5 y i "W. SLEDQ-E, !()!, XXXV. PROPRIETOR. .A ST E "W SP APEB FOR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C. TI1URSDAY, S KPT EM RE 11 20, 1900. TERylvdSl l-60 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 21. I Timr ni wuen Cancer was considered n-siiians and friends could give little relief afflicted with this terrible disease. Even f blood disease, they still must that there is jut at the Mine time cannot assure vou that Splice, fur the disease is in the Wood I" .. . i. 4 l ,.l..,u Tl.. Kl kiiHlic, Mesii-neii"i"g ... ,u,l uv uiiuru ami sirengiiieneci, ine system relieved of all poisonous, effete iatter before the Cancer sore will heal. I S S. S. i the only medicine that can overcome this powerful and contaminating poison and force it out of the blood It liilda up and invigorates the old, and supplies new, rich, lifc-Kivinfr blood. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy ; no mineral n lw found in it . the roots and herbs from which it is made contain powerful purifving properties that act directly upon ft Mood svstem and makt a safe and permanent cure of Cancer. It has cured thousands, why not you f Cancer is not always inherited ; your family may tie free from any taint, yet your blood may become so polluted that a severe I nt at r3 aiuooorn lorm 01 tue disease may tmtiiSVQ EJIOOO InVltOS UlSGSifSB develop from mire or ulcer on your tongue F"sT or other part of your body : a slight bruise t 7 , L a smalt lump on the law or breast, r mwe, small lump on ll" jw or ''reast, a harmless looking wart or mole, and 44-..4I..44 If vnl, hull, an ftlultinal mra iI.ih1! .! .. ........ I .. !uleor 110 attention. If you have an obstinate sore, don't rely upon salves or ointments to cure it begin with S S S 1 once ; it will cleanse your blood anil prevent the formation of cancerous cells. Mr. K shim, La Plla. Mo . wruti : amau l. l4.lt klilf Uf lllV 1 4444 44 .414; ,4447 I llif 11 iK-kr.n inr 44,447 444 n p ...u 4,.,., I 1W IIO IK11 H "IW44414;. 4 ,4.41 . Send for our special book on Cancer ; 4 ; it is free. Write our physicians aliout your can, t made a hie study of Cancer ana ail ivei for this. aim! Hit Jaw I"!" 1 ,w" a" lieeanie much inflamed Al Hit Mint lime Iht irt I4r1.11 In tmrrait and Z.I nli. Ihc Holi anil .t ! Intense pain I tritit vrylhiti( I cuul.l heir of. but n,, I hint ilul nit any .1 .114, , f. ,.4,. ,i i..i . ... . .. ' ESTABLISHED 1870. i'K ANK T. CLA HK CO., ,, (Successors to Cuokr, Clark Si Co.) Sasli, - Doors and Blinds. Mouldiigs, Stair Work, Porch Trimmings, Slate 3ttantels, Tiling and Grates. t&.Kine Builder's Uardwarcta IPAINTS OIL & GLASS. And Building Mattritl ot Kvrry DeacriptioD, Ci'uim'rcial Place ami 49 Kuaouke AveDue, NOt.b'OLK, VA. Jy iy P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. Valor in OP A IX KlMf. ZEICLER It BAY 8TATE A SPECIALTY. IHr.SoleAgtinWeld.)nfor8TROUSEBKOrHEK.S HIOH ART CLOTHING Formerly sold here by M. P. Hart.) A lit guaranteed. B Sl DAMON 9 ?M -Ton I us Th Best Uver Medicine. Lartet t Packar on the Market. Oae Parkae Prlre f&e. FIt for HOD. Dsvtd Howrtls, Beranlon. Pa.. sa;s: "For some time I was aanorrd with pirn pin on the bodv, and a recline of sickness anil iraneral weakneu. I was onabl. to woik. A Irltnd racommendrd Ramon's Tonic KMulator 11 liackaaea cured me entlrtljr." HkUWN MK'U. CO.. Proprietors, Orecusvllls. Trap. SPKCIAL LOW PKICED CAMPAIGN OFFER, -m RICHMOND. VA. DAILY AND SUNDAY dJH 4. MONTHS, ONLY rpl, The Dailj Tiiuea is peculiarly fitted to outer I he sot ire field with its lull As undated I'reu report; its large staff of Sp.cul Correspnndeats thrUf;hout tin is.e, aid iis Staff Correspoideutt at all important Dews points. The Times, first uf all, is a oewapapei, and its facilities fur gsihrnnii tod print iox tke ui'wi aie unsurpassed ii the Souih. The Times is clear, oonoisr, oub iKieut, and inilepenileul and iupaitial. No lubwriptiuu aeo.pted at lliii rale lier Nufsniber lal. The rximlar suh- THE HIE I 1 I Tipiioo rait uf The DaiW and Sandsj II mien it f 5 per jesr, 1 50 fur Ml tsonthi, idJ $1. 25 fr three months, tr SO ei'DispaiBiouih The Twiot-i-Week 'Tiiu.'s i 1 p,-r tear. 51) oauls for lix ! 'IUouiIis. or 'IS . nia t'.ir thraa nnnlha fid one ocut stampt Inr fraotioat of dollar. 8eid for samples. Always ttsie 'f lily or Tioe-a-Week Timet ia de ir d and fu what lenitth uf time AJdrest, THK.TI.VIKJ., Kiohmeid, Va. NEW" GOODS. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 yards Elaatio, 5c ; 84 needles, lc, U aheeta wntiuij paper, lc, 20 Ureas Buttons . Vanlwide percale 6c, Plaid dreaa (!"odi, 3,c, Ploor roattiuK 10, 13, 15c tarpetin, 12, to 47,0., Farrueri heary lioe, Hhc, Ladiea' shorn, 7U0 to ll.tK), Ruira ttTic to ,1.75, 3 yard lace curtalna 371 4WUU, Curtain nnlm arvri flitnrm Hiu. cur tain scrim, 4c, calicoes, 4c, Men'aeoateand Veata 8.ML uan'a nAnia AIL. Vh,. 'a n.ntj. 5 to 3Uc Hoy's anita 45 to B5c, Maltreas iug,oto7o, Meu'a winter underwear, !. plajhoapea. ft to 11.60. I an re- MiTingBome good bargains in winter gooda H. C. SPIERS at incurable as lenroav or encouragement to now doctors know of emedv for thia no hone outmle of a surgical operation, ami advise you to have the Cancer cut out It will not return. You mav tut or draw out the sore, but another will come in is deep-seated and destructive, and beyond the reach of the surgeon's knife or I ..i 1... i .. . . and . or a harmless looking wart or mole, and nt pimtiit came onmt Jaw atmut oar inch In-low the ,444 lliiuuif, IRU 1 UIU BUt llltlK II W4I .Ilvtllltl4 a4.r4.414a 444,..4 k.k,, -niri inr i.urrr nr.iPi ana llltre 4.4444 4 44,44 144, ,4 W 4, J44JT , ptntCl ntaiin It contains much information that will interest and for any advice or information wanted ; they blood, diseases. We make no charge what- Address, THE SWIff SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA. 6 A. Hardwood and SHOES UNDERTAKING lu all its branched Metallic. Walnut, Cloth Covered Caaketa and Coffins. Telephone or telegraph mesnagea at teuiled to day or uight. I Regulator J. L. JUDKINS, Wboleoale and Retail Dealer In Fiue Fancy U-UWUUWU rFRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crockery, Olaas TiD, and woollen and nil- lowwar. aiso rravi a imiw, ii. ..J Pnniir. I."n4i4l and liruve's it Taateleaa Chill Tonic. Aleiandel't I i... ..,.1 L'i.ln.v Tnnlp fur DurilTina the blood. This tonic la warranted or nioue? reAinded' J. L. JUDKINS, No. 91 Waahiiinton Ate., Weldnn, N. C daell If. Monuments AND Gravestones. WCPAY th FREICHT 1 andCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . LRGKSTTIK'e. lathe Haath J Illuetrsled Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (EsUblished 1848.) 15 to 163 Bank St., Norfolk Va at t It APPOMATTOX IRON WORKS, Manufacturertof Atftioultural Implement1. Shailingt, ItUIOwrinc Pulleya, All kindaof Machinery, and Kepaira, No.S4 0ldm., PecebaiT. Va. mo fpnrfitl tft.4l.44lv wrliiln o.tMt; ... . .: . " " stuhlwrn form of the disease may hurt, a little pimple on the eyelid, lit other causes so inaiirnifii'ant a. 1,1 Hraci hurl a littU ..tn.t.U .444 1 ...ll.l K other causes so insignificant is to attract 4- 4.. t .. - Swift's Silver Leaf Lard has received the verdict of popular approval a larger sale than any other lard in this country. It is wholesome and absolutely pure. Swift's Premium Hams and Bacon are unexcelled in quality, choice flavor and attractive ap pearance. Swift's ProJurts are made under U.S. Government Inspection. Swift and Company Chicago Si. Luuii Kan.ai City Si. Juscph Omaha Si Paul Over iso Branch Houses in the U. 8. V.T. PARKER, -DIALER IN- Heavy AND Fancy Corn,Hay & Oats All loodt cheap for cash. 3-ll green coffee for 85c. 1 have receotly addod to my business a bakery. Heat Bread and Cakes lurniabed at short notice. W. T. FAKKKK, Weldeo, N. C. am 1 It HENDERSON TELEPHONE COMPANY. omcc or JKNKKAL SUFKRINTKNDKNT, HKNUKKSllN, N. C. I be; to anuouoce ibat the follow. n towns are nnw connected liy lont lialance iihniiea, and the rale herewill uublished will be io effect on and alter Marob 15th: Knx WKLDONto Vltell, irlia, Urookston, HrinkleyTllle, iVntreville, Churolnll, I Vowells Pabni'l M4A Sroceriss ;ll. Lnuisbur);, 411 20. Mai'uu, :). Mausou, L'.'i JO Med, ': 411. Middleburi;, III 2,1. Oakville, ' '!! 15. Oilurd, 4i' ;t5. Kidneway, 2.' 15. Hingwiiod l,'i 40. Koaooke Unids, It: 10. Till.iv, 1ft 1!5. Vaunhan, 2i H5. Warren l'lains, 'J.' 10. Waneoton 25 40. Wise, 25 40. Youngnville, 45 20. V 0. TorrttsiAN, Kntield, Krankliuton, Oaaton. Uillburx, HeDderson, Halifax, Kittrell, Uurel, Littleton, (jeo. Supt. B0 YEARS' EXPERIENCI 1 RADK ItH HnKI ,V DOIONt oiik-klr tasxwiiiiii our oiMimm free licih.T to Invmiimn it i If pfiinN.Hf pntfiiiw'iw, "nirmiin. dwiitiiHt.eiitt.tl. lituiiltxiokisii rmnu llonaalrlril Hilt IT. UtIWI P"7 J'"'""! t"- 'lnti tkfn tlimtitrh Munn A lu. tooslTt tjtclai notiet, wtttumt vIihtuo, lu lb Scientific Jlntcrican. A hanibniiialr lllniamliwl ireellr. l rnt elf. taw; (oar Biontks, B4jid b all ww1lwfc 1. X ' J. im r aV Waaklaartw. B. 5. ih by the tent of tlioiiKHiitU. For io IiiitiH tlnw-ftiintbs of the iHiln.i 'ii is oitrirulturtil; in iht l uiti'tl SlHli'x nn M'Yfiith. In hiiKt pnrtiotiN of lntliii the )pulntiou in fxHl t tlif MtpiniO mil.', in Vw Yrk 1 Hull' 1 ".'-!, initl In (Hi it. HH. No 1 itiHHtivcim'tit Ih ioh- ciUli' until the Ii ir TPntH of next O tu br ami Nnvcinhpr. Tin1 rHinn havf lumc thief wt'rks Ititf, nml, with their cQitk dt-ml nml tlii'.v tlii'iiiNi'lvi'H t'lifci'liU'l by hunger, the snuill fnnntTM i-niinot pn p iTly n'fMii'e the mul. Thut ntTCHHlmicH pnur luiiV(tBt, dim) that npceKBilutcit re lief, not only until those inferior httrvesta P1STRIBUTJNG MtM are gathered, tiut olsn. doubles, even afterward. Clothing and shelter are needed, und tens of thousands of orphaued and deserted ehililren uiuat he rnred for. 't he great civic und national agency of famine relief Is the New York Oiimiittee of One Hundred. William E. P"di;e, ehaiimr.u, mid Uionn Bins. & On., Wall street, New York, treiixureis. This coiiiniiltee, with which nimilar committees thrniighout the foeuliy eo-oponite, has -.eeelved over $IKMHIII. t'lmtiilnilioii-i are enl.led weekly, without expense, to the Ainerieoliidian Famine Relief t'l.iiuuiUi e nt Hninliay, I'niieil Stales f.nisul Wiilliiin T. Fee. ehaiininn, und the veteran mis sionary administrator, lt.ilieit .. Ilmu". exceutive secretary. The .New York committee will send Illustrated literature, with out charge, to all who will cooperale in its work. ('orr.-apndece should be addressed to l T. f hinlierll, 73 Bible Honae. Siew lork. This paper gladly opens its columns for the receipt nml uekuuwledginent of gifts to he fnrwanleil either to the New York committee or to some co-operatiue roniii.itteo. I'lmn 2 to cents a day will save a life. Six cents a day w ill give food and clothing and shelter. In such a work all can have a share. SOME BACKWOODS PHILOSOPHY. Pe worl' is diict God made it; but ion is all lime Irjiu' ter chop it inter mincemeat. Some folks dat all time growlin' 'bout hot weather won't have a stick er wood ter make fire w'en de winier oome. Kel.c.ioD U in de heart; but the heart is so often so high abure de pocketbook dat de two cau't mako acquainlance. I all time heah peoples talLin' 'science; but de bes' science atter all ia dat which teach a man bo to be good en keep at it. The telephone damsel Remarks, io a low tone, That a ring on the finger's Worth two on the 'phone. Ostead "Is the world round, mam ma?" Mamma "Certainly, my son." Ostend "Then how can theie be ao end to it " The women have always got a lot of uuiiner stories about women who were sunstruck while cooking in the kitchen. De worl' is so olost ter heaven dat de angels kin lean futn de wiadcra en pull de roses. DR.PIERCES I FAVORITE I PRESCRIPTION 1 IVEAKWOMENlS m STRONG m i&ICKWOMErti$ THE GREAT FAMINE, N INDIA there are, Hpeitliinc jirtii-nilly. hut two miny seasonM the one in early sunimer and tht other in the atiimnn. In tin prcsciit ciisc tin-re was maree any rain in the hiihiiiht of lSiHt; vir tmiliy nunc in t'ie niitinnn. 'l'he tfinpcratiire also imift he cousiili'i-id. The nv crane teiuperatur of the more den-iely populuteil portions of the funriic tlistrit t is hardly U-sh than 80 degrees, as I'ontnisteil with New York stato, with Its leH than 50 degrees; i'jitreme botith of Floriihi with its 72 derive. Wheu the rains moisture from the tuiiih-hH ground. Vt'idtiie disuppearn; VICTIMS or FAMINE THE STATE'S INDUSTRIES. A Wonderful (.runlh Along Mnnv l.lnaa In Tnenljr tears. TIlO IlllllUlfllctllllUg IllllUStlU'S of North t'liiollnn until Ihmii were limited, hut since that time the spindles u ml looms for the iniiiiiifiifttire of cottou mid Wendell fnlii'lea have hceii largely Increased, tobacco fiictoilea have been cslnbllslicil nml etihirgcd nml the cul ture of Milk wnriiia bus (iciiisluiii'd the estiilillslu t of n allkimikliig lu- dually. lu I.S1H1 the nunilier of cotton mills In the suite was HIT, looms '.'."i.lHIO and splnillea approximately 1,000.000. Over l.Mxro iersini8 were employed lu these mills, and the capital Invested was over $15,issi,ooo. There was a note worthy advance during 1SH0 In cot ton manufacturing. New pliiuta put Into iipi'i'iitliin numbered 2S and new spindles 'JoO.H'kS, with no estimated capitalization of $S,lrOU,IMt0. The tobacco Industry has greatly prospered In recent yearn. Imrlng the ttsciil year ending June 30. 1SIK, there were 1BI maiiiifactiircra of tobacco, '6H of cigars, mid the combined output lu the calendar year 1SH8 has 8.4HJ,14S clgam. '.'O.to.siMl pounds of plug to- lincco. 12.04-1 pounds of line cut. 870 pounds of smoklug 11 lid 4M,5.'i2 pounds of snulf. l'he tobucco fuctorloa lu 18HS gave employincnt to 10,000 men. U.T00 women and 5,000 children. The Increnw III the IiiiiiIht product of ISM over that of 1.SHS win estimat ed at 30 per cent. Klghteeu new lum ber companies were organized hut yeur, with a total capital or .kb.ooo. Nine furniture factories, with a total capital of $100,000. were also added, lu 18'J7 the output of 323 lumber mills aggregated $l,,ViS.2S0 for the year. The fisheries of North Carolina are ail ImiKirtiint ministry. 111 iw) tue iiiiiiiIkt of men regularly employed In value of the produeta la nearly wpially divided between sea and river prod- uctM. The shad and herring tlsheiiea , re the most lmHiiinnt of any state, and the greater portion of the catch la made lu aud about the Aioeiuaiie souud. Oyster are abuudant, the area of the public giwinils exceeding 30,000 acres and the natural bods nearly r.000 acre. Legislative protection baa been thrown around the oyster and fishery Interests, and the law are rig idly enforced. The Tan American Exposition nt Buffalo next year will offer to tho peo ple of this suite an opportunity for show ing their resources that will prove of greater value than any exposition has ever before presented. The tale I now better than ever prepared to make a great showing, and the won derful resources of the tnte can foe presented to millions of people who are near to us and more likely to be come one of us If roiorly Impressed with the advantages wc offer, who could not have liecu reached through anv other exposition. "What strong face that Mr. Minims ley has." "Yes. He used to be the itroog jawed man in circus." Wash ington Star. Kf you didn't tell some people dat de street ef heaven wut paved wid gold you wouldn't ketch 'em in ten miles ef it. y v. wtv i Virginia, with its T8 dt'Krees, and the full in India, the mtrong sun takes ull cattle die; the faniished people yer- FAI L TIME IN BILLYILLF.. We take cows, cutton and corn od suliseriptioo ami general principles. Very little politics this week. Only one office ran u au down and collared 111 in. ' The poor we have always with us " (ThtTe arc thirteen of 'em in our fanit- With the first cool ware seven of our relations came in to spend Christmas with us. We believe the world is growing bet ter. We collected two dollars and a quarter yesterday. The warm weather has moderated. All we need dow is wood, groceries and peace in the family. Have you 1 sense of lullncss in the re. giun il your stomach after eating? If bo you will be benefited by using Chsm- bcrlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They also cure belching sod sour stomach, They regulate the bowels too. Price, .'5 cents Sold by W, M. Coheo's Drug gist, SENT IP. "I know," said llie colored veteran, "dat Marse Hill would git in trouble ef he kep' on io de way he wuz gwine I tol' 'im so ii many timet ei I got fingers en Iocs; en now look at 'im ! l)ey bell t J big uieeiin' t'er night en called on 'im tit givs 'count er hisse'f en de upshot er ' " " d'J '' t r de lagis'atur , f,r City days bless God ! When you want a pleasant physic try 1 1.., ii, wh',lj, Chaiub.Tlaiti's Stomach and Liver 1 able'. I hey are easy to take aid pleasant in effect, Price, 25 cenis. S.iiuplcs fine at W. M. Cohen rug store. MONOTONY 01- LOVE. Mrs. Younglove Oh, dear! Such is life I Before we got married George was lagging around after me ill the time. I oouidu't get away from him for a min ute, 1 bat was three months ago. Her Dearest Iriend Poor child What has the wietch done? "He said last night that he thought we'd move next spring to some place where he can have den so aa to get by himself once ia while." CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablet. All dtuggist refund money if its fail to cure. !25o. The genuine has L. K. on each tablet. Fur sale by W. M. Cohen Druggist, Weldon, M. U. PARIS TO IJUFFALO. PROMINENT CITIZENS INDORSE PRO POSAL TO CHANGE STATE EXHIBIT. UeRrlf Aasurancea of Aid la the Frojrrt lu II ii v.. the Old torlk slate Well Itepreaenled at th l'aa Aaierlean Caoonltliiu Neat Vear4 The Hon. V. K. Torter of Hay Mead ow, who Is out- of the two vice presi dents represent lug North Carollua ou the board of olllccrs of the l'nu Amer ican KipoHltlnu ut lliiflulu, has writ ten to a uuiiibcr of prominent cltlnens asking for their vo-uperutlou. He la receiving hciirly aasurniuvs from all quarters, and the opinion seems to be general that the Mate cannot afford to go unrepresented. It Is believed, too, that while making a showing It should not be a meager rcpri-xeutntioii, hut the best that the statu can present. Mr. John ('. Iirewry, whoso name Is familiar throughout this Mute, writes from Hlchmond us follows: Mr, V. 1'. 1'orter, 22 Dart Street, Buf- fulo, N. Y.: .My Hear Sir-Your favor of the 20th Inst, concerning the North Carolina ex hibit at tiie l'u 11-American Exposition Is received. 1 feel as you do that North Caioliua cannot afford not to be creditably rcprcKciitcd on this occasion. I am told that Nin th Carollua has the second best exhibit of any Ntate In the Union nt the l'arls Exposition. We all know what a magiiltk'cnt exhibit North Carolina had at the World's Fair and at other expositions held in the United States, and we cannot afford to lag or show luck of interest ut this stage of our progress. 1 lielleve as you do that the Buffalo Exposition will lie one of the lliiest opportunities ever pre eeiiled to our state to muku a magultl cent display of Its resources. I shall take pleasure 111 aiding you as far as I cau to bring ubout a satisfactory solu tion of the subject matter contained In your letter. With best wishes, yotirs truly, John C. Dhewiiy. The Hon. J. C. Piitchnrd writes the following letter: .Mr. W. Toiler, IiulTnlo, N. Y.: Hear Klr-Itoplylng to your letter of recent date relative to the transfer of the exhibit from North Carollua at Tarts to HufTulo for exhibition there, 1 beg to say that It you will write me immediately after the legislature meets, lu January next, 1 will take great pleasure lu bringing the matter up and tryiug to Bectire the necessary appropriation. With best wishes 1 am, yours very truly, J. C. Tiiitcuaud. Marshall. S. C July 20. The Hon. C. A. lloytiolds write: Mr. W. I1'. Torter, Uuffalo, N. V. : Hear Sir In unswer to your letter asking my help lu getting an appro priation for the removal of our statu exhibit from Talis to ItulTnlo, I cau as sure you that I will be glad to do what I ciin, but nothing can be done oilkially until next January. Yours truly, C. A. Uev.nolds, Winston, N. C., July 30. Mr. J. C. Ray sends the following re ply to Mr. Torter' letter: Hon. W. F. Torter, ice President from North Carollua, Buffalo, N. Y. Hear Slr-Yours 20th lust, at hand, and lu reply will suy that I heartily agree with you In regard to our dls- lays and certainly think our board agriculture! und the state should be lllliig to contribute the necessary ex- lenses incurreil rrolii niiimio io Uuleigh, N. C, home, and, wheu our board meets, In October next, to Lave resolution modified In regard to the triinsnortatloii and Installation, etc., of ur displays. Will do ull 1 cau for you In work lug for the best udvuntage of our state, etc. Let me bear from you ut any and ull times. Itoapcctfully, J. O. Kay. ltoono. N. C. July 2S. President I.. I., llobbs of tiuilford College, writes us follows: Mr. W. K. Torter: Dear Sir--Your letter concerning au xhlbit of our state at the Tan-Aiiicr lean Exposition In TJOl has been el veil, und I write to say that I snail bo phased to use any Iiimiciicc I nuiy have to bring uboi.t the end you uavc set forth lu your letter. Yours truly. I.. I., lloiius. Ciullford College, N. C., Aug. 11. Mr. Charles Tearson of Raleigh w rites s follows: V. V. Torter, Esi.. Vice President from North Carolina. Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir- Replying to yours of Aug 3. it will give tue great pleasure to i-otii dy with your reipiest, and to do any IiIiil' lu in v power to have our state iroperly represented at the Tan Amor au Exposition, as 1 feel sure that good exhibit there will do us more good than ut any other cxihisIIIoii uow conlcinplnliou. I presume that the mutter will taken up nt the next meeting of the board of agriculture, and I shall do a that I cau to get lliclll to modify the resolution lu regard to the exhibit. The matter will be brought to the a tentlon of our Italelgh Chaiulier Commerce at Us regular luoiithly nice lug to tie held tomorrow night, and feel sure that a committee will be ap pointed to take the matter up actively, Hoping that I may foe able to tie oi some service to you In this matter, and that you will call upon me it any time when I can aid you, I have the honor to be, very truly yours, Chas. Te ARSON, Italelgh, Aug. 13. The large Service building at the Tan-Anierlean Exposition was coin pleted In 32 working days and was the first building erected on the ground. It Is the present home of large corps f officers and employee having Im mediate charge of the constructive work of the Exposition. NIGHT SWEATS, loss of appetite, weak and impoverished blood, colds, la gtipne and general weakness are frequent results oi malaria. ROBERTS' TASTE LESS CHILL TONIC eliminate the malaria, purifies your blood, restore your ippetite and tooes up your liver. 25o pet bottle. Insist oa having ROB ERTS'. No other " good." J. N. Brown, Halifax. ; Jackson Drug Co., Jackson. MIl.rORTEITS APPEAL VICE PRESIDENT FOR THE STATE AD DRESSES THE PEOPLE. He Sunneala a 1-lan n Mecare For Nona Carolina an Admnale Repre si'iiliillou al the Tan-America Ex position. The following Is the address of the on. W. K Toiler to the people of North Carolina: Having been appointed a vice presi- etil for the slate of North Carolina to the Tun American Exposition to be Id nt Buffalo from May 1 to Nov. 1, .101, I take the liberty of adilrcHsltig yuu as my fellow cltlr.eus aud present- lug to you some facts which I conceive to be of vast Importance to auy good citizen of our beluved state. I desire tu cull your attention to the fnct that this Exposition will naturally lug together a vast crowd of people loin different portions of the world. uastnuch us our state legislature has not bad the opportunity thus fur to make the necessary appropriation for display of our products at this Ex position, and unfortunately for us the gular session of our legislature doe not meet until .January. 11)01, we are a if u I that It cannot make a suitable pproprliitloii lu time to erect a state building so that we might be enabled to make a proper and creditable exhibit for our stute. A first class exhibit can be made by her people If the proper effort are put forth. It Is proposed that we transfer the North Carolina exhibit at Tarts to Buffalo, which will probably be done, but that exhibit will not be sufficient. We want to bring before the people of the north and all the western heml- phere an exhibit that will speak vol umes for our state. A suitable display of the products and resources of North arollna no doubt will be a revelation to the people and will be of great ben efit to the Old North State. There are millions of people without any knowledge or our product ana the advantages that we possess. It Is not generally known that the tobacco of North Carolina took the first pre mium at the World's Fair nt Vienna, but such Is the case. It Is not general ly known that the minerals of North Carollua are the finest In the world. We have minerals and precious stones In our state that are not found In any other country on the globe. We have an untold wealth In mica mines, and we lielleve we can furnish sufficient mica for the markets of the world for years to come. Our millions of acres of nearly all kinds of timber are virtually In the virgin forests and untouched. The texture of our cotton can compete with the production of any other south ern state. Our corn, wheat, rye and other pro ductions nre as fine and of as good quality as any In the United States. We desire a good class of Immigra tion, and It Is the duty of every good citizen of our state to use every effort in his power to tiring about a plan to encourage such Immigration, that our slate may be developed aud Improved to such an extent that she may stand at the head of the column of the south ern states. To bring about the results thus set forth. It will lie necessary for the peo ple themselves to take bold of the matter. Instead of waiting to see what the legislature may do for the state 1, ns your vice president and rep resentative, have appealed to the good people of our state to come to the res cue. I propose In the first place that the citizens of each county In the state call meeting of her iieople at the county oat or some other accessible polut and organize Tan-American clubs aud take Bubscrlptlons. We lielleve at least :0,000 or $2.,000 could be. raised In this way. We could then erect a build ing for our state and could have stitU clent means to make a creditable dis play of the products and Industrie of the state, which would no doubt be the means of bringing millions of capi tal Into our commonwealth. It Is believed that the state legisla ture would tgke a broad view of till effort to promote the public welfare and without delay reimburse those who subscribe to this fund. W. F. POBTER. Hay Meadow, N. C. KOH OVER FIFTY YEARS j Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by million ot mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothe the child, softens the gums, allay all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggist in every part ot the world. 23 oeota bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mr. Wins low' Soothing Syrup," and take no oth-' er kind. The more a woman look ia mirror the less she sees herself. i w.lllaglll-lllHllaff NERVOUSNESS, Id American Disease. Dr. S.Wei. Mitchell ii au thority (or the statement that nerr. ouines la the characteristic mal ady of the American nation, and statistic ihow that nerve death number one fourth of all death recorded, the mortality being main ly among young people. Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTXB. ii the grand iptcific for this great American disease, because it got P straight to the tourc of the weak- neit, building up oeaitn ana strength by supplying rich, abund ant food and Dure blood to th worn-out tissue, rousing the liver to activity and regulating all the organ ot tne ooay. ' Tk IMtria BVaf Os., BatraH, aUtk. b-MttttBT-siUa. a$c FOR BALI BY W. M. COHEN, WIUXMt.M.C. . 1 WeWeavM. 0.

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