ISfSS fOjj fBl fj 'llf a3gis 0 JOHN" W. SLEDGE, 1'Koimuktoii A. IN" E "W SP APEB IT O 33 THE PEOPLE. TEIIVlS: 150 I'KW ANNUM IN ADVANCE T()L. XXXV. WELDON. N. C. Till) US DA V. .JULY 1!. !((). NO 12. 1 6 uanuer, Scrofula, Old Sores, As tlie liltvvl cont iins ali the elements ncccssarv to sustain life, it is inipor- 0innMiJM Rnt Hint it Ik' kept free of nil impurities, or it becomes a suuree of disease, tmlSBlJlItHllSIIlm Buisonino; instead of nourishing the body, and loss of henlth is sure to follow. m gome poisons enter the blood from without, through the skin liy absorption, or COfllStlltiUt inoculation; others from within, as wlieu waste products aeeumulaie in the Wmammay ftM ivsleni and ferment, allowing disease genua to develop nnd he taken into the WttnnrM Dwcpam tin illation While all I I k . I trouhles have one eoiumon origin, each has some HiOOt lOISOflm peouli.iritv to distinguish it from the other. Contagious liloo I I'oison, Scrofula, m Cancer. Kheuinatisin, licema and olher I1h1 diseases can Ik' distinguished hv fzhffXnit Ulf!f!t& certain sore, ula'r, ciuptiou or iiillatnniation appearing on the skin. Kvcry blood w"" ' fliscase shows sooner or later on the outside and on the weakest part'of the body, or where it flints the least resistance. Many mistake the sore or outward sign for the real disease, nnd attempt a cure tv the use of salves, liniments and uther implications. Valuable tun.' is lost and no perm inent benefit derived from such treatment. i BLOOD TROUBLES REQUIRE BLOOD REMEDIES the poison must ! completely and perma ntlv eradicated the blood icinloiced, purified and cleansed, or the disease goes deepe r and saps the very life. Mcrcurv, aim arsenic, rue ireaimem usually lucscrincil III nils Class ol illscases, are violent poisons, even when taken 111 small - never cure, but do much harm by adding another poison to the already overburdened, diseased blood. !s. .V Jv, .Nature s own remedy, made of roots and herbs, attacks the disease in the blood, antidotes and forces out all impurities, makes weak, Hun blood rich, strong and healthy, and at the same time builds up the general health. S. H. S. is the onlv iSlna. VtJ'. 'r"3w. rmt ly vegriHiuc iikh'ii puriner Known, ami me ouiy one nut can reacn ueep-seaxeu jCjTJy N(iiiS blood troubles. A re.-iad of 50 vears of successful cures proves it to lie a reliable, 4 k vyw 4 B uiilaillng specific for ail Mo.m1 anil skin troubles. atv.M fatognW feffcfjpJf Free Medical Tl'oatmt.nt. Our Meilical Department is in charge of Vtafepr yt';Slr skilled physicians, who h ,ve nude lilm-i and skin diseases a life sludv, so if you have -4av -ar 1 ,m Contagious Mood I'oison, Cancer, Scrofula. Rheumatism. Hcema, an old Sore or fleer, fr any similar bio: d trouble, write them fully for ad'.'ice about vour case. All eorresiHUidenee is oiiti'lucted in strictest coufi ence. We make no charge for this service. Book on blood and skin diseases free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. HAPPY TO MEET THEM. A PAST WIST ERIN P01ITENESS. AN FXAMI'I.K SI'.T AM) SOME A M I'SK .Nlt.NT CIIKATKH 11V 111 AI'VKNT. Some achieve have politi'iic nun urn politeness. tmrn politt ; snme Whether any evi r j ll.l C j'UlIU Hl'-S I II I lSI UpiMI ,111111 IS .01 1 iincn iiueMi'iii fur (lie diluting societies To the second class tli use who achieve pilitencss inu-t be iiMsioin.'il u juuiig uiin who lias lately appeared mi I In so t'inl Imriz hi nl' St l'aiil 11 man id' limi li d intellectual e.iii icilv, but a pmagnii if politeness, al least in his owu islinui liuti. lie 111 11 k i'H a living, al i! apparent ly a gmiil living, by selling a (nickel die- OFF TO PRISON. FOLLOWED BY MOTHER'S LOVE. Al.TIUit:illl SIIK KKI.T IHSUIlACHl, (' 'I I, II NOT FollllKT SON. ot d 8 j I and cool cooks You'll not need to regulate your cooking by t'io t'lcrmometer when you get a Wiekless I!lue Flame Oil Stove. On the hottest i!.i;s you can cool: w hatever you choose, in whatever way you wish, with out suffering any additional discomfort while Clinking, The comfort you'll gain is only one of the advantages of using a Wiekless S Oil Stove It is handier than a coal stove and cleaner and cheaper. Tlie Wiekless Blue Fl aine Oil Stove is absolutely safe; it burns ordinary kerosene, without wicks aud causes neither smoke, smell nor soot. Mndo In various sizes for v ol -lost fiMullli-; k,,, m prices to milt nnv sired uheruver stov.s iuv n.ial. l Hie ik-'d' r ilwi nut have Ilium, write to tite STANDARD O'L COMPANY. . 1 JL.1T IUM'Jl,tlilillI 1, Down in I'i'X is, Hiivcr al years ajf, a Hcil-ug.'d ni in was ciiivietcd in emrt ol stealing, ami -cut to I lie penitcnti iry I lin.'ti r u. Il't wis ilu'y s 'iil' iiciil. and tlie slier If fixed a day up'Ui whieli li k!h tl'il b" l,i''ii l i tlie Slate i ris.ui, he d.iy 11 r 1 i v . i ind tlie i.llitiil, with a li 1 ig 1 1 e uivicis lianlcuird tig"tlur ;t llii! slaliun wailing fur the train. While llie gtiitip sat in the ilcpul, a Itllle ild w mum in black, with u lace in which llie Iing"i.s of sorrow bad pinched "rent It. naiy. I o Ins (Ti dil, be It said, he lurruws, appeared at (lie door. Mn has so diligently studied said dictionary lookid at the string of prisoners ititi in ly. as to have mustered every line of its varied t'uiitnii.s, su that he knows exactly what lie is talking ukut when he i Has it lur sale. Said U'lutuuts include, among oili er things, a set nl' 'rules for dt piirluicnt. It is through his minute slu ly of thesi that llie gentleman has achieved tin ratik, it there be such, ot past waster tn Kiliteui ss. A lew evenings since no was at a so cial gathering where to most of the com- then a light of recngnilion came over her lace. Sdieeti pp d up to the group ol unl'ortiiDaies aud laid her hand uu lli. arm ul a big, course lutiuw with u ikiivv red moustache. The man turned and hinted at the little woman. ''.Mother," he excluiund. That was all. Big tears came into his eyes. 1 Hey did not stay mere, hut crowded one another out to chase dnwn the rough face, red now with shame. HE THINKS HE KNOWS HOW THE HUSBAND WHO COOKS. 11 K H KVKN WoltSK THAN TUB ON K Willi TALKS Allot T Mi i TH Kit's 1'IKS. "My hu-hiiid is really nil awfully sweet li llnw," said a little w mi in to a circle of feminine liii nds the other even ing; " l tul i i d, lie lias but one really 11 1 grint fiult thin I know of, and not one of y.iii e .u'l ever gu.'ss what that is Diin't iry, fir you w m't su -c ol, si I'll tell you. It i simply th it he thinks he can cook, loves 1 1 e 'ok a'nl insist upon cooking. "lie li .s tievi r one said anything to mo about his unit her'.- pics, or hi cad. ur c.i lie; indeed, I believe he thinks she was a very inferior culinary artist; hut I had rather a thousand times he did than iiiiaoiuc himself the chef he docs, ''About three times a week he conjes HEAD THIS, MOTHER. IT KILLED THE CHILD. TIIKSAIl ItKsri.T ot' OVKR'lAXlNll I.ITTI.K (INK'S MENTAL Allll.ITV. lid I pany he was a stranger. A kind friend I'hcy rau into the big mjustaeh and oil essayed to introduced him. Presenting lii tti to Miss Smith as "My Irieud, M X ," she was amazed to hear him say to the lady, " I aiu happy to nn'iT you or the equivalent." Ititr nluciiig him to Miss Jones, his greeting was the same, "I urn happy to meet ycu or the ei'iivalcnt." Announcing Miss Robin son, the wouder deepened, as tu her also he said, "I am happy to incut you or the eiiiivaleiit," Ity (Lis time i he whole company was iti u litti r wonder as to what Mr X ineant being uu small ingredient in th general amusement. I' present hud a thought (ne end ot it. 1 hen he recovered Iniu- selt. 1 he little wouiau was not crying people sometimes get beyond that. "What are you doing here?' the big iiiiin sobbed. I came, my sou," said the little woman with furrows iu her face, "to see y off" To see me oil?'' The man was ihizcd " 1 en, Henry, when you was such a hoy that you had never been out of the home yard alone, I Went to the gat with you the first d iy yi u ever went to ally a person the store by yourself. I watched y hich impelled the three blocks of the distance until ESTABLISHED 1870. FRANK T. CLARK CO., Limited. Sash (Successors to Cooke, Clark k Co.) Doors ani Blinds Mouldiugs, Stair Work, 'orch Trimmings, Hardwood and j Slate Mantels, Tiling and Grates. I (t.Kine Htii der's llardwarf.-itot AIiNTSOIL& GLASS. IAod liuilding Material ul Kvery Description. -li CoQimrcial l'laee aud 19 Koiuoko Avenue, NORFOLK, VA. 1 Jl'My HENDERSON TELEPHONE COMPANY. UFHl'R OK ( i K NKKAL Sl'l'KKI N T KN 1 K N T, IIKNI't.llSON, N. C I beg to announce that the follow ing towns are now eeiinecled by long distiinee plioiics, and the rate herewith published will be in effect on and ullir March 1.1th: FROM WKLDONto hiiu Uj consult the "pocket dictionary ,'' your chubby feet curried you into .he a copy of which was at hand. I here, uu le country store your lather kept. in the "Itulcs for Deportment," was found Then when you were six, and started for a direction to this ill'ct, "When you are introduced to a person, you should say, 'I am hapuy to meet you,' or the equivalent " The secret was out. .pariiL'un of politeness had d' tuned the last three words of the ijuoied phrase html, I w tit to the gate wiih yu mi, and (old you how to act in (li sellout room. 1 ou went away on a visit when you were ti n, and 1 went to the lepot with you and your uncle, then and I kissed Vou good-bye hid' ire the P. N. Stainback, I WELDON, N. C. 3 'laler in I lEflEML - - OK A I I' KISIH. Axtell, :itl. Louishurg, dll Airlie, I'd. Macoii, -") llroiiksloii, 'M Manson, lio llrinkleyville, -Jil. Mcdoc, 11 Centrev'ille, HI. Middlcbiitg, ".(I Churchill, .V Oakvide, "J." Cmwclls Oxford, dn Dalmey o.'i llidocwuy, .'i Kntield, 15. liingwoiiil l. Frank liutun, III. Honuoke ltapids, In liisloll, HI. 'Iillciy, l.'i 'iillhurg, :i"i. Vatighan, .') llcndeisoti, :tr. Warren l'lains, .'i il.ihf.ix, It). Warreutun -o Kittrell, III. Wise, 2."i Laurel, HI. Youngsville, di") Littleton, 2H. V. C. ToKI'I.KMAN, S II 0 E S tended Unlay or night. I ZEICLER & BAY STATE 1 A SPECIALTY. lOirSole Agent in Webhm for STUtirsF.HKOTHKliS H Iti H AliT tl.O'I'HlM li uierly mild here by M. F. Kurt.) A tit gniinmteed. ...T-bfc UNDERTAKING rTnL In all ita branches. Metallic. Walin t, 'lJ-i' l3i'l22Ml Clot li Covered Caskets unit Coffin M ?-J,,l!, Telenlione or teleuianh messages at I L. JUDKINS, Wholesale ami Retail Healer In Kine ' taplefi1....M' . ancyUrOCGUeS, 1 -FRUITS- CONFECTIONERIES! W, T. PARKER, -IIKAI.KH I M- Groceries h kfry, Oliuw Tin, and wooden and wil I low ware. Also 1'ratl's Horse, Cow, Hog and Poultry Food, aud Orove'a Tustelesa Chill Tonic. Ale tunder'l I.iver and Kidnev Tonic for mirilvinu the bloud. This Uinic is wurriiuledor uiouer refunded. I J.L. JUDKINS, M Washington Av., Weldon, N. C I dm II It. siislilfl in-muua ,if uu , in,, t, il iir InicnlUf lulnd u s top iu Uu fftri, iv.ipualUoa, IUiisl .i"ivx'."'r.'iKS.'s-"'""'a "i.o Heavy AND Fancy Corn,Hay & Oats All Kiiods cheao for ciu-h. H-llw grfeii coffee lor 2ftc. 1 have recently added In my business a bakery. Best itreail and Cakes furnished at short notice. W. T. l'AKKF.R, Weldon, N. C. aoir 1 1 A PPOMATTOX il IRONWORKS, Mnnnfaetureniof Agricultural Implements, Shaftings, Mill Gearing, l'ulleys, All kinds of Machinery, and Repair. Not 'i 34 Old tit., PetemUirj. Va. (Jen. Supt. necessaiy iart nl the ites rilicd greeting cits starlei! aud had followed the rill' l)eiroiisot saving the voting moriiheaiton tlirougn a reelitinu ot to- error, a friend look him aside nnd en deavored to show li i iu (hat the ihn wonts which had pr nokcd so much li at his expense should be "h it oil " In- reeling But X would not iclini this lie indignantly pointed to tin phrase as it was printed in (hat iulallihh from ihc il iw the te.irs ncre fl min big mall's eyes. 'Yes, 'and the little wotnin sijhed hit. Then you got to he six'ecii, and wanted to go lo St 1, mis. It w is hare to pot with you, hut we did it your I'lilhtrahd 1 and I eu! to the little depot wiih you and kissed you. Y remember, don't you ?'' The others prisoners were interested lielionary and insisted that he was right, uow, and the slieiill took iu every word. And at la-t accounls tic was still siiynic to every pi rsou whose acquaintance he made. "I am hani'V to meet vou or tin ei livaletil." St I'aul l'ioneer. Too l.alc for jiocr IVrey ' I feel so sorry .lack." Kthel "Why, what is (he troublt He has only h' t'ti married a mouth " l'. rcy ' Yes, and his rich uuelo h j ust died und left him a million, when its too late to do him any good." Puck, Mjj's Wisjum. lituin- NEW GOODS... Ul yun.H KliiMtir, V ; "Jl iinilUf, 1c , ilut'iH writing i;iK-r, '.V., Jti Dn w Umi.tii' .h , Yiirtl w uir tHrt-.tli- tic, I'l.mi tlie mmU ;)(-., KliNtr 1 1 11 lut , 1m v iniH'iiiikf, ) i Ui t"'.r., Kiiinii-rn Ihuvx tint I'M, MN'. li.itlHH1 lllHM, 7h III $1 1H (Inijv.V (u $1 7, '.i y;int luct- ( UM.uu M, Cuilii'ii HiliMiiiiil liximtH mr laid Krrnu, ic, fit lii'of, U Mcn'r-t'oiilniMl viwtwH.V, IHtMi'r jiiUUS, liOe, line's p 111 I r 1 1 i itiif., i U y ' suit -l.'t lo f.V, MntthH' tu-kiiiji, atiiTi', Wvu't wintt r uiuUTrtrai i(H. tlutli raH-s, p to-l Mi am n- OflVinii MHIU' -r.NHl IlillgilllM 111 willtt'l'mKrth H. C. SPIBKS' Weldon, N. C Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY tiiic FREICHT anhCUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . . 1,AI(.IT "!()( K In the Muuth rr ygtjyr lllnslr.iliil Catalogue t lir.r.. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Eatublished 1H4H.) 159 to 163 Bank it., Norfolk Va MT S 1. Maude ' Isn't the man you a gaged to a speculator?" 'Clara "Xo, indeed; ho is a eier." "Maude "How do you kuow?" ( lara "lie dtdn t buy (he cngiigetuei t ring until after I had accepted him Dizziness Il a very common cnnwmienre of ftnli L'cstioii ami tnrtml liwr. Sometinifs tluTf are six'ts In'tort' the eyes und hut Hashes. At other times a seiiHation us of vertigo (K'curs, at once iu!)K':tni and !)lindiiitf. It is a waste ol tune to at tempt to cure this com It t inn hv or dinary means or medicines. The stomach nnd organs of diges tion and nutrition must Ik rLniotcd to healthy activ ity, the hlood must be purified, the liver cleansed aud strengthened, before a cure can behoed for. This is the work done by Dr. Tierce's Gulden Medical Discovery, a med icine specially beneficial in dis eases of the stom ach, hlood and liver. It strength ens the stomach, purities the blood, cleanses the clog ged liver, and pro motes the health of every organ of the body. "My wife was fjrrntly trmibltd with inriiRt tlnfi. torpid liver. tliznnes, and alao irregular pentxl," wnieii Mr w. A rrfiion. oi hrtuMi fak. Nomibre Co.. Mim. " We trietl iiunv diltrr- cnt remedit, hut none of thrm giivr prfect re- net until wtr wtrr mam-ru ny mny v 'Gulden Medical IHiciwerv.' Hnvorhc tlon,' and ' flcnwitt Prllrta.1 Thrav medtcinea did morv nKHl than anvthmr wc ever trifd for Golden Mtdkai Dfivtry,' one of Hnvor- Hs- " I In n j "ii were tiiatrtcd, Henry nl to i e ) u bvtitid by law aud tiod to that Wict, dear Mary who i.i now 1 P in'i don't!" ahuo.-l ?liruUd big man. les, the Itllle wotiKin went on, un hceiling, "anci now you are going away again, and 1 umst ki.-s you. I be Irani iiceuiing, lleur; kiss your old mother." The sheriff had n it moved. Oidiuati ly he Wculd have told the man to move nut he waited new. 1 tic big man bowed and tried to hide ln.-i manacled hands. ' Kiss nip, Henry, the uld holy re pouted, the head moved lower, and the big red moustache almost covrcd the little face with the lutrowion it I hen the gnug started tn the tiuiu As the cars began to move, the little wo man stood on die platloiiu. She eaugh a glimpse of her sou al the car window She waved a little bluck-hordcrcd hand kerchief at him. "Good bye, Henry she calhd out feebly, and then, throug f iree of habit funned when she sent her little son lo school, she murmured He he a good boy." One ol thai gang of prtsniicrs tu alteiwurd that the little scene in the d p it was a grcalei punishment lo cic in in there than his respective term of im prisunmenl II. Wilson l.ydick Brethren Kvungclisl. SOW ItM.KWAKH'SI'lllldStll'IIV July brings de peach en do watermelon whar'fo,' let de sun shiuo en do wot bhile! No mailer fer do hot weather in dts w.irf ef wc kin des git ioo enough coo' us iii do m il. A Imu'full er happiness heats a bushel er trouble, but some folks is powerful fond er big measures. Wen de rain make de river rise, some times de fattiest fish iu it git stranded wh ir you kiu ketch tun easy. Dey's lots er happiness in de worl! ef folks ktiowed wluir to Gnd it. Do trouble is, J.'jr m is' inginruyll lo iki to high. Dry's hits er trouble in dis w.irl,' but fer all dnt it'z ez bright ej a torchlight pereession w'cj de winuin' ciudctdale is gwine in. thow cnmptihiti Wf hv uk1 tour hotllnof I'C ralll lulls Oil lie i'8l CO Uujost d) your 'Golden Medial! Icovtrv,' on ol Favor- . ,. . , . . , , lie Pteicriist.m,' n.t two viai. of your ' peitcu.' only trouble is, de jest gits drown ez Ire- '('iiine i in ' to own in :.' n,k a tling and says to uie ki'cheti, K lith; I'm a: At first I used (o pmti si, hut that no good, so now I follow meekly at heels. As soon as (he conk catches ght of us a look of eotisteruatiun ap- ars on her face, and she promptly re tires to the table aud sulks. Then tuoti- iui, tuy hii-baiid, clears a space iu the tug", regardless of the const (ucuccn to ii iug vegetables; rakes the fire iu an ene, getie in isculiue way that scuds coals (he olher side of the ru-itu, puts on killet, and after many tribulations and uch conf isi hi, heals it to his satisfac tion and puts on the meal. 'A blaze follows and soon (ho odor ul relied beef pervades the air, llie room conies full of sin ike, which ti"iicir.ites ad puts of the h mse, aul wo all nearly choke to death. 1 heu the doors nd windows unist be opeucd to he sure, aud ten minute later we are all seated at dinucr (able wrapja'd iu sh.iuls in a ild atmosphere, and eating burnt tneiit hich the chef of the family pronounces lici 'us, l'l d ili't miud his making tmyiitiaise ressing, lor t d iu t like to beat it tnv- if, and he d jes, so I lei hiiu work olf his supcitl kius energy ou thai many times, liut worst ul all his attacks ot king fever are thn-e he develops wh he comes iu late at night and insist upon aking a rabbit. I'm not an enthusiast bout rabbit in (ho wee s u ill houis of the night, so I retire. "Direcly I am aroused Ironi adi z-by steutorian voice which says, 'I'.dith, where's (he salt? ' 1 reply with explicit directness. " Presently there's another wail. '1 m't liud the aleihoi!' 'Is there any mustard in the huiisi ; 'Its a wonder ou wuiiidu't keep the catsup whore a How could get hold of it,' until, in very desperation, I get up, put on a wtapper and go downstairs to put right under his blessed, blind, old eyes every thing he e mid possibly waut. Wc women have many troubles, but if you all don't know anything about the Is i fa hii-hind who will cook you nven't expeiicnccd one of die greatest." IJalliinore News PEER WEDDING PRESENTS. (IIFTS THAT WKKE NOT APPRECIATED HV THOSE WHO RECEIVED THEM. Speaking about precocious children, said n resident of North Indianapolis a lew evenings ago, ''reminds mo of an in cidi nl which i curred about three years ago in this locality. The family in (pies lion livid ill a beautiful cottage home on Clifton sin i t. The parents wci " well edjicaud, and tin y hud three children (wo buys and a girl. The buys wore rather si iw, as the world would tirm it, in tin ir mental capacity, while the girl was unusually bright and precocious in her nature. The parents were very proud ol her and taught her easy verses and stories which she would repeat at die re iU' St uf her mother's friends, who won dered al her brilliancy. "At last the mother thought if she could teach her to repeat 'Curfew Shall Not lling Tonight' with accuracy nnd pa expression she would accomplish a wonderful feat and her little 11-year old lol weiiid be (he admiratiou of (he entire city, ho she set about to accomplish the task and spent many long and weary days before the little one could repeat the poem, a la.-k which is difficult for one f mature years and much training as an elocutionist. Finally her dream was re alized. Her baby, iu her childish talk and simplicity, could repeat the poem woid for word, and in her dimpled hands she would emphasiz i the strongest pas sages with the proper gesture. "One night they gave a party and in vited their friend'. During the evening the guests, knowing the remarkable ability uf the child, asked her to speak forlhcin. The mother, anxious to as tonish her gucsls with lur baby's wonder ful memory, asked her to speak 'Curfew Shall Not King Tonight.' "'The child was lired aud sleepy, but she heeded her mother's request. She began the difficult lak, and when about halfway through she forgot. Her moth er helped her out by prompting, and sh( cotitinued. Finally she hesitated again and said : "'I lau't 'member it, mamma.' "At last, tired and sleepy, she sank down on (he floor and fell asleep. The mother carried her to her bod, but th little one was nervous, and in a short lime brain fever began to develop. All through the uight in her delirium si juld civ out: " 'I tau t 'member it, mamma.' "The fond parents, realizing, (heir niis- ke, did all in their power to restore the little otic lo health again, but it was too ate. The month of weary toil and the climax of the night were too much for e childish nat'ire and ability of the babe, nnd before dawn she had passed into that peaceful slec;i which knows no king. No, it dees not pay to tax the mental ability of a child beyond its strength." Indianapolis Sentinel. Kven at a martiage feast, as it seems, there will sometimes be the envious or the j"ulous or the malicious. A well known author received from a rival man uf 'letters a scrapboolc contain ing a collection of all (ho adverse criticism-his works had ever received, while a papular aitit was presented wiih a set of elementary works upon self instruction in drawing and painting. Not long since a gentleman who is a passi mate devotee uf hinting received as a bridal gift from an anonymous doDor a complcle set of false limbs, a set of ar tificial tooth and a couple of glass eyes (he whole uf which must have cost a considerable sum accompanied by a note, die writer of which trusted that, by rea-on ol the recipient's many fat's while following the hounds, some or all of these substitutes would ultimately prove of use. An elderly, crusty tradesman, on es pousing a spinster of mature age, was presented by a Liudon undertaker with two Collins for himself and wife, "which unlike most of the other offerings you will receive, are sure to be of lervioe.' The bridegroom resented this lingular if useful gift, and it took all the efforts of mutual friends to prevent a breach of the peace. Equally vexatious was the gift re ceived from his neighbors by an infirm octogenarian who wedded a pleasure loving woman more than 50 years his junior. It was a large brass cage, "in tended" so ran the sul scribers' nolo "(o restrain the wayward flights of a giddy young wife who has married a decrepid old fool for his money." The husband of a lady whose great beauty hardly atoned for her sharp tongue found among his wedding pres ents a scold's bridle or branks, a gift from his wife's sisters with the hope that, "if Kate makes your life as unbearable as she has made ours, you will not hesi tate to put the accompanying offering to its original use." MO I III W dOOSl: 1 UK Mo I WIMIIIR. Jack and (iii! went up the hill To get Si III ' lellli'llade. But Jill said: "Jack, we'd hi st gn back, Its ninety in the shade.'' So Jack and Jill came down the hill, And sat beneath a tree; They said: "We'll climb some ulhtr time, Hut not iu July, you see!" Little Jack Horner at tn a corner, Hugging a cake ol ice: II is fingers he froi-! And also his nose, Hut he thought it was nwfu'ly nice. KOH OVI'.K HI-TV tKlt4 Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been Used lor over tiltv vears hv millions mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success. 'It soothes the child softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world. ii cents botlle. He sure and ask for " M rs. Wins. low's Soolbing Syrup," and take no oth er kind Ireit. 0t I do heartily recommend them lo ill I'"00' " n UtiJ 'St dues. ha dal I """", ', . r, . . .u 'bar we f"119 'f doubtin.'- Loxing- Hr. Piarm'a Plrualit Pelleta ojuuit th 1 & Mtioa of Um " Disoovtry, ' to j Dispatch. 1 ho Same Ihins. "I'm sotry we haven't much of a Jin ner," said Sp ids to Bluuhuniper, whom he had urged In slay lor that no al "Vou ought to have dropped in last evening e ha t a stunning dinner then . " Whv, pupa," chirped Sammy Spalls "(hat's jusi what you told Mr. Taddolls at dinner yesterday ( I Hli A Oil. IHN IIVK l)Y Take Lixitive Hroroo Quinine Tablets All dtuggisls refund money if ils fails to cum. 2.K'. I he genuine has I,. H, on each tablet. For sale by W. M. Cohen Druggist, Weldon, N. U. HEARTBURN. When (he quantity of food taken is too large or the quantity too rich heartburn is likely to follow, and especially so if the digestion has b en weakened by constipa tion. Kat slowly and nut too freely of easily digested tood. Masticate the food thoroughly. Let six hours elapse between meals and when vou toel a lullness and weighi iu (he region of the stomach after eating, indica itig (hat you have eaten too much, take one of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tabids and the heartburn may he avoided. F'or sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist. A 1 1. Sill ASK1 1). "And you say you will die for me, leorge?" "Die for you? Yes, a thousand leaths!" "You are a noble man, tieorge." "Mv darling, vou do not know me yet. "Well, I do not wish you to die for inc. but I VI il! tell VoU what you uau do for me lo show your affection." "What is ii? Sha'l I pluck die stars from theccreleiin dome? Shall I say lo die son, "Ha! ha! cease to flow, for my love wills it?' Shall I tell yon bright nd inconstant moon that is glinting tl e hilltops with her light thai she must not shine on thy face too roughly? Shall I " "No, tieorge, no," she smilingly said, "I do not wish you to attempt such im possibilities. All I ask of you is this" "Yes?" "All I ask is this don't call again." Check lo rmhsiasB. "So long as mother is willing that I should marry you," said the sweet thing, papa can be easily won over." "Er ah do the women folks always rule in your family?" asked the young man. When you waut a modern, up-to-date physic Iry Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver 1 abiets. 1 hey are easy to take nd ph asant in effect, rnce -M. Sam ples free at W. M. Cohen's drugstore. Diin't Sec Him. "He says he was right in the looial swim all season." "Possibly he was," answered Msa Cayenne; "but Im must have used a sub marine boat." I'ruuj of Herself anj Sex. Smith "What t happy woman your wife is." Jones Yen, I've noticed that it make a woman cheerlul when she's got the up per hand of a man permanently." Chi cago Record. After you have talked with t womai ten uiinulea you can tell every onininn her husband has except his opinion of her. I amiliarity. RHEUMATISM and CATARRH CORED BY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. IN THE SHADOW OF DEATH. It isn't always the fighting parson who puts his congregation to sleep. H0., t,, a Vne Kind You Havt Hm Boujht "I had a little talk with a cabinet ofli cor," said the young woman. "What about?' "Oh, nothing in particular. lie juit said 'Hollo!' aud I said the same. You see I am employed in i telephone ex change." Washington Star, Romantic scenes are probably put into plays so as to give women in the au dience an excuse to squeeie the hands of the men that brought them, A WMi FmIIi Car. Mrs. C. H. Kingsbury, who keep millinery and fancy pood a store at fel Louis, Gratiot Co., Mich., mnd who ia well known throughout the country, says: " 1 was badly troubled with rheuma tism, catarrh and neuralgia. I had liver complaint and waa very bilious. I was in a bad condition; everv day 1 be- pan to fear that I should never be a well woman; that I should have to settle down into a chronie Invalid, and live In the shadow of death, t had JOHNSTON'S 8ARSAPAR1I,LA r ommended to me. I 'TOOK FOUR IIOTTLKS ANI) IT CUKED MR, and cured my family both. 1 am very rtad that I heard ol 11. 1 wouia eneeriuiijr ery one. I hat inds of medicin. recommend it to ever taken man other kind 1 prefer JOHNSTON'S to all oi them. atitlaiSAM Bscs t., mm, Mwa, F0B8ALKIY W. M. COHEN, WKUXJN, H. 0. v'j''isa 1

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