tspl WflJli Itr 11 off1 M , iSsh fira 1 1 0 TERMS:-"0 IER annum in advance jOH:K W. SLEDGE, .'iwi'KIKtou. A. 1ST IE W SP APEB FOB THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, FKBKUAUY 7. 1901. NO 41 VOL. XXXV. ESTABLISHED 1870. FRANK T. CLARK CO., Limited. (Successors lo Coke, Clark it Co.) Sash, Doors and Blisis THE MODEM SAUCE. AN AWKWARD WHIRLING AROUND. All that whs Graceful About the Waltz of the Past Has Been Taken From it to Please the Hopper. Mouldings, Stair Work, Porch Trimmings, Hardwood and Slate Elantels, Tiling and Grates. fc.Fine Hui'der's llarHwarf.-fca PAINTS OIL & GLASS. And Building Material of Every Description. g C..nim-rcul PUce and 49 Itoaooke Avenue, NORFOLK, VA. jy My P. N. Stainback, WELOON, N. C. l).'l''r in (jEtmL .ffjcMMSf OF AI L KIN LB. ZEICLER & BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. SHOES AR-ntlW.ldoW tor HTROU8EBROTHEK8 HIGH ART CLOTHING (Formerly mid here by M. F. H.rt.) A fit guaranteed. UNDERTAKING In all it brunches Metallic Walnut, rii.ih Covered Caskets ami Collins. Tuliiliiino or telmraoh nieHSuiies at tended to ilay or ni(ht. n.p.n. ?.".inQ mi i AiMni iiVtf 4iii4 1 J A 1 U A BOOKS! drdrinlk iiili iin The Public Schools are now open ing over the State, and will need supplies. These school books and supplies can be had at a discount to teachers and dealers. We sell all kinds of books. ALFRED WIL IAMS&UU., - -.--I- tit r One of the well known ballet traiooti- of the city in discussing the subject oni day lust Week said : ''l'enple Will nol dance ut all within a very few yours. You see, d inein ' is not me. int to be dis torted ax it is now. Tu dunce one uiu-i be graceful, but lo d.mce ufier the pre vailing ballroom fashion one must be very angular, In the firt plane, there is nothing to dance, l'enple no longer waltz and when they do wal'z they do not waltz well; it is a kind of awkward whirling around, with no opportunity or design for a graceful movement. All that was graciful about the waltz of the past has ben taken from it to please (lie hopper, who would prefer to whirl around on one toe, with no thought of diueing. How can one expect that W mid be any d'fl Tent with this two-step turning every one's head? No one can think to dance well when all he dances fr Mil one mouth's end to another is the two-step. There is nothing graceful ab nit that. You can't act any kind of training out of it. It is no dance. Did yO'i ever aoil; z i'?" The ma-ter beg in to dunce, turning f oui the evolutions of the old-fashioned dances to thi! wa'iz and the two-itep. With his hinds on his hips he glided bick and forth, all the while smiling cynically. "Pnn't von see how foolish It is? he I lid. "Can't you see there is nothing lo this wonderful two-step? One doesn't hive to d.ince just take so many glides, t irn, glide a.-uin and again turn, Where i your opportunity for grac? Every mm, woman and child in the couutiy Wild do ibis if be wanted lo. Our only gool fortune i-iluit they d i not want to." "Hut what difference do. a it make that the two-step is, as you siy, a dauce any on" can do? Does a tiling need to be difficult in order lo be popular? ' some one asked him. "That is the secret uf the whole thing , .1... . ho. in be iost that. No one watiistndaiice something every livingcreat ure can dance, and if they do they ought nol lo, f.r it i a bad thins: for our pro fession. I can't see what the society masters live on with this kind of thing 'oiiiL' on, and V"U know ihey do protest Thev tried to find some way out of ihe difficulty lasi summer." Chicago Chron icle. TO ABOLISH BACHELORS. ORGANIZED MOVEMENT ON FOOT. Already A Club of Twentieth Century Women Has lieen Organized with the Avowed Purpose of Taking the Initia tive in Love Making. A PRETTY LITTLE FRAUD. GOT THEIR QUARTERS. She was Selling Souvenirs From the Southern Battlefields. en- ihe net 4 4'D. tC. G.EVANS J 1W WELDON, N. C. Fancy Groceries, Fruijs and II -3CON FKCT ION K K I Holiday Goods. All kinds of fl, voting for Chrisimas lake, .ml Jellies. Full line Coiifectionenes of all sorts. OLD WINES AND BUAXDIKS. Sole Agent For CAPITAL CLUB RYE. - ('AU' K IT' KEROSENE OIL 3 CTS. i n m HQ The Peerless Wine, B0TU.F.D JORDAN WATER. A German contemporary is responsible lor the statement that a smart American mwness mau has installed an extensive ........ .in., nli.nl on ihe banks ol the Jor- t '.. r .. : i k .1 a r .k. i..n im.r mine neinuoi iniuu "i - S.-a of Galilee. Ky means ot a numoer i ..,iUrn Aitiirieau numns the venera- l.le .,ld river of 1'alesiine is deprived ot I. . niiiiniiiv ol lls noiv waier s i" !.. ..n iL ..Imrelies uf the world with Tho ;iicr in nemir umiu-u uu spot iu bottles of different , and hrou.'ht upon the market as ihe "Ouly Ueniiine J irdan W an r " Id Thousands of American Households. Grandpa SHOULD BE IN ALL IB Ll A.CI13ER Hi Ynnfailing redyLd ali thei. goods are guaranteed to give satisfaction. noma Offioe, CHOCKOYOTTE, N. Branch Warehouse, MEMPHIS. TENN. r-- i ii "iLiili"" -Lfl' .a M lll.. IMKHUVCTIllwiwiii.. Largest Packajp on the Market. M. rlp " -. with pirn. R 'For lOITII ITH i wmm tn BBOWN U fi. OO.. loprtotof Biwv- ' BrwHa,Biaton. Pfc. T tlla. m 1 1 I 1- - .ulln. nf lid Work. A trim! Mn.uuM tUnon Bi nllr.i..- w-hnJv'a trroad of this srt of CI. other kin.U of g-! ttiat w oan t "e pnm i . - tZTnd fble n.inei, wecon on y ltT them. They no more live ; uicy 1 ' i... nf lit men, TZwi rtomrh ami a plentiful aup lv rfpM. rich blood. Dr- I-"" KuS, FMedical Discovery strerigtl -atomneh, purifies the Woo, , Pnd M the :tivity of the blcKxl- Hwiirenahirommen to strengthen mem ii - tomlile twsrtion- .i swl Ibr mil wllh ollitton anil JiliSr 5!m whtck lima I empto)rcd 1 ?fi wr,rkl .l a." In Improvmi ,bletooll"0'-71 health tor one ol '.Towr... to I. Plc'. "oid"'! often need a lwative wriirit Th. best for item u Dr. pierce'. Pleasant Pellets. Duroibv lii. in The New Yoik Jour nal, predicts that whaieer else the twen tielh century may be it will certainly nol be the ccutuiy of bachelors. Ou the contrary, she is oouvinoed that there is an organized movement on fool to abolish bachelors. On ibis subject she says : "The new century opens up with a gloomy outlook for bachelors. Their liheilv is threatened on every side. Il j has always taken talent lo enable an eli giblc young man to remain single. In the futuro nothing short of absolute ge nius will keep his neck on' of the matri monial halter. "For several years the cloud has be n darkening about his devoted head. Moral ists have never wearied in exhorting young men to marry, whether they bad anything to marry ou or not, on the principle, presumably, that one man bad os L'ood a riiiht as another to starve a woman. Preachers have also discourtcd on the holy estate of matrimony unti one mi.jbt infer that man was created and sent into the world solely to marry and that hb) chief end was to glorify woui'in and pay her bills. "The most radioal step, however the bachelor's liberty has been taken by Fr inee. Alarmed at the d crease in population, a bill has been in irniliiccd into the French senate f r the purpose of levying a heavy tax on coli hates. This is Frances way of foster ing her infant industry America h do such nec'-si'y In the number, and .in ilit v anil vnietvof her b ibles, as in her other pr .du.-iions, she leads th world, and challenges competition Thai'k heaven, vm need no government subsidy there I "Still, there's no telling what will hap p .n, and with such a precedent as France sets, no unmanitd man is safe. The very fiundaiion stone of our governmeni riMs on the principle of taxing luxuries and n it necsi'ies, and in any time of fhanuial stress it can ea-i'v bo shown i liui im.p blessedness is a luxuiv for which a man ought lo pay. ' More portentous slill toi the bache is the fact that the twentieth century woman is going to lake a hand in ihi love making. She is going lo be wooer . null at wooed, and when on. nfl 'Cts mi hnw ibnmiiL'h and scientific, and de termined the modern woman is in every thing she undertakes, it is enough to s. iid ihe cold chills down the backbone of every man who cherishes a pref'crenci for tieisoual liberty. "There will be no dilly-dally busines: in bur love making. He can't work the bashful dodge then. Iu other days when he led the attack be could with draw to a place of safety when the en gagement threatened to gel senom. Ii will bo a diff rent story when the be seined turns pursuer. Many an army has been captured in hurried flight. "Already a club uf twentieth cvntury young women has been organized al Uingbaiiilon, N Y , with the avowed purpose of taking the initiative in love miking, and overthrowing the propos ing precedents of the p isl. They are nointf to jut women on equal footing iilh men in prosecuting affairs uf the heart, nnd as an evidence of good faith have each pledged themselves to propoi-t matrimony to s .me man during the year "Thus are the toils closing io aboui the hapless bachelor. He may turn a deaf ear to the moralist, he may be wi1 ling to pay a tax for the privilege of r m lining single, but what is he going lo do when lovely woman proposes? Sup pose she we. pa when he says he can only he a Iroiher lo her? What man will h able to resist when he sees bini-eli such a go nl tiling as wouieu try f..r men. It is dearly iujp is.-ib'e for any nmn to rem tin single much loimer. A hun dred years from now we may lo k f. r ward to the Biiruuin of ihe future ad veriUing, a' one of the attractions i f lib unparalleled nid- show, a g. uuine, bald Li w. re very busy when sbi nr. I, bot beauty is far belli r for eyes 'bail fi-ures, and liny all dropped their p. us and looked ill ' What cun I do lor you, n.i- f said the confi lenlial clerk, glancing at bci stuiiniiii! i!on urn! picture bat. ' I am iilruid I am intruding on your time, she snld sweetly Rest assured that you arc uot She opened a dainty little satchel nnd brouuhl forth several blocks of wood, "Gentlemen," bIio said, "I am selling these souvenirs of Lookout mountain and Chickamauga hatllufields for 25 ocnts each, the proceeds, after expenses are de ducted, to go to a deserving charily These little blocks of wood, of cour possess oo intrinsio value but the memo ries ihey call up. If you are southern gentlemen, and of course I know by your appearance that you are southern "enile- men. you will think of the valir displayed oo those fields by the uoble sons uf our dearsouthlaud every time you gaze upon these little blocks, ami a feeling ol prid' in vour ancestry and your native land will swell youi hearts with pride. How much more she would have said can only be guessed at, but of course they would. The staff of clerks paysed up their ipnrtcrs liko small boys belore the circus wag.m "Thank you, geullemen," sbo said, bowing herself out "Y m have indeed assisted in a noble work." Then came Jimmy, the office boy "Say, where did you fellows get them little blocks?" he inquired "Bought them from a lady, responded one. " 1 bey arc souvenirs Irou) me nat tier! Ids of L.iokout mountain and Chick amauga Did she have on a pink dress?' Yes "Carrv a little satchel ? ' "Yes. Where did you see her, Jim my?' Down in a furniture factory asking the foreman for liitle blocks. She told him she wanted them foi a child to play with. Sav. you fellows d m't know Lookout mountain soiiveoirs when you see ibern. Then blocks come out of saw Injin Chattanooga News UNDER HYPNOTIC SPELL SAN FRANCISCO MAN MARRIED. He Describes the Sensations of Such a Wedding and Says He Participated in it Mechanically. Mr. C. M. Palmer, of San Francisco, claims that be was some time ago made the victim of a bypnotio marriage. The suddenness and sensations of such a wed ding he now describes in detail. "Five months after locating in Oak land, Cal .," he says, "I was sitting in my office one November afternoon when there entered Mrs. Stockton and a lady who resided with her in the city. After a cordial gieeting Mrs. Stockton said to me. "villi easv assuranoe. 'You and I are to be married today.' "For a moment I was inclined to laugh, thinking that she was jesting, but il.u fi. ree oleum in her eves undtceived " ' - . " ... me. I can ouly compsre it to the wicked was wrong, that he knew ne was. HIS FIRST EXPERIENCE. A RAW YOUNG LAWYER- His First Case Introduced Him to Contempt of Court. Some of the members of the bar were di-cussing coutempt cases because of a recent notable event in the state, and one of the little coterie related a personal experience. "I read law at home and had my ex aminations through a little country law yer who koew a gnat deal, but never had a big case and was notorious for his ability in abusing justices of the peace. It may seem a preposlcrum statement, but I had never heard or thought of such a thing as contempt of court when I had my first professional experience in a common pleas court. No sooner had the opposition attorney made an ob jection than the judge ruled against me. "1 proceeded to inform bim that he wrong dance of the rattle snake as he strikes and that I wished he would quit bis pet- hi. e,, into the tremblina eround tifogging. The lawyers io attendance -O O 17 . ,, SqUirre. were temporarily petrified; the venerable "I rebelled feebly, but the effort proved judge glared at me over ins glasses, unai- uscless At that moment will force with y smiled in a iorgiving sort ol way ana i.. I.J ...I .i. I.nln n.diuefl I toM me to nroeecd. Verv soon there lilt; wan rujieuum nun u.j w.u.u - i - j- y m an,-I was mcrelv an automaton and was another well taken objection, and id nnd did whatever the woman promp- again he ruled against me. This practi- ted me to say and do. cally took the props from under my case, "These lacts will not appear itrange to and 1 went at the judge as my mstruc ,h hauo muddied the nhenomena tor had been accustomed to go at a jus ,f hvnnniiam. hut to the uninitiated it Mice of the peace in a back township. ..vr ' .... . .r j..i.t.j may seem incredible. "'lour nonor, i ueciaim, . Pu- Within an hour from the time of lineal accident. In the eternal ntness 01 , u.... .w A., I I.I should be digging coal or had presented myself before a justice of cleaning out underbrush. You have no ihe peace with Mis. Stockton and bean more sense in justice man a .u.u t.m-. j u nf muri-u Tliank heaven there 18 a marrieu iu ncr. i oT i-ommuner nurl ieinal i 017 in it me- higher judicial tribunal in this state that chauically, but cannot recall the itiei- But there I was hailed by a fine of J'-tll) ,l,.ni anv more cranhicallv than can a or 911 days in jail. The judge took m j , . . i . . : . , I . J man remember ihe details of a night, to his private r nun, where lie ifarn.u mure. I was afterward informed by an iny stoty and n milted the fiue. To pay .mni.int.nm that the justice aod others 8200 al that time would have pauperized in the room had remarked my lethargic me. I now have quite a reputation for Forearmed flio Hnliilitv tn disease is ereatlv lessened when tlit blood is in good con dition, and the circulation neaiuiy anu vigorous. For thun all refuse matter is promptly carried out oi uie sysu ; otherwise it would rapidly accumulate , . I.I ...l. -t 4Un leruieniaiion wouiu use p.auc, w.. . . .... t.i blood become polluted ana tue consti tution so weakened that a simple malady might result seriously. A healtny, active circulation menus good digestion and strong, healthy nerves. As a blood purifier and tonic b. b. b. tine .in f,m:il it is the safest and best remedy fur old people and children because it contains no minerals, uui. in l....vr.lin.;i'..lu nf rnritannd herbs. ujavtv. v.-..- w.j. j - No other remedy so thoroughly and! effectually cleanses the blood of im-l nurities. ai tue same time it builds up the weak and de bilitated, and reno--atea th pntire sys tem. It cures permanently all manner oi Diooci ana SKin irouuics. Mr. E. E. Kelly, of Urban. O.. write I ' I hart Ecaema on my hand, and face for Ave years, it would break out In little white puntuieii, crusts would form and drop off, leaving the akin rd and inflam ed. Tlie doctors did me no good. I used all the medicatod soaps and salves without beneilt. B. 8. 8. cured me, and my akin is as olear aud smooth aa any one a. Mrs. Hnnry Siegfried, or uape may. . J., says that twenty-one bottlea of 8. 8. 8. oureel hor of Canoer of the breast. Doo tora and friends thought her oaae hope- iesa. Hiohard T. Gardner, Florence, B. C, uffni-Hd for venri with Boils. Two bot tles of 8. 8. 8. put hie blood tn good con dition and the .bona oisappearea. Ri nd for our free book, and write our physicians about your case. Medical advice iree. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, SA. LA GUU'i'K QUI KLY CURED. Io the winter of 18H8 and 1891) I was taken down with a severe attack of what is called La Grippe, says F L Ilcwett, a promineul druggist ol infield, III. Ihe only medicine I used was two bottles of Chambt rlaiu's Cough lteuiedy. It broke up the cold and stopped the coughing ik magi ', and I have never since been rnubed with Grippe Chamberlain's Coiiub Kitiieily can always be depended upon to break up a severe cold and ward off any threatened attack of pneumonia ll is pleasant to take, too, which makes it the most desirable and one of tho bett nrenaraiions in use for these ailments. ' r For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist. ONE AT A TIME. a PPOMATTOX l. IRONWORKS, Mannfactnrersof Axnieultural Implements, Shaftings, u..ll... Ill kind, of jrllll ueanuK, u..j Miu-hinerr. and Repairs Peanut Machinery a Specialty. No. 89 34 Old St., Peterabnrg, V. headed b iebelor ' When I was a little hoy, help in' mother to store away the apples, I put my arm around so many o' them and tried to bring them all. I managed for a step or two. Then one fell out, au another, an' two or three more till all v:ere running over tht floor. Mother laughed. "Now Daniel," says she, "I'm going to teach you a lesson." So she put my little hand quite Jjght around one. "There," she said, "bring that, an' then fetch another." I've often thought about it when I've seen folks who might be doing ever so much good if they didn t try to do too much at once. Don't try to put your Hi'tns around a vear. and don't go troublin' about next week. One day at a tune, one hour, one minute yes, one second is all the time we get at once. So our best course is to "do the next thing next." SHE WAS ALIVE AT Till! TIME. c jodiiion and oommentcd upon its strange ness. YOU'VE GOT IT. If you're sore To the euro With aching bones Aud husky tones When you speak. And you're weak In the knees, And you sneeze, And often cough Your head near off, And you note That your throat Feels quite raw, And your jaw Feels as if You'd got a biff, And dull pains Vex your brains Then yju've caught it, l'ou have got it It's the grip. If you feel The heat steal O'er your frame Like a flame, And you burn Till you yearn For chunks of ice At any price, Then like a flish Tho shivers dash From bead to feet, A chill complete. And you shake, And you quake, And there's desire F'T a fire, And something hot Right on the spot To quickly drink, nd y..u think llighi lb. re aod then Y .ii II ne'er be warm again, Then y ou've caught i', Y'ou have gol it Ii's the grip. never rubbing ihe court the wrong way -Detroit Free I'nss. KOKUVUK FIFTY IUAB Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been ..si.,) for rati filiv vears bv millions of .... j j -j no ithors for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ot the world. &a ccnis a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- w's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth. er kind is to One way to keep ahead of time wear a watoh in a back pocket. BUCKLEN S ARNICA SALVE Has world wide-fame for marvellous . . , . cures. It surpasses any otner 6aive, io lion, ointment or balm for cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tel. io. Stuli lihpiim Fever Sores. Channed Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for s. 1 ure guaranteed, uoiv -jo. ai M. Cohen s drug store. I'il W Swift's Silver Leaf Lard Lard is used, in one way or another, in the prepara tion or nearly every meai. Its effect on your food is noticeable, and it should always be of the best quality 1 1 nrnriiran e. c... :V' ell- T af T rA JW11L 9 OO V 1 l 1 has attained its great popu larity because the quality T . - I . J never vanes, it is tne stand ard lard of America. Ask your grocer for Swift's Silver Leaf. You will find it thoroughly satisfactory. Swift and Company Chicaeo St. Louis Kansai City bt. Joseph Omaha St. Paul Over 350 Branch Houiea tn the U. 8. Wood's Seeds' m e grown and selected with special reference tu their adaptability to do. .,01 mi. I rliiTiule of the South. On our seed farms, ami ill our trial ...... ,,.l.i th., iwniul.1 nf ilnlliirn are I'xpeti led in tilling ni'il growing the verv lcst mt.Is tbnt it is possi ble tu grow. I'.y our x Hiiuients we ure enalileil to save mir custom ers iiiii. li expense and loss from plaining varieties nut adapted to our Southern soil and climate. Wood's Seed Book for 1901 is fully up Iu date, nnd tells all tiU.nit the best Seeds for the nuth ll oii-ti!ii ull nlher mili- lieatioiis of its kind in helpful and useful iiifdiin itiuii fur Gardeners, truckers ana l arniers. Mailed free. Write for it. T, W. WOOD & SONS, Seed Growers 8. Merchants, RICHMOND, VA. LARGEST SEED HOUSE IK THE SOUTH. Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY the FREICHT anuCUARANTEE 8AFE DELIVERY . . . LARGEST STOCK In the South Illustrated Catal ogue FREE THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Established 1848.) 159 to 163 Bank at.. Norfolk V ot 9 ly. NERVITA PILLS Beilnre Vitality. I oat Vltof tad Maabeod Cure Impotent?, Klftht Emissions, Loss oi lleat. all effects nt aelf-abuM! or nrre tonlo and V'. -J' blood builder. Brinn rthe pinK (low to paiei Tn nontest over a will, the hus band of ihe deceased was on the stand During the cnss-eiaminaiioD of this witness, a leading lawyer asked ihe wit ness, sternly : t ''Did the transaction take place before you uiairhd the dead woman?" The witness, who was a small man With a shrill voice, piped out, indignant- ly: 'No, sir, she wasn't dead when I mar ried her." The moth may not be a society ite, but it frequently appears in a suit. favor- dress He "Will Tou give me a kiss?" J She " Yei, if jou don't gie it away." I'XEUVOMA CAN BE I'RKVENT El) This di.-ea-e always results from a cold or an attack of the grip and may be pre vented by the timely use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. That remedy was tensively used during the epidemics of La Grippe of ihe past tew years, and not a single case has ever been reported that did not recovir or that resulted in pniu nini.i i, which shows it tu be a certain rircvimive of lhat dangerous disease Chamberlain s Cough Remedy has gained world wide rer uiaiion for its cure of uo'.ds aod grip, ror sale by W. M. Co hen, druggist. It is better for the mariner to take a reef on a sail than to take a sail on a teef. I.', in ihe air, Ii iviryvfhrre; The microbe nf tho grip I- on number trip, A "d up and di.wn, 1 1 r ugh all the t. wn, B night aud day 1 seeks its prey And it's ihe fad If you are sad, Or even mad, Or if you snei'i, Or cough or whci io, Or feel too warm, Or chills alarm, To wear a look of grim dismay Aod hoarsely say: 'I've caught it, I've got it It's the grip I'' 0 Brin r arloV (a HI ' cheeks and rwtortw th kftre of Youth, njr Kail 50o por doi. 6 bo i of for fiO PILLS, 60 CT8 n xouc por doi. o doim ror' $3.50, with our bankable raunuite to out ni rafiin A (Via mnntii rtaa.1 rl. KMnrl fur fi mil aod oupy ot our bankable guarantee bond. , 1 PosltlTelv tmsninlwd enre for Loss of Power, rUlv A 111 I u I Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs, III! THE PRICE OF ONE.. This l'apcr and the Atlanta Twico-A- vt cek Journal tor $11 rare. 8, Liocomoior Ataxia, nemwis rrrwirv tioD, Hysteria, Fita, Insanity, Paralysln and the Liquor. By mail in plain pack a re. 1 1.00 a hoi. a for R.OO with our bankable roar. ante bond to cure la SO days or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton AJaokaon 8ts CHICAGO, IU' For sale by W. M. Cohen, Woldoa N. C. WORKING OVERTIME. tT nra rinii rrat nana nf iYta VJitirlil lleio J ou iji,0" ,,u uv n d vi mio " v unrl all vnnr Innnl npwfi whilft it in frenh nacinor vptd littlp mnTA than nnn nanpr coata Either paper is well worth 81 00, kilt hv enAAiol tirranirpmAnr ma dra oni. bled to put io both of them, giving three , i. r a,!.:- 1 nannrs wawa iiir in inw iiriiH. Vnr r" Besides gcoeral news, the Twice-i- ... . . . . .. I Week Journal has much aimouliura ftiimt hour awa are iiioorea dv tnose . . t4 ' . . tirelfas little workers Dr. Kide's New 1 .at tn fnrmAr. ft ha. PAirl.l.r nunlrilii, nr. phi. vniinr,. ... .1...1. .i .nrl I .;. k. la.n. .Tn. m w a U,.l, night and day, curing Iidigestiou, Bil- John Temple Gravoa, Hon. C H.Jordan n. n ii I .nil nthpr Hist.iniriiUhMl nlnr tousness, tons lpation, otcK Hetaacne, i " " ,, . . Z. ,7 , ... , 1 .. ' . . Call at this offioe and leave yoor tub- u n ,.v.., o,,pti0n, lor both papers. You . ean hie-. Esy, pleasant, afs, sure. Only I ggt , Mnlpe nnp, of jjiher paper here on i,tc. i ii. Pi. VAinen a orufr nuiv. application. vVk'4rf BO YEARS' V?T EXPERIENCSt i htm Tim dc Mark Designs quhisiljr nnoermtn our opinion free ml r ait 1 Invention In prohnMy pnteiitnble. ( 'iitint'nift tlnimMrlellToiibdontttil. llnnllxtrt 11 J'Ml int (re. O I dent ttamer fornorur.ua jftlnm . I'nteiitn tulter tltrf'titrh Wuno A o. ien.tlv'9 tpteiat nottcn, wi t hout ch nnro, Iu tbU Scientific J3ireite. A hantlswnielf (lrontritMl wAlf. I -rirt eiilailon of any nimittSo 1mri)il. iVMim. a ieur; four muoUie, Ik y.H7a4l iKifnd(io . ,1 w ii I