THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1900. ij5MAYJ900.& Sn I Mod I loe f Wej Tba l:ri Sat. I I 1! 2 3 l 5 6! 71 81 9 10 11112 13Q14I 15 16 117 11819 20 J1 22123! 24T25T26 "271 281291 30T3ll I Last I New I Ftrt j Full I Quar- Moon I Quar I Miaw s ler, II. . at I terfi. 14. CHURCH DIRECTORY. I MKTIIOIIIHT. I Sunday Ht'hutil at 9.:H) a. m. W. A Pierce, superintendent. Pmw-hina: at II I n.'m ... U I..- I...... rr meeting Thursday night at 7 :tll p. m. J. I). Hinny, Pastor. BAPTIST. Monday School at 9 3(1 a. in. W. K liatiiel, siipeiintendeiit. Preaching at It a. in., anil 7:45 p ni , on '2nd ant) 4th Hun duvs. Prayer meeting Wediimdav night at 7 45 p in. W. N. Jiiimh-m Pastor. Kl'ist-OPAI.. Holy Communion '2nd ttiinriav at It a m. and the 4ih Kuudoy at 7.:iU am in luinmer and H a m. in winter. Services by the Hector every '2nd and 41 h Sundava at It a. m. and 7.:i() p. in. Even song ev ery Friday at 7."S4l, Holy Day services by appointment Daily service in Lent. Her view by Lay Keatler every 1st and !trd Knniiava. Sunday Mchool at 10 a. m. W. M. Cohen, superintendent. J. Taylor, Chamrkrh, Rector. COUNTY TICKET. FOB Til It hknatr: KIIWAKIJ L. TKtVK Kt)B llllt'HC kkpkkntativeh: W. K. PARK Eli. W. P. WHITE. KOK SIHIUIKK: JlH. A. HOUSE. FtIR KKUISTKK OK MiKIM? J. H. NORM AN. KOK TKKiSI KKK.- ' J. P. FUTRELL. FOR CUKUNKR: DR. JOHN O'BRIEN. FOK 81KVEYOK : W. K. NEVILLE. XOKfOMMISSIINURS: W. R HARVEY, J. W. NORTH INOTON. B. A. POPE. rnowN I AND -L : : VICINITY. Til K fulling seas a it about over. Sthawhkkkies ate very pleutiful. TuR May roses are lovely to behold. The truck farmers are coining I he money. Sun it uf the farmers are chopping out col too. Xtxr Monday ii the day fur the solar eclipse. Till fruit crop is now safe and will bs immense. Tug drouth will not hurt the crop of dead beats. May nM broken the record ihui fur on warm wen her. Loafing it a hard business lo learn it lakes all uf your liuio. Many people who marry fur bolter ur worse are mostly worsted. ('Luves are not strong enough to till the ' breath of suspicion." It's a wonder the chronic kicker doeao't get himself out of joint. 0 IT yuur suioktd glass ready fur the great solar eclipse next Monday. Till man who is alwsys growling is videotly on his way to the dogs. Many a man is afraid of a bee sting who never feels the sting of conscience. Eviar heart is a cemetery io which are buried some of our brightest hopes. Sunt of your friends throw you boiuets whose fl iwera have no fragrance. A Urge number of Weldoo people at tended the street fair at Richmond last Thuisday. On aocount of the dry weaiher the cotton en the stiff lands did not come up very well. 1 Every man is the architect of his own fortune," which accounts for 10 many failures. Next Wednesday, the 30th, is Fed eral Memorial day, a National holiday. The post effi here will ohaeive Sunday hours. The fourth knitting mill is now al lured Naok. The mill will uimufaoture hosiery delusively and em ploy colored labor. The sitay grass is gr .win' fas', The weds is on the hump, The buttercup is fillin' up And Oottou's nn the jump V hiie Geo ml lireeo is siioieiy soeu A covario' o' the grouu', Ao' early, late the oaodidate Is shakiu' hao's arouo'. Salary Inckiasxd, The salary of Pjstmtater Howard, W.ildoo postonW Ills been increased from t,J0Q to I MOO, owing to largo inurease in re- oeipis at the office. This shows that Weldoo and the pretty s iburbao town of Chock'iyotie are doing a lushing business and that the twin ciliea are stepping long in the lioe of pro-parity. Wt Want An ice factory. A broom factory. A butter dish factory. A sash, door and blind faolory. A furniture factvry. A shirt aod overall factory. A boot and shoe factory. A spoke, hub and haodle factory. Yes, we wint all the above, and more. The very finest. The oe plus ultra. i aa ereme ae Ii ereme. Jhiti UAH PER Whiskey io three language!. I Bold by W. D, 8nith, Waldo., M ft Found In a Dtino Condition. Henderson Fauloon, colored, was found by the roadside near Chockoyotte, last Sunday, in a dying condition and was taken up and sent lo Weldon by Mr. Paul Unroll Ho died during .he night aod bis remains were taken to Liuieion, Monday. It was learned that ho had been working in the coal mines up in Virginia aod was miking his way to lietuu Wliuie he Inruicrly lived. James II. Dead The Hal eigh papers announce the death ul Mr. James H, Eiiois, for many years pub lisher of Tuiucr's North Carolina Alma nac. Of late years bodily infirmities have withdrawn him much from public view, but be was always the genial, kiodly gen tleman, gonerous lo fault, thinking no evil and losing no opportunity within bis power to make others happy. Ate Frou Eei. Root. A correspon dent at Gaston writes us that Maryland llockaday last Friday ate a piece of frog eel root and died almost instantly, Wo did not know there was meh a plant as "frog eel root." We do know however, thai hemlock and eel root are very much alike and ouly experts know the difference in the foliage of the two plants. Strange lo say they are alwaji found growing together, and look and taste alike. Hemlock is prisonous, while eel root is very nice ami harmless, We suppose the buy llockaday ate hemlock, ihinking il was eel root, . Weldon at Boy it ins The Weldon baseball team will pluy the first of a series of games with the Hoykins at H.ykins, Vs., next Tuesday the 27th The Weldon club lias recently organ ized and our advice to the boys is lo prac tice aud get in good sb ipe before next Tuesday. Wh have not foruotten our disastrous irip lo Fiaiiklin a few years auo and ibe overcunlideuee displayed en route by some of the players. So, we say, if you want to defeat the Viiginia boys, no their own diamond, you must be up aod doing before the date fur the game. - - Conukkssional Convention. The Second district convention meets today in (juldsburo, ai 4 o'clock p. m. It will be a most interesting contest and nu one can safely tell who will be the nom inee. Halifax will send a solid delega tion to work and vote for Claude Ki'ch io and he will go ioto the couvuniiun with a strong backing aod more than an even chance of winning on the final ballot. While conceding that all ill. gentlemen mentioned are strong and cap able, and whoever is chosen will reoeive our hearty support, we believe that old Halifax is entitled to the honor aud that she will be accorded it. Colored Odd Fellows Annual Thanksoivinu Roanoke Lodge, No 3958, Grand United Order of Odd Fel lows, colored, turned out iu regalia Sun day aod paraded the streets, it being the occasion of their annual Thauksgiviug. They proceded to St. Peters' Baptist church, where the annual sermon was preached by Rev D. N. Martin. A col lection was then taken up for charitable purposes. The colored O ld Fellows ol Weldon usually have their thanksgiving on the first Sunday io May, that being the day desiguatad by the Uraud Lodge, hut this year it was postponed to tLe third Suuday. Base Ball The young men ol Weldoo have orgsnited a splendid base ball team for the season and all lovers of the treat national game will be givtn ao opportunity to go out and "root" for their favorites. The club will be a strong one aod fully prepared to lake the wind out of the sails of sny team that may have the nerve to come aud measure con clusions with ihcui on the diamond it the psrk. The boys promise to give some splendid games, lull of snap ai.d ginger, such as the cranks delight in, ind we are assured that no one will be a-devp on the bases. Weldon people de light ioa good game aud will give tie boys every encuurageuent possible. Facts About Friday Our rend ers in Weldon uod elsewhere, who aie superstitious about Friday, will read tl e following with interest; Columbus sailed from Palos no a Fri day; discovered America on a Friday; lie Mayflower arrived it Proviucetnwo on i Friday; "Bunker Hill was won on a Fri day; Corowallis surrendered on a Frid..y; Liocolo was shot on a Friday; Marat was killed by Charlotte Corday oo a Friday; the French occupied Madrid oo Friday; Napoleon surrendered st Sedan oo Friday; France declared war against Prus sia on a Friday; Chins asked Japao to stop ike war uu a Fiiday T'oru art dofeoi of other dales. Third Briuade' Sponsor and Maids of Honor. The following young lidies have been Beleoted to act ll sponsor and maids of honor for the Third Brigade, North Carolina Diviaioo, United Confederate Veterans, Brigadier General, F. M. Parker, lliugwood: Sponsor M Eugene Roberts, Ualesville. Chief Maid of Honor Miss L. L. Croas, Suoberry. Haida of Honor Misses Josephine Phillips. Lime Naeh, Tarboro; hitelle C. Edwards, Weldon; Addie H. Cutler, Newborn; Bessie Buoo, Fannie Phillips, Rocky Mouut; Bessie Whiiaker, Enfield; Mary Purler Ashe, rraoou Leach, Ral "KB- WHEN others fail, take ROBERTS TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. It cures chills, fevers, malaria and general bad health. 25o. A red cross oo the label assures you of the pure, high class aterial that makes HUtSf.KTS a suo- een. Don't take substitute. J. N. Brown, Halifax; Jackwa Drug Co., Jackaoa, H- & Will Build Bhick Store Dr. D. B. Z illicoff -r, of Northampton county, who own-t i be lot and store house on Vashingi n, avnue in which Mr. H. C. Spiers has lor s one years been conduct ing genuni a' T informs us that he w.ll in a few weeks tear down lha old frame building aod erect on the lot a handsome two story brick building. The store room will be seventy-five or eighty feet in length atidjust as wide as the lot will allow. The upper story will be fitted up to suit the tenant. Mr. Spieis is now closing out the remainder of the stock left in the uld store at aod below cost. He will soon move everything up to his new store and then Dr. 'A .lliooffor will begin preparations for the new building, which will aJd greatly to thit pjrtion of the street. Gregory Goes to Cuba. Mr. II. T. Gregory, who is well known in Wel don, has been sent by (he Postofiice De partment to Cubs to assist io the capture of unknowo parlies who hive been de frauding the government there. Mr. Grogory, while pnstofTuc inspector in this State, uiailo some in st important arrests. He is one uf the cleverest snd most successful government detectives in the service, and if anybody can ferret out a mystery and entrap the thieves, Gregory is the man to do it. He works niL'ht and day when there is a mystery to solve and he has the good judgment nol to strike until his irons are red hot and when he pulls in his ropes he usually has a fraud dangling oo the other end. Changes In Railroad Service. Mr. II. E. Pursell, who has been as sistant aent in the freight department of the Atlantic Coast Line, at this place, has accepted a position with the Southern Railway, and Mr. W. II. Hudson has been promoted to the position. Mr. W. F. Turnage, furmerly of Greenville, but late uf Clinton, has taken the position made vacant by Mr. Hudson's promo tion. Mr. Hudson's promotion is ono well deserved. He is a slady, reliable, in dustrious and capable yuung man, and conscientiuus in the performance of bis work. Mr. Tumage comes highly recommen ded and we gladly welcome hio as a citi zen uf Weldon. Extending the Line. The Hen derson Telephone Co. is extending its line into Northampton county, as lately reported, aod the Carolina and Virginia Company, which is undei the same man agement, has recently purchssed the el ehsges at Rocky Mouat, Nashville aud Spring Hope, aud will rebuild same; will also build a. metallic line from Rocky Mount to Louisburg aud is constructing I metallic line from Chase City, Va., lo Clarksville, Boydtoo, Vs., and Oxford, at all of which places it will operate ex changes. That excellent gentleman, Mr. F. C. foepleman, who is well koowo to our people, will be general superintendent of the entire system. Man Burned to Death William Dillon, a white man, was burned to death at Rianoke Rapids, Wednesday nighl the llUh. He had ooly been living at the Rapids a few days. Dillon went there from Petersburg and got work io the cotton mills No. 1. Weduesday he was arnstid and put io the lock up for being drunk and disorderly. That night about l'J o'clock it waa discovered that lha jail was oo fire, and before the prisoner could be gotten out be was burned to death. The origin of the fire is uuknowo, but it is supposed that the mao set the building oo fire, being very drunk and probably o t knowing what be was doing. The fire bad made such headway when the alarm was given that it was impossible to save the building, which was a small wooden structure, or the prisoner. It is learned that Dillon wai i native of Guilford county aod that his houir was near Greensboro, Halifax Items. Mrs. J. L. Ously) who has beeo visiting relatives io 1UI lgh, returned borne last week. Mr. Jule Gilliam, of Norfolk, Va., was iere Monday en route to Kinston. Mrs. John T. Gregory and daughter, Mis Julia, sod Misa Effie Sater, at tended the Carnival at Richmond. Mr Owen J. Moure is visiting rela tives io South Carolina. Mrs. 0. G. Calhoun returned Satur lay from Suffolk. Master Carroll Jones, of Baltimore, is isiiing his tuul, Mrs Calhoun. Mra. J )ho H. Feoner is visiting rela lives in Petersburg. Mrs. T. W, Fenner is spending several lays io Kichuiuod with relatives ud friends. Miss SuJie Filzpatrick, of Ciowells, is visiting her cousin, Misa Mary Mc.Mahon. Mrs. Louis Floclich has gone to Hickory to attend the Clareuiuunt Col leee oummencement Mr. S. M. Gary went to Rielimoid last week to lake io the big street fair. Mr. J. J Dsuiel spent several days in Richmond last week. HOW'S THIS. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be oured by Hall s Catarrh Lure. F.J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable io ill busioess trinsactioos sod financially able to carry out my obligations mide by tbeir firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wilding, Rinnan It Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly npoo the blood and mu ooua surfaces of the system. laVSold by all Druggist! 7&o. Testimonials free. iltU'i Fmily Pills ire the best. j A Bold Burglar. Oue of the sool est and boldest burglars ever before beard of entered the residence of Mr. M. D. Alsbrook, on Fourth street, Saturday night. About one o'clock during the uight Mrs. Alsbrook awoke aud discov ered the man in her room. He was kneeling by the bed and feeling around, oo doubt, for money. At first Mrs. Als brook thought it was a dog and she said "yet out." The man then tjuieily arose but appeared iu no hurry to leave. Mrs. Alsbrook, who is a brave wotnao, called to Leslie Alsbrook, a young relative who was stopping over here on his way to Richmond, and said there was a mau iu her room, at the same time telling the burglar if be did not get oat she would shoot liiiu. Ab mt this time the yuung ladies who wcro iu ao adjoining room began to scream and theo the man ran out just as Leslie fired off his pistol. He left au old pair of low quarter tao shoes behind, about number nines. At .'I o'clock the mao returned and shook the door, and when asked what be wanted he said "It's gentleman, I want my shoes." He was then told that if he did sot leave immediately he would be a oor pse. Fortunately for the burglar Mr. Als brook was from home or be would have been killed when first discovered. There was no one in the hous-3 except the ladies ml the boy Leslie Alsbrook who, is staled, was here on his way to Rich mond. It is quite i mystery as it is. It is almost incredible to believe that any man in his right senses would have returned to the house a second time and after shaking the doir assert that he had re turned to get his shoes. The room be ing dark Mis. Alsbrook oould not tell whether the man was white or black, aod there are only the shoes left as clue to his identity. A Fine Sermon. Rev. J. D. Bundy in bis sermon Sunday night, to use i familiar saying, made a "home run." In other words, it was a sermon for the home and it is a great pity that every father and mother, and oihers as well, did not hear it. The text was Proverbs 25ib, and 11th verse : "Words fitly spoken are like apples of gold io pictures of silver." The sermon was one of beauty and calculated to do good. It is a great pity that we do not have more sermoos oo this order. Congregations would be larger aud we would not have so m my adverse criticisms of sermons aod preach er. Mr. Bundy s sermon Sunday night isjust what the people need. It is all folly to wait until one is dead and theu scatter Sowers upon their cuskcls Speak words to the living which shall be indeed n "apples of gold in pictures of silver," aod scatter sunshine iu the homes of the toiling masses. The pathetic little story of the "baggage coach ahead" was told by the speaker as an illustration of some portions of his sermon. It was to the effect that a sleepy passenger in a Pull m in car became cross aud vexed because of the piteous cries of ao infant, which a Win was vaioly trying to quiet, and asked in a harsh tone of voice if the mother of the child was not oo the train The man replied that she was. "Then," said the irritated occupant of the sleep ing car berth, "why don't you take the child to her." "Because," replied the pareu', with a sob io his voice, "she is io the baggage coach ahead." This touched the heart uf the other and he replied very gently, this lime, "well, then, you take my berth and go to sleep and give ms the child and I will endeavor to i liet it." The poiut was, io the preseoco uf death we all uncuver our heads and have kind ly feelings. Then why not cultivile these tender emotions at all times, and always speak kindly, one to mother, ind scatter flowers by the wayside to gladden tbo hearts of the living? Don't wait u itil alter death to do i kindly deed or speak a comforting word. The Coming Solar Eclipse. Moo day lha 28th is the day for the solar ellipse and it is ooly about ouce io a life ti ue we h ive an opport unity to witness a total eclipse.The weather being fair on the morning of the 23th the sun can be seen to enter the shsdows about 6:30 aod while it will be well to have a piece of I aoked glass so as to observe it at all stages uf the eclipse, it can be looked upon with the naked eye just before aud after totality, and for a short period it will pass completely away, and then the darkness uf night will settle upon the earth. This, of course, only means io the line of totality which is very oairow Weldoo is io or quite near, the central liue of totality ind this is probably smong the favored points where I lie eclipse can b witnessed In the bfat advanlsee, There is very singular phenomenon during the moments iinu ediatcly pro Ogling and following toial fo'sr eclipses, fid has, up lo the present lime, never beeo satisfaeturily explained. Just before totality, (usually sbout ooo minute be fore) alternate bright and dark bands are observed sweeping across Ibe oountry. These have beeo called shadow bands by some observers, and diffraction bands by Others. Iney can be observed to the best advantage by laying large piece of white cloth oo the ground. It has been suggested by Prof. Wood, of the University of Wisconsin, that sheets oi other Urge white cloths be laid upon the ground, aod theo is soon is the moving shsdows appear, which will probably be about a minute before totali ty, lay i lathe ou the sheet parallel to I he shadows, with as great accuracy as possible. Theo try to estimate the width of the bands, and the velocity wilb which they are moving, also the direction in which they are going, that is whether from east to west, or west t east. PEN PICTURES OF I'KOI'I.E YOU KNOW INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS CONCERNING THOSE WHO COME AND OTHERS WHO 00. Dr. J. L. Moore, of Apex, was in town Friday. Mrs. Ma Wilkins lias gone to Rich mond on a visit. Mr. Pollock Hurgwyn, of Jackson, was here Tuesday. Dr. A. 8. Pendleton, of Warrenton, was in town ibis week. Mrs. J. D. Arnold, of Asheville, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Clark. Mr and Mrs. W. T. Whitfield have returned home from a visit to Richmond. Mrs. P. N. Suinback and children returned home Saturduy night from Rich mond. Mrs li -tiie Weeks has returned hntne from a visit Iu relatives at Aurelian Springs. Mrs. T. S. Jones and children have returned home from a visit to relatives in Petersburg Miss Evi Piescott, of Lynchburg, Va., who has beeo visiting relatives here, has returned home Rev, W. N. Johnston, pastor of the Baptist church hero, is spending a few days in Scutland Nock. Dr. J. E. Shields, of Scotland Neck, who is always a welcome visitor, spent several days here last week. Mrs. J. T. Gay aod son, Master VV ay land, left Sunday for Newport News, Va , where they will reside in future, Mr. W. T. Williams, the clever and popular p'jstmaster at Ringwood, ws here Monday on a visit lo friends We are pleased to learn that he has entirely recovered from his recent illness. Bobbin's Chill Pills are the best. Cust less than any ohill and fever remedy, tint! they are guaranteed lo cure, or your money back. Price 25c. per bottle Druggists. SCOTLAND NECK. BAPTIST CHURCH RAISES 8150 FOR THE MILLS MEMORIAL BUILDING RE VIVAL MEETING AT METHODIST CHURCH KITCUIN'S FRIENDS FEEL ENCOURAGED. A Scotland Neck c irrespondent sends the lollowing items of news lo the Ral eigh Post uudordate of May the 21st: Dr. James C. Hill died Friday at the home of Mr W. D. Shields, near Spring Hill, aged about fifty-four. He had beeo in failing h .alth for some time, and his death was nut uuexpecled. The re mains w re interred iu ibe Episcopal c m- etcry here Saturday. Dr. Hill was brother lo Capt. A. B. Hill, of this place, aud also of JuJgo T. N. Hill, of Halifax. Re. K. S. Peele, of South Carolina, visited Scotland Neck recently and preached n the Baptist church a few oights ago. Yesterday the Baptist congregation, without notice or preparation, raised S 1 50 for the Mills Memorial building at ti e Baptist orphanage ut Thouiasville. Pas tor R. T. Vanu was absent at Buie's Creek Academy, io Harnett county, where he preached the annual sermon yesterd y, an I Mr. A. Johnson, editor of County and Children, was passing this way, going to the Chowan Baptist Asso ciation at Kliziboth City. He addressed the congregation in the Baptist church at 11 o'clock and at the conclusion uf hit. address a collection was taken, which was ad led to at the evening service. He was greatly encouraged by this unexpect e 1 send off, and it was heard remarked mire than once that the Scotland Neck Baptist church is one of the most liberal bodies io the State. At night Rev. W. N. Johnson, of Weldon, who is spending a few days here for a rest, preached to the same audience and greatly delighted ihem with his sermon. Tonight a revival will commence in the Methodist church here, conducted by Rv. E. C. Glenn, of Raleigh. Mr. Glenn has held meetings hcie before, and the people generally will welcome him. Considerable interest attaches te the congressional convention fr this district to be held io Qoldsboro Thursday. The record that Hon. Claude Kitchio has made duriog the past ten or fifteen days in the westero part of the Slate has brought him mure prominently before the people aed, though he has been at work out of his own dislrict, it will be remem bered at the convention. Scotland Neck and Halifax county feel sure of the nom ination of Mr. Kitchin, and there is no question at ill that his Domination will be entirely acceptable to the district. He returned from his appointments in the west two dayi ago, ind says wherever he went there was enthusiasm furtbe amend ment aod strong faith in carrying it, Iraf are a source of comfort. They are a source oi care, also. If you care for your child s health, lend for illustrated book on the disorder) to which children are subject, and which Frcr's Vermifuge ha cured for 50 years. VM WW , Mil far M MIL K. V B. FRET, I fl A 11 0 Loans made on Life I 1 1 11 II iS l""""0 Policies. Life aVJaTlllw Insurance Policies and Corporation bonds purchased. Apply giv ing unni tier of policy and name of company etc , to EDWARD T. CLARK, 3 2tt 3ul Weldon, N C. u Beat Cougb Srmi . Tmim iji.M. TJlS M Ej In llmw. BolS by dntirtl.m. M Advice, to Young Men. Profita ble words for young men are these, no matter by whom wriiten : "Never in dulgc in the notion that you have on ab solute right to choose the sphere or the circumstances in which you are to put forth your powers; but let your daily wisdom of life be in makiug a good use of the opportunities given you. The nobility of life is work. We live in a working world. The lazy and idle man docs not count io the plan of campaign. "My father worked hitherto, and I work." Let that be the text enough. Do one thing well. Do a whole thing at a time. Make clean work aud leave no togs. Allow no delays when you arc at a thing. Do it and be done with it." Ms (lie uavy L If in., f.fii-.tiiirtg nusl be wiorjj wiiri food. If the moCi.r'$ in'lu i?;tsn't nour ish i :!C needs SCOTT'S LrtULSiON. t s ;pp!ies the clement: c' t;.!: rv.uircd for thz br.',y. Ii Inly is not r.oiu !?'. by iii titificial IV.if j spoonful three or fin? '.r,: 5 a day in its t!:e desired upon babies A fifty-cent W:if prove ine irum ii j 11 riitnis. I ; tuhcM hi summer as t ..,( c iii'mtr. -r - .1:1 I ." l u . .'fU'-'---'t .. York, Swift's Premium Hams Cooked in any manner are always delicious; like Swift's Premium Bacon and Swift's Silver Leaf Lard, there is no uncertainty about the quality Swift's Premium Hams are the very best of 7 mil lion Swift Hams made in a year. Swift's Premium Rreak fast Bacon and Swift's Silver Leaf Lard are the best of an equally large output. Swift and Company Chicago St. Louii Kansai City St. J.iK.h Omaha St. Paul OTIOE. In pursuance of a decree of the Kiiierior court of Halifax county made ut Marc h tennlHOOin the rai wherein Kmry it Driseoll were plaintiff and Mm. M. K. t!ary ond Miss Lizzie Owens are defend ants, we will sell oo the Monday in June I IU HI lor cash at public auction at the court house in Halifax the unfinished houe in Halifax and the lot mi which it is situate, Moulin to the detendunta, in order to pay the claim." of the plaintiffs. This April 211, l!K"i. J. NORWOOD HII.L, SANDS UAYI.E, may H td Commissioners. u THE SI VEKSITY of SOUTH CAROMS E-SrAULlsllKIl IX I'y Summer seesiou begins July l'J, closes Auir. 31. Kegular collegiate instruction in all departments for term of twelve weeks. Tuition $'X1: Keiristrntinn $5. uimner School for teachers trnru June 1'.' to July 7. Special instruction by school experts. Tuition For circular coatainiug couraes of Btudy, address Prksidknt Ai desman, Chapel Hill, N. C Mrs. Joe Person's j Iemed There is no need for any one to suffer from . . . Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy ; : : : CAN BK BOUGHT OF EVERY DKUGQIST. M MANUraiTHRKD ONLY IV RS. JOE PERSO KITTHKI.L, N. V. t locJ, l.'iwf. ;t requires Scott's Emulsion f ef.'cc!. ii s I mecir.-il ri.'c z:A dvf'rc iu I I.! ' I ? I'AV-Z ' r ' (" 01 ll 1 1 I. 6,400 Yards of 20c. Dimi ties at 10c. the Yard. ... A BARGAIN. M New Swiss Tuckings:: The plain ttickinos are 5llc, 75c and tl the yard. The fancy ones, with uuiinlities of pret ty lace iuscilion, are $1 SI L'f) on up to t I the yard. Talcum Powder 5c.: Si A very good quality of Talcum Toilet Powder, in sprinkler top boxes 5j. a box. 0 for 25c. 12 for 45c. Bathing Suits.SS Of black Mohair trimmed with white braid 82.50 and li 25. Children's navy blue flannel suits braid trimmed ?1 and $1.75. Fast black bathing stockings 10c. a pair, 3 pair for 25c. 25c Soap 12c. a Box.SS Fragrant and dainly violet toilet soap prettily put up, three cakes in a bui. 25c. is its regular price. We ask but 12c. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Wit t, The Great Gray Store, maa;GRaNbv.s NORFOLK, VA. (When ordering goods, please mention this paper.) I C- C. ALLEY, I confectioner! I PETERSBURG, "V.A.. ! Mr. W. W. Warreu represents the firm aud will visit Weldon and its viciuily I regularly. "Little Giant" and "PmsylFaDia" Pjamt Picim rious reiii'cmeut8 in successful operation. Will thresh Wheal, Data, liice, etc. lr. U. V. lbitistaii, Windsor, N. C. averages 3IKI bushels per day wilb sinalleHt ma chine the Pennsylvania. Some who do custom work have Imuglit the second and third machine. Men who have the time, and the means to equip themselves, rouke more money "pnllimi Peanut" than in any other work. We have small machines for individual work on plantation or large machines for those who wi-ll to do custom work. "The day is near when there will not be a hand-picked peanut in Va,, save only for seed," writes a customer who is operating three of our outfits in Sussex county. for free catalogue, prices, tortus, eUi , address, STRATTON & BRACC, Hakdwiuk, Maihinkky&Enoinem, Petersburg. Virginia. Manufacturers' Agents for So. Eastern Va., Now we call special attention to COUCHES. n,T -- licve, the largest stock of couches, ever shown in tins city, Irum i very cheap, but good, to the most luxurious to be found any where. Flat "BOX COUCH ES," with loose throw about pillows, and "BOX COUCHES" wilb lounge effect heads. With our "PATENT LIFT" attachment, they open as easily as a dolls trunk." ALL OF THESE OUR OWN MAKE. Iu COUCHES (not box) our line is complete, with the regular head, adjustable head only, ad justable at both ends, with and without adjustable backs, in all the covers of the day, including I'anlisote, I'egtimoid, Imitation, and best leather, in all shades, plain aud tufted. Nearly all of these our own make. If we cao not please you from our stock, we can show you the frames, fillings, covers and the man who makes them too, if you to desire, and make up a couch to your order, in from one to three days. Any price, any style. MTSooo weather permitting, we will have something to say about REFRIGERATORS, ICE CHESTS, BABY CARRIAGES, GO CARTS, io , io. MuIWt fail to come to the Carnival. Sydnor & Hundley, KMrft".? 711 AN1 7l; H. llUOAlr STKKKT, E. CLARK The ii.jl.Li iL "WELDOIT, UST. C. The Best of Everything kept io slock. Fresh Seasonable goals for family nse. General Supplies for the Public. Full lies HARDWARE. 5:3 FINE BAR&S " My bar is supplied with the most choice WI1I8KIK3, BRANDIES. WINES, CIGARS and TOBACCO. -Polite allentioa and Paoapt dslivary. I I Women's Under vest s.S& For as little as Uc. Kxcolletit Richelieu Ribbed Vests silk toped neck and ormlioles, 10c. Children's Vests low neck, sleeve less, 5c. 10c. and 12jc. White Lawn Waists---44c Think you could make one for 44c? Magnificent white waists from Jl on up to ?:i 50. The Demorest Sewing Machine. High Arm, 819. With Drop head, $20.00. Brownie Overalls. g For the youngster to knock about in. Made of blue denim. Two pockets apron top suspenders attached. For beys 2 to 15 years. 25o. a pair. The "Little tiiant' and "Pennsylvania" Vferethe lirst successful l'cannt Pickers They were leaders in 1KHJI. Have added improve ments for 1IKMI No other muehiiie so sironij 1anil durable, do the work so well or so rapid ly, require so little power to drive them, or 'are so easily and quickly adjusted to the va and No- Eastern N. C. npr 12 tiiu ) mu Richmond, Va. nn ll Uli Rettsw h Clay i. i . "X-v-lsrr-