4 K Ifeil) (lf ilk r r sssn Vsw !ism Stew-! few 1 J ul PI . . pElN" W. SLEDGE, I'lioiMiirmu. 'OL XXXV. i TEIRlVTS: r,(l 1,1:11 ANNUM IN ADVANCE A. NEWSPAPER E O R, THE 1? E O I? L E . WELDON. N. C, TILUUSDAY. NOVIl.MHKR S. l.'HHi. NO. 28. Cannvt Esq Cut Out or Removed! with Plasters PuiyU-.il operations ami flesh destroying ptaatfis ire useless, painful ami ,lanK ions, ami Im-si.Ics, new cure Cancer. S in -itler how often a cancerous sure is removed, another mints at or near the same point, ami always, in a worst- form. I this prove conellisiyeiv mm t. nicer is a l.l.sil tlisc.ise, met lli.it it is lollv ti. attempt to cure this ileep-si -ate.l il Ulcerous oulv.Uil Mll ol tilt: his pn li.lc by cutting or I'lirninx out the sore, which, alter all, is only an i place of exit for IV.i.-rr runs in families thmu;;h m.inv generations, ami tln.se whose ancestors have Ik-cii afflicted with it are liable at any 1.,- si ii Veil with '.he deadly in.iloly. Only BlGod Diseases can lis Transmitted from Ors Generation to Another Miillu r ir.Hit mat Lancer is a uise.ise 01 uie iiiihni. .. ,.Ure a Mm I intense melius you niusi enre ine enure imam system --remove everv trace of Hit .. . ili . tuHllv ami twrlTi antntlv hut S. S. S. Nothing cures s inti to the circulation, searches out anil if moves nil taint, ami st.. tin- f. t t u it ion t ,-Ui rou, rtlis. No mere tonic v 1,1, oil medicine can ilu this is. h. S. i;.Hs down to tltt. ven p. .Is i.l t diM-.tse. an ! ..n i s nut the ile.ullv poison, g ihe -ore lo heal naliirallv ami permanently. S. 8 S at the same time purm si he hliol ami Liulilsnp the general health. A little pimple, a Harmless ..(mK w ilt 01 in,,le. .-, Inno, :n t . I.re.ist. a cut 01 l.iuise thai refuses lo heal under ordinary treatment, should a'.l he h.i.k. .1 up ,i wit;, suspicion, as this is olu u the Iwumini! of 'lint mi Wttnlr Avi Tliiti'! Ti'iin.. wnici Mrs Sarn!. M K-- am 41 rus 1t. .n :-r tiin-f vi'r- Iki.1 -.i'II-ti I i , !i a wti rt Ch tirrr "tl I'lV j:i w, which the (lm ttii ti hi t htn i n v k.ii 1 w;it im til .1 thai I couls) tint livt- in ire th;i?i ix inm-'hs I n, r j.-c ! ' :ri ii - ;Li (rue, iiii'l lifnl pi veil up nil Impe cf i ri I'cin . w I, ;v; , . : 1 , -i -k'i"WitiK nl inv c -Militid'i, r-i iiiiiici"'f.! s i t .1 U.llit tllf sore Uwa (- 1'c il, tmn-li In t!ii' mr-.ti-r , ' t!i 1 :M , in 11 !nrt twin; tmnW a tn j.'.rU- euic, 1 li.r- c Mim.l 1 t', -li tn is (.pk-1 nl id. t-ttrfp is 1 eliciting - in (ii.-i am c!i jiiviiiw j.-. : I . . 1 lit t i Our molio;il tlqiartinent is in rlniL-t' "i .!i sU i.tn-- who art' t-MRviiUlv -kilml 1 ti trt'.iiun: C.mi l 6sf si extieueuce, L uifoiniatlon wanted, we uwke no charge whatever ior this service. ami oilier hh.,,1 ,lise.ises W'rile for anv advice THE SWIFT SPttlFIC CUPANy, ATLANTA, GA. ESTA.BIL.ISIIE.D 1870. Fi;axkt.ci.ai;k o In V,Uf, CUli. I'...) Muiililiiios, Si.iir Wink, Porch Trimmings, Hardwood and Slate Mantels, Tiling and Grates. Doors 1 v viy 18 a.Kine liuiM r's ll .nlwarr "Vpi A1NTS0IL& GLASS. Anil lillll.illl M It' H.'l "I l'iel Me Jsl ('.limn, rci.il I'Ijcc ami -111 lioni se Atemi", 1 ly ,i;ptoii. Ndlil'Ol.K, VA. P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. I' I'T ill tomi 1 ILHUHANUISL ZEICLER & BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. (,1'AH. '4a Kl si K. S II 0 J S Swift's Silver Leaf Lard Lard is used, in one way or smother, in the prepara tion of nearly every meal. Its effect on your food is noticeable, and it should always he of the best quality procurable. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard has attained its great popu larity because the quality never va.-ies. It is the stand ard lard of America. Ask vour grocer lor Swift's Silver Lett'. You will linJ it thoroughly satisfactory. Swift and Company Clu.-a Si I.. K.iti.:o ( itv Si J. ..-.ll Over 250 Pranch Houses in the U. S. WTSule Acent in Wehlim forSTIiOl SU 111(01 ltli.lt Alii utniu.M erly sold here hy M. K. Hart.) A tit n'la'auleed. -.,-r--:--r. --.r-T-. UNDERTAKING COLD WAT VM I W I N 1 iV if iV 'iV ljewis' Ia All Kinds. I'liieC Oil of In all ii-hr.oiches Metallic. Walnut, Chilli Cmereil t askets amll nllins. I .-Ii nhoiie or teleLi.ii.il no ssayes at jajrgSaSSak. temle.l to, lay or HIKllt. ' Jt. . 1 J'J.l.jn.Ji.1. A.'s'.M illl 10 II il U U U Ulf l 4 l lV V A II lfiD Oil Co., 1 till K. Maiu St., r. o. Hox lsti. l(it'ilKSi, VA. llf li'iV U iS ki u"ii if t'u The Public Schools are now open- hg over the State, and will need lupplies. These school books and upplies can be had at a discount jo teachers and dealers. We sell ill kinds of books. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., RA.LEIGH.N.G. II I villi 7 i'ci 1 lm. The Celebrated Golden Crown Pure Rye and Forest Miller WHISKIES. Distilled -Expressly For W. W. KW, WELDOfJ, H. G. WEATIIKH FliorilKCY TYPICAL SOUTHERN BELLE. STRIKING FORECASTS BY ANDREW JACKSON DEVOE. The tulv eslloii llisnsler I'nreloltl Tell Mouths llel'iire lis (leeil rreiiee. A I'riiiiliet llniiiireil In Ills Oivn (nil tit ry. 'eatller propheeies have Ion;: heell the hlllt of popul.il- jests ri I I'l ill most eases With jllsliee. for sueh euesses have Usual ly heell uhle of the mark. When, how ever, ll Wealher pmph, t, ;m,l a self eon stitlltell one at that, preiliets Wllhill one (Illy the ilate of m teiiilii- a eyelone lis tluit which .hiastali.l (lahesi n his fu ture opin-.ns i!."u!. ! r e:tt- with eolisiileial-le l-'Speet. '1', II tn Ullhs Pepin the llaliesten visitation Ainlieu .hn l ..-n llevoe, wealher proiihet, uf ll.u lo-ns.-n U. N. .1., pl .lii led it. Ills foreeiist was printed on the Sep teniher puce of nu lilnuituie mid rend lis follows: "On the Hill a ureat eyeh ne will form over the kuIi of Mexieo and niovi lip the Athuilie coast, cau-uii; very henvy rains fr an I'l tri'la to Maine Irntii the Uhh t.i the 12th." It is pc-it vi ly r v d that this pn diction win s ir eiii tow ai d the end of lust yi ar. S. nfl -i s may say that it was oiiiy u lucky jruess, hut Ih-i eininot itnpiun iis nut heiitieii y or neeu rney. llesides this, riofessor I irvoe pre dieteil uitlrn two days the Hoods t'..a: wroueht surh dest nut ion a; A u-1 a, Ti N.. In Apiil. lie.-iders inny lune nu upior tllllily to Jlulu'e for Ihelnsehes Ihe truth of bis pleilietiolls. l-'ol the i ud "f O' to her he foi-'-t. lis (.rent sluinis nu the F.w:- lisll Collst. Andrew Jadtsoll Ievue, nieteuluhiisl as he Hlyh-s hiinolf, has been fur years before the public as a weather pmphet lie lias been scoff, ,! at and deridid. inel the government lias cousis:ently refused to r.viu:iii.e tiiin. but withal he has (,'uiie .MIn hrUline itt-iiilti liven t 'l lllil Vlmle liei There L- n i d-.ul.t that en decree Ihcir r. j . t : T . -. T . -ehaiius. Thcv add L. the l-'rele h (.'ill t be simple i! II ehit.l. mid s 1 1 1 1 Iheii- :. and a.il, .s Utile ways lb I In li i -ol s around Ihe bc:i true li f a sonibein t'llli-line Hl:.!cy, ,l;nuhl lllel- i.'e el ii, t- of Kent loky la ivn -f ll- t- I 'll 1 ;i lice into ' herald. f the liamiiu y mill Ihe ' I'll UlllilN. 0 1 1 1 l.-l II ll-llll- i for per-. nuil iiaeiiv of ill,. IIII.I cund-.l- of fl, low Voices - sv v w j wmmm y ipille -aind Is of men. A belle is MisS I- of Ihe r-.l--At Ihe very ici.-t V she U IIS a bciiu ly. She ii as the cuiis,, oits dM'-il ,ii einiii' the of the ha: I le -hip K en t ileky. lllul, fa r- f s-fJyir--.W ,ii J l. is Hit?' Vlv 4in's9fl "MAN ON THE MULE." BUY GDI ELSSS HIM. MATT. RANsilM T.ti;v HIT Tli Toil HI-' A SI'.NAToK, ANU, Willi (INK lnox ON Till') 1'iiHI'M, It K Sl.ll'l't'.ll Til E "Til Kit IN TIIK .KTIIIIU'P AN II SH't'NU IIIMskl.K A-sTltAlillI.E Ti.K HACK UK A Ml I.H. .lollll I,'. Mill is in Ch.ohllle (lie. -Most tin want In e,i 0 , Hut must lm ti il.-n't tin . Tlia cuii-t itutii-n I. as lixe-l a limit crop ul'S. n ihil-, I know of n Senate. I'eileial on tlie o such vy J :,. .w-ww runiomvuiiii "t ''O- PORTSMOUTH. VA, jiuPiiislnirt' i'ure Uye vlrf- HiU'iiri: I ure uye wn.j A iinuti-n ami Ick a Ktuiiiinonu. M VV lillert al Alu-iniliia. Va. 'AT A iinutnn anil Lik a lruiiiiiionJ. Ililerv al All I-iniliia. ". W- W. KAT Is Sol.. AL-cnt at Wuliliin, N C Regulator The Best Liver Medicine. Largest Package on the Market. One rarkaa? Trie tie. I'lva tor II 00. mS.,T,,,.?,,w,,. ""ant"" Pa.. vai "For tome lime I wal anncyeil ' J pies on the h,lv, and a feelina of .irknes. an.1 ganeral weakne... f wan una e 'to m. i"..iA y"'"lr.)niineuded Kamon'. Tonic Keul.u.r-To faekaK' cn" ." ntlrely." HBOWN MK'd. CO.. HniprieU.n. Ureeimille. lean. U iT' "s Gordon Baltimore Rye and 0. P. R. Maryland RYE. "A Gentleman's Drink. Sold Only In Weldon by All Night House, West Side R.H, Slci oct 4 Km. N15Vr GOODS. AMM1KW ,IAC!;; O.'fl IiKVOK. on nrni!ns .::. Tit liiiUt st-tins t breiikiiik, f-T Wv, mil flu n'nini kabK' ar nira'-v of nviiv nf liis prcilictimis sconir j ii Lm t in In- iimviT-iiily ;irkihiu Ittl.-tl, nl- ! IIUHIi:!) Ili:in xms inn mi im- fi n: h i in tnr r,ir lit- i" n r'ilt'nt 'f Hark t'usark. N. .1.. iiml a uifiiiluT of tin bi'ImhiI l.uiinl hi' invvii. IK' ia uIsh ni fiiiK' il in liiifincss t' I'M', for in Wfiiilu'i prophrsyii!): tin' limuuiiil tvttiiiiH nrt vi'f.v cli::i. rrofrs-nr IfViH H Ill'OIlt H yourH of ncc, nuu i inl ;iii'l tins si vi-ral cliiUlrt'ii He is not without h inur in his own c nti try, fur he is uvll thonirlit of ly hi townpmt'n. Up t')!:iin bis throry of t In-wt'iulu-r ilnitj: "Afi. r many vimis of cuv f ul iti t1iHtion I li.-tvt1 tliKfOVtM-nt the law which i-j isi-s Ktiiniis to form aii'l draws then1 in heir muiim- as they tin vol ovei our fii ih snr;a'i'. It is a ilitli' iilt law li explain, hut I would call it ele. trh a niatrueii-iu. ncd the force mid power f its i n. tc.v iire decrea-it d or increased jusi in pmpiiiti'in us certain nstioiiuinira: ronditioits approach or recede from our cm th. When the ynat i'reiitor emit d our earth and the heaven above it. he established a law, nud by thai law every thing on ami almve our earth in perpetu ally balaii'-cd. 1'herefore. wlim one nivat Sturm hell tonus over the I'nited States it mut have its cunterpart in Asia. 1 have learned by observation that the siir fuce of our earth is divided into wet and dry belts, and th.it thee wet and di belts are conti'oihd by astronomical law; that they an be loraied years in ad vance; that although they may oliauwe their positions on our earth's surfaee every tun or three months, y t they m ve by law. Hud tin ir futuie posi.ii iis can be determined by applying that law." SONGSTRESS AND ACTRESS. A Rare roiiililnnllon Kniinil In Wins Kule t'liiiiliin. Miss Kate Condon Is one of the mosi heiiiilifid of the inn 11 v talented yonni: wo men win. bale suci eeded in winnon: i '' lllarity for the Metropolitan Kuitlish tiiaiid Opera coinp.-iiiy. which, lifter its present season in New York, will make Fr -m a recent ijliolo. Ml 'llliIS.TI.VK llhADI.KV. althniich It'll i : il; run hiah, she won the llolior of breUKUIH the iminol'tal boltie of cliampai;iie over the bow of the ilou luoii Bter. This is the story of the dispute which made Miss I'.i.idhy famous ns it has cone into the anieils of Kciilucky society: While Mi', ( lui'lilie w.'l.s n nice svllool trirl lltlenililiu' ll olllie, hflii s' I o i.-i i . I i 1 1 ir school in nsbiUL'lon the b.iltleslup w as behi;; built, and, at a dinner iriw-n at the Short ham. llilui y ll.-i beit. then seer, tary of the iiiivy, asked that some of the u'uesls should sni'L'est n nalne. Miss Harriet liicbiirdson, a soeiety belle i hai iniuiilj pretty and vivacious, iininedialely uil'.-iI that it should he named Kciilucky. 'The inline was in ccpted, ami Secretary Her bert returned the enurte.y by askiiia Miss l!icha;d-on to eh.islcu the ship. There was i:;eat applause nlnoiiK the eoiup-inv ns Miss Ilieliarilsoii laii--'hiii.'ly occt-pieil. but she ii unoiiiice I llinl instead of II--ill LT the elistouilll y bottle of i.h.-i pnune she would break over the bow- ii more appropriate mixture--!! decanter of the tinesl Kentucky whisky. I jilliu-hisin rnu biith lis tic party broke up. After waul the temperance soi ieties heard of it and si nt numerous lelteis of leui ui strunce both to Miss Kl.-lia : l - -n li.,d In Seen taiy :.-r!-e:t. II .wever iii.-il I: icht hnv - lurti -.1 out. lb 1.1. s eeclir;-! d al.-l the -ho v us ll I -en ; urv 1 1, i h t t 'I'll! 1 1 1, v,.,.,. . Sei ili-posilioll in this WolM ,i two Seluitols I rum each Suite to ihe numberless ninhi liuns to jjn to the .Seuatu in llie several Stalls. The distil Djuirl tun presctils a painful, hattotvinj; com last, The Senate u!' tlie V. S. is the most com f". liable c!uh in tin: world, ami, after a man has liv. il ihu life iliu luxurious ul' a Setiulor for six jeai it's niiohty liiinl, t In-i in t'tiT, tu make liim fuel at In ill'' ill liis n n tut nip patch. Mr M iiioti liuller ilucs.i't want to cauib the rail auj oet back in his owu tuitiip palch. Few intii l'o lack from the Senate to the ruta lie-'as "rat'efullv. Matt Kansi iu was tin exc: ptiun. lie lliiuw til' tlie tt)".u of ti Senator, and. itli one loot on the forum, lie flippid the oih, r in tin- slimip ai d swutio hiiu scd a-stiaii,ilc the back of a luulo. 10 ll.u'e, with his spleU'Mil filler, pnuio to Ihu Ileal, and in that h"ld the cotton tamo up, uud floweruil and boiled nd clacked upeu and burst into a elorv ol wnilc. I be sccil com, too, eauie up, out ul ll.e hi i, niol e.tulit tin- "lintiiio ruindiops o'l its wid. iiiio and lcni;lhen- illl! biasies Ulitl fluiie; sKtill of suit silks from bet wieii slioulino . shuck ami fruit- cob, and, i hen, reajliiue la.-sci-linoers, nio ihe op-i.e. cci-ye ol aattitnu cveiiinos, litclud ihe o,,l,l with wliicli it smoled ihe keen ol its eeen. K M'S llMi-'N lil,HS. Tlioljoll tile file .leal ll, 111! I', Id Will - eX;ill'tlisb- iniin. with 1 best heart purifier is to Itl'lll'lltS of Hod. be tided The i ll his it.. ens of Christ r l-V op! 1' is pr.ii hut y u mii-t al-o tin i li 1 1 likes Itv. i I, i oil" ih.i y mend it. K i-y prciiebiiio pin i ii. It is impossible put on Chi ist. I bid's laws f o world ne "s ll.Vl'. ! i r.-pire to an to droi I fueiisiii" the to IV illl hard ut . tr , but pre- jcu no am as fixed ns His laws of for"ivino. Tlu-re arc no dead sainls. Live en I)' can lighten labor's load. A lun". prayer may iie from little piety. Taiertiij? o'f a bad babit is but spin n'tiL' nut a rope t i hold ymi till the next seie of llie icuipiatioii. du- tinish.d of a. be'ii tary leu Ke'lleel holy who I'd on hv frie! : dauclit ly ili-scii-i... w:-.s even ee it was ,looi,b who was ii i time. ttavt i ; ilVMIn I' d'e of lie : V'b: i;.-' t to n:i uie I ehn-lell the 'ri:!eMl!t"e p. o I- I t, h i: e. I ll reby e:1 o -pi iter I'll. ,1 I.. U i li".':; i f.noi- of M-- ly .-rl ii"t ij i; . ft I'i-.j d I i -;ee dea I s. at l he STAGE LOVi-RS. Iliimet te f -lini-y Maiy Mi the title 1. one ol I 'ie I, net 1 1--. -. rapid cud fesslnnal i.a iiml H i both to l',i' .u.y fr . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 til yards Klastic, Tte ; t3l neetlles, le., -4 sheelii wrilump-iper, it:, ! Hn ss Kultons .V., Yard wide pticalc lie, I'laid dress H.h.iIs. llie., Khsir matlilij! 10, IJ, l-V l'arH'liiiK, l-'j tn 47ie., Fanner heavy shoes, v. I.adits' shoes, 7He tn f l.(KI, r.ii!s '.'.V to ll yard lace cllrlains :i7 j cents. C'utta ti pules mid fixtures. I"c, enr lain scrim, -le, calicoes, le, Men'seoatdiinil vests Hoe. men's punts, title, hoy 's lianta Into itllc. Ilnv's suits 4o to tl.'ic, Mattress lictiiim. ftki7c. Men's winter underwear, Jil.', plush capes, Jit til. Wi. 1 am re ceiving some goon barn.il ns iu winter goods U. C. SPIERS, Weldon, N. 0. WW- 11: ft J A.a T . s . i t- II! ' . : fl i wulSIIBwawsaw-.jlii' iwi.il l'!,ctn liv lltii'- s. Host. .11. H.ISS K A t K tllMllS I lour of the principal cilles of the Cnit- ei St.'llt-S. Miss Condon is ; H Atlleli 1111 Kir! whose ndiiiiieis. mid tin ir name is li'Kintl, predict that she will some tin v In come otic of the world's notable k'ralld opelll eantallices. Her Unite pl'iseliee Is I'M'ellciil. nnd she can ml as yell as sinu, ll eoinbiiiation of iiltiiiiuneuts w bieb is not It illl ciiiiiiuoii on llie operatic KtiiL'c. fliuto tiy Murrlsuti, Ctuiai;n. MAUV MANN KIIIMI. annul attract ions, which are con-iderable, mid to her histrionie nbility. Miss Man lierini: is liniihsti anil uus bi'otu:hl to tins eoiiiiliy by liaiiit-l I'rohneni as bndi woman i.r the New- Yolk Lm-iuiu th, ler stock company. There she le .lames K II i' loll, the I. ml i im .uim ol the same i -ompauy. 'Iheir iiss,,el;ili.i li suited ill mat i i.'t-c, nnd the ate no!, on the sllllie lis illl ithill p.lir of b!;., lours. 'I bis is Miss Muiim-riio-:' fo-t a i-a ance as a slur. It is said 1 lint oa h Inst nppenialiee HS a tuellil'iT ot Ihi slot k cou,ii;,ii) at 1 lull's theater -hi1 w iis much oxereoine bv llie iiuiiiife-lii tii.ua "f les.il.l lil.iil, i!..' In l ived. I before and behind the eiul.iiii. At tie close of one of the nets of Tieluuic the found in tor dressiui; room a hand aellle Iilesent floin Ibe tliembeis of Ihe collilililiy, al the 1-it.lit of which she h down eompleielj III speakuu; "f this afterward to a frietid si,,. s.-u,l. '-Kvi t-y ime tula bi-in so kind lo me, tuy four years have made ine so many flit-lids that now in sot linn out for myself il seems like hcciiiniui: nil uver iiK.iin. Miss Maniii rim: was under contract to Mnnus'ci Wluiiiey for tins year, but he cxpcrii need milch dithelllty ill lilid 'Ik a idnv wtliell would be suitable for tier. So when Frank M. Kce. aim was look ilut for a star to take the pail of Jalni Meredith, sutaestcd a transfer. Mr. Whit ney reeoL'uized immediately Miss Manner inn's lit ii'-.sa for the pint ami willingly eonseiiti d. The ch ry id the Senate was behind. bill I be coiy of he Lord w..s uver the Held of llie Man on tin: .Mule. I wish that ti e old untie would turn back, and iijo aloti'' until lie readied Wa-liino'nii City, ami then 1 would like e nne fool of bis iiil,r leap ovel the addie ai d tl e ether ,- lp hum the stir- up until boih wn c a jam mi tin1 furiitu, tnd 0, tl.f jjltiry ul' tliu laying ol the Is I. C I lm toca iim r tin-sliutilde's ol the Id mule rider tin ti Away with ti y I'.rc.iuj! Ii c.iniiot tun- ler,a':Z'. hit ii s nu bat in to w Is it any harm wish, 0 hud, il I wi.-li lot soincthiiiL' or ibe oiury ul my native State ll 1 isli for the Man on the Mule? lie will tele ihe ti'iilc until tbe time r the coiiiiiiL' i f the horses ot' tbe lior-is which tbe solemn and silent driver will rein biektu tbu.-!m walk -ot' the Iu uses dtaw in;; the vel.iele with the black pinnies. Ai.d llitce shuvils ol Ibo uirl I the Si. He thai be has loved so well and hen "1 am llie usurrcction aud the life." And I Io n a name immortal in llie his tory id .Nor ill ( arolina ! It Was Week before last that I saw him. '.lohn, it i.iu never be. My name must not tic metitioncd in connection u it li ihe Senate;. .V'.iily all my life. inee 1 was LM has been mven to same service of my State. Futilu-rniuri', I am too old; tn XI ilu ne I will be"! While i was in the service of North Carolina in v watt rial ii Hairs seiiousl languished 1 hud no tunc to look after my own iu tcrcst. Since I returned Iroui the Sen ate and have been able to "ive personal attention lo my farm (lud has prospered ine As u private citizen 1 am always at the service of my people to put Norlh Carolina, in the hands ol the llcmocracy. Kin l lor than that 1 am no longer ill public li'e." Ncith Carolina wiil elect a Scualor a lb niocratie Scualor, Ion. Hut, all hail lo the Man on the Mult! HEART-SICK. There are a reat many people who have heflrt sickness, who have no chronic dernnyenient of the heart. When the stomach is diseased it may HiTcct tinny other organs, and produce all the tvulences of diseited heart, dis eased liver or kidneys, or disease in some other oryan. Tlie inexperienced practitioner treats ill.- wronj disease, and hence the con stant statement of Dr. I'ierct's corres- tors could not help tA--4 nit. I)octor Pierre's Golden Medical Discovery cu res d i sea se u of the stomach and or gans of digestion and nutrition. It increa:es the as similative powers, and purifies and enriches the blood. When diseases of organs remote from the htomarh are caused by the stomach, the cure of the stomach re sults in Uie cure of the other dis eases, in heart, lungs liver, kid- nevs, etc. "Six year rum my stomach hihI henrt trnubleil me no much I had to do untnrthuiH;. ns the dix:tors could not help im' " wnten Mr. S. A. Kimjip. of Ann pise. Culifuriita, Hox "I went tn f.iii Fiftin-mco and h:d treatment for OHtarrh ol thf ptninarh and wan l-etlr for Itouit time, thtu it came bftck I ttio Usufd Ur 1'ierti'ii (iulden Medicnl IiKruvery ami r'.eaiut I't-Ur-l Ttiiv iiieilicints viired my stuiMHch I do int have thr pnm and imllKe tluti as I di'l tt if vt-rv hunt tor me to tell vou what I nufToreil hi-fore I commence. i takuitr your vnluatile medwnie. I ret-)miiiend it to all the iurftrers whom 1 niret. To cure constipation use Dr. l'ierce'i I'lcasHiit l'ellets. 4 I L WOMAN'S TROUBLES AND TEMALB KISnASES CUHED BY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. Painful and Suppress ed Menses. Ir regularity, Leueorrhteu, Whites, iSteril ity, Ulceration of the I'terns, change of life, in matron or maid, all find re lief, help, hwieflt and cure in JOHNS TONS SAKSAI'AUir.LA. It ha real panacea fur nil pain or headache uhout tin- tup ur hack of the head, distress ing pain in the left side, a distnrhed condition of digestion, palpitation o( the heart, cold hands and feet, nerr otisucss and irritation, sleeplessness, inn-.cular weakness, bearing-dowQ tains. hacUache, legache, irregular ac tion of the heart, shortness of breath, abnormal discharges, with extremely painful menstruation, scalding of uriue, Mvt'llingof feet, KoreneHHof the breasts, neuralgia, uterine displacement Hint catarrh, and all those symptoms and troubles which make the average wo man's life ko miserable. MH Uttl O CO., Iletrolt, Mich. KOR SALK BV W. M. COHEN, WKI-iDON, N. C. in n a U ID (0 Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY tiik FREICHT am CUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . . I. m;''.stst K in the imih Illustrated Catalooue l'KKK. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, (Kstiihlisheil tt.) Norfolk Va 159 to l;t Hiiukst. anv 2 1 T ifitru lif iV-tif' ill Uiifu ur i'iiiril I NEW STOCK! Three lliiius to giiveru Temper, totu;ue and coliiluct. Title, ihiitfcs to luVt CuUUill', gl'Btlc m ss iiml eiatiluile, Tbree tliinos 1 1 hate Cruelly, orro !aiice and inoraiilU'le. Three thinos to delii;lit in 1'rankness, 1 1 1 i'li iii ami beauty. Thiee tliinos lo wish fur Health, friends ami u eheeiful spirit. Three tliinos to avoiil Idleness, lo- .iiacily and flippant jestino. Three things to lilit for llonor,eouti Ity ami liutue. Three thinos to think about Life alll and eternilv. Ilayinitopeneil a first class (Grocery at W T. rarker's nltl stain! am pre pared to sell you itooil goods at low t jii ices. M EATS a RHi-ialty. t- itmt- m lmn uf vniir lni.lt 1 rcliiaill. ur rc-iH-t tfuMv, D. A. Smuh, Weldon, N C Wood's I Seeds. I When you led that lite is hardly worth the candle lake a il ose of Cli itn hi'rlain's Stoinieh and I.ivo Tablets They will cleanse your stomach, tone up your liver, and reoiilnte your bowels yon feel like a new man. Fur Halo by V. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. 0. A sincere nian in uiue-lcutbs rilil and 99 per cent pure. Nlt.llT SWT.ATS, loss of W'-.ik and impoverished blood, "II appelile -olds, la and 'j-in ral weakness lire freipii nl re-nl sol miliaria. KOUKll I S TA ltKSCIIU,li TON 10 eliininates the ni.iiaiia, purilies vour blood, restores your appetite and tones up your liver. 'Im per bottle. Iusist on having HUli- Kll 13. Mo other "as good. nut ovi.it m rv i: us Mrs. Winslow's Soothini; Syrup has been used for over lilty years by millions ot mothers lor children, while teethino, with perfect success. It (oolhes tho child, sultcus the putiis, allays all pain, cures wind colie, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relievo the poor little suflerer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world, '..i cents bottle. Be sure and ask lor "Mrs. Wins- J. N. Brown, Halifax.; Jackson Drug Co., lo ooothing ISyrup, and take no Otn Jackson. I or kind. Every Farmer should have a copy of Wood's Autumn Catalogue of SEEDS UNO GRAIN ForFsll planting. U tells aU about GRASS & CLOVER SEEDS, Hairy, or Winter Vetch, Crimson Clover, Seed Wheat, Oats, etc. t also aWef desprtpttons, bpfltmpthoda of culttin- i"t much atwelal and valua ble Informatton alsiot all crops that can r " n to advantage In ihe Kali arid carlv winter. Catalonia nialled tr". Write for It and prlcca ot any Scetil or Seed Oraln required. T.W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, Richmond, V. auo 10 oin Wholesale ami Kvtail Dealer Iu Fine ' Staple and Fancy Groceries "FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crockery, Glass Tin, and wooilan and wil- lowware. Also Tratt s Horse, Cow, Hoit anil Poultry Food, and (irove'l jjjf Tiisteleas Chill Tonic. Alexander'! Liver and Kidney Tonic for purifying the blood- This tonic is warranted or money rel'umled. J. L. JUDKINS, No. 2 Washington At., Weldon, N. C drall ly. APPOMATTOX IRON WORKS. Manufacture rsof Agricultural Implements, Shaftings, Mill Gearing, Pulleys, All kinds of Machinery, and Repairs. Vli. Peanut Machioorj i Specialty. Moa. 33 34 Old 8t., Petersburg, Ta. 1 C'i" i