iSSSi fLI) Mr5 1 1 i saBssc' I ! rial 1 Irilb 1 i! IfWMlTOlJ -n.ilnniiriiriiif 3 J-OSN" "W. SLTBJDQ-E, i-koi'Uiktor. Vol xxxv. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. 19(10. TEPlVES:-1-50 PKR ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 20. n StSmSFWBJA ThcBligMing J In mimv respects Scrofula and Consumption are alike ; thev develop from Ihe same iren- mm ms 1 .rul ,-,n,o. tvlli ,r i,r,i;t. . I ,1. .'..1 C- SiaT SWaT aT aT 47 rxivisuud bluud supply. In consumption the disease fastens itself upon the luiif;s ; in Scrofula tlie glands of the neck and throat swell and suppurate, causing ugly running sores; the eyes are inflamed and weak ; there is an almost continual discharge from the ears, the limlis swell. k 1& . , n"! ! 'hc' swelling is frequently a result, causing the diseased hones to work out through A i ' i ""v,,.,... oti aiuii-i mg. tuning away a sore or diseased giauo uoes no 2 3. K00" " Vlc ,,1kk1 " P'"1. Tlie old scrofulous taint which has prohahly come down through several k,r. Lrcnerations ui tuilluli-.l .ur. .In... .f 1.I.1 5y Scrofula remiirea vigorous, persista nt treatment. The hlood must be brought back to a healthy 1a.lfA J Jff eonilltu,n before the terrthle disease can lie sloped in its work of destruction. Mercury, potash and other poisonous minerals usually given in such cases do more harm than good ; they ruin the digestion aim ievc me svsiciii in a worse condition man netoie. S. S. S. is the only medicine that can reach deep-seated blood troubles like Scrofula. It goes down to the very roots of the disease and forces every vestige of poison out of the blood. S S. S. is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known. The- roots and herbs from which it is made contain wonderful blood purifying properlies, which no )ioison, however powerful, can maMmm mmmmm nsTWBs) ''jug n-siat. S. S. S. stimulates and purifies the blood, increases the ff A iF THE GHILOnEiwrn "I'K,"e. aids "ie digestion and restores health and strength to the " v mam mm enfeebled bodv. II 'you have reason to think you have Scrofula, or vour child has inherited any blood taint, don't wait for it tu develop, but begin at once the use of S. S. S. It is a fine tonic and the btt Mood purifier and blood builder known, as it contains no poisonous minerals. S. S. 8. is pre-eminently a remedy for children. When niv diuiKliter was an infant she had a severe case nf Scrofula, for which shewaiiuiiilrrthpenn Itant uiie t-f phv.Ki.iia fur more than two year, hhe wan worse tit the end of I hnt time, huwrvci. anil i aim. "-I i!fiam 1 of hr life. A few bottles of Swift's sjh'.-Oic rurttl her eoniiilrtelv. as it .rrmi-il to jr., .hmt to I he. .ili-fof the trouble. I itiinot lieliev it has a it ciuul for nhil-botn eai.eaof M.. sliliseaMra ulintl are In yon.t the jmwerof other KVCMllril bluod renieilirl. S. I. lntnoKi, Montieello, t'.a. Our medical department is iu charge of experienced physicians who have made Scrolula and other blood diseases a life study. Write them aliout your case, or any one eou arc interested ill. Your letter will receive prompt and careful attention. We make inocharge whatever foi this. Address, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA. 6A. OLD RIVER DAYS. NEVER TOUCHED US. !8 OF STEAMBOAT RACINII ON THIS MISSISSIPPI Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form Sold by every druggist in the malarial sections of the United States No cure, no pay. . . . Trice, 50c WHOLESALER. f'T. Lorn, Mo. , Fob, I, MM. Pillis TlEDirnia Co., City. Ooutl Vo with to contrratuUto yon (1 1 i .croa:it t v. lea wo aro liiivinirot. your r '.i' i Htt i'ti'.Zl '.tonic Oq nut:- i tin ; our rccor 1 of inventory until data tf .1 1 1 1 tin., (hut, vn unit! iluriiifT th 1 Chi 1 uiiHjn i f 1. Uuuun tirovt-'r 1'unlr. V.' :.! i:A iu.' oiioa ou your IjiM t l-'fii -v-i - 'Vnlilitln hiLVu bt?BD BOD1 tin .1 : unnau.i: ...'.viuir noU iluriag tho btj Wv a to null down or-Ur cncluod horowlth, uduUiju. Youri truly. MEYER BROS. DRUQ CO. f CHILDREN V;:X I ANDADULTS fift w1' jmw(Wii.J i J. "All. IP If RETAILER. KlDKOIl, lUM. Vauim MamoiKsi Co. . Gt'nilumcai I handle seven or elsht dttfer ont hlmln ( Tiilll Tonica but I soli ton bottlmi of Crovon towhtro I c 11 onjof to others. I old :i bottles of lrovc'a 'hllt Tonic In mi il? and could hivti aol 1 moru if I hd bail It oi hand. Mr. Davo WuoJs curvd &vu casa:. at dulls Wlta One bottle Bcspoctfullv. JOHN T. VINYABD Firt Tasteless Tonic ever manufactured.. All other so-called "Taste less" Tonics are imitations-Ask any druggist about this who is not PUSHING an imitation. CONSUMER. Writesboio, Tex., Sep. IS, MH. Pabis Mbdictnh Co., flt. Louis, Mo. OcntJemen: I write yoa ft few Hnci of jrrat- iidii. I thinlr vniir 3rovf ( TANtt'lOBK i till I iTonlfli lonof tho beitmdicin -a in thoworld f r Chillnand Fever. I buvo throe children lliathavo been down with mnlririal tdwr tnr 18 raon:huaud havo bought Chill uiedicinei of all HivIj und Poctor'n hillB cominr in all the time until I rent lo town and net Ihn-e bottle oi Orovo'fi Tonic. Mv rhHdr n oro all well now and it m your Tistclosi Thill Tonic that did it. l vuiuutvuy too inucii in i t i ouu, Yourt truly, jami:b d. robebtb. i mi nJ. ESTABLISHED 1870. b'RANK T. CLAHK CO.,.. (Successors to Couke, Cbrk k Cu.) U, has ui Bliili. MouMingK, Stair Work, oreh Trimmings, Hardwood and Slate Mantels, Tiling and Grates. (atFine Iluildir's llunlware.-ifc Faints oil & glass. And Building MstiTiil ol hvrry Di-wrinuou. 28 Commercial Place aod 19 Roanoke AveDu, NOKFOLK, VA. ii ly ' W, T. PARKER, When a steamboat ouuies uluDsiJe od tho Mississippi, each tries to pass the other. That is ud iovariuble rule of the d. No pilot likes to take the wash oil biokeo water of another boat, espe cially if the other boat is slower or more eavilj loaded. Why, when the pro- cession of steamboats escorted the 1'niled Stutea gunboat Nashville up the river ast spring, one of the steamboats showed the poor taste to lead the Nashville oo the way to the harbor. The engineer and the pilot of the Nashville, an old river pilot, bad the groatest kind of trouble keeping themselves out after her and pulling her down. They did show heir heels id first-clans shape to one river boat that tried to pass them down below Memphis. It is in the hu man blood and do amount of danger from overtaxed boilers, narrowness of channel, saud bars, shoals or snags will deter the last boat from showing its heels to the slower boat. I have seen passen gers in the olden time, when everybody knew a good deal about the liver and its dangers, come up to the captain of the boat they had taken passajo od aod say to him solicitiously : "Now, captain, I want you to assure me of one thing, that you are not going to raco. I ve got my wife and children on board aod I don't want to expose them to needless danger." "Of course we woo t race, Ihe oaptain would answer, and ho would mean it when he said it Io a little while along would come a slow, beavily loaded scow of i boat aod try to pass us. The cap tain would get busy and so would the pilot, the engineer and the firemen. And as the compeliog boat would shade down to a small speck on the rear horinn, the passenger who was so anxious to kcop his family out of needless danger would oonie up from below, wiping a pair of bruised and dirly bands and, infilling bis chest proudly, say the captain. "She never touched us." That passenger had been down on the boiler deck during the race, passing cord wood to the slorkers to put under ihe boilers. Thtt's how it is with steamboat raciog St. Liuis Republic STRAY BITS OF FIN. Heavy ANDm Fancy Qroceries J P. N. Stainback, j WELDON. N. C. jltealcr in fcAtoMl - - - .hUCtjUflDISE OP Al I-KISI. Corn,Hay & Oats All iiiioda cheap for rash. 3-llw green cofl'ee lor aoc. I have recently added to niv business a bakery. Best Bread and Cakes furnished at short notice. W. T. j'AKKER, Weldon, N. C. anit t It ZEICLER BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. SHOES ANNOUNCEMENT OF GEN. JULIAN S.0AEE FOR .UNITED STATES SENATOR, r-: TO THE DEMOCRATIC ELECTORS OF NORTH CAROLINA: A T your last State Convention you declared through your delegate -i-A-l IW.Sole Agent in Weldon forSTROUHE BROTH BUS HKilt ART CI.OTHIN0 (Formerly sold here by M. F. Hart.) A tit guaranteed. xsjr, vt-Svn UNDERTAKING fKK??l"t In all itit branches Metallic Walnut KM ' rftijV .$ ;jVy-fl Cloth Oowwl Caskets and Collins. JfejfsiPafcaas4- Telephone or teleKraph luemig. at sjgGSSS! tended to day or niKht. HENDERSON TELEPHONE COMPANY. OFFICE OF OKNKKAL SUPKIUNTENDENT, IIGNUKKMIIN, N. C, I beg to announce that the follow ing towns aro now conuecna uy long distance phones, and the rale herewith ubliidied will be iu effect on and alter March liilr. Fttou WKLDO.Vto M -V Ifc Regulator The Best Liver Medicine. Urgc.t Facksec on the Market. One I'arkmc FrbTs.. Five fr II OO. ' Dall How.ll., Keranton. Pa., s.y.t "For wm. time 1 wm nnyr.. "T HJI Eiliu arr-iinini - work. A IrletilreLOimuend Rimn' T.dic Ht-tfuUMir-l wu kJ inrwl Iie entirely." HROWN MKUW.. rrt.prwwr rrr-u-..... .- Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY the FREICHT anuCU ARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . . Lt Hi; HIT rot' Klo the Mouth Illustrated Catalogue FKKti. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (EsUblishedltMa.) 15 to 183 Bank at., Horfolk V NEW GOODS. . . 0 0 0 0 0 ai .nl. Elastic. 5c : 24 needle, 1c, S4 sheet writiun paper, 2c., 20 Drem Buttons R wiile uenale tic . I'laid drew mwl :le. Floor muttiiiK 10. 12, I Carpetinic, isj to 47)c, Fanners heavy shoes, MMo, Ladies' shoes, 70c lo $1.(KI, ftuirsVfw to $1.75, 3 yard lace curtains 37J ,w,t ('iirtjiin iKilesand lUliires, inc. cur- iiun MTim. 4c. calicoes, 4c, Meu'scoatsand viwUHA... men's uanuu ttUt', boy's pants ism :Uk. Knv'a suits 4" to ."c, Mattress tickinit. nto7c, Meu'e winUr underwear, ,.in.h mini. f I toll. SO. I am ceivmg some good bargaius iu winter goods H. O. SPIEBS, .Weldoo, V. C We are in receipt of the following in quiry : "Dear editur : our cow has goue dry, do ynu think we could sell her for dride beaf ? if so wliear?" "'pa, what is the vain pouip and glo ry of this world ?" "My son, it's tho things wo preach against when wo don't succeed in getting them." "I wonder why Swellboigh always oarrieshis kodak with him to the office?" "S-hl Don't give him away. ThatV hii lunch, and he's ashamed of it." Sir, said the Long-H aired One indig aaitly lo the editor, the poet is born. Oh, is he? retorted the editor. Woll, I'm darned sorry he is. But this isn't the place where they take birth notices. You go on downstairs to the busioesi oftV-e. First Camper Here, what's become of all our whiskey? Second Camper I've drunk it. First Camper Why did you do thai? Second Camper Had to, old chap. I was wriiiug home, telling the folks what a good time we're having. the platform adopted, in favor of a primary eleclion on November Gib, 1900, to decide your preference for Senator of the United States, for the term beginning March 4ih, 1901. I favored this am ion then and I heartily endorse it now. The primary will be held; our party is not afraid to trust the wisdom of the people. All the supporter! of our cause io the August election are invited to participate io the primary. For many years the oonvici ion has oume home to many of the best think ers of our country, that the election of United Stales Senators should be oomuitted directly to the people the source of all political power. In the absence of the necessary and needed conslituiional change the pi injury affords the nearest possible approach to an election of Senators by the vote of the people. I hereby announce myself a candidate lloitcd Slates Senator and ask your support in the primary. My record as a citiuo and Democrat is fairly well kuown to many of you. I ask for it no greater consideration than is justly accorded the records ot those able aod honorable nenileuion whose names have been mentioned for this high position. In this contest I shall not attempt in any way to detract from the merits of any competitor. We are all Deuocraty; we ,are all members of the tame great political household; we have fought side by side its great battler; e have by united effort and undivided strength achieved its great triumphs. In the reoent eleotton the great uprising of Anglo Saxon munhood, we achieved . r. A . :.L r L ; . . a noiaoie victory, iraugui wiin lur-ruaciuug ana important ooDsequcooce; imposing upon you the entire responsibility and burden of State government, and as a par' f this imperative duty of providiog adequate educational facilities for the boys aod girls of our State. You will meet these greater responsibilities bravely and fearless ly, and discbarge their duties patiently and wisely. We are no looger, as in the past, to be kept busy with the ores of preserving our homes safe, but will reach out to participate more freely in the policies of the nation. W'e shall now sttive on ihe higher plane of effort and statesmanship. My political principles are those of the Democratic party; they 6nd excellent thorough expression lo the National and state platform-; need not summarize their declarations. To each of them and to both of them I yield most ready and un swerving support. 1 hey are the voice ol my party speaking in Hi appointed chau" Bels. I obey that voice; aod if your chuics shall fall on me I shall in every wuy eudeavor to have those declaraiious become tho la of the laid by appruptiale statutes. The indusliial and educational pniL'r s-of North Carolina will command my earnest attention and i 'aluus nervice-i. In lare auricullural interests will receive my watchful care and I will ever strive to I'isler and protect the same from hontile legislation I have endeavored, as best I could, to aid in tho agricultural, iudustiia' and educatioual development and advauceiueut of our State. I have endeavored to aid the public and private schools as far as I could. I believe, with confidence, 1 can accomplish more in these directions iu the enlarged Geld of hUh official posi tion, and aided by my experience anl kn iwlcde attract greater attentioo to the re sources and opportunities offered by our State. The general upbuilding of our Communweallh will command at all times my earnest and loyal endeavor. I shall strive to protect our people from the dangers aod disasters of Force Bills and pre serve from Federal interference our new Constilutional Amendment, the submi-sii.n and adoption of which by such an overwhelming maj irity adds new glory 'Old North Slate." IT AT LAST. HE WAITED TOO LONG. MAKE til'RE THAT TOU DO NOT ETERNAL LIFE AT LAST. In one of the tenement houses in New York City a doctor was sent for. He came, and found a young man very sick. When he got to the bedside tho young man said : "Doctor, I don't want you to deceive me; I want to know the wont. Is this illness to prove serious?" Alter tho doctor had made an exami nation, ho said, "I am sorry to tell you you cannot live out the night." The young man lookid up and said. "Well, then, I have missed it at laut 1" "Missed what ?" "I have missed eternal life. I always intended to become a Christian iomeday, but I thought I had plenty of time, and put it off." The doctor, who was himself a Chris tian man, said ! "It is not loo late. Call on (Jod for mercy." "No, I have always had a great con tempt for a man who rep'nts when he is dying; he is i miserable ooward. If I were not sick I would not have a thought about my soul, and I am not goiog to in sult God now." The doctor spent the day with him, read to him out of the Bible, and tried to get htm to lay bold of Ihe promises. The young man said he would not csll on God, and in that Kate of mind he passed away. Just as he was dying the doctor saw his lips moving. He reached down, and all he could hear was the faint whisper: "I have missed it at laid" Dear friend, make sure that you do not miss eternal life it last. D. L. Moody. I'OIMT.l) PARAGRAPHS. THE OLD SWEET STORY. BY F. L. STANTON. I What of the story olden Of love that may not cease? Pass we through portals golden To dream of realms of peace ? Over the way so lonely We fare from lands like this, But ever we feel only iove's clasp, dear, and its kiss. II What of the storms above mo In all the shrouded skies? Mim e you have said you love rue The lovelier light urisa 1 What of all earthly splendor What of all earthly tiea If that your lips are tender I pou life'adyiugeyea? III. Sweetheart I through vales of sorrow I ever dream I see A beautiful tomorrow Dawn from your eyes to m I No dieam is so swtet aa this is Though dreams have fleeting breath To know I'll feel your kisses Down to the gates of Death ! A liuen duster is a popular summer re sort. Ungrammatically spcakiug, a kiss is a conjunction. Half a parasol is better than no um brella in a shower. The lick of a watch is inside, and lhat of a bed is outnide. A man can walk a mile without uiov ing more than a oouple of feet. The punch bowl has been the direct oiuse of many an unfriendly punch. Money uses its wings occasionally to take a flyer in the stock markets. No wonder a young man looks all thc broke up when his best girl throws him down. NERVOUSNESS, An American Disease. Dr. S. Weir Mitchell it u thority for the statement that nerv ousness is the characteristic mal arlv of the American nation, and a statistics show that nerve deaths number one-fourth of all deaths recorded, the mortality being main ly among young people. Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLE. is the grand specific for this great American disease, because it goes straight to the source of the weak ness, building up health and strength by supplying rich, abund ant food and pure Dlood to the worn-out tissues, rousing the liver to activity and regulating all the organs of the body. "Tk. Ilrhltu Drif C.," Drfrett Ilea. Ltvsrcttw tht famous llttla llrtr pills, sjc, FOR SALE BY W. M. COHEN, WELDON, N. C. pro- Hi. . 1' -. . .1' IJ 1 I . n . ... I he earnest solicitations oi n.y om cotura iea in arms nave influenced me no little The gardener may abhor vice, yet he in ueciuing to BUDtaii my name ior your sunrages. ine old Uonlederate Veteran is WUys interested in the rake's renin's that Ihe young men ot a new generation will soon have entire charge of the gress, nlrl Khin nf dute: a few vears more and the lait one of them with n haln nf nran'lnna -i - v r.u T. k. .i.'. t k .. it HL-r I.L't.CL. 1 i . . I IUD UI.U HUU UUC9U I ILU. CUVUKU IU memories around him, will have fought his last h;;ht and departed from the scene .... , ...,, . , ... . , , . . go in where it rains gets many free Wl aidVU. MV ........ J n-"" " - amiM WVUlUJICa UI (! g'orious past, he will feel a brighter satisfaction to be again represented in our highest Council by one of Ihe "Boys lhat wore the Gray." II common sense win not teach i Fellow Democrats : My services have been yours io every campaign since I be- JoaaS mitt etiquette, a book on the sub- oame of ige; servioes gladly given without desire for, or expectation of reward, save ) 18 01 U8e- only the gratification of a deep and abiding love for my native State, my people, my A oollege student says he rather enjoys party and its glorious principles. My only ambition is to serve better my native his studies as they furnish a needed re State, to aid more in its agricultural and industrial upbuilding and its eduoational laxation from his athletic work. advancement; to promote the welfare aod happiness of its people, and should you choose me lo serve you iu the Sauate of the United States my loyalty and devo tion to my Slate in the past, in war and in peace, can give you assurance that you shall have the same measure of both in the future. Yours very truly, J. S. CJLRTl Durham, N C Auust 25, 190". Vltell, irlie, Hrookston, UrinUeyville, tlentroville, t'hurchill, Crowells Daliqey Kntlcld, Frank Union, liaslou, Gillburg, Henderson, Halifax, Kiltrell, Laurel, l-iltleton, Itil. Louisburi:, 4o 20. an. 4. :. Ij :i5. If). 40. HI. :ir. :i."i. hi. 4ii. 40. L'O. F C. To HI' I. KM AN, Gen. Supt. Louisburg, ,M aoun, Malison, Medoc, iMiildlchlllg, Oakville, tlalurd, llidgeway, Itingwiiiid Hoanoke Hnpidi 'till. ty. Vaughan, Warren I'lainn, arieiiiun Wise, Vouugsville, APPOMATTOX IRON WORKS, Manufaetiireniof Agricultural Implements. Shaftings, Mill Clearing, Pulleys, All kiudsof Machinery, and Repairs Noe. 2i A M Old St., PeternhnrK, Va TilC M BICC8. J 51 ml .'Ii.nli .l or liiv.ullve mlna drglrfiitf. trip Oi tin1 I'url. fcipo.lllon, wlUi suud tHkll .Oil i1! It'll.' . p.l.l, .lii'iild wrllf iLI VKtXXT KKtlltl, M.Minon, Mi. Many a woman dresses to go out, feels Wanlute. aits down, and falls into a fit of despondent musing. Ask her wliat'a the matter, and ahe'll pr bably aneirer "lust the blues." And what are Uie blues? Only another name, in genenl. for a disordered liver and a diseased stomach. Cleanae the liver, heal the nurifv the blood, and there'll be no more blues. It can be done by II,. i,w of Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery. This medicine puts the dis eased organs of digestion and nutrition Into condition of aound health. It eliminates from the blood all impure and poisonoua aubstances, and cleanses the Cloggeu liver, ii waumi" iis.Miti at cohol nor narcotics. ! had liver complsint for th past Sftwn VMra, compllolni wh dyitWMU If11 MonM." wrltrt Mr. N Bernlfr. of 461 Mm Si., tnhkch. Wis. M doctored with tna of our Sromlotnt doctor .od not one or all of Ihtm v done m. Ihe food, nor bnrua o do waat vour medicine. h.e. I have Hied I n bottles of Dr. fleree'. Golden Mnllcil Duivtt, one vt.l of hi. ' PletMnt rellrl..' .ud one bottle of Dr. Pierce's F.vorit prescription, end lave Eioed about eignleen pounds since 1 uret begu Uka tbew remedies. Pr. Pierce's Pellet cure biliousness. vt hen a woman is angry she tells a man just wbatahe thinks of him and incidentally just what everybody else thinks of him. ARTHUR SEWALL IS DEAD, The physicians of Columbus, 0., have organised to protect themselves from dead beats. It is the live beats thai worry other folks, but probably the ghost of dead ones haunt physicians. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard Lard is used, in one way or another, in the prepara tion of nearly every meal. Its effect on your food is noticeable, and it should always be of the best quality procurable. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard has attained its great popu larity because the quality never varies. It is the stand ard lard of America. Ask your grocer for Swift's Silver Leaf. You will find it thoroughly satisfactory. Swift and Company rhirneo Kansal Citv Omaha Si. Louii St. Joseph St. Paul Over a$o Branch Houiei In th U. t. M A Democratic Nominee for Vice-Pres ident in 1896 Dies Near Bath, Maine. Hon. Arthur Sewall died at 8.30 s. m , Wednesday, (5th), at bis fiu turner bioio, I n(j jjp'g jgn gtf before Small Point, of apoplexy. He was 6 1 years of age. 8hedl) but , fwble ny Arthur eewail was oorn in nam, naiae, on November zotn, tie wis tne 1 1 tarn my eyes to childhood years third sod of Ihe late William D. Sewall. lie wis educated io the public schools of I To m r&dutnoe thai- n ii rt ii .... m r . t rw I Bain. rar. oewau cams tut ior iree ooinaite ei silver io juoe, loaa. i rainbow thmuirh a mathar'a un . onfi a il al : . . t ii 117 : 1 1: T i 1 in ioo mi. oewau was iu ruuuiag mate oi lion, nnnam j. Drjau. i A mnahino in her prayar. MY MOTHER'S PRAYER. I dreamed last night of childhood, O'er hill and verdant lea, Through dowery glen and wiUwood I roamed in childish glee; Plucked blossoms for my mother's brow, For she was with me there. And 'oeath a drooping willow bough Knelt down with ma in prayer. Ami next I seemed to view her, Kent o'er my little lied: With tiny bands I drew her Still nearer, while she said: "0, now I lay me down to sleep," And taught me to recite, "I pray the Ixiril my soul to keep;" And kissed me a "good night." I cherished that sweet vision, But waking honrs, as well, Bring back those days elysinn, That memory may tell How oft she aonght that sacred place, Her cloaet, bowed her there, Embraced me with a fond embrace, For me sent np a prayer. And well do I remember When last we fondly met, I Though age had stolen o'er her, And her pale cheek was wet With tears that grief had taught to flow , Her heart oppressed with care How heavenly on her brow the (low As she knelt down in prayer. When storm clouds hover o'er me And darken life's brief day, me J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine ' 1.....' .lUCGHBS Staplel and Fancy 1 -FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES. Crockery, Ulase 'I'm, and wooden and wil low ware. Also Pratt s Home, Cow, Hw anil PnnlLrv Fond, and flmwa'a ftt Tasteless Chill Tonic. Alexander's ijivvir nuu miiuey iuuie lur puruying the hlood. This tonic is warranted or money refunded. J. L. JUDKINS, No. 23 Washington Ave., Weldon, N. C dee 11 Ij. vk4. 60 YEARS' , EXPERIENCE A. i r 'I TitADt' Marks f frn COI-YRKIHT AO. Anyone nenMnt a lttrh and description may qiitnkly aacortain our optiuoii fraa wbttir aa invention ) pnthRbly palentabta. Conioiunli'sv tinm m rlctly OtiiiOtlftiittaO. I landboofe on HatMite ent free. Oiliest nvflnny fur iiecurtiifr paUnta. PatenU taktm tbroutb aun A C. ajMrttM notiw, wm houi onarf m Ue Scientific firita k hsmlKmilrinaitrtM vwHr; Mm dr- eulatlon of snf .cl.iiUO. limriud. Trnt.. SI a imr: fiarieatat,SL loM SraU DMmM HO 4 Co Ksijsit aiia.

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