era 1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE JOHN" "W. SLEIDGKE, riiontiKTou. vol, XXXV. A. NEWSPAPER FOE, THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1900. TERMS NO. 24. ill HI lisrh it m Dicers That old wire or ulcer, which has been a source of pain, worry and anxiety to you for five or ten years maybe longer doesn't heal because you are not'iisiu the proper treat ment, "re trying to cure it with salves ami washes. While these are soothing an.l relieve pain I" some extent, no real, permanent can come from their use, tiecause the disease is in the Hlooii and lar IkvoiiiI the reach of external applications. A sore neais promptly when the blood is in k1 condition, but never if it is diseased. The tendency of these old wires ami ulcers is to ojirw worse, spiralling ami eating deeper into tin flesh. DRAIN THE SYSTEM, ENDANGER LIFE. ft mm T ... PREDICTIONS FOR 1901. ANOTHER PROPHET TO THE FRONT. "OLD II OOKB," WHO USUALLY "HITS IT," THINKS THF.Rt ARB lIuINd TO HE LIVKLY TIMES. FILIPINO DWARFS. SOME CURIOUS OWAMt'S IN THE PHILIP PINE ISLANDS. A tiersoii's eapacilv for work or 1 n. r, h. makes a rapid and I Hey are a constant main upon the system, gradually but surely ruin the health and sap the very life. in the Krcat ilesire and m arch for soitiethiiii; loci ones, netHiisc no outer caii reacn ueeti-seaieu moon irmiitics. wnunarv Nirsatiartllu anil 111 'leasure is soon lost ii iierinaiient cure of old sons anil ulcers, anil is the only medicine that ilrrti-sratril blood troubles. Ordinarv Sarsanarilln ami not ash miitures are tm weak and watery to overcome a deadly poison that has taken possession of the blood. Do not waste valuable time experimenting with them. A fliiuluat . """""' 1 " li"l In Ihr Ml Ira, rrtt'vlni what I coiiililrrnl only alight wound. It ,lr,rl..K.I nil,,. tiiiiiiniK sure ami amr nif I limit ill .1 of twin. 1 wit. trtatril tv lil.iiy OiK-tor. sii.t Wound. l.tiW n ii 11 oil ,e r nf I'll k m I rrni,lir. (nil none iti'l me h ii bik1 I hail hrnnl .4. 8 a Willy rmniiieiidrl tnl i-oii. truulile. a:ut lnrrcil I In- imiImiii t have peril i-l iie o lh- leg. which wa. .wullttl ami va iv alifl lot a lima lime. S. S. S. S a H .ri-niril In tfrl ritrlil al lh . ,. ,i, , .lien, inr m, .iL-aicu uii uun wa cineq .iHIIK ailil Wtrll, J II. MellKAVI-.a, lwlrnutliurg, Ry,1 i tit n..l .,rlu ....., 1.1 1 If..., k .... . is made of root and ileitis of wonderful puiifyiug pro)crties, which no poin call resist. S. S. S. nuicklv mid cllectuallv clears the blood of all morbid, unhealthy humors, and the old, tmuhlciue sore heals. At the s.ime time the general health is invigorated and built tip. When a little scratch or hint fails t .1 heal readily, you may be sure your blood is bad. S. S. S. will soon put it in order ami keep it so. Our Medical Department is in charge of experienced physicians, who have made blood diseases a lite study. It you will write tliem about your case, they will gladly , furnish all information or advice wanted, without any charge whatever. ' Address SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, 6A. ESTABLISHED 1870. FRANK T. CLA H K CO., ij. (Successors lo ('nuke, Clark k Co.) Sash, Doors anl Blinds. Mouluine.ii, Stair Work, Porch Trimmings, Hardwood and Slate Mantels, Tiling and Grates. te.Fine liuildir's Hardware PAINTS OIL & GLASS. And Huildin" M uteri it ol Kvery Oeseripiion. l!8 CiiuilDToial IMjcc and 19 Hnanoko Avenue, NORFOLK, VA. Jyiy P. N. Stainback, WELDON. N. C. I) al1 r in QeL - - m m ,lEFlCljJFDISE OF Al l' KIM H. ZEICLER & BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. SHOES IIKIII AUT CI.OTIIIMi Swift's Silver Leaf Lard Lard is used, in one way or another, in the prepara tion of nearly every meal. Its effect on your food is noticeable, and it should always he of the best quality procurable. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard has attained its great popu larity because the quality never varies. It is the stand ard lard of America. Ask your grocer fur Swift's Silver Leaf. You will find it thoroughly satisfactory. Swift and Company Chi. ano St. l.uilil KaiiMU Lily Si J,ieili I Imaha Si. Haul Over 150 Branch Houaei in the U. S. (ejr.-iiile Ag-nt in Weldon for STUOCSK MiOTIIKI'S (Formerly sold here by M. F. Hart.) A I'll guaranteed. UNDERTAKING ta blanches. Metallic, walnut, 'overed Caskets and Collins. I'elnihoiie or telegraph intswiges at tended to day or night. n A vvrt -it-nil in 001! The Public Schools arenow open ing over the State, and will need supplies. These school books and supplies can be had at a discount to teachers and dealers. We sell all kinds of books. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., nc.u,. RALEIGH.K.C. W, T. PARKER, -DEALER IN- Groceries The Celebrated Golden Crown Pure Rye and Forest Miller WHISKIES. Distilled Expressly For Heavy AMD Fancy Corn,Hay & Oats All koikIh cheap for cash 3db green collee lor 2nc. I have recently added to inv husineas a bakery. Best Bread ami Cakea furnished at short notice. W. T. 1'AKKER. Wel.lon. N. C. snir 1 1 HENDERSON TELEPHONE COMPANY. (iKKICR or liKNKKAIi SUI'KULNTKNDKNT, lIBNUtllSON, N. C. I bc to atiutiuuce lliut tliu ful iiii! towns aie Dew cuniieelcd by louu distance hniies, una llie published w New York Herald. In bis Lnniluo aluiuuac for 1 0(10 Old Mnotc" predicted more tbuo ouo grunt war. the annas! uai 1011 ol a uiuuaruli and a terrible fiuuitio in India, and, as al these predictions proved Irtif, many per sons, not only in Kuropc, but also in ibis country, have beon for some time ourious to Itnuw what kind of predictions be would make in hit almanac tor 1'JUl Their curiosity can now be satitfied, for his almanac for tho coming year has just appeared. Here are the principal predictions to it: In Jauuary there will be a formidable agitation in l'rance auu a severe atiacii will be made upon the republic. In Februaiy and March must notab'e events will take Dlace in the extreme East, India will threaten to rise up agaiust the British domination, Though there will be trouble in va rious quarters during iho entire year, April wiil be a comparatively quiet onth. In May Inland will follow the exam pie of India and will rebel against Gng and. In June the Anarchists wi'l again oouie to the front and will give the world much lo talk about. During the same uioDth the young KiDg of Spain will be in danger from his political enemies, and he is cautioned to guard agaiust them. July will be a month of catastrophes, the whole world being threatened at this time with misfortunes of various kiuds. Those who are plauuinj to take a jour ney during this mouth vill do well to re main at home. August will be comparatively quiet. During Septen-bcr India will again suffer tirribly from famine. During October the Dervishes will start an agitation, which may attain formida ble uroponions. Iu November the kingdom ot Holland wi.l attract attention by its dangeroui and novel diplomatic policy, aud the stattsmen iu lie varicus Foreign Offices will have to exercise all their skill if they ould avoid a conflict. In December there v.ill be insurrec tions, revolts and strikes in various quar ters of the globe. As a rule they nay not be of great importance, yet they will occur at ibis time, and they will be the suiting features of the month. As will be seen, "Old Moore s pi dictions for 11)1)1 are startling, to saj the least. His statement in regaid to Holland is especially curious, and many persons are puzzllug their brains to dis cover how this little kingdom can . evet inarm"-: to attract attention by a "danger mm and novel diolomatic policy" which will cause European statesmeg to lii avruke at nittht. 'resident McKinley recently received ruin Professor Dean C. Worcester, of he l'hillippine Commission, a very inter esting account ui the curious black uwarls of llie I'killippines. There ate about i.'i.MIMI of these pigmies, lie says, and hey are kuowu as Nogritos. They are to be found of pure race in the provinces of Ilataan, 1. 111 in and also in Northeast Mindanao, Sjdjo of these have been gathered into settlements by missiona ries, who are trying to civilian them, bile others, mostly half breeds, live near Christian towns, where they do a little work from time to time, for which they receive payment in the. form of trinkets or cloth. Sometimes a Christian family will buy a dwarf child and rear it for a servant, but usually it escapes to the for est ai soon as it is big enough. These dwarfs are remaikab'y like monkeys. According to Di. Becker, the average stature of the men is four feel eight inches, and tho women are three or four inches shorter. Their chests are nol well developed, and they have no calves to their legs. Each big toe is widely A SHARP TRICK. I'.xhansting. A DEAL IN WHISKEY. THE 1R0'IT8 WERE NOT SO LA ROE THE BUYERS EXPECTED. There is tricks in the whiskey busi ness as well aB in others, said the arum uier for a large compounding house, "and I remember once how the fitm I was with got stuck. One day a man drove up in a one horse wnuou carrying ouo barrel ol whiskey, which he wanted to sell. He told us some kind of a story about an old uncle dying and leaving it to him; but, as he could nit afford to use as good liquor as it was, hchad coocluded to sell it. "We took the barrel into the house, and, prying out the bung, we slipped in the siphon and drew of a glass of it to sample. And it was fine. The barrol showed age, and the liquor tasted it. It was worlh $10 a gallou if it was worth a cent, but we didn't give the man any such pointers. We knew by the weight that there were at least 40 gallons ot it, aud we uude him an ofl'-r of $150 for the bairel. tie higgled awhile, but took the money at last and drove away. In the course of a couple of weeks we concluded to put that whiskey id bottles and sell it as case goods, so we set separated Irom the others, and three ,e 8jphon at work at the bung and be- outer loes of each foot are turned inward, ga0 to draw it off. After the fourth as in some monkeys. Their fert art bottle had been drawn the siphon refused large and clumsy, and their hair, iuslcad 1 10 wori() tu( we examined it to find what of growing all over tho head, is distribu- w8 wrong. We could not get at it that ted over the scalp in rfgularly scattered way, and, as the oontcnts seemed to be clumps. Their heads aro apparently loo all right, we set the barrel on end and large for their bodies, and the mop of bored another hole iu it. Then the wool which they wear aocenluates this I siphon worked, but the liquor was much ffect. 80 monkey like are they that per) aDJ one 0f the men tasted it. By they counterfeit apes in a startling man-1 George, it wasn't whiskey at all! It was ner, their jawa pr-jocling far beyond ouy water, colored somewhat from the their noses and their faces deeply charred iuside of the barrel 1 wrinkled, like monkeys. "Thai scared us, and wo smashed the m, , . 1 ... I ce men wear no doming exoept a head in lo see what was inside, and wo cord drawn around the waist, from which 8aw ; minute. The wily cuss h hangs a small pieoe of cloth, whereas the fie(j a with fine old whiskey to tho women wear an apron made from the hung where be made the examination bark of a tree. hefom nurchasin!?. and when that hi Marriage among the Negritos is in- 0een emptied the whole story had been dissoluble, and only one wife is all. wed. t0;j n bad probably paid $8 for the Matrimonial customs vary among them gallon to fill the can, aud we sold it foi but usujlly (he ceremony of marriage is 30 50 a bottle, but we dido't gel a blamed "Have you read my new book?" asked the author of his friend. "No," was tho reply; "I have been quite ill, and the doctor has warned nc to be careful. You ought lo be ashamed to swear so dreadfully at the caddy. Ho is the minister 'b little boy. It's all right. His futhc.r believe' in infant damnation." rate herewith be in effect ou and alter March l.nh: prom WKI.DONto W. .17. KM, MELDOlhll. C. J'&E.Mahoney;m fS- -'S' PORTSMOUTH. VA, J. A .l'iitshurg Pure Hye Only ir. M 52.00 Gallon: Arlington and Lake Driimuiond. Di fcX 17- tillery at Alexandria, Va. SV $t W- W. A. Is Solu Agent at Weldon, N C .(ff- orl 11 :tm Axt.ll, Auliii. lro.'ksion, Hrinkhyviile, Centreville, Churchill, Crowclls Pahney Enfield, Kranklinton, llastou, Oillhurg, Henderson, Halifax, Kitt r. II, Laurel, Littl-'ton, IP&Sfleplatof 1 m The Best Liver Medicine. Largest Package on the Market. Ob ParkkR Prix Sf. Flv for 11.00. Davld Rowtlla, Deruitoa. Pa., aj"' "Wor annis IW I m annoyed with elm- bile Douy, and a IveniDg 01 iicansw ana gvacnu .wi" " A friend raeonuiMiideA Kamon'i Tonic Regulator Two pnrlajrM cured plet on the bod wort, ntlrelj. ;0. Ijiiiiisbnrg, 4n Ju. Macon, .'1 III). .Malison, '.'.') ;il Med c, 2t' -III. Middlehutu', Ii" Oak vide, 25 15. Oilord, ' 411 ;ii Kulieway, 'Hi 15, Itiiigwiind 15 411. Koauoke Knpiiis. 10 Id. Tilli-ty, 15 :ir. Vaiighan, 25 ilfi V arreu I'lains, 2.'. Ill Waneiiloli 25 411. Wise, 25 40. Youngsville, 45 20. V C. TOEPI.EMAN, " I have been thinking of writing to tou for aome time," write Mr. W. D. Benson, nf Mai ton. Robeson Co., N. C "to let you know what a wonderful thing Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery did for tny little boy. He wa taken with indimtion when he wa a year and a half old, and he wa under the doctor's treatment for tve long year. W nent all we made for doctor' bill, and it did no stood. H could not eat anvthinn- onlv a little milk and cracker, and sometime even thi would make him ick, and he got very weak; could not ait up all duy, and I gave up all hope of hi ever getting any better. Looking over one of vour booka I noticed lit. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery rec ommended for indigestion. We bought some and gave to our boy. Two bottlea of Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Dicov- ry curaa mm. nt wn " and can eat anything that he want and It dou not hurt mm. n naa not unii aick a day ainca, and It ha bara time vm. iiie he took vour madldiM. I pray that God will alwaya ble you and your tnaaicine.- unlike auvtliini! ot the kind to be seen auywhere iu the world, It takes tl form of a test of marksmanship, tbi young woman herself beiug ihe target. She lands about fifiy yards I'r. ui her lover, holding under her arm a mass ol palm leaves He fires a blunt arrow, aud if it passes through the leaves without strikini! (he eirl the two are married. II he lails the union is forbidden, but the Negritos ale very expert with the bow such a thing rarely happens. The Negritos are very independent, ind neither the Spaniards nor the Malays have ever hem able to subdue them. 01 a gentle nature, Ihey never kill a human wautnnly, but they regard with suspicion the Christianixed native, who often mal treat lliiui. If attacked, they defend thttuselves vigorously, aud in retaliation will rob and destroy the fields of theit e n inn s or even assail their viIIuim at nigln. To their children they give tli uaim s ui biids, plants or insects. The) cannot count above ten, and, while able to distiuuuish colors, have do wotds for thcui. It's plague bieaksout, such as cholera or smallpox, they are apt to desert the sick. BE A GOOD B.0Y. Ol The Links. Tyranny is always weakness, Tho end of a maiden's prayer A-man, The less a girl blushes the more l'e tans, Patience is sweet. bitter, but its fruit i" The biggest man on earth began n a small way. life A well-bred man and complaisant. is always aocial ble Tears are the brine in which miser; is sometimes cured. Persons who are locked in slumber are contented prisoners. Lots of men you never would suspeo' are not only married, but in love. Look within. Within is the fountaio of good; and it will ever bubble up, f thou wilt dig. V.'h re there is the most love of God there will be there the truest and most enlarged philanthropy. It is a funny thing, but there is some thing about being too fat that makes man more apt to tell the truth and treat his wife well. The morose man takes both narrow and selfish views of life and the world he is either envious of happineBS of otbeis or denies its existence. cent for the 3!) eallons. more or less, of water that filled the rest of the barrel." Washington Star, BROTHER DICKEY'S SINTUY SAYINGS, Hit don't make no diffunce ter me said Ilrolhel Dickev. "ef de whale BWa lered Jonah, or Jonah swallcredde whali W en I see Satan wid his mouth wide open, de leadiu' question wid me is, who gwiue swaller Dickey? Dat's what. En hit ilou't cut no fi.'ger wid uie w'ether 'L'jah gone ter glory in a cherryoot ir lire, or hit de fire alter ho pot dar. Still de question come: How is Dickey gwine ter git dar? Dat's du p'int ! Datsde questioi dut couie up lak a ol' grocery bill, en ax (er settlement, l'.ver man is 'sponsible fer bis own soul do' some men soul is so small dey 'sponsihility is mighty littli I You wuz b'uu by yo'se'f ouless jou wux twius en you urns' die by yo se'f. onless de doctor taste de medicine fust. Miu' what I tellin' you D.y ain't no way outen it. Hit's des tl plain (I a bald head in ly time. W'en you git up yander dey ain't gwiue ax you, 'Whar, yo' wile, en whar' yo' muddor in law?' Kuze why? Dey well knows you come ter res . 'aides dat, yo muuacr in law mos' inginrully gocsde yuther way. No, My daily occupation leads ne early from 9U, All you got ter do is ter answer my home. I fer yu'se'f; en ef you pulls thoo' alter do But there are fi lating rioglels I see heavenlv cross-nuestionin'.vou ain't cwine where'er 1 roaui; 1 1 , Cut p kaze you ain't got no front A childish voice is speaking that my I .,,. p-f ou kin dos snuecxi in vou'll Setting out on thy soul's pilgrimage, unite to thyself what hearts thou canst Know well that a hundred holy temp'1 of Mecca have not the value of a heart 5fKS GOOD HEALTH by the Quart. I very bottle yon lake of Johnston 'a Barsaparllla ne """ health, and every bottle contains fUu quart, it make better blood-purer blood. For thirty year tola famous rsmtdy bai been ereatlng and main talnlnj good bealtn. Johnston's Sarsaparilla builds up U system, tonea tha nerves, and iwenglbens the musclea more promptly and effectually than ny other rfmtdv known. Tba pallor ol tba lieek dlsaonr.. energy taken th plane of laiiKuor, ud the rich color ol health flowa to llie checks. Uueauallsd for all dlsordra or tba tomaeh and liver, and for all weakening com- lalnta ot men, women and cnuaren. rriw,t.OHrhll4UftWu,.. MICHIQAN ORUa CO.. Detroit, filch. KOR 8ALK BY W. M. COHEN, WELDON, N. C. If &c I1ERVITA PILLS Reilort Vitality, Lost Vltar aol Manhooi Cure Impotency, Night Gmlsilnni. Los of Mea orr, an aiteaief, all efieots of Hlf-abuM or j9 m A nnrva ton In n it n- .Jlblood builder. Briuis the pink glow to pals cheeks and restores the ( rn or youth. Hv m. SiOo HUT tun. A hn.A. fnr (3. 50, with our bankabl gnurantaa to oar or refund tha money paid, tud for circular and oopr ol our bankable guarantee bond. NetvitaTaliletss TEL LOW LABEL) WaWlliW "" Varicocele. UoduTeloped or Shrunken Onrf Paresii, Locomotor Alalia, Nerroni Pf01.?! IT 60 PltLS 50 r.TS. tion, Hysteria, Fits, Iiitanitr. Paralysii aid tha Results or rixeesiiTe uhwii Tonacco, cpi'" Liquor. By mail in nllin parkage. (Jen, Supt. vfrkM BO YEARS' 1 1 n JIM IRMDI MAIMS Designs Copyrights Ac ArTTntwii(nilltig R (tltolrh nrt tscrli.tlmi mT qnli'klf MsctTliiin our ni'intini frtiM wliollipr rii itivontl(!i I- pnilmbljr piifiiittMu. i nHimiinirn. tlniifiMrtrflyftitiiltlenllitl !liiiii1litfik on I'ntfitU flit fri'tj. tMilf-ti iijitiii.'y for Mpitiriiirf putt'iiirt. 1'ntnnti tttki-ii tlirotiitli Munii A Co. ruoelT tpreuu AtWiC. wniiiun viinru'!, 111 iub Scientific flnicrican rtllnntnilH weHtlT. i.nraTMt rtr ny tH'ietitltlo 4Hiri)Bt. Ttjiiiti, S3 a ontli. L IkiM bf all newanl"ler. ft Co.j-r New rork M wm w mm w iii. u. v NEW GOODS... 00000 24 yards Elastic, 5c ; 24 needles, 1c , 24 sheet writing, paper, 2c., 2U Dress Kuttons 5c., Yard wide percale 6c . Fluid dress goods. 3ic, Floor roattiug 10, 12, 1 Carpeting, 12) to 47JC, Fanners heavy shoes, 88c, Ladies' shoes, 70c to $1.00, Itugs 25c to $1.75, 3 yard lace curtains 117) eenta. Curtain poles aud nxturea, lc, cur tain scrim, 4c, calicoes, 4e, Men's coat and vesta Hoc, nieu'e pants, oc, boy's pants 15 to 30c., Boy's suits 45 to 95c, Mattress ticking, 5 to 7c, Men's winter underwear, 20c, pluah capes, $1 tof 1.50. 1 am re ceiving some good bargains in winter goods EC. O. SPIERS. Weldoo,N. a heart wiih joy, bear her now so plaiuly: "l'apn, good boy." Her chubby arms thrown 'round my neck as I am bending low, I bid her be a good iiirl always just be fore I go; To which her childish fancy and her love without alloy, Prompts her to reply with fervor; "I'apa, ha a good boy." And oft amid the busy oarea and toil and daily atrilo, When I'm forced to meet temptation, at all must do in lite, Then her parting admonition niy selfish thoughts destroy, 1 hear her saying soltly: "Now, pap be a good boy. Others. Miss Withers I believe Arthur is afraid to propose to me. Beele Of oourse he is, and there are thousands of others just like him. His Pi'Ssimisa. boss won't let us offer any excuses when we make mistakes. Why not ? lie says it hurls his (eeliugs to see us wasto time in whioh we might be making more mistakes. be satisfy wid a sccon'-class jewa-harp, ei holler hallcluls fer six inches cr standiu' room 1" boi. 6 lor 16.00 with our bankable a?1? ante bond to eura In 30 day or reiuna money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. . Clinton Jackson 8ta, CHICACO, 111 ;For sale by If. M. Cohen, H'eldon, N. C. NIGHT SWEATS, loss of appetite, weak and impoverished blood, colds, la i;iippe and general weakness are frequent results ot malaria. KOUKKTS' TASTK- LKSS I'll ILL TONIC eliminates the malaria, purifies your blood, restores your appetite and tones up ynur liver. .ic per bottle. Insist on having UUU- KIU'S'. No other "as good." J. N. Urn w 11, Halifax.: Jackson Drug Co., Jackson. Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY th FREICHT andCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . LARGEST 8TOCK In the Butn Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (EsUblished.lRlS.) 159 to 163 Bank St., Norfolk Ta o 9 It A Total Loss. birth "I think I'll be ma ne ' on my day," said Miss Touiuicy. "Whail" exclaimed Miss Frocks, hold iug up her hands in consternation, "and lose one entire set of presents?" The talent of suooeat is nothing mora than doing what job can do well. KOHOVGH t'lPTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fur over fifty years by millions ot mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothe the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wiud oolio, and is the best . remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, 25 oonts a bottle, tie sure and ask for " M rs. W ins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. The tower of tha seed is assuredly the author of the whole harvest of mis ohiof. . Seeds. Every Farmer should have a copy of Wood's Autumi Catalogue of SEEDS AKD GRAM For Fall planting. It tells all about GRASS & CLOVER SEEDS, Hairy, or Winter Vetch, Crimson Clover, Seed Wheat, ' Oats, etc Italia gtrea deMrtptlons, Vat method I. ; ..L?r. and much stxulal nd Tlua- ble inrormaiiuu wu. .ivi en be " to advantage In the ''' and early Winter. Oauloitua mall WVtta tor H aad prkM any gatd r Seed Urala required. T.W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, RldisaMd, Va. aug 16 3ns J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale and Rtil Dealer In Fine ' Groceries Staple and Fancy FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES, Crockery, Olnaa Tin, nd wooden and WH. lowware. Also lTatt's Horsa, Cow, Hog nd Poultry Food, and Grove'a 55S Tstleas Chill Tonic Alexander'l Liver and Kidney Tonle for purilyinj the blood. Thi tonic is warranted or oney refunded. J. L. JUDKINI, No- 2J Washington Ave., Weldon. N. 0-aeellly. APPOMATTOX IRON WORKS, Manufacturers of-- AgrioHltnral Implanunt, ShtJUnm UillOearing, Fnlleya, All kindaoT ' Hachlliery, M4 Kpira Ko. M 34 Old St, Petatabqrg,

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