tESTpS iLil ilir ! teji It gall 'aRil HB4 SdSISj JOHN" W. SLEDGE, imiopiuktok. VOL XXXV. TEPMiS: 150 1KK ANNUM IN ADVANCE A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23. 1900. NO. 17. Imliie tn an "' ill poison which Kins access L the blood tliriuinh fnilntvtif tliPircH-r oruam tu carry off ami keep tile system cigar of all morliiil. effete matter. Thin ikhs.hi uiiuuKuiiir (iracTai nn iiiauun is nrmsiiii mi me joints, imiM-lcaaml nerves, causing the most intense pain. Rheumatism may attack Willi such mnMcimcsH anil severity a to make within few rlavi a healthy, active person hcliliss ami hril-riilileii, will, .lisiorlul limbs imd hhatteuM nerves ; or it may lie slow in ilevelcipini', with Miuhl uainU-riiii; liains. lust severe etioiiuli to make nne fn-l mi,-,,n,f.,rt,.l,l.. tli tn. dencv in mn.li cases is to Kruw worse, ami finally Irtoiiu' rliriinic Like other hlonililistwa, Rheumatism is often iiilierili il, anil eimtiirc tu damp or cohl, want of proper food, msnlhcient clutliniK. or aiivthmv; rxlculnteil to impair the health, will lci;m-uilv cause it to develop: in early life, hut more olli n not until middle hkc nr later, l i whatever f.riu, whether acute or chrome, inl.er.ted. Rhcuitta t lam Is Strictly ami HO Mlillllenl or otln r catcrtml lieatment .'.in re.ii I. the tiouhlv. Neither do the preparations of potash and mi iviirv, and the vanuiis miuiial salts, which the ilocto.-. always presenile, cure Rheumatism, but) ruin the digestion and hreak down the constitution. ' ' A remedy which huilds up "le neneial health ami .it the same lime rids the sstem of the poison is , the only s ite and certain cure lor Rheumatism. S. S. S.. made of mots, herbs and lurks of wonderful ; solvent, imrif villi! prowl lie s, attacks the disease in the rint way, and in the riiht t lace the acid and dissolves all nsimous deposits, of all unhealthy acc.itnuiaiioiis. o. . .1. cures permanently ami iiioroui:tiiv, ami keeps the hluod in a . lieallhy state. Mr 1 II M litre, I II W I Mh Mrret. I mtlH TI.IM .lis n.., f,,r i iy liteeu uietll 111 nh. i lei Til Iv Itille't-I iiti k!ieilnl.inil In- " llliHl'le In leeil nr rtlt himsell ISM-t.iis shuI In use w.is li,,M l.- lie ii.i.l in, .( liii I w ' 1-1 cm itilitti- I hat (rieiuts hut t-iveu him, with ul tin- ltelilc-l telu l I. w tw ml of s s s .-nieil tiiui .eiiiiiiieiiUy. ami lie lus never hutl n lln-uiiialu sil. i .ui. i v le. fi. e ei.rs ;..:.i 4 We will send free our special hook 01. Rheuu.at sin, which should he in the hands everv sulTerer from this lorturiiiK disease. Our physicians h.ivi made hlood .mil skin diseases a life study, and will give you any information or advice wanted, so i rite them (,,11 v and freelv alaiut your case. e make no charec whatever f..r 'his service. Address, SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ea. Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. ... Sold by every druggist in the malarial sections of the United States No cure, no pay. . . . Trice, 50c WHOLESALER. Ht. Lotus, Mo., Feb,, U9. Pitlll llBDIOIrlB Co. , Cltj. Gentleman! Wo wish to eonfrrntulato you m 111 1 I icr, .ceil ii..le wo aro laving on yoe.r erov':! 'i'uutel.sss Tonlr, Unexao I iliiiT uur recoi l of Inventory under date ef J 111 I t. w-c titiit that io sold during th j Chi 1 Liiasun of HUM. Itkio UoKun irov'ii Tonle. V." i Ui (!:al th.it our scleo on your l.tl'. i llrmncM'noiIno Tr;bloU havo been com -till i ; e:ieri:.m:i: hc.vlnR soW during tho latj Cohl ,;:id Crip r.uiiJail,':03doien. Hie raah down order enclosed herewith, and cbligj, Yours truly, MEYER BROS. DRUQ CO. ESTABLISHED 1870. FRANK T.CLAHK CO., , (Suceemiora to Cooke, Clark & Co.) Sash Doors 4 MouMinp. St:iir Work, Porch Trimmings, Hardwood and Slate Mantels, Tiling and Grates. tf.Fine lluildir'n llatilwure.lM PAINTS OIL & GLASS. And Building Materiil ul Kn r l)ewriiiion. J8 Couimijreial Place and 49 RuanuU Aveuu., NOIU'UI.K, Jy s iy ' - P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. Dealer ia (jEflEML - - - OK A I.I. ZEICLER k BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. t-Sole Ai.wt in Weldon forSTUOUSR (r-.riaerlj sold kre by M. F. Hart.) A fit RftWONBegyalorl a J s The Bet l-lver Medicine. Largest PocUaffe on the Market. n..!l pie. on the tKMf. U . re,lin, of .iekne.. worK. A friend roeoiuDiennen ii.tii-. in ntlrtly.' uhi m ni r Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY thi FREICHT ahdCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . L A HU KT TiH' K In the fouth Illiistnted C4tiloue FHKK. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (EaUblUhad 1848.) IU to U3 Baak St., Marfelk V Mil. stimulates and reiiilurces the ovei worked, A? ANADULTS tU i RETAILER. Kuoaolf, Iuj. Plan Uanic.HB Co. , Ootittenen: I hnndle eevonor eli:ht differ ec.tl:lii.l:ief chill Tunica but I null ton bottlea of Jrove;i Ui wliero I s dl ono of the other;'.. I rold :j 'Hittlea of (Jrovo'n 'hi!l Tonic ia unu d-v a;id could havo col I morn if I had had it o-i l:and. Mr. Have WuoJtt curuil uvo case ut ctulla vrilb ouo bottle Uapuctfullv. JUUM T. VIN YARD. iuiiteJ. and Blinds S II 0 E S BROTH EltS II Kill AliT CI.OTII1M; guaranteed- UNDERTAKING In all itubraiifhea Melallie. Walnut Clolh Covereil Caskets unilCorlina. Telephou or telegraph iueK-" tended to day or iitxl.t. Print KIM fur tl.OO. .Bel (.n.. '""' ' .. ..J.. ilrM.uv lie 'n'on V ... w.. NEW GOODS. . oooooo 04 yards Elantic, 5e ; 21 needle, 1c 24 sheen, wr.tiugpaf-r, lr'Hot""" Sc., Varfwida prrrale Bit , Ha.-I dr. tfiods, :lle., Khair niattiNK It), 12, 1.V Carotin, 12 to 47!c r'arnien, heavy shoes, WH-, llt.' "I". ' ' ftugs flc to $1.75. 3 yanl lace curwius .I7j cent, Curtain H"1"1 ti,!:'rT' CUr tain MTiro, 4c, ealieoea, 4c, Men's coaU. anil iui.ua. line, Iwy a iwnt if.. ul. lo.v'. .uita 4." to 9"c, Mattrew ticking. 5 to 7c Meu'i winter uuderwear, a... r..K. ti tot 1.4(1. 1 am re- (ivjnyaooic go.il barga.ns in wiutrgoo.la H. O. SPIERS- Wlda,N. Distorts muscles, Sutlers Nerves, SHllens Joints. a Dlood Disease, - the Mood --and muckly neutralize! I worn-out organs, and clears the system I First Tasteless Tonic ever manufactured.. All other so-called "Taste less" Tonics are imita tions.. Ask any druggist about this who is not PUSHING an imitation. CONSUMER. WntTFsBOiio, Tot., Sop. 13, 13M. Pi Bid Mrdicinh Co., Pt. Louis, Mo. Gentlemrn: I write you a few line i f rrnt i'mlo. I think your Jrovt'l,iit(,l,m'hlll Tonitfi ionoYtlw bontm.Mlicinrsiii tl.oworhl f irrhitUanti Fever. I h;vvo tlin-o cliilitn-n lh.it liAvubcun ti iwn wtth muliiriitl foi r for 13 i:ionii i v.:t lav1 botnjht Oliill umlicinf h of all l.inil.iuml iXmtnr'd billti cumin in nil thotimr until I tent to town aiul lyX Ihruo bottles oi Cii'tiv'diniP. Mv fb.!tlr"naru nil well now jiivl it -.as ymirT-st. 1 : ('liill Tcr.ic Unit did it. I ciiuuut nay to niii' lt i:i i 1 1 chlf. Vuurv truly, JAMI D. U0DEET3 W, T. PARKER, Heavy AND Fancy Corn,Hay & Oats All .roods cheap for cash. Il-llw green ivllee lor 'J.'m'. 1 h.ive reeenllv aililed to mv liiisineiw a liukery. I'est ilreiid anil Cakes furnished at short notice. W. T. 1'AKKKK, Weldon. N. C. UK 1 Iv HENDERSON TELEPHONE COMPANY. omci op iJKNKKAL SUl'KIUNTKNI'KNT, UKMIKItSllN, n. c. I beg to announce that the follow. in.! lowos are now connected tiy looi listanee phonea, and the rale herewitl loililtslied will be in ( fleet on and allir March 15th: I'HOM WKI.DONto Groceries Vxtell, HO. Liiiisburg, 411 Virlie, I'll. Macon. '!'' Ilrookston, M. Mauson, '-';' Krinkleyville, J'l. Mcdoc, '.'' Ocntrcvillc, -HI. Middlehiiig, III t.'hurehill, '-'.V OakMlle, 'J.'. tVW'M' l Oilord. 4i. liabney IIS. Kidgeway, 'J.'. Knticld, l'- Htiigwiiid l.'i b'rankliuton, 411. Roanoke Hupids, In tiaston, li. Tilleiv, l."i ilillhurg, :!.". Vaughan, Henderson, Ha. Warren Plains, 2.' Halifax, HI. Wariililou Kiltrell, HI. Wise, 2.". I.iurel, 4H. Vnuiigsvillc, 4."i Littleton, 2. F. C. ToKl'I.HKAN, den. Supt. APPOMATTOX IRON WORKS, Manufacture rsof- Agricultural Implements. Shaftings, Mill Hearing, I'ulleya, All kinds of Machinery, anil Kepaira Noa 23 A :4 Old St., Petemhuiic, Ta. drilling trip loihe I'artu Ftlt.( lUi fw4 Aiftir and rrwn' n p!(t. iti,,t.!d rite Tkm ftATkNt 1U.COUD, Itltimor, M4. ll.l.mLiM mi,.iia of a in hi 111. al of tnvtlitUf mllld MACHINERY AND li'l ) 111:1 1, 11HMI, liy the I'm American Kxpniitic.il Co. i his Iiik hlniclmv is oimi liy a.Ki feet, with a eeutrnl eourt 100 liy 175 feet, ltii type of un liltirtuie In Hie Spiin IfIi icii.iissaiice. inoilltleil to Hillt the conillt lolls of the Exposition. The roofs ure hilil with roil tile ami the cemented walls are lirillimit with rolor. The colors me to he reds ami yellowa In light tints. The facades will preseut an ar cuded elTcct, with hroad, overhaimlnK ciivcs, lit Imitation of the old mission htillilliiKs In (.'alifoniia and Mexico. The t'eiilral Court will he a veritable tropical Kai'dcn, with a long, narrow pool, eontainiiiK ItiterestiiiK speelmeus of Diiuntlr- life, ami u ill have seats, where the weary visitor may rest u moment. The Imposition Is to be held lu Buffalo lu HHil from May 1 to Nov. 1. STUB ENDS OF Ilnnicanj dispatch are foreign to each utnur. Unc 18 ao accomplish- nothing all. iiieut, the oilier a misfortune. As sacred music softi'DS the heart prayer, so gentle words often ibaine a palb to pardon. Nerer boast of your othical short- ouniiugn, but frankly admit jour wcakacMi rather than mil under I'ulse colors. lljprocisy isdinlioncst and crea tive of the worst type of self-con tempt. Lack of confidence is the canker worm of affection. Our owu happViess is regulated, to a large extent, by the considera tion we have for the welfare of oth- m: cm i'si:. hi: km w. "Vou uuderstatid, of course," pursutd the lawyer, "what is meant by a prcpon di ranoe of evidence ?" "Yes, sit," replied the old man whom he was examining with reference to his iUalificatirun us a juriir. "Lot me have your ideas of it, if you please ?" "I uudcrstaud it, I tell you." "Well, what is it?" "Why, anybody can understand that." "Still, I would like to have your di ti nmen of it." "I know what it is, all right. When I tell you 1 kouw what a thing is I kti'iw it. That's all there is about that." "Well, what was the question I asked you?'' "Vou ought to know what that was. If you've forgot your own quentions dou't try to get me to remember them for you." "I dou't want to hear any moroof that kind of talk," interposed the court "Answer the questions addressed to you by the counsel." "Judge, I did. He asked me if 1 knew what it was, and I said I did." "Are you sure you understand what is meant by the term 'preponderance of evidence ?' " "Of course I am, Judge." "Well, let us hear your idea of it." "It's evidence that's been previously pondered." A man can never understand how woman can love him if he doesn't love her; a woman can never understand why a man shouldn't love her just because she doesn't love him. The Jolly Girl Often changes to the jaded woman. "I ccn't aee whut't come over Mary ; she useil to be such a jolly girl," was the remark of a young woman visiting a married acuoot mate. Marriage changea a wom an. The drains and pains which are so often the sequence of marriage rob htr of a!! vita! ity. Give her hack her former strength and she'll be aa ''jolly'1 a wife as idie was a maul. Doctor I'ierce'a Favor ite Prescription gives back the lost strength by re establishing the health of the delicate womanly or guns. It dries the drains and stops the pains. It cures ulcera tion, inflamma tion and female weakueaa. It makes weak women strong and aick women well. .p. two year. I hd beta sufferer from chronic uiscs-o and lemtl. wckneH." write. Mr. Allen A. Bobaon. of ins Rodman Strert, fhiUtuclphta. I1- Ml h.d two different doctor and they g-ftve me medicine which only relieved tte for a time. My niece sdvUed me ta take Dr. Pierce'. Favorite .'reKrlplion. I con cluded that to open s corretpondeoc with yon for your advice would tie mmcm, ho I did, and have been huthlv henenlcd. I and thai after UkinR its bottle, of' F.vort.r PreKrtvition ' .net five of ' Golden Medical OlKorery ' and follow tna your advice ia retard to local treatment, t am now a strong wonua. Accept my ulcere thanks for the inteml manifeMea ia my east and the bappv result, obtained. Sick women arc invited to consult Dr. Plerca by letter frtt. Correspondence, pri vate, AddiwMU.E.V. Pierce uBsio,N.Y. TRANSPORTAT ON BUILDING. PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. THOUGHT. Much that we call fornelfulness is reeit'nalion after but a hopeless (ratitude well expressed is both an ac complishment and a virtue. A fool in authority is an expensive luxury iuxry to his employer, and an insult to his employees. There are many good features in human nature we never discover on account of no' possessing them ourselves. No man doubts another until he himself has been guilty of deception. Accept adverse business conditions grace fully. Irritability and excitement under such circumstances represents nothing but waste en encrgy. We seldom lose all faith in human naluru, until all faith is lost in ourselves WILL BURN THEM UP. USE SUN'S FWS. INVENTION THAT WILL RENIiRlt SUES IIKM'I.KSS. Aocotdiug to the statement of John C Sharp, a capitalist of S:ilt Lake, I'tah, the World is shortly to be startled by an invention that will eclipse the greatest achievements of Tesla and Kdison. .Mr. Sharp is the financial backer of the pro ject, but the inventor is Professor Tan- trove, a French engineer, now at Seattle. The invention, Sharp says, involves the production of heat and power for all scientific, industrial and military purposes direct Inni the rays of the sun, and by s process so cheap that Ihe greatest revolu tion ol the day is protnisi d. The greatest wotk to be done by this inventiou is on the battlefield, ami it is the hope to clay a leading part in the war now in progress in China. Tho in ventor is firm in the belief that his simple machine can melt the armor of the best war vessel at a distance of nine miles and render the great sea monster absolutely helpless. In a battle on hind, Mr. Sharp says, everything within a radius of niue miles of the machine could be literally burned up. The enemy would bo anni hilated swept from the face of the earth. The men would not only be killed, but their bodies would be consumed, tliur saving the azpeoseof burying them aud avoiding the danger of disease, which is always present wluro large numbers of men are killed. The process involves not only the production of immense heat, but its storage as well, by which the greatest buildings can be heated at tri fling cost. "The simple pi.iuciple upon which all this is based," continued Mr. Sharp, "is the focusing of the suu'a rays with glass, hut the method used is different Iron al' others in the past. Mr. Sharp slated that the matter h been laid before the Army and Navy lleparimenls, at Washington and had met wtth their afproTa!. Ha estimates the oost of completing the discovery and protecting it with patents at t.5,000 to $100,000, aud is prepared to expend this sum himself. NHW RILES FOR WALTZING, The Dancing Masters' Atsecitlion in ouuveution at Anbury Park, made five new rules which must prevail in waltiing. They are as follows: 1. The gentleman offers his hand to the lady and she placet her right haod in it 2, The gentleman closes his left haod firmly around the lady's right. ;t. The lady curves her left arm and rest, the left h.ud above her partoer'a right eltiow. 4. The fingers of the gentleman's riiilil hand are clustered aud merely touch his purtoir it the waist line. 5 The waltxers now begin to revulee in time with tha tnusio, virtually holding each other at arm's length. It ia said that these rules will be en fututd by mora! suasion alone. k i WANTED THE YOUNG. THE LIMIT PASSED. UN E bUIIK.ME WHICH THE UIHL B STERN PARENT WOULD NOT SANCTION. "Please, nianiin i, please !" "l'upa, I beg of you do not refuse I" Cordelia 1'asdctout clung wildly about her fond but obdurate mother's neck and rained kisses upon her cheeks, while Aoastasiu, her sister, did likewise to her father. Hut their pleading seemed of uo avail 1 he elder l asdetouts shook their gray heads firmly in negation, though it was evideul that the necessity of refusing their daughters' request paiued them be yond measure. lieutly, but with decision, as one shakes a bard shelled crab Irotn out a scalp net, the parents disentangled their daughters' arms from their shoulders; thi n, mastering his emotions, the father said : "No, Anastasia and Cordelia, what you ask of ui is too much I Never be fore have we refused a request of yours, We have moved from city to city, from stale to state, to the injury of my busi ncss aud tho destruction of your mother's health, in order to deceive people as to your ages, r or the last ten years it Has been nothing but move on for us, for every time the people of one place would begin to suspect your true ages you have insi.-tcd on us packing up and goiug else- where, that you might start anew at and lill, respectively. We have submit ted to this nomadic life for our love of you, your most recent demand is too much. We absolutely refuse !" The daughters sobbed like anything. In fact, they sobbed like everything." But tin ir firm parent remained firm. ".No, continued Mr. l asuctoul; "we will not, absolutely will not, celebrate our silver wedding agaio in order to prove to people that you two caonot be over I at the outside t The idea!" KOKOVI.K tIKTY VICAR Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions ot mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures . . ' J r i wiml enhe. anil is the liest remetlv fur Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little i J sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world. 25 cents a bottle, lie sure and asi lor "Mrs. W ins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. Whei She Has Dollars ThoyArei't. It is a great drawback lo have sense. When do yot mean? Wheo a girl has sense all the mso she likes best are afraid of her. NUJHT SWKATS, loss of appetite, weak and impoverished blood, colds, la tltippe and general weaknesa are frciturnt re.ulis.. malaria. KOBKKTS' TASTK- l.KSS I'll I U. TONIC eliminatea the malaria, purifies your blood, r e -tores yi'ur srp"tit "d " nn jmir li rier bottle. Insist on hav.nr. Ktlll. KKTS'. No other "as good." .1. N. Brown, Halifax. : Jackson Drug Co., Jackson. LOOKING CIIIXAWARU. Waits By the way, who ia the god of war or was, rather? Potts I've forgotten the duffers name, but I think it was Aaaanias, The laws of health require that the bowels move once each day and one of the penalties for violating this law is piles. Keep your bowels regular by tak ing a d.we ef Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets wheo necessary and you will never have that severe punishment inflicted upon you. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist. Price, 25 cents. CAN'T SLIT EM. When he hustles, they say it's til for effect. Yes. And when he quiets down they say he's posing. GIRLS STIR THE BOYS. A NEW SENSATION. (VEItYUIlllV IS WONUEKl.NiJ WHY THE YOL'NU MEN AUK 1HYINU 80 HARD TO UK Illllll). Bridoton, N. J., ia experiencing a new sensation. II It keeps up the way it beguu the whole world will he pattern ing after the little city. Ilocauio it has leaked out that the y ung women ol tne town nave uauucu ti gecher for a erusiilo against the ordi nary sinning man, ho is trying to livo up to all stories of ideals at once. The f.iir members of the Hyacinth lull have pledged themselves lo many no inau unless he is her "ideal." What that "ideal" is they do not state to the public. These ideals are recorded in books that are sealed to vu'gar eyes of a curious public, and the young men are trying to be all things, so that they may bit the ideal of the fair one they are paying devotions to. it is realty sur prising how it has changed them. They dress better, don't smoke nor drink, nor use emphatic and expressive phrases; and tbey try to assume the expressive and bearing of a saint and son of Mars, at the same lime. Books on occult subjects have gone up in the town, and the boys can now talk with eiitial ulibucss of the "thusness of the why" and of the latest style in hat trimming. And the grayheaded wiseacres of the town shake their heads as they think of H 'he effort they wasted in trying to make the world better, when the little bliod boys, Eros, can do such a surprising amount of good so easily. Miss Olive Sooy is president of the Hyacinth maids. The girls attend the Tumblins Dene park ia a body, and meet regularly once a week. HE KEPT HIS WORD. AN OPPORTUNE TIME. WHICH THR YOU NO MAN USED VT1TU COMMENDABLE ZEAL. "Say old boy," said the young nan as he shook his) friend by the hand and handed over a oiiiur, "I want you to be the best man Thought her father objected," said the friend, who understood the litua tion "Sola bit of it! I've reeeived bis blessing, and we are to be married next month and live happily ever afterward ith ihe old folk "You'll havi to explain," said the friend. "Explain? There is nothing to ex plain. The old man is all right; the girl is all right, and I am all right; if you will promise to be the best man you'll be , tight too !" "So the stern papa relented, did he ?" "Relent nothing 1 Say, you remember when I asked him last summer to give me bis daughter he said it would be a cold day when I got her ? Well, when we had that heavy snowstorm I met the " b Mcauaa ,Be s,reel c,rs wer' runmnB I reminded bitn of what he said, called his attention to the condition of the wea,i,er at tuat moment and gently . , , , . . ... ,. n,,in.Oft nut Khnrn . m.n wen. whA eiHn I i Il . 1 .1 .11 v. l0'P 1118 wora- " e" m3 " "-S the old man, and I got the girl with his blessing. Cards will be out to-morrow, ,i ,1,. i,i .; , j ,l. ,v . .. . f,.6 . -v .-v y.vy et thiug." Detroit Free Press. CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All dtuguists refund money if its fails to cure ac. J he genuine bas 1.. Is. (J. on each tablet. For sale by W. M. Cohen Druggist, Weldon, N. (J. "Stop!" she oried as he attempted to kiss her. "You must He, having had but little experience in this sort of thing, wu inolined to take her at her word. She noticed it, and haatened to repeal: "Stop! You muaaed say hair. Then he resumed, but carefully. W bat moat people want is something "ld and gentle, when in need of t phya- I :Q rhamberlain'a Stomach anJ 1..... Tablets fill the bill to s dot. They are easy to take and pleasant in effeot. For sale by W. N. Cehen, druggist My GniiJf.lbcr's Trunk. The company being seated in a cirole, somebody begins by saying, for instance: No. I. "I pack my grandfather's trunk with a pair of spectiolei." No. 2. "I pack my grrndfatber' trunk with s paii of spectacles snd silk hat." No. 3. "I pack my grandfather's trunk with a pair of spectaoles, t silk hit and a dime novel. And to on, eioh person repeating all the articles already mentioned, besides tddisg a new one, If any one fails to repeat the list correct ly, he drops out af the game, which ooDtinned until the oontenti of the trunk are unanimously declared loo nusaerous to remember. I.UI.ECTIONS OF A BACIILLOR. If marriages really were made ia heaven matoh-makiog mothers woulJ know no joy. There is no possibility of a woman be ing happy unless she can worry because her husband's underwear ia cither too heavy or too light. A good many people in this world think they are going on loving the love they once had. When a woman confides in man she first tells him a woole lot of thiogs shs doesn't want to tell him and then gets uiail because he doesn't ask her about the things she wants tu tell him but hasn't. Bartho llie Kinil Ynu Haw klmit 8oi BigDRtare of No man who has good common sense need expect to bo loved. SJJI i MM WwWMMwMW A Paleface li ft prominent lymptonl of vitiated blood. If covered wltb pimple., ih evidence li, complete. It'i neture'e wayof warning you of yourcoudllloa. Johnston's Sarsaparilla n m nww.iw. al . "'- i. riavtr (ails to rectify all disorders pr Ilia blood, inaht or savara, of loo alandlneorracentorlflD. XU thirty veer record g uaranuaa its fflcaev. Bold everywhere. Price 11.00 per full quart bottle. Prepared only by aficmeAN UMi'tt co.wraJfT, Uetreilt, allck. FOR BALK BY W. M. COHEN, WELDON, N. C. Largest sale of any lard in the world. Stamped with the approval of the United States Government. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard Grateful housekeepers know that they can depend on its purity.just as they can on the invariable quality of Swift's Premium Hams and Breakfast Bacon. Silver Leaf Lard is sold in all first-class groceries. Swift and Company Chic If o St. Louit Kansas City St. JoKp" Omaha St. Pad 1W. J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine ' Staple l and T7! rauuy vvviivm FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES' Crockery, Olaaa Tin, and wooden snd wll- lowware. Also I'rau a Hone, Cow, H(ur knil PnnltrV lwwt . nrl (lmn'l & TanUtlem Chill Tonic. A Inlander's i.iver ana rv.nney ionic ror panijtng the blood. This tonic is warranted or monev refunded. J. L. JUDKINS, No. 33 Washington Ave., Weldon, N. 0 dec U 1T. ak-44 . BO YIARS , r atxpsrsnstMRsr D j Tha rx Mama Anrnnt afrndlnf pkrtrh nd dftMtriiHtoa mmf quickly a rr tain our opinion fro w Km hear mm invention ti pmhfitilT pal nt.nl. 0nmlr. tkiiiaatiirtly onnttdmi.l. Handbook mi PMmiM Mnt 1r. Oldwtsjt mtmrf tot mow nog patanus. Palaiita Ufcati tbntufh Mum m tia mmIm tmttvit maMM, without barf, km tttt Scfentific Jlirertca Dlattun of an? tntwiUM haral, . &C0J RrnfifirifiR aft t,avmwaaaiaatue. 1 - L. wrji

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