1 PROPRIETOR. JOHN" SLEDGE, VOL. XXXV. ESTABLISHED 1870. FRANK T. CLARK CO.,, (Successors to Cooke, Clark k Co.) Sash. Doors and Blinds. ww - 7 r PEOPLE limited. PRAYER. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Intercessory Frayer is that Di tviue Essence of Soul-union. a to- tp. --kt R"P A P E IHj EOK THE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31. 1901. THF, MI YEAR. A SEW BATH. BY DR. T&LMAGE. TEBMS: $1.50 PKK ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO 40 What Is The Highest and No hlest Resolutions for the Coni ng Year. Moulding, Stair Work, Porch Trimmings, Hardwood and Slate Mantels, Tiling and Grates. (.Fioe Bui'det'i Hardware.1 PAINTS OIL & GLASS. And building material ui rciy .m.-.hiT....... 28 Commercial Place and 49 Roaooke Avenue, NOUFOl.K, VA. P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. Dealer io ffjtttf - OF AI L KINlB. ZEICLER t BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. SHOES trJjT.-sole Ag-nt in Weldon for 8TKOUSK. BROTH EKH HIGH AKT CLOTHING ... ... ci lr... A fit iriliimnttwd. (Formerly ld W J n- " " In ,.11 it branches Metallic. Walnut, Clnth Covered Caskets and CutBna. Telephone or telegraph messages at tended to day or nittht Mil m U 11 MWf WW If II! Rot. Canin Wilberforca takes a novel but suggestive view of what is to some people vexed subjeot, In the January number of St. Join's Mag liue is the ullowing extract from his sermon, quotod in the Library Digest for February 17th: Intercessory ptayur is that divine es sence of soul-union, that heavenly minis try which laughs distance to scorn and creates a meeting place in God for sun dered hearts and lives. I cannot analyz it and reduce it to a proposition; but neither can I analjj! the invisible fra- grunt vibrations which proceed from a bunch of violets and which will perfume a whole room. I cannot analjxi the passage through the air of the dots and dashes of the Marconi system of wireless telegraphy. But, I know that ioterces sion is a current of the breath of God starting from your owu soul and acting as a dynamic force up m the object for which you pray. It sets frca secret spirit influences (perhaps the Father's mighty angels that excel in strength who cm .. . . . a l.l .. I.. siy !) but winen lunueoces womu uoi i set free without the intercession. I cm ell understand Mary, queen of Scots, saying that she feared the prayers ol ohn Knox more than an army of 10,- 000 men. Why should not intercession be purl of O d's regularized workings as much as wireless telegraphjf Why ihould it not be a natural law, and none the less spiriiu il because natural ? Such foiccs do exist. Call them thought transference, psychio sympathy, spiritual niit. what vou will. These forces of j i influence between man ami tnau, renu): ndependently of distance, are rapidly claiming recognition from the physical invesligatur. Why should not interces sion be one of these secret affinities ap pertaining to (he highest part ot man and sciini! by divine natural law directly THE SALT RUB. The Best Time to Take a Bath is Just Before Going to Bed. fiivi Thfi Public Schools arenow open in over the State, and will need Rnrmlifis. These school books and supplies can be had at a discount to teachers and dealers, we wi all kinds of books. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO, IR, A T.THH-rT-L.JN.O-. To make happy all the people we can reach. By words, by smile, by oonsisient example, by monetary relief, by religious iufluence. In the coming year wo win all have at least 20!) opportunism of making people happy. Perhaps we will have twice that number ol opportunities. There are thousands of men aud women dying for lack of one word of sym pathy. Euoourage newspiper men. it you knew how nnuy annoyances they have, if ym understood that their most elaborate article is sometimes thrown out because there is such great pressure nn the culumns, and that an accurate report of a speech is expected although the ut terance be so indistinct the discourse iB one long steoagraphio guess, and that the miduight which finds you asleep de mmds that they be awake, sickened at the oft approach of men who want com plimentary newspaper mention; one day sent to report a burial and the next day . ...n.,rt a nniilistio encounter; Bhilted "P"" - r n roiu place to place by sudden revolution lieh is apt to take place any day to our great journalistic) e-taimsuineuio, pii..- is life bee min m ire and more pre carious if you understood it you would bj more sympathetic Bi affible when y u have not an ax to be sharpened on their grindstone. Also cheer up mei- ohants, and if they have a superior style of noods tell them so, and encourage those starling to be bargain makers by lihearBing how you dined behind the counter on crackers and cheese between the g iin and coming of oustomers, Cheer mechanics, and if they have done a iob well tell them so. iou teel you have a right to find f mil with a me ohioio when he does ill. Do you ever . nu.Jiini.i when he docs wcl ! V""" " " filieer tho doctors. Tnerc is a great I no of THE ONE ARM LAD. AN INCIDENT AND A SEQUEL. Every Man's Life Is Divinely Planned. DOING 0L-R BUST. A lady once crossed a street where a little boy was busily sweeping the cross- sbc noticed with pleasure the care iih which he did bis work, and smiled as she said to him, Yours is the cleanest flammation ; little pustular eruptions form crossing which I pass. He lil'ed bis itia and stales off ; sometimes the skin is .m .ho nhiect nraved tot. originating dad ol cheap Wit aoout o,, I ' ' ' . . . . . :.i..i, i t. divin., nature in Vou. and pass- lira that tliose p.)opic woo ,wb.- ;,. f.,11 f ilm inli iiie resource of God .hit wit are the first lo seud for a doctor Various sanitariums and private luwpi. ta'a are usiwg the "salt lub, and It is becoming so popular thut some Turkish baih establisliments are advertising it us a sp.eial H ruction, says Trained Mother hood. It is just as good for well people as for sick ones, is the most refreshing of all I he hatha and rub ever invented, only excepiing a dip in the sea itself, is very stretmtheiiing, and oan be taken at home easily. Put a few pounds of coarse salt the coarsest you can get, sea salt by prefer- nnn in an earthen iar. and pour en ough water on it to produoe a sort slush, but not enough to dissolve the salt This should then be taken up in handful! and rubbed briskly over the enure per son. It is better to have it rubbed on by another person, but any one in ordinary health can do it for herself or himself very satisfactorily. This beiog done, the next thing is a thorough douching of lar water, nref'erablv cold, and a brisk rubbing with a dry towel. The effect of elation, freshness and re newed life is felt immediately, and th .tino tritnra of the sin and increased j olearness and brightness of the oomplex inn aavll ill- tp.stiin jnv in favor of the salt rub. For young children it is best to drain ft" the salt, and add two tablespoonfuls of pure bay rum to a basin full of this saltwater. Apply with a soft Turkish towel. Care should be taken that there ia not too much salt in the water, miy irritate the tender skins of some oliildren. The best time for taking a bath is just before going to bed. There is no prac tice more objectionable than to go to bed ol ostly wrapped up in the dust and d that aecuinulaiu on tho surlace ot tn body during the day; uor is there auy thing I know of more oondueivc tosoun p than a tepid douche just before gi directly to tlie one lor whom you prayf HIS 'TIM The locic of some Bible readers re- na nl' ih iorv of an old colored Dreacher who made the assirlion in hi pulpit that every woman had seven devils in her. He was promptly challenged by .1.. :...ia ('..mule inembirs of Inn flock to UIO IIBIW v "J make euod Ma ustTtioo. He aonouQoed in at ' - would give scriptural proof of what he had said. oe.t 4 I u. "S3 C. G.EVANS,! WKUH)N, N.C. 'U Fancy Groceries, Fruits and Holid-J Go,.da. AlUindsoffl.voriogfotCkrUimus Cuke. Jellie.. Full Sine Conf.ftiooeiie of all sorts. ?J OLD WINES AND BRANDIES. Tk -Sole Agent For- n1,T1,.r,.RYH. CALL FOR IT. it E ROSENE OIL 3 CTS. QUART. wh"0 anthin' is the uuticr. ojihu oaj .i... .i,iA.raur ii.1.v4i. Oie man ba1 V U"U'"i" - writtcu a bo.k entitled 'K'ery Man 11 l,..i,,r' That autliour ousiht to write one id b iok and entitle it 't-ver Man His 0u U.idertaker.' list live that tlii-t coming year you iill ever? day encourage somebody n is in lawful busioesi, and if you h; ....i.;.. . in hav tint U encouiaoing, O man I put your teeth tightly togcll all cover tlvm with tho curtain of youi lip, compress y mr lips and then put jour haod over your m .uth and Keep When trie time came ho gave bis flie fir9t duty ol all tault-unuers ana proof as f. Hows: "Brudders and sisters, pe8,imi,ts ' "but up " have all done beard ana re.a u a. c,.u-onii:u lest a modest vou Lord done cast seven detiblls out ol one ii . 1 .! siQlura vnil woman, dui, uruuui-io u" w--, j have not heard and read dat he oast du debbils out of any udder woman. Dere- fore, ef de Lawd only cast de debbils out nl one woman, den all de udder women has de debbils in dem yet. So, accordu . . j. ...,.nin' oh do scriptures, eb- 10 UO Jiimu .-. . . l,..even debbils id tier oery wum. Pal's my pint." It's do great fifty pager lit tie sheet; An it s issued every inursuay, shine, snow or sleet sle iu to bed. There are tew people need more baihs than the farmers, in the majority of farm homes, there art few bathing facilities aud conseq lcntly bathing is less frequent than it ihould be. Every farm house should have at least one spot which provides warmth and privacy With ihese two baths are possible; even if other things are less con venient than miyht be desired. "FLORIDA FAST MAIL" BY THE SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. 'KLORIDA AND WK8T INDIA. uui LINE" TO TUB WINTER BKSORTS OK Til K SI if I'll. THE ONLY LINE OPER ATING DAILY LIMITED TRAINS FLORIDA. The "Fioiiiu Fast Mail," another of the Seaboard Air Lioe Railway's splen- The Peerless Wine, :0 Minn mm Minn k t Io Thousands of .American Households, n i -t i n i m m w v i ' 4 n ijaM I 111 k)I B M Wl j'- ;.:-J r ,fy 4i I E I . mm m awMaT .1 f. II II I' I Ml III I ill I 1 SHOULD BE I1T:-A.LT. -ir rTr TT T) T"7 mtie hJ GARRETT & CO. ia " ObUlVDJLlAO J- DfliDg remedy goo hi are guaranteed to give satisfaction. PjgaaanaaaaaH a. 'k. i . i.i..vv -w i itfMV- x. nut ii irvNi if its ji ro mni vkvm nd all their KLKVlfCJc)V Home Olo, CHOCKOYOTTE, N. C. 'it Braoota Warehouse, MEMPHIS. TENN. Regulator The Best Uvr Medicine. M.rket. Lerfeet Packeje on the Market. 1 '. n-... o. iT.a rnr tl.OO. OM F '-,' .;. . ;! with work. A frltt.4 1 plm- anbi to ourea d P1ERC! PR STBLNCIi NURSING MOTHERS TMARU WEAK WOMEN STRONG . ... . ... 1 W.. V.lr t ain't missed a single opy-not that 1 di Hy equipped trains, iea.es i. cau recollect- 3 l-;lu m ,rcl1 An' it's allers proved a blessin'-for 1 Pennsylvania fta.iroao, wuu . . - ..r..n,l,..u. refleet Drawing Uoom Sleeping var . k-j u1"""" I " li: That when I first went oourliu1, settin Coaches to Raleigh, Soutneru lines, close up side of Pet, Columbia, Savannah, Jacusonvme, wu.rc ur.M ln. nd cather knowledge 1 connections arc made l, r oi. auusumo, MBUUi'v " , l rr..m the Grani-eraville Gaulle. Tampa and all D'londa points, inisuu.u v ..... n,.d .ine I went a oourtin', oonnects at New York with train leaving "' . .. . " - . . i...:,- 1.1-1.: .nd Pel's urowed old and Way, Boston 7;UU Y. M . weaves i mi.u.cip.1 Rot I often think with pleasure of our 3.50 A. M., Baltimore 6: A. M., v asn- happy weddin' day Pi. she was a buisom lassie, an my heart was filled wilb pride WKpn I led her to the alter to beoom my blushin' bride ington 10:55 A. M., Richmond 2:40 P, M arriving Southern Pines 'J.io r. M Columbia 1:45 A. M., Savannah 5;UU A M.. Jacksonville 9:10 A. M., Tampa 4-30 n. m. Throusrh Pullman Drawing One of Dr. A. J. Gordon's favorite sayings was that God never makes a half- providence any more than a man makes a half pair of shears. A good many years ago a little Scotch boy, four years old, was caught in a threshing machine, and his right arm was torn oft. Thai wai a terrible accident in every sense of ih word, fur the boy not only lost the use of his arm, but was deprivod of future livelihood. He was a farmer's son. and. it was supposed, oould himself be nothing but a farmer. Now what would happen to him when he grew up ? This problem the boy's mother took to her heart. There she held her mutila ted laddie and prayed that God would make him a prophet. As his service on the farm was out of the question, Bh prayed that he might be used tor a no bier" husbandry. Thus the boy grew up ith his mother's prayers of dedication riniiinn in his heart, and in spite of him self, tbey formed his life. He could not on,lo ihem. Her pravers shut him in ith God. The lad grew and Btudied, aud was admitted to the Uuiversity of bdioburgh, He is the student of whom the story h been often told, how Doctor Bluckie aske. the oountrv boy Io rise and recite. Geg gie for that was his name arose ate held his book awkwurdly in bislelt nan "Take your book in your right hand, .,. 1 .L . .. I... .... I.. man I Bum Ilio icacner, su nn;. "I hae oae right hand," answered the youth, holdtug up his stump. There was a moment s silence, wliicn 1 . I U: ..1' it... nlans was broken oy i ne Hisses ui mo v,.. Tears of mortification were in thestudent'B eyes. Then Doctor Blackie ran down from his desk, and putting bis aim about the lad'i shoulder, as a father might, said : "I did not mean to hurt you, lad. 1 did not know.'' Then the hisses were changed to loud oheera, and Doctor Blaekie thanked the students for the opportunity of teaching a class of gentlemen. It was about that time that Major tt'Kliilo numn m the UuiversitV. and in the great awakening that followed, Geg nie was the first to give himself up to the service of Christ. Some time afterward Doctor Gordon was telling this story to his congregation in Boston. There was an impressive stillness, and after the service had close with more than usual solemnity, a slran ger walked up the aisle. The congrega ,;,.n nntineil that he had only one arm With a feeling of peculiar presentiment Doctor Gordon came down the pulpit tt. .rs to meet uim. I am your Geggie," the stranger said, v ith great emotion. Doctor Gordop, with i ringing voice, called his congregation back and told them that his illustration was before them The student was asked to speak. He rclstid the story of biB accident, his mother's prayers, and how he had eonse crated bis life. As the congregation left the ohurch that morning, the thought came to more than one : "Kvery man's life is diviuely planned: If adversity is inevitable, God makes the misfortuue fit the plan. Many a youth, without knowing it, is working out the lile to wbioh bis mother's piety devoted him; and ber vows and the Infi nite Wisdom are parts of a perfect prov idence." Youth's Companion. cap with a gallant air and quickly said, hard, dry -''.Sr 1 am uoing my uesi. ,ml tl)e ,tching and burniug Bi uraes .i All day the words rang in ber ears, almost unbearable; the acia Dun"" , i .,i ... humor seems to ooze oui uu ci - and for many days afterward, and when on fire &4 nor otber exter. friend, a rich, influential man, inquired nai applications do any real goal, lot , , i .., ..k lone as the po'""" remain, m iu for a boy to do errands and general work K ( 1 gkin irriuled. BAD FORM OF TETTER ECZEMA'S ITCH IS TORTURE Eczema ii caused by all acid humor in , :.. r,t.ift with the trie Oloou coming ii - - skill and producing creat redness and in- 'or him. she told him of the little fellow t tho crossing. "A boy who would do best at a street crossing is worth a I with me," said the man; aud lie found the boy, cugaged him for a uaouib, and at the end of that lime was bo ilmt he scot him 10 piUBOGM ni'" school and fitted him for a high position. which he filled with honor. "Doing my best at the street crossing made a suc nnssful man of me," he was wont to Bay io after years. APHORISMS FROM EMERSON. ht iun Man is the image of God; after a ghost or a dream t Mv creed is very simple that good ness is the only reality. Men are respectable only as they re- ' For Ihrre yrari I had Tetlrr on mv bands, wliieh chuhcu tliem to swrtl to lwlr their nxtutaltiize. Part of the tune the ,liv-a.e wa.inthe loi m ul run ning snri-8, very pitin ful, and caiihing ine much tliscotniori rour doctors hai,1 the Teller bad processed too far to lie cured, and they miiM rt lint ,1,117 lur me. Itiokonly three L ... r c u u ..nl was comnletelv cured. -i.i. r.fi..... v.nr. r' ' "j. " ' ". !i ... f - M trnuWe."-MS, I,. B. Jackson, 1414 wcoee o., bju B S S neutralizes this acid poison, coolsthe blood and restores it to a healthy, natural state, and the rough, unhealthy skin becomes soft, smooth and clear. curea 1 etier, cry- iipelas, faonasis, oaii speet. Nature hates mono; lions. Natute loves analogies, but not repeti tions. Never mind the ridicule, never mind il,. ileCnui: nn acain. old heart! No man evir stated his griefs as light ly as he might. ni.,.j;i,p ulmiR pivrs the tii:ht to Viuiuin... r- command. V..IISIib used to sav that the man n... . he married must be the sunshine 01 er nr.. Belle Yes; and then she eloped wun the gas man. Rheum and all skin diseases due to pois oned condition of the blood. Send for our book, and write ua about your case. Our physiciant have made these diseases a ine aiuuy, . 1. . v... ii.ir nilvir! we make no ipolies and exec-p- chargeforthisservice. All correspondence is conducted in strictesi connucntc. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATtMT, B. TO indigestion dyspepsia biliousness j k.inrlrrrl and one stmi illiu lie- ; , , , lar ills caused by impure u.oou . innrt vn hvcr. GU1CK1V VH-I" to the purifying and cleansing properties comaineu i .Tohnstoii'S garsaparilla QUART BOTTLE t .,o nrmanpntlv bV acting 11 1,U1 f' ' J ' . naturally on all organs of the body. Asablood-clcanstr, flesh-health-restorer, it has no 'eaual. Put us in Quart Bottles, and sold at $1 each. "THB MICHIdAN DRUO COMPANY,' Detroit. Mich. Tak Uverettea lot Urt nifc .50, FOR PALE BY W. M. COHEN, WKLDON.N.C. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard has received the verdict of popular approval a larger sale than any other lard in this country. It is wholesome and absolutely pure. Swift's Premium Hams and Bacon are unexcelled in quality, choice flavor and attractive appearance. Swift's Products are made under U. S. Government Inspection. Swift and Company Chicago St. Louis Omaha St. Paul RAPHOPHOHH .FOR.. ,s highly honored Lord Room Sleeper New York to Jacksonville, shan" forget Through Vestibuled Passenger Coaches But we both w; I never shall (org, Th d.nerintiun oflhe weddin' 10 the and pertcct service (irun -etsville Gaiette. Kor lnlormation can 00 or wn.c ... . 1 I . 1 - u..:i A ..Ai.,..a nr Si, Wu'vfl reared children Seven ol em rennsyivaoia n.mi three wai uirls aud four was boys, bord Air Line Hallway representative. And thev allers was our oomlorts jes the brightest of our j iy; For we taught 'em from the cradle what was riuht and what was wrong, i ' m June th-'ir trust in Jesus, Hi nv 1 would help 'em vet along, An' I allers used to tell 'ill, "Don't you worry none n,,r tret. Bible an ...... LI... . II ... M..D at ami Washington street, nosiou, 12(16 and 371 Broadway, New York; 311 South Third Street, Philadelphia; ii u..rmun Sireet. Baltiinorr: Hit N..w Ymk Ave . Washington, or to B K. L. Bunch. General t'aascngur Agen', Portsmouth, Va. THOUSANDS SENT INTO EXILE. Every year 1 large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged lo go to another ..... 1 1 . .. 1 mate, tsut this is oostiy aim not i ,is sore. Don't be an exile when Dr. Kio's New Discovery for Consumption l.l euie you at home I'V l' e most in fallible medieii.e for 0 nl s, colds, and all throat aud lung diseases on eurih. The first dose briugs relief. Astound ing cures result from persistent use. Tri il bo'iles fr'M.t W. M. Cohen'a drug storo. Price 5(o and SI. Kvery bottle guaranteed. A. KEAL jjSAVT' Clockwork JLU Motor. L t(c 1 ModMoiaa VrAt?- .J! VWbte. Kansmi Cily Si. Joseph Over J50 Branch House, in tht U. 8. Durable Coo-tracttoa. NO BOTHER, MUCH FUN, All the W onder, and Pleasure, ol H.nh4ricMl Ulkino Maihine. .., ..Amn.nii.n tiir n lternrder tnV nen mm. i .- w..i n -'e I l ermder? 60. Keproducr. aid he atamlard Records. Smm ! . ....... if,. KOLUMBU PHONOGRAPH CO. Dept34 NEW YORK. I4VHJ B'onnwliy. CHIC'AC.,1, 88 V.6.,h An. ST. LOl'l1, 720-7" 0llve st- . , WASHINGTON, 010 nnsyrram AW. PHILAIH 'l.l lHA. I3 ChrMniU St. HALTlMfiKR, UO . uaiiimw ofc BUFFALO. 513 St. SAh TuN,'IS('r), i; 0mt St. LONDON. I'AKli. BERLIN. m of .l " -, ""7,:. ouiea PPOMATTOX . IRON WORKS, Manufacturers of Ajrrloultural ImplementB, Shaftlngi MUlOearing. Pnlleya, All kindsof Machinery, and Kepaira P..nut Machinery a Bpeclalty. Is Mo. M M Old 8t, Petetiburg, Yt. . .1 .mt oo read your mouier n the Grangersville Umlle. ain't long for life, I know il, now my taceis neary run; ' anrn mil. D SOOD Oil laUOTS neTC on earth will all be door; lnA lifn. hut I've urowed weary, I'll lay me down lo sleep. Sni the lord will send my Bunirnoos; food He'll lake my soul lokeep; But I think 'twould feel more home like, when I cross ihe river 0 er, Ef I jest could have the paper seut across to Jordan ashore. It would chase away the lorrow, every shadow of regret. .Tost In rnad D3V funeral notioe in the Grangersville Galette. The Ban who is waiting for something to turo up is generally turned down. After girl bai had three Uve affairs her heart is aa leader at a boiled turnip. A PKOMINKNT CHICAGO WO MAN SPEAKS. Prof. Roxa Tyler1 of Chicago, Vice President of Illinois Woman's Alliance, io speaking of Chambeilain't Cough Remedy, says: "I suffered with se vere cold this wintir which threatened 10 run into pneumonia. I tried diffeieut remedies but I seemed to grow worse and thj medicine upset my stomach. A I friend advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and I found it was nleaant to take and it relieved me al otioe. I am Dow entirely reoovend, saved a doctor's bill, lime aud suffering, .ml I will never be without this splendid medicine aga!n." For sale in Weldon by W. M. Cohen, druggist. Conduot is three-fourths of life. Every mau thinks be is belter known in his community than he really is. CABTOIIIA. Baustha ttfiatut Tim Kiwi Km Han Unit Bqughl FOR OVKK VIVTV EARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been fur over fifty years by millions ot mothers for children, while teething, witn perfcot success. It soothes the child antlens the auras, allays til pain, ouros wind 00 10. and is the best remcay ior Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in evarv part of the world, ia cents bottle. Be sure and ask for " Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kina. If women were all bald tbey would pro bably alill buy hair-pins .0 they would have theta to put in their mouths. Cut this out and take it to W. M. Co hen'. dniLHtnre and Bet a free sample of ! Chamberlain's St unaoh ad Liver Tab lets, 1 he b Kt pSysio. They also cure I rli4..r,lrs lit the Btomaoh, bilioaA and heidache. Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY thk FREICHT akdCUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . . LARGEST STOCK In the South Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Establiahed11848.) 159 to 163 Bank at., Norfolk Va ot 3 It J 0 mm 1 n 1 1 I.BIal II WEEK... IERVITA PUIS Restore Vitality, Lost Vlror ui Maibood Core Impotrncy, Night Emlnloni, L011 of Msm- ory. .11 WBBling uiwaiin. 60 PILLS: 60 CTS, FOR ABOUT THE PRICE OF ONE... This Paper and the Atlanta Twice-A- Weelt Journal lor 1.51. nr. Hll WHStttlaT all etlectn of Mlf-abuw or atka4 unA itulLMrtition. A nerve tonto nd blood buimr. Uruifffl 'tl.A nlnlf oluw to Dale cheek and restorM Uin Are ol youth, vr mau iKOo Mrixii. 6 boM for $8.60, with our bnkmbU rurwit to oort or reruua in nionwy cwn aud copy of our baukablt furv.te bona. 9 mm Vita, nvvna ffTflDunftl NrJIVIldldulBIS ITILUK LAS1L) . 'onltlvolr Tirnt(d enre for Lo.. or rower, uricocelo. Uodoyolopod or Bhrunkon Orirao, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, g.". rrnjira. lion, HysUiria, Fitfc lusanltT. Paraljsl" ant tha Result, of EiceilTO Uwwf Tobacco, Opium ot Llijoor. By mall in plain P"ck",i,1l'0ii ante bond cure In 80 day or rfun4 money paid. Addroa. N PR VITA MEDICAL CO. Olnton A Jackson Sta CHICAGO, ILU For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon N. C. Itnmcglati RttulU Hare vou pet the news of the world aod all your local news while it is fresh navinu very little more than one paper costs. Either paper ia well worth S1.00 Vint hv sDeoial arrangement we are ena- -V -r . . . , . , ..... bled to put in both 01 tnem, giving tuioe papers a week tor Wis low price. ueaides eenerai new., iuo twiuc-- Week Journal has muoh agriculture matter and other mattert ot special Inter est to farmers. It baa regular contribu tions by 8am Jones, Mrs. W. H. Feltoo, John Temple Graves, lion, u n. joraan nd other distinzuished writers. Call at this moe and leave your sub- scriotions tor both papers. You oak gov t sample copy of either ptper here ob spplioation. vktVA44. 60 YEARS' V. 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