OHIJST W. SLEDGE, l'lioi'lUKTUR. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. 1900. TERMS:-1'50 rtR annum in advance OL. XXXV. NO 19J flSI momidS&id muttiwd ITCHm ill Tlit1 iU'hinjf and burning are MR. WILLIAM H. JOYNER. This most aggravating and tormenting of all akin diseases is caused by an acid condition of the blood, and unless relieved through certain instrumentalities too much o! tms acid ikjisoii readies the skin anil it becomes red and inflamed almost unbearable, especially when overheated from any cause. The skin seems on fire, sleep or real is ""I"""'! "'y ui.r,n, iiKnrui.a 01 consequences, scratenes until strength is exhausted. This buinniK, Itching humor apiears sometimes in little pustules, discharging a sticky fluid, which forms crusts anil scales. Again the skin is drv, haul and fissured, itches intensely, bleeds aiid scabs over. This is a painful and stublioru form of the disease While licienm, Tetter, I-rysiprlas, Salt Rheum and manv like troubles are H.kcn of as diseases of the skin, they are really blood diseases, because THERE CAN BE NO EXTERNAL IRRITATION WITHOUT AN INTERNAL CAUSE. If the blood Is In a pure, healthy condition, no poisonous elements can reach the skin. External applications of washes, lotions ami salves sometimes militate the itchini! and soothe ths inflammation, but cannot reach the disease. Only S. S. S,, the real blood medicine, can do this. S S. H., the only purely vegetable remedy known, is u safe and permanent cute for Kc.cina and all deep-seated blood anil akin trouble!. 'l K"" ""-i-i iu uic mav ui utc uisiaiK:, m-uwniiieB uie aeios aim cleanse ene oiuoii, rc-iiuorccs uuo invigorates ill the organs, ami mus cieam mc aysicui ui an iiiiiiuuticft iiirougii me uauirui ciiaiineis , me sain reueveu, an ltiiiauiuuiion ulmidel, and all signa 01 iu uncnx uij,ji. Mr. l.e'n ...I. II. r tiv'i'rp 1 nver ml return of the ilisp;i "1 h i wi i-vtuu-cu jtai Mi? -in. -.rely i ti, vr- shf Willi nave orcii m K'"Tt yvmim rru " . "", u-nw iui mc I will .lo fur oilier " GmnA fnrnurtKKik on Blood and Skin Diwaars, and write our ihvMcians ftillv atmut vour they will chrenuiljr give any lniunniuonwrwivitc waium. neuianc uurimrK? lorims. Address, 8mIH Sptclflc Co., Atlanta, Ga Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic u HiifTmln. of Carrlfiiirton, Olito. mvh she wm anH.l-1 wit 1i St-rnftiliniH mres mid It r f."T at times became mi Iwdly swollen tliul w mm not m-cry in it Or. h m I hi linibx It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form Sold by every druggist in the malarial sections of the United States No cure, no pay. . . . hice, 50c MAKF. CHILDREN ANADULT; FAT AS LI 5 1 1. T-c-'-' WHOLESALER. Pv. Lovis, Mo. , Fob, ft, IBM. Pints Mcnioi.iii Co., City. QoutU '..urn: Wo wLh to conprritiiiato you i:i-'M ,:icn .uini n..IC9 rro cro navin,Tn your ito. i -a:M'l.MU e;i .ow unciac'. iur n curl vt inventory under date tl m 1 t. wo liml that vo toM durinijth Ch:i jaao:i of liifci. J560 Joron tJrove Voolr. 7o Sis ir.Kl UlM -ur D'iiUl un yuur ummmia :nr..-ka:ii::lna TnblotJ hlVO boon BORi - ' -.or-nutu: havinrr rohl Uuriug tho latj a01 1 :.nd i nt uoaon 4, jw uoien. aaUutUifo, Youri truly, MEYER BROS. DRUQ CO. w w-y .... aij. a ESTABLISHED 1870. iFItANKT.CLAHKCO, ecomiae5 RETAILER. Esduuk, Ills. Pabis Mbdicixh Co. , Qentlomcn: I handle sovenor olgbt differ ent klmli of CbillToalcabutI sell ten bottli-u of Crov--i to wlu'ro I lu ll ono of t!li' others. I i:olJ Z IhiIUos uf Urovc'u hill Tonic in ono dur and could have sol 1 morn If I hil hs! It 01 hand. III. Davo Woods curild D?o cascu of ciliUs wltb 000 bottle. Rclpoctfullv. JOHN T. VINYABD. First Tasteless Tonic ever manufactured.. All other so-called "Taste less" Tonics are imita tions.. Ask any druggist about this who is not FUbilliJG an imitation. CONSUMER. WniTKiinoao, Tex., Sop. 11, IBM. Pabii Medipikb Co., ft. Louis, Ho. Oontlornpn: I write vou n few linos r,f prat i'udo. I tbinkyourtirc.vt'Tast4i'K:i'Eii!l Vonitsi lonjcf tho best m .'dicin'.aiathoworld ( rCMiUund Fvor. I hrtvo Lhn-o c!iildrn t'j .tbavo been il mn with malarial favor for Itl non' li i q:i1 liar) boiiRlit Chili medicines of all uutl Doctiir'u bills coi.;in rin tho' imr u:itil I funt to town and iot three bottloa oi virovoVi Tonic, 5Iv chilJn u ur j all woll now anaitwnay.mrTuiti lcsi ("hill Tonic that did 1(. I caauut aay too much in t'. j behalf. Vuurs truly, JAMES D. BOBEBT3. LimilL'iJ. (Succewors to Cuoke, Clark A To.) Sash o Doors anl - Blinds. Moulding, Slair Wnrk, Porch Trimmings, Hardwood and J Slate Mantels, Tiling and Grates. I DFioe Builder's llarilware.lta UAINTS OIL & GrLASS. And Building Material uf Kviry IVsc-ripiinn. 8 CoBiDj;rcil I'Uce and 19 Koauuke Aveuue, N0HF0LK, VA. ly ii ly W, T. PARKER, -I'KAI.KII IN , Groceries P. N. Stainback, WELDON. N. C. Vain .'hlfCfHllDISE OK A I.I' KINI"1. ZEICLER II BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. Heavy andzz: Fancy Corn,Hay & Oats All !00Im chi'iip for fash. S-lhs grecu cofl'i e lor !fH'.. I have recently aililwl tn my liiiMiiimi a h.ikery. Hest Breinl anil Cukes luruiHheil ut short notice. W. T. f'AliKEK, Weldsn, N. C. sun I It HENDERSON TELEPHONE COMPANY. shoes! WJoleAnentinWeldoDforSTKOUSEBKOTIIEUS HKill ART tl.OTHINC oriuufly sold here by M. F. Hart.) A fit guaranteed. UNDERTAKING Metallic WalniH anil Collins. nitwaKc al I 3,.'JVy.yTrI In all Itsl.ranchi VZxk Kf SSAk-fWml Cloth Covered Caskets trl tSaraSJWiai r sftr T.len nine or te earanli tenileu touayur iiikmi. P&MS ttegulator The best Liver Medicine. Largest Package on the Market. Oat rarkstT Prlre SSe. r'lvs for II OXI. rsld nowells, Rrranton. Ps., snjrs: "For som.- time I was annoyed with plm oles o the hoily" and a reeliair of ulekne.. anil ifsneral wanea. 1 waa "nab s to wora. a irteDd recotUDienden uanion ionic wthkh.-. i --n-- ir me sntlrcly." BBOWN MP'U.CO.. Proprietors, Ureeumlle. Teau. Monuments AND Gravestones. I WE PAY ths FREICHT I anuCUARANTEE SAFE frill OfLIVERY . . . ijI LHOfeaT r('l. luihe Mouth 34auar Illustrated UsUlouue FKKK. I THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. t t (fj)Ublishe,n,184a) J 159 to 183 Bank ,t., Norfolk Ti MvSlj. I NEW GOODS.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 yards Elastic, 5c ; 24 needle, 1c, 24 sheets writina:parr, Sc., '-II Ureas Butlous 5c, Yard wiile percale Be , Plaiil drew Hoods. Itjc, r'liior mattinit 1 4, 13c t'arpelina-, lij to 471c, Knnners heavy shm, Mfki, Ijnlies' slrnea, 7(ic to JI IKI, flUt"-ArH! to 1.7.", 3 yaril lace cnrlains 37J cents, Curtain poles ami fliturcs, luc, cur tain MTim, 4e, ralieoiM. 4''. Men'siataaul vests .':, men's pnnls, tKW, boy's pants 15to :k)c., Boy's suits 4."i to ", Mattress ticking 5to7c, Meu's winter underwear, KUe, plush capea, l to 1.5. 1 am re oeiviugsome gonU bargains in winter goods H. C. SPIERS, Weldon,N. C orrwt ok 0 K X F. K A h S I! I ' K K I N T K S P K N T, IIKNDKHSUN, N. C, I bif; to aiiuouuce that I lie follow mi; luwus are now c.uiiriliu by Mil. IimIhdoi' phones, and ibe rale lu it will iublinliei will be in ctl. ut un slid ulici March 15th: t'HOM VKLI0.Mli. 4 ' iii'" l.tT 'ti-ys - li,?4 William llcnrv Jovnor was born in Knfit'Id. llalifux emmtv, X. ('., Sciiti'inlicr Hi, 18(17. His father, )r. Henry Jtlyner, dieil when he was about H inonths old, mill his mother passed away a few years later leaving him an orjihan at the tender age of seven years. He lived with his uncle, Mr. 11. J. 1'oiie, unon his farm, near elilon until lxwi. He was then taken and adopted liy Jlr. and Mrs. E. L, Suminerrll, of Northampton county. This excellent coujtle did all in their power to contribute to the comfort and happiness of the young boy. He attended school at (Jarysburg and then went to Hoi'iut'r, at Oxford, for two sessions, where he won honor and distinction, standing first in all his classes. He was elected lieutenant of the military company, Horner Ca dets after being there for only three months. Won the orator's medal at same session, given by the ranklin society, of the school from the held of sixty competitors. Mr. Joyner left school in IHHti and went back to his adopted home. After remaining upon the farm two years he took charge of Mr. Summerell's store which he conducted until the year IBM. Then being 22 years of age he decided to try life on his own responsibility, and located in the town of (Jarysburg in the year ls'.iu. In the fall of the same year he was happily married to Miss Mettie B. (Jams, a daughter of .Mr. James U. Gams. Pour children came to bless the union, three of them now living. as appointed tax collector for Oeconeechee township, when the law was passed allowing the taxes to be collected by townships. Was reappointed in 1801. He was nominated in IK'JH for sheriff of Northampton county by the Democratic county convention, but was defeated by Mr. mittalo, who ran on the fusion ticket. He was nominated again tor sheriff this year and was elec ted by the largest majority ever before given to any candidate in the ' county. His home was larkened on .May 2Sth or the present year by the sudden death or his beloved wife. Mr. Jovner is one of the most popular citizens of Northampton countv and en jovs the confidence and esteem of all who know him. He is energetic and generally successful in everything he un dertakes. That lie will make a good sheriff is a foregone conclusion and we know he will dis charge the duties of the office without fear or favor and win the approbation of all parties. COLOSSAL STADIUM AT THE PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. Tr -. A iiiMili n W 'fJ r.aaajfa imi 1 1 mi n af in mm . i i ittii r fl Lo(i)Tlsht, 1M0, bj th. Pan-American Kapuaitlon Co, 't ile imnuleteil Stnilluiii for the l'lin-Anii'i lcnn Kxpnaltion, to be held In Buffalo from May 1 to Nov. I, HKII, will offer to the liiveis of sports the most spurious mill spli'iullil hreim ever erected in America. The athletic en nil vn I to be belli rltiriiiK the great Exposition will be the most uutable In the history of American sport. The cu operntlon of ninny of the best promoters of athletic games lias been secured. Visitors to the Kxposltinn may therefore expect to witness the meeting of the most famous athletes of the world In competition for priiies worthy of their best feats. It Is said that the great Colosseum lit Home could accommodate 87,(100 spectalors. The Pan-American Stadium will he list feet longer and but 1(1 feet narrower than the historic amphitheater of Home. The Stadium, however, will have a larger arena, and the seating capacity Is estimated for l&.OOO people. HORTICULTURAL, GRAPHIC ARTS, FORESTRY AND MINES BUILDINGS AT BUFFALO. Mil. 2(1. Xtell, Virile, ilrookslon, Urinkleyville, 2(1 Ocntreville, III. ''huri'lull, i!rowells Dalmev tiiifield, Frauklliiion i Jaslon, 'Jillhurg, lloudetson, llalil'ux, Kitlr.ll, Laurel, Littleton, Imuisliur)!, Mucmi, Mniisou, Med.iC, Mlddlclmig, (lakville, Oilord, llidi:eaaV. Hingwood Koanoke l(.i.i I Till, ly, Vauglian, U'aireu 1'lain.-, Wanenleu Wine, VoungHvillc, 4(1 2.'. 2:V I ft. l.V 4(1. III. :i.Y :t.". 10. 10. 40. YoungHvillc, 45 20. V 0. ToMM.KMAN, Oen. tupt APPOMATTOX IRON WORKS, Manufacturers of Agricultural Implements, Shaftings, MillUeuring, Pulleys, All kinds of Machinery, ami Repairs Nos.Q'jAlMOldHt., Petersburg, Va Kpllfttiin DiTHtiim uf ti imi ItMiiit'ftl (r in vett( He ml nil dtilrluK mp lu the 1'iirU KiMtnttluu( wiUtKtiod Jatllr Blltl t I" 11"' I'ltiU, Biioii in i in: Ilia fATKNT KtCOUl, ItalUmora, Md Cueynslil. Ii'4l, hjr Hi. r.u-Ain.rli-.n KaKmtitini Cu. At the l'au Aiuerlcau Kxposltinn, which Is to be held III IlufTalo from May I lo Nor. 1, l'.HU, the Horticultural building. '."Ai feet square, Is Hanked on the south by the Forestry and Mines mid on the north by the (irapblc Arts buildings, each l.'ai feet squnre. The whole group Is connected by arcades, forming a semicircular court, In which will stand the "t'ounlnln of the Seasons." The Horticultural building will be about 240 feet high. The Graphic Ail nu.l l'ua.iiy aii.I MIius liu!l.lluj;a arc coinimnlcin strut-turn nf the snmrHTP and style, having four corner tow ers. Two colored compositions above the eastern entrance of the Horticultural building will represent Cerea, god dess of the harvest, In a chariot drawn by three llona, led by Flora and Frlinavera. THE ELECTRICITY BUILDING AT THE PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. I 1 V T '-'a i FAVORITE ILLUSION. BASED ON NOTHING. UunT (IF TOE FEARS THAT BESET FAIR MAIDS AND MATRONS. The cause dial implants the spirit of tear in the bosoui of the gentle stx is a ul'ji'Ct ihul may well puzzle the inont de vout Mil ii tit of human nature. Tbe iiiiiuxo is considered one of the harmless ureal ures, and vet it lias been rcspon- kilile fur ui'r" cases of liysteriu than any iininial in.li y I urn 8 its siz:. due woman, who u II tier life has senrvlied hi'fieaih her bed before retiring, at one time found herself in possession oi a fuldiii" inouslrosily, the intricacies of which ahe had lirst to solve before taking her well-earned rest. Hut such is the force of habit. After pulling down (he bed she would carefully look beneath it, for no other reason than that she had done so ever siuco she was a child. A favorite illusion is that of having one's legs's seized, either from behiod in going upstairs or on getting lot ) bed. Women have often been seeo scuttiug upstairs in the daik setting at defiance all the laws of locomotion in a ludicrous at tempt to keep their legs some distance ahead of them and beyond the reach of a mysterious clutch. Girls will also make flying leaps into bed to cleminato the same improbability. Many women search diligently in c'uscn, bureau drawers and all sorts of impossible places before resigning them selves to sleep. An old housekeeper whose table silver, in two baskets, was always placed in her bed-roum after the evening meal, was one night awakened by what she considered suspicious sounds lum the lower regions. Cautiously leav ing lur room laden with the eilver, she pitched both baskets into the hall below, calling out as she did so, "Take it all and please go," then fled precipitately and barricaded herself in her room. Need les to add, she found both baskets and scattered contents the following morning, a lit t Ic tbe worse for the rougb handling she had given taem. IN TIIH SOCIAL REALS. FOK OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. W inflow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions ot mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tbe child, softens tbe gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the bent remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ot the world. 2.) cents a bottle, lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. Ii is I lie ill wiud which blows the phy sicians the most good. Have you a sense uf fullness in tho re- gioii el your stomach after eating? If so you will he benefited by using Cham berlain's Stonnch and Liver Tablets. They also cure belching and sour stomach. They regulate the bowels too. Price, 25 cents Sold by W. M. Cohen's Drug-gist. Every man is artist enough to draw his own conclusions and a pension if ha ever serves a day in the Union army. NERVOUSNESS, An American Disease. Dr. S. Weir Mitchill is au. thority for the statement that nerv outness is the characteristic mal ady of the American nation, and statistics snow mat nerve aeatns number one-fourth of all deaths recorded, the mortality being main, ly among young people. Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLfl. is the grand specific for this great American disease, because it goes straight to the source of the weak ness, Duiiaing up neaitn ana kill strength by supplying rich, abund- Ml ant food and Dure Dlood to the worn-out tissues, rousing the liver to activity and regulating all the organs of the body. 'Tka airtliu Drag 0.," DatnK, Mra, LIvsrtttM th famous Uula llvar plus. 15c. 3 W. FOK BALE BY M. COHEN, WKLDON, N. C. Not long ago medical men raised a big row about the danger id kissing. This lead to considerable interest in the sub I cl, ami a number nl piouiinent lueu 10 M. Ijoiiis were asked lor a delinltlon ot a kiss. Some of the answers are given below. A kiss is . Cupid's sealing wax Cupid's cruising smack. Ucp'.rt at headquarters. Sorrow's sweetest balm. 1ove's highest expression. The soul's plenipotentiary. A di w on the fl iwer of love. The striking of a love match. The poorest mother's richest gift. A woman's most effective argument. To a bashful man the acme of agony. A "cannon ball'' lo a woman's heart. Woman's passport to her husband's purse. The safety valve to exuberoot feel - log. Like the wind that blows felt, not seen. That id which two heads are better than one. 1'iintiog without ink; no proof sheets wanted. The sounding system used by lh tele graph operator in seodirg a message to the heart. Tbe drop that causes the cup of love to svernow. A two face action that meets with mutual approval. A 'stick' of matter, two 'ho ids' and an application. The best tincture in the household medicine cupboard. An invisible necktie, net subject to the ohange of fashion. The electric motor that sends the trol ley of love to the recorder's office Ex change. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard has received the verdict of popular approval a larger sale than any other lard in this country. It is wholesome and absolutely pure. Swift's Premium Hams and Bacon are unexcelled in quality, choice flavor and attractive ap pearance. Swift's Products are made under U. S. Government Inspection. Swift and Company Chicago Si. Louis Kanftai City St. JoMph Omfthft St. Puil- Over 150 Branch Houses in th U. 8. The Bridal Feast T A i..(.uHl.. f. .11. 1 k.. - 1- lenten period of enforced fastinE and fleshly mortification. The check grows hollow, the eyes are dull and deep ringed, and the step is alow and languiil. There is an "all dragged-ont fealing," which makes life an uttar burden. The great func tional changes which follow marriage are not uauallv antici pated, or the wife ly suffering might be avoided. Dr. Pierce's Fa Torite Prescription ia the bast friend ot weak and sickly women. It cures the womanly dis eases that rob the eye of brightness and the step of lightness. It tones up the system and establishes tha womanly organ ism on a basta of sound health. "Favorite Pre scription" con tains do alcohol. neither opium, cocaine, nor other nar cotics. Accept no substitute. There is no other medicine " just as good for weak and sickly woman. " I had been a great sufferer from frmalt weak ness for about two years." writes Mra. laiHa Hlchardaou, of Coin, Wayne Co., Xj. ConW not do mv work oart of the time. 1 look fear bottles of Dr. Pieree't Favorite FroBcrtptkHI Nad felt aa well ai I ever did.1 Young married women will find a lasting friend in Dr. Pierce's Medicrd Adviser. It contains loot) nairea and ia sent fret (in paper cover), on re ceipt of 11 one -cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Cloth bind ing, ji stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, uunaio, N. v. J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Staplel Slid Fancy FRUITS. CMIFECTIMERIES. n Croi'kvry, Glass Tin, nd wooden and wil- itiwwttrv. aiho i nm none. U)w, 1J,U. !.. I L-t I I alt I- aiHi iuuiuj ruuu, nuu vtruvc 3jJ TiwUilww Chill Toiiic Alexauder'l AJivcrnim ivinnej ionic lor purifying the blood. This tonic is warranted or niouer refunded J. L. JUDKINS, No. 23 Washington Avs., Weldon, N. 0" dee 11 ly. Vp4, 60 YEARS : v EXPERIENCl t "1 1 E A Tram Marks Anrnnta?nrt1ng .nk.rli and dMniptlnn amy quick It MctTttilti our opinion froc whottiw ho ttiTnntlrm prtihnltlf patent .hla Communlm. tloiiiMrlcflyeimndentliU. IltuMttTonlton lHtn(i wiii irt. (Miinsti RBjffiirj lor (HTuniiB IMItPiitl. ruitiiiisi TH)Kflri inniuvn nana t Ai. rv pw-iai fiiKisM, wit nou. cimrva, tn laa recvlrt Scientific Jlneriax A hsuidsnmcl llhitnit1 wIt. rariMt rtr ouluion of any rlniia kmniaJ. T'ltroii, VI inr : four noitth, gold bj all nwMiali. aUauai OBo. at 1 SU Wahiatua, ft fc