effort to elude the outstretched hand, with its deadly weapon, and I darted round and round, hither and thither, impelled more by animal instinct iban divine reason. "I was in the dark; I was murderously mirsned bv an insane fiend: I must run; 1 - I must walk; I must creep; I must stanu still. From those horrible facts and ne cessities y thoughts never swetved a hair's breadth. I went 00, 1 know not how long it seemed au ago to me when suddenly the d ior waa violently shakeo, and loud voices were heard without. It roused llm maniac to a perfect .... ., , 1 . a frenzy. Ho raged like a wild u.ast auu pursued me with the ferocious instinct of ono. My peril was immensely greater than it bad been. But heaven saved Presently the door gave way, and my brother, with two or three men, lusneu into the room. Lighted by the torcn in mv brother's hand the men speedily se cured the madman, though not without a desperate struggle. "By an act 01 uupruceucmru tuuu.uS the poor creature had managed to elude the vigilance of bis keepers at the asylum, and, by the same cunning, to balllj for many days their hot pursuit. "But they got upon his track al last, and arrived, thanks to an overruling Providence, in time 10 rescue me from a death too frightful to couieuiplate. "Is it astonishing that my hair is white?" New York News. A Paradox. "I notice those women of the interna tional congress spend most of their time running down the men." "Yes; the trouble with them is that they can't catch any." Cleveland Plain Dealer. C3&0UP Mothers, when your children are at tacked by the dreadful croup, you need not despair; Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will relieve and cure them at once. YoucanalwayadependonthiB marvelous remedy j it always cures. COUCH SYRUP Will cure Croup without fail. Poses are small and pleasant to take. Doctors recommend it PriMas cu- 'i drugsvsu a CURB A COl.DISOMiDAY TA Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets All diuggists refund raoocy if its fails to on... 'rn. The genuine has I.. 11. Q. .h tablet. For sale by W . M. Cohen Druggist, Weldon, N. C. Th. . m oet more is to make the i.w j -- r most of what we have. Wl.v we.,- 25.000 lltlTTI.KS OF KOB- EKIV TASTE1.KSS 2oc. Cllil.L TONIC ,1 ihe tlmt vear ot its birth? Auawer; iWHiiaolt Is the BEST AT ANY HUCE, guarautc-d to euro, money refunded If lt falls, pleasant to take, pro " to gold and guaranteed by .., .1. n..... .t - we oon. n v. N. Brown, Halitax i Jacusou isi WOOD'S HIGH GRADE Farm Seeds. Our business in Farm Seeds is to-day one of the largest in this Country. A result due to tbe fact that quality has always wn or first consideration. We supply all Seeds required for the Farm. GRASS & CLOVER SEEDS, Cow Peas, Cotton beed, Seed Oats, Seed Corn, Soia. Navv & Velvet Beans, Sorghums, Broom Corn, Kaffir Corn, Peanuts, Millet Seed, Rape, etc. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue iM Ihe fullest Information about these and all other Bwds; best methods of culture, soil best adspted for dlnr. erent crops and practical Mnta w what are likely to prove most prontahla to grow. Catalogue mailed free upon request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, Richmond, Ya. Jackson. Victory belongs to the most perscvet- ing. 0000000 04 vards Elastic, 5c 24 needles, 1c , 24 ftc., ,-:', 1.1 15c I I (MIT lliit - iK HI M.t", i wiutttiiir. V2 to V-l"' - , a III IMS. III 7 1. ! VUI1 ' lmoirirMlti .. nr... ... I niru'n poles and llxtures. lHc, cur ce uu, turt'n p. " MlMIcatsaud v'S' men's pa."-- ', !-,'. Pu", fcing oto7c Men's wintrf underwear tic"ing. o v j tm Golden Medical Discovery it.. t.iA t,Ai mv work At U: f TrZ ta mv left h'k' "ml SCStM- Itryovir Ueaolved, That I will not jield to dii oouragernents from failure, but will pen me, putting fail h in the promise of God to all those who earnestly and faithfully strive lo do their duty. Selected. A Great licit Parke Don't you find it a great thing to have a telephone in your house? T.ine Ys. sir. Mv neighbori tell me they oouldn't get along without it. ' Hung l'p. did Last spring nun ,i - , . ?'f i . i. roUKh- gotao bad I bad to na. 'T'. r.C'Ce. Mv hustand hmgh I had consumption Wt ralnrninj." . "How far back on the family tree he trace his lineage?'' "To the third limb." "Why did he itp there? ' "Ilia trreat-great gtaodfathcr Waa dan gling ou it " The doiire of appearing clever often prufenti on beooniiog so. il f i News & Opinions Of National Importance Till 1 ALONE A. R. 0e Fluent, editor of the Jour nal, Doylestown, Ohio, suffered for a number of years from rheumatism in his right shoulder aud side. 11 Bays: "My right arm at times was entirely useless. I tried Chamberlain's Pain Bilm, and was surprised to receive relief almost im mediately. The Pain Balm has been a oonsiant companion of mine ever Biooe and it never fails." For sale by for salt by W. M. Cohen Waldon, i. . Brown, Hallnw, Ur A. S. Uarruwa, Eulelii, Drugal.U, Hi. "That was frightful enough, but ud- d.-nlv he leaned over the table beside me and blew out the light. As ha did so 1 slatted up and wreuched myself from his grasp, intending to flee through tbe open doorway. "But, as if instinctively penetrating my design, he rushed to the door, aod in. a second it waa closed, locked and Ihe key was withdrawn. "But now commenced a horrible pur suit a horrible Oonteat for life and hieh above the din of falling, whirling j furniture rose his mad laughter aod wild screams of delight or angry disappoint ment. "Round and round he chased me, his clammy hands now touching my arm, now sweeping my face, now olulching my dress as in the awful confusion, whirl and darkness he sometimes camo upon "I might have esciped through the door leading into the hall, hut from the instant he extinguished the light my self possession deserted me. Every thought The Time Comes to every elderly woman when an lm-1 i .i..l u..t -!! nlnre. I This is called "The Chanfe of Life." -ati.m unnenroes a cnanire. nn.wi Hitfaora ftuch ascanccrandl consumption are often contracted all this tune. Wina ofCnrdui Contains Both. Daily, by mail, 6 a year Daily and Sunday, by mail, 18 a year. THK bg Sunday Sung; la tne ureal est peg- Sunday News paper in the world. Price 5o. a copy. By mail 2 a year. Address THK SUH, New lor. v4 BO YEARS' V. EXPERIENCE strengthens and purifies the entire mtMn Tin nnnm uic .u,iv.,vi ------j over these pitfalls. Its ettccta haw been wonaertui. ii u it'"" " manstrual troubles, but is especially n.n,ni..iwleil at una time. is your drugsist for tbe famous Wine of I Lardui. fi.oooiw..ii!. For advice ia cases requiring special directions, address tho "Ladl iea' Ad- Detiartment." The thatta- llediciui Co., Chattanooga, j vlaory nooga Tenn. THOWVa J. COOPMt, Tniwto, M it -, ..'Mr U lullered imm lmsuUr n0 .fnf.l,,tlon d .-u-2 'Vnd .1.0 Hclp.1 m, lU thh U Chini-aof l.H." r Traoc Manas) "rm copY-uMT e. Anrons senalnf .Velrti "IIP"'!" Qiilrklr aswrtiiln our opinion fr no,w" tloiin .1 net I, eeiiiumitltl. Ilnniltvw on ent frn. OI-loM ait nnor for "n""?.- wrUI HoUtt, wll hout oli-iva. IB UM Scientific mt nilulon of am naiUM l"nil, arnn, S3 a lur vontlia, IL Sola bi airwtdlrj. nwl oauTsa r WL. WaakuxKw. D.C. 'SI , lrlt irip lo th. tmrb tpolUi. ' xia t Aft I iawni. iWUt ESSSiaSawlZ

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