HE ROANOKE NEWS. ' THURSDAY, FEB. 7, 1901. t r. "i t Tu'pI I Tkn I Fri I Ssi r n i i ii 2 finTllMOrUI 111 ISMfi 1U HI lul 4WL. !-!-- 17 1 18 119 f 20 L21 1 22 L23 ((IIS 261.211 281 Full I yr- M.;n Q"r lfr. II- I .-! I ' Moon CHURCH DIRECTORY. MKTHODtHT. s,l iv Sch.iol at 9:30 a. m. W. A. f!l""U? it. l'reachinir at 11 - P;1" - -..very Sunday. Pray- I!r meVm.g Thursday ni),t M W IuW" J. I). Hl'NDY, Pastor. I BAPTIST. a,l;.v School at 9 m. W. E. I Daniel, "I""te,"le"t- KIIHCiiPL. Hlv miniiniiun 2nd Sunday at 11 a. m ,,,,lthe4 l. Sunday at 7.:0 a- m- to .arnmer and H a ra. in winter. Services by ZZ'u,, cviv .d and 4th Snudavs at , ra. and :.: P , " . Friduv at 7.:R Holy Day services by ,,L,.,li..H.t. Daily erv,cea in Lent Her- Rnndavs. Sunday School at 10 a. m W M Colien, Minciintendent. .1. 1'ayi.oh Chamiikbh, Hector. I : Y1CINITY. Oil in "" ruoDth uf winter. Th building season will soon be on. FmiinARr fame in bright and cold. S'.it Thursday is the day to send Tali-nl in Tub rc light at (In third street cross- itij! is a beauty. Miike dwelling hou-ws are very much needed in Weldon. Six tnor,! weeks of win'er weather, the gtouod hog. February is again reminding as that it,, u h .nt the coldest thing on the ClletjJer. This is tin monih to pruoe grape tines and set out shade trees and get jour gaidi lis iu order. Two years ago we had the big snow storm. Let us all hope that this Febru ary will be mure. kind. In olden times at this dale the Mote windows iiki d to be aflame with comic itiJ sentimental valentines As a result of the Halifax Criminal Cuiirt last week there ire now eighteen i t inmates of the penitentiary Till! best looking part of the Wcldoi lid Kinston Itaio now is the c mbiua ill. iti mail, bne:g and express car Till ground hi g had his day last Sat vjrlay and it ii very evident that tie saw his sliaduw and retired fur six weeks In the wotd- ol an esteemed corres- i uJnil, the sending of valentines have been "relentird to the shades of iunocu-oi-diMeutude.' Shriiu p House took si vent. en c n viets to the penitentiary Tuesday. Thf se are the birds whose wings were clip) id t ilie late term uf Halifax Criminal "I. W. Hakpkh" Whiskey is a pt-r-fsrt di-iilialiun. It strengi liens you and h -Ihs resi-t c il I and di-ease. Try it. Ii i h'ller than the doctor. The tud yrnir randljlh.r ud. K-id by W. I). Smi.b. Wcldm. N. Autcktiked Lxttxbh. Tommy S als, L J Smith, Mm Bettie Ryan Miss .Miouie Cole, Mias Carrie Newaoo. Pe'soos calling for above lellen will please say "advertised." J. (1. Howard, P. M., Weldm, N.C. "Mahbud. Wednesday, January 30, at Hbemier church, near Aurelian Springs, Mr. Mont II ux was united in marriage to Mi-s Lula II ux, Rev. J. A. B Kilpatrick orSoialing. The happy ipiir have our beat wishes and warmest OiogrituUtions. January Wxathis Mr. U.S. S. Cooper, who csrriet the key of the weath er bureau lor Weldon, hands us io the following vWrvations fur the month of n'nry- Highest temperature 71 j temperature 39.1. loe., Kiiiil.ll 2 3D inches. PctiATCH (Jkavkl Farm Sold Mr, K Usui I, oommiasiunor, old to the h'uliest bidder for otsh, laal Saturday, h desirable far on which the late T. A Clark resided, known is Soratoh Ortvel, and situate near town. Mr. E. Clirk was the pu.rch.uMr at 1755 00. in " ANTED 1WO I'OU N US. A J Ung gentleman fren the city who has recent lyitatte) i farm walked into one of our general Korea lait week and inquired the price of grindi'ooei. "Two ted I hall "nt a pound," promptly responded the "l.iiu.o. "Well, out me off about fve i pounda," he said. ThiLaht Binmi Lint. The next wusieale by the Ladiee Guild of Graoe ebureh will be held at the home of Mr. w- B Green, Monday evening, Fsbrua fylltb. ThuUlhe laat before Lent. Tha ladiee hope for continued patronage nd assi' inae of the musio loving people or the t wo All cordially invited to t ' ''' 'J A box for voluotary eootributions til be placed near the entrance. ' fkis alewaaai ta aa eveer an ol ike fMiilae At Cost nr 30 Dats Mrs. P. A Lewis will for (he next thirty days off.r for sale at coat for cash, a lare amort meot of Uihbooti, Stamped goods, Neck Wear, Silks and many other iJ uui mention. d above. Thcte goods are all Dice and of latent patterns and stylos aid those who are in need of anything in the line will do well to cad at once belore the best thinpa are sold. Nrviit Ton Ot.r. The rigour nl deeds for Halifax u mmy issued a uur ringe license, Monday, for Mr. Ileury Kite, aged 80, and Mini Margaret tium- lin, aged 50. Thus it will be seen thtt Cuid is mi reapictrr ol age and that alike must succumb to the daii ol the god uf love. We wish them much joy and that I h-y may always be able to fly above the sorrows of lile and bask in the sunshine of prosperity and happiness. Accounts Muht Be Sitti.xu. Messrs Kmiy k Pierce having di-powd of their entire stock of general nicrchaa dise to engage in other business, we ate requested tu innueoce that the books if the late concern are in the hands of .Mr, W. A Piereeand it is earnestly ritpirstid that 1 1 who are indebted to the firm will make immediate payment as the acci uuts must all be sneidilv closed. Ho cm be found at his office at the peanut factory. HlOH Cl.AH MlNSTREt.. Uplodall prngr. ssive minirrlsy has keen upheld by Bjrlow's iniiisirels l. r finefn Jens and the erjiiULtit p.sitiiiu whieb this ulo organimiun occupies in this branch ol the amusemeoi world has been woo and maintained Ly true artiitic merit. With new features this nreanitiiiuo accom panied by two bands of music and thirty ty white artists will present a spin. did minstrel bill at Ktury's Hall next Tues day night, February l- h. Secure jour seala early. On sale at Cohen's drug store. In Demand ana Juror Mr. C. A. Williams, of Kingwond, was a j'irer at Halifax Criminal court last week, and ii was unanimously the opinion of lla'il'sx people that they would be delighted to have Mr. Williams attend every couit. fie contributed on little to I he enjoyment of those who attended court by his inex haustible repertoire of amusing anecdotes and his continuous fl .w of wit and good humor. Mr Williams is alwsys favor ite in any crowd and is i most genial. wholesnuled ucntlcnjaa. May he be drawn to serve at every court. First-class Hardware Store Weill., d is to have first-class hardware store ie which everything will be carried that is u-ually found io up to date bard ware houses. The bouse will be euder excellent management and with arupe capital to make it a success. Mr. W. T. Whitehead and others will be interested, bjit the style name of the fiini has not yet been announced. The business wi be conducted in the Dsniel block, lb store room recem y occupied by Mr. 1 N Stainback, haviuu biee leased fur the nnrnnaa Fuller mention will be made r- 1 later. Notice The Ladies ol the Guild of Grace church wish to return thanks, to the public in general for their kind patronage mi Tuesday eveiiini!, January 2'.lh at the Tableaux and supper. Espec i.llv to the two city paint-, Th" Iloanoke News and Kistern Sentinel. T Messrs H um, Wilson, llayward, fijuire, and , 1 VI . L' ....... our kind orcnestra, mcb-i-. ...ir, SMte, Hall and C. G. Kvans lor favors received. Ky older of President: Mrs. Kva C. La Vis. Feb ruary lsi.iaol. . Mkthudiit Okphaiaoe Rev. J. W, Jenkins superintendent of ihe Melh- O list orphanage at Raleigh, was here S inday and made a lalk in tke Sunday S ihool at the M. K. church. The Sun day sehool nfter brarii.g Mr. Jeukins. vo'ed unanimously lu take care .f one or phan at the A ay 1 11 hi This is nuly char acteristic of the Weldm p-p.e. ihey al ways riepond nobly to every call made up n iU,m and 1 lie aetioo ol lb Methodnt Sinday School in off ring to hupport one orphan at Ihe Mnili.s ii-i orph.nage U worthy of ihe hii'hesi c iiim.-nd lion. Gave Him WmK -Piis..i.'r,"aii. the learned judje, 1 . pi-im s.olei.ce a Halifax last w-k, )' y are guilty." But, your h n r,' pleade the prisoner, "I had be n Irving to g-' work, end wae forced to take somethim; to eat or perish." "You wouldn't work if you could ge' it." "Indeed I w mid, your hooor, ell I want ie work with tuod aod oioihiag and shelter." "Very well," said the judge, kiedly, "you thall have a j b with ihelter, food and clothing. Five years in State's prison at hard labor." Thr VTilnon News. This excellent daily now comee to us under new mn igement end much improved. Mr. E K. Britton baa retired, to eooept t posi tion with the Newe eed Observer, end Major T. L Emry and eo, Cberlee R Eeiry, ere now eole owners, with Mr. 8 H Oliver ta editet tod busineea manager. Mr. Oliver is 1 newspaper nan of experi ence tnd it most exoellent young man The looal department i to be looked after by Mies Beasie Worthiogton, t aoet oharmiog tod accomplished young lady, who is well knowo in Weldon, where she h.s 1 boat of friends. The ,Drii ,ri will furnish ample raeani and will make the Daily Newa one of the best papere in the State. CURB A COLD IM ONE DAY Take Laxttive Bromo Quinine Tablete All diuggiate refund noney if to falU to New Firm Messrs. C. R. Kmry & Co. have purchased the stock of general merchandise uf Ktury & Pierce and will cm iuue business at the old sland. Mr. C R Kuiry. as our readers all know, is the son of Major T L Kmry aod is pusseased of ixeelieut business qualifica tions. We bespeak for the new firm great success. Thi y succeed to a large business already established and by bring ing new life and energy into the popular old stand the success of the new concern is assured. We ore glad to have Mr. Emry wiih us and wish him the success he so richly deserves The firm will at once buy a large slock of new goods and will have excellent salesmen to wait upon the many customers who will continue to flock to the favorite stand. Fire at Whitakers. Fire at Whit kers Monday night destroyed the Atlan tic Coast Line depot, in which was t large lot of freight; the Coffin factory ol Hearne Bros , and some other near by Duildings. loo origin ot the tire is un known at this writing, but is supposed to have been caused by a passing engine, as fire was first discovered where there was considerable cotton. Mr. J F. Hancock of Scotland Neck, who travels for a Balti more clotbinghouse,was here Tuesday and informed us that he had the misfortune to have all his samples burned in the depot building. There was considerable fright io the deput and about fifty bags of peanuts and a good many bales of cot too. Death ok Captain Kitciun. Captain W. II Kitcbin, one of Scotland Neck's leading ciiiz-jus died at his home in that town Saturday night, of pneumo nia, aged 04 years. The funeral services look place Sunday afternoon and were conducted by Rev. J D. Huf ham, ef Henderson, who was Captain Kitchin's pastor for fourteen years. A Scotland Neck special to the News and Observer says : Capt Kiichiu's life has been an open hook to the people uf North Carolina for thirty years and more. His record as a public spirited til z-o is well known. I here are few communities in the State where bis voice has nut been heard in almost eveiy political campaign fur thirty years. He wus a member of the Forty sixth Congress from this the Second dis trict. About eight years ago he was a member of the Legislature, and hat hold other positions of honor and trust. His son, Hun. W. W. Kitcbin, of Roxboro, is now 1 member of Congress, and an other son, Hon. Claude Kitcbin, was elected to Congress from this district last November, and his term will commence next March. He leaves a wife and eleven children, nine sons and two daughters, the young est son being about ten years old. Captain Kitcbin, ab ut twenty-five yeats ago, recei rd the largest single fee as t lawyer, it was said, that had ever been reoeived by any man is the Slate ip to that lime It was io the setlle nent of an esiate in California. He re oeived twenty thousand dollars n gold lie left a awi estate, including some life insurance. Jt'RoRs IIai.ifvx Superior Coi:rt The following jurors were drawn Monday for the March term of Halifax Superior court which begins at Halifax March I, litoi. First week. C. B. Cole.B. ROsborne.T. B. Wilcox, W. 1). Wilcox, R. L. Simmons, I. T. King, T. B. Dunn, W. R. Nevill, J. K. Pow ers, W. J. Clark, Jno. W. Pat terson, John J. Driscol, O. G. Calhoun, W. E. Barkley, J. D. Medlin.E. C. Dickens, C. H. Dorsey, W. L. D. Ivey. Second week. V. M. Burton. C. D. Hem ming, H. Holt, W. E. Stephen son, O. O. Evans, T. II. Dick ens, T. R. Powers, J. S. War ren, Jno. W. Dickens. W. E. Dunn, C. H. House, Willie Car ter, S. B. Carlisle, S. C. Alston, James Brown, C. W. Dickens, Frank M. Taylor, J. T. Moore. STATE OF OHIO ' ! iTY. ) t ill' OF JOLKIX) sS. LUCAS COUNTY Frank J. ( heney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J tVney it Co , doing busiuess io the city of Toledo, ciumy and Slate aforesaid, ,D.I that said firm will pay the run of One Hundred Dl ars for eaeh and every case uf catarrh that eaunot he cured by the use of '"' t'"'""'1 Cure. Frauk J. Cheney. Swotn 10 before me aud subscribed in .... this Oih day i f Decern! er wj r A. D. 1886. (Seal.) A. W.Oleasoo. Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and aois directly on the blool aod mu ooua surfaces of the system. F.J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, Ohio. levSold by all Druggiste 75e. Testimonials free. ReU'i Family Pill" are the beet. Mecklenburg county bae two old Con federate veterana who loll 1 leg each in the war one left and the other right. They wear the aame number of shoe v. 9. Every year they buy their shod .nd each lake! the shoe for which he bai a font. an A rtT C3 TX I A. . .k- a II M ton Haw slwmBMM .1 III! WW Blfaattie of North Carolina will gel good lohool books at live and let live raiee under the NEW CENTURY PEOPLE. The New Year and the Twenti eth Century Find Many New Faces in the Social Realms. Col. W. II. S. Burgwyn, of Hender son, is here ibis week. Mr. Fiank J uies went up Io Littleton Sunday 1 11 a M il 1 1 r. 1 1 iv.s Mr.J. P. Fulrcll. treasurer for Hali fax county, was io town yesterday. Mr T. ( Hani- n has returned home from a pr.ite..-i. nal visit to New Votk. Mist Maud Jenkins, if Aurelian Springs, is vi-iiing Mis I) R Anderson, Mrs W. Ii Gi.i ii left Saturday for Kiebiiini.J on h yi-it to Mis. T. L. E'tty. Mr W, M Cohen hss relumed home from atrip to New i'.irk and Washing ton. Mrs Paul Garrett and Miss Eslel'e Edwards arc spending ibis week in Balti more. Mrs. 8 E. Su'tuo, of Kent county, Md.,is the guest uf Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Chambers. Professor E. M. Hughes, of Lexington, Kentucky, is here on t visit to friends and relatives. Miss Bessie Wbitaker, i.f Enfield, was here Ftiiay the guest of Miss Julia Mt illchauipe. Mr. C. L Clark, one of the greatest hustlers on the road, citne iu Saiuiday to spend Suuday with bis family. Mr. O-ear C. Gregory, of Kt. field, was h re Fiidiy, iu the i'iterei, of course, ol the Atueiicio Tubacco Company. Miss Florenee R.idwcll, a popu'ar young lady of Warren county, is here the guest id Mr. aud Mis C P Rodwell. Mr, W. R Harvey, a member of the Halifax board of county commissioners, was here Monday evening on bis way to his home at Littletoo. Mr. J. Yi. Northington, of Littleton, member uf the oouoty board of commis sioners, was in towo Monday, and ' went dowu tu Halifax with Chairman Pope. Captain J. C. Simmons who was called to Richmond several days ago to see his sick son, Mr. Uei rge Simmons, baa re turned home. We ire glad to learo that Mr Simmons is very much better. NORTH STATE CULLINGS. News Notes as Called from Our Stale Fx changes- Shelby has suffered t (20 000 flro The town of Wadesboro now has ter works in operation. Charlotte had 30 deaths in January, of which 14 were negroes. Lafayette J. Baker has been appoint, ed postmaster it Palmyra A miscreaut thot at passeogers Deal Spencer ou Saiutdiy night, Rev. Dr. Alexander Sprunt has ac cepted the call to the Charleston Presby terian church. Albemarle bus a barber shop war. Shaves are uoiiiK al five ceuls and hair cuts at 10 centi. A Charlotte cotton mill has just made a s. ine a mile long, which will be shipped to parlies io California. The Fayettoville dispensary cleared $1)114 for the month of January Liquors to ihe amount of 14,705 were sold. , The elm trees of Wilson ire savtd Th exciting contest has ended in a v c ton Ii r the trees by 1 vote of 1(19 to d3. Grading 00 the East Carolina Railway bos bein completed nine miles beyond Macclesfield, which is within six miles of Faimville. The Heudersuo Daily Hearld hts sue- pen led publioation. Mr. Will X. Coley has made t bright readable paper and we hall miss its daily visits. W. S. Furgerson, of Durham, has been awarded $1,050 damages against he Western Union Telegraph Company for failing to deliver a message promptly. The Gastooia Gal itte says that Bel. moot is to have a 5:000 spindle cotton mill capitalized at $100,000. Tho money is all within reach and the site bas been pirchased. Miss K.-itelle Elwards, of Goldahoro, h is ootupiwed an inspiring "March" and to-klep, to which she ha given the oime'Tlie Pan-Americao" and dedicat ed it to Ooveiuur Aycock. Ralph, the three year old ion uf Mr. G Smith, of Gold-boio, wai serously burned on Saiurday. The little fellow, alone in the room, walked to the open fire and threw a box lid in the Amies. The lid ignited the II unci from which aet fire to hie dress and he was burned from bis knee to his mouth. Li'tle hope is en tertained of his reonvery. Ifwr awotfewr etva fct. !, Mf fcok nn (hi wlMrtlwrs ot ibtldtwi M M) ft tMeUeWl Mil. H ! Ikw vt nor VERMIFUGE I. A I. Pin, IMTIMMI, Ml. I F tims. 8oi iit imim r 1 RINGWOOD LETTER. 8KVKRAL FIRES REPORTED AND CON HIDERAB1.E DAUAUR TRIBUTE TO THE BtEUIIRT Of THE LATE R O. HI'RTON. (In last Monday night the stables and three ataeks of fodder, belonging to Si mon (lardy, near Tiiinklcyville, were dis covered in be on lire. Before help ar rived the stable, corn erib, fnd'W and a Go - mare were all burn I . 'I he siiue nUhl a tenant house ou ihe far 11 ol Mr. Ii 1! Bullock was humid Fire rnb.bly otiginaled froui a defective fi iu. Saiurday night, about uii.e o'clock, fire was iliscnvcicd iu one of ibe back rooms of II (! Matthews' slur. The alarm was given and for an hour or s heroic work had to be done to prevent the larir est st. re in town, and probably several nth r, Iro n being consumed. The citi zens io and around town responded promptiy and with oerve and vim, after har l work, extinguished the fiatucs. Saturday night R iberl Mills, colored, had the misfortune to lose by fire, near 'ssex, his barn, erib, fodder and an ox. There is much sickness. Lt grippe in evary house hold and pneumonia prev alent. I was truly pained to learo uf the death of Robert O. Burlon. I have noted many men io my life but 1 never encoun tered one who came more fully up to the standing nf a gentleman than he. Thire wasK n eiLicg in hie graceful figure and clearly cut aristocratic features and manly independent and tho roughbred bearing that instantly attracted attention and challenged admiration, Nobleese oblige was written in eury line f his clastic face, in bis keen eye aud iu every tone of his clear sympathetic voice I am proud to have ccuottd such a man among my fiicnds for he was 1 type of all that was loyal io friendship and true in every relation of life. Halifax county and the State mourns the loss of her pa triotic son. G E M. OABTOniA. Bun tl y) 11,1 Von Hate Alwayg Bought They are begioing to pick out theiudges for the fouror six new judicial cir cuits, and Judge Stevens, of the crimi nal oourt, is to be favored. The most beautiful thing in the world is the baby, all dimples and joy. The most pitiful thing is that same baby, thin and in pain. .And the mother docs not know that a little fat makes all the differ ence. Dimp.es and joy have gone, and left hollows and fear; the fat, that was comfort and color and curve-all but pity and love-is "one. The little one arts no fat from her food. There is some- thiiv.1 wroncr;itis either her food or food-mill. She lias had no fat for weeks; is living on what she had stored in that plump little body of hers; and that is gone. She is starving for fat: it is death, be quick ! Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the fat she can take; it will save her. The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. Ifvouhave not tried it. send for tree sample, its agreeable tabic will surprise vou. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c. and $1.00 all druggists. WHY COUGH Dr. Bull'a Cotigh 8ymp cures Cough or Cold at ouoe. Conquera Croup, Whooping-CoiiKh and Meaale-Cough without tail. All mothers praiaeTt. Doctors proscribe it fur Bronchitis. HoarseneNS, Gripp, Pneumonia and Consumption. Otil''lc. sure result. PHr. m ceuta. H'liist the dealer', .nlislitutt. ELPKIB BAIL AO COUCH SYRUP Always cures when otbert fail. Dr. BuU'i PUU car Coo.tl ration, go pllta ioc aOPERAJ A lid Tl flno Il Night Only. STDEsiaj, Fell. 12, 1901, WELDON, N. C. ...THE ORIAT. . Barlow Minstrels Donnelly, Coburn & Baldwin, Props. 35 - WHITE ARTISTd 35 Sintrpra. e Comedians, Novelties Thaa sot similar organisation. ant-See the neat street parade at noon, Reserved seats at Cohen's Drug Store. is iiUll QOfflffllSSIlMR'S SALE OF LAND By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court made at the Fall Term of the Supe rior Court, HKiO, in tlie action therein pending, entitled Maria F. Gary and oth ers vs. Beth Vick and others, the under signed, the duly appointed Commissioner, will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the Courthouse door in the Town of Halifax, N. C, on Monday the 4tb day of March, 19(11, the same being the first Monday in said month, the follow ing described tract or parcel of laud lying situate and being in the County of Halilai and htate of North Carolina and known as part ot the Robert Gary tract adjoining tie lauds of James C. Andersen, B. F. Gary and the main road leading from Halifax, to Knfield and containing acios iuie or lens, bounded as follows: Bearinning at a Corner Willow Oak on the road near Haywood's Church, thence N 53 W 1M0 poles oil left 2) poles to line, thence N 51 i VT 140 poles to Klack-gum in the big brunch, thence down said hruneh as it meanders to the Kailroad, striking said row I at right angles, thence with road N 'ii 132 poles to the muiu run of Marsh Hwanip, then up the uieauders of said run to a Corner Maple and three Cypresses, thence with the down line 8 586 to a sweet- gum at edge ol the held, thence 8 3uJ K 153 poles to two Maples on a diteh near the bend of the ditch, thence up the bank of the ditch N 74 j K 47 poles to a bridge, then 8 43 E 41) 8 45 pules to a Post Oak bush on the west side of the road leading from Halilai to Kutield, thence along said mad to the lieginning. This, the 30th day ol January, 1K01. W. K. DAMLL, Commissioner. feb. 7 td Having qualified as F.iectitrii of G- B. Haekett deceased, late of Halifax county North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned on or before the 7th day of Feb ruary 1902, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. Leah fc. Haekett, Executrix. This 7th day of February, 1901. ten 7 tit HEMED I -A-J --L- J WHAT ARE STONGER FACTS ? THAN Aulander, N. C, ) Oct. 13,1900. To Mrs. Joe Person: My little boy was sorely troubled with impurics of the blood, and the result was boils and sores on his body to such an extent that he oould not rest while lying on bis back or side, but for three weeks be had to lie with his face down, ind turn his bead from side to side to rest it. After consulting a prominent physi cian be told me to try Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy : : : : which I did. After using it I short time he was completely cured, and his general health restored. At the same lime lhat my little boy wai afflicted with these sons and boils, his bowels were in I very bad condition, ind this medicine ef fected loouiplute cure of them. I recommend said medicine as a Great Remedy, and would nut be without it iu my home Al.tX. Lassiteh, Attorney-at-Liw. M MANt'Ff'Tt'Rltn ONLY BY R8. JOE PER80 KITTBHI.I,, N. '. II music in tub eir. , j I . 1 .aaa. miumpi DdwiiTO U T LIQUID MUSIC PURE OLD 11 YE MELLOW APPLE HRANDY. Fine Wines, MADE FROM THE CLUSTERING GRAPES, SERVED AT THE PALACE SALOONin- ...or... (P W. D. SMITH, Washington Ave, WELDON, - - N. C. Foil line groceries always on hand. North Carolina, Halifax ooonty, lu the Superior Court, 1!NW. 8ANKV LYOS, Plaintiff v VIRGINIA LYON. Def.niliint. The above namml defeml.iiit will take I nutire that the above entitled artion baa been oouiiuenced in the Huperior court of MiiuIbi (hiii nt v for ailiviirceann to iliwHilve I i ihr Uimia uf matrlmonT rTir2 tx-twen nlaintitr and delenilant, tlieileleuilunt will lurllii-r take notice that she ia rajuired to appear at the neat term of the huperior court of Halilai comity tobe held at the court hmiw in the town of Halifax on the lat Monday in Mnnti ltH, and answer demur to tliecumptatut vtlucn hisalreartv been It'ed in the othce ol the clerk ot the -uiM-rior court of Raid county. Orthe re lief therein prayed will be granted. HI'EKl.lNU M. UAKI, Clerk Superior Court. T. E. H'hitaker, attorney for plaintill. jan M 4t TOTIOE North Carolina, 1 In the Superior Court. Halifax county. J Before the clerk 8. A. HUA ADHk. A. A. HUX VS. GEO. A. HUX ET AI-8. In nursuence of an order of the court made in the above entitled cause on the 2Uth day ol January 1901 I ahall proceed to sell at public auction In the town Weldon. N.C.on the lat Monday in Marcn 1901 the f dlowing described real estate wit. That tract of land on which the late A. A. Hnx resided at the time of bis death adjoining the landa of the late J. J. Good- wvo. H. E- Hardy, the late If U. Per- In. and turns ana renaer, eonuuning 10 U acres more or less. Terms i cash, balance in six ana twelve months. B. i.nui, Admr. ot A. A. Hnx, deod. Jan 31 (It. A GIT film itt m Villi unuLi ii LU 11111 00000000 STORE .oonooi 0 The $15 coats at $10; $12 coats at $8; $10 coats at $6.67; $8 coats at $5.33; S4 coats at $2.68. $5 White Blankets $2.98. Extra heavy white wool blankets pink, blue and red borders full 1 1-4 size bound with double-si itched taffeta silk. Can't be matched elsewhere under five dollars. To go at 82 98 the pair $2.00 Curtains At 49c. Odds and ends of whito Muslin Cur tains with deep ruffles. Slightly soiled One pair of a pattern. Former prices were 75ee SI, SI 50 and $2. To go now at 49o. $1.25 Table Covers, 69c.fi- Heavy Taperlry Table Govers fring ed all around both 6-4 and 8-4 sizes showing slight soil from handling. Were SI 25. To be closed out at C9o. each Skirts, $1.18. Good, gener.us Knit Skirts 1 beauti ful herring bone stitch overworked with light blue and pink silk stripes. Made full ample room to move about io, The f 1.75 skirt at SI 18. The $2 50 Koit Skirts are now S1.89 The $2 Knit Skirts are now $1.39. $1.25 Spreads At 98c. Extra quality white bed spreads pearl hemmed ready for use. Shown io five handsome Marseilles patterns are on sale in other stores at $1.25. These are 9Sc. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED, ;t, The Great Gray Wai NORFOLK, VA. (Wheo ordering goods, please mention this paper.) &&&&&& Z4S l OAK m m 1 j i j r ? i u lm .t. ruuiv kjiuuo rnu.u nuiiouj, a. .v.. Kj Best of lumber ki purposes. Correspond with Ji t) us and state what kind of lum ) ber you need, and we will cut ijf it to order. Address j Vl) OAK GROVE vAiaV- r-r- iinwu.L, Manager. y ai 00 ' C 00 C' SL G- 0. ALLEY, CONFECTIONER PETERSBURG, VJ. g Mr. W. W. Warren represents the firm aod will visit Weldon and its vicinity j regularly. or I WITH THE D TWEpTIETH Let us extend to our neighbors and friends of the OLD NORTH BTATE, out heart; congratulations, sod to wish them a full shsre of the prosperity, that U abroad in our land. As for ourselves we ehsll continue in tbe fiture ss we hsve in the past tobe "LEADERS IN UP TO DATE FURNITURE." Our stock was never in better shape, and prices are right. When in need of anything in the FURNITURE LINE write us for prioes, whioh will be promptly givm. 10 per oent off all bills FOR CASH. We bate just re oeived a full line of LACE CURTAINS, PORTIERRE3, BABY CAR RIAGES, GO CARTS, Etc., Etc ... . - Sydnor & Hundley, Jll AND T13 E. BHOAD STREET, Richmond, Va. I I I oil to - 1 1 ill RfllKn Till LUUUL1 lllLi 25c. Toilet Soap 10c. This week we'll put on sale one hun dred and fourteen boxes of fine 25c. toilet soap, Savon des Violeties at 10c for a box of three cakes, 4c. a cake. 15c. Ribbons At 9c. 4-incb irridoscent Taffota red, green, blue, helin and cadet the 15c goods at 9c. 5 inch 20o. yard at 12o. 4-inuh Faocy Stripe TaffetaB regular 25c goods nt 15o. 40c. Embroidered Figure Taffetas bow knot and horse shoe pattern) good colors at 25o. $1 Kid Gloves, Only 69c. Two clasps and lacing. These are the "Elite" gloves sold elte where at SI. We'll pass them to you at C9c the pair. Nazareth Waits at reduced prices Sizes 1 to 12 years. The 15c. grade at 12 Jo.; the 25o grade 19o- 50c. Black Rock, 15c. We've secured a quantity of Ralph Conner's Black Rock; a tale of the Sel kioks. Beautifully bound io olotb. Prioted large type on good paper The regular 50c. edition at 15o. Store, ON MAIN AND GRAND! , GROVE rj it wui i m for all building LUMBER CO. ) kuamjkk k Art us. h. u. '-S '-55 '-2 2 '42 Rettew Glay I W RITE TO T.S.Beckwith&Co. FOR BOOKS, MUSIC, PIANOS AND ORGANS. MrOrdera Filled Same Dy as Received.- , T. S. BECKWITH t CO. oct 18 ly PtcTERgni'io, Vl. 17 of rf CEfJTUHY . . . uutive KrooKKrHiiniae teetev tHAMi t" " core. K. t. "in i5-- -itch hex. 25m new bill