fjplIISr W. SLEDO-E, I'Hoi'iilKToii. A. IT E "W SP APBE FOE, THE PEOPLE WKLDON. N. C, THURSDAY. NOVKMHKIl 29. WOO. TEEMS:-'1511 tKW annum in advance I 01, xxxv. NO. 31. 1 ESTABLISHED 1870. f HANK T. CLARK CO.,,, (Successors In (.'uoke, Clark ii (,'u.) Doors and Blinds. Mouldings, Stair Work, orcli Trimmings, Hardwood and Slate Mantels, Tiling and Grates. Uai.Fnii1 liuildcr's Hardware-tart hAINTSOIL& GLASS. And Huildiog Material nf hvery J .-nit inn. M (Vintii'reial l'lace and d'J Koanuke Avenue, X( Ml!''1 )I.K, VA. ly ! tv p. N. Stainback, WELDON. N. C. OK Al I. KIMS, SPRIGHTLY SPARKS. WHAT ONE WOMAN THINKS. KHAI) MKkHI'i.l.Y AM) Villi Wll.l, CCI.MK TO TUB CliNCl.t'HIllN THAT THIS WAH A Tli I N K I Nil WOMAN. ZEICLERcV BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. SHOES l-up u.-iit in vvelilon tiirxriciH kkui iir.un iiii.n aiu tuiiillMi rmerly sold here liy M. F. Hurt.) A lit 'iii'-iiiit.-',I. UNDERTAKING ,.,taf.i Sue' In all its hr-inches. Metallic, Walnut, I'lntli I'nvereil Car-kctH mid Collins. Teleplinne ur 1i')iur.iili ineKHuitcs at tenilcd to ilav or mlit. iriijrt.n i'.jM.,u,i.?..P.i3t Jt n U 11 A MOB! The Public Schools are now open ing over the State, and will need upplies. These school books and upplies can be had at a discount Wn coll 11 Virtue r-T VtnnVc 11 UliiUU UUUilU, ALFRED WILLIAMS & GO, it I i,u. "TP, ALEIGH' In . C. The Celebrated Golden Crown Pure Rye and Forest Miller WHISKIES. Distilled Expressly For A Umi can iln inure limn a frown. Suniebudy oiij;ht tu invcut a laughing c.iru. It in a wi.e woman who can accept cur red ion gracefully. ll is a w. ll-dri il man that i. courteous to his will' an tu si ran e,er. Why i it we can uevcr see cmr own iluty iuiie so plainly as dial ul' others ! When a wniiiun buys a tie dress she js never satisfied until she gets a new hal, too. Practical I'lni.-tiuuiiy is when you cheerfully furgivc the person whu treads on your corn Many ile who are always getting their feelings hurl in. in that (heir sell csteciu lias heen injured. A in in rirely asks a woman tu furtive him; his ri peiilance u-u illy ci presses it self in deeds nut words Mii-h ul the Mil-ess uf a dros de pend on the way il is worn. They say every man has hi price, hill I hey all utij"cl tu being sold. The most curiuus thing in the world is a small toy who is not curious. Ked is llic luek color of the Chinese; iney always uiess a ui w tiorn Uaby in bright red. l eans may mean leurs, liut there ure lew women wnn would reluse to wear lluui on that account. It is a wise woman who docs not insist on telling her hiishanil that she knows he told lino something he has lurgotttn The average man can never under land die pleasure a woman gels from trading a pair ol irouseis lor a tin dish an It is said that the ilifT rence between a man ami a woman is llus: lliat he keeps another's secrets, but tells his own, while she guards lur own, hut betrays anoiher's. A quaint old KnMi-h poem which L'lvesa list ot the various bad spirits which brink's evil 10 ilie world concludes with the suiieiiient lhal "a weepinj; wo man with two black eyes is the wicked devil of tin 10 all." Tears arc one ol woman's best wcupoi I of defence. An injury forgiven is hitler than an ii j'iry aveopd A man is like llic luoou when he has reached his hisl iil irler. Most every youni; mother thinks her baby just a little hit smarter than any other woman's. Many a w. tiiin dresses shabbily in the morning hicausc no one but her hus band is around to see her "Some old maids," says a witty modern writer, "remind one nf rose leaves and lavendci; oihers of bread and butter that has been cut too Umg." y. l KM, WELDOfl, tf. C. i$kB by J.&E.Mahoney PORTSMOUTH. VA, A. 1.1'ittsburj; Pure Rye Only H r2.00 Gallonf: M Arlintun and Lake Druiuniond. lhs t- liilerv at Ah ianilria, Va. f"T' W. W. KAY Is Sole A-ent at Wcldon, X. I ,y.,,., EVANGELIST STDART ON WORLDLY AMUSEMENTS. Unl'KH THE LAY MAY COME WHEN Nil DECENT WOMAN WILL ENTER A THKATIIE DANC1NU AND PHIKIKES 81 VE ILTHRE BEVERELY ARRAIUN El). THANKSGIVING DAY. WE SHOULD MAKE OF IT A SON OF REJOICING. SEA- CHINA. Hire is a (!eorjia boy's coniosiiion on the trouble in ( hina : "China is a land of heaihrns that would rutin r worship u wooden nod thai ilial minis ui you ih. in ii to church anil pay pew rent My pa wus a missionary in China. When ihe boiers commenced to box they kuoeked hiiu nut in I lie Bist rouud, an' be lost three lingers aud orand new la ion book wnh a bookmark in it. Then lie coiunl home, lie has two leus an' two arms lefi; ihouh the mission board told him ne lost his head. He says home tins .inns takes ihe cuke." the Peerless Wine, taiimiamn, Mil ! 2 2 SFil i ii ii in i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i .1 c -i. ii.i ii it, a a n i s -m in hi.i.s...,L ..i -sjj j. . - Aini-rit'ri IIhuh,-!:..!,!- I U . A n xz r I v ,,e b garrett 4 co. tJlJl VWLVlJijjLV I 1 unfailiDL' remedy and ill their uds fe guaranteed to give satisfaction. Howe Office, CHOCKOYOTTE. N. C. JUly Branch Warehouse, MEMPHIS. TENFVl. iiiR&M2B(ralaloi Tha Best Liver Medicine. Largest Package on the Market. t. On Parkaa TrlM tie. Fly for l 00. JJ,?"li, CTnUm. r., laTi: "For tnnio tlmr I w. annojrd with tm. Work i"!L M7' fcellni or agit tfnmi MrtMiu. I" nM lo n. IL,, V"nd KMsommeiiUeil lUmon i 'Tunic Krullxr-Two rftw e" " HkOWN MK'd. CO., FroprMora.ttraaMfllta.'hn. SUNNY WOMEN. Who h not known the woman whose dispmltion i dvacrilwsl by tlwt me word "iunnyf" There'a alwavs a 1urIi lurk ing on her lipa. Her rheeVi are ever ready to dimple in auiilea. H houae knM influence ia u tiriirhtein and timulatiug aa the tunahine. Notliin can he crueler than to have this aunaliine blotted ut by diaeaae. But thia u a common cruelty. The young wife who waa the tunhine of the home Iwcomei tta ahadow. Kvery young wife ahoulil I.- th. value of Dr. lherce a Favorite Piwriptlon in the protection and prea- J ervation 01 ine iwim. .""; regularity, dries the drams which enfee ble body and mind, and curea inflamma tion, wlcerution and female weakneaa. It nouriahe- the nervous ystem and etrea to the bodv the tialance and twoe ancyof perfect health. It is a itnctly temperance medicine. 1 can MV that vmir ni1lcli cured "." write. Mr" M.ud Warcc. ol ut.vtll. fill- .,afrom te1e wf.knc- ."3 I h..l .Inio Ton ul. Ihlnllni llic" w.i no c'c .r me. Th.. I Scard slsiul Ir llcrct s mcdlrine and thouiht I wuulil try ll. and can My thai " Sen I n now able to do aiv own himMworh 7Zk It. 1'l' V1i'' Klt mcllclnca T'"k 04 f 0f,n. Uu ' riMWBt rcllcU. ' " Ot. rkrn'i rtUeti can couUpsUaa. Kvanpcliat Stuart discoursed ou ' Worldly Amusements" at the mornitij! service at Kdcnton Street Church jester- The theatre, dancing and progressive euchre parties wire ciiticized in severe language. The church was well filled, aud the remarks of the divine was the occasion of much comment during the day. "1'he Milk-White Flag," the attrac tion at ihe Academy of Musie Wednes day night, was arraigned as an immoral production. Evangelist Siuart said lie hoped the lime would come when Do de cent woman would enter a theatre. The evangelist took as his text the second, third and fourth verses of the fifteenth chapter uf St, John, which are as follows : "Kvety branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away; and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. "Now yo are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you, "Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, ex cept ye abide in me." "My people were Presbyterians," the evangelist declared, "and I am Presbyte rian warp and Methodist filling. "Move away from sin and let there be no middle ground. Do like Moses did move clear away, Be extreme in moving away from sin. The devil doesn't want you to move into the kingdom. Just be an average Christian, is often heard; and I want to say that most average Christ ians are going to hell, "When my children go aslray I'll quit preaching. I got a letter yesterday from Methodist preacher, who told me I ought not lo make that assertion. Said he, "There are some of the best Methodist ministers who have wicked children.' If we can't save our own families, then whuse families can we save? If I can'' save my children, preaching, then I'll go home. Methodists whu can't save their children better give up. I an not going to let my children live iu sin t single day. If I had an unsaved child in my h niie today I would continue crying and praying until they were saved. "The most consummate selfishness in this life is the sight of a father grabbing on to tilings of this world and allowing his son to goto hell. Have you got any dancing children in the church? Is there any theatre going childreo in your Sunday school? God have mercy on the parents who shove their children off to hell! I'd rather cut my right arm off than to see my child play cards, Xo man's arm can go around my daughter's waist until the is married. I've got a contempt for that business. Wheu so-called childten of God go at it, I've got a Contempt that I can't express If you want your wile to dance with some man's arm around her waist, then you urea different man from me. I've got as much respcot for a black let: gambler aa I have for a hifalutin wo man who plays progressive euchre fur piit. What's the difference between playing lor a five-dollar bill aud cut-glass? The ooe's dressed up and the other's not. One is as good ts Ihe other, morally speaking. I believe the gambler is the better of the two, for he doesn't profess to W anything. Society and folks get so low snmuimes they don't luow where to stop." "Look at the pictures of that 'Milk. White Flag' company," Ihe evangelist said. "A picture of the show presents three women standiug up with short dresses lo their knersl Do you call that a mural picture? Do you call it a virtu ous picture? Can you say thai the riuht kiud of Women are parading uuder that picture? I wouldn't allow uiy wife tu go to that show if the Was a decent woman And ihink ol the young girls and boy who go ! Shame ou the virtuous women who uu go I l ll go to certain quariers of the city as soou as I'll go to the thea trc. It is just a question of costume, "When I see a person oonsecrated lo Ood, I say Uod Mess you. I say go brother, or sister, without sin. A man who doesn't believe iu holiness hasn read the Bible. "Perhaps some of you are thinking why mother Sluarl did not talk sweet this morning. There is do use to have revival unless il means a general clean iug. I don't want top heavy revival I want a good, old-time Methodist meet ing. "While I was holding the meeting in Salisbury, a few days siuoe, a big theal rica! company camo along. And what do you reckon? (July one woman was prcaeut, aud she waa tha wife of a street fakir. That was the result of the Salts bury meet iug Raleigh Post, 16th. (U K KK.S1IVAI, AT THE INIJATH EllINO Of THE Kltl'ITH IH AN IMITATION OF THE FEAST OK TABERNACLEH EAT OF HDD's Blit'NTY AND REMEMBER THE 1'OliR. THERE ARE MANY FALSEHOODS Tlll.l) AND MORE IlECEITION I'KACl'II ED AMONO CotTRTINIl PEOPLE THAN THERE IS EVEN AMIJNU POLITICIANS. Praisj for the goodness of Ood is never out of place and never unseason able, but it is especially appropriate on lays set apart by official appointment to notice the mercies which have followed us, the blessings which wo have enjoyed, the kind interpositions which have been unide iu our behalf, the bounties which have been bestowed upon us in order that wc may render again to Ood for all his benefits with festive joy and heartfelt thankfulness. The establishment of a day of thanks giving in the late autumn, after the in ulhering of the fruits, was made by the early settlers of Xew Kngland, in iuiila tinn of the feast of tabernacles held by the Jewish nation. It was a wise and pious act, and its adoption by most of the stales and at length by the general govern ment of this broad laud is an evidence of the diffusion of those religious sentiments which were at the foundation of the settle ment of this country. We may welcome this annual thanks giving today with the added interest which venerable custom has thrown around il, with the pleasing memories which early associations weave about our former celebrations of it, with the recol lections of absent friends who have it with us, the reunion of families, the merry laugh of children, the pleasure of parents and hail its advent as a day of sacred and social joy. It should bo observed with happy hcartB and cheerful Voices, and for the time at least the sigh of sorrow should be hushed and the tear of grief restrained Vihile full scope is given to all the kind lier emotions of our nature. Let crowd iulo its flying hours the pleasant memoties of the past, the happiuess nl the presetit and the fairest prospects ol the future and make it I bright aud gladsome day. Let us make il, so far as we can, day of grateful n juicing, aud, while we parluke freely of the bounties uf the year, give loose rein to the sweet sympathies f humanity and dispense with a liberal hand and a benevolent spirit to those that have need, so that (he voice of glad ness may bi heard in every dwelling. In imitation of the time honored custom of our fathers and in obedience to the language of Scripture, let us "eat the fal and drink the sweet and send portions to them f .r whom nothing is prepared.' ARE ALL LOVERS LIARS. A MINISTER'S NOVEL THEME. A l llT STONY. Lovers everywhere are called to the defense by the statement made in a ser mon last Sunday night by the Rev. II. Stephens.pastor of a Methodist church in Washington, D. C. Il is that more deception is practiced between lovers than by politicians. Dr. Slovens' flock was startled, even shocked by his new pronunciarnento. Strangely ctiough tha doctor's text was: "It is not good that man should be alone." Here ia part of what the doclor said in the course of his novel and interesting iscourse : "My object in selecting this text," said the niinistr r, "is to make a special talk on the morality of courtship and marriage. Some people think tins is not a proper subject to be handled in the pulpit, but I I hi nk it is, bio one it is a subject that is handled in the word of Ood. As to c ourlship I have only to say that young people should be jmt ns houest in courting as they are iu other relations of life. As a neuoral thing, this is not truo. There are many false hoods told and more deception practiced among courting people thau there is even among politicians. X young man has a moral right to pay any special attention to a young woman without acquainting her with the object of his visits, and no young woman should encourage the seri ous attention of a young man she would not marry. If she does, she is not what she should be. The affection of the heart is too sacred to be trill d will), and the professional flirt should be made to feel that decent society has absolute con tempt for her. "No young man or woman who is what he or she should be will try to pay or accept the serious Attention of more than oue person at a single time. Courting outht to be a religious business, and if there were more religion and common sense used in courtship, there would be fewer uuhappy marriages and divorce suits and more happy homes. The institution of marriage rests its founda tion on the command of God and the re quirements of our human nature. This being the case, all men should marry ex cept those who may be barred by some mental or lawful cause. 1 bat it is not good for man to be alone is proved by the fact that the m.ijoriiy of criminals in our jails are either old bachelors or spin sters. Xeither is it good for woman to be alone, for the same command that Tit-liitB gives the world this story of domestic felicity, a counterpart of which is found in many a household : "James, dear, will you biing mc up a scuttle of coal from the cellar?" said a busy wife. "That's just the way with yuu," said James, with a frown, as he put down his book and rose from the armchair. "Just the way with me?" "Yen," lie snapped. "As soon as you see me enjoying myself you have some thing or other fm mc to do. Don't you sen I was absorbed in my reading?" "Well, dear, I will do it myself." "Yes, aud tell everybody your moth er especially that you have to carry your owo coal up from the cellar. No, I'll do it. Let mc mark my place." So he marked the place in the book at which he had cesscd reading, and when he went down to Ihe cellar, grumbling all the way, she picked up the volume, aud found it was a love-story, and that the passage that he bad been absorbed in was as follows : "My darling, when you are my wife I will shield and protect you from every care. The winds of beaveo shall not visit your face too roughly; those pretty hands shall never be soiled by menial tasks; your wish shall he my law; your happiness " Just then he re appeared, and, drop ping the scuttle upon the flour, said: There's your coal I Give me my book." VILLAGE BLACKSMITH SAVED HIS LITTLE SON'S LIFE. Mr. 11. II. Black, the well known village blacksmith at Grahauisville Sullivan county, N. Y., says: "Our lit tie son, five years, has always been sub ject to croup, and so bad has the attacks been that wo have feared many times that he wt uld die. We have had the doctor and used many medicines, but Chauiberlaiu's Count) Remedy is now our sole reliance. It seems to dissolve the tough mucous and by giviug frequent" doses when the croupy symptoms appeal we have lound that the dreaded roup is cuied belore it gels settled." There is no danger in giving this remedy for it contains no opium or other injurious druu and may be given as confidently to a babe as lo an adult, for sale by W. M. Co hen, druggist. Proud of l.e Pedigree- Mamma, I have found out my pedigree! hat is it, dear? Uncle Jim's hired man says he's blooded mongrel. dog't full Henry Clay was at one time considera bly distressed by a large debt due to the bank. Some of his friends heard of this and quietly raised the money and paid off the debt without notifying Mr. Clay. n utter ignorance of what had been go- g on, he went to the bank one day, and, addressiog the cashier, said : "I avc called to see you in reference to that cht of miue to the lank." You don't owe us anything," was the ply. Mr. Clay looked inquiringly and said: You don't understand me. I came to see you about that debt which I am ow ing the bank." "You don't owe us anything." "Why! How am I to understand you?" "A oumber of your friends have con tributed and paid off that debt, and you do not owe this bank a dollar." The tears rushed to Mr. Clay's eyes, and, unable to speak, he turned and walked out of the bank. This is a faint imago of what Jesus 'hrist has done for us. places the obligation on man places KOH OVKH l-'IKTV VEAHM Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fur over fitly years by millions ot mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success, ll soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all puiu, cures wind ooltc, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sutterer immediately. Sold by druggists in everv part ol the world. J.) oenls a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and lake no oth er kind. A full, mature life can not be compre hended by i child. What we will be iu heaven can not be known to us Dow, but in Jesus we see that it is unspeakably good, and our highest desire is to be like Him. NIGHT SWEATS, loss of appetite, weak and impoverished blood, colds, la glippe and general weakness are frequi nt results ot malaria. KOtiEK I S TAaTK LKSSCH1LL TON 10 eliminates the malaria, purities your blood, restores your appetite and tones up your liver. 25c per bottle. Insist on having ROB ERTS'. No other "as good." J. N. K row ll, Halifax ; Jackson Drug Co., Jackson. Ate is not all decay, it is the ripening the swelling of the fresh life within, that withers the hu-k. Bwnth Ihe kind Yau Hmlars Boufitt corresponding obligation upon the wo man. "A good wife is one ol the greatest safeguards a young m ao can have. believe in people marrying young. Ear ly mirriages are permanent moralities, while deferred matriages aro often tem pestuous to ein. yet the custom of late marriages appears to be on the iucrease. Club life, to some extent, has taken the place of borne life. The man who defers marr) iug until he cau begin life where his father leaves off may oomuiit the awful mistake ot his hie by waiting too loug, because men differ from good wine, While wine imptoves and grows better with age, the other does not. Auy wo man who it uot williug to help a worthy young oiau make a start in lac is uot worthy ol (he love or support ot auy man whom she may marry. If a young man is worthy ot a wile, and a young woman loves him as she should, then will not be a question of fine house, but ot a uoe man. 1'iJ you cv ery notice (hat the man wants the woman he marries to be better than him sell ? In nine cases out of ten the i man is the best of the two. "No young woman should marry man whom she does not consider her equal in social standiug, education, and those oilier qualities which go lo make up a uoblo character. Alter yu gel munied, each one of you should be careful lo cultivate and carry iulo th new slate of lile all those lilile courtcsii thai unide the days of your courtship ao bright aud lovely. L ivc is like a fin needs the coiistuiit adding of fuel to kee it alive. A uianicd man should be as gentle with his wile tony years married as he was on the day of her wedding Married people should never stop court ing. The mistake some people make that they stop courting as soon as they get manicu, when they ought to just begin. I he thoughilul husband speud most ol his evenings at home with his wile aud children. How would look for the husband to sit up three four nights a week watching for the wife to come from the city? Has not a man wile as good a right to know where i man spends his time as man has to know whore his wife spends her ? The fact ia that marriage should be a blessing to both parties. A man ought to be bet ter for having a good wife and a woman for having a good husband. If marriage ii Dot t blessing, it ia misfortune. Mar riage ia not a failure. When Ihe failure comes it is the people." When me Hair Fails accompanied hf mucous patches in the mouth, erup tions on the skin, sore throat, copper colored splotches. swollen elands, aching muscle and bones, Hie disease is making ranid headway, and far worse ymptoms will follow unless the blood Is promptly and effectually cleansed of this Violent destructive poison. S. S. S. ia the only safe and infallible cure for this disease, the only antidote for this specific poison. It cures the worst cases thoroughly and permanently. Kg coodiiicD couid '"i - - , ... I'oiwin. I tried Dave Bcci No Worse. tbr rfortor" ui rltd mr no g'wxl ; 1 ffM Ratlins wor all th lime ; my huh t ame out, uWr jiin'Bieti In m throat aiitl mouth, my Unly wan aimihst covered with cojiprT rulornl tilolihrii ami oflftntvP on. I mifTfrrtl nrvrrsMv ir"m rhriimitir puiiii In my nhouiclrrs anil arm My comliiion muM have rr no worar ; ouly thow idhtteilaa I wan can uniier-tiau'l my tuUermu. 1 hud atwiut IohI all hot of ever being well affaia I .tendril tu try B. h.. but must cmifthi I had liitle faith left in any nirrliftfie After tHktnjr the third bottle I noticed change in my condi tion. '1 hif wax truly en couraging, and I df ter minal to give S. S. S a thorough trial. From that time on t hf improve ment was mom ; n. n n. v nceined to h.ive the di- ene complrte'.y under control ; the Bore and ulcers healed anil I was .,.,. rV. fr..v.iDll atom nf lh itihtonlrr 1 have liMtt sir rim Dtnl hrn1Miv VIr slnd 1. W.hMiiu, Uuclc Hot6il, NoblcsvUle, Ind. is the only purely vege table blood purifier known, is ottered lor prool trial it contains a particle of mercury, potash or other mineral poison. Send tor our tree noon on uiooa roison it contains valuable information about this disease, with full directions for sell treatment.' we charge nothing tor medi cal advice ; cure yourself at home. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, QA. lir.NRY CLAY'S DEBT WAS PAID. IF. PRETTY GIRL. ri U, 11. ! II ! AT , it j il l Hi e Hi T?. i There seems to be a campaign just now against the pretty gitl, and we're bound to have our say in the business if the roof drops. The pretty girl, as a rule, is just s drcsscd-up signboard that will flirt for hours with an addle-pated masher in a clean paper oollar, but if s young man with a solid lining to his head starts talk ing she'll give about two square inches of yawn every five minutes. Of course, we only write this out of spite, because we are as homely as a used-up batb brick, and the last time we engaged a pretty eirl with our well-known brilliancy of wit and conversation, she bad to own that if she hadn't had her pug dog with her she'd have felt quite lonely. You cannot have much interest in heaven when your principal is all on earth. It is bettor to make mistakes in trying than to make the mistake of Dot trying at all. WOMAN'S TROUBLES AND FEMALB DISEASES CURED BY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLE. Painful and Suppressed Menses, Ir regularity, l.eucorrliica, Whitea, Steril ity, Ulceration of the I'tems, changi of life, in matron or maid, all find re- liof. help, iH-netit and cure in JOHN TON'S SAKSAl'AKILLA. It ia a rel panacea for all pain or headache about the top or back of the head, distress. lug pain in the left aide, a disturbed condition of digestion, palpitation ol the heart, cold hands and feet, nerv ousness and irritation, sleeplessness, muscular weakness, bearing-down pains, backache, leg-ache, irregular ac tion of the heart, shortness of breath, abnormal dischargea, with extremely painful menstruation, scalding of urine, swelling ol feet, soreness of the breasts, neuralgia, uterine displacement and catarrh, and all those symptoms and troubles which make the average wo man's life ao miserable. mi'aiOAM DBxca on.. Detroit, Mia FOR SALE BY W. M. COHEN, WKLDON, N.C. (P (t IT A PPOMATTOX IRONWORKS, M an n facturera of Agricultural Implements, Shaftings, Mill U earing, ruueys, All Kinds ot Machinery, and Repairs. M, Peanut Machinery s Specialty. Nos. S3 A 34 Old 81, Petersburg, Va. ilt ill Hi Hi i Hi ii l ili ii ill ill Hi J. L. sJUDKINS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Rt aug 16 3m Staple and Fancy Grocerios w-FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crockery, Glass Tin, and wooden sod wil , low wan. Also Pratt's Horse, Cow, Hog and Poultry Food, and Grove's g$ Tasteless Chill Tonic Alexander's Liver and Kidney Tonic for pnrilying the blood. This tonic is warranted or monev refunded. J. L. JUDKIN8, No. 8S Washington Ave., Wsldon, N. t , dec 11 ly.

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