Esss. WlM te 1 Hfe Jj-OHi-N" "W. SLEDGE, pkoi-kiktok. -A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE WKLDON. N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1901. TERMS:-'1611 PER annum advance VOL. XXXV. NO. 36 ESTABLISHED 1870. FRANK T. CLARK CO., (Successors to (.Volte, Clark k Co.) Sash, ta ad "Blinds. Moulding, Stair Work, Porch Trimmings, Hardwood and Slate Mantels, Tiling and Grates. IsJ.Kiue liuildir's Hardware."! PAINTS OIL & GLASS. Aud Building Material of Every lt-Titi.n J8 C 'luiu-reial Place aud 4S) Roaooke Avenue, NOKFOLK, VA, U 'y P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. :filer in QEfEmL - - - OF AIX KIN1-P. ZEICLER4 BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. WSole An-iit io Wel.lou for 8TROUSK (.Formerly nolrl here by M. P. Hart.) A lit tmmf-ri 'LT'-A"'259?? ,3l&jfl5 1 i)rfaflw3 ggpaiaayijMf?5- 1 U 11 The Public Schools are now open ing over the State, and will need supplies. These school books and supplies can be had at a discount to teachers and dealers. We sell all kinds of books. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., oeu im. RALEIGHiN. C. The Celebrated Golden Crown w Forest vW- "?Y TtTI ITOTrTTJO llllli Disffllei Expressly For tmU 17. 17. K Y, . V DnOTEM.l " " : V DrDTCM-IITH VA a run am The Peerless Wine, In ThouMamla of Vinericin HiiuwhtMH. 2$ u jTi Ml'ittNburc Pure Rye Only I a$2.00 Gallon U ArliDRton and Lake Pruruinond. Ui tiilery at Aleiandria, Va. '-ffS- M: W. W. Mfc Is Sole Agent at Weldon, N t Jlf$ o .v. iinRrnnnir v u if v I II V I SHOULD BE I1T ALL R f A O 17" D V mtie hj GARRETT X CO. ' UVV13ILlL J- nnfailiog remedy and til theh gooda are guaranteed to give ntiafaction. Home Office, CH0CK0YOTTE. N. C. 'Ml, RkMS Regulator The Best Liver Medicine. Largest Package on the Market. Limited. SHOES BUOT IIKliS 111(111 ART CLOTHING g'laTiititecil. UNDERTAKING In all ll Iir.nn lies Metallie. Walnut, Clth O.vere.1 t'aket and Coffin. Telephone or telegraph messages at tended to ilay or mulit. A A 1J lnlil4l'ilriliiiii4i Miller imDOfrfLC. lu i i w e w,r I H Li, Branch Warehouse, MEMPHIS, TENN. HOB THE NEW YEAR. FROM UN OLD MANUSCRIPT. Ct'hTDMS VHF.VAI.F.XT IN (ITIIKIt DAYS Ilearly t iircsiuna of goi-d wihhua fur I liappy und pro-pri u New Year are the itm-tina Cor this waaon. Hut, if we miy crulil our Knjli-li f. rrie-i r, we may for uur Iven f.reeiBt tlie general aapetl ofllienm 'l niniitli", ava ilie Ileiroil Newj-Tiihune. Il in pliii'ani lo lie fml l-h run iiui and a lew Mjinuli villi the folklorn anl a'u-ient eiinoiiiH of our anci'Morn oannot he lime ill upenr. l'r. in a valu.ihli! iu inu-cripl in the lihrary of Triniiy collff. Canihride, we h am ilia' if the New Year cmmi enccf on a Sund.iV The wind r h ill bi i.""i'l. I iyr But Ti'iH nifds nli.l'i khallb'i The ujmner hhall he fine and dry; Hv kind h k i i I and n n limit hm Thrnu.'h all land lliere vhall ho peaee; liood time Cor all thinL'b to be done, Hul he thai pleuleih shall he found noon, What ehild ilai day horn may be A una! lord he shall live lobe. And nt'ain wiih repaid lo ihe weather n-tte ear I'ulK tlie a' iiopberii! fondinnn- f Ihe fi'-l 12 dny of th year. The' rill yif.' you an u il'a iiiii indiealion of what w allorlo npiet duriiif! t tic Cumin" 1 'J. li.onllii. You are Mron.'ly advied never to lend unytliinp od New Year's day, or you are pine lo he unlucky Ihe whole year tlnu.'h. Pou'i pay anything, either, fi r it i slid Pay away uiooey on New Year'i day, And all ihe yiar through you'll have money lo pay ! But by far the inoai general supersli lion ia that of the "first foot," it b.'ini: every where aekoowledged lhat the for tune of a house eniirely depends on the appearance and the fi x of the first per son crossing ihe threshold after the mid- iiiuhl hour has j.i-r . It is hard to sec what Judns eariot h.ia to do with Christinas, hut tradition assi Us lhat Ju das, in d li'ion lo his sins, was possessed of a monstrous crop of hair. Therefore o i redheaded person or even one of lair cornpleiion niut place " first fool" in a house on this nuimenloiia morning. The question of compleii'in, however, is not altogether a aeilli d one. In many plaeis it is a fair and n it a dark man who should plnee firt fool." This harbinger of fortune must eai and drink when in ihe house and should, lo make the charm most complete, enter by the (rout doi r, visit every room, car ryini: a piece "f holly in his hand, and make his eiit by the rear. If the niiesiion of complexion is un settled, that of ! is decidedly Dot. N female under auy cireutut ances must bi the first to enter a house on New Year's morniDg. Illli M W WW. A royal welcome, baby yi ar, The first of ihe century new, Yet for the old we drop a tear, K'eo while we am welcoming you, In memory dear of the dead old year Who left us a friendship or two. Our hopes are ilh thee, young one, Such h. pi s as have weathered the blast Of fame tl is year or fortune won, ilhheld from uswaiiint! the last, Some great task d one, last year beguu Or planned in our dreams of ihe past Fair child, there's oneat least who prays That thou mays! bring less sorrow, Bring fewer long aud weary days And mi re like the blessed tomorrow, With longing gaie at sunset raya So sweet Irom the future to borrow. Of i533 Orange Street, he Anerles, Cal writ.: "I ha.1 bn afflictea with my . . . l. .....V. . rlrMilflll ere lor over yrr .in. - Itching and inflamnwtion that I could bad given """y l'ffereut reme,llc which were like uaing ao much water ; they meaaurerl mr eyea for glaMea, which I got and wore for aome time, but they did not. jn, u- motner aeairrri w --- Pierce and explain the condition of my i j:4 . .A afirr fnllowtnir VOUt Xice. and ua'.ng eight bottle, of" the ' Favorite FK-scnpuon ami r.K." . . . , . l f m aav mv 'Goliten Mtnicai oi"..,, -i trouble ia entirely cured. I would adviae anv one to afflicted to try three wonder ful medicine My health waa never to irood aa it ia now, and I ahall never Ure ot?m"': - ".1 .n cnsult Dr. SICK wumc:i c : uI., Pierre by letter and aecure a apeciaUat dvicer or vnig:. WRITtl3Da.RVPIERCt BUFFALO, N.Y. ALLCOCBESPONDtNtt PRIVATE. ? 1 Maud Kcnyca, -i mL1 mLmL ni' ft Ein3 Qui hc Vi KI N (i (Hit the olil, rititi in the new, King; ha)iiy liclls acrosM the snow; The your is ilyin, let him k; 5"';r"s) Ring out thefalise, ring in tint true. f King out the grief that raps the mind Fur those that here we see no more; Ring out the fuetl of rieli anil poor, Ring in redress to all mankind. Ring out hate's slowly dying cause And ancient feuds of party strife; Ring in the Holder modes of life With sweeter manners, purer laws. Ring out the want, the core, the sin, The Faultless coldness of the times; Ring out, ring out my mournful rhymes And ring the fuller minstrel in. Ring out false pride in place and blood The curie slander and the spite; Ring in the love of truth and right, Ring in the common love of good. Ring out old shapes of foul disease, Ring out the narrowing lust of gold; Ring out the thousand years of old, Ring in the thousand years of peace. Ring in the valient man and free, The larger heart and kindlier hand; Ring out the darkness of the laud; Ring in the Christ that is to be. It A "S ZLmmiL; THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS. WANT BELIEVE IN THEM. A CASE IN WHICH TUB COINCIIIENCfcS WERE HESIAKKAU1.E. On one occasion during the civil war I dn amid lhat I was standing beside a road when there came marching along it strong column of prisoners, with guards at intervals oo the flints. I asked one of these guards who the prisoners were d where they had been captured. He informed me lhat they had been taken in au vugugi uieul with the enemy on the ay belore aud that there Were 1,DUU of I loin. I then asked some bystander what day of the month il waa and was (old it was such a day of a Certain mouth, some six weeks later than the dale ol the dicaui. The whole dream was ex tremely distinct, and it made a strong tuipresiion on me. I related it to a number of my comrades within the next few days aud then thought of it Do more Six wit ka later, on tbo morning of the Very day that Itad been nientiontuin inc dream as the dale when the column if prisoners had passed before me, 1 was ou picket two miles dislaut from the poiul where I bad seemed to be when I saw them. It was soon alter breakfast, at.d I was standing by the side of the road at the fire talking to the ifhcci ul the picket when an aid lo the commanding gem ral came riding down the road, lie had been a schoollellow of our officer's at West 1'oint, and he reined up when he recognized his frieud. He told ua that he had good uews; lhat there had been a harp rugagcuieut with the enemy the day before aud that our people bad captured 1,900 prisoners, who had just passed the headquarter that moruing on their way lo the rear St. Louis Olobe-Iemocrat. AN OUNCE OP PREVENTION. Never lean with the back upon any thing that is cold. Never take warm drinks and then im mediately go out iuto the cold. Keep the back, especially between the shoulder blades, well covered; alao the chest well protected Iu sleoping in cold room, establish lbs babit of breath ing through the nose, aud never with the mouth open. Never go lo bed with cold or damp feet. Never omit regular baihing, for, uuleas the skin is in active condition, the cold will close ihe pores aud favor uuugoliub or other diseases Alter exeniseof auy kiud, never ride io au open carriage or o ar th-j window of train for a motueut; it ia dangerous 10 health and even life. When h arse, speak as little aa p s-i ble until the h wra ne- is reev. red from, else th i voioo may be permanently lost or difficulties of the throat be pro duced. Merely warm the hack hy ihe 6e, and never coulinue keeping the back exposed to heat after it has become comfortably warm. To do otherwise ia debilitating When going from warm atmosphere into a oooler one, keep the mouth closed, ao that the air may be warmed by ita passage through the nose ere it reachee the lungi. Tommy 1 op, what waa the straw that broke the eamel'i baokf Tommy's Pop The kind they put in boarding house mattresses, ay son. L "am." 'm '-L' Uj 9 ii vi i, vl 'P (P (P (P (P (P (P 9 (P (P (P -ALFRED 1ENXEYSON. i-5 GOOD RESOLUTIONS. WORKS NOTHING BUT GOOD. TWOFOLD HRNKKITS DERIVED FROM MAKING NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS. Notwithstanding the army of very wise and very cyuical peoplo who sneer at New Year's resolution I'm going to boldly announce mysi If here as one who believes in ihciu. I do not hesitate to say that I have made them every yiar since I was old enough to think about such things, and I expect to keep it up as long as 1 live Moreover, I want my girls to get into the same habit, for 1 consider it good aud helpful. But, girls, don't lake it up as a pastime, or confide in anyone who happens to be present. Be in earnest about it. Go away by yourseti lor a Utile while and examine your character honestly. Don't make excuses lo youiself because there ale fliws in it; dou'l attempt to lay the b!atr.c upon anyone else; don't conselc youradf with the thought lhat you are no worse than your neighbor. Shut out all the world, face y. ur couscienco bravely, and b: honest with yourself, if only for a lit' tie ball hour. It cannot help but do you good. Character is Si tuelhir.g we build for our selves. We, and we alone, are respoosi- ti e t. r it. W e have no right lo assirt that covin uncut or hereditary influences prevent us In in reaching our own ideals, There is uoihiug but our own moral lazi ness I o prevent us trom bung what He really want to be. The benefits arising from the making of New Year resolutions are twofold. It is good for us to acknowledge a fault and wish to ove.come it, it is good fur us to resolve to do better, even if the resolu tion is destined to be broken, for the aoul lives oo these breaths from the up- per realms of life. KOKOVHH MFTY YKARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty yean by millions of mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cun s wind oolic, and is the best remedy tot Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor li' sufferer immediately. Sold by druggi. is in every part of the world. .5 cents a bottle, lie sure and ask fur "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take do oth er kind. L ive ia tender paimiou if it ia recip- r mated. If not it ia pretty tough. Out this out aud lake il to W. M. Co hen's drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets, the beat physio. They also cure disorders of the stomach, bilioui and headache. The American eagle takes a back seat to the American turkey. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of The first six months aftei he gets mar ried a man's heart ia so soft it hurls every time his wile sighs. After he's been married a year she couldn't drive a hat pio in it with a shoe brush. Bwatka Blgutut r I in aim loi raw always imujh THE NEW YEAR. ONLY HAVE FAITH. WE SIKll'I.D NOT BE DIKCOt'HAUED DV THE FA I LI' R EH OF THE PART. Il is hard lo tell whether the begin ning of the New Year is the more full of hopefuloess or regret. Of course the day is nothing. Kvery day marks the beginning of a new year; but, while all Christendom is fastening in thought upon this poiut of lime as the close of one period and Ihe commencement of another, aeriuua persons can hardly help making an appraisement of the past and a lorecast ul ihe future They think of what they have done and what they have ouiitud to do; of the losses od gains of ihe year, and it may well full out that the debit side of the ledger carries a discour aging balauce. But we make a pretty unfortunate mistake if we let the failures aud di appoiulmenlsuf the past cloud our horiziu. Many lives are like century p'Uuts tbey burst iuto bloom only afler a long and tedious interval. The hard work, the patient endurance, the courage in bearing losses and trials, at length on some favored day bring forth their result, aud the man is uddenly oveiwheluied at the transformation of his life in the frui iiou uf long-cherished hopes No one of us can till when we are standing UD the verge uf such a crisis Many a man, like Saul at Uilgal, has become discouraged just too soon, and, lo! a little after he has committed himself to false aud weak policy the prophet has oouie, aud be finds that he has missed the prize thai waa almost within his grasp That is our New Year's greiling lo tho thous ands of friends who read this No mat ter how durk and discouraging the out look may be, have faith io yourselves and iu the good providence of God, aud may this year bring you the fruitage ol your hopes, the trausformati n of life which is aa wonderful and yet as possible as the change which comes to the earth in May, when the warm rains and ihe mourning sun suddenly work the miracle of ihe springtime, when the oold and barren earih, as iu response lo the touch of an iuvi.-ible wand, blooms with ver dure. A SONG PUR THE PAR I ISO YEAR. Good by, old year, You have not brought me wealth; You have not raised me high, But you have left me health Good-by, old year, and as you go My praises go with thee; You leave me toiling up the hill, I see you passing on, but still Hope lingers here with mcl Good-by, good-by, old year I You have not made me groat; Beyond, new tasks appear, And I must work and wail Good bye, old year, but as you go Siill bear my praise away, Since I may toil, and toiling, hold Within my breast ihe faith ol old That sights a coming day. Good-bye, old year, good-hyil You have not brought me fame; You leave no honors I My proully rush to claim Good by, old year yel, as you leave, 0 take my praise along, Siuce I may still ihiough hopeful eyes Perceive far distant glories rise And sing a hopeful song. Good by, good-by, old ycarl The way ia rough before, And stiewn along the rear Are dreams I'll dream no more ! Good by, old year, and let me sing Thy praise as best I can, Since I I'll loved and still may love And since thou hast not robbed me of A fair in m't faith io man! I . OWN TO ATOMS. The oid id a that tho b uly sometimes need a powerful, drastic, purgative pill has been exploded; for Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are perfectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowels to ex pel poisonous matter, cleanse Ihe system and absolutely cure Cuii&iilMlioQ Bed Sick Headache. Only '.'Sc. at V. M Cohen's drugstore. If horses could talk they would proba bly tell a tale of whoa! $500 KEWAHl). We will pay ihe above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Cosliveness we cannot cure with Liverta Iheup-todite Little Liver Pill, when the directions are strictly complied with They are purely vegetable, and never fail lo cive satisfaction. 23o boxes contain 100 Pills, 10c boxes oontain 40 Pills, 5o, boxes contain 15 Pills. Beware of sub solutions and imitations. Sent by mail stamps taken. N ERVITA M ED10AL Co., Cor. Clioton and Jackson St , Chicago, I I. jy 19 ly For sale by W. M . Cohen, Wetdoa, N. 0. I) t Ohristiu n ti ue is comin'; bat tr uh!e t, d" ' urkey il wist eooozh ra a' ouu-u reach 1 ' TIIOU.IITS. Art Thou my Father? Let me rest; ir Thou dost order what is best; nd whatsoever is dark or bright, Thou only doest all things right. Art Thou my Failici? All 1 meet Is needed for my wandering feet. let me not from duty stray But guard and guide me every day I Ait Thou my Father? Soul, look up, And if there comts one hitler cup Iu all thy sweet, O it was given ead (bee on, to Christ and heaven. Thou art my Father! At the last, When all earth's joy and ghum is past, Thy voice will call, "No longer roam, But come, my weary child, come home!" Mrs. K M. Anderson, iu Durham Sun. RESOLUTIONS. Fur three or four days after the new year has dawnid there is a sound of crashing and smashing in the atmosphere. It is the world breaking ils good reso'u tions, All the little domestio ones fail one by one. Nellie was never to resent the little hourly corrections; Willie was stop teasiog; mother was to stop wor rying. All these nave been disregarded. Nellie is as touchy as ever; Willie is a worse tease than ever; mother's brow looks like a cornfield; the old heathen ways are working again. THE LITTLE TIN HORN. Sure as you'ro born, The little tin horn- When ihe frosts of the Christmas fall, For a.l ihcy say, Thrills the night and day Willi the sweetest notes of all 1 Wouldn't it be strange if the Sultan should tiive us a slice of Turkey. indigestion dyspepsia biliousness and the hundred and one simi lar ills caused by impure blood or inactive liver, quickly yield to the purifying and cleansing properties contained m Johnstons $arejaparilla QUART BOTTLE It cures permanently by acting naturally on all organs of the body. Asa blood-cleanser, flesh- builder, and health-restorer, it has no equal. Put us in Quart Bottles, and sold at $ each. "TUB MICHIOAN DRUO COMPANY," Detroit, Mich. Jg Taka Ltytrettw for Uear Ilia, ssc ft FOR SALE BY W. M. COHEN, WKLDON, N. C NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality. Lost Vlpr tod Mtohoo Cum Im potency, Night Kraitniom, Lost of Men or, ail waaUiiiaT ditflasei. all effects of Bolf-abun or 60 PILLS 60 CTS. ftxeaas aud iudisoretion A nerv tonio nd bloo4 builder. Briturs cheeks and itwtnrot the the Dink rlow to Dale nro ol youth, at nail SO rwr box. O txiiPt for $2.60, with our bankable gs.urantee to cure or reiuna uie money peia. oeno lor circuiai and copy of our baukabie guarantee bood. NervitaTablets EXTRA STRENGTH (TSLLOW LABEL.) Positively guaranteed en re for Lots of Power, Wncooele, undeveloped or enniDsreo urfrnne, Pria. IwvtmiUtr Ataxia. Nftmwil Prostra tion, Hysteria, Fits, Inwanity, Paralysis and the nesQiia or MceaMve ajsogti looacco, upturn m Liquor, By mail in plain package, 9 1.00 a box, 6 for $5.00 with our bankable truar antee bond to cure in 80 days or refund money paid. Addren NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton dt Jackson Sts CHICAGO. ILL. For Bale by II'. M. Cohen, ifeldon N. C. PI Cnmn Gordon Baltimore Rye and O.P.E, Maryland RYE. "A Gentleman's Drink. Sold Only In Weldon by AU Night House; West SiisR.RrSli'jJ, eat 4 3ia. SORES ULCERS. Sores and Ulcers never become chronic unless the blixsj is iu poor condition is sluggish, weak and unable to throw oft the poisons that accumulate in it. The system must be relieved of the unhealthy matter through the sore, and great danger to life would follow should it heat before the blood has been made pure and healthy and all impurities eliminated from the sys tem. S.S.S. beginsthecurebyfirstcleans ing and invigorating the blood, building up the general health and removing from the system A CONSTANT DRAM All morbid. effeteniatter. "PON THE SYSTEM. When this has lie en accomplished the dis charge gradually ceases, aud the sore or ulcer h eala. 1 1 ia the tendency of these old indolent sores to grow worte and worse, and eventually to destroy the bones. Local applications, while soothing and to aome entent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat of the trouble, fe. S. 8. does, and no matter how apparently hopeless your condition, even tuuugh your constitution has broken down, it will bring relief when nothing els can. It supplies the rich, pure blood necessary to heal the sore and nourish the debilitated, diseased body. Mr. I n Tallxrt, Lock Box Mi .wlacme, 'MISS.. Says: "fill years ago my leg from theknretti the foot was one solid sore. Sercral physiclattf treated me and I made two trips to Hot Springs, but found no relief. I waa induced to try 8. 6. 8 , and it made a complete cure. I have been a per fectly welt man ever since." is the only purely veg etable blood purifier known contains no poisonous minerals to ruin the digestion and add to, rather than relieve your suffer ings. If your flesh does not heal readily when scratched, bruised or cut, your blood ia in bad condition, and any ordinary sore is apt to become chronic. r Send for our free book and write our physicians about your case. We make no charge for this service. THE IWIFI SPECIFIC GO. ATLANTA, SA. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard has received the verdict of popular approval a larger sale than any other lard in this country. It is wholesome and absolutely pure. Swift's Premium Hams and Bacon are unexcelled in quality, choice flavor and attractive ap pearance. Swift's Products are made under U. S. Government Inspection. Swift and Company Chicago Si. Louil Kanftai City Sl Joteph Omaha St. Paul Over 150 Branch Houses in the U. 8. tfttfraiuitfrrinuiui atinaid ffQ9fftMsiVtt NEW STOCK ! Having opened a firnt clam Grocery at w. l . Parker's old stand am pre-: pared to sell yon good goods at lo' ptictw. . MEATS a Specialty, iiiiif Sol lc I ling a share of yonr trade, X remain. 7 Your respectfully, g! - D. A. Smith, Weldon.N.C a Monuments AND Gravestones. I WE PAY thi FREICHT I andCUARANTEE SAFE 1 DELIVERY ... i LARGEST STOCK In the South tJ Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Eatabliahedi.184.8-) 159 to 163 Bank at, Norfolk Va aov S It. A PP0MATT0X Manufacturers of Agricultural Implement!, Shafting; Mill Hearing, ruiteva, All Kinruor Machinery, and Bafiaiia. tA. Pcaont Machinery a Speoiatt. Noe. 33 34 Old St, Fetenbaoj, Yt vM. BO yeaW 'V, EJlFEfilEriCaV Tram Manttt "Htl1 COVRKiMT JUL- Anvnne aetntlnf a skeih and drvrlpf Ion mkf , anion? aaortnin onr ci-timm fruv I'Hm Invention t pmrmrity irtwi. trihritflhm- 1 tionantHrttrcniitlileutliil. (fW.lbortl OB r'srtswtt Mill tree, l'll4t Htmecr for rill tMiUt, I'm fitt t.ktn tbtoaifb Huttn A ve, ttualw - meruu twite. wnniiavcMirira. mmm Ml.tlun of any waanufte ytrvM. -I xi," m a ' wmr: roor aMk at aWw trail . ! i 1