11 TEPlvtS:-1 50 PEK ANNUM IN ADVANCE JOHN" W. SLEDGE, prmpkiktou. VOL. XXXIV. .A. NEWSPAPER IF OH THE PEOPLE. NO 47. WKLDON. N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1900. m 1 NHS NcSSEKEiJ Bis and IPiples Gis flaming The Other Mi MEET HIM WITH A SMILE. A lll'I.E THAT KI.ICITH A I'RnpKBT KHOM MAHHIM) WtlMKN. AN UNFAILING SIGN THAT Wlii-n Niitiii'n is overtaxed . she has l."i vn v) it giving notice that assist- iir i' mi' linl Sim iIim-h not ask for UITIIDC K UPPFM MR help iiolil it is impossible to get iilotig without HA lUrlL 10 MrrtHLIIlU it H ils mid ))'' P' are an indication tlmt the a. atom ii ai'cuiuulnting impurities which CflO UCI P "a"" ' K"111" rid ,lf ! they f urgent (or assistance I till nLLri a warning that can Bi t wif. lv lie ignored. Ill I1H U'l'l Vl (HiniV IHC lilniil ill UII4 time mesne more th in the annoyance of paiiif.il boils hiuI unsightly pimple. I' theso impurities are alluwiil to remain, the system succumbs ti any or linary illnnn, and is unable to withstand the many ailiu.-nt wiii 'li arB so nrevalent during spring and Hummer Mrs. I Omitile, '.'mil Second Avenue, S.-nttlo Wash , savj: '"I ax allliuted fur a long time with pimples, which were very annoying, as they d stirred my f.i'e fearfully. After using many other remedies in vain S S S. promptly and thoroughly cleansed my hood, and now I rejuico in j,)il rnmol"xinn. which I never hid before " R ...... w ii it... ,i.,,. ..f t.a i n j V.IJ'b. II ...UIIK.J,. "I HIC . ,1 ... R. K, Chattanooga. Tenn . writes: 'Several boils ami carbuncli s broke out upon me, causing grcnt 1'iin and nnroifince. My blood seemed to be in a ri .is condition, and nothing I took seemed to do 4 any : -.! Six b-.tt'es i f S S 8. cured me completely tjj una my o:uou nan ueen jieiievuj pure ever since. &R P.. fi. FOR THE BLOOD Learn To Fray. IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO SAY YOUR PRAYERS. 14 is the b'"t bliswl remedy, tiooiuisfl it is purely vegetable And is tho onlv oi.e. that is Htwniuteiy tree tnun potnsii nini mercury, it promptly purities Hi" hi. oil and tliorouiihly cli'iinses the system, builds up the general health and strength. It cirw Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheuma tism Tetter It'iils. Sores. 1 1" by goin;; direct to the causo of tho trouble and forcing out a'l impure b1oi.il Books free to any address by t!ie Swift Spooilic Co., Atlanta, Ga, P. N. Stainback, WELDON. N. C. ILaler in (jEfEL - - - ZEICLERfc BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. K1N,1S. SHOES trf-.Sole Agent in Weldon for STKOUSF. HKOT1IE1H III(!H AKr CLOTHINti i Kormerlv sold here by M. F- Hart.) A lit gua'auteeil. -UNDERTAKING TtT j8fTi Trt -"-m In all its hr.inehes. Metallic. Walnut, Cloth fevered Caskets and I'lillins. Telephone or telegraph niesf-aes lit tended lo day or night. "I do wihh Buuie one would write a fuw rules lor men," said a young married woman recently. "I'm awfully tired of reading in iirigminci ami newspapers that I must meet my liiishiind when lie counn hniiie I'ri'iii his i. Ilice 'pleasantly and cheer fully,' ili u the lenisii must bi! like a new pin. I must be pnliily gowned, the dinner inu-t lie daintily cooked and s rveil and that he mustn't be worried with a iccit il of (lie troubles of the day, no mailer if delirium s ipi-rveues foi me. 'The precepts are alright thcoreti- :illy and under ordinary eircuiastancts re pMe'ical. I')veiy wuuin fullowi then in-tini'iivi'ly who wishes to retain hi t hu hjiiil s admiraiion, hut why aren't there a few laws of this sort laid down for men to folio ? "Why isn't there some one to tell ihttn to look cheerful wheii ihey come in and to furlicar to gri'iuhle if dinner is a trifle Lite for any nud reason, to be a little sympathetic, and affectionate and remem ber that theirs are not the ouly troubles in I he house? According to the ordinary writer, woman whole uiarrieU lite snouia ue lent in practicing expedients to keep her husbaiid'i love from growing cold, wl,ile he apparently may pursue any course lie pleases, civil or uncivil, tyrannical or iiiigeiiileiiiaiily, and be sure of retaining hers "This in ly nit be the masculine idea of the case at all; the tterncr sex may cot really expect to get the whole globe and give nothing in return, but it is not the writer ' fault if they don't. I aedulou-ly keep all such ailieles away from John for he's a very good husband, and I ui al'rjid such literature wiuld put ideas inlii his head aud Sdoil him. "Now. noor unenlightened auul, he has an idea that my side of the partner ship has its own worms, and he tries to heli, me slraichten theiu out, but who "- r - - - r- knows how he would chaiue if be ever discovend that he is really made of cl.ina ami has lo he handled with care to keep I'mm being hroken ? H.iliim ire N-ws HAVC Vim KVEtl hl'BNT AN HOUR IN l'KAVBIl AT ONE TIM E f.'R AN V ONE TH1N0. IN VOL'B WHOLE LIFE E? Pass It 0d. Proii Of His Feat THE HELPING HAND. BABY RAN THE LOCOMOTIVE. "REMEMHEB, IF TOtI MEET ANYWiPY THAT N BRUM A HEM'INll HANI), Y"U MUHT I'ASK IT Til THEM " Best Prescription for Malaria, Qms and hever, fimvp's Tasteless Chill Tonic It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. ... Sold by every druggist in the malarial sections of the United States No cure, no pay. . . . Price, 50C WHOLESALER. I anoadUlTsM van.. First Tasteless Tonic ever manufactured.. All other so-called "Taste less" Tonics are imita tions.. Ask any druggist about this who is not PUSHING an imitation. Mr. thren, b. fore wo can have a revival we must learn lo pray. I do not mean tosuv our priyeri. Never dil) uiiny people understand that, as at the presold time especially is this true mice the inauguration of the beneficent young people's m jveiuunt. B it iu the prayers of tuilay how often wo ruiii the tokens of a sense, a deep senso, an almost over whelming sens-;, of dependence upon Ool How little of cinfessiin and plead ing for forgiveness. Has the machinery dmei? Lb we have si mich of elec tricity anl ateam, and dynamite aud invention and oriianiziliou, that we do not need a God? Have we come uocoo- aciously to feel that all depends on our selves, so that ws cry io all our ohurob crisis, with Klisha's servant: "What shall we do?" We, we, we forg.'ttiug the God of E isha? Occasionally we hear one pray who seems to take hold of the v..rv arm ot (3ud-. but how seldom. Said one Christian, speakiog of another, "H aKins to cimn to church fresh from the preseuoe of G el." Th it U what I mean. That man's prayed were not of fered in the ouipUeeut tones of cheerful converatinn. T m.ler h.iw l,irie a Drooortion of Cnristians have ever spent one hour at time in prayer for one thing. "Not b 'ard for our much speaking?" No, but if we '.earn how to Dray there will be m ich speaking. 01' course if some fa m )us evanjelist were to come for a two weks' cauipaigo, oue of the first things h ; would tell us to do would be to ur us all to pray, and we should do it. V should pray for revival. Would that we hid so much of the spirit of prayer as lo n ied oo telling pouring out our very hearts to G 1 that He would revive His wjtk in our hearts, and io the Christian I ahnut us. He would then do it. He co ild then do it! Charles G Finney tells of a certain blacksmith whose aony became so great at the thought of the condition, of hi church that he shut i.p bis shop and spent thest'.eruo on in praytr. This was followed by a powerful revival. Iu this instance is the whole philosophy of revivals. hlchange. DISCHARGING A Ml'TY. Oico when I was a school boy, going homo from the far away little too in which I dwdl, I arrived at Bristol, and giit on board tlm steamer with ju-l uugti ino'iey to pay my fair ; slid, Mist eitig settled, I though io my innocence that I had pai l for everything to the way of meals I hud what I wanted as long as we were in a nooth water. Then came the rough Atlantic, and the need of thing m ire. I had been lying in my berth for hours, wretchedly ill, and past caring for anything, when there came the steward and stood beside me. "Your biil, sir,'' said he, holding out piece of paper. "I have no money," said I, in my wretchedness. Then I shall keep your luggage. What ii y our nam an 1 ad Iress?" I told him Instantly ho took off the cap he w .re, with (he gilt band about It, and held out his hand. "I should like to shake htndi with you," he sai l. I give him my hand, and shook his as well as I could. A THIIEE-YEAR-OI.I) 8 TRIP AI.ONK ON AN ENOINE Rt'NNINO Wll.ll. "I can run an engine like pipa," said little three-year-old Fred Kvans as he was lifted down from tho locomotive of th 8t. .1 din's motor line at Alhinu, Oregon, a lew days ago. Ho ha l tn uiilcd the engine at Si. Johns, pulled np"0 the throttle and remained on the scat alone on a mad ride of seveu miles The young engineer is the son of W. B. Kvans, d St. J dins, an engineer on the motor lina He had often been ou the engine, and hi father had explained to him how I lie lever is pullid and the wheels starled moving. The engine lies over an hour at St. Johns, just by the water tank, and du ring this time, while Mr. Evans was at home at lunch, little Fred walked down to the engine, mounted the seat and oncned the throttle wide. The machine was full of coal and water, and was ready for the road. Sjvcral people saw the hov stait. hut nu one was near enough to catch the coiziue. The uews was at once told to Mr. Evans, and he reached ihe track j ist in time lo sec tho locomotive, with his boy onboard, disappear around I'l, ,ha , omatinn how that a curve, inc lamer was w,.u ...... . . i!..i. i :- i.. .. nnd f nr. and the bov's mother was al snrnn vears Detore some nine iuimrDI, . hd he.cn shown his mother by my most prostrated father in ihe sorrow of her widowhood "I never th mght tin chioce w iuld come for me to repay it," said he pleasantly, "but I am glad it has." "So am I," said I. As soon as I got ashore I told my father what had happened. "Ah," said he, "see how a bit of kind ness lives. Now he baa passed it on to you. II 'member, if you meet anybody that needs a friendly hand, you must pass it on to them." V-.,. h.,1 ....no by. I bad urown UD and quite forgotten it all, until one day coming up the long r.rade toward Albioa, I had gone lo the station of one of our main lioes. I was just going to take my ticket wheu I saw a little lad crjiog, a thorough gentlemen h was, trying to keep bick the troublesome teats as lie pleaded with the booking clerk. "What's the milter, my lad," I asked SCROFULA AND ITS fWFUL HORRORS CUKtU Johnston's Sarsapanlla QUART BOTTLES. A. MOST WONIIEKFL'L CUBE. A Grand Old Ldy ilv Her Experience. Mrs Thankful Orllln Hurd lives In the beautiful village of Brighton, f IvlSon Co Mich. This venerable and highly respected lady was born lu ho year ml the y.'ar of the great war, in Hebron Washington Co., New York Hue came to Michigan lu 1S40. the year of "Tippecanoe and 1 Tylef IT- All her faculties, are excellently preserved u 11 teiitlve memory, tier n in is nm ' nnriius .v......... -- --- - f" of he inri (uv of the State of Michigan aud the Interesting andje mi , 01 in n . ..i,,!,,,, events of which she was 1 wit' r 'BuraunTlo h"vrJ.d and manifold recollection, .-. - velous mill worthy or intention mini are n r 'msu - JOHNSTON'S SAUSAi'.UUI.I.A. Sirs, intra 1 er, - f, ..r disposition to scrofiiln, that territiiy .icsiriieme muU.. ...... anil la cursing the lives of thousands and marking housands more vie- tlnis of the death angel. 1 rnnsinmcii rroi.i K-ue. , ..... -found In neary every family in one form or nnnther. It may make i its i ap pearanee In dreadful running sores. In unsightly awelllngs In the neck of Sol.re. or In eruptions of varied forms. Attack ing the muco,, membrane. It may be known as catarrn in uie urau. or o.-..-.oi...b - and often is, the prime cause of consumption. .- ...ra Speaking of her case, Mrs. nuru cnys: -i was iroumeu . with a bad akin disease. My arms ana limbs would Dreaa p ui u.. sores, discharging yellow matter. My neck began to swell and became yery unsightly in appearance. My roociy was covered wiiuk.-iviu.uu. j'-'" My eyes were also greany innniueu ui.ii v, i'aM'. i much. My blood was In a very bad condition and my bead ached severely at frequent intervals, and I bad no appetite. I hod sores also in my eara. was in a miserable condition, i nau tried every rrairuj ...a. ,--T mended, and doctor after doctor nad railed, one or iue urai '"', the state told me I must die of scrofulous consumption, as internal arocesscs were beginning to form. I at length was told of Dr. Johnston, of Detroit, ana his famous Sarsaparilla. 1 tried a Dome, more as au hfiutui 1 thing else, as I had no faith In it, and greatly to my agreeable surprise, l began to grow better. You can be sure I kept on taking it, i looa many bottles. But l steauiiy improved unin i uei-auic ..... .j " .;: sores healed up, all the bad symptoms disappeared. I gained perfect healJb - ... - s I - i M , . n An Alii liiiV and I have never been troubled wiiu scroruia since, ui imuk " " of S3 years Is not a young woman, but I have had remarkably good he"" since then, and I firmly believe thnt joii.sto. MMAnim.ii u. greatest Wood purifier and the best medicine In the wide world, both for scrofula and as a spring medicine." This remarkably Interesting ota iaoy u not lok to be more than sixty, and she repeated several times, "I believe mji life was saved by JOHNSTON'S SAKSAl'ARILLA." lUCHIQAH DIITTCJ. OOMPAHI, 3D JO-i-JM.w , W. M. fallen, Weldon, N. C. WILL YOU LIVE TO BF OLD. lr. toon, Mo., Fob, , MM- Pun Usdicihi Co. , City '? S JLtl Qratlonien!-Wo wish to congratulato you n tho incrcaae.l slea wo oro havingon ym-r . ... rt. .... ..ns Trt-ii. Oni:x- ialag our recort of Inventory oodor dato - J .a lot. wo Unit that wo told uurlti.; th i l .M csaxm of Kit. -isio doson to ?n.V. clao find th.it cur c.ln on y"r t . . i rvkLrf. hwn tXHin BOCK thin- enraul having rold duliag tho lato Col I cad Crip oouson ,."-"" . v nh Plo.so ruoli dorm ortlcr cocloMd howwlta indobuo, Yours truly, MEYER BROS. DKUU bu J. L. JUDKINS, Brocenes Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine ' Staple ind Fancy -FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES- en..!,... ilu Tin and woollen and wil' low ware. Also I'rutt'a Home, Cow, li,-. .,..1 !.,hrv k,k1. and droves Hi T.u.i.l Cli.il Tonic Alexander's Liver and Kidney Ionic for purifying tiit biuoii. Tins Ummc U warranted or mnney refuuded. J. L. JUOKINS, RETAILER. E.KUBOK, lUJ- . . ii. -,n -,r oiuht fiincr- ?.n , h.l Mr fi.wo VooJa caud flvo caaot iu J wumt of ciUls with ono ""';,,.. Ecapoctliil y v,v.rd. JUU.1 " HENDERSON TELEPHONE COMPANY. CONSUMER. WniiFsBoao, Tex. , Sep. 13, 1989 Piais Mraici Co., St. Louis, Mo. Oentteiru.il i-I write you s lew linos of (trat i aio. 1 think your irov-'sTBisU'lPs Cllll 'i?n)M,on0cfth0lH-stivdie t -rChill land Fovor. I havo thrro chllilr. n that lnvo l.'n .1 .wn with malarial orer for . la ,S'S:?, aluv,- bought Chill medic in fa Tonic. Mv children aw oil woll now wnayourTisioiosi no. iuj. .. S4 mun ... Yours truly, JA11E8 D. E0DEBT3. No. 21 Washington Ave. dr 11 1 Weldon, N. C W, T. PARKER, , DIALER IN- Heavy AND Fancy Groceries Corn,Hay & Oats U All goods cheap for cash. 3-1 ha green coffee for 5e. I have recently added to nj btuinem a bakery. Best Bread and Cakes furnished at short notice. W.T. FAKKF.R, WMM. n. a Oll'H'E oy OKSKKAL sri'KUINTKNl'KST, HKNIlERHllN, N. C. I beg to ai noiinee that the Ml" . i i... I,..,. jDg towns are now couneeuu ...... di.i.n. nhones. and the rate herewitli . ,. . i -in i... in . H .oi no aim iii puoilsneu " March 15th: from VVKI.I'UNto L miaburg, ' Macon, ill Jacob drovers III Altell, :!,)' Airlie, Krooksloo, ' Brinklcyville, Centreville, Churchill, (Jrowells Dabney Knfield, Fraokltotoo, Gaston, Uillburg, Henderson, Halifax, Kittr.ll, Laurel, Littleton, 4d. 2i. 15. 35 15. 40. 11) 35. 35. 10. 4tl. 40. JO F. Mansou, Med .c, Middlebuig, OAville, Oilold, Ktdgeway, ltinuwciid Koanoke Itapids, 10 Tillcty, Vaughan, W arren Plains, Warieotoo Wise, Vouugsville, C. TllUPl.tSIAN, lien. Supt. Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable quality. DAVENl'OKT MORUISAH'O. Many simple people, who obtain mar riage liceoses of city clerks, imagine that the clerk in Bouie way becomes rei-poosive foi their marriage, an! that they are lu duty bound lo report to bim afterward and let him keep track of their affaiis. A Salt Like City paper reports that a tall, gaunt womao, with ginger hair and a somewhat fierce expression of counte nance, lately came lo the county clerk ot Boxelder couuty in that State. "You're the man that keeps! the mar riage books, ain't you?" she asked. Ve. ma'am." he answered. "What book do you wish to seer "Kin you Bid out if Jack I'eters was married?" Search develooed the name of John P.O. r for whose marriage a lictuse h been issued two years before. "I thought si," said the woman. "Married 'L'H Waters, didn t he? The license is issued for a marriage with Mi-s Klixt Waters." "Yap. Well, I'm 'Lixa. I thought I'd ought to come io and tell you thai jack I'elers has escaped! " Kx. "If you p!eae, i-ir, I haven't money enough to pay my fare. 1 have all but a few pence, and I tell the clerk il ho will trust me I will be sure to pay him. Instantly it flished upon me Ihe for gotten story of years ago. Here then, was ray chance to pass it on. I gave hits the sum needed, and then got into the carriage wi'h him Then I told the little fellow the story of long ago, and of the steward's kindness to me. "Now, today," I said, "I pus it oo to you ; sod nmember, if y u meet with any oue The news spread like wild fire, nod the I whole town turned out. Excitement was intense, women and children cried and men offered suggestions. Master Me- ..That man will not live to be old," re- cbanio Michael F. Brady was at that end mart.c . scientific mao to the writer, in of the line and at once tegan to telephooe ,);,.,,; , miQ WUo was standing near to stations along the line, lottsmoutn why pray?" the writer queried won- and l'entosular were ootined, and men at Jernl,v these points tried to board the engioe as Well, he has not a single physiologi it dashed by, but its speed was too great. . . f 0Dg jfe- His head is oar- Mr. Brady also notified the office at Albl- h narrow eyes and nostrils, and ,. i . ... na, and a party ot meo ran out the line , ut.Hcate hand, all of which augur northward to meet the wild engine, in f icnth 0f laVs, nip in., nhserya carefully, you will find that, with ran exception", wnicn onlv serve to emphasiu the rule, men who live to be old have wide neaos ibove the ears, and wide furcheadl. Large and wide nostrils are always evi- rail and swung up, but io doing so he was . .it tno9e two important organs dragged sixty or leveoty -five feet. He ,u iun9 aDj tue heart, are good. The ut oucc turned off the steam, and the jn 0j me,, aro almost invariably It wuuu o niun uhaul Farm Seeds. the steam had died down a little, but the register slill showed eighty poundi John Woods, a motorman on the City aud Suburban Railway, was the first man to meet the engiue. He caught the hand lived people ears ngiue slowed down and stopped. It Daced low. Again, wiib then young Fnd made the remark usuay have broad and short hands- ability as an engine- jaeicant it may be, but still an inuica rho needs a kindly hand, you must pass it on to thorn." concerning bis driver. The boy was not scared at all, but seemed rather proud of his feat. When the engino first dashed out of St. Johns he was frightened, and as he came through Portsmouth like a shot out of i gun he was yelling lustily for "mama After coming several miles, however, he again became brave and hold his position nn the seat with composure, with bis hand on the lever, like a veteran The engine was stopped io front of the tion of long life. "If therefore, you see a man who an swers these physical conditions, you may ifely, barring accidents, of course, pre- diet for mm leogm oi uajo. ... York Telegram. REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. A woman is a labor-saving device to pile up wood for a man to saw. Lots of women never foci really at Our business in Farm Seeds is to-day one of the largest in this Country. A result due to the fact that quality has always been our nret consideration. We supply all Seeds required for the Farm. CRASS & CLOVER SEEDS, Cow Peas, Cotton Seed, Seed Oats, Seed Corn, wiia. Nflvv & Velvet j j - Beans, Sorghums, a Broom Corn. Kaffir f Corn, Peanuts, Millet Seed, Rape, etc. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue (fives the fullest information about these ami all other Seeds; heBt m.thmis of culture, soil best adapted for difler- reut crors and practical hints as to what are likely to prove most profitable to rtow. Catalogue niailed free upon request. t T. W, WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Ya. News & Opinions Of National Importance ... . r -ii o : .j.uAl...l .. 1.. L Will, Sir, 1 Will, cneu luo mu, bo u. I ' , , , . . Bashed with I nomo 01 u'-wa 1 ' 0 ' and wis ouick v run back to St. Johns somewhere. earnestness. ' ' . ,, , ... by Mr. woods witn tne ooy rreusuu ou . i ,.r . . . .n . , i .- ,: ! i .r, ,rt board. Pit. vvooassaiu ins succs iu 1 reached my destination, and loll my The last s'lL'n I had from Ooarutng trie engine was . su.p.. . I U,n na tM(A UH PVPfV Otirt fllSfl. AS llfl him was the handkerchief rJuttennj: . - - - iudow of tho carriage, if ' --'- bad made the run troui ot. uouns iu Albioa iu less than half an hour. Iu the meantime tha news of the res cue had been sent by telephone to the fiightcned parents, and for the remainder of the day there was great joy iu all St. Johns. took my hand, and bis eyes I am sure you will," I answered. little friend. from the window oi tho carnage, as to say : "It's all right, sir; I will pass it on "Home and School Visitor. EPIGRAMS OF BALZAC. PPOMATTOX IRON WORKS, Manufacturersof Arrricultural Implements Shaftings, Mill Gearing, I'ulleys, All kinds ol Machinery, and Repairs. No.. 83 34 Old 8t, Petersburg, Vs. Sole agents for the Distiller, Hichmond, Va. MR. W. D SMITH, at Weldon, iN. C is the sole distributing agent at that poiut, for the above old and Celebrated Whiskey. PAVENPORT MORRIS 4 00. mar XI m. T .,,,.,,,. ,.. ol u mis-lisim-al :' ''" "3 a.. riJalrllitotli. furl. .im.uu, WOKKINO WOilEN. Women are women after all. Mistress and maid are alike in physical make-up. Bolhaiewonieu. Both are subject to the Ills ami ai.u.r...a peculiar to their sex. But the serv ant seldom gets any considera tion, hhe Is ex pected to do her work even if her head does throb and a dreary, drainriiie. bear ing down feeling; makes her wish thnt each step might be her last, i I r. Pierce's Va. ,7, vorite l'rescrip- tion is made for ' maid as well as mistress. It makes weak women strong and sick women .11 no mutter what their station in me It gives the poor working woman an .V.i ..i.an,-. with her richer sister aud at exactly the same price. The servant who uses " Pavorite Pre- L.,.ir,n " oi moderate orice per bottle is much more likely to get well than her mistress who calls m an expensive, ocal i....i..i.n If she will write plainly to W. R. V. Pierce, at Buffalo, N. Y., her case will have the attention of aphysician who has cured more women than any one t,..n.lml other doctors and who has a rec ord of over thirty years' successful prac tice Her letter will be considered strict ly confidential, will be promptly answered in a plain envelope, so that prying eyes of others may not get even a hint, and she will have'the benefit of the very beat medical skill without a cent of charge for it. Thousands ot women nave written and been cured. And by this method the have avoided the "ex aminations" and "local treatment' ao invariably insisted upon by local practitioners and so abhorrent to ever modest woman. C 1 Y ill Theie is no love between equals. Women ire only as old as they look. Love is not only a sentiment; it is an j art. Vanity is the most tenacious of all habits. Generous souls sre defective io business faculty. Woman understands all things through love. All human power is time sod patience. Love is the only passion which looks to neither past nor future. The savage has feelings only; iho civil- iied has feelings and ideas. Nations, like individuals, derive thiir vigor fioui Dublu goDlimenta only. Men of fine characters confess, tbeir faults to themselves and punish them selves for them. If society gives us pillows she makes it up by gout; just as she puts up law to modify justice. A woman's errors ooma almost always from ber beliel in good, or hereonfi leooe is truth. Oold represents ill human foroet; nothing is denied to bim wbo opens and oloses ihe mouth of the sack. A woman who loves will put the whole world utid r tha Vian nf Love's empire for the sake of one whom she loves. 0 iod taste consists ss much in the recognition ot those things imocirniog which one should be silent ss in that of those things which one may say It takes a woman about nine minutes to pick out a husband, and three women seven hours to pick out a bat. Love is like apple pie; the home-made kind is the best. The other always has a lot of seeds and pieces of the core in it. The only time a woman ever does hat you think she is going to is when you think she is going to do what you don't Ihink Bhe is going to. $1 50 VKRSl'S $150.00. Mess. Wootan&Co., Prong, North Carolina, says : One of our customers, a prominent man in this community, Buf fered with liver complaint. He coo- l suited several physiciaos but they failed to benefit htm. We prevailed upon mm to try the llamon Pills and Pellets. He soon bought more and is now a well and heart v man. and has gained in flesh. He .!. .Ml. duau.l Ki. lit'u and the six . Mil SBVH UD UIIIOM.tu ...o '- comp undol b()icsoi,Bthilo ooy 50) whie hi, trip to New York to consult the diotors, cosi hitnS150 00. Fur sale by Edward T. Clark, Weldon N.C. It is probably true that s good many things come to bitn who waits, but more ihiiies wait for him who noes after them A woman will break her heart because man doesn't love her enough, and thin love him a lot better because she thinks ho doesn't. Mrs. Hi Is your daughter hazily man led ? Mrs. Dix Indeed, she is. Her .h- band shakes in his lioots every liuiti die sptaki, TETTER. StAl.T KHEUM AND EC ZEMA. The intense itching and smarting inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Kye and Skio Ointment. Many very bad esses have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles sod favorite remedy lor sure nippies, coap- ped hands, chilblains, frost bites and ehronio sore eyes. '.25.). per box. tVn-aaleby W. M Cohen, Weldon, J. N. Brown, Halifax. Dr. A. 8. Harrison, KcneM. Drul.u A closed heaven represents the black est misery that humanity is capable of mlTering. CURE A CObDISIiSIEinY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All diuggists refund money if its fails to cure. 25o. The genuine has L. B. U. on each tablet. For sale by W. M. Cohen DruggiBt, Weldon, N. C. SOHOVER FIETV YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been niud for nver fiftv veara by millions ot ninth pm for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, the sums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every nart of the world. 25 cents ni.lo Re sure and ask for " Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. Pride, the most dangerous of all faults, proceeds from want of sense, or want of thought. A. R. De Fluent, editor of lbs Jour nal, Doyiostowo, Ohio, auueuJ fur number of years from rheumatism in his right shoulder and side. He says: "My right arm at times was entirely useless. I tried Chamberlains Pain 11 dm, and was surprised to receive relief almost im mediately. The Pain Balm has been a constant companion of mine ever Bince and it never fails." For sale by For sale by W H. Cohen Weldon, J. N. Brown, Halifax, Ur A S. Harrison. Enfield, Druaiilita. THE SI ALONE Contains Both. Daily, by mail, 16 a year Uaiiy and Sunday, by mail, 9 a year. THE 3 Sunday Sun & Is the Greatest Mr Sunday News paper in the world. Price 5c. a copy By mail 12 a year. Address THE SUM, New lor. NEW GOODS. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S4 yards Elastic, 6c I 24 needles, lo., 34 sheets writing paper, 2c, 20 Dress Buttons oc. , xaniwme perutiie uv., nam him goods, 31c Floor matting 10, 12, 15c. Carpeting, 12) to 47)c, Farmers heavy shoes, HKc, Ladies' shoes, 70c to $1.00, Kugs Hoc to 1.7., 3 yard lace enrtatns sit cents, Curtain poles and fixtnres, lHc, cur tain scrim, 4c, calicoes, c, men soon la ana vests 85c, meu's panu, 60c, boy's pants, 15to 3llc., Boy's suits 45 to Die, Mattress ticking, 5 to 7c, Men's winter underwear, 200, plusn capes, ft toi.oo. i am re ceiving some good bargains in winter goods H. O. SPIERS. Weldon, N. C The readiest snd surest way to get . rid of censure is to correot ourselves BO YEARS' such Dr. John W. liu irs tjoiign Dy ru ,11 Grippe and Influenza Invariably leave r. John W. Bull's Cough 85 derful remedy Rives renei v conquers the worst cough overnight And rood ea'. vi.vav-r-- - 1 thorough cure. COUCH SYRUP f!.Hi firlnne and Influenza. nu...n.llandrsleasaattolskc. Doctors ;weudit. JTtaajcts. At all arugguts. 1 A 1 s a. 1 Tnaoc Mamte tfk aiV OlSIONS AnronsseniUnx assrtrh and SiMwrlelkm may qnloalT ai(Mrli,oi our oelnlon irtm whrthw aa Invention M prnl.al.lr palenlabla. .imajunlra. tli.MrletlrmnMdeutll. Itmulbookon r.leula nut irea. uuiok ..en.', .w. .u. .... yz2Zi r.tfltua luaen inn.uiin muu,, nurlnl nutka, without cbonta, la II F.t.tila taken tltn.ui.li Nunn Lo. KcalTS u-i-i.i ujk. wi.ni.UL ennm, in u Scientific Harm. a, mil-it Km of nr bohmiuOo hm mmar , four iruMll.h. At. Iuld i ti mi it

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