trOHlT W. SLEIDO-E, 1'Kohuktor. 'vol. XXXV. .A. NEWSPAPER FOIR, THE PEOPLE TEP-zlvdS: 1B0 PKR ANNUM IN ADVANCE WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNK 21, 1900. NO 8. J . It l.ll BIlLC iTli- C0NTM01IS BLOOD MESON ContKiou Blooil Poison it the mat ilcKradittR ami destructive of all diseases, as it vitiates and corrupts the entire ivstem. i iic " " tiniY.irii in i ' 1 1 ii mi pnunics on me nonv, nioutn ami tnrout necoine tore, the glands enlarge and inflame, copper colon d splotches appear, mid liair and evelirowi full out. Theite are some of the milder symptoms ; tlirv im-icae in scverilv, finally sttackinK the vital organs ; the hody is tortured with rheumatir pains and enured illi (ft.-iii.ivt- rating sores. It is a ieculiar poison, mid bu liiclih . ,iUKi,,u that an innocent person handling the same articles used by one infected with tins loalhvimr disease, may he inoculated with the virus. It can lie transmitted from parent to child, appearing at the -.nine ilea use or in a modified form - like liewnia or Scrofula. Many an old sore or stul-lxirn skin trouble appearing in middle life, it due and traceable to blood poison contracted in earlv life. Yon tti.iv have taken potash and mercury faithfully for two or three years and thought you were cured, but you wi re not, for these poisonous minerals never'cure thit disease ; they drive it from the oubide. but it i d nng iis work on the inside, and will show up again sooner or later. You may not recognize it as the same old Unit, but it is. S. 8. S. has cured thousands of cases of Contagious Blood Poison, and it will curt- yi.u It it the onlv purely vegetable blood purifier known, and the only antidote for this S S. 8, cleanses the blood thoroughly of every particle of the poison there is never any return ot the dist.ise. Mr T.W l,cr. Mont- uHierv. All.. .. : f several i-wf uru 1 a uitfc'ulHir I with iAjtwn by (tiif-mwrd tiursr, who ititetKii anv rtv, and fur ail JtHin ycata 1 imflered twiMd misery. My ifany mm covered wilh Hurt and ulcem. 8ev phyiknaiiitrealfd irnc, out all to no pur i;lKe. Thr mercury and irjH.taih they five tue fUrtmed to aW fuel to Ahv awlut flume which tnv devouring me. il'rlnuU adviM-il tut to Irv.s.h . Ittexautak llnK it and improved from the atari, and a fcutnplele "l perfect tyre waa the rcault." CURE YOURSELF AT HOME. Send for our Home Treatment book, which gives a history of the disease in all stages, and is the result of many yean of close study of blood poison and actual experience in treat ing it. You can cure yourselt perfectly and permanently at home, and your secret is your own. Should you need any information or medical advite al any tune, utile to our physicians. They have made u life study of blood diseases, and will give your letter prompt ami careful uttention. Consult them as often us you please ; we make no charge whatever for this service. All correspondence is conducted in the strictest confidence. Address, SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA, A CONFIDENTIAL CASE. HE DIDN'T STEAL THE HOG. - 'A llliva for Summer Cooking The handiest, cleanest, snjest, coolest and most The WickleSS Blue Flame Oil Stove Hums ordinary kerosene. Combines the efficiency of the coal range and the convenience and comfort of the gas range at a frac tion of the expense of either. An absolutely safe and clean stove ; will not smoke, smell or get greasy; can't explode. Can be moved anywhere. r 9 Sold wherever stoves are sold. If your dealer ti-.( not have them, write to STANDARD OIL COMPANY. 1'. N. STAIN BACK. I'KTEH W. SiJIMKK. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LIVERY, feel, Sale M Exchange Stables WELDON, N.C. FINE TURNOUTS AND GOOD SADDLE HORSES FOR HIRE. HfCareful Drirets go with all teams. We keep nice line Millies, Hoatl Carta, gons for Sale. STAIN BACK & SQUIUK. k.Dsy Thooe, No. 2!i; Night 'I'hnoe, No 24-3. 11 Hly. HaJ Hun a Change Kansas man (veiling in the earn) We have lots of near neinbbirn now. Friend Why, I thought your near est neighbor was 29 miles away. "Yes, But we've bad s cyclone since then." P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. tier in f 1 OF AI L KINDS. SHOES ZEICLER It BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. SoIeAgeutin Weldon for 8TROU8E BROTHERS HItlll ART CLOTHING. ormerly sold hers by M. F. Hart.) A -fit guaranteed. UNDERTAKING In ill it branches. Metallic. Walnut. Cloth Covered Caskets and Coffins. Telephone or telegraph mesmges at tended to day or niibt. f c SISSU.II SJJ j-V a :JT- r U. 0 UJJJV11XO, Wboleaale aud Retail Ie!er In Fine Staple i and ancy Groceries,, Tfruits. cofifectiqueriesj oeksry, 01am Tin, and wrxlen and wil- low ware. Also Pratt's Hons, Cow, 1 Hon and Poultry Food, sod Grove's I Tas eisss Chill Tonic, Aleiander'l i Li' i and Kidney Tonic for puritying 4 the blood. This tonic is warranted or money refunded. No. JJ Waal J. L. JUDKINS, Waahiaitaa At., Waldoa, N. 0' W, I. fAKKtKj HENDERSON TELEPHONE COMPANY. omen (if G UN KllAL SUJ'KKINTKN DENT, IIKN1IEH80N, N. 0, I b.'n to announce that the follow int: towns are Dow connected by luni: diianoe phones, and the rale lure wilh published will be in eflect on and alter March 15th: raoM WELDON to -DIAI.IR IN- Groceries Heavy AND Fancy Corn,Hay & Oats All goods cheap for cash. 3-llffl green cofie for 36c. 1 havs recently added to my business a bakery. Beat Bread and Cakes famished at short notice. W. T. PAKKF.R, WtMea, N. a Vitell, .'ID. Louisburt;, 40 Airlie, 21). Maoon, 25 ilrooltsion, SO. Maoson, 25 Krinkli-yville, 20. Medoc, 211 tVntreville, 40. Middlebutj;, Ho t'hurchill, 25. Oakville, 25 I'rowellft 15. Oilord, 40 Dsbney :I5 Hul-eway, 25 Kiificld, 15. ltingwood 15 Krsnklintoo, 40. Koauoku Htipids, 10 liastoo, 10. Tillety, 15 Gillburg, ;i5. Vauhan, 25 llcndcrMin, 35. Warren I'lains, 25 llalil'm, 10. Wsrrenton 25 Kitirell, 40. Wise, 25 Laurel, 40. Younst-iHn, 45 Littleton, 20. V. C. TUKI'LIMAN, OBEDIENCE. WHAT WE MAY DO. FACING AN AUDIENCE. SHE WANTED TO BE AN ACTRESS. IT nilnnillT OUT AN HONEST CONFES SION AHOUT A STOLEN Htm. "It has long been a matter (if nrii ruent," said the old lawyer, who was in a reminiscent mood, "whether a lawyer uliou'd defend s man that be knows In bo guilty. There is au argument od both sides, and I do not suppose it will over be settled to the nutisfactioo of all. "A good many years ago I hud a ou.-e that set me tu thinking, sod I haven't yet determined what my duty was in the matter. At that lime I had a small practice in a little town in the western part of the state. Upon my return to the town oDe day, afier having been away a few days on a matter of busioess, 1 was called upon to defend a worthier character who had been arrested fur hog stealing. "At that lime every one kept at least one hog to ba killed in the fall and salted tiuwn for use in the winter. One of my neighbors had butchered a hog a few days before, and the patty that I was called upon to defend had been charged wilh theft of it. "The case was about to bs called when I arrived, and I asked for a little time in which tooonsult with my client. This was granted, and tukiog him to one side I said : " 'Now, see here, the best thing that you can do is to make a clean breast of the affair to mc, and then I will know ju-tt where I stand. Whatever you may coiifess to me I will treat as sacredly con fidential, and I will do my best to clear you.' " 'I dido't steal bis bog,' protested the prisoner. 1 'Then where did you get the caress that was louod in your possesaion ?' 1 demanded. " 'From your back porch, boss,' hi answered with a grin. "Then I remembered that just before going away I had left ordurs to have my hog killed, and I could only tiasp How ever, I went to work aud cleared my client of the charge he was under aud took the carcass of my lio as payineDt for services rendered, but I had hard work treating what he told me ai sacred and confidential." Detroit Free l'resa. WE NEKII TO I.EARN THAT HI.Ml'I.K OHKIIIENt'E IN HKTTE11 THAN (JURAT Al'IMKVKUENT. II EH EXPERIENCE IN THE PROFESSION CI' TO THE MOMENT OK HEa r'IRST APPEARANCE WHEN SHE I'LED FROM THE 8TA0E IN SHAME AN II DISMAY. Most of us would like to do some great tuing lor the glory ol Uou. ll we could Iheres a very largo D'ltuuer ol per write a great poem or a great book, if we formers would be and others who are could build a magnilicent church or giveo "trial" in the vaude louud a great college, if we oould con- fille theatres to test their ability to suit vert a whole nation or evangelito the the patrons, Sometimes these are given whole world, we would gladly do it. And in public without previous notioe on the yet it may be that we are Tory inaolive programmes, but generally for the mana- io relation to all those things. Because ger's eye alone we cannot d-) the whole, we refuse to do A very pretty and ambitious young our part. We thus prove that we are girl had quite an experience in this way not so desirous to glorify God as lo glori-1 last summer. fy ourselves. There seems to be no glory "You know how poor we were," she for us in the obscure part wo arc called said to me when I had coaxed her to take, aod we refuse it, tell of her debut, "and how large every We need to learn that simple obedience I dollar looked. All my friends had better than great achievement. praised my parlor recitations as being Saul thoiitiht to honor God by a great verv One. and so I thought I minlit as sacrifluial offering of animals that God well see if I oouldo't turn my talent to ad commanded him to slay without some account ceremony. But the voice ol the prophet "1 appliel to six vaudeville agent), rang out in his ears "Obedience is bet- None of them cared for what I did, but ter than sacrifice." they all offered to have a sketch written It is better for God and better for us I fur me by different men whom they re- that we simply obey. God knows best commended in their employ, I after- hat our achievements should be, where I ward learned our labors Bhould be applied. Aod there "This would require from (25 to 850 are none who so honor God, who so glo- as a starter, and as this was out of the rifv His name, as those who in a spirit question they all dropped me like a hot i ... f humility daily ask, "What wouldst I potato. Thus I never got near the prom Thou have me to do?" and who labor iocnt vaudeville managers a! al faithfully at their God-given tasks. It I "But I kept at it, and at length met matters not what those talks sre. It manager who, after hearing me, agreed to may be dig coal or hoe corn. It may let me go on that night unannounced, be to toil with a needle or broom. Wher- except by the sign 'Extra Turn,' which ever there is a spirit bent upon its task was pushed out for the audience to see, n a spirit of loving and reverent obe- "If I suited, I wis to have $25 a week. dience, there is God glorified, there is a "Twenty five dollars a month wou'd have pectacle pleading tu Him who sits on I seemed ppluudid, and in a great stale of le throne. U'l'T. A skeptical young man confronted an old Quaker with the statement that he did not believe in the Bible. Tli Uuaker said: "Host thou believe in Franee?" "Yes; though I hae not seen it I have seen others that have. Besides, there is plenty of corroborative proof that such a country does exist.'' "Tben thee will not believe anything thee or others have not seen?" "No. To be sure I won't." "Did thee ever see thine own brains?" "No." "Ever see anybody that did?" "No." "Does thee believe thee has any?'' The young man left. Exchauge. 1 he Story Was Out. tb Here the Sea Serpent drew near sec-.sled the man on the beach. ' 01 course," said the saurdiao, "you are a temperate man of uuimpeachable veracity." "Uu the oontrary, replied the man "I am a confirmed inebriate aud an un mitigated liar!" But it was too late to recede, now Detroit Free I'ress. Gen. Supt. Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY the FREICHT anhCU ARANTEE 8AFE DELIVERY . . . LAKCiKMT HTOt'K Inlue South llluitrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, (Established 1848.) 159 to 163 Rank at., Norfolk Va mm 1 Hll.lilt niraouiuf ft m -.-litiilrtl nr Invanuve uiliiil dftlrlal a trip tu Um I 'lu-ta SCipoalUva. 1U sued MMrf Ul nnrnMt Mia. .uumu wriiv li. f A 1 k T stl t su, ftOmmn, M4. Cleaning fik House Once or twice a vear the good house wife has a thorough Vioum cleaning. The house has been swept and dusted every day in the year, but the housewife knows that in spite of vigilance dust accumu lates in cracks and comers, and is only to be removed by special enort. It's the same way with the body. You look after it every day. You take all the ordinary precautions of cleanliness and health. Yet the body needs its special cleaning to nd it ol the accumu lations of waste and poisonous matter which invite disease. Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, taken regu larly once or twice a year, would save many a sickness. It purines the blood. strengthens the stomach, and cleanses the body of poisonous accumulations. "Last soring 1 hid tevm stuck of onru- monia, wnieh kft m with a bad cough, and alto left mv 1mm in a verv had condition.' writes John M. Ruaaell, Kaq,. of Brent. Cherokee Nat.. Ind. Ter. nl had no appetite and waa ao weak I could acarcclv walk. Mv breaat waa all tore with running aorea. I rot two bottles ur. neror'i (oluca Medical iiiacoeery, wnicn I believe Mved mv lire. 1 cannot einreaa mv f ratitude to you. 1 am able now to do vary goon wort." Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, In paper covers, sent fret on receipt of ai one- cent stamps to pay coat ot mailing only, Address Or. R. V. Pierce, Bufialo, A. Y, COOIit.l.WS LATEST. excitement I rehearsed my music with the pianist, who tried to flirt with me, and rushed home to carry the good news and fix up a wardrobe for my three rcci tatinns. "I was to make my appearance at ! 0 clock, but 1 got behind the scenes as oarly as 7, with my sister as dresser. Oh, what a state of excitement we were in "The 'tip' seemed to have gone around that I was an experiment, for I received many quizzical glances from the perform ers, who were made up and attired as negroes, hod carriers, acrobats, soubrt-ttcs. clowns, dancers and the like. "At 8 30 the manager tapped at my dressing room door aod then entered He sat down without removing his hat and sized me up, rather suurly. You're never Ki"K wear tint sk;rt, are you ?' ho asked ?" '"Yes, sir. Why not?'' " 'Oh, it's too long ! Vou'vo got to hit 'em when you first come on. Cut about three inches off that skirt,and you'll have it right.' We were both distressed and indig nant. " 'I shouldn't like to do that,' I falter ed. " ' l ou II nave to do a good many things you don't like if you're going to stay in this business,' he said shortly aa be rose to go. 'I know my audiences.' "Then he went out. " 'Let a go home, said my sister whose face was now very pale. 'This is no place for you.' 1 W hat t could earn here in a week would pay our rent for a month,' I sail firtulv. "Get the seinrl. needle anil "Wealth, answered the complacent lhrB,a . Xna. deanita u.. n,BflM -l.:, L .,-1 . i ,1 1 r 1 pn.iosopner, -is wnai mates a man leet l urDf(J tw0 inohe8 of the kirt J. G irdon Coogler, the sweet singer of the Congaree and "Author of Purely Origitial Verse," sent the Atlanta Con stitution the following, which he dashed IT in a Purely Original moment. It has the tender name ol "Little Deeds of Kindness" which must not be con ounded with "Little drops of water, Little grains of sand Make the uiightcr ocean At d the pleasant land" for Mr. Coogler is nothing if not origiot Herein he speaks for himself: I love the little drops of kindness That make this life sublime, Undiuinicd they go adowo the years On the brightest wings of Time. Like a thousand streamlets onward fl wing, With waters crystal clear, They form a mighty rivel which Will wash away our care. "I love the little deeds of kindness Which men would overlook; I love them in the lives of men, Aod in each written book. 'What makes this world a pleasant spot, A place like that above? Tia the little deeds of kindness Wrought in simple love." Comforting Himself. "What is wealth?" asked the worried man. guilty because he is squandering the in terest on a whole lot of money every time he breaks a ten-dollar bill." Expert flfiiioi. "1 m so glad that the poor fellows at Mafekiog have been relieved." "Yes. Why so?" "Because now we'll find out what they think of the starvation cure." IVsf.-i aii Msrohant Do you speak German? Needy Applicant I never have, but graoious, i ii tsckie it it you give ma a job. Nut Even !. Some husbands are so henpecked that they daren't write a capital I. A Yoiiug C.iservalive. Conseivaiive Come, Bobby, tell us which you love best your ue or me. No, you don't, pa; I'm a middle-of-the roader. lit an! Fame Arrive! Togetier. I see th it a B iston man says that Geo Phil Sheridan arrived at Cedar Creek too late. Well, he seems to have reached there in ample time for th poet and the sculp tor hichane. stitched it and put it on, Then I looked at myself in a long mirror. l ou look lovely, sighed my sister but, oh, I'm so ashamed "So was I, but I felt that I'd rather face a friendly audience than an un fiieudly landlord, so up stairs I went and stood at the wings waiting my 'turn' an agony of nervousness. "A tall, pretty contortion daaocr h just come off the stage and lay panting for breath on a mass of old oariMt. Shi smiled faintly and asked between her gasps: " 'Dancer?' "I shook my head. " 'You can thaik Ood for that,' she whispered, 'for it means death. I've got consumption.' "Here the stage manager came up. '"Your turn next,' hs said, 'when those "knockouts" cot through. They take two encores. This is their last.' "Ob, the agony of waiting for those men to finish and the fear that they would! How they worked! They knocked each other down with barrels, pulled noses, cracked eaeh other over the hesd with tin trays, tripped and fell over each other and staggered off past me in a tats of wreckage and perspiration (hat was dire to soe. "Then I saw the page draw out two signs aod put in two others. Then my music sounded it teemed miles away and the stage manager gave me a gentle push. "'That's you,' he laid. 'Go on, and don't be afraid. Throw it at 'em hard.' "No criminal going to execution ever r A Wordl:'.1?. Suffering Women. No one but yourselves know of the uHennj? you go through. Why do ?rou sutler ? It isn't necessary. Don't use your health and beauty, (for the loss of one is speedily followed bf the loss of the other.) Don't feel " weak " and "worn out." Impure blood If at the bottom of all your trouble. Johnstons Sarsaparilla QUART DOTTLES. will purify vour blood and brine the bloom of health back into your. cheeks, tacb. bottle contains a quart. Painful and Sue-mted Mental, IrrerlrllT, Leiienrrham, WMtet, SltHlltf, Ulear. tlou of the Uterus, rhance of life In matron or niaiil, all fmil relief, help, benefit and rwre la JOHNSTON'S SAKSAPARIIXA. It la a real panacea for headache, palaa In t left aide, Indtfettlon, palpitation of the heart, co:d ImttiL ae.l feet, nervouatieia, alaeplcMMM. muaCUlar WeakneH. bearlmr-dnwa nalna. ha.-k.rlie i-t. Irr.ritlar .rtl.M of th .nti ahortna.a of breath, abnormal dlechargea w-ttli painful inen.t, nation, acaldlBK of artaoa awaiting- of faet, aorenesa ot the breaats, neural.U, ntrrine displacement, and all Shoee symptoms whirh make the averaee woman's life i iiiIm-iaI'Ic. We bar. a book full l basil Information. Yoa want It Iti free " THE MICHIGAN DRUO CO." .Jctroit, Mich. w, UvarattM for Liver Ills. The an M. COHEN, - Pills, aac. WELDON, N. C. There was a smart round of applause. 'That's for the short,' I thought and felt like sitting down in shame. I reached the center of the stage in some way oh, how oan actors and actresses fight for such in uncomfortable position and, ling my eyes in self defense on the pianist, began my recitation. "I was vaguely conscious that the man of musio was accompanying me and nod ding and winking encouragement at the same time. My voice sounded faint and far away, and I felt myself wondering if should ever recover from this horrible experience. I ncn tne nutter ot a pro gramme distracted my attenlion, and my eyes fell upon the front row. Ther sat four people whom I knew .... . i i t i r : very well indeed people wno nau ire- uently sailed upon us in better days. They were looking at me and my legs in amazement and horror, then disputing with each other and referring to the pro- ramme. The words died on my lips, and I rushed hysterically from the stage, seiied cloak that my sister waa holding fur mc, dashed down stairs in the elevator, out into the street and ran all the way home. I am now a typewriter, and the sight of a roof garden gives me a shiver." Cincinnati Knquirer. Severe On The Company. I am sorry to hear that your house was burned last night, Buggies. But it was insured, wasn't it? Yes. That's what hurts the worst. I'm a stockholder in the company that in sured it, and this makes the fourteenth oss since last week. NEW GOODS.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 yards Elastic, 6c ; 24 needles, 1c, 24 sheets writiug paper, 2c., 20 Dress Buttons Sc., Yard wide percale 6c., Plaid drasa goods, ;IJc., Floor matting 10, 12, 15c. Carpeting, 12 j to 47)c, Farmers heavy shoes, kmc, Ladies' shoee, 70c to $1.00, Itugs 25c to $1.75, 3 yard lace curtains 37 i cents, Curtain poles und tUtures, lHc, cur tain scrim, 4c, calicoes, 4c, Men'sooatxand vests Hoc, men's pants, 80c, hoy's pants is to ,ic., Boy's suit 45 to KSc, Mattress king, & to ic. Men s winter underwear. 20c, plush capes, $1 to $ I am re ceiving sonic good bargains in winter goods EE. G. SPIERS, Weldon, N. C KOROYUH KIHI YEAR Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions ol mothers for children, while teething, with perfect suceess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in eierv part of the world. 25 cents t. . .... .... bottle. Ue sure and ask lor "Airs, wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. II we did but know bow little some enjoy of the great things that they poss ess, there would not be mucti envy in the world. You may aa well expect to run a steam engine without water as to find an active energetic man with a torpid liver and you may know that hii liver is torpid when he does not relish his food, or feels dull and languid after eating, often has headache and sometimes diuincss. A few doses of Cbambeilaio's Stomach and Liver Tablets will restore his liver to its normal functions, renew his vitality, im prove his digestion aod make him feel like a new man. Price 25o, Samples free at W. M. Cohen's drug store. Ood is not worshipped in spirit and in truth in the church that has to go into the show hniin" I) rsi tfiOSfJ tt psj its honest debts. CURB A fl)l.l IX ONE DAV Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets, All diuggists refund money if its fails to cure. .)c. The genuine has L. B. on each tablet. For sale by W. M. Cohen Druggist, Weldon, N. (J. Don't pick up a man before he is diiwn. Don't correct him before he has made a mistake. We are want to look forward to troubles with fears of what they will in flict, but back on them with wonder at I felt as I did when I walked out among what they have saved us from. I those people. WOOD'S COLD STORAGE Seed Potatoes or Planting in June or July. Sprout vigorously, and yield splen did crops of Choice quality Late Potatoes. The following tire extnicU from cus tomers letters who plnnted Wood's Cold fUonige Seeil Potatoes lust season. Came up beautifully and yielded splendidly. ' "Nut a alng-le hltl failed to come ap.' 'Dade the choicest lot ol Potatoes I ever saw." Had fine Potatoes. " "The Cold Storage Is the kind to 'Welt pleased with them.-SMde a large crop. 'Par superior to those kept In ordinary way." 1 have never grown finer or larger Potatoes." l'liice vour order now for shipment at such time as vou want to plant. De scriptive Circular giving prices and full information mailed on retnieut. If vou art interested In Oerman Millet, Cow Pas, Sorghums, Buckwheat ar any season able seed? for Summer sowinK, write for prices and our apecial circular in rvsard to aame. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsman, RICHMOND, vIRQIala. A PPOMATTOX IRONWORKS, Manufacturersof Agricultural Implements, Shaftlngi, Mill Ciearing, Pulleys, All kinds of Machinery, and Repairs. Nos. 29 34 Old St., Petersburg, Va. , weatness . . . rn A SPRAINED ANKLE QUICKLY CURED. "At one time I suffered from a severe sprain of the ankle," says Geo. E. Cary, editor of the Guide, Washington, Va. "After using some well recommended medicines without success, I tried Cham berlain's Pain Balm, and an pleased to say that relief came as soon as I began lo use and a complete oure speedily followed. Sold by W. M. Cohen. Christ takes no more delight to dwell in t sad heart than we do to live in dark house. Do you know tb heat medicine on Mirth for all female M weakofwa- Trv B lr". OMNGEIIOSSON if you don't. Hia Pile Cure and oth- r remedies are just ood. Coirea- poudence solicited. MR. MATTIE DAVIH HUNTER, Aft dec 14 6m ASCCLA, M. c. OABTOniA. Beantas fa tw Hi Uwirt tsmji avgaatai f Iht nits Ttw Hilt Uwiri 1 I.V U EXPtniENCt a ' & Traoc Maims "a. tXarsBu aaaa si 'fMll CoriwMT Aft. AnTon tfirt1nf ft RkMrh and dmfiHiittaa mf tcklf MoertNin tmr optninfl frtM wtmam M liiTimMnn to pritbftbl p Uwtftbl. rowtftmnlftd ttoniRtrMlf rvrtiadmttfsL Hmdhontk o Patsm tent fr. OMml uenrr rirMKtiM (. Ptnt takMi throiii-ti Maoa A Co. rot4r Iperi. tMtiMs wHhotj. Churg, t U Scurtific Jlrtrica A fcM.dtmi.iitr tt.wtntft wmhlr. ulaUoti of anr frnufl tai rw t romr wmiM, i. mom i Tbar t fnar MtnLlfsft. svauoh oatoo. I i